Donnie Swaggart Preaches A Very Much Needed Message Seducing spirits and doctrines of devils MP4

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hallelujah masha'Allah you're a divorcee your friend not yourself because of the evil days you live in said it the Lord for these things must be for the time as I had the hour has come for the days of the dispensation of grace are coming to a close save God who is calling my beloved bride back to holiness back to righteousness back to repentance for the whole headed ship in the hardest thing for my people draw nigh unto me with their mouth they honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me but I love my god still have a residence of my people who have not bowed their knee to bear preaching proclaiming the word shape the Lord return to the old man cry out to me repentance then I'll hallelujah you won't believe this but that message in tongues and interpretation that's my message that's my message the Lord told me this afternoon he was going to speak in this service to confirm the word and he did hallelujah I want to read two texts tonight I want you to go ahead and turn to first Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 but there is a preface text that the Holy Spirit has already spoken but I had already planned to read it out of the great book of Isaiah chapter 1 the Holy Spirit to the Prophet said hear o heavens and give ear o earth for the Lord has spoken I have nourished and brought up children and they have rebelled against me the ox knoweth his owner and the ass his master's crib but Israel does not know my people does not consider aa sinful nation a people laden with iniquity a seed of evildoers children that are corrupters they are forsaken the Lord they have provoked the Holy One of Israel under anger they are gone away backward why should you be stricken anymore you will revoke more and more the whole head is sick and the whole heart faint from the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores they have not been closed neither bound up neither mollified with ointment now 1st Timothy chapter 4 reading verse 1 now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times that's what the Holy Spirit was speaking of some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils and I want to minister for a few minutes tonight on the subject seducing spirits and doctrines of devils would you bow your heads Father we come before you tonight in the name of your son Jesus we thank you for the presence of the Lord that we have felt and experience beginning last night I stand tonight dependent 100% upon you I know that the words that you have given me to share tonight will not make many happy but I must deliver my heart I must proclaim thus saith the Lord I asked for your anointing help me to say it exactly how you want it said go to the hearts of the people with this message and Lord we give you all the praise and glory and everybody said a man and a man I had no idea this afternoon what Gabriel was going to be preaching on I had no doubt no idea of the video clips that he would show when I saw them it was a mixture of great hurt and great anger at the same time great hurt knowing that young people are being led down a path of destruction thinking they are heading on a path of righteousness and then at the same time a righteous anger rose up inside of me an anger directed against the pastors and the youth pastors that would allow such a vulgarity and such mo immorality and call it God let me tell you I said it earlier we've got too many Tiny Tim's standing behind the pulpit that don't stand for anything that don't believe in any whatever goes whatever can build a crowd that's what they're for but let me tell you this church still believes in holiness and still believes in righteousness and still believes and lifting up the blood-stained banner of our Lord I drove home I don't know what what happened I think everybody in Baton Rouge went crazy today and got on the roads it took me almost 40 minutes to get home and it's a ten minute drive but I was thinking stuck in traffic of my life being raised up I'm 58 years old this is all that I know church and I'm glad and my mind went back as a child traveling on the evangelistic field and the churches that we went to and the men of God that I had a privilege to sit under and to know men like bond Bowman that pastored Brightmoor Tabernacle in Detroit where I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit when I was 13 years old men like Carl Alcorn from Wichita Falls Texas hands over Burt from Evansville Indiana HC Noah from Dallas Texas all of these were giants in the Lord they've gone on to be with the Lord if they were alive today they would have had a coronary I know what brother Vivek would have done if he would have been in that auditorium that we saw today I you had to know brother vibrant he was a wild man he didn't put up for any foolishness if he would have been there even if he wasn't in charge he would have walked up on that platform took the microphone out of their hands said hit the road jack and don't come back no more no more no more let that's what we need we need some men of integrity and men that know the Word of God and men who love Souls enough not to allow the foolishness of the world to come into the church and defeat it to our children and to our adults I thank God for the way that I was raised my parents would have never allowed me to go to something like that it had grieved me and it it broke my heart to see how far the church has fallen I've been trying to tell dead because I am I'm a studier of church all the movements the seeker-sensitive the emergent church the Hebraic movement I've been trying to tell him how bad it is out there the church and dad said it last night and I don't mean to be repetitive but it has to be said the church has never been in worse spiritual shape than it is right now and the reason why the nation is so messed up is because the church is messed up but at the same time there are some good churches out there you see the world the church is hung up on numbers the whole thing is it's not the message it's just what can we do to put Fannie's in the seat yeah you heard me right it doesn't matter how stupid they just had in the largest Pentecostal church in a Midwest City on a Sunday morning I kid you not the pastor walked up behind the pulpit pulled out a can of beer pop the top and took a sip and said there's nothing wrong with having a beer every once in a while Ichabod Ichabod Ichabod Ichabod they tell you that Church somebody in that church should have stood up and said it's Tom that you hit the road you're fired we don't want any shipment preacher behind the pulpit we won't somebody that's full of the Holy Spirit somebody better preach the Word of God and power and anointing hallelujah now we get thing wrong with having a little drinking you go have your little drink all the way to hell but I want to encourage pastors out there that you may not have a large church but you're still holding on to holiness and righteousness you still believe in the cross you still believe in the blood don't let the devil tell you that it's all about numbers God is not interested in quantity he's interested in quality and I would rather see a church with 50 people that are on fire for God and full the Holy Spirit and a preacher that still believes in the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation and will not back up from preaching the truth that our church of 5,000 that doesn't stand for anything that text I read in Isaiah that was the Church of that day now you've got to understand this I always like to tell beginning ministers if you want to know how God deals with the church you must understand how God dealt with Israel if you don't understand that you cannot understand how God deals with the church because God has not changed what was wrong for Israel 2000 3000 4000 years ago is still wrong today the spirit said it first then I read it it said that the whole head is sick now when you study that out the idea of that statement is when you depart from the Word of God when you depart from truth you go insane spiritual insanity that you got to hear that when you leave the Word of God and you go after the things of the world you go after bails you go after Dagon thinking their Jehovah you become spiritually insane and that's what we have today we've got a lot of insane preachers standing behind the pulpit because they've left the Word of God the heart is faint that means no strength anything goes I don't want to offend anybody I can't speak against homosexuality because it might offend somebody I can't say abortion is a sin because it might offend somebody I can't say that living with a woman is alright because it might offend somebody I'm amazed somebody called in Mother's program the other day said I want to know if it's right if you got people in the praise team that are living with people in not married why would you have to ask a question like that my lord where is the church they are spiritually brain-dead because they don't know the Word of God Spurgeon CH Spurgeon who is one of my heroes in the faith well over a hundred years ago and let me just make this thing for say everything that's going on in the church world right now it's not new the devil has no new trips it's the same old lie it's just put in a different box with different wrapping paper and a different ribbon and the church opens it up and falls for it generation after generation after generation after generation they talk about the seeker sensitive church being a new movement no it's not Spurgeon dealt with it in the 1880s as the Baptist Union of which he was a part in England and I mean Spurgeon was the crown prince of preachers and the churches of the Baptist Union were saying you can't have Church the way you used to the days of opening your Bible and reading it is passe it will not hold the attention of the people you're here aren't you I don't see you walking out and so they quit preaching and they were actually hiring sinners that were stage actors of renown on the stages of England Plymouth plays doing plays doing plays and they would hire them and bring them in on a Sunday morning to do dramatic readings and then they would close out with the little scripture and a little word of encouragement and Spurgeon said this he said a time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the Sheep the church will have clouds entertaining the goats let me say that again a time will come when instead of Shepherds feeding the Sheep the church will have clowns entertaining the goats that time has come we've got clowns behind the pulpit entertaining goats who wouldn't know the Lord who wouldn't know the Holy Spirit if they came and sat down right beside him oh I got a hurry Paul in 1st Timothy 4 he said now the spirit speaketh expressly you got a we're going to exegete this verse that is a five-dollar Greek word that means explain I just want to let you know I did go to Bible College because I got an email the other day that informed me of how dumb I was and that I was very ignorant because I did not believe in prayer shawls and he informed me that there was another preacher whose name I will not call that he was so much more learned than I was and educated and if I would just listen to him I would find out that the prayer shawls of Israel were the tents they lived in that's an awful big shawl there must have been some fat Hebrews running around they must have been slipping off the siding some barbecue pork but Paul said now the spirit speaketh expressly this is the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit the term speaketh expressly means the Holy Spirit gave these words to Paul in a distinct and plain manner in other words there was no unmistakable eise pierre 'it was trying to say in revelations chapters two and three seven times the holy spirit would say he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches seven times that word ear here there it doesn't mean just hearing and mental assent it means hearing and acting upon it taking it to the heart and obeying what the Holy Spirit is saying I want you to know today the Holy Spirit is not silent he is still speaking he is still speaking to the hearts of men and women and he's still speaking to the church and I can say it right now only authority of the word now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times this refers to the clothes of what the Spirit said the church age the dispensation of grace and before the millennial reign of Christ actually it's speaking of the time that we're now living in this is the last days we are seeing the Laodicean church not on the outside but it's mixed up on the inside the apostate Church you've got two churches running parallel the Philadelphia Church which is the Missionary Church you've got the layout to see in church the apostate Church that says we are rich and increased in goods and have need of nothing we've got a Starbucks in the lobby you know never mind I will say it that word latter in the Greek means afterward at the last of all the idea is that what I read in Isaiah what I read in first Timothy the problems they've always existed in the church but there is coming a time which we're now living in that these problems will become more greater and greater and greater and greatly exacerbated until they're not just in a few churches but they have infiltrated almost all of the church and it said some shall depart from the faith now listen to some shall depart from the faith this refers to a departure from the Word of God but more particularly it refers to a departure from the major theme of the Bible which is Jesus Christ and him crucified the theme of the Bible is not angels the theme of the Bible is not demon spirits the theme of the Bible is not miracles the theme of the Bible is man was born a sinner and could not save himself but God sent his son born of a virgin 2,000 years ago and he died on Calvary's cross and shed his sinless perfect body as a perfect sacrifice as the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world now now now see now they're attacking us well you just making too much of the cross we need to go beyond the cross where do you go how do you go beyond life don't you didn't hear me how do you go beyond life if you leave the cross the only thing that is left is death God called us a lie don't talk about the resurrection I said did you not hear my sermon two weeks ago when I preached on the for resurrection appearances of Jesus Christ and I said but Sir it wasn't the Incarnation that saved you it wasn't the miracles of the Lord that saved you and I said thirdly the resurrection of Jesus Christ was never in doubt he was coming out of that tomb he was coming out of that tomb because there was no sin in him therefore Satan could not hold him three days I will be in the belly of the earth but I'm coming back victorious over death hell and the grave the resurrection ratified what Jesus did at Calvary 2,000 years ago but there wouldn't have been a resurrection if there hadn't been a crucifixion [Applause] some should depart from the faith today doctrine is left at dismiss lampooned but without true biblical doctrine the church is blind where there is an absence of true biblical doctrine Satan will always see to it that false doctrine fills the void did you hear that where there is an absence of true biblical doctrine Satan will always fill the void with that which is false the message of the Cross is being openly attacked and dismissed and I know what I'm talking about but understand this tonight the cross is the dividing line between the true church and the apostate Church the cross is the dividing line a line has been drawn in the sand I remember as a child standing at the Alamo in San Antonio and I love history and I'm a romantic at heart and I stood out there little boy and I've put myself inside of the Alamo with a Mexican army on the outside 10 to 1 no way you're going to make it but then that take that sword and they draw that line in the sand whoever wants to stay and defend step across this slide at all 182 of them stepped across that line Davy Crockett was too sick and said a sickbed he said pick the bed up and bring down me Daniel James James Bowie he was in a sick bed and they had to carry him across and he said if I can't stand on a wall put my knife in one hand and a pistol in the other that's what we need today draw a line drawn in the sand that says I got the Bible in this hand and I'm holding on to the cross with this hand now listen if you reject the message of the cross you will be lost if you reject the cross as the only means of salvation justification and sanctification you will be lost it's not the cross plus it's not the cross plus the Assemblies of God it's not the cross plus water baptism it's not the cross plus membership it's not the cross plus give it an offering it's the cross the cross that cross the cross the cross the cross only the cross what can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of Jesus Gabriel said it today but the Lord had already given it to me but I'm gonna repeat it Joshua 24:15 still says and if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord choose you this day whom you will serve whether the gods which your father's served on the other side of the flood or the gods of the Emirates in whose land you dwell but but but but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord Family Worship Center we will serve the Lord if everybody walks out if everybody turns their back we will serve the Lord you can ask Gabriel as a teenager driving I'd walk up to him so God said give me your keys before just give me your keys walk out there turn that engine down to turn the radio on see where the presets were see what CDs now I got I gotta say this about Gabriel was so sweet the worst denim tell you how sweet Gabriel is something happened I didn't know if it was Matthew or Gabriel I couldn't figure out which one it doesn't but for some reason I just thought Gabriel did it I came here out to Gable you did it and finally he goes I did it up sorry and I spanked him then I found out later he didn't do it I said Gabriel why did you confess to something you didn't do I just felt like I needed I could never spank him after that good psychology there but if there was something that was not uplifting he'll tell you I'd walk in with that CD and go click and break it out that said son that's my car that's my gas that's my insurance and as long as you're in my car you're not going to listen to that which worships the devil or glorifies the devil giving heed to seducing spirits tells us the cause of the church's departure from truth seducing in the Greek is planos that's the word it means wandering that's what the church is doing it's wandering it means roving it means misleading we've got preachers misleading the laity it means leading into error spirits refer to evil spirits actually putting into motion human agents to do their bidding in other words preachers become deceived by seducing spirits and are placed in places of prominence to spew their lie and they come forth as an angel of light these spirits so blind the church that the truth becomes a lie and a lie becomes the truth because the church is deceived these spirits bring the world until let me tell you when I was growing up in church there was a line that whirl was out there and the church was in here but now the church is not on I mean the world is not only in the church the world is on the pulpit on the platform standing behind the pulpit presently tell you you go into some churches and the preacher walks out on Sunday morning with the shirt that's wrinkled crumpled up pulled out blue jeans with holes in the knees no socks and are already pair of tennis shoes looking like they've been partying all night and the praise and worship singers the girls have got two tops off showing their belt let me tell you the church has gone insane else I was preaching in South Africa the last time I was there got to this church I'd never preached there before and they're awaiting the Deacon board was waiting for me because the pastor had had an emergency a member of his family and had a heart attack and he had to leave and they were letting me know I mean and I said well let's let's pray for that individual we had prayer outside the church then I walked in and I was shocked the church it was pitch black the walls were painted completely black the ceiling was painted completely black the only light was at that that was owned was a spotlight on the stage and then the praise what they called praise and worship team came out and it was the loudest chaotic noise and I'm supposed to preach now I'm sitting there I'm not dumb I know if the pastor's not there I can do whatever I want to do because I'm leaving after the service so when I walked up they had told me said we'll we'll stay all the praise the worship will stay up behind you and I got up I said thank you you can go sit down then I said I want every light in the building turned on and nothing happened I stood there I said I said I want every light in the church turned on nothing happened I said this is the last time I'm saying it if the lights are not on in 30 seconds I'm leaving and all of a sudden the lights come came out it had been got so long since they had all the lights out half the people were going and I very nicely said this is not a show this is church and we don't worship in the dark like the pagans worship their false gods we worship the true God and the light of his glory and his holiness and his beauty I got a Hurley doctrines of devils actually this phrase should have been translated doctrines of demons for there is only one devil but there are many demons who are his servants that do his biddings it's important to note that Paul finds the source of false doctrine in these demon spirits who enticed God's children away from the truth and listen never forget that whatever is being preached from behind the pulpit if it's truth it's backed by the Holy Spirit if it's a lie it's backed by demon spirits now you got to understand that there is a spirit behind every message that is preached mother told me I got up singers musicians you can slowly make your way back I want to show you the insanity that the church has found itself in there's an old saying that a picture's worth a thousand words when I first heard about this mother told me about it I thought she was joking she said Donnie have you heard about this fad that is sweeping the churches called the Harlem shake I said what are you talking about so now I've never heard of it that day on wit I'm a studier if you tell me something's out there I'm gonna go try to find it and so I started researching what is the Harlem shake and I found there was the story of the guy who wrote it was so filthy the language that he was using so filthy about every third word was the f-word about every fifth or sixth word was the Lord's name taken in vain until I finally couldn't read the rest of the article it was filthy you wanted to go take a shower afterwards and I can't and I said they're doing this in churches and she said yes and I didn't believe her but mother's right and you saw some of some of you saw it on Francis and friends and I've pulled just a few so that you can see how far the church has sunk this first clip is from Saddleback Church pastored by Rick Warren who is supposed to be the nation's pastor no offense but I would rather have a janitor that knows God as my pastor this was in a youth service sponsored and sanction by him and by his leadership I want you to look at the monitors and Randy I want you to play that first clip [Music] [Music] now they're the words in that are Spanish and this is what they mean we are with the terrorists that's what the words to that song mean we are with the terrorists in other words we're with the ones that killed nearly 4,000 Americans on 9/11 god help us the church has gone insane and listen this is the man that the leaders of the Assemblies of God and the Church of God and the fourth square are following listen you can get mad if you want to but if you follow that you're following it straight into hell because that is not of God that is of the devil that is demonic that is hellish that is from the pit of hell I'm ashamed to say that I was raised Assembly of God the Assemblies of God that I was raised in would vomit over that I was raised in Assembly of God that still believed in the Bible they still believed in the power of the Holy Ghost that still believed in sinners being saved and bondage is broken but they sold it all out for the Harlem shake they sold it out for thirty pieces of silver Judas this second clip is even worse from a church in Australia in his complete filth and blasphemy because it pictures Christ on the cross and watch this [Music] [Music] how dare anybody mock the Lord Jesus Christ and what he did at Calvary cross go ahead Randy with clip number three [Music] [Music] now what that african-american it was not a woman that was a man dressed as a woman now what he was doing against that youth pastor I'm gonna it's vulgar but I'm gonna say it because this is what it's called in the streets dry humping that's what did they call it that's what they do in the nightclubs and they brought it into the church that was from a church here in this city no that was from a hellhole in this city I'm not even going to show the last one I'm fed up I'm sick to my stomach I don't know listen as I close I don't blame the young people I do not blame those young people I blame the youth pastors and the pastor's I hold them respond how he r is the problem some of those young people own those videos that you saw are going to die and go to hell because of the lies and the garbage their youth pastors and pastors have said them you better mark my word they're going to hell ungodly leadership we need some Jeremiah's we need some abrahams we need some Daniels we need some Shadrach Meshach and Abednego x' we need some Debra's we need some Hannah's we need some jl who will take a spike and nail it through the tip of the enemy of God and win a victory hallelujah we need some men and women with backbone whether there are pasture or whether they're laity that will stand up let's say we're not putting up with this garbage anymore preach the word or get out of the pulpit [Applause] now I gotta close everything I've said has been negative but I'm not closing on a negative note I'm closing on a positive note because in spite of the sin and the degradation and the rebellion of the church there is still a remnant there's still 7,000 out there who hasn't found the need of bail there's still some Daniels out there that won't stop praying there's still some Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that will walk into a firing furnace and say Oh King we may burn but we will not bow there's still some Peter and jobs that will say silver and don't have our none but such as I have give I unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk and furthermore every one of you that are a part of SPN you are that remnant you are a part of that remnant and I Got News for the devil the church is not going down to the Harlem shake because my Bible says that God is coming back for a church without spot without wrinkle in the blood of the lamb wash in the blood washed in the blood washed in the blood wash in the blood of the Lamb here's what the Lord told me they had an English if my people which are called by my name and that name is not Buddha that name is not Muhammad that name is not Allah that name is not Joseph Smith that name is not Donnie swagger that name is Jesus Christ if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven then will I forgive their sin and then will I heal their land here is the word of the Lord for this Thursday night 2013 there is still a balm in Gilead there is still a great position there is still a god that can prepare a table in the wilderness there's still a god that's gonna pour out his spirit in these last days don't care what Washington does don't care what Springfield does don't care what Cleveland does don't care what LA does don't care what st. Louis does I just care what heaven does and heaven is about ready to be poured out for in the last days I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh now if you believe that if you believe that tonight revival for revival to start in the world it has to start in you you all revival in the church it's got to start in you I don't know what they're going to sing but whatever they're going to sing these altars are oath and we're coming around we're going to believe God now listen listen listen you got to make a decision you either got to choose the Harlem shake or you got to choose the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit and I choose the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit if you want revival if you want to see our nation's stirred if you want to see our young people saved and our pulpits brought back to holiness and righteousness let's fill this front right now come on [Music] it was a man come out say grace [Music] [Music] I once whoa it's only amazing that's gotta finish through [Music] was fly come on worship at Wayne Avery balls it was grace [Applause] [Music] [Music] what about sheep ha ha the Lord just spoke to me and told me to do something I do not know tonight in this service how many pastors are here but if you're a pastor the Lord told me for you to get out of your seat and make your way to this front and we're gonna pray that you're going to have an anointing of the Holy Spirit like you've never had before you're gonna have an unction and a power to preach you're gonna have an anointing of the Holy Spirit flowing through you oh you're going to see soul saved you're gonna see sick bodies heal you're gonna see believers baptized in the Holy Spirit you're gonna see demon powers broken you're gonna see bondage is broken right now if you're a pastor lift your hands and those of you that seen it now start laying hands on our right now those of you around them start laying here come on father in the neighbor juice both these ministers of the gospel preacher that's never before [Applause] ya basta that we first [Music] I know but teller those watching me my radio watching by the air lord given the desert portion of the power learning of the heart sweep across sweeper crosses but the cross and the cross [Music] do so the world [Music] [Music] [Music] bye revival [Music] Oh come on give the Lord a hand clap a praise I'm gonna leave this word with you we have 16 and a half trillion dollars of debt in our nation we have a president who doesn't know up from down and a Congress and a Senate that's worse we have no leadership in this nation because we have no leadership in the church now you hear what I'm saying God is raised up SBN and he has given us and is giving us an even greater a platform of leadership it's going to cause demons to come out of the woodwork but that's alright David is still killing Giants I said David is still killing giant and here's when you go back to your churches the devil is gonna hit you this is what I'm going to leave with you it's not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts now give the Lord a hand clap of praise Oh [Music]
Channel: Debora 777
Views: 416,883
Rating: 4.7121587 out of 5
Keywords: Predigt, Glaube, Jesus, Bibel, Heilung, Befreiung, Gospel, Donnie Swaggart
Id: QoNpTdsQbWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 9sec (3489 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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