Pastor Kimberly Ray Testimony

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want everybody else to love him and nothing like I do cuz I love him with all of my heart I wanna encourage God's people to continue to fall in love with Jesus amen amen well I tell you it's such a blessing to hear women of God speak from your heart and I'm going to ask them to just tell make sure I'm gonna ask you to begin by telling us your experience when you got filled with the Holy Ghost I want I want the saints of God to know that the Holy Ghost is real amen and that the Holy Ghost is still yet moving and he's still feeling amen you know it's really amazing that a John the Baptist amen when he went forth he let them know that there is one coming after me yeah amen and I'm not even worthy to unlatch his shoes amen and then he shall come baptizing you with the Holy Ghost and with fire so we want to just talk about our experience being filled with the Holy Ghost for just a moment yes Cheryl ahead I think that the first thing I remember is my mom telling me a hyung said God needs to come into a pure heart and she said he had you have to be joyful and she also said you couldn't have any sin there where the Holy Ghost was coming in from well and I remember one night tarrying for the Holy Ghost and um I went the first time I went and someone said just repeat after me and they said say Holly and I said Holly and they can now say Holly Lou and I say Holly Lou so you got it another lurches I got the Holy Ghost here and you know again I thank God for those church mothers in mama cuz it was a prayer me and I was gonna Holly Holly and they said baby mm-hmm you don't have it and so I had to go back and I remember being at a watch night service oh yeah I had to go back y'all right some of y'all need to go back Oh all right here we don't see it was January dumb first at the watch night service I was at the monument of fake evangelistic church yes floor and right at the midnight hour a pastor Hinton Richard Daniel Hinton our beloved he said tell god what you want before you go over into this new year haha and I remember saying god I'd want the Holy Ghost and I lifted my hands and I saw the Saints they were just popping and they were praising God never said thank you Jesus and I remember I said lord if you are real and if you're up there I want to speak in tongues as the Spirit of God huh I'll give honor its glory to God and I remember that night I got down on my knees and I said lord if there's anything in me I want you to take it out I'm telling them again to say thank you Jesus that disease yes thank you Jesus and I remember to say yes God have your way in my life I began to feel the fire of the Holy Ghost we get up when he gave me the power of the Holy Ghost oh hi thank you Jesus Paul into that word Network touch and agree with somebody they go eight five five seven three zero word you want to be filled with the Holy Ghost a gold touch and agree with it but if you want to be filled with the Holy Ghost glory to God and I feel the power of God hallelujah all over the nation hallelujah lift up your hands and blessing he'll come into the room where you are he'll come in your family room he'll come in your kitchen right now he'll come wherever you are all you got to do is praise it with all that is within you glory to God give them all that your hair and he will bless your soul you can call in right now eight five five seven three zero word to wor Addie call in right now and if you want to experience the power of the Holy Ghost I want to say the Holy Ghost is real it's the third person of the Trinity I want to tell you something that the Holy Ghost and that is our Paraclete he is our helper he will help you in the time of need he's our comforter and that whatever you need I tell you all you got to do is we get it it's all wrapped up and tied up and tangled up and that in the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost won't bless God come on Lisa tell him how did you get feel less alone bless the Lord it was on a Tuesday night at the same church monument of faith and I'll never forget this because mom told me and you need to comb your hair tonight we're gonna she said put I was gonna wear a hat you know back in the day we where you know where the little Scully's in the little hats and I had my little hat over the outfit matching and everything and your mom looked at me she should I feel like the Holy Ghost is gonna have his way she you may want to comb your hair so we kind of laughed a little bit and I went to church that night and pastor Hinton was preaching the Word of God and then a woman of God came and she ministered about Lord make me cry and she was talking about people who were hard-hearted and through the things that had been through in life they were holding on to unforgiveness and deep hurts and things of that nature and because I was born I'm sickened you don't have so many physical issues in my body I had you know issues of heaviness and depression and you know didn't even realize it as a child but I thank the Lord on that particular night and she began to minister about letting go of everything and this young sister Cheryl said it just clean me up you know Lord take out everything your supreme that everybody can pray Lord take out everything that's not like you and as we begin to hear the word of God and everything at the end of the service they had an altar call and I remember standing at the altar and just repenting before the Lord and asking him God take out everything that's not like you and Lord I forgive everybody and they were saying forgive the Bible says if you don't forgive then God won't forgive you and we have to forgive in order to be forgiven and so as I forgave and you know just sitting in the presence of God and they begin to tell us a Terry come on clap your hands and the church muzzle saying praise and just say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and all of a sudden pastor Kim races I mean the power of God hit me down on the inside I felt the fire of God from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet and all I remember was getting up off of the floor about 30 minutes later blessed the name of Jesus speaking in tongues and I should have listened to mama that night because my head was somewhere I don't know where went and my head was all over my head but it did not matter because the Holy Ghost had made an everlasting change in my life and I give God glory and one thing about it when the power of God came over me that night I felt the heat of the anointing of God some of you feel the power got even right now you feel the anointing you makes and you know sometimes the enemy will be trying to talk to you say this is not real we rebuke the devil right now in the name of Jesus and we know that the power of God hallelujah that's in your room right now just kill yourself to it and let the Lord fill you with the Holy Ghost because it is a gift from God hallelujah I kind of feel like somebody is praising God right now and like I believe the presence of God is going forth to the very room where you are well tonight again we're so excited about the word Network in this live presentation again we honor God for our telecasting on every Monday night you'll be able to watch a time of intercession which is our television broadcast ministry praise the Lord we have been on the air now for 11 years and God has been blessing us tremendously we're so thankful Amen for this great gift this great platform to share the message of the Lord Jesus Christ and his incredible love I'm just intrigued by the love of God and how he cares for his people well we have again a precious awesome gift of God in our midst amen and I just want to ask you guys a question have you ever heard a song call won't he make you clean inside uh-uh have you ever heard a song call I'll make it have you ever heard how much we can bear what about us feel your spirit have you heard Lord do it do it for me right now amen have you heard grace hallelujah I want you all to help me welcome the bishop the powerful man of God as he comes tonight singing I am so down wrap your hair come on everybody clap your hands here come on if you're sold out around the world I want to see you clapping right now some noise out you got the Holy Ghost over yeah come on yeah come on fill up I'm nothing burst right here tell somebody not the soda don't got it come on country's aspire will sail ah but God you never left my side he's my Congress Oh down Patrick come on sold out they sold out they sold out Oh and what's the reason Hey I'm you better put your hand out tonight see ya Jesus Oh No to me that's the reason I'm sold out wrap your head if you're sold on the blue your god in the studio and I'll kill a joy in a chalet Oh bless His name we are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation how many of you are glad that you say we just rejoicing that with shame and when sholde out hallelujah bless your name of the Lord somebody clap your hand yeah for saving me you see when you're getting the presence of God and will you be praying and seeking his face he'll just allow his anointing to just rest on ya yeah hallelujah buddy no when you think about the anointing I remember a sister Cheryl was talking about the church mother's a little earlier and there was a church mother that said to me her name was mother Rachel Sellars she just might be watching tonight the mother seller said if you want something from God baby she said lay your face before him she said lay on the altar and called out to him with your whole heart did you say forgive quickly no matter what people do no matter what they say no matter how they act forgive them quickly and she said the Holy Ghost will come in and move in your life let's give God the glory for the anointing because it breaks the yoke that's the name of the Lord glory to God hallelujah you know I thank God for the joy of the Lord the Bible says that the joy of the Lord in the book of Nehemiah the joy of the Lord is our strength amen I remember as we were coming up they would say if you don't have any joy they would say leapling loading a gun and I just need God for the power of praise there is deliverance even locked up in your praise bless the name of the Lord but we were talking a little earlier we were talking about the Holy Ghost amen and the night that we were filled of the day that we received the infilling of the Holy Ghost and we're going to hear at this time for from our baby sister sister Tanya ray praise the Lord Lord doofy hallelujah amen well I was one of those people that was fearful and I was wondering what's all this about amen I grew up in the Baptist Church my uncle pastor J Jay Taylor and I'm they took us over to the Satan fire church praise the Lord and all these people were jumping and shouting and running and speaking in tongues and I was the one that I didn't catch home real fast and so I will I wonder like okay landlord okay I supposed to have this so I wanted to so it took me a little while it took me a little longer than my sister's to receive the gift because of what I was thinking in my mind but I'm so grateful that one night I'm doing service we had been to church service and I still didn't receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and I went to we went home and on the following day my mother had a friend over a man of God they was just sitting in our living room talking and talking about the Lord and talking about Scripture and she called me in the room she said Tonya you want to be filled with the Holy Ghost just praise God right now and in the middle of our living room I just lifted my hands she said just say hallelujah just say hallelujah out of your belly and first I was like hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah she mom said come on come on come on say it out of your belly and so I said hallelujah and she said yeah that's it come on praising my with your whole heart and I just began to praise and magnify the Lord and just begin to worship God in the living room amen and my sisters are vacuuming in the bedrooms and I saw them come out and I'm telling you the power of God fell upon me so I began to speak with new tongues as the Spirit of the Lord gave utterance and I thank God for the gift of the Holy Ghost and it's giving us power and I'm so grateful thank God for the whole you gotta tell your experience and stay man I want to tell my experience - ha ha first of all I want to undergird for Apostle Richard Daniel Hinton who is our overseer and our pastor amen he has been such an enormous blessing in our lives and we truly appreciate and thank God for the men of God but I think I said earlier I got feel when I was 12 and it was on a Friday night amen and we went to service and it was in the Timothy Memorial Hall this hall that was dedicated to apostle Hinton son and we were in the Timothy Memorial Hall and that particular night Hinton was teaching on the Holy Ghost and very similarly to Cheryl's testimony he would say that the Holy Ghost comes into a glad heart and so he told us to clap our hands and he said in this particular night he said I don't want you to ask for anything but I want you to praise God for who he is he began to say magnify God for his greatness honor God for who he is and so he began to talk about the omnipotence of God you know all of the great characteristics and many facets of God and I remember I was standing there and I started clapping and seeing Lord I love you thank you Jesus and I just started praising God in my mind I was saying pastor said no ask for nothing so thank you lord haha and I was praising God and saints of God honestly the Spirit of the Lord began to overwhelm me on a Friday night and I began to lift my hands and I remember in my case tears began to stream down my face I felt the Holy Spirit I just felt him envelop and surround me and I remember speaking in tongues for the fit for the first time and my mother was standing next to me that night and she was saying come on baby come on you got it that's it praise embrace him you see the mothers had a way of encouraging the young people and mama would say that's the real thing baby you got it come on bless him she would say 90 no time to be cute now come on out of hello praise and praise her you know and so I were praising God and giving them my all and say to God when I got filled with the Holy Ghost the power of God overtook me and I began to speak in tongues and we came to church with a wonderful couple and they had to leave and go to work so they didn't want to bring me out the spirit so they left me there and mama called a cab and you all he was a yellow checker cab that came on 76th Street in the city of Chicago and I'll tell you the cab driver drove to the corner of the monument of faith church amen and my mother and Amen sisters helped get me to the cab and say to God the power of God was so on me they let me it's in the backseat they helped lay me in the backseat and I remember speakable shy speaking of tongues in the backseat of the cab and I couldn't stop I mean the power of God just overtook me and the cab driver had a cap on his hand he turn around and said what's wrong with him what's going on with the girl what's going on with it and mamma said don't worry about it brother that's the whole ego Wow thank you tease mommy be to God do you know when you get filled the old-fashioned way how a god overtakes you it's not la no it's not something that just happened in one minute but it's true the praises of God that the Holy Ghost comes in if you really want it tonight all I want you to do is lift your hands and begin to praise and magnify God the whole bless you the Lord which my nightstand in the house of the Lord lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord and as you give Him glory of ways he will come in and he will sup with you not only will the Holy Ghost aim and be our comforter but he'll bring you peace and I want to speak to every person under the sound of my voice right now I want to release the peace of God that passes all understanding that keep your heart and be your mind through Jesus Christ once again you can dial that number eight five five seven three zero word and call in at this present time to receive prayer I believe that God is going to meet you as you pick up the phone and dial that number again won't you tweet somebody won't you go to Facebook won't you tell them tune in live tell them the race sisters are on the air amen a little bit later you're going to hear from Bishop Hezekiah Walker again amen and we're going to hear what the Lord is speaking to him even before we go off of the air tonight but one more time we're going to be blessed amen by awesome awesome woman of God our baby sister one more time but just before she comes I want you to know that God honors faith Bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God we pray tonight that your spirit will be blessed as you hear from our sister tonight Amen you know the Bible says amen in the book of Saint Luke chapter 22 and verse 31 vil talks about a conversation that Jesus had with Simon Peter he said to him Simon Simon he said Satan desires to have you that he may sift you as wheat yeah he said but I've already praying that your faith fail not I want to let you know today that maybe you're going through something where it seems like the enemy is trying to distract you trying to discourage you trying to even sift you as wheat but tonight we touch and agree with you in the spirit and we believe that God is going to encourage and strengthen your faith won't you be blessed at this time by our beloved baby sister receive her at this time - the chances ask you to request the prayer today so here ah
Channel: The Word Network
Views: 129,795
Rating: 4.9034204 out of 5
Keywords: The, Word, Network
Id: tOk71VFTaPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2014
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