Bishop William Murphy III God Has His Hands On You Aug 2018

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when you put your hands together for Jesus come on he's been better to you than back come on put your hands together for Jesus come on clap your hands for Jesus well I feel the anointing here so strong clap your hands for Jesus flap your hands like you're coming into a new season lap your hands like the warfare is about decease and your season of victory is just getting started come on clap your hands like old things have passed away behold [Music] involve your best brain [Music] you gotta give em something to respond to oh I feel the breaking of day [Music] breaking up - I feel something shifting for you will you listen don't worry about how you feel let them worry about how things look I want you to play God like you already have the victory [Applause] [Music] [Music] how many years ago it was but Amen we thank God for our Bishop and our pasta don't we somebody make some noise you gotta open your mouth some of you would have been on your way to hell and it not been for what God was doing through it alone come on some of you would have still been depressed and you would have still been broke and you would have still been angry and you would have still been miserable and you would have still been lost and you would have still been simple had it not been for the voice of God through the Apostolic hymn that was we just celebrate our man of God and amen we miss him don't we and we we thank God amen that his presence is still with us and the last time I was here preaching he was watching on stream and now he's watching from from heaven and so we thank God that Amen he's still watching over us amen will you do me a favor I miss y'all so much I've been gone 12 years it feels like 12 days and I miss you so much will you grab the person next to you and just hug them and squeeze them real good and just tell them that's from Bishop Murphy if I had time I walk around and hug every last one of you I'm so glad to see y'all on this deacons row and on the elders Road thank y'all thank y'all so much thank y'all for being with two of Christians thank y'all for not being baby Christians thank you all for being adult Christians and modeling what it really looks like to be in the family of God I'm excited to be here I brought my baby boy I wanted y'all to see him when we moved here 17 years ago he was crawling and couldn't even walk and now he's begging me for a car you don't help me thank God that's our baby boy David Benjamin and we thank God for him in the next 14 of 15 years I'll be retiring and passing on this mantle to him to take our church and I'm just excited about what God is doing in ministry wave your hand at me if you're glad to be saved this morning just I'm so glad I'm saved and sanctified and full of the Holy Ghost I want to get right into the word of the Lord this morning and amen some of the dreamers have come along to help us and y'all know we like three exits away from y'all right we are neighbors and so just so grateful to be here let's look at Jeremiah chapter 18 I'm just so grateful I was panning the room and we've been gone 12 years and yet I see so many familiar faces and so many new faces I love y'all miss y'all glad to see y'all still in place Amen that's what Christians do amen and Jeremiah chapter 18 and I was preaching the other week and the Lord said something to me and I kept hearing it over and over again the Lord told me to tell you you have a shepherd I can't really get into all of it today but look at somebody and tell him we have a shepherd we have a shepherd what are you talking about the Lord is my shepherd and the master Shepherd sent an under Shepherd from Shepherd Drive to tell you that he's shepherding you into the season of your life where you get ready to win did you hear what I just said do you tap your neighbor tell him you're getting ready to win you get ready to win let's look at Jeremiah chapter 18 and verse number one this is the new American Standard Bible let's read together the word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying look at the screen you'll read it with me let's read again the word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord saying what do what go to new birth and there I will announce my words to you and then I went down to new birth and there he was making something on the wheel tell your neighbor God's up to something God's but the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the Potter let's read verse four again but the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the Potter so he remade it say that again so he remade it one more time so he remade it into another vessel as it pleased the Potter to make and then the word of the Lord came to me saying can I not only birth deal with you as this powdered young miss said can I not Oh new birth deal with you as this Potter does declares the Lord behold like the clay in the Potters hand so are you in my hand o house of newburgh I want to talk about for just a few moments I want you to find somebody I'm not alone with the preacher I pray I'm not long-winded today I want you to find somebody you can talk to for the next 20 minutes or so get their attention make them look at you for just a moment make them look you in the eye that's very uncomfortable but go ahead and do it make make them look you in the eye I want you to tell them this and I want you to tell them this real strong some of y'all still looking at me you and disobedience come on look look look your neighbor in the eye and tell him this God's got his hand on you that's what I want to talk about for the next few moments tell him again God's got his hand on you would you do me a favor turn around and tell the person behind you God's got his hands on you the word of the Lord is blessed so last week or a few weeks ago I started a series of messages be seated in the presence of the Lord I started a series of messages in our church at the beginning of the month of new beginnings and I'm I want to I want to just make sure that we understand the significance of today today is the last Sunday in the month of new beginnings today is the last Sunday in the month of new beginnings and by the time y'all get back here next week new birth will have taken place gimme tap somebody telling by the time we get back here next week new births will have taken place y'all stay with me yo stay with me for just a moment I introduced deacon a series of messages and I called it a hard reset and I just want to put this in the atmosphere at the beginning of the message because I'm I'm preaching to people this morning who had been in a season of warfare if I'm talking to you and and the devil has attacked your mind at actual body tax your family just just wave your hand at me so I know I'm preaching to the right church you've been in a season of warfare and God said to tell you this you're about to find rest in the reset talk to yourself your neighbor already sick of talking to you tell tell yourself I'm gonna find my rest in the reset I want to define a hard reset I'm gonna use a technological term and I'm gonna bring it into this spiritual context but I want to define for you a hard reset it is a factory reset a master reset everybody say master reset it is the restoration of a device or a church to the state that it was in when it left the factory listen all settings all applications and all data added by the user is removed everybody say God's doing a hard reset mm-hmm say it again God's doing a hard reset it it it's it's not going to be easy but it's gonna be good and I believe now if we would take a poll the general consensus in the room would be that every person in this church who is who is weathered the warfare every person in this church who family was looking at you like you crazy cuz you still come in and whose co-workers been saying slick stuff and been saying it on the slide everybody who's endured that season of warfare would agree that you are in desperate need of a hard reset I want to preach to people this morning you have applications and data and stuff that's been added to your operating system or your mind or your that has your life to be simple and easy is now open [Music] [Music] [Music] today I've said open your today this week this week I want you to touch him Apostolic Lee prophetically and declare God's got his hands on you he's got his hands on you he's got his he's got his hands on you ha I came to preach to people who need a master reset I came to preach to people God said to tell you I'm about to bring you back to your Genesis 1:26 to restore you to factory settings in your system prophets in this room [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gods about to restore you to your place of Dominion and authority that's why when Bishop was getting ready to transition he couldn't transition as a bishop he had the transition as an apostle because that apostolic gift calls into divine order I came to preach to somebody who realizes now the truth about where we've been at the church the good thing is I'm trying not to get ahead of myself but the good thing is after everything the devil did to try to break this church God never took his hands off a new birth [Applause] I'm trying not to get emotional here but after everything the devil did to try to ruin us God never took his hands off a new birth God I need you talking to the people around you cuz everybody in here Amiens face there's some people in here who need to be encouraged lay your hands on them like you have authority and tell them everything the devil tear to ruin this church God never took his hands off a new birth can I tell y'all something tell your neighbor God's got his hands oldest God's got his boss get his hands on a sweet hands ona said he's about to return us to us to our factory settings way we're getting ready to come back to a place new verse what we getting ready to run this city again put in my spirit look at your neighbor tell them they tried to ruin us but we bout to run all of it they tried to get rid of us they tried to blackball but God is about us to a place of authority help me Holy Ghost me so we've been through some things we we've been through some things publicly let me just throw this out there God never allows you to be attack publicly if he's not gonna bring you back to life publicly [Applause] [Music] y'all waitin on the field he God scatters God's got his hands home and say it God's got his hands on us say it God's got his hands on us I need you talking to the people on your road God's got his hands on us I need you talking to the people around you God's got his hands on us yeah I don't hear enough of y'all talking say it God's got his hands on us yeah come on uber bring us back to our place of authority back to a place of Dominion bring us back to earth to a place of full stomach great sleep he scatters hands on us so so lookie here lookie here we've we've been through some stuff we've been through some stuff but oh my god we're coming out of it this this is a month of new beginnings I need you to talk to yourself and tell yourself is gonna all be new after this month and even if your situation doesn't look like it's changed God told me to tell you it's go I'll be new oh god okay ain't no coincidence I'm here on the last Sunday before we cross over into the 9th month I'm sorry I didn't come to preach and I didn't come to sing your favorite song came to prophesize this week what I'm sayin this next week will be the 2nd of September about to give you twice as much for what you go through your hands on somebody say double for your trouble double double for your trouble double double for your trouble so we've been through some stuff tell your neighbor we've been through some stuff but tell him we've been through some stuff but we still here we've been through some stuff but we still here we've been through some stuff but we still here I wish our talk to one another we've been through some stuff but we come on tell your neighbor get out your feelings we this ain't the time to be in your feelings we we to walk in the spirit in this season cuz we've been through some stuff but God is about to elevate us we've been through some stuffing and now Oh God put quit quit verse number one back on the screen please put much number one put verse number two back on the screen I'm just gonna flow here he says arise and go down to the potter's house don'ts don't stop going to church I know Bishop is in heaven I know Bishop Davis moved on but don't stop going to church cuz I'm getting ready to announce something to you he says so I obey God and I went to church even though I didn't even know who was gonna be preacher I went to church and when I got to church I realized that God was up to something he's making something with will you talk to your neighbor tell him God's making something up I don't quite know what it is yet but God is making something I can't quite see what is the look like but I'm sure that God is making verse number four verse number four he's making something on the wheels but but the vessel that he was making of clay the vessel that he was making of clay was swaiiowed in the hand of the Potter his here's why here's my god had to take y'all through what he took world let me back up here's what God had to take us through what he took us through because chance told me that if I was in God's hands that I would not spoil traditional church told me that if I was in God's hands that I would not get in trouble but Jeremiah demonstrates something different I want to just throw this out there because God is raising up this church ministry that's raising that's raising up new birth as a 21st century apostolic model where God is about to do something collectively and individually because of understand now the body of Christ let me just be apostolic for just a moment the body of Christ has morphed into something that God did not create I travel around I get to be in different circles now Thank You bishop long for exposing me to different platforms when I came to new person my ministry was exploding but when I stepped on this platform is like an atomic bomb went off oh my god your hands on your neighbors say same grace same grace same grave same grace I get to travel around I get to travel around I hear different things people some people don't know where I stand what they do know I stand they know I stood next to the man of God they knew I stood next to my spiritual father so some stuff they wouldn't just come and say but I could discern this spirit [Applause] some people don't want us to win [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] any baby can get offended and leave any shadow can find out that their planet is not Jesus and walk away take somebody that got the Holy Ghost for real I'm sick of these Holy Ghost filled folk who can't cover help me I'm all over the place with this message I'm all over the place tell your neighbor God's got his hands on you God let's get his hands on you let me let me get back with welcome to the church the church at large has become something else I just want to just say this apostolic Lee there is no other Church in this city that's gonna benefit by your offense cuz you will stay on behind in this church tell your neighbor cuz God's making something God loves making something weak they won't come out and say it but there are the pastor's who wish in y'all news cuz they won't just build them I'm not gonna talk to me tell your neighbor you don't stay oh behind in this church people the tracks because God's got his hand owners help me here Holy Ghost I only want to say what you say I only want to say what you're saying God's raising up this church as a 21st century apostolic model because this generation needs to see a Christian who can know another Christian sin and not expose them hear me hear me listen listen to me good listen to me good I'm not talking about a cover-up because there's a difference in covering and covering up covering up says I don't hold you accountable but covering says I'll never expose you tell your neighbor I'm going to the grave with it I'm going to the I bought y'all not talking if your neighbor won't talk to you you better not tell them your business fine you somebody look at him and tell him I'm going to the grave with it won't nobody ever know watch you I'm all over the place we we we know we don't restore one another we expose one another we don't we don't restore one another we expose one another I want to say to you let me just rub this on yo yo y'all excuse me this just wasn't my spirit to give y'all when God allows you to see something else about another person it's never about God exposing them it's always about God exposing you are you mature enough to cover it and hold them accountable at the same time because God listen to me I just want to speak prophetically over this church there's a revival of souls about to hit this church if sinners sinners are about to run to this church people who have fallen and can't get up I'm about to stop running to this church because God is about to raise this church up the 21st century apostolic model suppose you give me a favor tell your neighbor your secret's safe with me your secret your secret's safe with me [Applause] y'all still praying towns over here somebody opened you're my pray in tongues robot we're under a bus here somebody open your map pray in the spirit God's making something his hands is on this church robot about here forget her I got a hurry I got a hurry he's making something we we will not we will not misrepresent the kingdom Galatians chapter 6 says this when you see your brother overtaken in a fault here's the here's the prerequisite those who are spiritual [Applause] the problem is the church is too caramel [Applause] let me let me let it go so so this is what Jesus says Jesus says this is how the world is going to know that you are a real Church this is John chapter 13 verse 35 he says that this all men will know that you are my disciples can I just declare that you have passed the discipleship test and I'm not throwing shade at nobody but whoever left wasn't a disciple [Applause] he says that wish all men will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another do me a favor grab your neighbor hug them and kiss them and tell them I love you Nate ain't nothing you can do about it make sure it's a holy kiss not a nasty kiss make sure it's a holy kiss a holy kiss a holy kiss I gotta get out of this message somebody somebody lift your hands somebody lift your hands say Lord make us over I was I was talking with one of our partners on my way over here I was talking into one of my partner's on my way over here and he said this to me you never found another new birth even at new birth [Applause] because God is making this church into another vessel but verse number four back on the screen for me please God is making this church into another vessel the spirit of our Father is here but what it was it will never be okay some of y'all gotta let that settle in your spirit coast and let me just let me just wrap this on y'all this one of your favorite scriptures God is doing a new thing [Applause] look at you your whole face lit up when I said it god that's one of your favorite scriptures God is doing a new thing but you won't let him do it [Applause] God is doing a new thing but you still crave the last thing let me just I got a I got a message it's all laid out I got my clothes and everything there it's all laid out but I got to give you what God is putting in my spirit I was reading the other day over Stokes Isaiah 43 that same scripture he says he said listen he says damn I don't know if you can drop it on the screen right quick but if you up there put it up there for me isaiah 43:18 this is what god says and this is what i hear God saying stop going over old history listen I love that man of God let me say this to y'all over the last three and a half years and I'm not bragging I'm testified over the last three and a half years we've had almost 9,000 people join our church you clapping like a hater you clapping like I'm not a son of this house I said over the last three to half years we've had almost 9,000 people join this church and ain't but a few of them from here he says I need that in ASP of there if you can put it up there for me he says forget about what's happened he said stop going over old history this is what he says Stokes he says I'm about to do something brand new and Bob said this to me new but if I hope you hear me in the spirit he said I'm about to do something brand new and gob said tell him I'm gonna do something brand new but it's gonna give them a new brand new back for never be known for tight muscle shirts ever again never again I started to come over here with my chamois roll and the show but I'm too fat for it I couldn't pull it off God's about to give us a new brand let me make that clear what new purse used to be known for will be a part of her story not the end of her story I'm preaching better than y'all saying hey man y'all know y'all that's right let me let me give that I got I'm Baptist in and you know they taught me how to preach right so I get points for you what's the title of my message y'all y'all still with me what's it what's the title of my message what is it what is it okay y'all almost got it it's that's the title in the series that mean y'all got to invite me to come back and preach the title of today's message is God's got his hands on you God's got his hands on you put verse number four back on the screen heart no see look at them they get it on the screen they working that thing today go back go back to that hard reset there go back to it cuz I want you to see something if you let God reset you you're gonna find rest look at the screen your neighbor coming slow look look look look look if you let God reset you you won't find rest in the reset tell your neighbor God's got his hands on you God's got his hands on you can can can I can I say this to you so you will stop tripping God's got his eyes on you tell your neighbor they didn't hear me tell him God's got his eyes listen tell me new person I gotta close God is fully aware of what's going on with this church God is fully aware of the state of this process can I be Baptist for two seconds jesus knows all about your and he will where's my Baptist Church he will guide until the day is done but listen to me he told me to caution you because you're at a crossroad you're at tell your neighbor you're at a crossroad you're at a crossroad you're at a make up great season y'all know this you're at a make a break season and everything you do from this point forward matters grab your neighbor grab them grab them like they owe you some money and they trying to get away from your grab them grab them grab them and tell them tell them the powder the potter wants to put you back together I call every person back in the spirit every person that left here offended every person that left him because they were seduced by a seducing spirit every person that was vulnerable and some off prophetic voice took advantage of their vulnerability and lured them away from this church call him back where's that camera what camera am I looking at tell me what camera to look at where the red light at which one I look at get show behind back to this church I gotta quit I gotta quit I gotta stop I gotta I gotta stop tell your neighbor God's got his eyes on you [Applause] he's got his eyes on you so you cannot let guilt and shame run you away from The Potter's House okay I'm talking to your neighbor and not you you cannot allow guilt and shame to run your way from the Potters house because the devil is trying to spoil you he tried to Mar you he tried to ruin you he's use everything he could use he's use everybody else he could use to get you out of your set place to get you out of position to get you out of God's hands but God told me to tell you I'm not gonna let the devil have you I gotta stop your neighbor sitting in here tripping look at him and tell him God's not gonna let the devil have you he's not he's not gonna let the devil have you he's not gonna let the devil have you I told you I came to prophesy in this house with the grace of my father we're not losing another person to guilt and shame in this church lay your hands on your neighbor one more time they so sick of you touching them but lay your hands on them again touch him touch him again touch him again tell him we're not losing another person in this church [Applause] I got a stop tell your neighbor God's got his eyes on you can I be old-school one more time if his eye is on the sparrow come on where my deacons and mothers at your - talk to me right here if his eye is on the sparrow then I that's got his eyes on you he's got his eyes on me this is a last thing I'm supposed to tell you and I'm a roll he's got his that I'm Baptist I'm a close about four or five times so say it to yourself God's got his eyes on me three things I'm supposed to tell you what was the first thing God's got is what was the second thing God's got his here's the last thing and then I'm a roll God's got his mind on you he's thinking about you the Angels were talking to God one day and they said to him what is new birth that your mind is full of them some of y'all missed it what is man that thou art can't you stop thinking about them cuz I'm getting ready to make them into another vessel so he remade it but verse number four back on the screen I want you to see it read it again but the vessel that he was making read it again but the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the Potter can I can I can I ask you something if God had his hands on it don't you think he could have stopped it from spoiling [Applause] if God had his hands on it don't you know that God could have could have stopped it before it started obviously God is trying to do something new obviously God is trying to make it again somebody say Lord make me over Lord make me everybody's standing I'm closing tell your neighbor God's got his eyes on you he's got his mind on you I didn't tell you this it was two weeks ago two weeks ago I was preaching the same message just up the street and in the middle of my message while I'm preaching I heard the Lord say this word is for new birth somebody lift your hand say have been on Wailord have died no way thou art the Potter I am morally I hear my church over here come on y'all [Music] one more time with your hands lifted have [Music] make that your prayer new birth [Music] Wow make that your prayer mommy not after my wheel but after [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] Steve with your hands lifted I want you in your own words to just take a few moments and let's just worship the Lord you're in this room this morning and you've been in the season of warfare some of your warfare has been around your connection to this church some of your warfare has been around your personal assignment I want you I want you to make your way to this altar for just a few moments elder Stokes that's all right if I call them around the altar yes yes you're in this room and you say bishop I have been fighting for my life and I've been asking the question and am I ever gonna catch a break come come have died no come come come hurry hurry hurry Abbasi a movie make that your prayer I hear you mother thank you thank you sir you come on you've been in the season of warfare and I was I made mistakes in this church made mistakes out of this church I made mistakes in ministry I've made mistakes in marriage I've made mistakes in life and I almost felt like I was out of God's will and God said to me if if I didn't want you to spoil I wouldn't have let you spoil y'all hear me I've been using really churchy words when I say things like God's raising this church as a 21st century apostolic model because God is sending people to this church check this out y'all this might be a new concept for Christians but God is sending people to this church who struggle with sin how about that God sending people to this church who are overcoming their flesh and God had to have people in position who were in God's hands and steel spoiled that's raising up Newberg that's a 21st century model this is a place where people can come and not have to fake it til they make this is a place where people can come and say if Bob Dole helped me i'ma keep lying God don't help me imma keep cheating God don't help me imma keep stealing he's a mighty God I say this to you new birth because this this this new church is so judgmental we lack mercy we lack compassion sell me all in this room set other people's children to hell for being gay until your daughter came out lesbian now all of a sudden you have compassion your merciful you've asked the question how could God let this happen to me up I'm in church I'm in ministry how how could God let this happen to me I've been faithful God said because I needed somebody who could demonstrate mercy needed somebody who could demonstrate compassion they're coming with earrings in the noses they're coming with black lips and tattoos on their foreheads they're coming they're coming with their drawers showing somebody say they already in here and before you tell them to pull their pants up you're gonna show them how to pray before you tell them to pull their earring out you know show them how to provoke God everybody touching somebody God's got his hands on you that's thinking about you God's not forgotten about you can I tell you what Hebrews says about that he says I'm not unjust that I will forget your labor of love I want to speak to every person in this room who stayed the course when your family looked at you like you were crazy you're still going over there that's how they do you still oh you still a new bar you should ask them you still in your crazy family did you leave your family cuz your mama crazy did you leave your family because your sister went to jail we asked some fallens out we had some drama but we family tell your neighbor we family we family you know I got a I got a violent spirit like our father tip tell your neighbor you try to leave i'ma come find you you try to leave I'll come find you tell your neighbor don't play with me I know where you work I know where you work have Dino [Music] everybody [Music] now [Music] what do you want him to do [Music] even if it doesn't look like what it used to look like [Music] Wow Hilda everybody touching somebody father we say yes we said it before but we haven't said it in quite a while we say yes the same yes we gave you the first day we walk this Isle and join this church we give you that yes again that am I saying yes yes yes yes say it again yes Lord [Music] listen loose those hands and lift them I feel your strength coming back should say [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] your hands are lifted that's your second win receive that your hands are lifted that's your second win receive that you will not grow weary and doing well you will not faint yeah I said you will not grow weary in doing well and you will not faint lift your hands that's your second win coming next some of you it's a tenth win for for some of you it's a fifteenth win let let him do it let him do it let him do it yeah [Music] [Applause] yeah and now Holy Spirit I thank you that you give us the courage we need to stay on the wheel while you make us into another vessel thank you for the discipline to stay in position even though we don't know what it looks like we don't we've never seen this vessel before we say yes thank you for the discipline to stay on the potter's wheel while you remake us into another vessel Thank You Holy Spirit for reassuring us that your hands are still on us thank you this week we'll go throughout this week encourage knowing that your your eyes are on us and your mind is on us because you're remaking new birth into another vessel and I thank you Father that the same grace that is upon this church is the same grace that is upon every family and every house represented in this room those watching my way of social media however you're streaming I thank you that that same grace is upon every house upon every family represented in this road that even after the devil tries to ruin me that you will remake me into another vessel and thank you Lord that when you get done doing what you're doing you're gonna be pleased with who we are we give you praise for it in Jesus name Amen a man and a man listen I'm gonna say this last thing and I want you to praise God like you believe it God told me the other day he said son I'm getting ready to do something for you that you didn't see coming [Applause] you [Music] gotcha [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your neighbor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no you may better shy [Applause] go to your seat kill your neighbor claps get his hands over there back to your seats have somebody cops got his hands on you the devil particles go ruin me daddy was gonna ruin your reputation but God's got his hands over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody clap your hands and give God your shout one more time I gotta go I'm finished here's what I want you to do is that I want you to do I don't know how you got here but there are people in this room right now I know this is crazy because technically technically this church doesn't have a pastor but you're in this room and you don't have a church I want to say this to you God is taking this church to a whole nother level and let me say this in the last dispensation many of you joined this church because of our father's personality there are people in this room this morning you are not going to join because of a personality you're going to join because of an assignment the devil tried to ruin you he tried to Mar you he tried to spoil your name you're in this room this morning and you don't have a church I know this is crazy I'm I'm not joining this church they don't even have a pastor they may not have a pastor but they do have a shepherd did you hear what I said tell your neighbor don't worry about the name don't worry about the name well who's the pastor don't worry about the name we have a shepherd the Lord you're in this room and you don't have a church and you heard me saying God's about to do a hard reset he he's about to remove the data in the apps that have your system pinwheeling he's about to get rid of the stuff that's that's called caused your process to slow and to stop they've been pinwheel and stuff that used to be easy stuff that used to come up immediately now it's pinwheeling know it's it's it's taken longer than it's supposed to take you're in this room you're in this room you you need to be listened to me you need to be connected to grace and not personality somebody say that's the next level for us that's the that'sthat's the next level that's that's that's Thank You Holy Spirit I'll tell you about that later come you don't have a church come come you don't have a church um you don't have a church I don't care how you got here I don't care who invited you maybe you came to see me pump come give me a favor do me a favor I want you to look at your neighbor and they make they may have been here a few times so don't let that move you look at him and ask him come on they're coming y'all clapping like this ain't a big deal this is a big deal y'all clap like this is a big deal this is a big deal welcome home baby welcome home hello y'all still coming you're still coming come on I feel you I feel you you said mother wait i'ma wait till they get a pastor you don't need a pastor we have an assignment you're not God's not leaving you to join this church because of a personality he's leading you to join this church because the Grace on the church is what you need for your next level do me a favor I want you to ask that person next to you to God tell you to join this church today asking go ahead ask them did God tell you to join this church today I don't hear you talking come on open your mouth to ask them they'll tell you to join this church today if they say no say forget you then forget you there I'm just playing be nice be nice be nice be nice if God told you to join the day you got to obey God you can't think yourself out of obedience get it Bishop I hear you but I want to wait I wouldn't I wonder if you know I just want I don't want to rush into anything you didn't rush into everything else and didn't have a word from God you got away from God this - that's spoken to you let it go come on let it go look at these young people that's what is getting ready to look like Millennials are about to flood this church like y'all ain't never seen cuz they need to be connected to some real Christians who won't judge them cuz they need Jesus I'm gonna pray for those who are here Thank You Holy Spirit just one more time grab your neighbors hand and tell them if you need me to walk with you I will if you need me to walk with you I will come on man ago I see you come on come on man ago y'all clapping like this don't mean nothin come on now look at him they still come in our show [Applause] let's pray together let's pray together I want to I want to I want to pray and then I'm gonna challenge you to soul because how many believe God still got his hands on you I'm I'm gonna challenge you to sow something in just a moment let's pray will you stretch your hands this way Holy Spirit I thank you for every family that heard your voice and obeyed you've given me authority to do this so I'm gonna ask that in the next 72 hours that you would do something so amazing and incredible that these families would know that this is your response to this act of obedience show yourself strong on their behalf let them know that they didn't miss let them know that they were not just being emotional but that they heard the voice of God establish this pattern in their life that whenever they hear and obey that you will release the blessing of the Lord now father I ask that you would give them grace to find their place in new birth as you remake this church and as you make it into another vessel I pray that you will cause them to find their get in where they're where they fit in and it's in Jesus's name I pray amen amen and amen will you help me thank God what's that one two three four five six seven I don't know how many which I know y'all just y'all clap like this a big deal this is a big deal people don't enjoy churches that don't have a pastor y'all been sheltered y'all don't know that I know listen I gotta go y'all ready to go and so am i I want to challenge you to give every person in this room every person in this room I see some of you saying with Bishop why you why you got to ask us for money here's why it's a simple principle and God's not going to change the rules to bless you it's a simple principle there can never be fruit where there has never been seed did you hear what I said there can never be fruit where there has never been seen some of you heard something today and God spoke to you God's God's got his eyes on you he's got his mind on you he's about to remake you I want you to sow into that I want you to get an $18 scene that's all I want you to do $18 scene Thank You Holy Spirit some of you need to saw 180 dollars I'm not going to acknowledge you I'm not gonna count you I said that just so you can obey God just obey God if you need an envelope y'all give electronically here yet no the Stokes do y'all give electronically how can they do that the push fake push pain alright y'all need to check in the gibla fight to check in to give the fight alright real simple y'all need a cash out to get a cash how many of y'all got cash out wave your hand y'all see all the money we missed this morning that we need a cash out a man we need a cash out get a cash app so the Saints can give come on do you y'all come just come on bring it real quick real quick real quick real quick real quick come on hurry hurry hurry bring it bring it $18 $18 come on that's all that's all God's asking you for come on bring it bring it bring it if all you got is in 20 don't worry about the $2 change just bring it hey man just don't worry about it here giving back to you come on amen don't be up here like and I gave my two dollars back no come on amen that's God's tip this morning come on bring it bring it bring it bring listen if you short on cash man it's so good to see you if you short on cash just ask your neighbor if you can if you can borrow $18 they got it ask them pastor Morris up here he's got $18 come ask him he'll give it to you come on just bring it bring it bring it why you walking and just say God's got his hands on me that's got his hands on me that's got his hands on me the devil ain't gonna be able to ruin your name or your reputation that's got his hands on you and God is remaking you into another vessel come on everybody's gonna show something they're no cheap people in this room this morning come on come on if you don't have anything but a dollar and 80 cents you come and you bring it and you sew it like it's 18 thousand dollars I want you to come I want you to come those of you who are worshiping online if you're streaming go to push pay and I want you to soul there's no time and space between this anointing I want you to sow God's got his hands on you he's got his eyes and his mind on you I want you to sow obey God obey God those of you who are supposed to so that 180 dollar see don't choke obey God obey God thank you Dave thank you obey God obey God obey God Thank You Holy Spirit Thank You Holy Spirit go come on come on I'm going tario raise up everlasting God play it so we can play it on here so we can take it come on I'm going down the street [Music] see good to see you today come on the Lord is my light and salvation come on church laugh fear I miss you too mama whom shall I be afraid thank y'all for being faithful man like salvation y'all come on who shall I fear do y'all know it who shall I be afraid you're come sing I will wait on you come on the Chan's and say it I will [Music] come on tell them I will trust in you this is a hard reset while I'm on the potter's wheel I will trust in you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you raise your hands and tell it I will wait on you [Music] [Applause] new birth I love you I'm praying for you my granddaddy would say don't races from say I will I will remain come for dinner this side we'll see [Music] I want you to go to your car singing it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] raise up your ball I said declare [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] new bath will you put your hands together we on our way back we said we said on Floreana we said AHA follow the one who is the everlasting y'all sing it we said I hope all you we said I hope we said I hope the one who is being ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on everybody everybody give your food we're gonna meet the truth furniture it's the [Music] [Applause] [Music] I will remain come for Dean in this [Music] second again church [Applause] we'll see somebody clap your hands and give love your best shout listen I love y'all I'm praying for you I'll see you soon all right [Applause] [Music]
Channel: michael enjoy life green
Views: 49,845
Rating: 4.8317947 out of 5
Id: dz0o_Ig_l6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 15sec (5115 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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