Now is the Time | Pastor Sean Calahan | September 26th, 2021

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[Music] hallelujah hallelujah this is the day this is the day what stacy may not know is the title of my message today is now is the time [Music] come on now give god a bigger shout than that [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah and over the last several weeks and months we've had quite quite the words released over the house yes pastor's been teaching us on angels and their functions and purposes bishop hamill was here and decreed a whole bunch of things but one of the things that has stuck with us of course is this would be a headquarters for warring angels yes and then i was obviously he just confirmed what we knew but took us into another place of decreeing and declaring and the shout yes then pastor kim dropped the bomb on us the magnitude of the mantle which is for all of us amen to fully understand what god has placed on this house and what we have to come up under and help carry amen and then i do want to i know pastor jess has preached pastor david preached last week and i'm not going to go into it yet but i am going to tag on to something he said last week here toward the end of the message but what he preached about pushing on the gates was an amazing word it was a very timely word and i thank god for that yes and it tied right into what i felt the lord had been preparing for me in me for this week so we thank god for that i believe my assignment today is this is to help to open our eyes just a little bit more to understanding what god is doing is what i'm gonna refer to as this era of time that we're in pastor kim has referenced it in a way calling it a window of time and then even in our deeper classes we're we're going through a book right now by apostle tim's sheets called the new era of glory and i believe they're all speaking to the same thing for the most part so i'm not talking at church about a new day or a new season i'm speaking into a new era the reason i'm saying that word is because here's what era era means a period of history it's a chunk of time in history that is significant we're in a new era right now where i believe god oh god in heaven god is about to release and i listen i know we keep hearing about you here's where i'm going with this and i'll kind of give you the end right now part of it but let me just say this we keep referring to it that way because we've not seen the full manifestation of it yet amen i believe that we are in it yes but i believe we've not seen the full fulfillment of that yet so we've got to keep pressing and pushing we have to keep decreeing and declaring and be thankful for what god is doing now but also decree what is going to come amen can we just say amen this morning i truly believe that fresh start we're entering into if not already in the greatest days of the church the ecclesia in all of church history the church is rising up not to boast of herself but to boast of the presence the glory and the power of god say yes say amen she's rising up in boldness to declare the glorious works of the lord once again oh god yes the ecclesia is rising in her authority to govern and to legislate ah church to bind and loose to shut doors and open doors come on help me this morning to permit and not to permit and yes to overturn decrees of the enemy come on she's taking a stand once again for righteousness and holiness and she'll shift culture and government and yes i even speak over the entertainment industry come on somebody shout this morning she's posturing herself to usher in the greatest revival and awakening that this earth has ever known will be a moment in history church when the church will be in unity like never before no more of this competition and whatever whatever and we're awesome and you're not and we know everything and you don't and our stream is the best and yours is not stupid and ridiculous that's dumb the kingdom of god is being established in the earth and it's going to take a people and unity partnering with jesus the holy spirit partnering in worship and prayer partnering in warfare worship partnering an intercession partnering together partnering with king jesus standing with him to see the promise fulfilled in the earth someone say yes you all can be seated this morning worship team you can go thank you guys great revivals and awakenings and reformations from times past oh they've been absolutely amazing and life-altering but i believe that there's never been a period of time in church history like the age that we're in now can we say amen we're going to see a coming together or an intersecting if you will of different streams and anointings of the holy spirit that will release the sound of heaven into the earth i'm going to say that one again because we should get a better shout than that we're going to see a coming together or an intersecting of different streams and anointings of the holy spirit that will release the sound of heaven into the earth you guys give me a little more volume i feel like i'm yelling and my voice is already starting to get weak on me i've been yelling a lot already the ecclesia would be more effective and have greater influence than ever before supernatural strategies and battle plans will emerge from prayer meetings and gatherings say yes how many know we've been experiencing that not just when we come together but when dutch was hearing others and and people that are revivalists and pursuing god come together man there is a synergy and a power released ah we have to believe that there is a remnant of people across this nation that is partnering together with the holy spirit in warfare intercession and worship and legislating and governing and shifting things in government yes and in the earth these meetings will produce power where his presence is mandated and his priority number one understand this that we are entering into a time of supernatural breakthrough how many need breakthrough in their life this morning how many breakthrough in your families how they need breakthrough in their finances come on supernatural breakthrough is upon us it's here and we're seeing it in measure yes but i know this too church our intercession is working our intercession is working [Applause] you know we've asked god to give us signs that it's working and god's been giving us signs and i want to i want to just share this with you when we were in birmingham pastor paul and myself and tj and jacoby which by the way welcome home you freshly new married couple i forgot what i was saying i got distracted by the lovely couple what was i saying birmingham thank you when we were there you know we were praying over um that area that territory that region but i'm telling you there was something significant we were standing at the at the vicinity of that statue that vulcan statue i won't go into all of that today but i leaned over to pastor that night and actually i think it might have been the next morning i said pastor wouldn't it be something is within a very short period of time we see in the news that that statue has fallen off its perch and broken in pieces i'm asking god for a sign yes i'm standing on that i'm believing that we need god to show us at times that our intercession is working amen we're not just blowing smoke we're not just spinning our wheels we are being effective we are shifting and changing things yes for the kingdom of god amen when we come together and pursue god's manifest presence as well as every day in our personal lives we will see the power of god released in greater measure anybody want to see the power of god released anybody want to see prodigals come running back to the father come on anybody want to see miracles in your finances how many have wrecked bodies that need god intervened now in the name of jesus we need the lord power someone shot power we need the heavens to open up and we need to see god in new ways new realms of glory huh be opened up to us and we need to experience the lord in such a greater way we say this around here a lot what can i keep saying it there is more there is more there is more there are new realms there is a greater measure of power and the demonstration of his power yes we need to see things move in such a way church i've been raised in church in pentecostal churches my mom and dad are pentecost they believe in healing they believe in deliverance they believe in all those things there was a time when i was young i remember seeing those things take place and we've seen them here in measure but can i uh not only do i need to see it i want to see i want to see undeniable crazy miracles oh how that cannot be argued away or mocked away ha in jesus name i need to see cancers fall off ha i need to see pastor legs grow back how [Applause] we must continually continually press for the more of god because not only is there more available to his church but you have to understand that it is god's longing it is his desire it is his passion to pour himself out on us in great great great ways something's been stirring in my spirit for weeks maybe even a month or two now that i can't fully describe and i've tried to in mantle class on thursday i was trying to describe it and i really can't the only thing i can kind of attest to it or or draw a comparison is it's like it's not just a pregnancy or a birthing but i feel like we're at a point of deliverance now it's a point of deliverance of the promises watch the promises of god for the church yes but also over each of our lives it's time for the delivery yes i say now is the time now is the time for promises fulfilled now is the time for answered prayers now is the time for your faith to produce results now is the time [Music] the answers to your prayers church the cries of your heart the answers are coming i'm telling you i believe some of us are receiving our answers now but there's greater measure there's more there's more there's more there's more there's more there's more i believe there's coming a time when it will be easily answered not difficult answered easy answered prayers in jesus name when we decree and we pray as saying we will see immediate results in jesus name there's an acceleration of the kingdom of god and the earth stay in the process call the river don't get discouraged and get out your answer this is river talk is just around the bend this right here i want to say this one line and i want you to write this down put it in your phone this is one of the things that stood out to me this week more than anything else is this statement right here don't let your hope be deferred [Applause] don't let your hope be deferred learn to appreciate and to value the process so let's take a few minutes this morning and talk about process we all love to talk about patience and process and long suffering and hurry up and wait right we love that that's our favorite subject but i gotta talk to us this morning about the process this has been on me for a while and this week as it always is when you begin to prepare it's a wrestle it's a fight there's a working out there's a hearing from the lord then sometimes you doubt whether you've heard from god and then somebody gets up pastor kim on wednesday night he confirms what you're supposed to be preaching and then this morning we get up and and stacy and sam they're just blowing it up they're confirming this today the lord's faithful yes he is and i'm just decreeing that out of my mouth and i thank you lord for your confirmations this week not that i had to have them but i thank you for them let's talk about the process turn with me to luke chapter 1. this is the story of elizabeth and zechariah and i want us to read just a couple of of these this morning because i think it's very powerful and very significant to look at some of the things that people have had to endure in their process to see their promise fulfilled luke chapter one starting at verse five this is the birth of john the baptist being foretold says when herod was king of judea there was a jewish priest named zachariah he was a member of the priestly order of abijah i think that's how you say it and his wife elizabeth was also from the priestly line of aaron zechariah and elizabeth were righteous in god's eyes careful to obey all of the lord's commandments and regulations they had no children because elizabeth was unable excuse me unable to conceive and they were both very old everybody in the house who is older ish say amen one day zachariah was serving god in the temple for his order was on duty that week as was the custom of the priest he was chosen by lot to enter the sanctuary of the lord and burn incense while the incense was being burned a great crowd stood outside praying while zechariah was in the sanctuary an angel of the lord appeared to him thank you for the angels standing to the right of the incense altar zechariah was shaken and overwhelmed with fear when he saw him but the angel said like they say often don't be afraid zachariah god has heard your prayer your wife elizabeth will give you a son and you are to name him john he will have great joy and gladness and many will rejoice at his birth for he will be great in the eyes of the lord he must never touch wine or other alcoholic drinks say amen he will be filled with the holy spirit even before his birth and he will turn many israelites to the lord their god he will be a man with the spirit and power of elijah that's a whole other message i'll stick to my notes he will prepare the people for the coming of the lord he will return the hearts of the fathers to their children what was prayed this morning and he will cause those who were rebellious to accept the wisdom of the godly couple more verses zechariah said to the angel how can i be sure this will happen i'm an old man now and my wife is also well along in years then the angel said i am gabriel i stand in the very presence of god it was he who sent me to you to bring this good news but now since you didn't believe what i said you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born for my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time verse 23 when zechariah's week of service and the temple was over he returned home soon afterward his wife elizabeth became pregnant and went into seclusion for five months how kind the lord is she exclaimed he has taken away my disgrace of having no children what a process here we have an angel of the lord thank you jesus for the rain amen amen zechariah and elizabeth had been praying asking god for children so you have to understand this passage of scripture wasn't just something where the lord just showed up and just dropped a word on them like oh hey by i know the guys are old and you're living your life you're going to have a kid no this was an answer to prayer they had been seeking the lord and asking god period angels shows up with a promise from the father he shows up in their presence and says hey i'm here with an answer you've been crying out to god you're gonna have a son next year and the response is amazing are you sure how can we're old how can we have a kid how can we have a child i'm gonna get ahead of myself so i won't go there just i'll stick with me for just a minute there was doubt that rose up in zechariah elizabeth we from what we read didn't doubt she believed it but zechariah was struggling with it why because of their natural circumstances what was happening around them their very lives that they were living the fact that they were old zechariah was doubting the word of god here an angel was standing right before him with the promise to the answer of his prayer and he couldn't believe he couldn't receive the word there was a promise being foretold now we hadn't seen the fullness of it yet but a promise was released yes so what happens is this angel says okay because of your doubt because you didn't believe what i said i'm just going to close your mouth up for a while he closed his mouth if you read for the entire term of that pregnancy for nine months daddy zachariah couldn't speak i believe it was because the angel knew that something needed to be protected there was a promise that had to be guarded and he knew that nothing negative could come out of the mouth ah so he said i'll take care of it i'll just shut the mouth that way you can't release anything negative over the promise of god come on church let me say this to you you better be careful what you say ah and who you say it to [Applause] be careful what you say and be careful who you say it to maybe an angel is right in your very presence and you don't even know it yet you begin to doubt and speak negativity against the answer that god has brought right in front of you how many know there's a promise how many have received a promise in your life you know that god has released a promise over you for those of you who haven't raised your hands read your bible because it's full of promises over you [Applause] let's look at the story of mary and joseph for a minute let's go to verse 26. i love this this is so amazing in the sixth month of elizabeth's pregnancy god sent the angel gabriel to nazareth the village in galilee to a virgin named mary she was engaged to be married to a man named joseph now let me help you out there are a lot of josephs if you read your bible it can get confusing there's just joseph and another joseph and then we read later about it joseph and you're like wait a minute how can that be because this joseph couldn't be around in that time there's a lot of josephs this was this was joseph's that mary was betrothed to engaged to all right there's a difference joseph will talk about here in just a few minutes but stick with me she was engaged to be married to a man named joseph a descendant of king david gabriel appeared to her and said greetings favored woman the lord is with you now most likely the one that had visited elizabeth and zachariah was also gabriel doesn't say it was gabriel but we know it probably was gabriel because he's the messenger dude yes and usually it's gabriel that shows up to bring a message from the lord so here the same angel i'm gonna say who just spoke the promise released the promise over elizabeth is now showing up at mary's doorstep and saying hey mary guess what confused and disturbed mary tried to think what the angel could mean don't be afraid mary the angel told her for you have found favor with god you will conceive and give birth to a son and you will name him jesus he will be very great and will be called the son of the most high the lord god will give him the throne of his ancestor david and he will reign over israel forever his kingdom will never end mary asked the angel but how can this happen i am a virgin now i want to draw your eyes to something right here there's a difference in the response that zechariah gave and the response that mary gave zechariah's response came from doubt mary's response came from a child like if you will she was a child this was not a grown woman well into her years she was a kid a young teenager so she's asking god how does this work not i'm doubting but how is this gonna work teach me tell me what's up how's this going to happen the angel replied the holy spirit will come upon you say amen and the power of the most high will overshadow you so the baby to be born will be holy and he will be called the son of god what's more your relative elizabeth has become pregnant in her old age people used to say she was barren but she has conceived a son and is now in her sixth month for the word of god will never fail mary responded i am the lord's servant may everything you have said about me come true and the angel left her faith was released confidence in her god the word of the lord was true a few days later mary heard to the hill country of judea to the town where zachariah lived she entered the house and greeted elizabeth at the sound of mary's greeting elizabeth's child leaped within her and elizabeth was filled with the holy spirit elizabeth gave a glad cry and exclaimed to mary god has blessed you above all women and your child is blessed why am i so honored that the mother of my lord should visit me when i heard your greeting the baby in my womb jumped for joy the promise in me jumped for joy you are blessed because you believed that the lord would do what he said say amen what you have to understand about this story here is if you study this there is so much that goes into this so much that goes into this backing up from early on in mary's life mary's father was a man a businessman mary and her dad had gone to town one day and i don't know if mom had been with him maybe not i don't know what's going on there but i know this something happened she's about 12 13 years old somewhere in there that we're told that we read something happened and her dad died they believed that he was killed in one way or another but either way she lost her dad while visiting town that day in comes uncle joseph not betrothed joseph uncle joseph brother to her father this is joseph brother sagio help me if i'm wrong joseph of arimathea am i correct uncle joseph yes got it right just want to make sure which you gotta understand about this joseph joseph was a man of great influence this joseph uncle joseph he was respected in the community he was respected in the business area and he was respected in government in that region joseph had an influence he was a man that had great wealth we know that later on we won't go there just yet hold on i'm trying to stick with it here uncle joseph now adopts mary brings her into his home now uncle joseph is now dad joseph what's amazing to me is this huh she this angel shows up brings the word of the lord releases a promise over mary and i think most of us kind of just disregard or look over maybe we don't even know yet what really mary had to endure in the process of the promise this was not a wonderful glory moment where the angels were singing over the rest of her term in this time until jesus was born no this was a time i guarantee you because of the influence that joseph had not uncle joseph daddy joseph the influence that he had and the respect and the and the weight that he carried in that community and in that business area and all of that i promise you there was enduring of shame and guilt embarrassment enduring who knows what that came on mary i promise i guarantee you i can probably be pretty sure that there was mocking taking place there was mockery happening why here's this little girl saying that i have the promised messiah inside of me there is a promise of god the deliverer of the world will someday be birthed from me not on my own accord and not on the court of my husband but the supernatural power of the holy spirit has birthed the promise you know people around her were like that's wonderful wow we were so excited they were like yeah right you're crazy who do you think you are little girl that's pretty prideful that's pretty arrogant can you imagine what was shouted and said to her a little girl not a confident grown woman of god a child then jesus is born jesus life in his ministry and then the cross there was a promise even in jesus life the savior would come but watch even jesus had to endure a process there was a process and it was a process of time there was a promise fulfilled and there was a promise released at his birth but all along the way there was a process but watch me even during the process of time promises were being fulfilled all along the way church we get so caught up sometimes in wondering what's happening during the process not realizing that god is fulfilling promises in your life all along the way maybe you have a big big promise and god is saying it's yes i promise to this it's coming but watch during the pro during the process where is your faith what do you believe do you believe only what you see or do you believe your god who what's setting over you is true that his word is true ha and then it will come to pass yes then we look at the life of king david which is such a long story my god in heaven what a process a little shepherd boy tending sheep who's out there hanging out with sheep he's killing lions and bears as a child by the way also not a grown man a child no matter how bad and tough any of us guys think we are ain't none of us killed a lion in a bear with a slingshot and a stick none of us have grabbed an animal like that by the neck and choked it out killed it but david did child david did then he's brought in and he's anointed king after his anointed king he shows up at the battlefield to bring lunch to his brothers and ends up killing killing a giant named goliath who was mocking oh you better hear me and coming against the promise of god in this process saul we know at one point loses his mind goes nuts david now becomes his soother playing his harp and singing probably because i guarantee when he was out in the field playing his harp he was singing we know that david was a worshiper he would begin to worship over saul and his demons because yes he had demons would would chill out and shut up and peace would come to saul then david becomes king and god promises that there will always be an ancestor of his that will set on the throne how about the promise of jesus and acts talk about a process there's a promise jesus calls it a promise he says the promise of the father go and wait terry there's a process but don't get weary in the process hang in there because the promise is coming oh and on the day of pentecost the baptism of the holy spirit and fire showed up in that place the promise was released it was fulfilled and what you got to understand guys is they weren't in that upper room just hanging out shooting the breeze drinking coffee no they were not they were actively pursuing god they were actively seeking the promise watch they didn't even fully know what the promise was all they knew is there was a promise some of us get so caught up in the details of what is my promise can i help you right now who cares what the details of the promise are if god has released a promise that promise is yours and it is real and you can claim it and you can walk it in jesus name somebody say yes don't get weary in the process church it's about what you do in the process that's what matters you better believe it matters because if you don't ah if you don't activate that promise do you realize you have the ability to stop it you do not the enemy you it must be activated the promise of god in your life how do we activate it a couple of things first john 5 4 says for every child of god defeats this evil world ah and we achieve this victory through our faith luke 1 45 we just read it said you're blessed because you believe that the lord would do what he said we activate it by faith that was a lot of spit because i was making a point we we activate the promise of god by our faith do you understand that if you don't put faith on the promise the promise will never manifest it requires faith there's a promise that we'll receive our heavenly language when we're baptized in the holy spirit but it requires you activating your faith to receive the promise [Applause] some get so stuck how the baptism of holy spirit is not difficult receiving your heavenly language is not a difficult thing but we get stuck in the process because our faith can't fully reach and believe for that promise we say i just i don't feel anything yes you do you just can't recognize it it's there faith is believing what god says it's taking god at his word if god has promised you healing and he has because he's promised that to all of us activate your faith and believe that god is your healer [Applause] luke 1 37 we read it it says the word of god will never fail never fail isaiah 55 8-11 if you're taking notes write this one down on your dark discouraging days you need to read this out loud you need to pray this you need to create declare it you need to profess it you need to believe it you need to stand on it i don't think the way you think the way you work isn't the way i work for as the sky soars high above the earth so the way i work surpasses the way you work and the way i think is beyond the way you think just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don't go back until they've watered the earth doing their work of making things grow in blossom producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry so will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed they will do the work i sent them to do they will complete the assignment that i gave them the word of god says this that the promises of god are yes and what that means yes let it be so when god speaks a promise oh he's not saying something that would be me or something suggestive he is releasing his word and his word will accomplish what he releases it to do don't let the process the time of the process steal your promise keep your faith strong and your hope high some promises do happen quickly but most promises take time most promises take time and can i add this miracles often take time there are instantaneous miracles yes but sometimes god chooses to work a miracle through a process of time god is sovereign so i can't tell you why he chooses to do that only god knows why he does that for the whatever specific people at whatever time so i can't help you with that all i know is this that god is faithful and when god releases a promises he will accomplish it it will come back to him fulfilled [Applause] but we have to act on them how do we act on the promises of god pray them decree them ha declare them see them through from conception to completion let me say that again see the promises of god through from conception to completion and then handle them correctly with humility and guard them why do i say humility i'll tell you why remember the story of the other joseph and his brothers in genesis 37. god releases a tremendous promise over joseph told us a lot of josephs this is the day of joseph's bless you brother joseph god releases this promise to joseph through a dream and joseph in his wisdom decides to share this dream with his brothers this dream was about and it was from god so don't get it wrong it was from god the dream was basically this at some point guys i'm going to be the head man and you're all going to bow and worship me how many know there wasn't a whole lot of wisdom exercised when joseph baby joseph the baby brother released that dream or that promise if you will to his brothers that's why i'll back up earlier i said be careful what you say be careful who you say it too church be careful who you share your dreams with [Applause] be careful because some people won't like your dream truth or not they're not gonna like it the dream that he that god gave joseph was true but he didn't exercise wisdom or humility when he shared the dream and because of it his brothers ended up hating him for it so much so that they had this brilliant idea how are we gonna deal with this little punk brother who thinks he's all that who's telling us that he's gonna rule over us and we're all gonna bow i know what we'll do let's throw him in that pit when we go out to let's just throw him in the pit and then maybe we can sell him so guess what happens they throw him in the pit can you imagine what kind of hatred they had to throw their little baby brother into a pit that he couldn't get out of and then to sell him off into slavery they sell him and he ends up in potiphar's house as a servant or a slave then he gets accused of rape which by the way it was an accusation coming from potiphar's jezebelic wife who's trying to seduce and take away i'm not even gonna go there and then joseph ends up in prison from prison he ends up in pharaoh's house as a servant now stick with me there's details i'll get to them but hang with me for a second there was a promise and a dream but there was a process that god needed to take joseph through even after he mishandled the promise and he got sold into slavery god turns joseph's situation into a training ground for the promise to be fulfilled god knew from the beginning that joseph being the youngest if you understand customs in that time and culture being the youngest of those brothers he wouldn't have learned some key things that he needed to learn in order for the promise in his life to be fulfilled that he would correctly be able to handle the promise so i want you to see the process real quick and we're almost done but just stay with me almost kind of almost somewhat watch the process he gets sold into potiphar's house where he begins to learn management skills then he goes to prison and begins to implement those managings management skills and he becomes the manager of the prison as a result of that management god moves him to pharaoh's house he finds favor pharaoh has a dream remember the crazy dream pharaoh had this thing was eating that thing and those things were eating this pharaoh's kind of like freaking out like what do i do this is a crazy dream and he seeks the mediums and the psychics or whatever he has on staff and nobody can interpret his dream for him but there's they remembered that there was this guy in prison named joseph that could interpret dreams so they go they bring joseph in which on a side note i'm pretty sure by this time this had been a number of years because of the process that joseph was walking through i think he may have figured out hannah how to handle some promises and what to do with those promises so he interprets pharaoh's dream and as he is interpreting the dream this is now begins to unlock the dream of joseph's life that he had early on the lord was moving him from the pit the place of despair and no hope to the place of prison captive held back to the place of the palace where authority oh my god where authority and yes influence and power were released over joseph's life joseph is now put in charge over all of egypt second only to pharaoh himself and ends up saving the nation sometimes church the process is about god arranging and moving adjusting things in your life and your surroundings and your circumstances and yes there are lessons to be learned and we grow in maturity and wisdom it builds our faith and our confidence in god as our source not man or the things of this natural world it's the process of god look what god had to do in joseph's life to fulfill his promise to him a major move was needed and in his case to another country another nation i'll get to that in just a second some of you have made the move here and i'm going to speak to you in just a minute joseph needed to learn management accounting and he needed to learn stewardship people had to be moved in and out of joseph's life in order to posture joseph in a place to receive the promise god had to establish the right pharaoh for the right time and then that pharaoh had to receive a foreign slave from another nation into his household or onto his staff now if you know anything about culture especially egypt culture that didn't happen pharaoh had to change the way he functioned and even the way government and the political system functioned in egypt watch what god is doing remember when joseph interpreted the dream you remember what he said there'll be seven years of famine and seven years of plenty or seven years of plenty then seven years of famine yeah so do you understand and realize that in order for the promise in joseph's life to be fulfilled he even had to shift the weather patterns if you study weather at all you'll know this that you can't just shift one weather pattern in one system or one area it has to be shifted across the board across the nation the known world at that time look what god did to shift and move and position joseph to receive the promise some of us are so concerned and please i'm not belittling anyone's situation but hear the word this morning we're so concerned about how god is going to give us the job he promised or how he's going to give us a home i'm speaking to people i know that or how he's going to heal my jacked up body or when is my calling going to come to pass what am i going to be called on to do this or do that etc etc etc can we lift our eyes oh just a little bit higher fresh start and let our faith grow just a little bit bigger to believe that if god can rearrange the weather system for joseph he can move heaven and earth to see the dreams of your house and the dreams of this house manifest in their fullness all of us have dreams we all have promises on the inside of us that god has placed there pastor paul i know you're watching i want to speak to you this morning there was a promise made over you years and years and years ago a promise released over you that you would walk like a king in this city and region [Applause] come on stand to your feet help me this morning [Applause] the word didn't say that you would limp that she would roll in a wheelchair that she would walk on crutches that she would even have a prosthetic it said you would walk oh you would walk in this city like a king i decree and i declare over you the promise of god pastor paul i decree and i declare over that you are healed and whole in the name of jesus that yes your leg is coming your promise is coming oh you will not limp you will walk in this city like a king come on shout out i see it pastor i'm not just believing it i see it i see it [Applause] it's coming yes let me encourage you in this don't get so caught up in your own dreams that you neglect the dream of god when god releases a dream over you do you realize it's his dream for you it's not your dream it's his we get so self-focused sometimes church it's all about my promise and my this and it's my calling and it's my this and my that can we just shift our focus a little bit from that and focus on the promise of god i'm talking about the promise of god over his house over his kingdom can we make his dream number one priority here's what i believe happens when we make the dream of god our number one priority god will make sure your dreams are fulfilled we get so selfish in the body of christ so self-focused and whether we mean to or not we make it about us it's not about me it's not about you it's about the promise of god oh there are so many promises of god i'm talking about revival i'm talking about an awakening a move of god oh not just in this city but a region and across this nation that would shake and shift to people i say now is the time this is the area of time when all the dreams and promises of god are coming together intersecting to release faith for the great end time harvest for the greatest revival and awakening the world has ever seen now is the time to pros to press excuse me in for greater realms and measures of glory oh to be opened up to us now is the time to press in and contend at a greater level to see and experience god's manifest presence his demonstrations of his power signs and wonders and miracles come on we need signs in the earth we need wonders that would cause doctors and all these smart people to ponder and wonder what what how we need wonders now is the time i want to quote from pastor or apostle tim's book he says this when we stand in faith for god's word to come to pass do it may take some time and it usually does the holy spirit will lead the ecclesia to a moment where he can release angels to assist in completing them he will release favor power and strategies he will supernaturally orchestrate their moment now is the time now is the time to hunger for and expect crazy crazy supernatural that and unbelief church are the enemy to our faith they will steal away and they will kill our dreams and our promises remember nicodemus jesus is having this conversation with nicodemus trying to teach him nicodemus was not a dummy he was smart he was sharp and he he was all about the kingdom and the scriptures but he was so all about the kingdom and the scriptures he couldn't even see the messiah right in front of him jesus is trying to teach him about being born again and nicodemus is doubting he's like wait a minute how can a man go back into the womb and be born again that doesn't make any sense and jesus is trying to teach him about the spirit realm to teach him and help him to look past the natural into what god is doing behind the natural but he can't and jesus answers him like this he says i speak in eternal truth unless you're born of water which right here this means the water that cleanses us and gives us life and the spirit wind you will never enter god's kingdom realm so here nicodemus whose life is about the kingdom is not even going to enter the kingdom unless he understands this that's what jesus is trying to convey and get across to him do you realize the last days and months and weeks of jesus life the very thing jesus was trying to press and release was that the spirit of god must be in us and must lead us we must be born again of the spirit so you can see why nicodemus got confused he was taking it at face value remember zechariah he was dealing with the same thing here doubt couldn't see past what was right in front of them couldn't see past their natural eye living led by the spirit and by faith not by sight this is truly walking by faith and not by sight letting the spirit of god lead us this is this this is the time i'm gonna say it like that why don't you stand with me this morning worship team you can come the story of zechariah this part kind of blows my mind a little bit so i want to take us back there for just a minute when the angel releases this promise over him and he doubts the angel responds to him like this and these are my words my version of it he didn't do it disrespectfully or pridefully because we know that god would have swatted him for that so he didn't do that but he basically responds to him like this do you realize who you're talking to who are you to doubt me i am the angel that stands in the very presence of god awaiting his orders god himself sent a promise with me to give to you yet you doubt my words you've been asking for this child i'm bringing you the promise yet you doubt and he knew to protect the promise that he had to silence the doubt church once again be careful what you say over the promises of god be careful but i do believe this that it was also for zechariah's benefit because how many know in nine months of not being able to talk you better believe he was doing some repenting he was allowing god to shift and change some things in his life his mentality his thought process and i believe during that time god was teaching him some things and showing him some things also that when the promise was fulfilled joseph this zachariah excuse me could handle this promise he could handle it with humility he can handle it right i'm going to end with this this morning [Music] this is about the glorious i'm talking about the indwelling of the holy spirit this is about the glorious reality of god dwelling in us we are called to actively access the life that has been given to us because of the cross and because of the blood of jesus that was shed for you and i we can receive jesus into our hearts and we could be born again into his kingdom born again into the spirit the spirit of god the holy spirit now dwells or lives inside of us if we've given our heart to him this means that he takes up residence he lives there this is where he dwells so my question to us today is this church if we really understand who lives on the inside of us and what lives on the inside of us then why aren't we living accordingly jesus gave his life we were given access to everything he has and everything that he is jesus withheld nothing from you and i nothing his dna is now our dna all of his life and his resources are now available to you and i so when you get weary in the process remember who you are remember who you are you are the house for the spirit of god for jesus that lives inside of you everything he has has been made available to you freedom lives on the inside of you forgiveness lives on the inside of you deliverance healing it lives on the inside of you your joy peace and strength it lives in you courage faith authority and power dwell lives on the inside of us so do we really understand that the power to bring breakthrough in transformation is in us i don't know if you're getting it or not [Music] why are we still walking around bound why i'm just asking you why i'm not perfect nobody is but jesus died to bring freedom to us he gave his life for us in the pro when we are going through the process whatever god has us in whatever we're waiting for whatever the promise might be these kind of things can come in doubt and fear and unbelief all these things you've got to remember who lives on the inside of you you've got to remember that you are a heir to a conquering king the one who already overcame the world that's who lives on the inside of you pastor david released this and i just want to tap into this part because this applies right here and right now to this morning he was talking about us having the authority the keys to lock and to unlock gates in our life the problem is we walk through a gate and lock it we walk away but before long we come back to that gate and we unlock the gate so let me ask let me ask this why are we going back to the gates why do we keep unlocking what we've already walked through do you realize that's in the past once you walk through and you shut a gate it's behind you god's not focusing on that gate and neither should we when you're born again into jesus god the father sees you like he sees jesus every head bowed right now every eye closed he sees us as clean as jesus is clean he sees us as close to the father as jesus is close to the father he doesn't see our shortcomings he doesn't see your failures he only sees jesus because we are wrapped up in him he sees you free he sees you victorious he sees you as an overcomer as a conqueror he sees you full of his glory ah full of his power and full of his authority that's how the father sees you so my first call this morning is this if you don't know jesus you have never given jesus your heart you've never asked him to come into your life and be your lord and your savior your king he is waiting for you this morning he is ready to meet you he wants to know you he wants you to know him [Music] what i've been talking about today you've been walking through process you've been going through a time in your life maybe you're just dealing with discouragement or fear or whatever is going on in your life and today you want to be in relationship with this king with jesus who is the giver of life who is your freedom who is your deliverance who is your peace and your joy and your strength you say pastor i want to be in relationship i need jesus if that's you this morning and you've never given your heart to the lord you need to make a fresh start today i want you to just raise your hand just slip it up i'm just going to wait for a minute if not that's okay i see that hand thank you any other hands this morning anybody want to join this brother anybody want to join anybody want to join and say yes that's me i need jesus just for another minute i see the hand thank you anyone else come on you feel a knocking on your heart's door you feel something stirring and moving in there if you've raised your hand you can put it down that's the lord tugging on you that's the holy spirit pulling on you saying come come to the father come to relationship come to jesus anybody else this morning i want to ask you to do this if you will those of you that raised your hand if you would just come down please just take a walk of faith and courage just come down and join me i just want to pray with you guys it's okay bring him down come with him if you have to come on this is awesome this is what everything we do is about is right here come on clap for him come on cheer him on come right up front right here let me have some of my altar team come behind them if you would a couple of guys couple of ladies come on guys surround them okay okay for those of you who came down here just look at me for a second this is the best decision you could ever make in your life it's the best decision [Music] i gave my heart to jesus when i was five years old and i've never looked back i've had dumb moments i've had dumb stupid decisions but god has been with me my life has been wrecked since five years old five you gotta know how much the lord loves you jesus loves you you can't earn his love you can't earn his forgiveness he already paid the price for all of that we just receive it amen i want to lead you in what we call a winner's prayer just i'll lead it you guys pray it out repeat after me and then these guys are going to lay hands and pray on you pray for you this morning shut your eyes everybody in the place just help me pray say lord jesus say it out of your mouth say lord jesus i recognize that you are the king of all kings that you are the lord of lords you are the savior of the world you gave your life for my freedom today jesus i accept that i ask you jesus to come into my heart to be my lord to save me i give you my life in jesus name amen they're gonna lay hands and pray over you come on fresh start cheer them on [Music] uh [Music] guys if they're not filled with the holy spirit pray them through this is a great time to receive the baptism in the holy spirit pray i'm through pray them through yes yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah right come on come on come on come on he's getting free right now come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] when the sun [Music] spirit this morning [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] come on press in for the promises over your life over this house begin to cry out fresh start lift your voice lift your voice cry out we love you lord oh thank you god for the promises thank you for your promises over our lives thank you for the promises over our families thank you for the promises oh yes god for the promises of jobs yes for the promises for the promises of homes for the promises yes lord oh for the prodigals coming home somebody shout for the prodigals [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] president of the promises for fresh start president of the promises and revival president for the promises of a great awakening oh [Music] oh we seek not only the promises lord but we seek the promise giver yes yes promise giver promise giver honorable that your words will not come back to you empty-handed your words will accomplish what they have set out of assignment to accomplish oh they will they will they will be fulfilled blessed are those who believe the word of the lord blessed are those who receive the word of the lord [Music] [Music] yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord [Music] [Music] let me release this over those of you who have moved here for revival [Music] some of you i know have moved here to be a part of mantle school of revival some of you i know moved here to be a part of this move of god of what the lord is doing here [Music] and i know from many conversations that some of you are just in a process you're in a process [Music] just hear the lord this morning process takes time [Music] it takes time as some of you might say or might think but i've gone through such a process where i came from let me just help you with something you haven't gone through that process here hear me this is not a boastful thing that we're all that i'm talking about the process here in the atmosphere of revival in this house some have asked the questions when am i going to be released to do this what am i going to get to do that when is the call of god in my life going to be fulfilled you know what all i got to say is this process learn to value the process value it now is not the time to give up now is not the time to throw in the towel and say i guess it'll never happen that's nonsense there was a process of 30 years 30 years before jesus ever began ministry 30 years and some of us are in our early 20s and we're getting impatient wondering when things are going to happen [Music] not taking shots i just want you to hear the word of god today if you will come up under let god take you through the process value the process when you don't see what's going on put your faith on it knowing that god is working things out for you don't give up in the process don't give up in the process of time say why do we keep saying these things things over and over because i have yet to see a limb grow back i have yet to see the power of god so strong that we cannot stand in his presence i haven't seen yet people running in off the street crying out to god they know nothing about god nothing about church but crying out to him to be saved i'm telling you there is a day coming where this is going to happen it will manifest and we will see it there is a promise i say now is the time [Music] i want you to lift your hands i want to decree these things this morning before i let you go now is the time now is the time to operate from the offensive instead of the defensive in the face of warfare and resistance now is the time to actually take territory in the spirit and overcome your external circumstances now is the time to see past your pain to your purpose now is the time to ramp up our intercession and governing legislating authority in the spirit now is the time to activate the prophetic words released to and over you the promises the dreams and over this house now is the time to evangelize like never before now is the time to believe for a harvest of souls like this earth has never seen now is the time to increase our faith and believe for crazy miracles for wonders and for signs now is the time to tear down idols in our lives yes now is the time for unanswered prayers to be answered now is the time to see our prodigals come home now is the time for supernatural provision and blessings over your lives now is the time to stand with king jesus and believe that this will be a nation shaking history making revival explosion across this nation ho that will lead to the third great awakening i say church now is the time somebody [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Fresh Start Church
Views: 741
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: RClWndsn0-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 39sec (4839 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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