Branded By Burning | Pastor Kim Owens | February 16, 2020

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on throw up your hands and begin to pray and the Holy Ghost all over this room I think we need to have a little bit more of a prayer meeting this morning before we go into the word come on that sounds awesome come on those of you watching online show any with us this morning come on press press press press press press press press God has something amazing for us this morning God's gonna light us up with this glory well we move into your presence Lord we move into your presence Lord video motion domo-kun man occasionally under the room come on come on come on press press o God we want you we want you Lord we want you we want you Jesus we want you we want your presence come on church that's awesome reach out your spirit reach out your heart to the Lord this morning [Music] Oh God put a press in our spirit this morning put a press and a determination and I hired this morning oh Jesus God we press pass anything that would hinder us [Music] today [Music] your power the fullness of your fire of your presence Oh God we press in Iran we press in you Jesus we press into your spirit Oh God [Music] okay [Music] [Music] we say Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelu hallelu halleluya halleluyah halleluyah [Music] Halloween rudabeh shaded Romani and Aaron and Amanda Amanda Amanda pendulum and aerobic ATT do to negotiate any Amanda better or condo Rashida Amanda Graciela Bedrosian and an abandoned agree on de fondo Rochelle another ban the robot said led under Ramos under the anteroom and Arrieta care and adorable Saturday the undergrowth aromas under the robocco to Rome and Arrieta prayer the day today under the law shaded at a onto the table or say that the realtor the robe of shaky to the Robocop across Santa father in the name of Jesus release your fire in this place this morning release your fire in this place this morning release a burning on the inside of us for you and your presence that we have yet no in this revival I pray in Jesus name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah barouche Arabic Abu Roash Sarah McIndoe Sarah McIndoe Petraeus under oshiete Romasanta an aeroshell become ban true Bichette oklahoma catcher percocet open teresa de Bru's shareable our humble Rashida boundaries Santa Loma CdeBaca Tania's Santa and Rasheeda Roma center center ent IDO Childress Ambrose Italy under bender asya yatah Rochelle EDD Otero machine release your fire in this place this morning [Music] Revelation chapter 3 verses 15 and 16 it's not gonna be on the screen but most of us in this room are gonna know it well Jesus is speaking to one of the churches lay to see a belief and it gives some really incredible shocking words that we really just need to take at face value and it says Jesus says I know all you're doing and he said but you're lukewarm and Jesus said I wish that you were either really cold or really hot he said but you're lukewarm and then it goes on the sand will I will spit you out some translations vomit you out of my mouth those are those are very very strong words yes but apparently apparently it's the spiritual temperature of quote lukewarm that is the most difficult heart to reach Jesus says concerning the temperature of our hearts that he prefers either absolutely cold and indifferent or boiling hot boiling hot few times over my life have been scalded by water hot hot water it's not a good feeling to the flesh come on y'all he says either cold just cold which is you know it's kind of kind of hard to figure out but at least cold isn't hip hypocritical at least cold isn't apathetic lukewarm is hot however is a sold-out fervent sale yes place and heart before God and this is what Jesus said he said I desire that your hot either be cold cold he doesn't want you to be cold he doesn't want you to be lost but the point that he's making here in the picture that he's painting is that lukewarm is almost the most difficult heart to reach because it's comfortable it's a dangerous territory because our posture becomes comfort and comfort doesn't want to be disturbed Comfort gets critical comfort gets confrontational comfort gets contentious comfort is a cover for a religious mindset and comfort can quickly lead you into a deception that covers for an average level of a spiritual pursuit so jesus said it's really easier to reach an absolutely cold hard heart than it is to reach a little apathetic lazy complacent lukewarm heart that has convinced itself I'm good right here I don't need any challenge need anything to confront me I don't need to get any warmer than this I don't mood need to move to another level of height or another level of death I can stay right here and I'm just gonna ride it in my chair to challenge me to challenge [Music] catch the bow argue with me all day long but my fervency eyeballing hot passion not just for church not only for doing a ministry just telling you like it is today Jesus that your choices he doesn't tolerate and that devil said just get up there and challenge it how dare you and that's all I needed [Music] the good news the good news is that Jesus gives these types of people a chance to repent the lukewarm heart he says repent repent repent and come back to that fervency Jesus says repent and come back to that say leus passionate pursuit of me you see God will never fully reject you but you can reject his fullness we have a choice every time we walk in these doors just because you come to fresh start doesn't mean you're in revival I'm not talking about the corporate body I'm talking about individually and that's what I came to speak to you today say poor little shaky God will never fully reject you these statements that Jesus gave to the churches most of them all but too challenging the places in their heart that were not right before him he always gave them a chance to repent he will not fully reject you but you can reject his fullness and is my assignment this morning to remind us corporately what our assignment is but also to remind us individually where the posture of our heart must live in a house of revival and I'll say this in a few moments a little bit later probably repeated I think I got at my nose but revival weekend is a very small part of what we do around here and revival at Fresh Start for those of you watching online you need to understand that these people have been taught aggressively that a guest speaker is not revival now they can bring an impartation they can bring a deposit and and all the time they do in this house but that is not revival revival begins with some of what we've been singing this morning and other things that we know is in the Word of God where it says God no matter what anybody says no matter what it looks like in my life no matter what I feel like or what I don't feel like I want my heart for you for you for you for you [Music] anything in this life I want to see his glory [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] belonging your presence will I want to speak to you this morning on something that I've called branded by Bernie branded by Bernie say that with me very quickly branded by Bernie I'll read the scripture and then I'll let you be seated this morning I subtitled this a mark made by burning and I'll give you the background of how I arrived at this message today in just a moment to repeat what I said just a moment ago as I feel an assignment this morning to remind us of our assignment corporately yes but personally branded by burning a mark made by burning a mark is a recognizable sign or an expression which identifies something from those of others from that of others a mark can also be called in our world a trademark may be a recognizable sign a recognizable expression that identifies something or someone distinguishes if you will a mark made by Bernie Romans chapter 12 verse 11 in the New America standard says not lagging behind in diligence fervent in spirit shall fervent in spirit serving the Lord not lagging behind in diligence fervent in spirit serving the Lord the Greek word for the word fervent there literally means to boil with heat to boil with heat in the passion translation it says Romans 12:11 like this be enthusiastic to serve the Lord keeping your passion toward him boiling hot keeping our passion toward him boiling hot toward him radiate with the glow of the Holy Spirit hallelujah how many want to close with the Holy Spirit amen and let him fill you with excitements as you serve him our serving the Lord should be exciting amen it doesn't mean it's easy but it should be exciting because we've got a glimpse of him come on because we've got a glimpse of his glory yes because we've got a glimpse of the fire of God because we've got a glimpse of his zeal and of his fervency today I want to remind us that one of the distinguishing factors not only of this revival but of a Pentecostal believer is that we should be branded by the fire of God we should be marked by a burning of the fire of the Holy Ghost the fire of God should be burning so hot in our lives that people don't even have to ask if we're a Christian come on I mean we have to be obnoxious and all of this kind of stuff but they can tell that we have been with a god of fire they can tell that we have been with our God and because we have seen his face because we have beheld his glory because we have said before his fiery throne we have our had a radiation treatment sitting before him and we leave his presence radiating with the glory of God with the presence of Jesus with a glow of the power of God during the Sunday a.m. service I'll let you be seated let me just say this don't you be seated during the Sunday morning service of our January revival weekend we were here in the service Andrew Willis was preaching that morning and I received a text during service from Christa Christa Smith as she said as I was getting ready this morning I felt the Lord saying that he was encountering fresh start in a special way this morning he said the Lord said this is a morning of marking for fresh start you will be marked from what he does today now we undoubtedly had a powerful service that morning coupled that in itself coupled with what I'm getting ready to tell you the confirmations that God showed me I knew that God was speaking something to us and this is what I came to preach to us today I responded back to Krista not during the service come on she's in it every time zone and I said to her later I said this was a confirming where Krista to what the Lord had given actually given me personally through a message that I preached here almost five years ago in 2015 called marked by God meaning that nothing else defines or marks us but his presence follow me that Sunday morning I told her as you sent that text to me our guest Andrew Willis for revival weekend was preaching the quote the glory or the presence is what makes us relevant in quote and he was using the same biblical references of Moses and the children of Israel which I'll read that scripture in just a moment as I did in that message almost five years ago called mark by God and as he preached that message marked the word mark and that message marked by God was in my mind and then all of a sudden her text comes up on my phone and says the Lord says to tell you this is a morning of barking for fresh start Church the Holy Spirit was reminding us don't forget you're marking assignment come on family and next that the spirit had given me the words burning and branding burning and branding and I had written them down in my journal that day burning and branding and branding as I began to research it later I didn't have time right away is defined watch this as a mark made by burning finally I told her I responded I felt that all of this happened to remind us fresh start curb corporate and personal that he is not only now using us but he's reminding us that he needs to continue to use us at another level to ignite a burning a revival fire so that not only you and I and our families can be marked by his presence but there can be a region and a nation and even the nations that can also be ignited with a burnin and be marked by his presence if you want that put your hands together come on by burning landed my Bernie thank you guys hurryin yo hurryin you can be seated this morning in September of 2015 this was only one month after revival broke out here in August of 2015 I preached a series of messages called we are firebrands we are firebrands I'm going to repeat that again revival broke out in August and this message was preached series was preached we are firebrands in September one month into the revival God was speaking things to us back then that we can obviously see more clearly now but we were articulating them by faith we were putting our faith on statements and words of the Lord that were much much much much bigger than what we were in the spirit realm at that time and we're continuing to do the same as God grows us and moves us into the more but I felt before I go into this rest of this message today that I remind us of some of the things that I said in that very first message this was on September the 6th of 2015 some of you will remember some of this maybe and it goes like this and I'm quoting and I'll tell you when I end the quote since the start of this revival the Lord has spoken these several things specific to the moving of the Spirit the first thing is that the Lord has said that this is a revival of fire this is a revival of fire somebody shall it is a revival of fire shot it louder it is one time it is so praying the holy ghost for a moment while I let some principalities and powers of Darkness know that up in this house today we come into agreement that this is a revival of fire the fire that needs to come back to Pentecost so in the name of Jesus we bind every contrary spirit in this house in Jesus name somebody shall fire I'm still quoting from that that that message in 2015 I said a couple of weeks ago in the altar in the first service how many remember that come on somebody that was back in the day when we were bound to two services but we've been gloriously set free come on you got until until and it won't be long but until we're gonna keep one service come Oh y'all and I said quoting in that message I said a couple of weeks ago in the altar and the first service the Holy Spirit spoke he is going to like you personally up with the glory of God to shine in your areas of influence in your world during an altar time in our Sunday night revival which we did for the first year this is still quoting from this message in 2015 I felt the Holy Spirit speak to us you are responsible for revival responsible being defined as accountable for something within one's power and control and management God was saying to us I've made you responsible but no fresh start Church that with that responsibility I've given you the power and the grace to do it and it's within your control and ability to manage and Stewart it keep in mind we are one month into this revival one month still quoting from that message I said while we definitely know that we are not the only ones I want to emphasize that I'm still quoting from 2015 while we definitely know that we are not the only ones we know with certainty that we are one of the ones who will host a quote revival of fire in the southwest regions and I didn't even realize that I thought that that I that I said this until I went back to that message and and looked at these and I said look at the note and I said quote we are one of watch this the gatekeepers of revival in this region come on come on I said our assignment this is in 2015 it's bigger than we can imagine I said we are called to be a firebrand in our region firebrand being defined as a person who Kindles an agitator come on somebody an enemy of average and status quo and I will add this morning an enemy of the lukewarm in quote from September 6 2015 is anybody hearing what the Spirit is saying to us this morning you see sometimes we have to be reminded of some things so we could continue to press forward we have come a long way God has taught us a lot God has grown us he is still teaching us and he is still growing us but we need to be reminded in this house today in our personal lives and corporately when we come together not only on a revival weekend but any other time that we step into this place and step into our personal prayer closets is this is what we need to be reminded of to be and to remain a firebrand you have to be in and you have to stay in the fire you cannot give something that has not been imparted to you if you want to be a firebrand if you want to be a fire starter if you want to release the fire of God then you have to get in the fire of God to be marked by his presence you have to live in his presence to have a trademark of the fire and the glory you must be personally touched by the fire and the glory to be branded by God and to be marked by God you must allow him to sear you with his glory and with his fire for a start God has called us to burn for him he's called us to be burning ones he's called us to be fiery ones and our scripture text from Romans is an exhortation that we are to intentionally take inventory of our spiritual burning Romans 12:11 read it again be enthusiastic to serve the Lord keeping em I shall keeping keeping your passion toward him bowling hot radiate with the glow of the holy spirit and let him fill you with excitement as you serve Him the phrase burning one's has become a trendy word in the revival culture in the church at large today and I do believe that there are many literal burning ones across our nation and across the nations and in this house I truly believe they are burning for the Lord but I must remind us in a house of revival specifically a revival of fire that with as with any spiritual experience we must be careful that we don't just jump on the burning bandwagon to identify with it without paying the price of living as a burning one just because you wear a t-shirt that says burning one doesn't identify you as a burning one doesn't make you a burning one and again just because you attend fresh start doesn't make you a revivalist and it doesn't make you a burning one holy ghost fire is recognizable you can't hide it you can't push it down you can't dampen it two people think you're crazy people think I'm crazy you think I'm crazy this morning but I say think it think in all your Jesus there is a Pentecost that they need to experience if you're a burning one it will affect everything in your life it will produce a heating element in your heart that drives you more and more to hear much of the things of the kingdom of God when you burn wood anything burn it's not pretty it's not comfortable it's boiling hot to the flesh it's boiling hot Paul said passion passion Passa Paul said in Romans a passionate heart and this passion becomes a driving force in your life for none other than Jesus and for his presence my friends that is when we become a burning one it's not how many services you attend even though that's important it's not that you do this and you don't do that and those things are important what it is when you are a burning one is that Jesus you are so consumed with Jesus that you want to get so close to him and when you get close to Jesus my yes he will love you but she will be touched by his fire that's why you see around here at from a world of drugs [Music] those are not the ones none after today the ones that I'm after are people like me come on see I pulling at me first so you couldn't talk about me him go ahead get them bother me I'm gonna preach anyway [Music] people like me save just 7 years old come on y'all been to thousands of church services thousands a preacher and now a preacher that praising worship for over 25 years married to a preacher born into ministry and with my mom and head raised in church a preacher gets up to preach and gives his tax and any preacher in the room begins to automatically try to guess what they're gonna preach on come on right he's not gonna answer that and maybe that's not all together wrong necessarily but it's the posture of our hearts it's the posture of our heart because sometimes I believe in I didn't come out of a life of drugs I didn't come out of a life of all of this kind of stuff but you know why you can be just as lost you can be just as apathetic you can be just as mean you can be just as lost on your way to hell and somebody out there that it's giving the stem cells over and listen to the devil and the things of the devil I came to preach to us today this is you know what if we're gonna be a revival of fire then we have to meet the god of fire Jesus you're going to bump up against his fiery throne when you get close to Jesus you can't miss the fire [Applause] but a lukewarm heart is not very close the fire of God is mentioned or the yes over 500 references to fire in the Bible and 90 of them are linked directly to God we are told that God in action is like a blazing fire there are many characteristics of God yes but one of the essential characteristics of God that has mentioned much in the Bible is that he is a God of fire the Lord's argon is a consuming fire Deuteronomy 4 and a jealous God a consuming fire in a jealous God he's a God of fire and and and and God where God his fire is he's got compared to the moon in the Bible he's compared to the Sun high above Checotah he dwells in light he cannot dwell in a lukewarm place he cannot dwell in a dark great place because he's fire he answers by fire first King his word is like fire Jeremiah whatever God does God does it with zeal God doesn't refer God doesn't with passion and he's calling us as Romans 12:11 says to do the same I want you to be fervent in spirit bowling hotter you see God will not concede to our ideas of lukewarm comfortable Pentecost he does not have to adapt to us we must adapt to him oh he has no choice but to let us continue in our cold comfort but the word today is if you're in cool comfort that you're not marked or branded by fire we must not forget that 380 people missed out on the day of Pentecost if they missed out you can miss out too you see there are those who burn and then there are those who just baked and the difference lies in the effect and the effect that it has on your life and the life of others a burning and how close you get to the fire a burning one will burn up with the presence of Jesus and the fire of God a burning one will leave an indelible mark or brand on any life or situation that they come in contact to with but a baking one is content with only a certain amount of eat in a controlled environment that is all about them you see burning leaves a mark but baking leaves us in control just settled and we're just roasting let me say it like this in case you may not have got that there are those who come to the campfire of revival and they jump in the fire and they roll in the fire and so that they fire can jump into them and can burn within them and then there are those who come to the campfire and they like to come and sit around the campfire not about to get closer not about to jump in therefore they are not burning ones they are baking once a puckish at it's just like to come there are people and you maybe even this room today I'm watching a lot because you're a secret fresh-start person watching online who would never ever ever go to a Chad's right shirt so what they do is they come to the campfire to identify with it but not be marked by it you my friend are a baking one fire of God fire of God if we need any further clarification let me say it like this there are those who have been baptized in the Holy Ghost but they have not been baptized in fire I read one person this week I'm gonna say who it is and you know we have different terminologies in the body of Christ for the different camps and the different circles and all this kind of stuff and I guess that's good in some respects and in some respects it may not be but the charismatic movement that came in was the 50s or 60s or issue around in that area said that they that that that it really was these are this is my we're not quoting this person right now it was really almost a detriment to Pentecost because they got baptized in the Holy Ghost but they did not get baptized in the fire they kept their liturgical because many of them came out of Episcopalian came out of Catholicism and and more electrical churches but they got filled with the Holy Ghost and thank God for that but they get it didn't get baptized in fire I'm preaching to somebody in the room today because many of you may have come out of Catholicism and awesome that you're here today and maybe you even speak in tongues but I ask you today do you burn with the fire of Pentecost do you burn with the fire of Pentecost and what I believe that God is let us say okay that God is doing in this last day is he's getting some old-time pinnacles and I guess I can call myself old time now old time Pentecost people that will not criticize the others because thank God we're all going to heaven but somebody that'll raise their voice 380 people missed it on the day of Pentecost that could be you Jesus came to earth to bring fight Matthew 3:11 John the Baptist recognized that a greater one was coming that carried something that he didn't carry John carried fires jesus said that I'll may read that scripture here in just a moment he was he was definitely a firebrand but he did not have the baptism of the Holy Ghost but Jesus was a fire carrier and he brought the fire of God the fire from the throne to the earth John says Matthew 3:11 i baptize with water for repentance but he who is coming after me is mightier than I I am not fit to remove his sandals he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with shout it and with and then as Jesus brought fire to the earth he says I've got to go away because there's another representative that is going to split the heaven and he's going to come into this atmosphere and it happened and on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 when that day has fully come they were together and there came a sound and a noise like a violent wind and it filled the house and there appeared to them tongues of fire and it distributed and rested on them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak with other tongues as the spirit was giving them utterance the mark of the day of Pentecost was wind and higher and tongues you could feel it you could see it and you could hear the Spirit of God if you truly have an encounter with Pentecost it will be marked by the fire of God he will produce some kind of an effect and an effect in your life it will mark you everybody say mark me lord mark me what is a market is a visible impression on something it is a distinguishing feature because what happens is when you're marked with this fire it literally sets you apart and it doesn't mean that we're better than anyone else but what it tells me is that we have yielded and we have encountered a level and a place in God that literally has touched our flesh has touched our emotions has touched our person and it forces us out of religious activity and into us out of a sentimental praise and into a high praise and it puts us in a posture that burns for his person and it burns for his purposes come on church we must press close to the fire until we feel it - we feel it touch our flesh till we feel it touch our emotions - we feel it touch our mental processes until then we will not burn when was the last time that you were touched by God to the point where you are you're more shaken where you had to ask him to let up God because of the overwhelming pressure of his presence have we been there yet have I been there yet too many stops short of the fire I come to tell us today let's not stop short of the fire because it's only in the fire that we are branded by burning and I'll say repeat what I said a little bit earlier revival is more than just coming and sitting in services revival is when the fire sits in you you don't just sit in a service but the revival fire sits in you the services are merely the tuneups for the fiery engine of the Holy Ghost that is already beating on the inside of you and this is the place that I get to where I'm so close to the fire of Jesus and the fire of God that I am seared by him to the point that it burns my flesh and it ignites a bully hot flame of passion in my heart where everything in my life is radically altered I can stand up here and I can preach holiness I can preach righteousness I can preach truth I can preach what is right and what is wrong but my friend until your heart has been touched with the fire of God you will not turn from that lifestyle you will not turn from that wrong way so I have gone up here today and say I ain't got nothing but he's got everything fire that is going to mark you and branch you and you won't be satisfied you will be satisfied with watching this and watching that you won't be satisfied with this and that why because you met the fiery eyes of Jesus you've been branded you've been marks but you will not be marked until you burn you will not be branded until your flesh is burned the branding of livestock has been around for centuries it is a procedure in which a permanent and easily recognizable visible identifying mark is put on the animal this mark that is branded into this animal will last the entire animal's life the marking is to identify who the owner is and where their home is where their home is traditionally and historically this mark is made with metal heated by fire heated by fire an identifying mark of who your owner is and where your home is a little bit too comfortable in this earthly place y'all economy is pretty good right now little bit too comfortable come on I praise God for all that he's doing in our nation the good things that are happening I know that there's evil out there I understand that but you understand we are Christians before we are Americans this is not our home but we live like it is because the burn of eternity hasn't been put on our heart the identifying mark and burn has not been seared into our heart because we haven't been as close to that home as we are to this home I need to get closer to that home than I am to this home I need to get closer to that place than I am to this place I need to get my mind set on that place more than here and when I begin to do that I start taking steps away from the world and I start taking steps toward the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God and toward his glory I'm helping somebody to understand and hopefully what I believe is plain English today if I could talk in Spanish I would but I can't I can talk in tongues but I hear I think I just need to get out here to you today look we've got to live we got to live like this is our last day on this earth this is not our home heaven is our home and Jesus is our older Jesus is our King Jesus is our master Jesus is our Lord but there's too many of us walking around not only in this room but in the body of Christ in the world is looking for the identifiable mark that comes from the burning of the upper room and they can't find it in Pentecostal churches today but in this house in this pulpit we will say in loud and we will say it with conviction that the fire of God must come back to Pentecostal people today but all you baptize in the fire Moses cried out Lord if your presence doesn't go with us don't take us up from here how can we be known he says if I felt favor please is it not in your going with us Lord that we are distinguished we are marked we are branded from all the other people who are on the face of the earth Moses understood that if God's burning in God's presence if God's glory did not go with them they would just melt in and they would just mingle and they would just look like all the other people groups but Moses was a leader who had been commissioned by the whole from the fire of God in the burning bush and he saw the fire and he told God God you cannot leave us now because if you leave us we're just gonna look like all the rest and melt in with all the rest but if God if you go with us it sets us apart from everyone else on this people planet what are you preaching pastor camp I'm not saying that we're separating ourselves in the body of Christ but when I am saying is there a recognizable identifiable mark the fire of God on your life where people look at you and they don't say they just go to church no they say they are radical Jesus Julia the Lord and they have a testimony and it's bless my heart somebody needs to cry out for a mark made by the burning next chapter for Peter John hi I'm a sure yeah guy they've been to the temple or somewhere around there and the religious people discovered hey these dudes are just ordinary they're just ordinary nudging neighbors say it's alright to be ordinary come on because it's ordinary people that God fills his fire with know your neighbors say you can be a firebrand yes ordinary makes you in come on put you in but the identifying mark it says they begin to understand the effect or the mark that Jesus had on them simply by spending time with him body of Christ today is eat up with branding not the kind of branding in most places that I'm talking about this morning but the branding for promotion for recognition that has become really the first time I googled it branding that was what came up a branding branding your business branding this the church is all caught up in that come on it's a it's a that kind of branding is a promotion for recognition but the traditional definition of branding as I've already defined to you it comes from a pressure and it's for identification it's not for the first is for influence but the second is to be an influencer I don't know if y'all got what I just said the first kind of branding that is promotion for recognition is for influence but the kind of branding that I'm talking about today that is gained in the upper room that is gained at the feet of the fiery Jesus with fire in his eyes is a kind of branding that has to be pressed like it does on those cattle with that hot metal iron pressing into the flesh leaving a mark identifying that I have been branded by the burning fire of the Holy Ghost and it's not so I can get influences so that I can be an influencer so that I can also lead people to be branded by burning not branded to get influenced to get a microphone to get a mailing list to get this and to get that to get this many followers and that many followers it is a branding literally a pressure that presses into our flesh and it burns the fire of Jesus on the inside of us he Sears our flesh he burns the surface of our flesh showing us let me peel off this layer and they sear you in my presence so that I can expose the deeper so then I can mark you with my mark rothko koseki the church today has been so absorbed with branding to be noticed and to be promoted for the branding that identifies them with with with people in the world the only one that I want to be identified with and the one to notice me is the king of kings people gather around the campfire campfire because like the feeling of the fire like the presence and the fire that somebody else paid a price for they're like the sounds of the fire they're like the warmth of the fire yet you don't have a personal fireplace and a corporate campfire is merely a reflection of our personal fireplaces if it takes a special guest to get you fired up in this room [Applause] if that's our case then we're not a burning one we're a fan [Applause] we're a fan and I know all these people that come through this pulpit that's the last thing they want his fans and if they do we don't have them back come on just say that in other reasons revival weekend family is the is the assignment of his house it is not the end it is the assignment revival is 24/7 for those of you watching online who faithfully watch us and I know you're not just here in the city but you're in other states and etc preaching like you're hearing today is what we do between revival weekend to revival weekend to revive a weekend this is how you keep the fire burning this is how you keep the fire lit on the altar of your heart this is how you have sustained revival y'all come on because the natural inclination of fire is to go out unless you keep stoking that fire this is why I say this corporate fire this corporate campfire is merely a reflection of your personal fireplace so I talked to us for a moment about your spiritual personal fireplace your secret place with Jesus can people tell that you've been with him or you just have to wear the t-shirt I am a burning one come on come on it's only going to get you so far the t-shirt even product a revival come on it's only gonna get you so far sooner or later that's gonna be peeled away not literally but that's gonna be peeled away and people are gonna see what's underneath of the t-shirt it's gonna come out when you leave when they've been with you do they do you leave a mark on them do you leave a burning on them because when you leave when you've been with Jesus it will leave a mark and a brand and people will not have to ask what they don't have to ask if you go to church but they'll understand that there has been an indelible just like Peter and John and the disciples the apostles and the people that followed them in the end in the early church they had an indelible imprint embarked that have been made by the pressure being in the presence of Jesus it was on it was that it was a distinguishing mark it was an undeniable marker they had been seared with Jesus in the secret place and then what happens is when we're seared with Jesus in the secret place we are branded by the burning of the holy ghost fire and until you burn you will not be marked you will not be branded I want to give you a scripture that's gonna sound weird but let me bring it back around to a different principle here proverbs 6 says can a man take fire to his bosom and his clothes not be burned can one walk on hot coals and his feet not be seared now the primary point and context of this scripture is to tell the harmful effects of adultery in a person's life but they believe there is another principle that maybe can be taken from this and a picture that we can look at in the secret place is that anytime that you and I draw close to the fire of God's presence and the fire of God's Word because God's Word is a fire like a shut up in our bones come on when you take that into your bosom when you take that into your heart it will burn you you can't get in the fire and not be burned you can't get closer to Jesus and not be on hot coals and on holy ground y'all watch me as I lined this up today because fire is mentioned throughout the Word of God and among them is around the throne of God the actual throne of God the eyes of Jesus the feet of Jesus and the angels or the Seraphim that continually encircle God's throne crying to one another he is holy he is holy he is holy allow me to read that scripture and I say a sixth in the year that King Uzziah died I clearly saw the Lord are you clearly seeing the Lord today he was seated on an exalted throne towering hot calorie high above me his long flowing robe of splendor spread throughout the temple standing above him were the angels of flaming fire six wings - they covered their faces and with reverence and - they covered their feet and where - they flew and one called out to another saying holy who holy is the Lord God the commander of the Angel armies the whole earth is filled with his glory watch this and then the thunderous voice of the fiery angels calls the foundations of the thresholds to tremble as the cloud of glory filled the temple burning ones know how to move thresholds burning ones to know how to usher in glory look you and I revival family do not have a choice to take a Sunday off from revival press just because last weekend was revival weekend doesn't mean I can come in this weekend and the pressure is off every time I come in here every time I go into my closet I must press my guard in the moment that you let down your guard is when the spirit of religion and the spirit of lukewarmness starts coming over you and then we get critical and we get cranky and we get all these things and God is saying wake up because burning ones know how Sri Gauri [Applause] Daniel 7 I watched chill Thrones were put in place and the Ancient of Days was seated his garment white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne was a fiery flame whoa it's wills a burning fire then I looked Ezekiel said and behold a whirlwind was coming out of the north a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself with brightness all around it radiating out of its myths like the color of amber out of the midst of the fire out of the midst of the fire fire will change you tongues can be an evidence but the fire is going to mark you it will never leave you the same to those of you in the room today who I extend grace to we extend grace to but I must say to you as a preacher of Pentecostal fire if you continuously struggle with sin if you continuously negotiate with worldly mindsets of and meander in the maze of spiritual mediocrity I say to you that you have not met the fire of God you have not seen his fiery throne you have not seen his fiery eyes you have not encountered the fiery Burney ones that encircle him day and night forever and forever you have not seen him bird because when you see him bird you will be burned as well and you will be planted you will be forever marked so I ask us again today we have been baptized but do we burn to maintain this intensity of the fire of God in your heart and in this revival we must continuously be stoked by the fire of God in our personal secret place by our spiritual fireplaces with Jesus until he brands us with the burning fire of Pentecost because a supernatural experience is more than just a decision it's more than singing a song it's more than a membership is more than attending a Christian conference my god a supernatural encounter with God begins the God has the center and the central focus and control of not only my life but of my lifestyle it is a yielding of my entire being to him to be totally consumed by him our God is none else but a consuming fire give him praise in this ring it's way more important than we pretend it to be we've developed nice palatable Church routines that fit into our nicely planned schedules that even consist of being baptized in the Holy Ghost but we have edited out the fire we must live engulfed in the fire of his presence in his holiness so you know you're a firebrand when you're dissatisfied with an atmosphere that is void of fire if and I seriously have to temper that for the sake of the fruit of the Spirit glory to God in my life come on and not get too impatient because a firebrand is impatient when there's no fire said a firebrand is impatient when there's no fire I said a firebrand is impatient when there's no fire if you're not a firebrand it doesn't matter if there's fire there or not but one who is an agitator one who provokes to work toward a burning for God you're not satisfied you're impatient you're impatient let me just say that if somebody can leave an atmosphere of fire and be okay with it the fire of God hasn't touched them because a firebrand is not satisfied with a mere label you want to be marked revival that fresh start Church is not a label it is not a model it is not an ideal it is a mark it is a brand that comes with a burning for the person of Jesus Christ and for the purposes of Jesus Christ so in order to allow the intensity of that to continue in our personal lives and the fervency of that to continue whether there is a guest in this pulpit or not in this corporate atmosphere we must get close to God to maintain and sustain a boiling hot spirit because that is what burning ones do we're not up into trendy word then identifies us with a certain group up here or down here or over here or over here it's not about trendy it's not about groups it's about a real passion for a real Jesus that has fire in his eyes that wants to put fire in your soul and when you leave your personal fireplace in your secret place your soul is seared with a burning hot presence of Jesus Christ y'all look at me you can answer a thousand altar calls and still not be a burning one you can listen to the right music and serve in five areas of ministry in this church and outside this church and still not be a burning water all of those things are good and they're right and they're necessary and we should do all of them but that does not make us a burning one we must ask the Lord this morning to put within us a spirit of burning I say a spirit of burning Isaiah four says Lord God washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and purge the fun of Jerusalem from our midst by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning the spirit of burning is what comes from the throne of God and it continuously abides within us and it acts as a cleansing and a purging an ignition element for the fire of God this spirit of burning is what you get in your personal fireplace before the feet of Jesus and you're set ablaze as you gaze into his fiery eyes hope as I close this message right now that I have convinced you that your fire is not going to come from Pastor Kim getting up here and screaming for an stinking hour trying to try to cheer you up and pull you in your fire is coming when you fall flat down at the face of a fiery card with a forest road and when you walk in this place you will not be apathetic you will not be critical [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on stand on your feet let me tell you this natural fire is a rapid chemical reaction called oxidation basically simple so that I can understand it is when the right substances are present and the temperature reaches ignition point of fire starts that happened in August of 2015 here at Fresh Start Church with those watching online today shadow I encourage you burn for God burn for Jesus everyone be reverent to the atmosphere right now let me speak to those watching online make sure you get yourself in the atmosphere of burning we're glad that you watch what God is doing here and receive and what God is doing here [Music] but the ignition point of fire happiness when the right substances are present and the temperature reaches ignition point then you're in an atmosphere of fire to burn we have to be in an atmosphere of fire I have read one goal today there's a lot of things that I get it's not the purpose of this message there's a lot of things that could tell us how to keep the fire stoked and that'll be for a different message but I have one goal today from the Lord and that was to stir the cry within you to burn for his person and for his purpose and our reference once again the many voices that come through this pulpit fresh start they speak amazing words of encouragement and instruction from the Spirit of God and they are very well-meaning people and anointed and powerful but here when I'm about to say they cannot hold the assignment of this house deep within it's not because they don't care and it's not because they don't have the capacity because they do but they're not supposed to we are did that make sense so my point is you can't wait on them to get here - so we had a revival no we a revival today that's not a proud statement that is something that we dig and that we cultivate they're not supposed to carry it but we are that's why no one can name this revival no one can name it only God and he said it is a revival of fire the Lord showed us early orange that the thorn that the Pentecostal church is missing the element of fire how did that happen a series of deceptions that the enemy caused to get the focus off the fire it was strategic by the demonic it was seeking satanic and the result is today is that we have atmospheres of carnality in casual ism that leaves churches and people void of the power of God and transformation in their lives you see a quenched spirit equals a quenched power [Music] we are responsible for the fire stewarding the fire and that takes excuse me a yielding it takes a yielding yield is not a popular word because to yield is to give up my rights come on somebody [Music] to give up my preferences and my and surrender means I have to come under complete control of the Spirit of God but see when you're branded when you're burning and when you've been marked it's more than a casual decision and less than or about to say it's more than just agreeing with everything that I've said this morning [Music] because it is possible to agree and not be willing as we're saying again it's possible to agree and not be willing we must be aware of an occasional unwillingness to make a strenuous effort toward revival unwillingness so I have to have this cry of want I have to have a cry of hunger I have to have a cry of desperation and desire you see if I measure my desire that will measure my capacity there were people in the Old Testament who feared God I taught him that last time I preached but yet they served other gods so you can fear God and have a lukewarm heart and other gods in our life feel comfortable there so in order to burn in order to be marked by God there has to be a total yielding of all that we are I'm gonna ask if there are those who would like to join our brother up here today to cry out for a heart that burns for a fiery Jesus make your way from top to bottom you can kneel you can lay you can stand I want us to let Jesus know we want to leave here today marked by his fire it's your choice your choice look we're gonna keep the campfire going here it will go it will go on that's not my concern today that's not my concern because God has showed us proven to us over and over what is to happen in and through this house my concern is for you today my concern is that you burn for Jesus you don't just attend somewhere but you burn for Jesus you burn for Jesus you push everything else in your life aside and you burn for Jesus those of you are down the front go ahead to begin to just just begin to lift your heart to the Lord yield now those of you watching online do the same do the same look I don't want to be a polished people without the power of God we have a lot of polished things in the body of Christ today but are powerless I want the power of God to be ushered into this place but it comes when we're burning ones bro Shiba Makoto Gubicza he t-boned rocker chic et van de rozier 3 SOT Erdos so to Roshi Kame come on come on we're just you and Jesus asking for spirit of burning today asking for spirit of burning that will help you not to negotiate come on they'll help you not to negotiate that will help you not to negotiate with other things that will help you not to meander and mediocrity do it holy cow so baroque or shaky but Roma Vandross Oedipus totem and a robust a kitty robust or short or open you'll hear many sermons you'll hear many sermons many many sermons one day one day you're gonna be thankful that you heard a sermon like you heard today not because I'm preaching it it could have been anybody up here preaching it today but somebody that told you that you can't continue to negotiate and act like somebody who's burning when really you haven't meant the fire of God meet the fire today meet the fire of God today meet the fire of Pentecost today lift your hands all across the front of this building those of you who are still a few standing back for whatever reason that's fine that's fine it's important that you make a step out your your actions with your body is speaking what your spirit you say oh I said you can agree with something but not be willing you can agree but not be willing roast Eva coupeau chickadee and Rochelle Ibaka so go to the robot shed and robo-shovel Robo circuiting vulnerable so tak she asked for spirit of burning today a spirit of burning mother o severe they are so medically so to the bookie come on all across the front those of you kneeling down those of you standing oh yeah most shaking lift up your heart lift up your heart let him touch you with fire touch you with fire touch you with fire touch you with fire come on I'm gonna give you a few moments just there with Jesus I may or may not come in lay hands on some of you just as the spirit leads but I want you to begin to cry out now [Music] Global chicka chicka chicka forest fire today Global chic a sitter Jesus says I have come to set the earth on fire and how I longed for every heart to be already ablaze with a fiery passion for God I have come to set the earth ablaze with a fire of God and Jesus and how I longed that every heart already be a blaze burning with the passion for the under money or something like a sheer Becky or they are such a I ask you today you've been baptized but do you burn you've been baptized but do you burn you've been baptized in water you've been baptized in the Holy Ghost but have you been baptized in the fire the fire the fire the fire the fire the fire buddy I saw their baby I thought nobody on oh yeah baby they keep on making some mother oh no coaching my mother honorable coach similar king but the levy Katie God elevates your fire in this house and elevates your fire in this house hold on Shannon a little shaky today on Solon without my kind of a my so make your second elevate your five elevate your five elevate your fight bullying on shake it a little bit kiss a good-ass Santa lift up your heart to the Lord because when the fire touches you first it's gonna burn flesh when the fire touches you first it's gonna burn flesh before it ever gets into your spirit it's gonna burn flesh I see where the fire touches you the first thing it's going to do is this gonna sear the flesh and it's gonna rip open a deeper part of who you are then I must show that I bet catch a you want that marking you want that marking you want that marquita let God's ear you this morning let him see you let him see you it'll caught the flesh burn the flesh creep up it'll cause deeper deeper deeper deeper deeper until we let him see the flesh cannot go deeper until we let him see [Music] recycle China the first thing that the fire visits is your dignity and your pride the first thing that the fire visits is your dignity and your pride you posture that you have adopted that says this is what I am this is what Christians are and the first thing the fire touches everything supposed to be [Music] your people dog people today call my circle shake cry of wars in this place today a cry of desire a cry of burden [Applause] [Music] bhasu never become a summer diner to hire to be boiling hot to be paulie's heart [Applause] to be holy hot bowling hard for Jesus maple musta come out of almost eight do it load do it more come on meet the god of fire today meet the god of fire today consume us all cuz consume everything within us oh god Kazuma with me Oracle [Music] nanus Holy Ghost [Music] I asked us in this room today including myself have we been to the place we gone have we met the fiery Jesus where we had to say Oh God back off a little bit I don't know if I can take anymore have we been there Church have we gotten there yet come on let's ask for that point this asks for that point where it is so much for our flesh it is so much for a person it is so much ground intellect it is so much we say god we've got to get to the place [Music] cirrus cirrus Oh God then we can be marked see us that we can be branded we can be large by your glory in the name of Jesus cache of aroma cake soon a baptism of fire gone Cinna baptism of fire God from the pulpit all the way gods to the baptism of fire a baptism of fire baptism of fire meketa right now is when you have to spite those religious Devils off you have to fight those religious Devils for some of us living in church for so long and we think we have right now you have to say I am pastor what I speak experience and the outter should be and I'm asking God touched by his fire touched by his fire berbils bird burn holy ghost burn holy ghost bah-bah-bah Kiba [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody crying [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] suited emotions [Music] [Music] there are no there are no shortcuts to being branded by burning there's no shortcuts I say that with purpose today for us personally there's just no shortcuts it is it is acquired in your time before the fire of God daily continually asking to be a burning one and then our lives begin to reflect that fortunately what we have an epidemic of in the body of Christ as we have learned behavior and in all camps and circles the body of Christ learn behavior if I behave like this then I become that or at least I can be known like that but that doesn't mean you're burning one see the test of a burning one comes when it goes past what it can do for me - what I can do for him and what I can do for others tests of a burning one goes past with the test of a burning one is when flesh says I feel like this - I feel like that but the burning one on the inside of us is known [Music] that's not what we're doing today that's not what we're doing tonight no I'm not gonna do that no I'm not gonna go there [Music] tests of a burning one is in the crisis times in my life when all hell is breaking loose against us life seems unfair tempted to get angry at God definitely angry and everybody else around us but a burning one knows that your joy your peace and your happiness comes from within and from above and not from external things going on around you burning one there's no shortcut to it but unfortunately in the body of Christ we have a lot of learned behavior I just do this or I just do that we try everything we can coupled with a lot of Prayer to keep the cry in this house pure and raw that everything that we do is cultivated from time Sevilla the Lord there are no shortcuts there's no shortcuts to the power of God we believe still believe and we'll continue to believe that in this place there will be a manifestation of the supernatural workings of God and even if it be by a man or woman's hand or hearts it will be all God that gets the glory unfortunately in the body of Christ we've developed again learned behavior and excusing away our Polishness and not having power accompany with it I'm not criticizing anyone we're all in this race together what I am saying is this the hope I'm making sensory there is a pure power of God is going to be released in this house as we continue to pursue to be a pure burning one before him sometimes the reason the power of God can't be releasing I'm not gonna I don't want to appear judgmental and this like you know you know appearing up here is that the other we all know our own heart just in there has to be a pure continuous pursuit and then little by little it begins to unlock the realms of God and the greater of God I mean we don't even want even realizing it's just gonna happen matter of fact maybe not even a person is gonna be responsible it's just gonna be in the atmosphere and God begins to heal this one back here and heal this one over here save this one here and this one falls under the power the power of God on control of a because fire is touching flesh I hope that made sense trying to move us past [Music] the the movie star in the movie mentality that we've developed in the body of Christ is that I'm gonna go watch that one burn why don't you burn if someone will watch goober that's what God is warning and that's what God is raising up in this house and others across our nation burning once that are uncompromising especially the reminder said there's no shortcut so encourage you this week to find that personal fireplace and be warmed and burning within the fire of God and not allow yourself to be in that lukewarm place so you know what I'm not gonna be satisfying God has called us to be firebrands and if I am a firebrand then I had to stay in the fire and more than anything else I want to be marked by his presence of his glory a burning within I'm going to do one more thing and then we'll we'll release so here's what we're gonna do today if you all want to stay in the sanctuary and pray we're gonna allow you to do that but I want the media and team to come forward everyone that has been working media today just give our live streamers if they do John turn livestream on is still going or just give them a wide shot there or whatever and then have everyone the media come forward to impart the waters right here I want them to be touched today everyone Matthew to the worship team that is not playing I want you to be to be touched by the fire of God today LaRoche Arabic a solution a pontiff Oshiro a Romanian Russian Armando Russia linear de condor Oh Cheryl on Amanda lucida that emotional about anniversa those of you are still watching the live stream joining with us as these are coming I'm asking our media team I'm asking our praise and worship that is not playing or singing to come and stand across the rest of y'all back back away if you've already been prayed for okay back away and let that then come and stand here and call the relationship with Rosamond Iniesta help me pray church father I pray for those watching online right now god I pray that you would touch to them tangibly with your fire fire God come upon them down come upon them now fire call burning presence glory come upon them now touch them tangibly everyone watching online just reach out by faith and receive the fire of the Holy Ghost you have been baptized but do you burn do you burn do you burn Odessa bro cocinero she Arabic on door oh Shannon Arredondo Lobos shaky terrible bye son no gross Shabbat that you same band or babe help me pray for these right here all those Saturday do to learn about sinning but also don't oh fire of God touch them today fire of God burn burn burn and then fire of God Bellomo said arobin about Salman Rushdie become a belly demo scented they will come over see the fire above receive the fire God they've been serving during the service LaRoche Arabic utter Roshi take us over like a son but I guess I don't go second in the book was she hitting gonna unlock the fire today I don't was able to go to get shaky but don't know who shake it fire fire fire and the Holy Ghost you know no mistake about don't brush it again a touch of the neighbor with your fire come on church break break but no chickie developers our God man fire gun fire ago yes fire touch touch touch remember touch the fire ball or touch it with your fire attention with your presence touch it when your glory God touch them touch them with the fire fire fire of God their lives they're my shut never the same buddy I'm a sure my cut oh never the same never the same never the same come on church [Music] oh yes you are yes you are carrier [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all the intercessors in the room we see the fire if you're a small group leader whatever you do in this church [Music] musicians singers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] switch your fire that's what you're burning [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we see the fire [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah if you are a first generation Pentecostal raise your hand and I would sure the first person in your family to be to be either saved or definitely baptized in the Holy Ghost come on look at this all around I felt prompted of the Holy Ghost come on let keep your hands I felt prompted of them of the Lord as I don't know what I am third fourth whatever generation Pentecostal to speak to you thank you everyone a spot can be a firebrand but you God is going to use you God is going to use you oh that I will shared of a capacitor or she you become Poirot she because the experience that you have received was not told to you and this is a good thing now it's not a bad thing by your by a mom or dad or a grandfather a grandma mother or whatever that's all good or very biblical but you have the first fire and the Lord says so the rush a bucket he's gonna use your hands who's gonna use your car he's gonna use your voices well lift your hands now because the fire of God comes upon you the fire clock I don't care maybe your maybe your you're brand new to the Lord maybe you've been safe for a while but you're still first generation God's going to use you come on come on come on cry out right now God come upon them now come upon them they'll go roast chicken use their heads use their voices use them as firebrands Oh God use them to spread the fire of Pentecost not only to their family but to others around them the Lord says that he's put the robe of shake it was saying O my soul of a king the Lord says that he has put in you a passion a little most remember you saw a passion and a seal that many of us had forgotten about the Lord says there's the passion and the zeal that many of us have forgotten about it's not maybe that we don't long for it it's just that we've forgotten about it but the Lord says it's resident in you because the first came to you the first came to you well that makes all about kasha and the loan is going to use you as a firebrand of course you can't like none other in the name of Jesus let me upset you even for your own families even for your mother's and your fathers and your sons and your daughters and your extended families the Lord is going to use you our system for a weary and we'll do it the larsa's you are a burning one today your hands are anointed your hands have fire come on lift them up to the Lord right now father in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Lord you see these first generation firebrands you see them in this place today caught I pray O God that unique 19 tenacity Oh God father I come against discouragement I come against Oh father even as their families may have spoken against field families may have father bear weird please God I thank you that today that you are imparting to them such a fire just supernatural power supernatural power [Music] fires can you do [Music] they will shift [Music] Jesus [Music] these shoes God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] their photos all over this room today their shoulder or shapeable Lord Shiva bro myself the worship team is just going to play for a few more moments and then they'll turn music going in the back this will be a dismissal the service if you need to go but if you'd like to linger in the presence of the Lord and get it stay in the campfire come on somebody of the Holy Ghost you're welcome to do so today those of you watching online they'll be trained livestream off here in just a moment linger in his presence linger in his presence let the fire of God burn in you today this is a revival of fire you are a firebrand for God we will not be satisfied with atmospheres void of the fire of God we will contend for our burning Lord to be in our midst to be in our heart every time in Jesus name thank you for watching fresh start churches YouTube channel if you enjoyed this message take a minute and click the subscribe button so you won't miss any of our videos if you've been impacted by fresh start Church we want to partner with us to continue to reach others you can text offering two six two three two nine nine two seven zero seven to give right now thank you for watching and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 5,487
Rating: 4.9770117 out of 5
Id: uT-NV-4lW_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 1sec (7621 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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