Revival Weekend | Pastor Isaiah Saldivar | October 7, 2017

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[Music] come on let's give them some praise tonight come on let's lift up our voice come on there is breakthrough tonight there is a move of God happening saying God we are taking off the normalcy in our lives we are taking off the status quo in our lives good whatever is not of you shut it off if there's average in our life shut it off the depression in our life shut it up the fakeness some of you I hear the Lord saying me to take off the costume need to take off the mask need to take off going through the motions and say god I'm not gonna act one way in church and another way outside the church I'm not gonna be a baby Christian that comes and treats us like a nursery oh but there's an army rising up in the earth then they're gonna get finally in the spirit come on some of you right now need to make war on behalf of this nation me to make war on behalf of your family need to make war on behalf of your marriage you've sat back and let the devil rabbit Sheila you play darkness in your marriage darkness through your TV darkness through your cellphone darkness through the community but there's a light in this house tonight that shines greater oh the one that lives on the inside of you don't sit back and give God a quiet praise don't sit back and act like he hasn't healed Sheila like yes it delivered Sheila hasn't done something Oh God tonight we asked for an outbreak we asked for something new we asked for something fresh you know don't wait for the altar color this is the altar color that you need your miracle moment if you need healing in your body the Bible says opens God pour out your spirit and afterwards I will pour out my spirit / your sons and daughters shall prophesy whatever's try in your life you have to prophesy whatever is dead in your life you have to speak to it Arizona come alive my family come alive my ministry come alive my marriage come alive my sickness go and the name of Jesus I don't need to be I'm a son and daughter of the Most High God Lord did bring us is for fresh start church to leave us he brought us out to bring us in huh he anointed you first sighs come on we're almost done 30 more seconds come on let's lift up a crime 70 million babies murders shooting sprees earthquakes hurricanes signs in the earth the heavens the Bible says are being shaken I hear the sound tonight of an alarm going off in the spirit blow the trumpet in Zion sound the alarm on my holy mountain and all the inhabitants of the earth tremble for the day of the Lord is approaching we are the last generation we are living in the final moment of human history and God is saying who will be the watchman who will push back on the darkness what church will arise in this day and say we don't want the program we want the presence we don't want to print your routine we want win 5-4 we're desperate for revival some of you still care too much about what the person you came with things some of you still care too much about how your shirt looks or about how your pants look heard about what's your boyfriend or girlfriend things Oh see there comes a moment where you say I don't care what anybody else thinks about me huh I don't care what anybody else says about me huh I'm here for one reason tonight that's to get mine I'm here for one reason tonight let's see get my breakthrough huh bet you cried out to God that's a cry like I've never cried let's it go from glory to glory to glory Lorna's search in the earth saying who is willing to be a vessel that my presence could break and in 12 what place it's willing to walk and the power and the authority of Almighty God the god man excites you the power to speak to devils and make them flee the power to speak to sickness come on find your seat find your seat thank you come on give him some praise as you find your seat thank you so much come on he is worthy of our shout he is worthy of our praise come on I don't know about you tonight but I came to break out of the norm I came to break out of average I don't know I just feel something in the spirit I'm not gonna take very long tonight there is a stirring going on in the spirit and my hope is for some of you that have been sitting on the sidelines of this move of God for some of you that have been spectators and this move of God that you will get you a place when you say God he has done way too much for us to be quiet I look back to when this revival started and I'm going God you've done too many miracles you've done too many deliverance his too many people have been saved too many people have been delivered too many people have been healed for me to sit back and act like he's not worth my praise for me to sit back and act like he's not worth a shout for me to sit back I give him 45 minutes oftentimes once a week and when I come to the house of God I'm not going to go halfway I'm not gonna get right before my breakthrough and then stop short of my breakthrough tonight I'm getting through I'm not gonna go 99.9 I'm not gonna go halfway I'm not gonna give a lukewarm shout I'm not gonna give a lukewarm praise I'm not gonna give it all the way I thank God that Jesus didn't stop halfway like a lot of us did I thank God that Jesus didn't give when he wanted to I thank God that Jesus was not worried huh a man that died in public that we want to live for in private a man that said I am not ashamed of giving everything on the cross I am not ashamed of laying it all down and my people are cold to be bold we are called to be the light of the world we are called to be set up in a place where people see what we have and say wait a minute you go harder for God than you did for the devil huh you go harder because some of you pray a party - better than you praise some of you drink better than you jump some of us in this place had more passion for the things of the world had more passion when we were living in darkness had more passion when we were living in the culture than we do in the kingdom but now that we're saved now that we're delivered now that God has broke your chains should not my praise be louder keg stands in the world but can't stand for the gospel sitting there Paul says therefore since you presented yourself as slaves I'm the righteousness I'm in cleanliness he said now therefore present your members of your body here as slaves of righteous you don't Paul was saying Paul was saying I'm so confused because I was out persecuting Christians and I saw your passion before you were all saved I saw your passion before you got delivered I saw your passion before I got healed - huh I saw your passion before God saves you he goes and I'm so confused how we were willing to stay out till midnight when we were drinking and partying and doing drugs I'm so confused that when we were at the club we were not looking at our watches I'm so confused now you were sitting in front of the speaker with your hair blowing from the base but now we come to church oh it's just too loud weird you didn't say that at the club oh you guys are just shout too bad you didn't say that out the party huh and I refuse to come tonight and give the devil a better praise I refuse to come tonight and stand for darkness but sit for God is there anybody in this house that says I'm going harder going harder for God been a.m. for the devil that's what we don't cast out Devils we can't cast out something that entertains us we can't cast out something that we have a part in see what happens when you say God I'm coming to a place in my life where I'm gonna lay everything down huh I'm not gonna give you half way see because a lot of times the way we respond to the altar could make us think that we've laid everything down when we really have laid nothing down the way that we shout during praise could make us think that we've laid everything down but we haven't given much so you have to ask myself a simple question when was the last time that I came to the altar and did not come up empty-handed what was the last time I said God I'm gonna do something that brings me out of my comfort zone huh I'm gonna do something that actually hurts to do I'm not going to sit back and watch other people worship just like you can't get in shape going to the gym and watching other people work out you can't come to church and watch everybody else exercise everybody else engage oh I wish I was preaching in a Pentecostal church tonight so everybody else pray in tongues everybody else worship I don't know what it's gonna take for some of us to get real about this thing you think your excuses are gonna stand on the judgment seat of Christ from there's coming a real day when you are going to stand before God making it alone and God is going to look into your life and God is going to say what did you do with what I gave you huh what did you do on Monday with what I gave you huh what did you do on Tuesday with what I gave you what did you do on Wednesday with what I gave you huh and friend your excuses of you didn't like the way they preach and you didn't like the way they do services and you don't like the way that you ought to cause and you don't like how loud the music was and you don't like how good the drums were come on the excuses that I hear about in the house of God oh that you didn't like the way the stage was set up and all of our excuses are going to be nothing I think personal God that says I am NOT interested in half of your life you think God is interested in our leftover time on Sunday morning you think oh I wish I was a preaching tonight in the Holy Ghost we think God is interested in our little golf clap praise Oh God's not deaf brother yes I am NOT up here shouting so that God hears me I'm up here shouting till it every demonic force know that they have lost their power and I got news for some of you the grave is empty huh you don't serve a dead God or go to the third day rose up from the grave with the power to save the power to hear the power to deliver the power just set the captives free stop praising him like he's a lamb is why it's when he comes back we're not gonna recognize the God that we serve he's a old brother you're up there preaching listen I was nineteen years old I was an atheist I was drinking every day every other word was the f-word I didn't sit there and go to Bible College and start preaching and say oh I want to be a part of the American church I wanted nothing to do with God I thought Christians dressed weird and smelled funny I didn't want to come to church and I came to a church in January 12 2011 if you want to know why I'm up here shouting if you want to know why I'm up here sweating if you want to know why I'm up here going crazy because I stood at an altar Jason Nettles raise your hands and this man was preaching seven years ago and I said god I don't even believe in him yes I cussed at the altar and the God that made the universe that God that rose from the grave that God that made the Sun and the stars that God the arm you need to remember where you came from her he said Isaiah I got a plan for you huh I've a purpose for you oh can you remember her when suddenly a rushing wind showed up in your life do you remember her what we brought this church through do you remember her oh that God has died see if you remember you'll know why we praise looked at the prostitute and they say why is she on her feet like that why is she on her knees why is she washing Jesus why is she touching Jesus why is she shouting like that why is she running around the room like that and all the religious people wanted to gather around and try to put her in their box and try to say this is the way we're supposed to do Church this is how we do it at my church just so you know I don't know if you looked around we're not at your church and this is how we do it we don't pray like down there Micah now we don't preach and we don't do this and they're all waiting for Jesus to make a statement they're waiting for Jesus like someone you actually think that Jesus is going to tell you that you're too radical let me just tell you there is no such thing as being too passionate for the kingdom of God there is no such thing as being too radical there is a such thing as being Luke or see nowhere in the bible does it say you don't have to praise but there's countless times where it says if you don't praise then the church parking lot will praise it for you and I'm not going to let gravel and rocks worship Him when I can worship Him I'm not gonna let the trees lift their hands if I could lift my hands I'm not going to let creation glorify Him if I could glorify Him if I got a mouth to praise then I'm going to praise if I got breath in my lungs then I'm going to praise if I have the ability to shout and to put the devil on notice see praise attracts the armies of God how do I win my battle when's the last time you yelled when what does that have to do with my battle the Bible says that when they shouted God showed up that is why people understand that when Paul and Silas were in prison the book of Acts and instead of complaining and murmuring and gossiping and going pastor prophesy Oh from him pastor put gold dust on me huh pastor poured oil over my head and put me in the deep fryer here's what Paul and Silas decided to do they understood that their praise was going to attract watch me now I'm not here saying you have to praise if you don't want to break through that spine if you didn't come for a miracle praise God there's great coffee after service if you didn't comfort deliverance praise to God one less demon that we have to deal with slithering at the altar but if you came here tonight you understand that your key to getting out of the prison that the devil has put you in is a shout of praise that your key to revival in this nation there's a shout of praise that your key to your children getting free huh there's a shout of praise that your key to your marriage getting made right see when they praised people think that God shook the prison I'm not lying right now it wasn't wasn't coz the music's loud I literally was standing there during worship and I felt the ground shaking and I actually thought for a second all right praise God weren't an earthquake I was ended up doing an interview in LA one time and we were in the studio and there was an earthquake and I was thinking oh praise God we caused another earthquake and I thought the ground begins shaking I'm thinking sitting there going I was gonna actually turn any oh say Nino did you feel the ground shaking did you feel something did you I know it wasn't the base I know it wasn't the sound I know but all of a sudden for about 15 seconds I felt something shaking and I started asking God God what is going on is this a manifestation here's what the Lord was saying he was saying Isaiah the same way then I broke them out of that prison cell and I shook the cell I'm in here ready to shake something up if those people are willing to open up those people are willing to shout see it wasn't that God shook the prison it was that God came in the prison the angel of the Lord and guess why the doors opened God will not fit in your prisons he'll see some of you want God in your life but you want to maintain your ungodly relationship you want to maintain your pornography addiction you want to maintain your cussing addiction you want to still drink once in a while and the Spirit of the Lord is saying I want to show up in your life but if I show up I'm not showing up to hang out in prison I'm not showing up to being out on side Friday your life I'm showing up to shake it up I'm so enough to open up a door and shake a foundation huh I'm showing up to break you out and some of you love the prison we cast out demons all the time and one time I was casting out a demon out of this girl and the demon I'm I started asking the demon because I was taught I mean tell me all kinds of stuff and it would not leave this girl and in my mind I'm thinking what is the reason why a demon will not leave the person what is a reason why an addiction will not leave a person if we're here tonight the ground is rumbling the God God is moving and the Spirit of God is among us should it not be possible then every single one of us walk out delivered and saved and redeemed should it not be possible that if God is in the room that nobody should walk out with addiction huh that nobody should walk out with dysfunction that nobody should walk out with the same lusts they walked in with the same depression they walked in with the same confusion they walked in with her now I'm an appreciate you will like it or not the same suicide they walked in with and then I started asking these questions and the demon spoke back and said the reason why you've been wrestling with me for an hour the reason why I'm not going to leave is because she doesn't want me to leave see the reason why some of you tonight are going to walk out the same the reason why some of you tonight I'm not going to get your breakthrough huh you've never heard a preacher talk about not getting a breakthrough the reason why some of you are not going to get delivered it's because deep down on the inside you have made your prison your home you have put Wi-Fi in your prison cell you have laid out carpet in your prison cell and you think because it's comfortable it's not a prison but let me tell you something that the devil comes for one reason that's to steal kill and destroy and he wants to destroy your life what the little compromise is that you think are no big deal but I'm glad that Jesus said for this reason I came to the earth to destroy the works of darkness God is here tonight to destroy the demonic forces some of you every time you're hurt every time you're confused you know what you do I'm not yet preaching the holy ghost right now you go watch pornography on your iPhone why you've made that your God you've made that your escape that's why pastors all over this country I just told you the top five guys that are traveling all over will go get drunk after service will go drink and take shots after service here's why they're not going to God for their refuge they're not going to God for their peace they're not going to God for deliverance they're going to the idols of this world that is what children Israel we're honestly convinced that the golden calf was a thing that delivered them there are so many times that we go to idols to get delivered from things in our life that only God could deliver her that is why we are a generation that is addicted to social network and social media it's because we want to escape the boredom we want to escape the dullness of this generation and so we look for things that cannot deliver her we look for things that cannot save we look for things that cannot rescue for now I'm going to tell you that drugs are not the answer to rescue you from the depression that you're in but tonight Jesus is the answer Jesus is the way Jesus is a solution drinking will never solve the problems in your life but Jesus is here to give life and to give life more abundantly and we are responsible for the addicted people around us we stand before God God's gonna say why was your friend's demon possessing you didn't deliver them and you think you're gonna come say oh well you're gonna try to blame it on your pastor oh well pastor didn't God see and say you know what I never made I never designed your pastor to do it for you I never designed your pastor to put to spoon-feed you too Bob see we have made an American Church that is modeled after the nurseries of our country and not the armies of our country that is why whenever a preacher gets up and starts yelling at you you get mad because you don't realize and if anyone in here has ever served in the military when you go to boot camp they don't talk to you nice they say give me ten more push-ups maggot why because we're training you to go to a real battle and we don't want you to get out to the battle and not be prepared we are not raising our babies we are not here to change diapers and to make you a bottle of formula we are here to put a sword in one hand and a shield in another hand and say go be a giant slayer and not a giant loser go cut off some giant heads go build an altar go do something with revival revival is a tool that God has given us a ten-pack nations one person said the definition of revival is when God gets so tired a mr. kidding misrepresented that he comes down and represents himself that he comes down and says I'm going to show you what true Christianity looks like I look to God and say why would you save an atheist why would you save a guy that was drinking every single day a friend if you knew me before every out of the word was the f-word and God said because I can't find any pastors in the church that are willing to take this anointing that are willing to take this authority here that are willing to preach against compromise' that are willing to preach against sin huh I don't want to tell you that if sin wasn't a big deal then Jesus would have never died on the cross but sin is still a big deal and if we don't preach that hell is hotter and that sin is powerful then we can't show this world the power of the cross that the cross of Christ it still saves that the cross of Christ still has delivering power oh I still believe in the gospel I still believe the gospel is the hope of America I still believe the gospel he's the hope of the nation so we come to church and go oh you have demons we'll set you up for counseling ten years we've been counseling your demons Matt pastor I made a mess I pooped again come change me and so what have we done we've made a church that's catered to you and listen we have Church work meaning and we're senior pastors we run a ministry we do the exact same thing we're doing here we worship we do I'm not preaching against I'm not saying it's bad but the problem is we have made a church that is catering to the audience of the people here's the problem when you walk through those doors and my church included it's every church in this country you come and you see a stage set up and you see people up here worshiping and then you see someone up here preaching and it's all catered to you so you start getting this psychological thinking that this is about you that we are up here because you are our audience here's the problem you're not our audience and you will never be our audience we are here to serve one person we are here to serve an audience of one I could care less if you're comfortable I want him comfortable I could care less if you show up I want to him to show up I could care less what the people think I want to know what the presents think I'm not following the crowd I'm following the cloud this church is a set apart Church we don't act like everybody else we don't preach like everybody else we don't praise like everybody else we don't sound like everybody else there is a standard that God has set up a lot of us are only on fire because of the standard we're comparing ourselves to so I'm on fire cuz I pray 15 minutes a day I'm on fire because I witness to three people every 7 months I'm on fire because I show up to church once a week I'm on fire diplomas you're comparing yourself to the most lukewarm model of the church that you could ever find and we are living in a generation of a counterfeit gospel a gospel that is not the real gospel it's like when people would travel they go I want you to go to sushi with me I know Josh Carter likes sushi because I read it on his Instagram today and people always say well what's your favorite roll and I always tell them and I know this is embarrassing and Josh's Republican laughing when I say this my favorite roll is a California roll and people say a California roll is not sushi that's like going to Chinese food and asking for orange chicken that's like going to Thai food and asking for Pad Thai and i eated this thing and I thought I was like the sushi avid eater I'm like oh I'm cool and then I go a plate they're like that's the lukewarm that's not real sushi and I start realizing after six months that the California rule is imitation crab I thought it was real crab I was confused going how is it possible Josh that it's only 595 for a roll full of crab but then I find out they don't use the real thing there is an imitation there is a counterfeit version that they full of starch and sugar and cheap fish and they make it taste like the real thing that make it look like the real thing that make you convinced it is the real thing why it tastes like the real thing it has the same texture the problem is it doesn't have the health benefit that actual crab has see we have the gospel that's an imitation it looks like the real gospel it tastes like the real gospel but it is lacking the power to deliver the drug attica it is lacking the power to drive out a devil and I'm saying no more to the imitation gospel no more to counterfeit conversions no more and the crazy part is you never counterfeit something that's cheap how many of you have ever had a pocket full of counterfeit pennies how many you've ever had some counterfeit dimes how many of you have ever went to the store and bought counterfeit pencils why there's no point in countering counterfeiting something that doesn't have any value and the problem is the devil recognizes the value in the church more than we do why is the devil working so hard to produce a counterfeit gospel that is cheaper to buy but doesn't have the power and does not last as long that's why you could go and I go to San Francisco once a month you could go down the streets of San Francisco and you could buy a product purse you could buy anything you could buy Louis Vuitton you could bind you ask the Chinese person praise God I'm not trying to be racist I'm just saying that's who sells I'm a you ask the lady how much is that going to cost and she goes $35 you go $35 that's a Louisville how in the world that same Michael Kors purse I tried buying for my wife it was $2.99 so you understand that it might look like the real thing but it doesn't have the quality and after a couple months it's going to fall apart see that is why we have a church that go only stay saved for a couple of months that's why young people come to church for three to six months and go back oh baby but when you have the real thing when you have the real fire when you have the real anointing when you have the real power of God you go I'm not just gonna get saved I'm gonna stay saved I'm not just gonna live this thing out for a couple days revival is not like a vacation it's a lot of pastors think oh praise God we want revival and so oh I'm trying to be nice lord help me because I know pastors that invite me out are watching this I know Josh could relate to this and they invite you out and they all clap for you and they get excited and they go buy all your product and they love you and they celebrate you and then they might share it again and you come back and you stir up revival again and you stir available then they invite you back in third time and then it's like we don't really need a shout and we don't really need to stand and then the same people that used to be at the front of the altar they don't come to the altar anymore this people that used to love your message don't love it you want to know why it's because they were buying a counterfeit gospel and the real thing actually offended them they thought they liked it but they didn't realize that there was a price to real revival there was a cost to the authentic thing see there's days when you're in revival the house doesn't get cleaned I'm gonna preach performant preached practically tonight there's days where the clothes don't get washed my daughter turned 3 today and I'm standing here before you why there is a price to the move of God and if you're looking for a cheap church there's plenty down the road if you're looking for a place where we don't pay the price you came to the wrong place the Bible says the kingdom of God is like a treasure in a field that the man sells everything revival cost everything the move of God it isn't cheap see when you pay a price you're not back and forth so you wouldn't sell a Ferrari for 500 bucks because you prayed a price well what about all these massive churches that are filling up 10,000 15,000 I say you're telling me that those pastors because they go and get drunk after you're telling me that what they're doing is invalid then why are all the people showing up easy put an ad out for Walmart and say we're selling 65-inch Ola DCD ABCD 5k point 7,000 sized screens and we're going to be selling the highest definition and it's only going to be 10 dollars you want to know that there will be 50,000 people lined up at Walmart to buy a quality product for cheap but put that same product and say the actual price is $15,000 and nobody's going to show up that's exactly how the gospel works when we advertise a cheap gospel we say Oh everybody come to Jesus oh just pray a prayer wait a minute I don't have to change my life no just invite Jesus to build a three-story treehouse in your heart you don't have to change the way that you talk you don't have to change the way that you live you don't they changed the way Oh how many priests ladies you don't have to change the way that you dress you don't they change what you drink you don't have to throw anything away but I read my Bible and I still read that if any man wants to follow me he must lay down everything he must pick up his cross there is me one gospel and it is not achieved gospel and there's a massive issue when our experience doesn't meet our expectation I signed up when I was in college for what I thought was gonna be film class and I was excited because all my friends start saying oh there's this class bro and it's so easy and all you have to do is show up and watch a bunch of movies and so I did what most college students - I said I want to find the easiest class to get involved in the class were all have to do is show up and get an A we all know those are all over our college they're called filler courses and that's what I'm gonna get in this filler course and Albert praise the God I'm not just gonna get in it by myself I'm gonna bring a friend with me here and we're gonna sit back and we're gonna watch the movies all day sounds like the American church and we're gonna get an A and we're gonna pass and get some credit until the first day of class I'm so excited because in my mind I'm thinking we're gonna watch a bunch of movies and have some fun I didn't realize that I didn't sign up for the right class there was a film appreciation class and there was a film analysis class and what I did not realize is the film analysis class was actually not a film class it was actually English 161 it was like five levels above the English that I was supposed to take and I was sitting in that class on the first day of class the teacher got up there and said all right after we watch this movie we are gonna write a 12 to 15 page analytical research paper that will be due next week and I got struck with the fact that I thought I was signing up for something easy but I thought I was just gonna blow right through this but I didn't know that I signed up for the wrong thing see there are a lot of people in our churches that are mad because they signed it for something that they thought was going to be easy they sign it for something that they thought was not going to cost them something but friend I want to tell you that the gospel it will never be easy it will never be cheap salvation is free but it cost you everything that this gospel that the blood that was shed God said we are accountable for the people around us so when you have the counterfeit gospel you don't show up to morning prayer I know I wasn't get like three shouts why why would I why would I come to prayer I'm fine where I'm at see that's the question of our church how little can I do and just don't make it to heaven Jesus has really just become a fire escape for most of us we're not really interested in a relationship we're not really interested in having a prayer closet we're not really interested in manifesting the same spirit and the kingdom of Almighty God and establishing a government on the earth we just want to come and know how little can I do and still get into the kingdom of heaven how little can I do and still be saved and friend if that is our mentality huh it is no wonder why the world laughs at us it is no wonder why Islam is more committed it is no wonder why Catholics are more respected jesus said if salt loses its flavor it gets thrown out and trampled on huh see the reason why the world is walking all over the church is we have lost our life-giving flavor we have lost the power that goes into culture and brings upon change we have lost the passion that goes into normalcy and brings upon change God says I want to find people that would be the salt in the earth that would bring the light that people would see that we are marked one of the greatest lies we could tell somebody is there's only 66 books in the Bible oh yeah I read the Bible really the Bible didn't say there's 66 he says there's 67 what blasphemy I know you're gonna write me and I'm gonna delete it don't worry 67 is your life the Bible says we are written Bibles did you know that epistle is one of the epistles the Bible is a compilation of epistles and the Bible says we are living epistles that are read by all men in other words when I leave this church they are not reading the Bible that I'm reading they're not reading the scriptures and the Christian cliche and they're wanting to know what does my life look like is there something about my life that is different that was the whole point of Passover God said I want you to put blood over your doorpost so that when the Angel of Death shows up he's going to come to everybody else and they're gonna die and they're gonna lose their job but because there's blood on my life because there's blood over my doorpost see it's not just the angel sees the blood everybody else should see that I'm marked everybody else should say oh yeah fresh start you go there I could tell because you're marked I can tell because there's blood over my life that when that passes over it's gonna pass me by that's why the Bible says Oh death where is your sting that death has no power see in John to Jesus he shows up to Passover and the people don't even recognize him we get so busy doing church we don't even recognize Jesus is in the building that's why we have no problem getting on her Instagram during the altar call we have no problem texting people and scrolling through pictures and walking around we come in here and we're up here worshiping and Jessica I was I was looking at Jessica up there and I was number one thing in oh my gosh she has the same fire her mom has and then number two I was thinking man the way that she goes the way that she ushered us in and she was pacing and she was up there preaching and I was seeing I was goin man she's leading us into war she's leading us in joy battle huh she's not leading us into a song center and then I I couldn't help because I'm a pastor but to look around the room and I see some of you that you're just missing what's happening here you're just missing the war that we are engaging on there is a casualness that comes over the body of Christ that says I don't need to come to church prepared I don't need to come to church with the fear of the Lord we have lost the fear of the Lord we come to church and go oh god what's up goes where have you been all week long you've lived your life like I don't exist all week long you've spent hours on Facebook but no time in my book you spent hours on Instagram worshipping the idols of this world eating the food of Babylon I'm as much as listen I think we should spread the gospel there's a problem when the things that we used to spread the gospel actually become an idol in our lives that when we become so addicted to the same media and the same culture and the same thing that they do we too see that's the problem the world isn't unable to differentiate us see in the original text when they called them Christians they actually were calling them aliens they say we look at you guys and you guys come into cities and you're beat and you're bruised yet the rulers of the city are afraid because they say these are the men that turned the world upside down there's something different about the way you talk there's something different about the way you walk there's something different about the way you act you are aliens in other words what planet did you come from you must not be from Earth we're not from Earth we're from the kingdom of heaven we were born again into a spiritual Kingdom they knew a spiritual dimension Jesus showed up in the temple during Passover now there was a difference between the synagogue and the temple a synagogue was a place where if there was 10 Jews they would have to make a synagogue by the Levitical law and they would go and they would teach the Word of God see the presence of God would not show up in the synagogue there is a lot of synagogues that are getting being called churches today where we come and we get taught but we don't encounter the presence of God when we come and learn about a god that we don't mean I love what pastor Kim said she said we act as if God is moving when God is not moving some of you patchers who pastors watching me on Facebook if the Lord is not moving in your church you think that more lights and more fog and more performance is going to get him to move but the only way the fire shows up if this he finds a sacrifice you have to get on your face and take God let it start in my heart let it start with me let me be the sacrifice that I lay on the altar the fire is not attracted to religion oh you should come to our conference I love it I love the lights I wish I had better ones I love the triangles I love the squares I love the screens I love everything but the problem is when we be make that our God and we think that the more we have in the bigger building and the bigger this when we don't realize that it's not all of that that changes I have never seen somebody come in demon-possessed and shiny $5,000 light beam on them and watch the demon leave them but I know that old Pentecostals know what I'm saying when you walk up to that person and say silver and gold have I not but what I do have I give unto you say and get behind me your power is broken Jesus shows up in the temple and the Bible says and he saw stop there we don't think God sees what's happening in our life how do young men come to me a while back I'll never forget this Isaiah I'm a pastor in ministry I say I'm a leader I'm doing this I'm doing this I was in Southern California I'm not going to tell you what church praise God he said but I have this pornography addiction that I cannot shake he said I have this issue and I've gone through deliverance and I've had devils cast out of me and I've had accountability and I've done the website he said but there's something about it I just can't break it and in that moment the Holy Spirit told me to tell him that he does not realize that he said I'm watching porn with you and I looked at that man I said do you realize that when you're watching pornography you're watching it with the Holy Spirit that the Spirit that is holy the spirit that is reverent he sees what you're doing see a lot of you think that as long as pastor doesn't find out as long as my wife doesn't find out as long as my leader doesn't find out my wife came to me not too long ago she said honey if you ever start watching porn will you tell me I said honey with all due respect I'm not afraid of you finding out even though you are 115-pound crazy white girl I said I'm not afraid of you finding out that I watched the porn I said I have the fear of the Lord I don't want God to see I want to live a holy life I want my private life to be consistent with my public life see that guy came to me six months later he said ever since that night we talked I've never gone back because I got the fear of the Lord I understood that God is watching how would you praise if you knew he saw tonight how would you dance if you knew he saw tonight how would you worship if you knew he was here that he's watching what's happening in the temple the temple it was one temple that the presence of God would show up once a year during the time of Passover and the Holy of Holies and the presence of all and Jesus walks in I used to love the show I watched it all the time in that place called Undercover Boss has anybody waved at me come on don't be too Christian here tonight don't act like you don't watch the Netflix praise God the whole church have you've ever seen that show called Undercover Boss we all seen the show it's but about the person that's the CEO of the company they come out of the Royal company and they leave their Ferrari they leave their expensive clothes they leave their expensive title and they come and they cook inform and they dress like all the other workers and they dress like all the other people if it's like Foster Friess if it's McDonald's if it's jack-in-the-box and CEO will come just normal and they will come and they will work among their employees and what always happens is a show if somebody ends up getting fired because they do not realize and they do not recognize that their boss is actually working among them and so they start acting stupid and they always say this when they're getting fired they say if I knew that you are watching if I knew that you are here I would have never done that see that's exactly how the church is there's the true og Undercover Boss and his name is Jesus and he's in the house tonight and he's walking among us and he's working among us and he's saying how are you going to act when you know that I'm always there how are you going to respond if you knew he told the woman at the well honey you don't know who I am because he's going I could give you real water and you'll never thirst again see when you go drink what happens you get drunk you have fun you throw up you wake up and then you have to search again why because drinking was only a temporary water it only temporary satisfy people's oceans not fun that's a lie from the devil sin is fun the Bible says that sin is only good for a season here's the promise sinner after this sin is over you're searching but when you have Jesus you know slogger search again John the Baptist said are you the one or should we keep looking and Jesus said look no further I'm the one that you've been searching for when you find Jesus you don't need sex where do you find Jesus you don't need drugs when you find Jesus you don't need alcohol that's why all these young people are at the altar we found something better than the things of this world fresh start Church we found the treasure we found the pearl and it's better what was done he seized and the Bible says they were selling cattle sheep and doves and I read this story it's to happens two times and this is why it's so significant for us tonight Jesus cleaned out the temple the first week of his ministry in John chapter 2 and he cleans out the temple a second time watching me now at the last week of his ministry so the two most significant moments I believe in all the gospel he starts his ministry by saying this is the most important thing I'm going to do I'm going to clean out the church and then he goes in here so I'm going to end my ministry I'm going to end it by cleaning out the church once I can see Jesus has already cleaned the church once and he's coming back and guess what he's not coming back to first deal with the world he's coming to deal with the church see Jesus went into the temple and started telling them you should be doing this you can't be doing this why because the church is the gateway the church is the key to bringing change in the nation and if the church has idols who are we to get up here and judge the world so confused by all these preachers that are mad at the NFL I don't know why those guys I don't even look at me like that some of you military people you don't get more American than this guy right here I'm the most American person in this room my mom's a police officer my dream was to be police officer I have family in law enforcement we have six officers in our ministry we have military I'm I bleed blue I bleed blue and red and white don't you ever look at me oh he's not American but you know what confuses me you're mad that someone's getting on their knees and someone's standing half oh I don't know why they're kneeling half of us oh I don't know why they're standing yet during prayer you don't stand during prayer you don't kneel we're not standing for God so who cares you honestly think that a football player has the answer to this nation my hope is not in the NFL my hope is in the lamb my hope is in Jesus don't let the devil get you caught up in politics look to the cross he's the answer to breaking racism his answer to healing America he's the answer to bringing I could care less about a grown man that wears tight pants and gets paid and throwing a piece of pig skin boy we're caught up going you know I'm worried about why is it Church not taking a knee we get in prayer meetings and praise God don't want to mess up my new pants some of you I was talking to lady recently she had like 35 kids she said every one of my kids are saved I said what how she said and not only that I've had double knee replacements I was like what I have to do with your kids being saved she's old that's why they're saved I was like what double near she said I had to get double knee replacement because I spent so much time in prayer on my knees going to war what would happen if the church had to walk around with the knee braces because we've been taking a knee for the King of Kings we've been getting low st. god we cry out to you you're the hope of America you need to clean the temple you need to wash the church you need to remove see they were selling animals in the house of God let me close let me close the law was to bring an animal but here's the problem people had to travel from far distances to get to the Temple in Jerusalem so the Pharisees decided we're gonna make it easier yeah yeah yeah we don't want a gospel that's too hard on the people people I said will you come preach but could you just not be so hard so you're asking me to wake your people up but be a nice alarm clock you don't want me to see you we will you sound the alarm but just be nice I've yet to hear a nice alarm clock I've yet to have I've gone through all my iPhone if you don't have an iPhone you can save tonight I've gone through all my ringtones and every one of them are loud every one of them say the same thing and every one of them are annoying why because the job of my alarm is not to be nice it's not to be my friend it's to wake me up and there are real voices of awakening if you're calling yourself a voice of awakening but you're afraid of putting a standard you're afraid of putting a mandate you're afraid of waving the flag and saying there's a price then it's a counterfeit gospel Jesus was mad because they were belittling the price that he paid he said I want you to raise an animal huh they said it's too hard to bring an animal and so we're gonna make it easier huh and so we're gonna make a gospel that's good enough yeah yeah I'm not gonna do what he's called me to do what I'm doing is good enough I'm not going to give them every day day morning is good enough I'm not gonna give 10% 5% is good enough I know we said to raise the lemon to travel and make sure it stays alive and actually pay a price but I'll just take care of it when I get to church oh just buy an offering when I get there I'm not going to bring in a sacrifice I'll just get a sacrifice I'll just get it along the way my little tiny shout is good enough my little 15 minute praise is good enough Fran here's the problem what you have is never good enough jesus said I'm the way it's not your way it's Yahweh I am the truth you will never be good enough but what the lamb did on the cross is good enough to break the power of sin to break the power of disease to break the power see Jesus was not just mad that they were not doing what he commanded he knew that if we sold the lamb for cheap for the rest of mankind we would make a cheap gospel so the Bible says he made a whip and he started driving people out here's what's interesting you'll find nowhere in the Bible where he drove people into the church but you'll find two places where he drove people out of the church you know what God told me recently he said I say you know all these leaders that are in compromise yeah you know all these preachers that are living for in sin and they're going out was sleeping with somebody else's wife and then divorcing their wife and then marrying a new wife and then they're on National God TV the next week I said yeah I said God houses possible he said don't worry about Isaiah cuz I'm coming back to my temple and I'm about to drive some things out I'm about to drive out depression I'm about to drive out compromise I'm about to drive out anxiety here oh I'm so glad that there was a man named Jesus that drove out every demon in my temple here's the kicker you're the temple of the holy ghost you are the temple and tonight he's saying I want to drive out whatever is in my way I want to drive out whatever stopping you from worshipping whatever stopping you from praising whatever stopping the destiny here and the call on your life watch I'm done I'm done five Pentecostal minutes here's an interesting thing they were changing out money which was they had a Roman currency but remember the temple only took shekels which was Jewish currency so they were taking their worldly currency that they got from the Roman Empire and they were exchanging it and turning it godly that's exactly a picture of what the house of God is doing we are taking the currencies of this world we are taking the things of this world and we're just adding a little Jesus to them and we're using them they entertain people how do you know because let's some rapper who only talks about is demoralizing women and shooting people let him come out with a new dancer and in three weeks all the youth trips in America are going to be doing some stupid sexual dance why we are taking the things of this world friend our God is too original for us to be trying to steal from the world our God is too good for us to exchange what is unholy huh and trying to make it holy he said I'm coming back for a bride without spot blemish or ink oh he's coming back not only that the Bible says he beginning to turn the tables and the tables are turning once again he's not going to the church to find revivalist he's going to the traphouse he's going to the gang members the tables are turning he's inviting the least of these through the wedding banquet come on somebody needs to turn the table on the temple somebody needs to flip their depression over to flip their anger over to say devil enough is enough the tables are turning we win almost and he had the worship team to come up thank you I've often times said God why does it feel like the world's winning here's what he told me don't worry about to come turn the tables oh yeah you think the devil's gonna win in your marriage the tables are about to turn you think your kids are always going to be addicted the tables are about to turn you think you're never gonna break out of lust oh yeah the tables are about to turn oh yeah weeping might come at night oh but joy comes in the morning someone's about to get their tables turn - someone's about to get their temple cleaned come on if that's you say God I want you to clean my - I didn't even do it you just came up I want you to clean my temple I want you to remove whatever is in my life that is not of you God we're desperate turn the tables in Arizona turn the tables and fresh start Church drive out whenever it's none of you drive out whatever the enemy's done in my life watch this watch this come on fulfill it the money changers the people selling cattle were in the very place where the people were the worshipers were supposed to be so Jesus was upset because they allowed things in their life to be in the place where he was supposed to have reign what is in the way of your worship what is in the place that God says I want you to give me that time in your day don't give it to Instagram don't give it to Netflix don't give it to Facebook I want you to remove whatever and the biggest thing to me wasn't just the lamb but the Bible says they were selling doves they literally put the Dove in cages and the Bible specifically says that Jesus kicked over the Dove cages see there has to come a time where we stop trapping the Holy Spirit in our boxes and kick over the box and say tonight the Holy Spirit is going to raid tonight we're gonna let the Holy Ghost come on if you need healing the Dove is tonight if you did pray to we're kickin over the top cages we're letting the Holy Ghost out and say God do what only you can do there's a supernatural anointing to heal if you need healing right now raise your hand right now they're chilling for cancer they're chilling for Goldstone's right now there's hearing for killing for kidney stones good one if you're in this house right now if you're not able to have kids they're stealing right now come on put your hands up right now whether we ask you right now God we cry out further we ask for your healing presence all over this house father you're coming to clean the church you're coming to clear the temple God clear our temples tonight gotta heal us tonight father we know you are our healer come on keep your hands up if you need healing I need some of the fresh start team the Lord specifically told me tonight there's going to be radical miracles of healing and I need some of the fresh start team if you don't need healing just cry out and ask them to clean your temple if you don't need healing just ask them say God drive out what is in my life that's in the way god I don't want the counterfeit cheap gospel I don't want to lessen God I really don't have a prayer life god I really don't read my Bible God I really stop I gotta stop faking it see we're gonna get mad that this month the world's can a dress up in costumes yeah we do every single week come the church and our masks I hear the Lord saying take off the mask tonight come on get real with them tonight if there's porn addiction say God remove it out of my temple you're the temple if you didn't get that yet God if there's anger in my life get it out of my temple God if there's anxiety and stress and compromise get it out of my temple God turn over whatever you have to turn over see after this all happened the temple was a mess animals everywhere money everywhere and that is why pastors don't want Jesus to show up to the church Jesus makes a mess when he shows up he wants to make a mess of what the enemy has done in your life he wants to kick over and flip over but you have to say God I'm willing tonight come on if you need a healing put your hands up we're gonna make our way through this crowd I need them I need the leaders of fresh-start Church the the ushers only those that have been released please if you've not been released to pray please do not feel the Liberty to pray if you're from another church tonight is your night off we want to minister to you but if you're out there you need healing right now as we sing this song we're going to lay hands and I'm telling you right now the supernatural healing power of the Holy Ghost is going to turn over some tables tonight and bring some restoration come on let's go for it tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] take off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] break open come on are you chest spread for him tonight [Music] [Applause] break open all release releases supernatural break overnight [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh sighs [Music] [Music] Oh it's one [Music] [Music] Hey this one this one [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we gotta have your love [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Reiko [Music] Oh great ha [Music] [Music] they gotta make us dance we warn all of you [Music] make us take everything away that's the Bible says at the end of the story the best part is that after the doves were released and the temple was cleaned that the blame the blind the lame and the sick came to the temple and got healed why does God want so badly to remove the compromising garbage and at times it feels harsh at times abilities he's whipping us he's chastising us and so that we could be vessels for the loss the blind the lame see when the house of God gets cleanse then the world is able to come and get healed God I'm asking you tonight remove these areas God so that you can use me to evil the sick you can use me to drive out Devils you can use me to preach the gospel go on this is our cry brother let us be a place let us be a launching pad where we would go into the world we were to open up the eyes in the blind to open up the ears of the Deaf but the lame would walk that the blind would see but it starts with my temple being cleaned some of you right now the Lord showed me you're saying my temples too dirty come on you have no clue what my temple looked like when he drove everything out of my life I'm never gonna get free friend I drink every single day for almost two years and I'm telling you I'm standing here seven years sober I've never gone back to drinking I've never gone back to pornography I was addicted at pornography since I was about 12 years old and I've never gone back in one second when Jesus shows up in the temple it doesn't matter how dirty your temple is it doesn't matter how bad your sin is the same God that could heal drinking can heal homosexuality the same God that could break Lhasa could break depression huh oh I hear Jesus cracking the whip are you Jesus racking the whip and the devil did you let him drive out every chart for tonight we try to suicide we drive out to brush it we drive out anger with Drive our religion we drive out every departed for [Applause] never be the same drive it out Lord how men are hurt sometimes some of you young ladies go what does it look like it looks like Jesus saying it's time to drive that boyfriend out of your life some of you when he cleans your temple and might be going home and throwing out every movie that belongs to you I got saved I went throughout every movie I didn't care what they were rated old why why brother why I don't know I just knew that there was something happening in my temple and I didn't want anything to contaminate I don't want anything to get in the way what I was doing I said God even though it's not sin here better than this I want you more than I want the culture I want you more than I want entertainment come on what is it you need to get rid of sometimes it's going to hurt when he drives it out of your life but the Bible says he chastises them that he loves he does it because he or from my father's house has eaten me alive it's his passion to know you it's his passion to get close to you and God whatever is in my life drive it out tonight God Lord we were asking you this is bold but I'm a part of this church I'm a part of this revival if you go on the website I'm on staff somewhere on the website come on come on help me prophesy tonight but I hear the Lord saying there's things in this revival I need to drive out come on Lord we ask you tonight God if we're in the way God whatever we're doing God if it's our fault whatever god we ask you God get rid of whatever's in the way of this move of God going to the next level we got whatever's in the way of her worship of our praise for whatever is hindering us from breaking in to the next realm and dimension of glory and power father we are asking you to drive out whatever is in this revival that you don't want or that you're a purifying fire that you are a refining Lord we are asking you to crack the whip in this house tonight and Lord remove out of our lives David prayed this prayer that I want to ask us to pray tonight it's a dangerous prairie said God point out this is what David prayed whatever is in my life that offends you oh come on Holy Ghost I'm already hearing stuff in my life come on what is he saying to you right now ask him say God put your finger on whatever is in my life but here's the deal don't ask him to put his finger on it if you're not gonna get rid of it Sameach Oh God show me what's wrong but I don't want to get rid of it once you show me the Lord you're the king of my life guys if he's gonna be your Savior he also has to be your King and Lord tonight we ask you put your finger on whatever's in our life that is offending you that is drawing your presence away from us if I felt your presence more a month ago then that means you didn't draw away from me I drove drew away from you so lord whatever's in my life that's causing this chasm of separation between me and your presence then god I'm asking you tonight get rid of it so that I could draw near to you and as I draw near to you the Lord says I try near to you there is a coming together there is a compatibility with the Spirit of God when you cast away every compromise in your life come on right now I'm give I'm gonna give you 60 seconds and then I'm gonna turn it over to the next part of the service what is it he's putting his finger on tonight what is it that he's saying it's time to delete tonight 45,000 songs were in my iTunes when I got saved I deleted every single one of them why I wanted him more than I wanted my worldly music thousands of movies I downloaded on a hard drive deleted it why I wanted him more broke my xbox games in half broke my xbox people said why don't you just sell your Xbox and so in the ministry we don't sell idols we destroy idols come on what is it in your life that's so cost you to stumble that God says tonight get rid of it 30 seconds come on every eye closed search my heart Oh God the same way we search for things on Google right now I'm asking God for the Google search engine of the Holy Ghost to search my heart and to see if he could find and reveal anything in my life that is not of him relationships gone culture attitudes anger depression anxiety fear stress call what is he searching tonight and then as he searches it right now lay down this altar right now say God I'm laying down a sacrifice god I give it to you and I'm not just gonna lay it down I'm going to keyword leave it down stop picking up what God's called you to pick put down the same way in the book of Samuel chapter 5 they picked up the idol called Dagon God says if I knock it over leave it down and stop trying to pick it up stop thinking in five months you're gonna get back with that guy if God says put him down put him down until God says otherwise come on Holy Ghost Lord search us tonight come on let's cry out come on it's going to this song again and crowd and ask him right now here's the power to remove it see it's not in our own effort but there's power there is real grace the grace of God has not a license to live like the devil the grace of God is a license to live like Christ and is an empowering power that comes into our life and gives us the authority to live righteously by the blood of the Lamb it is not by my works are by my effort friend you will not make it if you try harder it is only by the supernatural and power grace of the Holy Spirit that I'm able to say no to the addiction I'm able to say no to the bottle I'm able to say no to the website imacros say no to the culture god dude in us tonight God [Music] [Music] anything out what you and now [Applause] [Music] watch more [Music] [Music] [Music] come on giving your love tonight come on Jesus you're not to lift your hands with me I feel that we need to pray over those that have been watching by live stream in Facebook tonight commend everybody that's here just beginning to lift your voices and pray and the Holy Spirit those of you that have tuned in tonight last night we had about 2000 or something that that checked in at some time or another on Facebook I pray for you tonight come on church help help us pray I pray and I speak over you pastors church members hungry hearts you're just curious whatever reason why if you stayed with us this entire time I pray right now the fire of God come into your life I pray the fire of God come into your pulpit I pray the fire of God pastor coming to your sermon tomorrow morning in the name of Jesus I pray the fire of God ignite on the inside of you I pray that as a result of this service and the glory tonight and the word of God that you will never be the same again I decree over you that you begin to raise the standard i decree area to being to raise the standard even gonna raise the standard in your personal life even gonna raise the standard in your prayer life even gonna raise the standard in your church if you get to raise the standard in the name of Jesus I am part of revival spirit right now where you are watching in snake come away with the fire of God with the seal of God I say away those slumber I say away ghost sleeper I say a cold sleeper same rounds and see the salvation of God the fire of law oh well in that church kitchen [Music] Wanko Oh [Applause] [Music] here your people Lord here your people [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mackey the hunger for more [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] can we put our hands together tonight and thank Jesus for what he's done [Music] whoo Wow [Music] Thank You Isaiah let's let now say you know how much we love him [Music] [Applause] Thank You Man for just releasing that word over the house today this whole weekend so far has been just extraordinary and life-changing and I know it's gonna continue tomorrow and I know God has put a word in Josh Carter for us tomorrow morning in tomorrow night and so we're not done yet when you start at such a high place like we did last night and then I'm going like where can we go and it's like oh my goodness there we go I'm so thankful for what God is doing in this place I'm so thankful for what he's doing in your life what he's doing in our life I can't imagine not being where we are in God I couldn't imagine going back to status quo when a nominal Christianity at best I can't even think about it I can't even hardly remember it I don't know where I would be I don't know where I would be tonight I don't know if I could have kept going or not and just to think we're just still scratching on the surface [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I want you I want you to embrace I want you to embrace the depth of the work that God has been doing on us the last two nights see those that are playing don't like this but we're not playing and I want you to embrace the depth of what God is trying to do in us because he wants to do so much through us and around us and I'm just I'm just touched tonight I'm touched by it yes the word of the Lord I'm touched by the anointing that was loosed through Isaiah tonight but I'm touched by watching what God is doing in your lives touched by how you respond in faith and your hunger in your desperation I want you to know it keeps us pushing when I look around us and there's a desperate run there's a desperate one there's a hungry one there's a there's a remnant of people in this house this bowel ready to turn into a movement I said the moments are getting ready to become a movement the string of years are getting ready to change it transform a city and a region and a nation who look out here we come [Applause] you
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 6,972
Rating: 4.8083835 out of 5
Id: wJT6H_Fu5b8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 48sec (5208 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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