Tim Ross "Make Room: Pray For More" - Embassy City

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so [Music] what's up people let's get it right i'm here for it i'm so grateful that you're all here if you're a first-time guest um i'm just i'm just grateful you chose to worship with us today and um for those of you all that don't know ryan abraham is the newest pastor on staff here at embassy city church oh y'all can do better than that [Music] the cali boy is in the building so grateful he along with his wife ashton are here and uh i got another cali native that's that's that's come to texas and so uh god wants to do something amazing and uh over the next weeks and months uh we'll be sharing uh why we felt like it was important to have his unique gifting uh as a part of our team uh i'm going into a new service and y'all i'm so full i'm literally shaking right now like y'all can't see it but like i'm doing backflips in my my soul um uh uh we are going into a new series called make room and um uh this i don't know how long this series is gonna last i don't even know what the holy spirit is doing but but he wants to speak to us in this season i believe there's a season where he wants to speak to each and every one of us through his word and that's going to come through a series of prophetic messages now when i say that the messages are prophetic what i simply mean is that um as i preach and as i teach god's gonna be saying some things through the word and the words that he give me that are gonna hit you right in the chest you will literally feel like your phone was tapped like your dms were read like your text messages were hacked because i think he wants to speak to you that specifically uh uh just short of just having uh a time of uh presbytery uh if you've ever been exposed to that or having a word of knowledge or somebody telling you to stand up you in the red stand up god has a word for you i believe he's going to speak through his word to each and every one of us through these weeks and so i need your hearts to be open uh i need your eyes to be closed and your ears to be attentive to what god is saying to you in the faith realm we don't get what we see we get what we hear faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god in the in in the in the uh spirit realm your eyes are your ears you don't get what you see you get what you hear what you see is the confirmation of what you heard and so i believe he wants to speak and so uh the series is called make room for all of my nerds in the building the series is called make room and i want to read the first passage in this series in first chronicles chapter number four if you haven't been to chronicles in a while it's in the bible some of y'all are like what what chrono does he mean corinthians no i mean chronicles chronicles chapter number four first chronicles there's actually two first chronicles chapter number four thank you holy spirit first chronicles chapter number four i'm gonna give so many bonus points for what i'm about to read right now [Music] i study good too huh baby went over these words last night with juliet so i can get them right won't be embarrassed this morning first chronicles chapter number four starting at the first verse here's what it says the descendants of judah were perez hezron karmi her and showball chobal's son raya was the father of j-hath jahath was the father of ahumai and lahad these were the families of the zarathites see what you've been missing the descendants of etam were jezreel ishmael idbash and their sister hazel leponi that's her name don't laugh penuel the father of gador and ezr the father of husha these were the descendants of her the first born of afratha the ancestors of bethlehem ashore the father of toccoa had two wives named gila and nara now let's just pause that's not how it goes down now so if anybody was trying to match make and pick two it's not how we do this now okay nora gave birth to ahusam hafir tamini and hashtari gila gave birth to xerath izhar ethnon and cause who became the ancestor of anub zobiba and all the families of a heart hell son of haram there was a name there was a man named jabez who was more honorable than any of his brothers his mother named him jabez because his birth had been so painful he was the one who prayed to the god of israel oh that you would bless me and expand my territory please be with me in all that i do and keep me from all trouble and pain and god granted him his request oh that's good if you're taking notes i want you to write this down the first first message in this series of prophetic messages pray for more you need to pray for more there might be some people in here that are saying god has been so good to me i don't even need to pray for more and yet he tells you to pray for more some people in this room that don't think they deserve anymore yet he says pray for more there's some people in this room that feel like you have been disqualified for more yet he says pray for more so holy spirit we pray for more amen uh the book of first and second chronicles is a uh endeavor to keep meticulous historical accounts of the promises of god through the generations of israelites there are uh some historians that ascribe first chronicles and second chronicles to ezra the person that brought reformation after the exile of the israelites from the babylonians ezra does not give any hint or indication that it is him and his writings but the historians presuppose that because ezra is the one that brought the reformation brought them back to the law and kept these incredibly uh meticulous genealogical accounts that maybe he is the one who wrote first and second chronicles i am not sure i'm not here to debate that all i know is somebody loved god enough and wanted to track his promises so closely that they didn't just look at the obvious places where god was doing something like in the life of david or in the life of elisha or in the life of elijah or in the life of isaiah the prophet or uh in the life of jeremiah the prophet he actually decided to pare it down and make a long list of the families that were included in the promise can you imagine if you were tasked to go back five generations and just write down everybody in the family by name all of the people that were born the people that were married to the kids that they had over and over again just for the last five generations if you go back to uh first chronicles chapter number one he starts with adam and says i'm gonna break this promise that god has given all the way back to adam and work my way up the reason why i thought it was important to read uh this account that he draws from by the story in the tribe of judah is because every single name matter you can't just run through the generations and just look at the people that god used in a very evident way you have to literally go back and look at everybody that god used on the way to the person that we see and know because what you see between all of these names is god's faithfulness in their generation until the generation would step out and really declare boldly that jesus christ is lord that god is my salvation that we are the ones that are supposed to step into the promises that god has given which means that there is no generation that's insignificant that the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob are not just the ones that get shy it is also joseph and ephraim and manessa and naphtali and gad and judah and asher that get in on the blessings that god has given to his people your grandmother prayed you into the relationship with you that you have with god right now you didn't just get here by yourself it wasn't just your own prayers it wasn't just your own thoughts it was the prayers of your your grandparents and your great-grandparents that literally stepped you into the faith that you have right now because a promise was given to them and although they wouldn't see it they still get credit for believing it abram never saw the promised land but it was accounted unto him as righteousness that by faith he believed that god was going to give him something that he wouldn't even live long enough to receive you may be hearing a word from god that he's going to do big things through you and you may have become disappointed going god i'm getting older and how come it hasn't happened yet and god's going i said i was going to do big things through you our neighbor gave you a guarantee that i would be doing it to you but i did say i would do it through you that the faith that you have stepped into your great grandchild is going to be one of the best evangelists that the world has ever seen the only thing i need you to do is stay faithful to the word that i am giving you even though you won't see it the fact that you believe it means that souls countless souls are going to be saved for the kingdom because of you everybody knows about billy graham being one of the greatest evangelists that america has ever produced but nobody remembers the name of the guy that led him to jesus perhaps he was a greater evangelist than billy for it had not been for the discernment that this man had when a young man came into a shoe store billy graham maybe would have been on a different track in life so we cannot ascribe blessings to fame we can't say god's really using us because everyone knows about us we can't say god must be really using me because i'm looking at my instagram account and it's real high right now i must have a word from god because uh there's that many likes there's 15 000 likes on my sermon no no no no if there was only five likes it doesn't matter if are you being obedient to what god has called you to do because obedience is better than sacrifice my parents pastored a church for 15 years that's the church i gave my life to christ in it wasn't any of these churches i've been a part of since i moved to texas it wasn't the potter's house it wasn't uh gateway church it was actually the faithfulness of charles and maxine ross obeying god when i was 12 years old when he said i want you to start a church and them clearing out 50 uh clearing out their living room and bringing in 30 brown chairs from ace hardwood store and getting a a extra pull pit uh from my godmother storage and plopping it in the middle of the living room opening up her bible maxine ross pastor maxine ross now and starting to declare that jesus is the hope of the world the first two members of that church were timothy and miles ross my daddy wasn't even at the first service cause he was still deaconing at the other church and had to balance their accounts before he could come on the second week and my mom was the praise and worship leader and she was the one that played the keys and then she was the one that opened in prayer and then she was the one that opened the bible and began to declare the faithfulness of god in her generation little did she know that the 13 year old boy that she was preaching to would be the one that god would take around the world to preach to others but had it not been for her faithfulness in the living room to start preaching the message that god gave her you wouldn't even have me here preaching this message to you and so when you see his name like has a little pony don't mock her because she was faithful too when you see a name like jotham don't mock it because he was faithful too when you see a name like hahatari don't giggle because they were faithful too it's not just a few it takes the faith of many to see god's manifest presence and blessing in the earth but then it gets to this guy i mean the reason why i wanted to to read it to you because i wanted to show you that there was literally nothing exciting going on except some names and this person had that person and this person got married and showball had a daughter and this person had a son and that but that but eight verses of just people being born people dying people being born people dying and then all of a sudden there was this guy named jabez it's like the chronicler he could have just said and then jabez was born then he died and then the next person was born and then they died and here's jabez's kids all right let's go but they they pause on jabez they don't run past jabez jabez gets two full verses you know you must be somebody in chronicles a whole book that's dedicated to the preservation of the historical account the children of israel you know you must be good your name ain't david your name's not solomon your name is jabez and instead of just naming you next to another name and moving on jabez they pump the brakes for two full juicy verses just to talk about jabez jabez there was a guy named jabez and jabez was more honorable than his other brothers wow well i mean praise the lord seems like this is a great guy actually it seems like his whole family is great but the chronicler just wants us to know that not only was jabez honorable he was more honorable than his other brothers now let's just pause and reflect on the fact that i just want to be honest enough to say i don't know how you rank honor i didn't know they had degrees it said everybody was honorable but jabez was more honorable than his other brothers which means he had the respect of his family he had the respect of his community his life seems to have been okay until the chronicler points out yeah but um i think you should know that his name is jabez uh because of something his mom experienced his name means pain and sorrow and his name means pain and sorrow because of the way his mother experienced him at birth now i want you to imagine being given a name not because of something you've done but because of the way someone has experienced you that before you could even get into the earth to put down roots and show your your character and fidelity to god the integrity that you would have to scripture somebody has already assigned you a name based on the way they experienced you at birth i'm not here to call out his mama i'm just here to call out the facts i'm not coming after nobody's mama today i am going to say though uh that uh his mom [Music] may have taken the birth she was having a little too personally because she left her son with a name that would remind him not for a moment but for the rest of his life that he calls someone pain and sorrow i want you to imagine trying to be successful against the name that contradicts everything that has to do with success i want you to imagine growing up and and and trying to have fun in your neighborhood with your with your friends in your community but every time they call your name it makes you kind of flinch because your name literally means pain and sorrow you're reminded of it day and night and that he would literally ascribe to to to grow up and be an honorable man when his name means pain and sorrow is a feat that is worthy of applause all by itself if jabez never did nothing else great again the fact that his name didn't line up with his life that you would be an honorable man and not just honorable you're more honorable than all of your brothers and your other family members we applaud you wow you are amazing jabez you have you've climbed out of a hole you've beat the statistics you didn't become the prophetic word that your mom gave you you snapped a generational curse you made it to the other side there's some people in this room the fact that you just made it out of your family to be who you are today is a sign that god is with you you should have been the next drunk you should have been the next hoe you should have been the next criminal you should have been the next person to be incarcerated but for somehow in some way god and his faithfulness allowed you [Applause] to not become the statistic who ain't that enough that should make 50 people happy right there that i am not what my parents are i am not if y'all ever come to my family reunion you would know straight up that i am literally the black sheep of the family i gave my life to jesus everybody is still smoking weed in the garage and i'm over here living my best life with jesus everybody is still mad and holding grudges and passive aggressive and petty in the family and they still hating on each other and i'm here for the love of jesus it's not by my willpower it's by his transformative power that i have found this grace so it seems like it would be enough right amen jabez you did it your name means pain every time you every time they call you hey pain pain mama said get in the house sorrow sorrow sorrow mom said get in the house imagine being i'm reminded every day and you just keep thinking to yourself i won't be paying today i will not be sorrow today i will not live up to that name today i will be different i know i know what the name means but i'm gonna be honorable in spite of the name i'm gonna be a man of character in spite of the name i'm gonna be a woman of integrity in spite of the name i don't care what's coming against me i'm still going to be a person that honors god and it's this guy who's already made a marker for himself in life if we only had verse number nine it would be enough wow jabez is not just a guy that had a name but he was more honorable than all of his siblings but then jabez is there something in jabez jabez wasn't rest with just being honorable jabez there was something in jabez that just he just could not rest with where his life was it didn't say it was bad didn't say it was overly great but something on jabez and something in jabez said there's got to be more there's got to be more than this and the reason why jabez has two four verses is simply because he prayed for something in addition to what he already had now that takes some boldness that that takes some security in the relationship that you have with your god that he would just look up to heaven and say listen i know i've beat the odds i know i'm an honorable man i am praying for more i'm praying for more than what i have i'm praying for more than the situation i'm in i am praying for more and the prayer that he prays is so simple and it gives us an indication of how much he trusts god because he doesn't pray for anything really specific he knows that his relationship with god is is secure enough that he can pray for more without getting too detailed so in verse number 10 what it says is he prayed to the god of israel and said oh that you would bless me and expand my territory please be with me in all that i do and keep me from all trouble and pain oh that you would bless me he didn't tell him how he just said i i already know you've you you've done some good things in my life but but i want you to bless me anyway bless me with some more well what do you want jay bass i'm no no no no no no no let's not get this twisted sir i would never be so myopic than to tell you what to bless me with because i know if i do it in my own mind i will limit myself to what you want to do i know you to be a god that can do exceedingly abundantly above what i can ask or think which means if i can think it you can do something better if i can ask it you can do something greater so i'm not gonna even tell you how i want you to bless me i'm just telling you to bless me because i know that you know me so so i know that you can give me a blessing i can handle and not a blessing that will give me some some some nightmares i know that you'll give me a blessing that i can actually steward and not a blessing that's going to make me fumble and stumble out of my obedience and my fidelity to you i i don't know exactly how you want to bless me that's not my business but would you i don't know what you want to do and i don't know how you want to do it but could you i don't know exactly uh uh uh the the right thing to say so i'm just gonna blank check it oh yes i should blank check it because because uh the chronicler has taken meticulous notes on on all the things that you have done and the faithfulness you've had to israel and i distinctly remember when moses said who should i say sent me they're gonna ask what is his name and god thought to himself i i got so many names i mean i am jehovah jireh i'm the provider i am jehovah shalom i am peace i am jehovah's sick anew i am a jehovah rophie i i'm a lot of names but you don't know what you're going to need from day to day so i can't give you a name that would box me in if i only came as provider what you're going to do in the battle if i only showed up as a warrior what you're going to do when you need some peace if if i only show up in times of peace what are you going to need to do when you need redemption so so uh i got to give you a bigger name so i'm going to give you the i am that i am name what the what name when they ask you who am i go tell them i am that i am well uh clarity oh you want clarity tell them whatever they need me to be on the day that they need me to be it i will be that that means i will be a cloud by day when it's super hot outside and i will be a pillar of fire by night when it's super cold outside that means i'll be rotter out of a rock when you get thirsty and i will be your rear guard when the egyptians are coming behind you whatever you need me to be i will be that and i know there's at least 100 people in here that know that the time that you've been going with jesus you haven't just needed him to be peace you needed him to be a deliverer and you haven't just needed him to be a deliverer you've needed him to be your healer and you haven't just needed him to be a healer you've needed him to be a protector a provider someone to keep you sane he said just bless me he said bless me and talk about praying for more because you didn't just say bless me he said i want you to bless me and i want you to expand my territory and once again i'm not going to tell you what territory that is i'm not gonna tell you i want irving and euless i'm not gonna tell you that i want carrollton and richardson uh i'm not gonna point another direction because once again i know based on these meticulous notes from this chronicler that you told abraham in genesis chapter number 13 after he's separated from lot look up look to the north the south the east and the west abe everything you can see is yours no matter what way you swivel your head it belongs to you if you go south it's yours you go east it's yours you go west it's yours you go north it's yours thank you holy spirit there's some people in here you're you're really concerned about your next move you've been stuck for seven months trying to figure out i don't know the next move to make somebody is watching online you literally been going i don't know which what's my next move and god is saying the next whatever the next move is i'm with you you think you're waiting on god to tell you the next place to go and god is saying whichever way you go i will be with you you've been way too faithful to me for way too long for me to put parameters around your life any longer i am not concerned about you leaving me you've graduated i don't know who this is for you have graduated to the point that you don't need to ask me where to go you choose and i'm going with you hey you choose and i'm going with you you want the job in new york go i'll be with you you want the job in south carolina go i'll be with you you want to live on the west coast go i will be with you want to stay down south open up the business i will be with you you don't have to go anywhere i'm just wait i'm just waiting for the lord just just don't know i just the doors that the door the door flung wide open for you and you got scared i went up to the door to knock on it and it just flew open so i'm just now asking the lord if he wants me to walk through it knowing that he is the god that opens doors that no man can shut and he shuts doors that no man can open that is your door you prayed for more walk through the door it's for you to have well you already you've done so much i just don't want to you know what i mean don't want to be greedy i just i mean the bonus yeah the bonus was like 700 thousand dollars i just feel like oh my god why are you because you were faithful with seven hundred dollars and after you were faithful with seven hundred dollars he gave you a bonus of seven thousand dollars and now that you've got seven thousand dollars he can give you a bonus of 750. why would you limit yourself what thank you holy spirit why would you ever go to god and say that's enough now appreciate what you've done slow your roll dad you're getting way too extravagant with your gifts just just it's kind of obnoxious at this point i don't need all that you asked him to make you a blessing so you could be a blessing and now you're scared to pray for more you were the one that kept saying if the lord ever blessed me i would do this for people and i would do that for people and if he ever gave me this much then i would do this for my family and i would do that for my nephew and i would do this for my cousins and now he wants to do it and you're like [Music] i don't i didn't know you were serious i i didn't i didn't know that this is what you you was really gonna do it see see you can thank your holy spirit you can't be afraid of this i knew when the lord gave me the title that people in here would be like oh no no no no i'm praying for more that sounds like that sounds like prosperity that that that sounds like he he's he's drifting off now you need to come back cause you won't give yourself permission it hasn't been god that's holding you back it's been you you have a poverty mentality [Applause] now okay i got it out you have a poverty mentality and i'm not talking about a poverty mentality that says if you stop thinking like a a a a person in poverty you'll be a millionaire that's not what i'm saying i'm saying that when you have a poverty mentality you think you don't deserve anything more than what you have you believe that your connection to god is through struggling you you feel more saved and you feel more sanctified in the struggle and every time he tries to bless you you start you don't feel that struggle and now you're like the lord might not be with me it's that poverty mentality holding you back from the blessings of god pray for more [Applause] pray for more he wants to do more he wants to give you more [Applause] but you got to pray for it god can't do anything in the earth unless he does it through a man or a woman and you gotta pray it down you're not gonna walk outside and the amazon delivery's gonna be waiting for you oh i didn't even know looks like the lord decided to give me more jabez his whole life was changed because he prayed for it to change changed my life and i promise to give you glory change my life and i promise to honor you change my life and i promise i will give you the praise change my life and if anybody asks where it came from i'd be a fool to say it was me i know who gave me my blessings i know where my help comes from i know who's my source i know who my healer is i know who my deliverer is i know [Applause] he said he said bless me and expand my territory then then he says please be with me and all that i do you bless me you expand me i'm cool with all of it as long as you're with me i don't want to be anywhere where you're not present if you leave i leave you go i go you stay i stay you depart i depart i don't want to be anywhere well you're not going to be i i need to i need to make sure that we're connected at all times because i can't enjoy my blessings without you if you expanded my territory and left me i couldn't even enjoy it anymore if you don't believe me ask all saul was anointed by samuel to be king but because he disobeyed god departed from saul scripture says he did not take his kingdom he did not take his money he did not take his palace he didn't take anything but his presence he left them with the kingdom he left them with the palace he left them with the money but in the kingdom and in the palace and with all the possessions minus god he went crazy i don't know who this is for but anything you try to get without god will make you go crazy keep the relationship without god in it you're gonna go crazy keep the job without god you won't enjoy it keep the car without god you won't even be able to enjoy the ride he said whatever i do please go with me then he says this at the end and i'm done i've been waiting the whole sermon [Music] and keep me from all trouble and pain keep me from all trouble and pain i want you to bless me i want you to expand our territory i want you to be with me in everything i do and i want you to keep me from all trouble and all pain let me put it a different way please don't let me live up to my name please don't let me live up to this name my mama gave me she named me sorrow and she named me pain with that name should come trouble and pain and sorrow for the rest of my life but don't let me live up to that name and when i read this part y'all i was literally like what in the world is that why why would you leave him with this name because god you be changing names you are a name-changing god i know you didn't stop changing names just because it was chronicles you are a name-changing god you changed abram's name to abraham you changed his name from high father to a father of many nations for no other reason than for them than for him to have capacity to hold what you were giving them you wanted his name to match his situation you will no longer be called abram you shall now be called abraham and it is that ham part that god blew into his name and it expanded him to be the father of many nations you changed abram you changed jacob's name you changed jakey from flaky to a prince you will no longer be called jacob because every time they say jacob all we think about is you tricking people all we think about is you hustling people all we think about is you deceiving people you need another name i'm changing you from a deceiver to a prince from now on when they call your name all they're going to hear is prince all they're going to hear is royalty he changed that name jacob got this revelation so much that when his when his when his wife rachel was giving birth and dying at the same time pushing out life and dying on the inside that she literally pushed that baby out and named him but no no she put a curse on him based on the way she experienced them but no not son of my weakness and jacob who had just fought for his name change said i refuse to let another generation have to fight to change their name i had to fight for my name to change as a grown man i will not let my son go out like that his name will not be benoni his name shall be benjamin son of my right hand and the reason why we don't have a tribe of weakness to this day we don't have a tribe of bononi that would have been a reminder of his weakness we have a tribe of strength benjamin son of my right hand so i kept thinking to myself god you'd be changing names why would you leave jabez with this name i mean jesus even changed peter's name it was simon he said i can't call you that no mo i gotta call you something else cause you're so inconsistent and you're angry and you're temperamental you're cutting off people's ears cussing people out denying me to people that's all of us without the holy spirit angry inconsistent disappointing disobedient and he said i'ma call you peter so i asked the lord why didn't you change jabez's name please tell me sir i have to know because i've seen you be a name-changer all throughout scripture and this dude gets put in the same situation rachel was in with bononi and you changed his name to benjamin why did you leave jabez with the name jabez oh this answer blew my face off i said holy spirit why didn't you change his name the holy spirit said yeah you're right i did change abram's name and yes i did change jacob's name i did change but no nai's name yes tim you you caught me i did change simon's name but this boy was different god wanted him to keep that name because he wanted jabez to be a walking contradiction to the curse that was pronounced upon him if you want to know why i gave jabez more it's not just because he asked but i wanted everything i gave him to testify that there is no sorrow and there is no pain that is so insurmountable in his life that i can't put a blessing on him and a blessing in deed pray for more pray for a better marriage pray for more finances pray for the kids more pray that he would bless you pray that he would enlarge your territory pray that he would never leave you pray that he would give you no pain and no sorrow no trouble i dare you to pray for it i dare you to pray for more not to floss not to run out and buy something shiny yeah not for the gram not for the fam just pray that he would make you a walking contradiction how did someone like you get blessed with something like that some of your friends gonna be scratching their head cause they went to high school with you and they gonna look at you and go how some of your college buddies the way god's gonna bless you in this season they're literally gonna be like how did you there's no way cause i know you some of your family your cousins thank you holy spirit they're they're they're they're i want to say this graciously they they they may they may give you a divine release y'all used to hang out a lot but you notice now that they're not calling you as regularly because they can't handle the contradiction there's no way thank you holy spirit some people some people are going to look at the blessings that god gives you in this season and they are literally going to be upset because they think they outworked you i've been doing all this good stuff the lord hasn't given me that and you just came into the kingdom you just gave your life to jesus six months ago why is he doing all that for you it's just a contradiction there's no way that god would take a boy that was sexually abused at eight porn addict highly promiscuous low self-esteem and then give him a gift to preach his work his word around the world that's just a walking contradiction there's no way my life has been ugly and my wife can sit there and be that fine it's a walking contradiction god doesn't have to change your name all he has to do is bless [Applause] you yes lord so you have to pray for more you have to pray for more my instruction was to preach and to tell you to pray for more but you're the one that has to do it so if you down for that i need you to come right there right here you want to pray for more come right down here from wherever you are because he needs your permission he cannot do it without your permission he will not do it without your permission remember to be smart about this you don't want to tell them what more looks like you just want to make it generic lord i just want more i don't know what more look like it could be more money more peace it can be more strength more courage more boldness i don't know what more looks like but you do we pray for more we pray for more we pray for more all hands up let's go when they're up like this is a sign of surrender and god we are surrendering our will and our way we repent for not asking our dad for more we repent from walking with god all of this time and treating him like a stepfather don't go ask for an extra scoop of ice cream he might get mad the devil is alive god has never been afraid of your prayers even the dumb ones just ask nathan and noah in the season they're in right now 13 and 10 they ask me stuff then they'll and they'll preface it i said dad i'm gonna ask you a question but i already know you're gonna say no but i'ma ask you anyway you know why they know i love them my oldest son said daddy i'm gonna keep asking you the same question every day until you say yes and under 72 hours that boy had wore me out to the point that we was both playing nba 2k 22 on my ps5 which i told him he should never touch in his whole life you know why because he kept asking his daddy for more i know you gave me a ps4 and i know that's your ps5 no you said i can't touch it i want more and i didn't look at him and say i can't how dare you ask me for more that's my child you're his child you're his son you're his daughter and he doesn't mind ass you asking for more and loki he's been waiting to give it to you so come on open up your mouth and just begin to pray just begin to pray in english [Laughter] in english god thank you for more god i say that you are our father and we are your children we ask you to bless us indeed bless us indeed we ask you right now in the name of jesus to enlarge our territory whatever that looks like however you want to expand us kingdom expansion financial expansion relational expansion economic expansion professional expansion god no matter how you want to do it we say enlarge our territory we ask you right now god that you would be with us in every single thing we do that there's no season of life that we want to step into that you are not with us so god be with us if you don't go we don't go but if you go god don't let us i pray that you would give us boldness right now that as we see the cloud move we will move with the cloud that we will not be intimidated into the season you are taking us into that we will not be threatened by what that means for us we boldly declare that we step into the next season because we're following you and god i pray that you don't let us live up to our names don't let us live up to the shame of our past of our brokenness of our habits of our dysfunctions god we ask right now that you would make us a walking contradiction that even though we've been through shame and even though we've been through some broken disappointing places god that the way you bless us is as if we was always righteous as if we were always holy as if we were always faithful to your words we break a poverty mentality right now in jesus name god we break a poverty mentality right now in jesus name a a mentality that says i don't have permission a a an uh a mentality that says i'm not worth it uh a a mentality that says i am not worthy god we break that right now in jesus name we are the righteousness of christ jesus we are the righteousness of christ jesus we are priests we are a royal priesthood in the kingdom of god you've lifted us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places with christ jesus we are your masterpiece created anew in christ jesus so we can do the good things that you plan for us to do long ago ephesians 2 10. thank you holy spirit romans 8 and 11. it's the power of the holy spirit that's working on the inside of us the same spirit that raised christ jesus from the dead lives in us also and it's by that same spirit that we can do the things that god has called us to do so thank you for reminding us that we are your kids we are not your step kids we have been engrafted in you literally took a dead branch that was never a part of the tree that has a root to abraham and you stuck us into the promise you stuck us into the blessing you stuck us into it so god we stand on your word we stand on your word and we say bless us indeed bless us indeed bless us indeed bless us indeed bless us indeed bless us indeed bless us indeed bless us indeed yes we will make room we will make room we will make room we will hey we will make room oh jesus thank god i'm sure thank you lord lord god we steal this prayer we seal this prayer and we say that you have permission to do whatever you want to do however that blessing looks so you sir however expansion looks it's on you sir wherever you want to take us it's on you sir however you want to clown us with the contradiction it's on you sir here's the wonderful thing about us declaring that we're in a season where god's going to make room we ain't got to do nothing if you started you got to finish it if he starts it he'll finish it he'll finish it all he needs is our obedience so father god we steal this prayer we thank you we thank you thank you for all those that are watching online thank you lord god make room for them make room for them make room for them in africa make room for them in the uk make room for them in australia make room for them in afghanistan in the middle east make room for them in south america make room for them in the caribbean make room for them to the north of us in canada make room lord god make room lord god this is a prophetic word for anybody tied to this house not just who can make it into this house so god we thank you and thank you for the expansion thank you lord god thank you lord god thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord jesus thank you lord god thank you lord god thank you lord god thank you lord god okay is there leslie here hi leslie he loves you so much [Music] that he literally just puts your head in my your name in my head i'm he knows you by name [Applause] he knows you by name and he loves you and there is a boldness and a courageousness that's coming back to you i don't know how it left i don't know what you got hit with but god said there's a boldness that's coming back to you in the past people have misjudged that boldness and tried to label you other things but god is saying i made you bold and courageous i made you outspoken that that's not some personality thing that you have to get in check that's god's saying no i made you like that i made you to speak out i designed you to speak out and so god i thank you for leslie thank you for calling her by name thank you that you're going to make room for her thank you that you're going to expand her territory i thank you that you're going to be with her wherever she goes and i think that you're going to make her a walking contradiction yes lord what they said about you has never stuck to you what they said about you has never stuck to you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord 90 days i don't even know what that is i ain't going to even try to act like i do in the next 90 days he'll prove it [Applause] come on can we give god a praise thank you lord you're worthy jesus all right so uh buckle up buttercups that's what it's going to be like for the foreseeable future he's telling us to make room and we're just going to let him speak to us in all those broken places where how many people how many people know based on what god revealed in this in this word how many people how many people can acknowledge i did have a poverty mentality thank you thank you for your honesty i really appreciate it i i'm i'm so appreciative listen you can't you'll never pray this prayer with a poverty mentality because you think you don't deserve it and you'll automatically think i must be greedy you do know that asphalt in heaven is gold well yes that's up there but we still live down here and i went on a missions trip and well and they're not living that way and so i feel well let them bless you so you can go handle the mission trip let him give it to you so he can get it through you let him bless your business indeed let him give you five million dollars because he can trust you to give it give some to the kingdom he won't tell you to give it all away you can enjoy something you can buy a house he ain't scared of your house do you know his house in heaven we're gonna all live in it not houses it's a house jesus said i'm going to prepare a place for you in my dad's house there are many rooms so he ain't scared of your five-bedroom he he won't be scared of a seven bedroom he won't be scared of fourteen thousand square feet i wanna you know it's just too big stop dad's house way bigger than that this is called light work amen let them bless you don't be afraid of the blessing i used to be afraid of blessings because i feared failure if you give it to me i won't keep it don't give it to me and let me stumble it you you see all of me you know you know i'm crazy sir i'm one i'm one decision away from messing this all up and he's like that's why you don't get off your face that's why you stay humble because you know you're crazy and you know without me you couldn't do a thing it changes your mindset so then god bless me and he blessed me to be a blessing so so the blessing of me being obedient and moving down here i've been able to bless my family and my parents and thousands of people to give him glory but you got to pray for more you can't you can't hope that just one day you wake up and you're blessed jabez went as far as he could on his own and then he said well you know why don't you do something for me i'ma just ask for a little bit more i know i'm honorable that's cool but now sir so thank you for admitting that and now you're gonna have to fight to keep the revelation you have cause i promise you when you walk out this door the enemy's gonna be like you know good and well that ain't gonna happen you know ain't no blessing coming for you you've already tried yeah you tried but you never prayed thank you holy spirit you tried it you never changed well every time i get money i lose money it's a poverty mentality blocking that get a budget stop buying stuff you can't afford be a good steward of what what you already have then you can have more i've seen too many basketball players and football players get signed to multi-million dollar contracts and within five years they broke it wasn't because of the money they had this never changed so if they couldn't keep ten dollars in the hood they won't keep 10 million in the house change your mind change your mind lord jesus thank you for this day bless the eggs we're about to eat we are ready for more does anybody sense it beside me i feel that thing i feel that thing so deep i feel that thing lord have mercy god we steal this whole service thank you for all the visitors that showed up may they get their free gift and feel loved uh they've caught us in a in a new season where we're making room but we make no apologies we're going with god in jesus name before you leave look at at least 10 people and tell him to make room make room make room make room make room make room make room make room [Music] he said
Channel: Embassy City Church
Views: 6,355
Rating: 4.9824562 out of 5
Id: 06DCjZzzNOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 32sec (4172 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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