Revival Weekend: Sunday AM | Corey Russell | March 2019

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[Music] Jesus a man you could be seated thank you worship team let's just give the team a hand thank you hallelujah hallelujah are their archives are the messages anywhere where they go online online good you get it and you listen to it many times I've heard Alan preach me and Alan have had the blessing we've been in Kansas City we're now I'm in Dallas he's in Colorado Springs but we've spent about 19 years together doing about 30 hours a week of prayer and fasting and eating the Word of God and then traveling over the last 15 years we've traveled dozens of times across the earth and and of just running together God has done something deep and profound in our hearts with one another and we connected around the burning heart and around our deep love for the spirit of Revelation and I want to encourage you to come back tonight we may be even speaking into finding those ones that you can walk with that will set your heart on fire and that you can run with I'll deeply love I'm a heart is just expanding more and more I deeply honor fresh start I honor you pastors and honor the culture here so grateful for it and you have something very special here and especially what Alan was sharing last night you're a woom God's making you a womb for not for revival here yes revival in Phoenix yes but he is raising up a global womb here that's gonna birth purposes of God that's gonna culminate with the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and I want to look at I want to look at really one I'm thinking about it this morning if you have your Bibles go ahead and turn to Luke 10 I just want to get right into the word pastor Kim was sharing about how she saw the license plate this morning was it you here you here and it just so confirmed what God's speaking to me this morning and about God delivering us of anxiety and of God just delivering us but even in the language of revivalist and I want to look at many people ask me all the time who's your hero in the Bible you know outside of Jesus who has marked your life the most and has given you the most courage and strength and we could go down the list and pull a million things from different characters in the Bible but if I were to bring it down to one person that has radically transformed my life it is Mary of Bethany Mary of Bethany I believe she is one of the most overlooked revivalist in history she was a box breaker and honestly god something's going on because god just downloaded four pages of notes in me today so I'm gonna be looking at him and talking to you glory revivals breaking in she was a box breaker she broke the protocols the systems the expectations and she broke through into a place in Jesus that few have ever touched she broke through busyness distraction and anxiety every time we see her she's breaking through into something in God every time we see her she's at Jesus's feet and every time we see her Jesus is defending her she learned what moved Jesus and she threw herself fully into playing the strings of his heart I believe very few people in history ever got has ever that ever got Jesus Mary understood him she discovered his Worth his value and she learned something so holy and I want to look at the three pictures of Mary in Luke 10 we're gonna look in John 11 and then we're gonna look in mark 14 and each snapshot I believe is the progress of a revivalist it is the progression of how God matures and progresses a revivalist into the fullness of maturity and that you can't skip one step but it begins in the Luke 10 season and as you cultivate the Luke tenth because God's doing more than just wanting to have just a temporary move he is building a dwelling place a resting place and it's made up of living stones that God wants to teach you how to hosts revival on the inside of you so that we don't have to wait for next month's revival weekend but that we can begin to host the spirit of revival in our inner life between now and April 2nd and how do we cultivate that because if not it creates a division of our lives that's what I love about what me and Alan are about whether we're playing praying watching MBA or fasting for 40 days we're in and out of this place in God of seeking him you don't have your secular in this life over here it's one life of hungry for God and religion wants to set apart this over here while you're going hard over here and while you're having your life over here Jesus did not die for 45 minutes in 20 bucks once a week he died to remove veils and to bring us clothes and Mary of Bethany is courageous she's courageous and if you don't learn the first lesson I don't believe you're gonna be useful in the coming seasons let's look at this well-known story but there's so much more to it look with me in Luke 10 verse 38 it says now it happened as they went that he entered a certain village and a certain woman named Martha welcomed him into her house for 39 you need to get hold of this but she had a sister called Mary who also set at Jesus's feet hears that you hear and heard his word that's all she did she doesn't say a word in the story I'm about to read to you she doesn't speak once all she does is make a decision that has ramifications and because of that decision it positioned her to move into a new city look at this and says she said his feet it says but look at me in verse 40 it says but Martha was distracted everybody say distracted now look at this everybody say much serving says says she was distracted with much serving and she approached Jesus since she said Lord do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone tell her to get off her lazy behind and help me I'm just adding in a little this is what she's saying and jesus answered and said to her Martha Martha I love you but here's the problem you are worried and troubled about many things but one thing is needed this isn't a suggestion this is God in the flesh saying there's one thing needed and mary has chosen everybody say chosen she has chosen the good part now look at this and it will not be taken away from her that little girl made one of the most revolutionary statements ever the son of God has come into her house her older sister immediately begins to move into serving mode and my job and my thing I don't it's not about Mary birthdays Martha praying versus serving it's about understanding who's in your house it's about understanding the moment that you're in and saying I refuse to miss the moment I refuse to miss the moment and Mary has to break through so much swirl to get to his feet she has to break through all of the expectations she has to break through all of the things that are expected of her and she says I cannot miss this moment she swam upstream against her sister's eyes her sisters criticisms her sisters expectations she broke through all the social protocols even what was necessary in that hour and that little girl did the most revival and revivalist thing in ever history neither one of the most revolutionary things that's ever been recorded here it is she swam up and she declared war on the god of distraction the god of busyness the god of anxiety the god of the swirl and she said I refuse to just listen get caught up into the swirl around Jesus and she says I'm diving at the feet of Jesus hear me young people hear me old people hear me everybody alike revivalist are formed in the place of silence solitude bibles open hearts open and the word of god penetrating your heart that's where revival is performed do you want to know where revival is when the Word of God when his voice his opinion his declaration his evaluation becomes the definer of your life and you get delivered from everybody else's expectations everybody else's what everybody else says that you should do all of the other stuff and you said I refuse do you want to get bold you want to get courageous find the time find a place show up there every day and don't let any devil don't let any brother don't let any sister don't let any opportunity don't let nothing talk you out of that place you want to put hell on notice you want to screw the gates of hell find a time and a place and don't miss it for anything in the world hear me that's where revival is performed we love the loud I love it more than anybody I'm sitting here instagramming everything I love the loud I love the stirring but at the end of the day this has got to overflow this has got to overflow into an open Bible open heart and that we find Jesus in the silence we find Jesus in the solitude where there's not people all around us screaming but it's just me and him and I'm locking eyes with him and I'm breaking through my boredom in his word he's beginning to penetrate my heart his words are defining me his evaluation is what sustains me cuz if you can't declare war on the god of busyness and distraction you're not gonna be no revivalist you know gonna be useful you're not gonna be useful for me I have found that going to bed by 10:00 and waking up at 5:00 just so that my mind is the quietest with the Bible open a heart open and the kisses of his word touching my heart that's what delivers me from your opinions of me that's what delivers that's what delivers me from what you think about me and I want to tell you this it's not about Martha versus Mary Martha was just in a wrong spirit why because jesus was saying honey there's one thing that's needed okay it's not about that versus that it's just I want you to do this first because if you don't do this first what happens is you will make your reward and all you're serving no no listen to this and you'll know you're in a wrong spirit in your serving when you're aware of what other people aren't doing and you're more conscious of how much harder you work than them and you know what happens when you make serving your reward you get mad at Jesus when he doesn't reward you in the way you think he should be rewarded and you get overlooked and you don't get seen and you don't get anything and then you get mad at Jesus you get mad at Jesus Jesus don't you care she begins to say Jesus don't you got empathy and compassion I love Martha Jesus loved Martha she's awesome she just didn't get it and Mary got it she says I got one moment almost set at his feet but listen to me you want to put hell on notice who wants to put hell on notice find a time and a place open up your Bible and stay there long enough for all the other voices to go away stay there long enough until all the voices and all the the need to be important and to solve everybody else's problems go away turn off your phone because they don't need you that bad they don't need you that bad quit trying to be everybody else's Messiah and answer all the world's problems and sit there long enough for his word to define you and that you get your reward in hearing his voice don't let any amount of money or opportunity talk you out of that place don't let any amount of betrayal and offense and people talking about you get you out of that place don't let any amount of money talk to you out of that place don't let any out of anointing or favor talk you out of that place I am defined by the words that are coming out of his mouth I want the word of God to be written on the inside of me [Applause] [Music] you're not gonna get that by my hand laid on you you're not gonna get that from the next evangelist hands laid on you you need Jesus's hand laid on you you need his word laid on you when you break through the pages everybody say break through the pages so you got to stay there long enough to break through the pages oh you got to stay there long enough to break through the pages because there's a man on the other side of the pages and when you're sitting at his feet shutting up Bible open open heart and open ear that's when revivals release right there that's when God begins to raise up revivalist that are not moved by the opinions and the evaluations of men John 329 I'm not him he says I'm the friend of the bridegroom and I stand and hear the bridegroom's voice therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled the reward of the revivalist is his voice one thing is neither by say one thing that as it's now practical does it Jesus there's lots of things needed Jesus says no you don't understand that if you get this one thing right it will set a trajectory in your life that will take you into places in God that you could never imagine but if you don't get this one thing right it will take you a completely different direction in your life and you family and your definitions of success and impact and you will get train-wrecked if you don't do the one thing first mary has chosen everybody say chosen he's not going to do it for you because God doesn't dance with mannequins God doesn't dance with mannequins first off that's a very weird image to think about anybody at JC Penney or Dillard's just in there dancing with the mannequin lost that's what we want God you do it all you're doing all heels now I want you to make decisions in your secret life I want you to make choices when nobody else is watching I want you to turn the television off I want you to turn that off I want you to disconnect from that person and I want you to begin to prioritize setting up my feet you got to do it I won't do it for you and jesus said what she did get a hold of this pastors what she did will never be taken away from her I don't know about you but I want the stuff that's gonna last forever don't you you can take the greatest commodity which is your time and sew it into a place that will live forever that is the home of the revivalist is can you break the boxes of other people's expectations on you can you break through anxiety worry trouble busyness at church tormenta John 11 the word you hear you've got to get the first one right because if you don't learn how to priestly wait before the Lord say I see I hear and I love the nature of what is coming out of pastor Paul and Killman there's so much language of revival there's so much language of fire this and by that we're such a wordy generation everybody's got taglines on everything and I believe many of us are window shoppers because they can tell us everything about the dress it's one thing to tell me everything about the dress it's another thing to walk into the store and buy the dress or buy the outfit and put it on and what I believe that God is restoring to revivalist is the call of priestly waiting on the Lord waiting in silence waiting in solitude waiting before God and getting that heart burning yeah this isn't as popular nobody talks about this nobody talks about this young people nobody talks about this you wake up tomorrow morning as early as you can get up or however you do it if it's late doing late if it's early doing already and you show up and you say this will be my appointment with God every day and I'm going to break through the awkwardness I'm just gonna be I'm gonna show up I'm gonna break through the awkwardness of learning to talk to God I'm used to talking to people but what to do with God my cold heart his word that I don't understand and it's me and him and I'm gonna wrestle things out in that place that nobody ever sees nobody ever puts on their Instagram nobody ever puts on their Facebook and I'm gonna wrestle something out with God where his voice is the one that defines me it's awkward you don't know what to do just wrestle it out with them you'll find your way cuz though cuz if you don't I'm here to tell you the words you receive in the Luke 10 season will be tested the words you receive in the Luke 10 season will be tested John 11 the next time we see Mary of Bethany it's going to be under a different circumstance her brother Lazarus is sick and her and her sister I want you to go ahead and throw me to John 11 I'm gonna get through this you guys just labor with me okay I woke up and I felt the Lord on me this morning and I knew he was telling me to release this word let's just go ahead and read in verse 1 now a certain man was sick Lazarus of Bethany the town of Mary and her sister Martha now get a hold of this look at this next verse it says it was that Mary everybody say that Mary okay who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped his feet with her hair whose brother Lazarus was sick this is very interesting phrase right here because John is going to introduce us to a story that hasn't happened yet and he is giving us insight into a coming day when that Mary is going to take an alabaster flask and pour it all over Jesus and John is doing something very interesting here he's connecting the John 11 season to the John 12 season which means this what Mary is about to walk through with the death of her brother Lazarus is the oil that will be produced that she will break on Jesus and future season here me you will go through crushing seasons where the word you've heard the promise you've heard but the things God spoken over you will be tested will be tried will be crushed there will be death there will be impressing but that's where the oil is produced that's where the oil is produced and you won't be able to move into the last season unless you past this season cuz it will either produce the oil or you will get crushed and distance your heart for a vision for fullness you will either stay the course saying I want fullness in my generation or you will fade away into a language of Christianity that has all the right language it may sound like revival it may sound like fullness but you'll begin to distance your heart from it begin to guard your heart from it and you will fade into oblivion with bitterness sickness of heart but yet you have a fake smile the whole time John 11 swear it's the threshing floor John 11s the threshing floor John connects it look with me in verse 3 it says the sisters sent to Jesus and said look at this Lord behold he whom you love is sick when Jesus heard that Jesus from the very beginning as soon as he gives note that Lazarus is sick Jesus makes a clear definitive statement this sickness is not unto death but it's for the glory of God that the Son of God may be glorified through it Jesus is the one who knows from the beginning what he's gonna do in the end he said it's not gonna end in death he didn't say he wouldn't die now this is where it gets interesting verse five Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus everybody say he loved them guys we don't see too many times where it says Jesus loves someone he loved everybody had compassion but he loved them he loved them deeply these were more than acquaintances these were friends so the the automatic thing that we think of in the very next verse is see that he gets note that the one that he loves is sick it would make sense that the next verse would say he will immediately translate to Bethany and heal his sick friend but look at what the text says it says so that when he heard that he was sick get a hold of this he stayed two more days in the place where he was now it's one thing for Jesus to do this to his enemies were Pharisees or religious folk but what happens when his most intimate ones know that he's gotten word of their need and he doesn't show up immediately this is where revivalist are formed this is the threshing fork to where revivalists will come forth as gold what do you do what do you do when you know he knows but he hasn't broken in yet Jesus stays where he's at and guys I cannot take time we could spend the next whatever many of us know those seasons of vision for fullness I've been ardently seeking fullness I'm talking about what you guys are about rtant ly for 22 years in a focused way and I have seen countless numbers of people that when they hit that wall of him not breaking in on what they thought it was going to look like and when they hit that wall there begins to be a slow backing away from that vision because of the pain of living in the tension the pain of letting the tension touch you of that of what you thought your calling was going to look like and you're not as awesome as you thought you would look like your marriage isn't as awesome as you thought your children warfare in the body warfare in the finances dreams and promises that seemingly continue to die and you crying out you're pushing in what happens in that tension that is the threshing floor and that's the perfect place of revivalist hear me hear me he stays where he's at two more days and by the time he gets to Bethany Lazarus has been in the tomb four days what happens in those seasons friends you've got to deal with it what happens when all the drawers of accusation and offense and bitterness and anger and disconnection and you begin to find other places to medicate the pain and anesthetize the pain and you begin to run from the pain and you get caught into this place of God where are you do you know what I'm talking about he walked us through story after story last night Jesus got into his destiny through crucifixion do you think you're going to get into yours through any other way do you think you're getting into yours any other way that was her crucifixion Oh friends I want to tell you when you hit those walls when there is delay in the promise when there is a delay in the vision and the deepest things that God has spoken to you isn't happening or looking like what you thought it was gonna look like hear me don't back up don't back up feel it feel it don't come off with nice theological phrases don't come up with bumper sticker Christianity and plastic praying let it cut you let it won't you let it provoke a deeper and deeper desperate cry and a deeper and deeper place a prayer that's on the other side of prayer because I want you to know there's a prayer on the other side of prayer there's a place on the other side of prayer that no other language can give way to and Jesus now places these two sisters in that furnace and he loves them and I believe again Jesus loves marthy loves Mary but you're gonna see two types of responses come to the surface go ahead and look with me right here in verse 17 it says so that when Jesus came he found that he had already been in the tomb four days Bethany was near Jerusalem about two miles away look at verse 20 now Martha as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming she went and she met him but Mary is sitting again she's sitting in the house see I want you to picture this it's like Jesus we know what he's going to do we know what he's going to do this is not unto death the son of man is gonna be glorified through this but yet Jesus doesn't bypass the process and he doesn't fly to Lazarus's Resurrection Day he waits on purpose gives it four days and now shows up on the edge of Bethany saying I am looking for something in someone that can partner with me into coming forth into that resurrection and Jesus comes to the edge of Bethany I call it the waiting room he comes to the edge of Bethany and as soon as Martha hears his Jesus she takes off and I want you to see the connection between that running and never learning how to sit in Luke 10 she was running around in Luke 10 and if you don't learn the priestly waiting and letting the flesh burn in silence you will be driven by every circumstance in your life and you'll run around like trying to fix everything and it's moving you in the driven as' see you know what Martha did she tried to run right into the doctor's office has anybody ever just ran right into the doctor's office other than your Rachel and you're having a baby how do you get into the doctor's office it's called the waiting room Martha bypassed the waiting room and went right to the doctor's office hey let's look at this it says this in somewhere verse 21 Martha said to Jesus here's the phrase Lord if you'd had gotten here on time he would have never died what you're gonna find is about ten verses later Mary will say the same phrase but from a different posture a different place and a different spirit Martha says Jesus if you had gotten here on time we'd never be in this mess but then she quickly jumps into nice religious praying but I know even now I know that whatever you ask of God God will give you I love Jesus he cuts right to the chase your brother will rise again I know look at what she said I know I want to tell you what revival praying's about it's when God delivers you from all your I knows it's when God delivers you from having all the right answers having all the right buzz phrases you know all the right verses to claim all the right things to say and God in reviving in these seasons it's when the eye knows go out the door and a new kind of prayer comes forth cuz the eye knows are gonna get you through a season like this you gotta have more than just the right phrase you gotta have a spirit that has been caught by it I have found in my life I overcome on God to the degree he's overcome on me she says lord I know you can ask him anything he'll give it to you he goes Martha I don't want you to ask me to ask God I'm trying to pull you into the tension where you ask him for yourself quit living on the sidelines quit living in your nice little plastic rooms I'm saying the right phrases I'm trying to touch you I want to touch you and I want you to feel it you're saying fix it fix it fix it he's saying I want you to feel it feel it feel it that's painful we don't know what to do with that in religion religion don't know what to do with feeling it's ugly oh man we don't lose them no they're finally finding themselves when you've broke through all the I knows and you go I don't know anything but I know you I don't know anything but I know you I know what you said he said this your brother will rise again I know Jesus said honey she has all the right answers I know he will raise again at the resurrection of the Dead that's good theology he goes honey I am the resurrection and the life resurrection isn't just coming it's here and I'm wanting you to pull that which is coming into today I want I'm looking for someone that will let it cut them and who will pull on my heart she and I love Jesus he says I am the resurrection and the life and then he looked at them and he says do you believe this yes Lord I know I believe you're the Christ the Son of God and immediately marked the leaf's get a hold of this look at this he says I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me though he may die he shall live whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die do you believe this what you're gonna find out later when Jesus tells them to take away the stone Martha say Jesus he stinks and Jesus says didn't I tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God which means this she didn't believe she had right phrases but she didn't believe do you believe this yes Lord you are the Christ the Son of God has come to the world and then look at verse 28 and when she had said these things she went her way and secretly called Mary her sister saying that I love this the teacher has come and he's calling for you I think Martha hit a wall and it's called all of my nice language isn't gonna get us out of this mess hear me people hear me as you hit the wall in this life don't back up into Christianese praying at bumper-sticker praying don't back up and he just he sure praying don't back away your heart from the tension don't come up with all the right language let it cut you and let you feel it and stay in that place until a prayer comes out of you a raw prayer comes out of you Martha hits the wall and says I can't get us out of this she runs to Mary and says he's looking for you I want you to see the difference Martha ran immediately to the doctor's office Mary got called into the doctor's office Mary got cold Mary runs out to Jesus get a hold of this verse 31 and she's going to say a profound prayer it's the exact same prayer as Martha but she's gonna pray it from here she's gonna pray it from here she gonna pray that's the only recorded phrase of Mary in the whole Gospels when Jesus saw her weeping and the ones with her weeping the Bible says one of the most amazing phrases in the Word of God he groaned in his spirit the Son of God groaning that little girl just stirred the deep in God bypassed this because at the end of the day I'm like God whatever you want to do god I wanna at the end of the day whatever it to see I believe marry set long enough for his words to go to her deep that in the hour of her crisis her deep called out to his deep and she pulled a resurrection out of him she stirred the deep of God she pulled something out of the Son of God he groaned in the spirit what did that look like he was troubled and she provokes the question where's he at where's he at where's that dead marriage where's that dead child where's that child strung out on drugs where's that child strung out on pills where's that child lost in confusion or their sexuality where's that child lost and that anymore where's that child bound by promote where's that child bow where's those where's that debt-financed where's that place where you were betrayed and it's like the enemy has come and taken over and over and over and then you spur the deep of coercion at where's it at where's it at where's it at where is it at and they said come and see and then you're going to see the longest verse in the Bible Jesus wept yeah I used to think that was a trickle that was a little sniffle beloved that was a storm I know this is uncomfortable for some of us we're gonna get to Lazarus come forth here in a second well go get there but so many times we want to fly and Jesus didn't fly to it he got into the dirty to get them into the glory hear me he could have bypassed this whole scenario when he got down into it and he says I'm with you guys in this thing I'm looking for faith past the language I'm looking for all the niceties I'm looking for a depth and a groan and a cry and a weeping where you run out of words that's what I'm looking for and he found it in Mary she groaned he groaned where have you laid him come and see and he weaves hundreds of people around him and a storm comes out of the Son of God I'm gonna have to come back another time and talk to you about the gift of tears that God is releasing in this hour our God is a weeping God and we may get into this tonight but those who sow in tears are gonna reap in joy and the greatest Reapers will be the greatest weepers but if you want to live on Niceville and live behind all your nice theological walls and let it touch you you're gonna begin to move into resurrection power resurrection is on the other side of tears jesus wept they say it's the shortest I can't find a longer one in the whole Word of God because that wasn't just a trickle that was a storm and he comes out of that eyes he says take away the stone take away the stuff what kind of tears was he crying tears of deep sorrow deep compassion deep love deep anger deep hatred of death his hatred of death he hates death he hates what it does and he comes out he take away the stone Jesus he's got a stake didn't I tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God take away the stone father I thank you that you hear me you always hear me and then he said Lazarus Lazarus Lazarus the fourth that's where revivalists get formed as in those seasons are you with me I could just get lost there this is where I've been that's where I've been living but that's not where Mary's story ends turn with me to mark 14 we're going to the last story because you get oil in that season that you're going to carry with you into the next that's where the oil gets that's where the oil gets produced it's called an expanded heart and love deep faith in resurrection power and you get delivered from the greatest fear and it's the fear of death and you know deliverance from the fear of death makes you uncontrollable you cannot be touched by anything when you get delivered from death when you get delivered from the fear of death no one can stop you Mary look death in the face walk through that dark night and came through on the other side and she goes all more take my oil I'm gonna take my oil and I'm gonna partner with him and his death because he's coming out of that grave come on mark I like mark 14 because there's a couple of other phrases but you can immediately go to John 12 as well John 11 feeds to John 12 but I like Mark shares thee wherever this gospel is preached phrased and I just loved that one look at mark 14 verse 2 verse 3 and being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper so you've got a guy that had been healed of leprosy sitting at the table you've got Lazarus sitting at the table how about to talk to a guy's been dead for four days a woman came we know from John 12 it's Mary a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard she broke the flask and poured it on his head everybody say she broke it say she broke it she broke the flask she poured it on his head and as soon as she did everybody began to give their opinions about what she did these weren't unbelievers these were disciples and they were angry among themselves and they go why was this fragrant oil wasted it could have been given to the poor and they criticized her sharply but then Jesus like I've got come from Dallas a part of the Upper Room Church where they sing that song this is how I fight my battles y'all heard that song it may look like I'm surrounded but I'm surrounded by you this is how I fight my battles what I love about Mary is she led Jesus fight her battles she led Jesus defend what she's doing I go get caught up with their opinions of me you gotta get delivered you gotta get delivered you gotta let wisdom get justified listen if you're so into making everybody happy and what they think about you then you're gonna live slaves to them she says I refuse to live slave to what you think about me she goes all of you can't get it through your thick skulls Messiah is going to die she breaks every protocol a woman comes having her 401k I'm not talking about a little dab of Cologne $32,000 is what this is worth and she breaks it that's what she is she's a breaker she breaks the protocol she breaks through the system she breaks through religiosity she breaks through the political spirit she breaks through networking she breaks through it and I don't care see that's what the Lazarus seasons do to you making fearless makes you fearless I know my god I know my god I walk through the valley of the shadow of death and he was with me and he anointed my head with all y'all I walk through it I look death in the face and my older brother says it's all good we're getting out of this joint death has no hold on me death has no hold on me death has no hold on me death has no hold on you he's breaking the fear of death off the church for a church missus come hell or high water I'm in this god I want fullness in my generation I want fullness I want fullness she breaks break break a nice little churches livin in their nice little things whose are gonna be the people that break break she goes the son of God it's in my house again I'm not just listening to his word I listen to his word and that's why I'm in the place I'm in I'm so lost in this man and I know what he's doing I know how he's coming and I'm gonna get in before anybody else does you know what she's doing she's buying into apple stock when it's a cent this is a lot bigger an apple stock but she saw it for what it was worth who he was before anybody else did she breaks it look at this listeners last couple of phrases here everybody listen listen God's gonna wreck you okay listen he takes you serious this ain't a game he's hearing every one of those radical prayers you're praying and he's falling in love with you he loves all of us but he's falling in love with you and you're moving his heart Jesus I don't know what I was saying I just want to say that to you but I promise you as you begin to obey the voice of God I promise you there will be lots of angry Christians that call your life a waste you will get called stupid foolish this is never the way you should do it who would ever build a church this way who would ever built a church 15 minutes of loud tongues before service starts who does that people call you wasteful oh you could use these resources and do lots of good things and this is kind of church you want to build and what the thing is in mark 14 Jesus lets them take their best shot and then he speaks which means you got a weather those seasons you got a weather the opinions and the evaluations of other people and Jesus won't immediately bail you out of it he'll let you feel it you'll say are you really in this are you gonna what are you gonna do you're gonna run from it you gonna try to bail yourself out of it say I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to be that I'll go back into my little hole of nights Christianity I'll go back into my hole and we'll be nice nice happy fake people and then Jesus speaks and he says leave her alone leave her alone and then I love his second question he says why why are you manifesting like this why do you trouble her what's really going on Peter in your heart John in your heart Judas in your heart what is it about this little girl that comes in breaks her 401k and puts it all over my body what is it about her showing extravagant love for me that stirring every religious devil in the whole place why what's the core reality of why are you manifesting the way you are could it be she don't care she don't care she don't care she don't care she didn't care she broke through it I got delivered from you I saw death in the face I came through on the other side of that I got time to play religious games I'm going through Oh sat down just couple more minutes why do you trouble her and then I love it Jesus looks at what she did he called it work she's lazy she don't do nothing but sit around with Jesus and an open Bible she's always trying to get out of this because she wants to spend more time with Jesus she's lazy she's lazy Jesus says no she was working she's working she working and then Jesus says guys I know you're talking a lot about the poor you got the poor with you always but I'm only here for a little bit longer see she learned to come out of destruction and busyness and she came out of all the other demands of the kingdom and says Jesus is higher than ministering to the poor and then he says guys I want everybody to know this that no no history books will never tell another story about this little girl nobody will ever hear about her nobody will she'll never do another thing and she will this will be her last recorded moment in the Word of God you guys are going to take the gospel to the four corners of the earth you're gonna have huge apostolic ministries healing ministries she will have never had any of that people will give lots more than this fragrant oil in the book of Acts but I want you guys to know that when you go into these nations and you preach the gospel and you tell them about Who I am my death my resurrection of my second coming and when they ask what does a life look like that's been impacted by me tell him this story tell him this story because she's gonna get an everlasting memorial ever lasting memorial because of one act in history if I had time I love it when talent preachers on the difference between Ephesus and Mary of Bethany mighty Ephesus revival center of the early church but she fell out of love with him and today all you'll see at Ephesus is rubble and stones Ephesus is gone but Mary lives today Mary lives today Mary lives today Jesus says she's come to anoint my body for burial in that wild those twelve disciples could not get it he's gonna die I believe she got such a revelation that he is the resurrection and the life and she got a revelation of how he's going to first suffer then come into his glory she goes I'm getting in I'm getting in nobody else sees who he is nobody else sees how he's coming see what happens when you sit long enough before the word you get the spirit of Revelation on you you get the spirit of Revelation on you and you see him like nobody else sees him and she goes I'm gonna prepare him for his death because he's gonna come out of the grave because my brother came out of the grave and all of you will come out of that grave who put your faith in that man Jesus you hear what I'm saying today the Mary of Bethany how God forms revivalist how God builds a revivalist culture every one of these seasons you will move in and out of it is our journey but beloved I just want to say to you don't check out don't opt out for a form of language and lots of language of revival and fullness and you disconnect and distance your heart from present-day reality of reaching and feeling and just weeping and staying in that furnace because those who sow in tears they're gonna reap in joy a man let's stand Jesus he just wrecks me man see what I'm so grateful for with fresh start is you're getting in on something before it's too popular and you're saying god this is who you are care less in bio we're going after this gone Amen just lift up your hands I just want to pray for us this morning Thank You Holy Spirit thank you God hallelujah let's just wait on the Holy Spirit second [Music] he's the waymaker but he's the box breaker he's raising up box breakers Mary just challenged every status quo [Music] father I thank you for fresh start Church I thank you for these beautiful people God I believe deep in my heart God you have called as Alice said let's not this place to be a womb father I pray for the spirit that was upon your servant Mary of Bethany that it would rest upon this house father I pray that you would raise up a courageous people to come out of the swirl of religious activity and to find themselves at the feet of Jesus and that this womb would be pregnant that the intimacy would fill this house long hours of sitting at the feet of Jesus where no body can define success [Music] god I pray whether you're in a John 11 a season or you will be God I pray for every person in this room and those that are viewing that they will never back off but that they will press in and that they will let it cut them and that they will move into a prayer on the other side of prayer and that you would make this place a revival center and a resurrection center for families you would make this place a resurrection center for dead marriages a resurrection center for dead children resurrection center of dead finances dead bodies oppressed souls that this would be a resurrection center and that out of what they've received that they would give [Music] shuttle a or a bus at ia just begin to pray in the spirit all over the room catch this now with your spirit shutter yoruba yoruba kosher or ever shot already shot or Rebecca Le Beau shot or Rebecca thank you God deliverance from the fear of death yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies and you anoint my head with oil [Music] goodness and mercy following me all the days of my life [Music] father I pray for the spirit of Mary of Bethany to rest upon this house [Music] I feel like God I feel like God's mark me and called me to be a revivalist in' and this is the three stories I've been living in for the last 22 years I believe that God wants to release a fresh grace on many of you in regards to coming out of the swirl and sitting at his feet for hours and hearing his word coming out of the anxiety the busyness and the trouble I believe he wants to release a prayer to break you through your John 11 death seasons can I believe he wants to release oil and that they would come in extravagance in your life and that boxes would begin to break if you feel like God is calling you to be a revivalist and you want to give your life to these three realities I want to invite you up here right now we're gonna pray for you right now and I just I'm loving the waymaker song [Music] hallelujah you know see this is a thing and I don't think I don't think we can I don't think we can truly understand how much Mary had to swim against by sitting in the house when she knew Jesus was in Bethany she says I'm gonna wait till he invites me in listen to Saul lift up our hands all over this place in my prayer for you is for a revival in the Bible my prayer for you is prayer on the other side of prayer the gift of Tears would come to your life but I'm gonna pray for extravagance and that boxes would begin to break in your life hallelujah and that there would be the breaking in our finances some of you are the most difficult finances the Lord said break your financial boxes give like you've never given so like you've never sewed [Music] give like you've never given father in the name of Jesus I asked you to release that revivalist anointing I ask you to release the revivalist spirit god I pray you would release the spirit of Mary of Bethany upon fresh start search god I cry out God break through breaking the boxes breaking the system's breakthrough in the name of Jesus release that impartation right now God release the up our nation right now spirit of Revelation spirit of Revelation Oh Honea God's releasing the gift of Tears the gift of Tears on the other side yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] spirit of Prayer [Music] Lazarus come Lazarus come forth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] family [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who needs resurrections and Families raise your hand you need resurrection and families come on all over this place I want you to be gonna lift your voice right now whether we speak right now release resurrection in our families who go [Applause] [Music] come on Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Russia rush [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just slipped your hands all over the road yeah look right at it come on look right at him [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh keep looking hallelujah father release the spirit of Revelation in the name of Jesus father let your word break in with such power I declare that lights and play you here but I pray right now deliverance from anxiety and hearing his word great peace whose mind is stayed on you Wow [Music] keep looking Gabe lowan [Music] hallelujah father release that heart right now [Music] [Music] ah [Music] it's another minute lit keep looking keep looking [Music] ha ha ha ha keep look at the Lord [Music] Oh release the spirit of prayer right now father take us to prayer on the other side of prayer [Music] release the gift of Tears in the name of Jesus release that groan from heaven [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] yeah let your voices rise all over the room [Music] come on higher [Music] Jesus open Marisa door Scott open up grace today God open up grace today Jesus we're gonna break our boxes Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelu Pasha Taba Oh hallelujah Hara Rashad Ibaka I just wanna I just want to speak over my Uncle Fred and and glorious I'm gonna speak over you this this morning and I just I just felt the Holy Spirit wanted me to speak to you about you've asked him can I see revival one more time and he said yes you will see revival one more time [Music] right there and little to come sir Oklahoma God's gonna sit down in that place [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go sit down at that place discuss your faithfulness just cuz you wouldn't quit ask him just coming in the name of Jesus I decree that in Jesus name close somebody give the Lord a praise in this house I said give me my praise because he is well hallelujah well I'm I'm once again I really don't have any words I just you know it starts out like amazing and you think get any better than that and then it gets like better amazing and just I don't know what we're gonna do because that's probably gonna be the top and then it gets better better amazing and we still got one more service to go on oh my goodness I don't know about you but I'm not gonna let anything keep me from getting back here tonight to see what God's gonna do yes hallelujah it's been so powerful usually when he doesn't have words I have words amen I just want to share something very quickly that I believe is a personal thing for for us in our family but in our staff for sure but also for this entire church and for you and your families as a revival Church is a revival family and as a revivalist that we have been so amazingly equipped for and with this morning actually the entire weekend recently and I'm going off memory now but I don't my journal with me but I had a dream and I'm gonna give every aspect of the dream but we were we were at an airport and on you know these things have have meanings and things like that and that's usually a season awaiting or you're preparing to go into the next of what God has things like that if you dream about an airport it's not the only thing it means but it can mean that but in our luggage and I'm not going to name names but but but in in one of the persons luggage that was there all of our luggage had to be taken her baggage had to be taken and they were going through it kind of like a TSA kind of thing that we all love amen and it came back and it just was really odd but they said everything has been approved everything has been approved but one of the things in the dream that that was brought forth to my attention in the dream was a pistol and which is odd especially in America right but one of the things that that can stand for his words and accusations and things lashed out against you or labels put on you or words spoken you know Cory released that I just I wasn't going to share this and I said no I think I'm supposed to share this because you know what we are here is different and what our vision is is does go against the grain and you know some time ago I preached a message that was entitled so so delicately keep your mouth off the move of God Amen come on somebody and as I dreamt that dream and that that I was shown the pistol immediately an authoritative voice spoke to me looked at me and spoke to me and said I have given you a grace for that I have given you a grace for that and I feel like I'm supposed to share with you today whether it's accusations words whether it's that second part that Cory talked about today fresh start family God is giving us a grace for this God has given us a grace for this and I just feel like as we close today because there are no words seriously there are no words to describe the measure of what God has done what he did this morning on what he's gonna do tonight this is eternal this is this is this is not just good services come on somebody this is sowing seeds this is going deep and I want you to lift your hands all over this building because the word of the Lord the one of the parts of the word of the Lord this morning is when things get tough don't give up amen I'm speaking over us today God has given us a grace for this come on lift both hands up to the Lord come on lift it up hallelujah Lord in the name of Jesus come on pray in the spirit I thank you that your words us this morning Lord has gone deep and your word has come alive in power in our hearts it is has become revelation and is becoming greater revelation on the inside of us but as we leave this building today god I thank you in our hearts we will know that you have given us a grace Lord you have given us a great power and enable Mitch Lord God you do surround us you surround us Lord and I speak now that you have given a grace a grace that we will not be able to explain we will just walk in it we will walk in it we will walk in it and even if the bullets fly if the bullets fly we will lift up the grace of God and grace will be our CEO the grace will be our shield of EXO in the name of Jesus the grace let's see [Music] Jesus she walked in again you you walk in a you shall [Music] or shelter cheese's thank you for watching fresh start church's youtube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute and click the subscribe button so you won't miss any of our videos if you've been impacted by fresh start church we want to partner with us to continue to reach others you can text offering six two three two nine nine two seven zero seven to give right now thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 6,506
Rating: 4.9591837 out of 5
Id: kspLhfpZOCY
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Length: 94min 37sec (5677 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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