Revival Weekend: Sunday AM | Isaiah Saldivar | August 5, 2018

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[Music] let's give them some praise this morning I don't know about you but I'm glad to be a part of something that goes beyond me I'm glad to be a part of something that revival translates and the kids getting saved revival translate and in my marriage being restored revival translate and the communities being changed by the presence of God I'm here this morning saying God there we go just keep it up god I'm believing today that you're going to do something that we've never seen before that today you're going to take us places that we have never been but we begin to talk about that unusual anointing some of you are going to begin to break out of your little Western ice your American Church bubble where it's all about you friend I want to make it clear that when his kingdom moves in your kingdom moves out when his kingdom shows up all of your preferences all of your desires all of your ambitions move out of the way that's what the fire is all about you may sit back and say what is the shouting about what is the screaming about what is the dancing about what is the sweating about I'm not doing it because I need to lose some weight there is a fire that is shut up on the inside of us and I am weary of holding it in Jeremiah said I'm tired of preaching judgment I'm tired of preaching to repentance I'm tired of preaching revival and then the next verse because as a church you have not been called to be like every other Church fresh start has given a special call a forerunner anointing and if we were honest it gets tiring always reaching the opposite of what every other person is preaching it gets tired believing for the move of God believing for revival believing for awakening but Jeremiah said even when I try to shut up even when I try to calm down even when I try to be silent even when I try to preach a little happy milk gospel there is a fire that is shut up on the inside of me I can't hold it in if I try why are you up there shouting like that my question would be why you down there dying like that it offends me that you shout it offends me that you're silent in the house of God well it's not biblical to shout really you just haven't read your Bible long enough go back to the Old Testament says make a loud raise see when Jesus called Lazarus out he did not whisper and what you need to understand even as Daniel preached these are loud noise it's not for God to hear it's for every devil to know that we're serious it's for every demon to have to bow generational curses may become subject to the power of God we're bringing about another Kingdom and here's the problem and I'm just being straight and honest I already know I'm getting invited back regardless as long as I preach the word I'll get invited back here's the reality some of you don't see it this morning you don't you understand why were there coming to revival why we're giving so much money if you were to see that account the actual financial statement of some of these people that are serious about God like Joseph his wife and some of these couples that are literally leading and caring I'm not saying you're not doing it I'm just saying some of you have thinking that you're a third-string pick but you're a second-string pick and you go well I'll jump in the game when somebody else jumps out I'll jump in the game when somebody else gets hurt and God is saying I did not raise you up in these last days - patty-cake prophesy and to give a fortune cookie word I raised you up for such a time as this I've raised up delivers better gonna begin to drive out demons hours that have established themselves in this region from the devil's not casual like you I talked to atheist and witchcraft and warlocks that used to be in the occult and they say Isaiah I prayed I've talked Beulah say I pray six hours a day I prayed seven hours a day I prayed eight hours a day we're gonna bring out this guy I just said the testimony of your pastors he would pray eight hours a day he was a high priest warlock Friends of the devil the devil used to call him his son and he said it amazed me how when I was in the demonic realm I used to kill people I used to cast spells on people he literally had a hitman business where he would cast demonic spells on within 21 days people would die people are coming and paying this guy to do it he said but then one day I got taken to hell and God began to show me that hell is not some party see some of you think that hell's a joke you read the scriptures and go well you know I'm gonna gamble with my salvation you better look at me young people this is not a video game I'm preaching about this is not for tonight you don't respond when you die you have one shot you have one opportunity to get serious about the presence of God and the moment you begin to get casual God begins to draw away and says if you don't want it I'll find somebody else that does he goes and then I came to the church and I looked at the commitment level of believers they do not pray they do not fast and you know what he says he says and then I realized why the devil is winning in this country we are lying to ourselves as a church if we really believe that we're winning in this nation there are demonic forces and powers and principalities and we're over here having coffee and donuts preaching a watered-down cappuccino message when you hear me loud and clear you could go out and tweet this part-time Christians cannot defeat full-time devil the devil is not lukewarm the devil is not complacent and I see some firebrand letter raising up let's say we're gonna be more committed we're gonna be more serious it's time to get serious about the presence of God there's lives at stake I've sat with young people I was with a 10 year old two weeks ago foaming at the mouth manifesting demons crawling around and I'm looking at this young kid and I'm going what are we doing as a church where we are allowing the devil you can take your seat at any time I want listen I want you to stand while I preach I want you to be exciting all I'm saying take your seat but as I preach you can stand but here's the thing I want I want to make sure everything that we do which I know what fresh start it is I want to make sure that it is organic I don't want a a movement or a cold server or a groupware we're just doing it just to do it there is not I'm not doing it just because I heard a preacher do it I've been preaching this way since the day I got saved see God put a fire in me he put a passion in here he put a desire in me just say status quo it would have never saved me complacent Christianity and what it never delivered me it might have worked for you but I needed the power I needed the anointing I needed the presence of God real in my life and the sad reality is were having church and the devil doesn't care Guster's tell me I don't know why Isaiah every time you come to my church not places like this places that are just you know they're not they're not that level they go everyone search manifesting everybody starts growling everybody starts kasi everybody starts crawling around like a snake everybody starts getting crazy I've been in meetings where literally half the crowd is manifesting and they go I don't understand it and I tell them pastor you got to understand when the move of God breaks out the Bible says that when the kingdom of God has come upon you because when Jesus began to cast out demons they accused him of being of the devil he said when the kingdom of God comes sure or a demon gets cast out surely you know that became of God has come upon that place see deliverance is a sign and a byproduct of a kingdom manifesting if there's not demons leaving the kingdom is not manifesting see but we're teaching in the church you don't have to be born again you just have to repeat a little prayer that's nowhere in the Bible and you're saved so here's what happens we have Christians that are counterfeit we bring them in the church they have no spiritual eyes they have no spiritual ears they're unable to distinguish that which is demonic and that which is godly because they were never born in the right dimension see when you're born again here's the one born again you're not born again into the world see we get born again and we go oh I change I stop watching this I stop doing this and if you had to try you weren't born again oh you didn't castrate that when you're born you lose the desires that you used to have we don't preach all you need to stop watching bad movies you need to stop you don't have to try to do any of it when you get born again here's what happens watch he goes Nicodemus you have to understand Nick there's a kingdom there's a dimension I've brought with me you'll never find Jesus preach the gospel of salvation he preached the gospel of the kingdom it was a lifestyle it was a dimension it was a thing he brought with him of warriors and angels and chariots see there's an invisible dimension this morning now we're preaching into now we're bringing into that's going to begin to shift the culture of Peoria that's going to show I wish someone would help me preach and this Catholic Church that would begin to shift so we're not born again so what happens we don't see in the spirit he goes Nick you're a religious leader you know all the laws he goes but here's the problem you're still living in the wrong dimension see it's possible to be a Christian and be in the wrong dimension I was telling pastors when I first got saved I was seeing demons and angels everywhere I would sit in a room and I'd hear the thoughts of every person in the room and I prayed to God after three days I'm not sleeping I said God if you don't shut this off I'm going to die but I didn't realize I was stuck in the spirit realm I did not know how to come down and if you don't know how to go up and down using Jacob's Ladder you will get stuck in the spirit and end up being ineffective but if you get into a place where you have the ability to go in the spirit around John said and I heard a voice that said come up here I want to show you things friend this morning he wants to take us up and do a new spiritual dimension where we get lost and caught up in the spirit and we come back down and we come back down different than when we went up where there is Shh he was Nick you have to be born again and Nicodemus responds how can I go back into my mother and come back out he goes here's the problem Nick you're talking about a natural born he can experience he goes I'm not talking about now I'm not I'm not bashing nobody I never shoe fits wear it wear down the aisle dance with it praise God but I'm saying we have a counterfeit evangelistic message that is going out saying all you have to do is pray a prayer to live like the devil and everything's going to be fine and that's great praise God if you do that I'm not trying I'm not trying to tell you all this stuff I'm just telling you it goes far above and beyond just getting saved because you have to realize Jesus preached the kingdom because there is a lifestyle a friend of mine told me if you don't see if somebody that gets saved doesn't witness to their first soul within 30 days they will spend the rest of their Christian life as a coward if we are not raising people up in revival that are going out and are witnessing to people are baptizing people in their bathtub our disciple at their kitchen table by driving out demons are laying hands on the sick then were not believers he goes Nick there's a spiritual world that you have to look into and he goes and here's the problem here's why we're not looking in the spirit because we're looking at her iPhone the iPhone or they Android if you're not saved you probably have an Android that is that is the enemies distraction from the spiritual world because this is a spiritual world it's just the wrong spiritual world you talk about we talk about getting lost in the spirit for hours go by and you felt like 20 minutes that's what happens on Netflix we get lost and the spiritual realm called entertainment and it's the devil's way watch this to babysit the church God told me months ago he said if you only knew how many people are going to hell because of their iPhone if you only knew see we have oh I feel the Holy Ghost in this house today I got too much to say in not enough time you got to understand our brains have now been changed they and hard-wired to ask grown men and grown adults we need this to do this watch to babysit the brain I say how do you know because when's the last time you were through within 5 feet from your phone I can't remember last time I was 5 feet away from this handheld device yeah look how far God is in your life you think well I got a happy close to it because what if somebody calls me what if somebody text me I don't want to miss it I use this as my communication tool into other people's lives and I'm going yet you have got 150 feet away at all times what if God begins to call you how many missed calls do you have from the presence of God how many text messages has he sent you and you're too far see because you got to understand that we will be judged based on what we heard but we will receive a reward based on what we listen to watch this everyone just clear your mind right here watch ready I want you to grab your fist everyone certain put your hand up grab your fist and I want you to put it on your cheek put it on your cheek okay 99.9% of you didn't put it on your cheek you put it on your chin see pastor ko I'm telling you we don't listen why watch this because we heard but didn't listen so that means it's possible to be in revival and in the house of God and to hear the word and shout about the word and dance about the word but never drive a devil out never pray for a sick person never do anything in the kingdom that spiritual weight thank God says I'm moving the church into a place of hearing - a place of listening where you won't just hear it week after week one because I'm getting judged I was watching that video I was going my god today as I was watching these kids worship I'm thinking I told Daniel I said if this church was four hours away I would drive i Isaiah Saldivar would drive four hours to be a part of this church if I was able to I would have no problem I told him I said there's no honorarium amount of money I could write to see my four-year-old daughter on that state worshiping with those kids you tell me where the happening because I've been in more churches than any of you and there is something happening at Fresh Start Church that I'm not seeing anywhere that God is raising up an unusual anointing an unusual people let's say heavens not just gonna know us but he'll is gonna know us the devil's gonna know us I go across the country I was in South Carolina which I'm from California that's across the country that's wet water I live a hour away from the beach to an hour away from the beach and I walk in a room and the demon comes out of this person starts telling me my whole life I know you I know your daughter I'm gonna kill your wife I'm gonna kill your kids I'm gonna destroy your ministry starts preaching to me I demon across the country and you know what I begin to realize I begin to realize that hell knows my name if you go to acts 19 after unusual miracles it says and then the seven sons sons of sceva they begin to cast out Devils but here's the problem they did not have a personal relationship they had a relationship through a pastor see some of you are here today and you're only at contact with God is at church see but what you have to understand is the entire reason Jesus came to the earth was to take the church write this down from being an organization to being an organism he goes I don't want the church to be an establishment he was sitting up in heaven and he goes father I just I see the way they're at church and the way that they come to the temple once a week and the way that they sacrifice and the way that they praise he goes but I have this wild idea what if we didn't make the church a building that we gathered in what if the presence of God and the Ark of God it wasn't a building to get the monitors up it wasn't a building he goes but what if we made the people the place that we 12 what if we made the Ark a portable and we put our spirit on the inside of them and they didn't just go to church they were the church where they went out so they're trying to cast out devils and the demon comes out and goes all cold the ghosts come on tonight this morning he goes Peter I know Paul I know and here's a question of many of you this morning who are you we don't know you here's what the demon was saying your name hasn't come up in our board meetings we've been strategizing against Peoria and your name is not on our hit list see there is a board room happening right now in hell and guess what it's 24 hours a day and they are strategizing against you trying to figure out how they're gonna destroy your marriage trying to get in doors and you've left open I remember growing up we lived in the country back in the day and back then you didn't really have to lock your doors and in my house there was this big sliding door and then there was about 10 4 okay from that door to that door there was a nether door and with a sliding door lock didn't work but we had another door the lock would work and every night my parents would say did you make sure you lock the door and after years go by I begin to think it's so stupid that we're locking that door yet there's a door right here that's wide open unlocked see some of you are shutting doors in your life but not realizing there's other doors that you're leaving open put the demonic powers and some of you oh you're from Arizona see I'm in California we got a bunch of snowflakes in California you all know what that means we hate guns we hate God we hate everything that has to do with God and so you preach on guns or say anything about a gun and you never get invited back to any Church in California because there's oh we don't know that's just too much and we're afraid and I'm thinking in my house I got a gun listen I'll be honest I got a gun in every single room and you break into my house and try to mess with my four-year-old daughter my two-year-old daughter or my pregnant wife I'm just saying I don't know for sure but I might meet you out the door with a 12-gauge because I hadn't let nobody come in my house and try to mess with my kids if you're that intense about a robber there's a greater robber called the devil and you've been letting him in your house and he comes through your kids phone he comes through the Xbox he comes through the TV I'm here this morning saying every door has to shut every demon has to bow I'm getting ready to shut a door and to break up our I'm tired of having dinner with demons because here's the thing not even mean to preach on this but I'm going at it the devil is more serious about you than you the drug addicts are more committed than you the people at the bar are more sold out than you how do you know that because I used to be one of them and at 8:00 p.m. we were in the parking lot pre-gaming to go into the club to drink till 2:00 and ain't nobody in the club going up to the DJ saying I just think it's too loud keep your down the new Drake song it's hurting my ears you had 20 of those speakers and you stood right in front of them and they were blowing your hair across the room and you didn't care if you went home with your ears ringing because there was demonic powers that we're driving your worship memory to Monte powers that we're driving your praise but today there is a power that is greater than every demon power and the power of the Holy Ghost it drives me to worship it drives me to shout it drives me to praise it [Applause] you got Jesus in the passenger seat go I know where we're going and he's going to turn left and he keeps having to reroute you and you know what the reality is this we're in the final call I'm not shouting it I'm not screaming it because I feel the fear of Lord we are in it you don't have to believe me we are in the last call for revival in this nation I don't know about you but if you look at my clock on my phone I'm like many of you I'm having I have issues getting out of bed in the morning I need deliverance this is what my alarm looks like are you looking at this look at this I could scroll for five minutes and these are all my alarms I like many of you I set it for eight o'clock 8:05 8:10 8:15 a 2821 a.22 a23 8:25 because I already know I like sleeping in and I'm gonna keep snooze button that thing but here's the thing there comes a place called the last alarm and when that alarm goes off if you snooze that alarm there is not another alarm that's gonna wake you up we are on the last alarm God says I've given you a chance it's time to wake up it's time now the high time to get out of your sleep and to wake up I was doing a deliverance one time and that demon begin to speak out of that little girl search wouldn't come out so I'm thinking like man I can't get this demon out people say oh well Jesus just commanded it number one I ain't Jesus as you can tell number two I'm a student not the teacher so I'm trying to learn and figure this thing out and by the way Jesus cast the demon out of the man of the tombs and the Bible says the demon didn't come out it responded by saying my name is legion so don't you think you're just gonna wave your magic revival 1 and everything there is a thing where you begin to wrestle in the spirit there's the thing where you begin to make war and you begin to push back you got to stop letting that little bully at the playground now try to push you around I had a bully torment me for years at my church and I'll never forget one day I got so tired shoe story I got so tired of this guy bullying me I mean if you've ever been bullied I had fear on me hiding xiety when I was out Church in the class and one day we went to the back playground I already knew he's gonna push me around and try to threaten me and so you know I decided I'm gonna hit him I thought about it all night and all day I said today is gonna be the day where I stop letting this dude push me around so after years of just doing what the church is doing being silent and being pushed around by a big bully I look to that kid in front everybody else and I don't know what came over me because I was a little skinnier than I am now I was a twit could have snapped my neck like a toothpick I grabbed my fist and I reached up and I punched that kid so hard in the jaw I tell you what a year later we were best friends at the church I'll tell you why because all he needed was one hit to bring him down see one time going against him today saying you know what devil you've been pushing around my family huh and I'm about to uppercut you in your jaw I'm gonna hit you so hard your mother-in-law is gonna feel it I'm gonna give you diarrhea what the praise I'm about to release I'm tired of you punking me I'm tired of you pranking me I'm tired some of you here's the deal you're just not tired enough you're still okay being babysat by demons I was delivering a girl one time for hours and now there's a different story I'll go back to the other one and I'm going like after four hours I'm like what I told the demon why won't you leave and didn't even tell me she wants me here she likes me she's comfortable with me some of you you wouldn't know what to do without that voice talking to you you have so drowned out the voice of God and you are listening to the voice of the enemy because that voice I'm gonna make it clear here that's telling you not to worship so I just don't feel the Lord leading me to the altar what in the world when did we have to be led by the spirit to encounter the spirit well pastor Paul I'm just gonna have to pray about whether I should come to prayer I'm thinking you don't have to listen you don't have to ask God before you pray for somebody you don't have to get a prophetic word you don't have to wake up looking like tinker tinker whatever pixie dust for you full of gold dust you could prophesy your permission a shout your permission at dance stop letting the devil stop your worship stop letting the devil stop your praise stop letting demons stop your shout you've been held down it's time to break out it's time for a prison break as Pastor Daniel priests the prison doors are open why are you stage so us and I started I got the place pastor I said I can't get this demon out so I'm just gonna start preaching to it I'm like I already got a whole bunch of sermons I got 1500 notes so let me just start with my first sermon and I start preaching this demon as it speaks out of this girl and you know what the demon said don't tell me about God I know Jesus because I start talking on that hill of Calvary huh and God walked down to gal Gotha and all of us preached and carried the cross I didn't know how sprang her finances I was like I gotta try everything to get this joker out and the demon says I was there Daniel I said you lying devil and I live said I said Uline devil and the Holy Spirit said the demons not lying it was there and the demon out of this little girl begins to tell me the story of Christ I was there when he walked down that hill I was there when the religion I was there when we brought him to the cross see Paul said if the powers and principalities and the demons knew what they were doing they would have never brought him to the cross and in that moment I begin to realize that the spiritual realm is not a joke see the sevens guns of Skiba they were messing around trying to cast out demons without relationship a relationship with Jesus it's the greatest access in the spiritual authority a relationship with Jesus it gives you a backstage pass in the spiritual dimension where you could go places that you've never gone you have access where nobody else has access but you cannot expect to spend more time on your iPhone and then make war in the spirit search preaching to me and I start realizing this demon house taking down rulers has taken down Kings but here's what I know one-third of the angels got cast out of heaven so that begins to tell me two-thirds are still on my side so for every one demon there's an angel God showed me when they said do you know how bored angels are the Bible says the angels carry the prayers of the Saints when you pray the angels are the messengers they're literally the app that you message people they message and they are direct connection between the heavenly realm and the spirit realm and some of you are going to get to heaven and realize you're angels that God has assigned to you see there are angels assigned to you I had Bob Jones prophesy over me before he passed he said there was an angel at Rinehart banquise gathering and in fact when he prophesied to me Reinhard Bonnke was sitting next to me he said there was an angel of awakening and revival it's about a hundred and fifty feet tall he said Isaiah I see the Lord sending that same angel of revival and awakening sending them to your ministry to begin to help you mobilize he said there's gonna be a revival where 400,000 Bob Jones young people are gonna be swept in the kingdom through the ministry God's gonna give you I was saved for one year you know he told me past of all he said and you're gonna think that's the end time harvest he was but here's the kicker those are laborers oh I felt the Holy Ghost I'm about to run he said there's a harvest coming there's a revival coming friend that's going to be so impactful and so extravagant we're all going to worship and sing and say God thanks for this last day revival and the Lord is going to respond say that's not the revival those are the laborers to the eggs I'm harvest but these laborers have to know how to war in the spirit they have to know how to get alone with God and say I'm not coming out of my prayer closet till he shows me something I never knew before I'm not coming out of my prayer closet and leaving the same it's casting out a demon once big guys he literally fights in the UFC big old MMA fighter and I was sitting there going I can't get this thing out I had literally all these big old buff guys with me we were trying to hold him down he was tossing us around I know I know we're in Sunday morning not at this church but I go to church like okay you know Sunday so you got to be careful when you talk about God and don't get old friend worried we're not we're not doing all that we're not doing all that in this church where we have a Sunday morning crown where we're gonna kool-aid water it down the blood and then on Friday we'll give you the flyer this is a house of revival this is a Ministry of fire this church knows who they are and whose they are and we are going to look in and say God we want all that so I'm trying to control this guy and I got I begin to get scared because he's literally throwing people off of him in my living room like it's nothing and I'm thinking my god I don't know we're gonna do this dudes massive the demons strength I mean I've seen little girls throw grown men I don't understand what's going on and I remember reading an article about the angel saying the angels are waiting on you do you remember when Daniel sprang 21 days go by Daniel did not think his prayer was working some of you have been praying for your kids you've been praying for your marriage and you're going man this thing must be broken God must be on AOL dial-up it feels like my prayer isn't getting through I'm here to tell you that even though you haven't saw the results the angel came to Daniel and said the moment you open up your mouth God didn't go to battle the Angels went to battle and we begin a fight that principality of Persia and the king of the air oh but don't worry Daniel because we're bringing some demons down you've been believing for revival you've been believing for awakening see Daniel prayed and the second Daniel prayed the Angels begin to war because I go back to the beginning we're not spiritual we pray we don't see the warfare taking place so we stopped praying let me ask you this question it's gonna freak you out like it freaks me out we are delusional if we think God's gonna save our family when we don't spend time praying for them ask yourself this question but just in listen I'm more convicted I promise than any of you in this room this morning how much time have I spent praying for those people by the way I was on a cross a month before I got saved just like that so I know those things work they said put your worst family my cousin wrote my name down real quick and nailed me up there as fast as she could and I've been nailed up on that cross ever since Oh that'll preach watch this you gotta you gotta understand something you gotta understand something about the demons the demons and the demonic realm they're not on waiting and they're not calm they are violent Jesus said I'm going to raise up a church that's going to be a violent Church where the angels watch warfare angels are going to take off the moment you begin a prayer and I begin to realize when I open my mouth the angels are taking place why do I know cuz I'm in the spirit I've been born into a spiritual dimension I've been born again I'm not I'm not moved by what I see with my eyes I'm not moved by the doctor's report I'm not moved by my financial situation I might look at my bank account but I go man I might only have $2,000 today but then I go into my spiritual bank account and I go I am rich in heavenly places I am seated with Christ I'm living in another dimension huh that's why your family doesn't understand you that's why everybody thinks you're crazy that's why they don't understand your shout they don't understand your praise they say oh I see you're part of an occult you know I tell pastor Paul don't rescue me this occult saved my marriage this occult changed my kids this occult healed my body friend I'm telling you right now the Bible says we're gonna be counted among those that are bigots that are child molesters there's coming a day where this world it's going to treat us as public enemy number one and if you don't know that God that you serve if you don't have an iron in your spirit during the days of persecution three weekends ago they brought you a hundred women and children absolutely watch one of the videos I wish I would have watched it out into a field in Africa and they hacked him to death with machetes for being Christians three weekends ago this happened or four weekends ago and you know what your greatest issue was last weekend my Netflix won't connect to my wife I forgot the Wi-Fi pastor have the password have to go call someone to connect me there is a disconnect and the body of Christ between the price paid for our faith - the price paid and other nations let me ask you how much have you paid for your Christian in here because that will show me how serious when I have lost everything people say are you ever gonna go back and I'm thinking I have nothing to go back to huh I've burned every Bridge I got rid of every contact I tore and throughout every search I'm broke every Idol God's gonna raise up a generation that goes we have nowhere to go you have the words of eternal life so I was like watching this guy thinking I don't know what I'm gonna do and then I remembered angels are waiting on my prayers are your angels bored how much time have I spent this week on my phone probably five to six hours a day easily it'd be real easily and then let me compare how much time have I spent prank how much time have I spent specifically praying for a family member yet you come to church shake your fist at God say God there's 168 hours in the week I'm giving you two of the hundred and sixty-eight and I think that I'm a radical friend God is raising up a organism in the earth that is so passionate and radical he's gonna say my house shall be called a house of prayer I'm about to do something so radical and so abnormal that my church it's gonna be eradicated there will be no sickness among you there will be no demons among you we've been making demons comfortable prove it Jesus came to the church and said you've turned my house probably you've never seen this watch into a den of thieves I've read that I preached it wrong 100 times just to be the first one to say it do you turn our house we're thieves were stealing from people we're taking money and that was one element but who did he say the thief was he said there's a man called the thief who comes to steal who comes to kill and destroy there is three assignments the enemy has and he has one native tongue his native tongue is lies it's the only thing he speaks and he only has three assignments for every area of your life it's to steal from you it's to kill you and ultimately to destroy your eternity and God said when he came to the church he said you've turned my house into a den of demons watch this he said you have allowed the thief and if you go to systematic theology the principle of first mention what most of you means nothing praise God that thing right there says that whatever mentioned it holds precedent for the rest of Scripture he said the thief is the devil and you've allowed the thief in my house you have given watch this demons access into the holy place we have more we have searches now let's say we're gonna play Drake and all this music to try to get people in and I'm telling them you understand you're not just getting people in huh you're getting demons in you're inviting the devil to church and Jezebel has polluted our fountains so I didn't know what to do so I I just prayed a prayer to be honest I didn't even believe thank God that he's here with us in our unbelief I said I command I looked at that guy in the eye that UFC MMA fighter I said I commend angels to hold you down and I'm telling you this guy's like 6 foot 94 he is yeah that's why I just said six foot 94 I mean he is taller than hauled and tall you have to mean literally I'm like bro I look up to you not really look up to you but I'm like I look up to you because this dude is towering over me and that guy before and here's the amazing part of the story I the words did not leave in my mouth I didn't even finish saying the sentence by the time I finished the last letter that man went back I'm telling he was standing there no one saw him he flew back on his back and one arm went down like this and the next arm went down like this watch and his body was levitating off the ground but his wrists were strapped to the ground and that demon begin to say you better get these angels off me huh and I put my hand right there I'm thinking I'm petting an angel right now I didn't see him but I started realizing there is another realm that I can't see and this morning I'm speaking into that dimension I'm speaking into that I'm listening to what God is saying and the spiritual dimension does hell no you so basketball I walked in to do a deliverance a family called me they said our daughters extremely sick doctors don't know what's wrong with her I got to her house the moment I laid hands on her God said do not pray for healing she does not need healing she needs deliverance and I said how am I going to break it this 15 year old girl to her parents that she needs a liver ins and I told her parents I said I'm just gonna be straight with you this girl needs a deliverance and so they set this thing up and I got there with a couple girls from the ministry and a couple guys I said we're gonna get in this house I looked at them we didn't even go in the house yet I looked at them at the door I said listen here's the deal I said we got to be out of here by 6:30 because I got a prayer meeting I have to run so we got about an hour to catch these jokers out before we leave this place so minute let's make it quick okay I got on there I'm counseling demons out it's 15 minutes so I have to go there's one last demon left it won't leave it starts telling me all this stuff about sickness about generational curses which grab all the stuff this girl never knew and I'm sitting there going why won't you leave I told the team that said why won't you leave because every legal right was broken every door was closed we pleaded the blood over every doorpost of every spiritual access and the demon said because you have to leave soon you have to leave it the demon told me you have to leave in 15 minutes remember I walked I wasn't even the house when I said it it was before I walked in which tells me number one the girl never heard me say it number two there's a spiritual realm watch watch the principal I'm gonna give you that can hear what you say but can't reach your mind and there is a lot of you watch that's giving the enemy the strategy against you you're giving him the cheat codes and accessing your life and by the words that you speak you're giving him strategy on how to attack you you ladies sit in front of them mirror and say this is too small and this is too big and these stick out too far and the devil goes in security and that spirit begins to weave through your life and before you know it you're in front of a toilet vomiting every time you eat because you've given the devil access by what you say your words create realities and if you don't like your reality start speaking live start saying I'm cold I'm chosen I'm predestined I'm a man of God I'm anointed of God just this week pastor just this week I was with my spiritual father several weeks ago and he began to tell me about my family saying you better be telling your kids who you are you better be telling your grandkids who you are you better make sure your wife knows you better make sure your parents know I'll go what do you mean he goes because if you don't be gonna tell them what's your part of your some of you are ashamed of being a part of revival have you don't begin to tell them they will begin to resent the move of God see my life and Daniel's life and office revivalist I spent 24 hours a day most times in the presence of God in worship and meetings there is a mandate why because of the hour that we live in this is not an hour where we have the luxury and the time to play Church and to play games in fact I had a friend recently who led his friend to the Lord and two weeks later his friend he led to the Lord died and my friend told me weekend weeks ago he had a dream that he was in heaven and he saw his friend he led to the Lord up there and his friend was dancing and shouting and excited and he said why are you so excited why is there so much excitement and my friend told me he was in heaven and he felt like something was about to happen and his friend who had just passed away said oh you don't know you haven't heard the final call for repentance has gone out he goes we're in the final call there is one last call for revival the heaven is resourcing right now because pretty soon here the Lord is going to come back and he's not coming back for brides he's coming back for a bride he's coming back for a real bride not a prostitute not a bride with a bunch of plastic surgery he goes I want a bride without spot without without a wrinkle to present myself without wrinkle I started researching what does that mean you know the number one way you get wrinkles we know old age that's a whole sermon itself but you know the number one reason people get extreme wrinkles tanning beds so I looked in this going what the heck is this mean UV this is what the definitely said man-made light is how you get wrinkles and you know what I begin to realize God is not coming back for a church where we make the gospel where we make the light where we make the standard there is a standard and a judgement some of you think God is grading on a curve do you know what grading on a curve means it means the teacher takes the highest grade in the classroom and judges everybody else based upon the highest grade so if 90% was the highest grade that would be the a not a hundred percent and God goes I'm not grading on a curve I'm grading on the Word of God Jesus came and showed us what the normal Christian life was supposed to be like it was supposed to be supernatural it was supposed to be driving out Devils it wasn't supposed to be rare a level when they looked at the disciples and they all got together all the sick people and they said oh my gosh at nine o'clock every day Peter goes goes to the coffee shop and gets a latte and we got all these sick people that we don't know what to do with the war the cancer works full the hospitals are full they go on if it was possible we all lined up in front of Dutch brothers and when Peter comes at nine o'clock and he walks by ticket his coffee what if we laid everybody out and we just got close enough to where his shadow would just hover over the people he doesn't even have to pray for them he doesn't even have to lay hands I'm talking about fresh start we are coming into a dimension where we are going to be walking down the street and that lady begging on the side of the road and the wheelchair your even going to lay hands on her you're gonna walk by here her you're gonna be 15 feet away and here's somebody screaming huh and look back and see her doing this because your shadow and fell upon her I want to see some unusual see but it's gonna take a sifting so God says this oh and you're not gonna like this I promise you probably won't go through theology go read your Bible it's in there God allows the devil to come sift us to come examine us to come tempt us he let Jesus be tempted to work tempt meaning do you examine you you know what it is let's see if you are who you say you are because you're all in revival and shouting but I want to see the you at 2:00 in the morning I you know I've had friends it hasn't happen to me but my has happened to my wife and many of my pastor friends where don't get a random text message literally random my wife got one from a friend of mine he didn't his phone literally I went to his phone there was no sent messages and my wife gets a text message from a friend of mine who's a guy and she clicks it and it's literally a link to a pornographic website and my friend goes instantly goes dude like I don't I don't have it in my sentence and I'm going do you understand that there is an assignment from the enemy to examine you and to tempt you and to try you and to see if you really are who you say you are he goes I want to come to you and I want to poke you and I want to approach you and I want to tempt you and I want to challenge you see but we have a church that is so watered-down and so weak in the spirit when temptation comes we bow down with everybody else but God is raising up these endtime messengers these end time prophets that are gonna walk in the power of the Spirit that aren't gonna be tempted look at Peter one day Jesus and Peter are eating breakfast Peter's eating his Froot Loops Jesus zinnias Captain Crunch and Peter goes you know Jesus was there knock at the door at three o'clock in the morning and Jesus goes oh yeah there was Peter goes did you answer the door I just goes yeah I did Peter goes who was it and Jesus responds it was the devil and Peter says the devil came at 3:00 in the morning and Jesus goes yeah Peter goes what did he want um he was asking to sift you Peter goes what he goes the devil came and asked me how'd he get you understand the devil's get permission before he messes with you and it's not the devil giving himself permission it's God giving him permission and Peter goose shall wait let me get this straight the devil came at three o'clock in the morning while I was asleep and asked you if he could sift me if he could press me if he could tempt me if he could try me if he could send back old relationships if he could send me pornographic links he goes what you say I told him he could and Jesus gets up with his empty bowl of cereal puts it in the drill in the sink and goes to walk into his bedroom and taps Peters shoulder and goes don't worry Peter I'm praying for you what you're praying for me see here's what Jesus was saying I can't get you out of this one I want to rescue you he goes but here's the thing if I rescue you you'll become a baby Christian that always needs an encounter to fight against darkness he goes but I want to raise you up well you could resist every temptation good I get the worship team up you could resist every assignment and every strategy and every demon power where your eyes are opened what's a test it's a series of questions to see whether you know the subject matter begin ask yourself do I know Jesus and the next question is this does he'll know me and here's the answer if it doesn't know you it's probably because you're on its team if there is no spiritual shape when I say that I mean where I go out to a family barbecue I'm telling you I've been places where out when I first was it I was at the gym and people around me begin to growl while I'm working out the gym why because I'm caring watch I'm carrying a kingdom not it's not just a male Jesus wants to build a three-story Guatemala el Senor it's not just a treehouse in my heart I'm carrying a world of chariots of angels he said I want to give you a kingdom and French structures when you carry that everywhere you go it disrupts darkness everywhere you go it begins to challenge forces of addiction it begins to challenge I remember one time I walked I know I'm telling stories I didn't preach it really solid but where it's all good we like this praise God so what you need to hear I walked into a 7-eleven and as I'm walking in my uncle's talking to this sweet little I guess homeless lady at the front walk out of 7-eleven and my uncle's like oh this is something I look at her and she calls back and she goes what do you want from us we know who you are and demons speak out of this sweet little grandma and you know what I begin to realize I'm carrying something I'm not aware of the presence that I carry and God is saying I need your eyes open which means if my eyes are going to be on the spirit now please I'm on Instagram I've been posting videos of you guys all week long have people riding me I'm gonna send that video to every pastor now I'm gonna post all my pages I am believing and I believe in the phone I believe in the Facebook live I believe please don't say there you were not allowed to go on Instagram no go post your Flyers I'm just saying don't let your eyes be so attached to this spiritual realm that you forget about this spiritual realm today here's clearly what the Lord is showing me I'm going to begin to open up some eyes in the spirit and some of you this morning the devil is going to put up a most wanted poster on the gates of Hell that has your face on it it's time for us to begin to make war on another level because here's why if we're gonna go to the next level the devil's gonna step it up to the next level and we can't be part time fighting someone that's full time and I'll revive on the house I'll share one more with you and then I'm gonna close I could remember a time of a guy coming to me three weeks after a specific incident happened he said Isaiah I came to this house three weeks ago he's and I've been battling rage and remember with the revival with the living room then we had a kitchen then we had another living room at a big house another living room and a huge hallway he says three weeks ago I was at your revival my wife drugged me here I love hearing it he goes and I was full of anger I'll be honest I was abusing my wife I was abusing my kids he said something would take over me always angry I was fighting I was hitting people I had a rage he goes and my wife drugged me to this revival I thought this is ridiculous why are these people here what's going on this must be Nicole he said and I sat in the kitchen at the very farthest eat you could find war where the hallway was I said I said on that corner and I had my arms crossed and I didn't believe it I didn't think anything of it he goes I never knew what what was going on he goes in all a sudden because I got up that night and had to go to the restroom which was in the back of the house he goes and you walked by and he goes you probably don't remember this he goes but you bumped shoulders with me he goes when you bump shoulders with me because we're so crowded to get into that bathroom he goes I felt something the moment your shoulder touched my shoulder he said I felt something I don't know what it was because the guy didn't go to church he said but I felt like something had come off my body something had lifted off me he said Isaiah it's been three weeks he goes and whatever that was that demon that he goes I have had no more anger I have had no more rage I've had no more I'm talking about a level where we bump into the lost and they get born again who wants to go to that level you could stay back in your chair but I'm ready for something crazy I'm ready for the devil that know me huh cast out some spirit I'm ready to make some disciples come to this altar and say Oh God would you open up my eyes would you open up my ears oh there's profits raising up today huh that are gonna have ears to hear there's prophets like Samuel huh then they're gonna speak the word that are gonna have eyes in the spirit the Samuel generation is raising up don't go back to bed stay awake say Here I am Lord Here I am Lord Here I am Lord your servant listening to speak to this house speak to this church oh wait I hear the bride waking up got about Sita all the bride is waking up God says I'm not coming back for a prostitute I'm not coming back for a plastic surgeon bride I'm not coming back for a religion that is more synthetic than the launch hair in my backyard I'm coming back come on God make us a bride God God would you wash us God Father we've lost our way God we will host our first love come on church there's one thing he can't ignore and not to cry but we cry out this morning God got it we don't have revival we lose America America is too young to die got sender of a vibe Oh God awaken your church to holiness awaken your church Skyler we don't want to we don't want to sit there and not drive out Devils we don't want to not pray for the sick god help us to make disciples God raised up Labor's in this house gotta raise up the John the Baptist God Lord I've been crying out sitting where these Ezekiel's where the Jeremiah see that would weep in the pulpits in God we've lost our way we put you in the temple with all our idols God we don't want you to be an accessory we want you to be a necessity God Oh God send your spirit back to American Church God send your spirit back or just behold I stand at the door God goes I'm heartbroken because I'm outside my church and I'm going this is no how would I hide for but God would you break our hearts how is it that we cry at our favorite romance movie but we're not broken when we look at the cross we're not broken when we see the cross when we think about the price that was paid to give us access this morning go would you wake us up awaken the ground awaken the cry of our heart Lord I hear the Lord saying this in the spirit I hear the Lord saying this I remember you god help us I remember you Jeremiah and the kindness of your youth and here's what the word says when you went after me for some of you God goes I remember when you used to go after me where you didn't care about your makeup where you were waterproof mascara because you knew something was gonna change in your life at the house of God where no one could shut your worship down but today you're here and you've drifted away from your first love and you went from sitting in the first row to the third row to the fifth row to the seventh row we don't see you at the prayer meeting we don't see you and you got the new job you got married you got kids and God goes I remember you he was when you were used to go after me like a young bride long ago in the wilderness church it's time we go after him again it's time God becomes an obsession at times we get addicted to the love of God [Music] a holy addiction when's the last time I fell over saying this is revelation I've never thought about this or wrote this down when's the last time you had holy withdraws friend of I don't drink caffeine for a day I'm having withdrawal symptoms migraines there's pain and God goes you've gone weeks without my presence and you haven't withdrawn where's the holy withdraws we go God I need you today like I've never needed you before there's a thirst there's a thirst if you don't come I die I need you blow the trumpet sound the alarm the day of the Lord come back to America go back to your church God we need you send awakening and revival in this nation and the nations of the earth don't let it started me going let it start in my heart tear your carbons tear your spirit awaken the crow wake your spirit up and call upon the Lord [Music] God let me withdraw so many of us can't remember the last time we let our cellphone die every night we plug it in what about your spirit your spirits dead and when are you gonna plug back into the source say god you're my source of pleasure I don't need one glass of wine I need an outpouring of the Holy Spirit you're my pleasure you're my joy you're my reason for breathing eight years ago I heard a preacher named Jason nettles say some of you are gonna wake up and the first thing you'll think about is God and you'll go to bed and the last thing you'll think about is God and I sat in the back of the room that seats 5,000 people and I said this that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard as an atheist I said that the next day it would go three days of no sleep and then eight years later watch this there's not a morning that has gone by or a night that has gone by where I am NOT so obsessed with the person named Jesus and the man of the Holy Spirit where I lay my head on that pillow and I'm having thoughts about him I'm imagining the glory and how his face the Bible's a brighter than the noonday Sun where when Christ comes that the Sun is going to be seven times brighter and it will pale in comparison to the glory of Christ where he's going to illuminate the earth and shine and light will break out every chain will break free to monic power of darkness I'm obsessed with this man I wake up I think about him I go to bed I think about it I dream about him I fantasize about the spiritual realm going god I want to be with you and God goes you're with me right now the Bible says we are seated with Christ in heavenly places that you have access right now every eye closed you have access right now into spiritual realms then I've never done this in eight years but I want you to picture the face of Christ and the Bible describes is this shining brighter than the noonday Sun and you just pray you just think God I need eyes to see eyes closed but asking for spiritual eyes why am I making you close your eyes because I want God right now while your natural eyes are closed God's going to begin to right there it is already happening popping open popping open spiritual eyes as a baby comes out of its mother's womb and its eyes open one of the most amazing moments of my life my two daughters seeing their eyes open and the glory and the Wonder and the splendor and the mystery of the world they were born into and God says I want to birth some of you into the spirit I want some of you to be born again this morning to be born again in the spirit around and you're gonna begin have eyes to distinguish and to discern what the Lord is saying and what the Lord is doing father right now I pray over the eyes there is a fight in this generation to get you to not see there is a fight of lust I had a dream last night I never dream I woke up at four o'clock in the morning sweating and I had this dream of demons all around me and I was casting a demon out of this person and all these demons were coming out and these demons begin to surround me and there was one last demon I could see it in the spirit in this person and it was just huge demon and I asked the demon what is your name and it said Jezebel and that demon said I'm shutting down the eyes of this generation and as I'm overwhelmed in the dream and I like I said that you probably if you listen to me preach you probably never heard me share dreams - I don't dream and all of a sudden I'm getting chills I'm sweating in my dream I'm sweating in real life as well this was last night about 4 o'clock in the morning and I'm being surrounded literally by demons all these creatures I could describe them and I'm scared I'm by myself I'm freaking out and I begin to I begin to think about angels I have access to heavenly places I'm seated with Christ in the spiritual realms and I could call upon the Father and he'll send help to me so I begin to do only thing I knew I begin to cry out I begin to pray and I'll never forget I in the dream I turn around and all these men wearing armor with wings they begin to fly I feel the Holy Ghost right now they begin to fly in in the dream and the moment they showed up they didn't make war they didn't fight when they got on the scene every power and every demon surrounding me begin to run like a child runs to its mom those demons had no chance I speak to some of you and say the devil has no chance there are angels that are breaking out in this house there are angels of revival and Joseph awakening angels of deliverance come on ask Allah take on sin and gellick encounters send angelic assistance I said angels to your family huh I said angels to your marriage option angels to your ministry huh the Lord is going to increase this is this is God I promise I don't ever talk like this I never talk about angels none of this stuff the Lord says this a word of the Lord right now and I know I'm flowing but we're gonna go for this the Lord says I'm about to increase the angelic presence in this place when real battle breaks out the general calls and says this we need more troops and I hear the word of the Lord saying I'm about to send this house some more troops I'm about to oh you didn't hear me if you heard me you would shout louder than that I'm about to send fresh-start some reinforcements because there's about to be some darkness that we're about to fight and we're gonna have the sword of the Lord and the armies of the angels that are going to go before us and our worship and our praise and our shout it's going to rout demons demons are gonna tremble demons are gonna come in one way and leave seven because the power and the anointing of Almighty God come on let's begin to contend right now we're gonna pray we're gonna have a revival again tonight lay hands do all that but there's something happening in this atmosphere there's something there's a there's a hunger stirring up and here's what it is there's more you begin to hear these testimonies and here's what it does it bricks you going there's more there's more out there for me than just showing up once a week and live in my life there's somebody else's revelation Peter I know Paul I know but who are you I'm going I want to damage I want to make damage on darkness I want the devil to show up and say I know you got a guy I know of he flew into an area I live in San Jose California and as he was flying in the Lord opened up his eyes in the spirit and he saw the Principality which is a high-ranking demon over the entire city of San Jose and he began to tremble in the airplane as he flew over the city and he said oh my god there's a principality and the Principality was looking right at his airplane and he's scared because he thinks and God says this don't worry oh I felt the Holy Ghost went about to say he told my friend he said we're not my friend a guy I know if he says don't worry you could see him but he can't see you see when the Bible says to put on Christ the literal translation is this to be in Christ is to be camouflaged it's the first place we find the word camo camouflage from the Greek when little you're hidden when a bob says you're hidden I thought about why am i hidden in Christ Who am I hidden from your camouflage so that when the enemy comes he can't stop you if you tried you might know the name of my daughter you might know the name of my kids and the devil might know my address but I'm camouflage I'm with Christ I'm not afraid of no little penny demon ain't nobody got time for that I'm full of the Holy Ghost I got the power of Almighty God on the inside of me when I speak the devil has to listen when I speak demons have to bow when I speak power come on shout come on shout come on shout i feel the devil getting mad i feel the devil getting mad i feel the devil getting a migraine i feel the temple getting a migraine that devil thought he had you it's time to go oh you better tell your team is today it's time for you to move out it's time for you to move out take your shirt with you take your car with you take your house with you take the memories take the pain take the depression take the anxiety take the religion it's time for him to move out there's a new sheriff in town his name's the holy ghost and he's about to move in [Music] I just breakthrough happening God's rewriting DNA I share with pastor Paul I generational curses God broke rewrote my history God's about to rewrite someone's generational curse right now I'm not gonna start going in to deliver some we're not doing all that we'll do that another time but here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna break some generational curses before I hand this mic over I'm gonna break off there's some generational curses that have plagued you and you've gone to a place where you're so used to it you're used to craving alcohol you're used to craving cigarettes and we teach you old brothers just go to your battle God does not want you to battle against addiction your whole life he wants to battle a you battle against other people's issues and other people's spirits he wants to set you free he wants to break you out as Pastor Daniel preached he wants to break you out and where you don't just come out but I hear the Lord saying stay out stay out of the prison stay out of the bondage stay out of the addiction huh stay out of the struggle I want to break you out every eye closed right now I plead here's the only way to break demonic power the blood of Jesus I fill it I believe the blood of Jesus against every demonic hex curse a generational curse and the name of Jesus I come against the generational curse of addiction I come against the generational curse of perversion I come against the generational curse because there is when I've talked to him of religion let me say that one more time I come against right now in the spiritual realm by access through the blood of Jesus I plead the blood of Jesus against the spirit of religion the spirit of lust the spirit of perversion the spirit of homosexuality generational curses as well they got a couple months ago generational curses of homosexuality delivered to the snake set free by the power of God I come against it now by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus I come against the generational curse of teen pregnancy that's a curse I've met it I come against it now in the name of Jesus some of you ladies need to put your hands up right now I come against the generational curse of barrenness I rebuke every curse over your generational line where you struggle to have children we come against that now by the blood of Jesus come on something's breaking right now I come against the generational curse of lying in the name of Jesus I come against the generational curse of adultery you will not be unfaithful in the name of Jesus I plead the blood of Jesus over that sin and I say the Lord is going to take his sword and going to rewrite your generational line divorces today's a fresh start for your generation what I've seen that oh come on just pray the spirit warm-ups done God's breaking something right now there's something happening there's something shaking there's a shaking happening I felt a demon around the dark realm trembling right now there's a breaking down as stronghold is literally a fortress it's a castle that the devil builds and as we say this the bulldozers of the Holy Ghost are breaking down castles fortresses strongholds mindsets are being broken you don't even know but you're gonna walk out thinking different talking different acting different there's one last prey we're gonna pray before I hand it over I'm done with every hand up if you if you want this if you don't want it just keep your hands down let somebody else have it that wants it we're gonna ask the Lord to equip us not just for deliverance that's one aspect praise God but for the spiritual life some of you are gonna start that spiritual life where we're gonna come up to you and say I want you know I want this to start being vocabulary in this church if I could say that I'm I'm on staff here I'm one of your evangelists I go out when I'm on staff here so I could say this okay they don't know it yeah but I'm on staff here just watch this I want the vocabulary of this house to begin to be like this how's your spiritual life I'm not asking you about what you did I'm not asking about the football game I'm not asking about your favorite sport team or your favorite basketball player we need to begin a vocabulary need to begin a shift where they come and say how's your spiritual life what have you been doing in the spirit what have you been changing in the spirit where we watch this we begin to have conversation about spiritual things right if I ask somebody how's your spirit you couldn't go on a minute if I ask you about your football player you go on for days oh you wouldn't believe they made this 143 yards in 19 I'm think I can't think of that I can't remember names of my own family members and you know the stats of all your favorite players but the the vocabulary begins to shift in this house where we begin to say oh you you're not gonna believe this last night I'm not talking about weird okay listen I've been in a lot of weird stuff I've been in weird revivals when I revival started week week one I say I've only I said we will not become weird we're not gonna do the weird stuff where the unsay people come and they leave faster and they wanted to stay because we're doing all this weird stuff I'm not talking about weird that's what I love about this revival there's nothing weird happening this is all God it's all organic and it's all real so I'm not yeah you hear me the whole use a circuit we're but gold I'm not I love gold let's praise God if you get some gold us bottle it up I'll sell it and send them money to the Philippines okay so praise God for all the manifestations I'm not talking about weird I'm talking about being spiritual we said yeah last night an angel showed up and begin to give me strategy on how I'm gonna see my parents saved I'm talking about where you save men I was in a dream I was fighting demonic powers it was crazy because I saw my brother in the dream and I saw the spirit of heroine and I was in the spirit and I was warning against that spirit and then a week later my brothers in French turn and she comes to me says you're gonna leave this I haven't had one heroin addiction since Friday night and you think back and go it was Friday night when I was warring I can't say heroin spirit I'm talking about being taken up next level so it's I closed my eyes got to ask you right now God that you would give this house eyes in the spirit ears in the spirit and then God I pray supernatural the Bible says to pursue the spiritual gifts God we pursue we're not waiting on them to fall on us we're not waiting to wake up with a golden brick under our pillow God we are going after spiritual things we are going after spiritual dimensions and father I ask you right now that you would break open that spirit around to us that you would give us eyes and ears that you would equip us to fight demons that our relationship with Jesus would give us access come on begin a crowd and ask him 60 seconds I'm done father equip us to cast out Devils give us download he said and I will send the Holy Spirit and he will show you things and disciple you and keeps you no time you had to cast out Devils the Holy Ghost I say who tell you to do miracles the Holy Ghost who taught you how to prophesied the Holy Ghost father I bring you a disciple us we're about to cut off oh I'm done I'm done I'm done I have one more prophetic word I did this flowing right now it's flowing I'm sorry we I are lower saying this we're about to come into a new discipleship movement and here's what it's called the Holy Ghost God said I feel it God says I'm about to send something so radical to this house where the Holy Spirit is gonna begin to disciple people here's why because it's gonna expand so good much greater than we've ever seen and we're gonna sit here in our offices and go we can't we can't do this there's not enough of us of all of our staff to disciple all these people and God goes I got reinforcements guy goes oh don't worry pastor Paul pastor Kim I'm about to come and make some disciples I know you can't do it all I'll send my spirit and my spirit says the Lord it's going to begin a disciple you're gonna come home say Joseph oh I don't even need you to disciple me the Holy Spirit has been showing me and what he's been showing you it's gonna be right in alignment with what he's showing this house there's gonna be a holy alignment and discipleship movement and the head of the movement is called the Spirit of Almighty God reaching and teaching come on give him a shout give him a shout give him a shout [Music] thank you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah oh wow wow wow wow well well [Music] here Subala marketing okay so it's not like that we're not used to truth being preached here fresh start yes I suppose say this is this is Lord I knew we'd have to get up here and then he made me talk first after that [Music] and I want to say this because I love every one of y'all we love every one of y'all and there's many many of you that are so new and we haven't you know got to know you very well some of the others been here a while and this is where my heart is right now I don't want to say this to you to try to if Isaiah hasn't and the fear of the Lord is that weed in woods you in this point this thing is real y'all it's real you know if you weeks ago and I was preaching and made this statement that you must grow with revival or revival will outgrow you and when something is too big for you and something doesn't fit you you become intimidated by it you become aggravated with it and pretty soon you don't want to have anything to do with it and I just want to say especially because this is a sunny morning crowded you know I don't want to make you feel bad this morning because that doesn't that doesn't profit anything I mean I'm not afraid to preach song and stuff but I want to make you feel bad but I am going to challenge you today you know you need to search your heart this morning Sunday morning people for those of you who haven't been here on Friday and Saturday night and as and as of before service started this morning you had no plans to come back tonight and you you love the atmosphere here but you have not connected you have not plugged that that plug into the socket in the spirit and Isaiah has hit the nail on the head this morning and everything that needed to be said to you was said and to myself I'm not excluding myself but I'm saying it is a constant challenge to our flesh and our mindsets and if there's one thing among many that that I come into agreement with it all but there's one thing that I would speak to just as a follow-up to this because this was a a just it was just a word is that I was standing down there and sitting down there and watching him and you know I didn't I didn't I don't have a testimony like that and I love my testimony that I have that I was raised in a bodily home and a godly heritage with parents that were both preachers and ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ and raised and imparted to me but I'm like there is a passion in that young man and Daniel is the same and others like them because they have seen the reality of the demonic they have seen the reality of hell they have seen what Hell and demons can do and I'm afraid I'm speaking to a few of us in the room today that we have not seen that other side enough we have not been opened up to that side and none and we take for granted and we don't realize that we are cohabiting with a religious demon ourselves and the God God has sent this voice this morning many other times but specifically this morning for such a time as this as we go into this next year and you say you better shake yourself or you're gonna wake up in the garment of revival it's going to be bigger than what you can handle and you better make your choice today that I will grow with what God is doing this so I can wear the garment of revival for this next year and this next season you will be challenged at every turn God will use my voice God will use his voice Scott we use voices of people around you God will use circumstances there is a prayer army and a prayer force that is growing in this house faster than it ever has and it's been intentional but it's also sovereign what God is doing I'll tell you it is not going to stop so the water level of the Holy Spirit and the fire of God is only going to get greater and greater and greater we have crossed thresholds we have crossed over come on as we say and it's not going to get easier for flesh so this is this is where we have to grow to is what we're is is what Isaiah said and I'm just still speaking to that same same section of people if you will is we have to grow to the place where no one has to babysit you no one has to babysit me no one has to has to call me up and say where are you where are you now one has to ring your phone or or or send you an email or a text and say where are you where come all y'all the hunger catch to grow the passion has to grow [Applause] so just lift your hands because hallelujah God open our eyes to the reality of what we're in the middle of right now gone open our eyes EMS honey on the Latino vocal body yesterday some of y'all need to reevaluate the choices that you're making in your work schedules you're making choices in your work schedules where not only are you doing a disservice to your family but you're doing a disservice to the house of God that little bit of extra money 100 bucks 200 bucks whatever it is is it really worth that y'all pray in the spirit right now because God is wanting to speak [Music] melanne micarta God has already been dealing with us about the things that we keep before our eyes and all this stuff I just felt that come up in my spirit you need to let Holy Spirit speak to you ma'am sir about your work skills and I'm not talking about you know being faithful to your employer and and your businesses I talk about the extra stuff that you do because Mammon is driving you Mammon is driving you the kingdom needs money but I'm telling you Mammon is another whole different thing it's driving you we sacrifice all that today we say Lord I'm gonna do I'm gonna work cuz I know that's what I'm supposed to do but it is not going to be the driving force it is not gonna be my identity you are my identity today and in the name of Jesus right now I come against this thing in us where we have to get where when we're hyped up we respond you know hear me fresh start with this is just mom and pop speaking to you right now actually just mom right now he'll speak in a minute but you know we'll have waves we have amazing attendance on our Wednesday night gap intercession and worship amazing for the most part for the percentage of size of our church I tell you it kind of when we have a service like this we're real challenging message some though next Wednesday night what will show that you guys will come you'll come out you'll come out not believe me we have faithful people that come in every single week I tell you we got to get past and grow past a firing up sermon a challenging this set to where oh I gotta get to come on it's every week because this is where the battle is fought it's the most important meeting of the week here when I'm saying so this this is drawing the line and look I will say this one last thing make a sama msemen case Emma kissed Emma Emma say measure Mukesh ameesha make a ma ma se ma kasam se McCain my second MICU Shawna McCain some of you have negotiated your way out of revival you've negotiated your way nation on any stomach he's done them in Kingdom icon and while we're in this atmosphere we just need to deal with that today there is absolutely no negotiating with God it is as he says and that's it no gray areas no gray areas good MSA take you know my dad me outside hallelujah we're all in and Jesus name year four here we go amen okay look there's so much to pull out of what we heard today but I'm gonna give you one thing is what I see God is wanting to move us to a place of authority where we no longer come to get somebody to lay hands on us but we come to lay hands on others what I'm talking about because we finally get rid of our demons so we can help somebody else get rid of their demons I really believe God is speaking that to us because those seats back there are gonna be filled with people that need to be delivered God's already spoke that to us so I was in a meeting recently and there was a powerful word released and the word was about taking territory and regions but the one that released the word didn't move into the alter experience someone else came took the mic and they had the authority to do that and felt like it was time for them to pray for everybody in the building in a fire tunnel we've done those here we believe in those but see that wasn't the word of the Lord for the night the word of the Lord for the night was not listen a hands on everybody so they can get blessed the word of the Lord was this tear down principalities and powers you see what I'm saying it turned back to them instead of them turning against the enemy God wants us to get to the place there is a place a victory and authority where we march in here and our praise releases an anointing that breaks that breaks the power of the enemy [Music] and when we leave here we don't leave here because somebody laid hands on me and I got touched but I leave here with a shout because I laid hands on somebody and the power of the enemy was broken off their life you are that army you are that army stop looking at yourself as the one that needs to be delivered and look at yourself as the one that's getting ready to be a deliverer serious [Applause] this is the manifestation of revival yes Wow Thank You Isaiah love you you are our evangelists I'm not gonna pay you but you're our advancements oh okay [Music] so this is a beautiful moment as we launch into our fourth year just kind of just just got a shift just a little bit of that mind say y'all yes see yourself different because you are you are Wow well so we'll be back here tonight 6 o'clock evangelist Daniel gray you say pastor I don't know if we can get any better oh it's going to get better it's the finale the Holy Ghost is going to show up and he's gonna roll over this place say mad [Music]
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 5,234
Rating: 4.8387098 out of 5
Id: 65eGSKyrb3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 23sec (5543 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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