pastor donnie mcclurkin

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this is a sacred time this is not a time of celebrity so I'm going to ask for you please to honor my request and to cease from taking pictures it distracts me from what I have to do amen and if you just see somebody who's intent on taking it just tap them on the shoulder and say he said stop you and and I and I'll go through my protocols in a moment but you must understand there's a time when celebrity has got to end God did not call me to be a celebrity he did not save me to be a celebrity but the purpose of God is more than the celebrity of man and I standed in today declaring to you that singing is just what I do but a Son of God is who I am are you hearing me please do not do not box me into the corner of what I do cuz some of you sitting there right now talking about I hope he sing my song I I know I know I know singing is for another day cuz man shall not live by bread alone by song Alone by music alone but man we'll live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God do I have anyone who loves the word of God and no no no no no I mean anybody who loves the word of God more than they love their own necessary food anybody who values the word of God somebody who knows God and has a relationship with God just give them the best Praise of the day give them the best praise give them the best praise yeah yeah yeah no don't worry about who's next to you if they don't understand it you don't have time to explain it this is your time with God give him the best praise that you have praise him like you really love him praise him like he means every sh like he means everything in the world to you forget about who you are where you are who you're with give God the glory that's due unto his name come on wonderful is the Lord God wonderful is the Lord God wonderful is the Lord Jesus blessed and holy hallowed and sacred God hallelujah somebody lift your voice and say hallelujah now put those hands together and give him praise be seated in his presence I honor the Lord because he's kind I honor the Lord because there's no one like him anywhere I have no qualms in declaring before you today without fear that there is only one God I don't hear you here I I don't care how ecumenical these days get all roads do not lead to God I respect all religions I respect my my my Islamic brothers and and uh and the Muslims of this world but I got news and didn't and the news is not is not a popular news flash cuz in this day and time it can cost you your life but what is life without the truth and the truth is there is only one God and there's only one way to him and Muhammad is not the way to God oh yeah yeah I know I don't doesn't make me any different anymore Muhammad is not the way to God you cannot get to God through Buddha you cannot get through God to with Transcendental Meditation you cannot get to God through Vishnu or Lord moram or or or any of those religions you can't get to God through zeroa you can't get to God through confusious there's only one road that gets you to God Jesus made it plain I am the way I am the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father unless he goes through Jesus do I have any people that are not ashamed of who you serve so I worship and serve honor and love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to whom all glory Majesty dominion and power belongs to so before I praise anyone else I must give him the praise that's due to his name he is the only one that saved me he is the only one that keeps me clean he is the only one that's forgiven my many and multitudinous amounts of sin he has been merciful Beyond mercy and I love him and I'm not going to cry but I love him I love him with all my heart mind and soul because it was 33 years ago that he served saved me July 14th 1969 on a Sunday morning at the age of 9 years old he saved a little 9-year-old boy who didn't even know he had a purpose or a future born in dysfunction without knowing that there was a will that God had had pre-ordained for him before the foundation of the world but by the grace of God and by the purpose and the will of God I am who I am today not of my own Talent OR ability but because of him who loved me okay let me move cuz I'm about about to lose my mind right now and I honor the man of God Bishop Albert Jameson who heads up this Gospel Music Workshop of America I I indeed honor him because as he said he's known me for years it's been a long long time he looks the same and I'm bald and I thank God for friendship throughout the years I thank God for wisdom that was spoken into me when I was a obstinate one-sided thinker who made declarations that they sat back and told me he and Bernice Jameson sit down Bernice I ain't you stand I Ain you and they spoke wisdom into me back then not knowing that I'd be doing what I'm doing right now and I thank God for you your vision your vision superseded my obstinance thank God for you to all of the men and the women of God that are here today I honor you all Bishop moles Williams all of you all um through with the protocol if I didn't call your name God bless you God bless you all I'm going to move quickly Into the Book of Romans the 13th chapter I'm going to I'm not going to read right now so you all don't have to stand right now I'm just telling you so you can get your Bibles together I honor my pastor in his absence Pastor Marvin El Wiens of the perfecting church here in Detroit Michigan and um I bring you greetings from the church which I Pastor in New York perfecting Faith Church which is the branch of perfecting church here where I am the pastor man I never thought I'd say that I never thought I'd say that never really wanted that but God never asked me what I wanted that's the word that's the Wonder of God and I love him some thoughts have been going through my mind and um now we'll go into our scripture um thoughts have been going through my mind let's stay and read the word of God and I'll move on in this message I don't believe he not going to sing believe it all right amen we are going to begin reading at the 11th verse and we're going to end at the 14th and we're going to read from the King James version for those of you that have it and I want you to read aloud in concert in unison the reading of the word of the Lord from Romans the 13th chapter the 11th through the 14th verse let's read and that knowing the time that now it is high time to yes read yes MH read my brother sister the Lord add a blessing to the reading of his word and sanctify deep in our hearts by way of a text today it's going to Simply be it's time everybody say it's time now give God a hand praise and take your seats in his presence it's time this um my sh of my key this era and this age is very significant that we are living in we are literally and I am I am I am really excited about it in one way and amazed we are are literally living in the last day let the theologians have their debates and let them sit back and banter back and forth concern concerning the Millennium and the tribulation I'm not concerned about that I just know by the Bible that these are the last days everything that's taken place now has already been prescribed in the book and we are seeing the Bible come to life every day and I mean dramatically we are seeing things transpire that are calling us to pay attention to spiritual things I'm starting off in third gear because I have little time understand on September the 11th I was on a plane and I was taking off from LaGuardia Airport at 8:46 a.m. I'm trying to hold this in I am trying my best to hold this in but he's a wonder he's a wonder he's a wonder he's a Wonder hallelujah hallelujah my God hallelujah and I sat on the left side of the plane clear day not a cloud in the sky and we are just taken off and of course everyone that knows New York knows that New York is just simply about 15 miles away from LaGuardia you could see the towers gleaming and glistening and you saw a plane flying Full Throttle you knew the plane was too low and you and I watched the plane Ram into the World Trade Center hallelujah hallelujah and the thing about it is the plane had to cross our Vector it had to cross our path in order to get there he's a wonder he's a wonder and I I I got to keep preaching cuz I'm about to lose my mind here cuz I'm thinking you know I I I have a message but the thing that's going through my mind is that it could have been me it could have been me but I'm going tell you now and this is just a bone this is not a part of my message but I can't die until my purpose is fulfilled look at your neighbor tell him I can't die until my purpose is fulfilled that was just a bonus that's not a part of the message that's just to let the devil know that everything that you threw at me can't work no matter what you've done in the past if it didn't work then it can't work now because I've got a purpose that I've got to keep up with and before I die I got to finish my course and if my course is not finish I'm not going nowhere I don't hear you in this room some of you the doctors thought you would have been gone by now some of your dysfunction should have killed you by now your sinful life should have killed you by now and when you were in places where bullets were flying and other people were dying somehow you got out of this thing that's because there was a purpose that God had for you that even your sin couldn't kill I need somebody to say thank you Jesus now sit down that was just a bonus that was just a bonus that was just that was just a bonus cuz some of you know that what you were doing before you finally got up enough sense to get saved should have took you out of here you you look nice now and you look like everything's okay now but if they knew you then they know that by right you shouldn't be here and the devil tried to make sure that you'd never get to this point but you can look down at the Devil and say you should have killed me when you had the chance but it's too late now because God has a purpose for you that cannot be denied the only one that can stop that purpose is you only your will can abort the purpose of God somebody say I surrender I Surrender now please sit down and let me finish my message and the and I'm saying that for a reason Mah cuz just yesterday I went to the doctor and they told me that there are pops in molon and might be cancerous but I'm telling the devil and the doctor I've been through worse before and I'm still here and I can't die nor can I suffer any of the casualties of sickness until my purpose is fulfilled look at the Devil and tell him it's too late now let me finish man I'm tired of this but anyway the word of God and I saw the plane Collide into the World Trade Center didn't really understand what was going on and we were flying I was going my way to Chicago they made us land in Detroit I just moved from Detroit pastoring in New York and when we got up the plane before we got up then the the the pilot said you know told us that it was terrorism and that uh the pl second plane had collided into the second tower and he said for those of you that live in New York it is my unfortunate task to tell you that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center are no more I said that's impossible and got out just in time to see on the televisions and the in the in the airport the crumbling of the towers and said oh my God then we sat down we we went and did a show with Oprah Winfrey and before we did the show we went to Oprah's home her residence and we sat down and we ate and we talked you know blah blah blah and then we had a a a a kind of summit meeting at the at the long table and we talked about the things that are going on and had sister CeCe with me and anybody knows she's a missionary all by herself and we're talking about how things were going and we're talking about Osama Bin Laden we're talking about me seeing the World Trade Center when and there were 20 of us at the table we all throwing our thoughts back and forth across and then at the end of our conversation which was two hours long she stopped and said now hold on I don't want to hear from anybody else we've talked too long and I heard from everybody and I want to hear from Pastor mcclerkin she said I've heard from Donnie for two and a half hours I don't want to hear Donnie I want to hear from Pastor mcclerkin what do you think the answer is setup time setup setup that was a setup and I sat at the other end of the table and I said well sister Winfrey being that I'm Pastor McClaren sister Winfrey it's as simple as 2 Chronicles 7:14 and she said well I'm not too familiar with that scripture could you could you expound on I said it's my pleasure I said but I have to start at the sixth chapter in order to make sense of it and the sixth chapter simply is Solomon after he's built the temple he's dedicating it and he makes a prayer and the prayer is something like this he says now God allow me to use American terms now God now that we built this Temple I just want to find out some things if we your people disobey you and find ourselves terrorized by our enemy and they come upon us because we've left the foundation of what you taught us and bring us into captivity take us from our land and bring us to an alien place because we have disobeyed you and if we find ourselves bondsmen and slaved because of our disobedience in another world in another town in another land will you still hear us if we can't get to Jerusalem if we just turn our thoughts to Jerusalem is there a hope for us and the seventh chapter is God's answer to Solomon the seventh chapter is where he says Saul let me tell you it goes like this if you disobey me and your enemies come and terrorize you and take you into a foreign land and hold you captive and if you leave what I taught you and you anger me so much that I shut up Heaven that there be no rain and I let the locust come and devour your crops I make you a promise out of all of Israel If my people ah yeah I want you to know it's not George W bush and it's not the Congress it's not the Senators it's not our militia it's not our army navy Marines air but it's my people if my people which are called by my name would do what humble themselves and pray Ah that's the very thing that we don't want to do we want to sing all day long we want to play music all day long we want to have entertaining preachers all day long but we don't want to pray prayer service is the least attended service in everybody's church that's because the people don't want to pray but he said if you seek humble yourself and pray seek my face this is where it gets a little sticky and turn not just turn turn from your from your wicked way when I said that over bang the table said that's it that's it everybody got quiet I said what is it she said we have Wicked Ways she said we haven't repented we have Wicked Ways if the unregenerated can understand that we need to repent what is the problem with the church ah yeah I got the microphone for another 20 minutes so I might as well make it count what is the problem with the church well Paul speaks to the church at Rome and he says if you understood the time that's the problem we don't understand what time we live in and we act like we have all the time in the world and you don't even realize that time is almost up he said if you knew the time you'd understand that it's high time to get up out of your sleep for now is salvation nearer than when we believed Bishop Townsley now is the return of Jesus closer than when we first started preaching it than when we believed just indulge me for a few minutes and then the Bible says the time has got to be understood the the Bible says in the in the Old Testament that the tribe of issachar they were special because they knew the times they understood the times they were discerners of the time why is it that the church the body of Christ the Christian Community is so ignorant concerning the time that we live in why are we still walking and acting and carrying on like we have all the time in the world why is it that we are still the only ones that are not out on the streets Jehovah's Witnesses are out on the streets they do very little in the Kingdom Hall they come to the Kingdom Hall to learn and after they finished learning and getting their instructions they hit the streets the Muslims are out on the streets they go into the C into their temples and the then whatever they call the mosques to learn and then you see them out on the streets with their bean pie in one hand and the final calling another you've got the Mormons that are walking back and forth even now knocking on your doors when they wouldn't accept black people before now all of a sudden they've got a canvas out to win the black community everybody is going forth and I don't understand the very ones with all of the truth with all the power is trying to build bigger temples bigger Cathedrals trying to get more members in but doing nothing out that's not how the picture supposed to be painted where are the Christians that are pounding the pavement with their Bibles in their hands in their tracks like they used to do walking throughout all the bad areas of the street declaring that Jesus Christ is coming soon where are we where we are is in the church our cushion seats are so comfortable now and you know the air conditioning is just right and and the preacher is so he's just so personable he's a charismatic Dapper kind of guy and I'm a member of this church and we got so so many members and all you got a members from other people's churches you don't have anybody from the outside that's that's all you got recycled folk that heard that your church is a new thing going on so they jump over here ask me how I know but we don't realize the time we don't realize the time we don't take note of the time I watch every day the modern day preachers on CNN declaring the gospel for every time that you hear about the destruction and the suicide bombings it is just the Bible being fulfilled he said when you hear them speak of peace and safety then shall come sudden destruction peace treaty trying to get the peace treaty between Palestine and Israel never happen it will never take place and they don't realize that we are going to war against Iraq and when we do all of our Muslim allies have to turn against us y'all don't you don't know the time you don't you don't know the time but I thought this is a Music Workshop baby you better pay attention to the time because in a few minutes all this going to be over and you need to be aware of what day you live in right now because I got the same old message that they've been preaching for over 2,000 years Jesus is coming soon hey somebody say yes Lord Jesus is coming soon we are going to war against Iraq and our Muslim brothers are going to pull away from us cuz they're going to have to remain neutral and some of them are going to turn against us before you know it we are going to be hobbled and crippled because America is the only defense that Israel has and in order for the Bible to be fulfilled Israel has to be left standing alone totally un alen alienated and unallied in order for all the armies of the world to come against us so that means that the only defense that Israel has has got to be taken out of the picture W he's scaring me baby it's enough to be scared about if you don't know God if you still in religion and not relationship you need to be scared I'll get there in a second hold on but you have to know the time you have to know the time the time somebody say time time time time you have to know the time you have to understand that there's a pattern here that the whole existence of of this Earth has followed a specific pattern that this Earth is no more than almost 7,000 years old no matter what the scientists say about it being billions and billions of years and every 2,000 years now this is not according to Christian uh uh status or or or or evaluation this is the secular world this is the historians and the scientists they they have documented that every 2,000 years there's a significant shift and change in our world and they are right and if you take your time to count and to acknowledge what time we are in it all comes in place it all follows the same flow now the Bible says that a day with the Lord is and I'll get to it it has something to do with music too don't don't get nervous and the Bible says that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and A Thousand Years is as a day uh remember that lock that in your mind a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and A Thousand Years is as a day so if you do your counting and your math we are in a very specific and and precarious point we are in a very special day let's take a walk back can we take a walk back with I'm don't let me bore you but let me I got to take a walk back if you go from Adam to Joseph now this is bantered you know this is debated back and forth the time scale but about right it's about 1600 years from Adam to Joseph about 1600 years Bible school did me well and then Joseph dies and there are 400 years that they are left in Egypt and a pharaoh arises that does not know God and they are enslaved for 400 years I have to do the express version they are enslaved for 400 years at the end of the 400 years 1,600 plus 400 at the end of the 400 years a type of a savior is born Mas this type of a savior is born and and the decree goes out kill all of the male Hebrew children two years old and Under And The Midwives are given instructions to kill them they do not do it so the Egyptian Army Goes throughout Goan and begins to kill all of the male Hebrew children two years old and under but they can't find one for this one is a basket case they can't find him because he's wrapped up in the Moss and he is guided along the Nile River and he finds lodging in the house of the very one that's trying to kill him raised up right under the nose of his enemy and his enemy can't even find him his enemy is feeding him his enemy is clothing him his enemy is teaching him his enemy is training him and he doesn't even know that who he's raising is going to top of the scales on behalf of God I don't hear anybody in this room oh Jesus help me and the boy grows in obscurity and at the appointed time he goes comes into his own and then there are signs wonders and miracles and then the Exodus out of Egypt into the promised land from Moses to Malachi is600 years oh let me stop there and that from Adam to Moses is 2,000 years that's two days we're counting the days now you got to know the time two days from Moses to Malachi is600 years and then as Malachi writes his last word and closes the scroll God shuts up heaven and he does not speak to man for 400 are you seeing the chronology here for 400 years God does not speak through Oracle Prophet priest there is no word from God at the end of the 400 years a savior is born and the decree goes out kill all of the he Hebrew male children 2 years old and under and the Roman soldiers go throughout Israel and kill all of the children but they can't find one even though there's a star over his house as big as the Sun every night they can't find one even though the Magi travel from the East and find him they can't find one demons are circling the globe trying to find the phenomena but they can't find one because when he's born the angels has take him down to Egypt that's another that's another sermon and and let me say this even with a star over his house the demons couldn't find him even with soldiers going throughout every street they couldn't find him raised right under the devil's nose and he can't even find him and the boy is raised in obscurity and at the appointed time he comes into his own and signs wonders and miracles happen then through his death and Resurrection The Exodus out of law into the Grace from Jesus we walk 1600 years and we find boats going down into Africa H see they're not paying attention you're not paying attention boats go down into Africa and grab up a whole bunch of black people but wait a minute now slavery in America has only been about 270 years that's cuz you have an Americanized view you got to look before it started in America it started in the Caribbean it started in Europe they went down and got those people and brought them over 400 years ago 400 years worth of slavery and at the end of 400 years types of Saviors are born men and women men and women men and women are raised up folk that have been called to change the course of the world folk that have been called to be be the mouthpiece of God folk that were totally exed out because of how they were born but in spite of how they were born they were called to do great things I don't hear you in this room men and women were born to change the face of this world Martin Luther the King ah yeah Martin Luther the King and all those men in with Smith Wigglesworth and and all these Great Men Charles Harrison Mason all these Great Men Albert Jameson and Kenny moles and and whoever your pastor is and as a matter of fact you raised up in this day to be types of Saviors to a world that needs to hear the message of Jesus Christ but the decree goes out kill all the children children so abortion becomes legal you can abort a baby as a teenager without the consent of your parent abort the babies kill all the babies and it's got to the point where now it's partial birth abortion you can carry a baby for nine months now and as the baby's coming down out of the womb the nurse puts her hand up into the womb turns the baby so that the baby is breached cuz if the head comes out first they can't kch kill it it's called Murder so they've got to te the baby around so it comes out feet first and but just before the head comes out of the womb stick a syringe in the back of the head and Pull and suck out all the brains till the head collapses and they call that legal kill all the babies y'all not hearing what I'm saying and if you can't kill them in the womb kill them on the streets let the gang who do you think the gangs are to directed toward and you don't you know OG's out there it's all the kids kill all the children kill the black young men that don't have any identity give them a gun in their hand and let the police shoot them down or let them kill each other kill all the children and if you don't kill them in the gangs and on the streets kill them with the drugs let the drugs decimate them let them die in addictions kill all the CH and if you don't do that then let the sexuality be perverted let the boys be girls and the girls be boys so that their purpose is killed kill all the children I don't hear you in this room let homosexuality change the very face of the fabric of society let them say that the wrong is right and the right is wrong and stand up in the churches and declare I am who I am in Jesus you're a lying wonder you're not that at all cuz that's not how God made you listen to what I'm telling you everyone that declares that you're gay and saved is unbelievably deceived there is no way in the world that right can ever be wrong wrong will be wrong no matter how much Society Dam deems it to be right you can't rubber stamp this thing and make it go away God's word and his laws and precepts stand forever Heaven and Earth will roll up like a scroll but every word of God will always stand I don't hear you in this room he what I'm telling you no way in the world you can make wrong right you can be saved talking about I'm having sex with this woman and she's not your wife and then get up in the choir stand and sing like everything's okay with no repentance you're a liar not the devil is a liar you're a liar here what I'm telling you here what I'm telling you well let me keep get back to the children to the point now where the Roman Catholic Church is guilty of killing our children you're not killing them naturally you're killing them spiritually and now there now a new wave is Arisen Abduction of children every week another child's being abducted these are just the ones that they show you on the television they're not talking about the ones that go unnamed and unseen it's all ployed to kill the children at all cost kill the the children cuz the times repeat themselves but out of all that's happening there was some of us that he couldn't find and we were raised right under his nose you're not hearing what I'm saying we were raised right under his nose he saw us and he thought he could get us but he didn't know the real us he was looking at us through our situation but he didn't know the purpose of God and he tried to kill us you know what we used to do he tried to kill us but the reason he couldn't kill us because he couldn't find the real us when you break my heart you think you got me that's a lie cuz God can put my heart back together again when you hit my finances you think you got me that's a lie cuz the Earth is all in the fullness thereof no matter how he tried to get us he always somehow slipped out of his grasp because he couldn't find the real me raped at 8 years old by my uncle he thought he found the real me thought he could destroy the real me raped the 13 years old by my uncle son they thought they found the real me planted a seed of homosexuality in me thought that he's out for the count cuz the devil's thought he found the real me thought I can leave him to self-destruct and turn my attentions to others but he left me a little too long and what he did not know is that there was a purpose for me greater than the rape there was a purpose for me greater than the seed of homosexuality there was a purpose in me that would look the devil right in the face and destroy everything that he tried to do not only in me but all those who will hear me preach I don't hear you in this room my time is running out but he couldn't find me he thought he knew me but he couldn't find me I was raised under his nose and he couldn't find me grab somebody by the hand look him in the eyes say he couldn't find me and you know your own testimony you don't have to tell him but look at him say baby believe me he couldn't find me hey and now and now the tables have turned and the times have changed and the church is awake and signs wonders and miracles are going to be seen on a common basis you better hear what I'm saying no it's not going to be the religious community that you think it is know the time cuz the time for religion is out the time for religion is over the reason why our churches are floundering now is because we've invested more in religion than relationship it's about being a good church going Christian and we just do any kind of thing we want to do be as mean as snakes in church and still talk about we're Christians can't be trusted with anything and still say that we're Christians and then we wonder why the Sinners won't come across the street and come to your church is because we're too steep in religion and the world don't want religion they've seen religion and saw how it did not work and their thing is if that's how I got to be I don't want God but I want you to know if you start in relationship you understand the time of denominationalism is over it's not based on whether you from a Pentecostal church or whether you from a Methodist Church whether you Baptist or Lutheran has nothing to do with your church affiliation it has to do with your relationship with God I don't hear you in this room I don't hear you in this room and so now We Stand after we crossed the threshold of 2000 it was the end of six days and it is the beginning of the seventh day and in six days God created and in the seventh day he always I don't hear you and in the seventh day he always but the book of Hebrews said that the next time he rests he's going to take us into his rest so right now we're about to see the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ you better get yourself ready but now stop and this is where I end my sermon sit down this is where I end now that I've just exhaustively depicted the time that we live in now we have to deal with the rest of the scripture now that you know the time know that your salvation is nearer than when you believed now we have to deal with the rest of this the 13 the 13th verse let us walk honestly oh no let me tell go back to 12th for the night is far spent we've wasted a whole lot of time in the night the day is at hand let us therefore cast off The Works he's talking to the Church of Rome he's not talking to the Roman people he's talking to the Church of Rome are you hearing me let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light here we go let us walk honestly oh man that's such that's such such an indictment for him to tell the people who are supposed to be of truth that they have to be honest Bishop you were right it's about integrity and people find it so strange that you have integrity in the church cuz they're so used to scams they're so used to tricks they're so used to you promising so many blessings if you give so much money and theyve fallen for it for so long that they become desensitized to the truth and they won't give unless you give them a gimmick we're so programmed to gimmicks that we won't give unless we say now listen God said if you lay $100 at my feet everybody brings and places $100 in my hand you going to get a blessing people would be running from all over this building right cuz we're used to gimmicks he says let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in clubbing and partying and drinking I'm just going to break down in our American English rting and drunkenness are are that's one subject that's us see and I I'm telling you I talk to to Christians all the time who still go to the club in this room who still sneak with people that are like ilk because they won't tell on you and you won't tell on them who still go to the club and bump into people say oh oh man I don't believe you here and they can feel safe to say there cuz they know that you you caught them and they caught you and you can't tell on each other I'm talking to you in this room I'm not talking hypothetically I'm talking to you in this room drunkenness drinking like it's okay and then come up with some crazy stuff Jesus drank wine you don't know your culture you don't know your biblical culture is this what the Bible says walking in rioting and drunkenness it's not acceptable to sit behind the scenes and drink and curse and dance to music that don't represent us and be seen at the at at the concerts Mary J in town no no no no no no walk like you're in the day not in the night our lifestyle is against that so how do we make excuses I just like good music that's not good music cuz good music is supposed to be God music man I'm losing them now left and right but I don't care I could care less cuz this is about me and God right now it's not about getting the approval of the people if you all don't buy another CD I ever make that's okay with me I've already sold a million I can keep on going but the bottom line is I got to clear myself so that it's okay with me and God I don't hear you in this building rioting and drunkenness in the church let us walk honestly not in chambering and one tness watch out chambering and one tness means going from bed to bed sleeping around having sexual immoralities and improprieties pornography consensual sex hello why y'all get so quiet now mhm and it's not just the young people as quiet as kept it's not just the young people quiet as it's kept you want to look at the young people with the hormones raging but we talking about you old folks yeah we're talking about my age we're talking about those of us that come in the guise of convention and still got ulterior motives I'm talking in this room right now and don't know that these men have got to deal with the reproach that you bring upon them by your one ton a because they don't look and say it's just you they look at the whole convention and say I don't want to have nothing to do with none of them and all the work that these people are doing Goes to Hell in the hand basket cuz you can't keep yourself holy and I'm talking in this room here Wess and chambering men singing in the choir and playing on the instruments and walking around and then talking about hey what room you in no no I'm telling you I went to a convention one year brother Bishop Jameson and I'm going in so this way you can keep a convention going I went to a convention one year A couple of years ago and I preached a message like in the I'm preaching now and when I finish preaching it I preach hard against it made a alter call for those that suffer in homosexuality and when I finished seven boys came up to me young boys and I'm an old man and one broke up and said I can't just talk to you for a minute and I'm see I'm not I'm not one to condemn I don't condemn people when I preach I condemn sin but I don't condemn people and he came up and said I just want to tell you I just everything you said I just you know I believe it and I hugged him in a headlock and said you like me don't you he said what I said and I talked to him I said now and the Holy Ghost showed me what they planned on doing I said now your plan is to take a drive and go to some of these places and you're going to get yourself into trouble cuz you came here with the purpose of getting with somebody before you go before you go back home I said but now let me tell you God sent me here to save your life I've been there I've done it I understand everything that's going through your mind I played the same tricks I just didn't do it in the church but I played the same tricks outside the church hiding and covering up and still came back to church like everything was okay I said I understand what you're going through my brother I I have compassion for you but save your life go back upstairs go to bed 1:00 in the morning no good can come with this thing they went outside and they went anyway when did something came back to finish my class the next two days later one of the other brothers ran up to me and said can I talk to you from minut I said what I just talked to you the other night he said the boy you talked to is dead between the one day that it took me for go to go and do TBN and come back he died got back from clubbing went upstairs into his room laid down 7:00 in the morning and died there are consequences you don't know the day you live in and chambering ah let me finish this in strife and envying mad cuz somebody got what you want cuz she sang a song I don't know what they I don't know what they screaming about she her boy okay that's just somebody mad CU it ain't them people who sit back and criticize those that are doing because you're not doing that should not be in the church that should not be in the church that should not be in the church but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and don't make any provision for your flesh to fulfill the lusts put on the put on the Lord Jesus Christ and don't make Provisions to go out and do evil don't allow people to set things up for you to go out and do evil I'm telling you right now playing softly cuz I'm finished I'm telling softly brother I'm telling you now just last week Holy Ghost convicted me and said all right time to start separating again cuz you have to be a part that's the word Bishop MOS Sanctified Sanctified is not a denomination you from that Sanctified church if your church ain't Sanctified you not going nowhere neither it's not a denomination it's a lifestyle lifestyle you from that Holiness Church if your isn't Holiness you don't need to be there that's right cuz it's a lifestyle it's not a denomination holy go said all right cuz he knows I live by my cell phone he knows I live by it he said all right change that number and don't give it out but God there are too many people that call me that's the problem there's too many people change the number and don't give it out only to those who need it I live on the internet get rid of your computer my heart but you have to know the time change your environment get rid of these people but they're my friends I know but they're distractions get rid of them why cuz you said you want to please me in order to please me you've got to come out from among them and be separated from them and don't even touch the unclean thing again but some of them aren't evil it's not sin I know but it's distraction dist do you want me do you want the total package then you got to move yourself away I'm a wi do you hear what I'm saying then he start showing me things about me that are still sin see don't take don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't take for granted that the guy that preaching to you don't have issues himself don't take that for granted because I'm preaching hard don't take it for granted that I don't have issues myself cuz just cuz I've conquered some issues doesn't mean that I've conquered all of them cuz there every time he peel something off there's another layer of something and he says kill it kill it will God take care of it no you take care of it you lay it aside you do it how do I do that I deny myself if I confess my sins to him he's faithful and just to forgive me of my sins cleanse me of all my iniquities unrighteousness did you hear me did you hear me well it's just a little habit that I got that habit is going to kill you that habit is going to prematurely kill you that smoking is going to prematurely kill you and it's not a good witness cuz even Sinners know how Saints are supposed to act they may not do it but they see you puffing on a cigarette and talking about I'm saved thank the Lord the Sinners will tell you that you're wrong Sin is Sin well you can't find it in the Bible where it say thou shalt not smoke SM you can't find in the Bible either that says Thou shalt not commit child abuse so can I do that and be right what what what's wrong Donnie why are you going this far because it's my job to bring what the go what the Lord tells me and it is that the church on a whole is messed up on a whole not the body of Christ the church and we s we stand in in in conferences like this that are put on so that we can grow greater in God so that our music can be fine tuned and so that we can have an appreciation for what it is that we do but we don't take into consideration that our lives are more important that all these conferences are just to get you to the point of walking what you're singing and we come here please I'm finished we come here and we still carry on like we're okay from the room I was in I watched some of the choir rehearsal while I was upstairs waiting to come down and as I looked down the Holy Ghost just said and yet we're not saved we will sing all day long the summer has ended and yet we're still not saved Harvest is upon us and yet we're still not saved and it is not uncommon to be in the church and still not be right singing gospel and still not be right hello three and a half years ago Bishop Jameson I messed up so royally I messed up so absolutely royally totally wrong and what I had to do most of you would not do but my thing is if I'm wrong I got to make it right and I stood up in front of our church here in Detroit and we call the church meeting which nobody ever comes to and over 1500 people not even knowing what the problem was came because God wanted to be so so that it would humble me and I had to stand up in front of these people knowing that they can't hold water in a cup and not hold it against them for spreading what I say because it was my fault for doing wrong and confess openly this is what I did this is what happened and I was wrong and had to sit down couldn't sing preach or pray I Surrender
Channel: Robert Ellis
Views: 30,861
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Id: NKhVaPQ_L7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 06 2015
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