r/crappydesign Best Posts #25

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hello and welcome back to another video now do to be feeling pretty sick recently with a sore throat as you could probably tell I've got it my friend Orlando to temporarily do some voiceovers for the next few videos I hope you don't mind it and let me know if you like it back on the channel before that said though I hope you enjoy the video so star wars are selling these Yoda branded ring pups and this is what they're supposed to look like on the package and this is what they actually came out to be I can't tell the difference okay sir I want to meet the genius who thought it was a good idea to wrap bananas in plastic wrapping I mean what's the point of protecting them if they already have a natural cut around them big brain Merry Christmas and a happy boy day list to you too so I I found these stuffed animals at a dentist's office and I get the whole theme of teeth and everything because you know the dentist whose bright idea was it to put teeth on stuffed toys la Senora Mert why you think of multi-billion dollar company would have better designs and this Christmas gift from the sister-in-law handmade soap with real Legos embedded in it they slowly start to emerge the more you use it can't wait till the first one falls out mid shower these things hurt when you step on them so I thought that's not gonna be fun especially when they're going in your armpit oh look at this cute oh oh I love my cat wait that's a dog Merry Christmas to my wonderful brother and boyfriend man I really hope this is a joint card to the person's brother and boyfriend and that that boyfriend isn't also that brother hmm my favorite summertime drink mango pee what a great company name at this restaurant a lodge is 439 a medium is $0.99 and as small as dollar 39 this makes sense to any of you guys someone tell me why the small is more expensive than the medium damn I really love the privacy of this bathroom you know I drop in a Dookie and staring at dude in the eyes as passed pricing Lee helps it come out faster look look I know it says Abbey and outside up but I can't help myself from seeing being outside up to there I was sitting on this park bench thinking of what to get my friend I haven't seen in a long time that's when I saw this necklace it's perfect for him as he is my best fin red tennis bags just looked like decapitated snowmen wait you tell me day on decapitated snowman I was very excited to get this tripod and start using it for stop-motion until I found out that the head adjust Bowl is visible in every picture I take thanks to where it's placed ouch that's gonna suck this frozen to branded action sketch would be perfect to drawn if Elsa and that snow horse didn't cover up the entirety of the screen my company put me in charge of this multi-million dollar security system to stop criminals oh well I'm fired so whose great idea was it to put this fan right next to this projector surely the man who installed this knows how fans work my co-workers white board has a model patent on it and it just serves to make it look like it's always dirty well this would just infuriate me on a daily basis let's count how many ways this company says their mug why knock over computer friendly I do knock over I do spirit died desktop desktop safe nan na kaboom yeah I think we get the point okay so these stairs from the top look pretty normal you know it goes up a little bit down stops down down and then what's that it goes up down again what this man what a Pyrex jug fee no measuring cooking ingredients and the measurements washed off now it's a useless jug this dinosaur well I don't know why I dinosaur bear I'm crappy did oh I know now this alarm which looks and feels just like a light switch directly next to it you definitely know me at 3:00 a.m. was gonna hit the alarm and to the light and wake up my parents so these people put the measurements for the door on the ground except they put the door on the other side is this annoying else because it annoys me my parents handle is too heavy for it to stay flush with the stovetop that's annoying so my daughter loves frozen movies and I want to get her a frozen drink because she loves the movies then I saw this and I thought otherwise got this bacon bandaid and it makes my finger look like it was skinned Gulledge it scared when I saw my fingers I was swinging my hand around ouch no no no no no no no no no no rat man so I was looking for a new house and I picked up this real estate magazine and saw this now I know I'm buying from damn Denise this truck was so bright that it hurt my eyes for about five minutes does anyone else think that this is a safety hazard you're gonna need Adriana's insurance after this trying to watch my sodium the insulted box is blue but the wrapper is red the salted box is red but the wrapper is blue this is an unhealthy crappy design these hotdogs make it look like you're getting two extra hot dogs for Christmas but when in reality they just took two two extra hot dogs out of the original package well you gotta lie to me man I just want to eat yeah this kid has abnormally large hands for a size and you know what they say about big hands big brain we've all done those BuzzFeed quizzes to see what Star Wars character you are what cheese type you are but they decided to do one in Harry Potter which they probably shouldn't have but damn they did Hermione dirty Christmas wordsearch gingerbread man I've done a lot of crosswords I'm pretty sure that's not how it works look I'm no electrician or plumber but I can tell you a tap that drips over an electric socket that's a recipe for disaster free from no alcohol that mean it has alcohol or doesn't coming soon new meat and seafood service counter I don't normally whisper like that you know what the megaphone but you do you lady don't just like it live it flying nonstop to Europe whoa is she all right is she having a stroke so we've all seen those big brick charges that take up two spots who came up with this idea just like put them downwards why do you have to make life so hard so this is a key on a map we've all seen one and the left side is fine you got a diamond for an archeological site you got wheat for corn and millet you got a peanut for a peanut got an apple for a squash and sunflower got an apple for squash and avocado you have a carrot for potato a cow for Turkey and a cow for llama and Paco that doesn't seem right so you can ride these little things around a shopping mall and the Angry Bird one it looks weird but fine in this weird like cow one weird but a fine too but SpongeBob's there who would want a ride on SpongeBob's back around a shopping center so I was browsing through YouTube and I saw this funny school hacks and it's a lady drawing with green sharpie on our lips one what does this have to do with school and two doesn't that just look photoshopped on so these are supposed to be you know those 20/20 glasses gene and the ones your weird uncle would wear but this one says 2200 yo we living in the future this new hotel carpet that looks like it's worn out beyond threadbare someone tell me that doesn't look like someone spilled milk all over the floor I have to pee me two men so I found this pair of socks and the model on the socks isn't wearing socks tags a bit useless don't you think three urinals next to each other let's just say you're gonna get a little bit personal with each other my school has a ceiling fan but it's a regular fan they're nailed to the ceiling well I mean it's a ceiling fan gets the job done I'd like to eat here I'm sure when is okay I'm not even going to attempt reading this it's so hard to look at they just ruined it and one didn't even bother to fix it alphabet ice cube tray that shatters when you try to get the ice cube and you telling me it can't even do its one basic function Jaguar crab monkey alligator there's nothing really errantly wrong with these but like look at the Jaguar and the monkey today barely even resembled what what are they feet playing with that lag those two problems in this picture one the game's buffering and two Tanza both different skin tones see Frankenstein we should greet all Best Buy customers true incorrect you did not select the correct response we welcome our customers not greet them that not just the same thing Disney frozen Olaf the snowman face paint tutorial I've seen the gates of hell I agree Evan I agree to girlfriend cousin nice what don't store in plastic bags potatoes keep better where air can circulate somebody didn't do that job right look I'm no zoologist but I'm pretty sure penguins have human teeth horrified USB charger for iPhone Samsung and smartphones does that make i phone and Samsung dumb phones then X is for excited damn I don't know excited start up with an X a music note coffee mug with a treble clef as a handle how am I meant to put my fingers in this will I you love mad just even say sugar coffee shouldn't this should get be white and the coffee be plug okay so at this flip sign it says no backflips but the guy on the flip sign doing a backflip you've given me mixed signals in well guys that seems to be the end of another episode of our slash crappy design if you enjoyed the video please don't forget to Like comment and subscribe if we really appreciate if you could do so and maybe even share video to one of your friends or family members if you enjoyed it if you did please don't forget to Like comment and subscribe it would rather you appreciate if you could do so and maybe even share this video xx your friends or family members that'd be greatly appreciated as well before you leave though I just want to say I do have a couple of links down below in the description if you want to check them out I've got my social media like my Twitter and my Instagram if you want to follow me over there to keep update on my next post makes uploads I also have merged with some cool designs on shirts hoodies you know check it out there's some hats there as well it'll be the first link down below in the description I also have a patreon so a big thank you to all my current patreon supporters for supporting me I do appreciate it I don't expect you to but it's just there if you want to help me to make better quality videos before that set though hopefully you enjoyed the video and I will see you again on the next one [Music]
Channel: GioFilms
Views: 1,237,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/, reddit, funny, comedy, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, r/crappydesign best posts, r/crappydesign top posts of all time, giofilms, emkay, rslash, fresh, cuestar, sorrow tv
Id: 9JXON1f9D-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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