Revit 2024 - New Features!

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well it's that time of year again and a new version of Revit has finally been released yes Revit 2024 is out and I can say it's amazing so in this video I'm going to be showing you all of the interesting new features in Revit 2024 but first I'm going to be going over a list of my top 5 favorite new features in Revit 2024 and the first one definitely has to be Topo solid so now finally instead of having topography as a surface it's now finally been turned into actual solid geometry with Topo solid this is a far superior approach to topography and it opens up whole new set of features and options after that we have some news when it comes to rebar shapes we finally have rebar shape details both in views and in schedules this is something that we have expected for a long time and now it's finally here third new feature that they really like is dark mode so we can finally stop being envious at AutoCAD users that have their cool dark screens now we have dark mode and Revit completely integrated so it's going to look a lot better then we have some new sample projects now this might not sound that exciting but those are actually really cool projects they cover both architectural structural electrical HVAC as well as plumbing and I think it's a huge Improvement in terms of having projects that you can actually explore and see what are all of the possibilities inside of Revit and finally the fifth feature is Twin motion so this actually isn't a feature of Revit 2024 it was released kind of mid-year with the previous version so it came out with Revit 2023.1 but I thought it would be interesting to just include it here because it is kind of a newer feature and that is is that twin motion if you don't know that's a real-time rendering software well it's available with Revit completely for free so if you have Revit you can get a twin motion for free which I think is amazing and now we can start exploring the features slowly in depth but before that I would just like to ask you to check out my website I'm going to link it up just below this video in the description and then also up in the cards above that's where you can find all of my Revit courses I've got over 140 hours of content and I'm adding more with each month that's where I take the extra time to go slowly step by step and explore all interesting Revit Topics in depth okay so now without any further Ado let's jump into the newest Revit 2024 and here we are in Revit so let's start with the most obvious one and that is dark team you can see it even here in this home screen so I'm just going to start a new project here here what you'll notice is we have some new templates so we have these multi-discipline templates I'm just going to pick the metric one these templates have been designed kind of as a multi-discipline template that have everything loaded in in regards to each individual tool so some tools you need to have some families loaded in so they can work well at this particular template has everything loaded in so each tool will work so anyways let's now talk about Dark theme so for the dark team what you'll notice is while everything is dark the ribbon is dark the panels as well as the canvas now you can edit all of this simply by going here to the view Tab and then here we have the window panel and there we have the canvas theme and you can toggle between light and dark canvas if you want to change the rest of your kind of Revit user interface you have to go here to file to options and then two colors here we have the UI active d team now currently it's set to use system settings so my windows has already been set to Dark theme and that's why Revit is dark as well however if I change this to light and then click ok now you can see we have kind of back the original uh White Rabbit now I'm just going to toggle that back and something else that you may have noticed here perhaps from the humongous Arrow here on the modify at all we have new icons so we have over 2 000 new icons so kind of modernized icons so that's just something that you may have noticed another new feature here on the home screen is my insight now this will bring up inside cards where you can either learn something and also you're going to have your usage details so you can just kind of explore how you're using Revit now keep in mind for this you do have to be logged in and this is also available on okay now let's explore the new project sample files so here we have the sample architecture project we have the sample structure project electrical HVAC and plumbing so these you can link together and kind of bring everything together at their design so you can kind of explore what's possible with Revit I think this is really useful it's a really complicated large project and it just shows all of the capabilities of Revit so you can know what's possible so this is what that looks like this is the actual project I think it looks really call and then you can play around with it here you can go to the 3D View and explore what's included so for example here I don't like the fact that it looks like this and I can change this by switching just the canvas and as you can see it's going to look a lot better it's because of the background or the white background that we have here now moving forward another new feature is the project browser so we have a new project browser it's supposedly faster it does look better especially if you set it side by side with the old project browser you'll notice that the new one looks a lot more modern and sleeker now the main feature here is the search function so now it's up here so if you search for something like L3 it's going to bring everything up down here that includes that in the name as I said it's a lot faster and a lot more user friendly moving forward third and this is a big one to win motion however as I said this is not a new feature it's something that's been available since Revit 2023.1 version and it's now improved with the 2024 version and that is you get twin motion absolutely for free so you just go to your Autodesk account and you search among your products and it will be there now if you don't know twin motion is a real-time rendering software where you can find and add elements to your model you can set materials create renderings in form of images panoramas videos and you can even animate things I actually have a whole video on creating an animated scene in Twin motion by using a Revit model and I'm just going to link it up in the cards above in case you want to check it out now inside of Revit what you'll notice is here on The View tab on the presentation panel where we have our rendering button we also have a twin motion button and then here we have some tools you can even open up windmotion straight from Revit of course you do have to have it installed separately so it's not something that gets installed with Revit and then here we have just some improved tools for auto syncing synchronization connection exporting and so on and so forth I will be recording a whole new dedicated video and also a whole new course exactly on the topic of twin motion and Revit workflow and now let's move to the most important new feature and that is Topo solid so instead of having typography as Topo surfaces which are wall surfaces now Topography is solid geometry and it's called Wale Topo solid so let me show you here on the massing inside tab now we have kind of a cleaner masking inside Tab and here we have our Topo solid we have a little drop menu which means we can create this from sketch or use an import like we did before but let's just click here and create this from sketch you'll see that you have regular draw tools just as if you were creating a floor and then I can simply create a rectangle like this and something also to note unlike unlike topography previously where the edges could only be either straight or convex now we can have concave edges so I can just create an arc here just like that remove this line and hit finish and we have topography that has kind of an outline like that let's now go to the 3D View and check out what this looks like and this is what we have if I switch this to perhaps realistic what you'll notice here is while it has some depth it has grass on top and Earth Below now this Topography is structured just like any floor or roof in rabbit so if you go here into edit type what you'll notice under structure we can actually add layers so you can have kind of an layered topography it has grass on top 50 millimeters and then we have some sand about 150 and then we have Earth and something that you'll notice for Earth it's variable so when we make changes it will just go up it's not going to be a surface it's going to have a thickness so let's click OK out of this menu and let's now see how can we shape our typography well we can shape it by using shape editing so just like we used this for rabbit floors and Revit roofs in the past we can use shape editing for topography now so you can just go here to modify sub elements and then you can either add points or split lines and you can use that now something that you'll notice here is you can pick out the elevation base so it can be current level project base Point survey point or even inter internal origin below that we have the elevation option and here we have two buttons we have along the surface and then absolute so this basically means how you're defining your elevation are you defining it kind of as absolute from your project base point and then up by the value of elevation or is it from kind of the place on topography where you click and then you want to to bring it up by the value offset from surface so here now it says offset from surface now it says elevation so that's the difference so anyways let's now Place some points it can place points along the edges or in the side it's really up to you you can place it however you like so here I'm just going to place a few points then to address those points you can just go here to modify sub elements you can select the point you can move it up manually like this or you can type in a number and then you can do that for each one so here I want this one at 3000 this one I might want it four thousand and so on and so forth so you can just kind of play around with this adding points and what you'll notice is now we actually get a triangulation here with these points which I think it's really cool because it allows you to understand topography a bit easier just to understand what's going on also you can select entire surface or entire lines like this or edges and then you can set a certain elevation to that so here if I want this to go up to 5000 I can just select it and it's going to move to 5000. also you can select individual lines so you can move this kind of line Central of this line up by 3000 points so it will move this one or well we've just added a thousand to that number so it's going to move the whole thing up by a value of a thousand and as you can see now we're shaping our typography and this is how it's starting to uh to look and then once we hit on modify it's going to exit out of that and now we here we have the contour lines that are going to appear speaking of contour lines now you can adjust them by selecting your typography and then going here to edit type and then on the edit type menu we have Contour display and this is where where you can modify your contour lines I'm just going to exit out of that now I'm going to show you an issue now with this topography and that's what happens if I go to modify sub elements select this point and if I want to move it down if I move it down you're going to see we get this warning slab shape and shape edit failed the floor or rule for dopa solid is too thin for its given type so what does this mean you can't really go below the bottom edge of this Topo solid well this is an easy fix you just need to select it go into edit type go to structure and then just increase this from 1000 to perhaps 5000 okay apply okay so now we have a bit more thickness here and now I can work with that and now I can move this wherever I want it to to move it also we can move these points by using the move tool something that's a little bit annoying is the fact that we have that moved to all but we don't have the copy tool so we can't copy these points in addition to that we have this option here for the edge or curved Edge conditions so do you want it to kind of conform to the curve or do you want to project the side so if I click OK it's just going to you can change the edge here a little bit so this is something that you can kind of adjust the way that you want this will give you a cleaner edges I'm just going to leave that set as that moving forward we now have subdivisions which work like this so taboo solid shaping we have subdivide and then you can create a subdivision here in the double solid so I can just create a surface like this hit finish and it's going to look well like that so it's just going to give it another layer of Earth on top you can change the material here so if you want to build this as a road perhaps you can uh try asphalt or something like that and it's just going to change that color and here you can change the height however you cannot set it to zero so it does have to have a positive value so something like 10 millimeters will work it will look flat and but it's still going to have that little thickness so that's how you create these subdivisions and then still if you make some changes here to the points it's going to move both the original topography and the subdivision and now most importantly the best thing that we get with the Topo solid is a whole new approach to excavation excavation work we no longer have those annoying building pads now we can actually carve out Earth we can make underground structures all by using voids so you can use voids either by creating some In-Place components or you can even place in a void or alternative you can go here to massing Insight and I create a mass which would basically carve out your typography so here if I create a rectangle and let's set it to level one here like that and then set a new rectangle to level two make it bigger something like this let's see you can now select them both yeah and now let's turn this into a void form it's going to look like that actually I need to select the top of this void oops okay bring it up a little bit there we go and let's now select the okay the bottom of it is fine so once we have this void I can now just go to cut geometry and cut this void out of our terrain and it's going to look like that and now I can just say finish mask so now we have cut this terrain with a void and what's even better is we can still edit this so you can still edit your topography go to modify and then move a point or something and it's going to just kind of adjust that void to do that and then also if I can just select that avoid let's see edit in place oops is that the void yes it is okay so here you can now make some manual changes and this void doesn't really have to be cutting like this it can actually cut into the Earth just like that and it's still going to work so I think this gives us much more flexibility especially with the underground structures and things that are gonna build into the site and then finally if you cut a section through this so here I think we already have this section just to test things out you can see here if I switch this to fine level of detail we can see that uh top layer there so I think it's going to look a lot better in sections so typography is going to be better all around moving forward we have some solar study upgrades so if you notice here I have created a new 3D view this is a perspective View and previously we couldn't have a solar studies for perspective views uh we we couldn't show our Sun Path however now if I go to solar study first you'll notice it appears here on the ribbon so it's much more confuser friendly to play around with it and then also if I go back here and turn the Sun Path on uh what you'll notice is well here we have our Sun Path and then we can set this to a single day a sunpad and and now we can well we can play around with it here we can move frame to frame and so on and for the uh for the settings if I go here to Sun settings what you'll notice is what you'll notice is for the time intervals now we have time intervals for 15 30 45 and 60 seconds so we have some finer time intervals so we can create some nicer or solar studies and some nice animations with those with our prospective views so that's something that's new as well we also have some nice upgrades when it comes to placing views on sheets so if you go to the sheet what you'll notice is that now you can easily Place multiple views on a sheet at once so if I go here to the view Tab and then if I click on The View button or place view button uh here I can now select multiple views so I can select this one you can either hold the shift key to select an entire you know segment of the list or you can hold the Ctrl key and select multiple items so here I'm just going to select these two views perhaps the site and then let's include a schedule as well like a room schedule and then when you click OK what you'll notice is now it actually arranges views separately like so so now if I click in place it's going to place them apart which I really like we no longer have that issue where it just kind of slaps multiple views on top of each other and it's really hard to separate them afterwards here it's going to place them all at once and it's still selectable so you can now move them as a group and then finally you can just deselect and make some changes in adjustments and just oops and just move those views around and get them to where you want to be now this will also work from the project browser so if I delete some of these views like so and then go to the project browser here I can find my site plan so let's see where is the site here it is I'm just going to select the site plan hold the control key select the room schedule and then I can place these two views here so I can just place it like this and then I'm going to drag this one over here so there we go that's how we have this functionality where we can easily Place views and something that I forgot to mention here on the Via tab we also have a search function which is just going to make it a lot easier to find specific views on larger projects also we have some improvements with the move aligned to sheet options so if you go to one of the views right click and go to move aligned to sheet now you can just pick out a sheet over here again we have that search function and it's just going to move it to that sheet I however this is no longer just for moving views now this is actually going to cover both views schedules panel schedules detail groups annotation elements detail elements revision clouds and tags and images so it's going to work for multiple categories with this new functionality now let's talk color so I'm going to open up this 3D View and what you'll notice here is when I go to our view Styles we have this new textures view style now it's going to be really similar to our realistic however what you'll notice is that for realistic it is going to show the same textures and everything but it's going to give you some shading and some color Distortion depending on the light on the depth on the shadows and so on however if I switch this just to textures and this works even better better if I turn off the Shadows it's just going to present the textures so the material Maps texture Maps as is this is really useful for for present for presentation for your elevations for materials if you want to present materials as they are so it's not going to look weird under a different lighting it's not going to look like a different material this is going to work for those types of views this is mainly for elevations but it is available here in the 3D view as well if you want to just represent materials as is without any color Distortion and light Distortion from as I said shading light depth and so on moving forward in terms of colors we have some new colors well we actually have some color books so if I select an item and let me just go here to override graphics and view by L element just so I can get the color dialog what you'll notice here instead of Pantone here we have color books so we just have more color books it's not only Pantone but we have some additional color books which is nice to to have some new options in terms of color books so that's something that you will notice there and finally in this whole segment the the visual segment I guess you can say there has been an update in terms of aligning your textures so something that you'll notice is that when you add some split lines the texture is made distort like we have here so we have this one floor and then the textures are well they're just not aligned so previously you would have to align each one individually now with the Align tool what you'll see is four pattern alignment you can select entire surface or selected face so what I'll do here is I'm just going to add a wall and let's say I want to align my surfaces to this wall previously I would have to go here to align select that wall Edge select this and it would just do one and then I would have to repeat that for the rest of these however now I can just select this or set this to entire surface and now when I align this it's going to align the rest of the surface and it's all going to look exactly how I want it to look and in this case that would be aligned to this wall in terms of the family editor design environment we don't really have that many interesting new features what I find most impressive I guess you can say is that in our 3D families uh we have the option to arrange to the items so that means that if you go and you place a 2d item like a fill pattern which I'm going to place here now we finally have the bring to front and center back options which is going to allow you to have a consistent representation of these annotation elements in your 3D families across projects how it looks when printed and so on so previously we had some issues with this and it would uh it wouldn't look right and now with this option you're going to have consistent results it doesn't really matter are you viewing it in a project are you exporting it to a certain format are you printing it it's always going to look good which is a nice Improvement now let's move forward to another big Improvement and that's new alignment for freeform rebar so here I have some rebar and as you can see we have this shape that's actually been that's bent in two directions or into access so it's bent like this it's curved like this and then it's curved upward and I have created some free form rebar just to follow that that shape entirely now here we have the issue where the rebar is basically aligned to the path see how it's basically angled here it follows the path so it's well it's actually perpendicular to the path and it follows that alignment now previously we didn't really have a solution for this luckily now we do so if I select this rebar what you'll notice here is that here we have the bar alignment parameter and it's actually a drop menu so we have multiple options and one of those options is vertical so now if I hit apply as you can see now all of these elements or these rebar elements are going to be aligned vertically now this is especially good in situations where we have stir UPS like I have here in this could have angled column here I can align them for example to to the bottom of this so I can have them horizontal so if I select this what you'll see here is that the bar alignment or it has the Align to path option it has vertical it and then it has parallel to face and perpendicular to face so in this case I just want it to be parallel to this face here but I don't really have a way of achieving that so if I go here to parallel to face it's going to tell me that there is no face selected so what they can do is I can select this I can go to edit constraints then I can come here to this option and I can select this face and then I can just toggle between the bar alignments and and as soon as I get to parallel uh it's going to basically adjust that rebar so it's parallel and then I'm just going to hit finish and now we have rebar that's actually aligned to a horizontal surface or disturbs and it actually looks really good moving forward another perhaps even more interesting feature is the bar bending details behavior and graphical representation so we have this option where and I'm just going to open up a different view where if I select an item like a or a rebar like I've selected here now now we have this bending detail function where I can just move this down and it's well it's not actually moved it created a whole different detail or graphical representation of the bar banding as well as the dimensions that we have here so it's going to display that and now we have those as graphical elements here or annotation elements on screen so we can perhaps clear up what's going on with this rebar and have those a bar or rebar bending details now let's go back to our original project and then here you'll see I have this column uh that basically has this variable set or or varying rebar set and if I want to do graphical bar bending or rebar bending representation of this I could just open up this Level 2 floor plan I can select this I can go to a bar bending detail I can actually just select the bottom one go to detail and then I can select that bot or place that bottom detail here then I can select the top one and place the top detail here or rebar bending detail here and now I'm going to have the graphical representation of the bottom and the top and also you can of course place all of them if you want in this case I think this works a little bit better and and also if you're not happy with the numbers or the sizes and so on if you're not happy with the way that this looks you can always go into edit type and then here you can make all of the adjustments that you want in terms of this graphical representation of these bar bending details now speaking of these bar bending details they are now available in schedules as well so no more annoying images which we have to load in and then adjust the schedules no now everything is generated inside of rabbit so let me show you if I go here to view and then create a new schedule quantities uh here what you'll notice is if I scroll all the way down and find Rebar so C structural rebar okay open that up now here I have the uh bending detail as a field so I've added some additional uh Fields here and then when I click OK it's going to create that schedule and here we have bending detail now we cannot really see that in the schedule view so we have to place it on a sheet so let me open up this architecture sheet for example I'm going to get rid of this View and then let's place our rebar schedule so I'm just going to place this rebar schedule here so as you can see it's long because we have a lot of rebar but you can see here we have all of those bending details we don't have to uh bring in images we can adjust everything here or do everything here it's just a simple click we add that field and it's done now with this field we have this issue where uh well it's going to be too small in a lot of cases especially if for this stir up here so you can actually now for schedules and this works for all schedules as you can actually resize your rows so if I go here to resize rows it's set To None I can select to either image rows or all and then I can input the height So currently this is set to 15 millimeters I can set it to 25 hit apply and now those are going to be bigger so we can see that image a little bit better now also if you're not happy with this graphical representation here this is also something that you can adjust so if you uh if you select that schedule or actually we have to go back to the schedule view if you go here to formatting so schedule properties formatting if we go to uh to the bending detail here we have our Field properties and if I go to edit we have all of the adjustments that we can make here for that particular field so you can change it instead of actually showing the the numeric values you can change it to ABC so kind of a more traditional way of showing this if you want to use that you can do that and then you can have those fields here in this case I'm really happy with the way that this turned out so I'm just going to leave it as is and while we're here talking about schedules something also also that's available with schedules now is revision clouds so if you want to create a new schedule within the list of categories now you'll see that we have revision clouds so you can create schedules for revision clouds and finally one more useful feature or useful new feature that I want to show you has to do with scope soap boxes so previously when you create a scope box you can Define its height and then that parameter is gone and you can no longer edit it now with the 2024 version of Revit if I go here and just bring up hidden elements here we have a couple of scope boxes for both of these you can see that now we have that height parameter and you can actually numerically input values here to adjust those scope boxes so this is something that's new and just has some additional adjustments so I think that's a nice addition okay so that's going to include all of the new features which I'm going to be covering today obviously this isn't everything there are tons more new features I think these are kind of the more impressive ones something else that's new is in terms of duct work and now we have some interesting new features but this is something that they want to research just a little bit further and then I'm going to be creating a separate video on that and please tell me in the comment section below first what you think about all of these new Revit 2024 features and then also please let me know if you want me to kind of go into a deep dive in one of these topics I'm definitely going to be creating a tutorial on uh Topo solids just a whole dedicated tutorial I'm thinking about creating one for rebar and yeah please tell me if you have any more suggestions or requests which one of these topics do you want me to dive in a little bit further oh also twin motion I'm going to be doing that as well anyways if you want to check out my Revit project files you can find those on my patreon page I've got over 500 files up there so far from all of my Revit tutorials so if you want to check that out I'm going to link it up in the cards above and then also down in the description of this video thank you thanks for watching guys make sure to check out my website for more Revit courses there I have over 120 hours of content and I'm adding more each week make sure to subscribe and for more videos and also I've added a video over there that might interest you as well
Channel: Balkan Architect
Views: 199,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revit, balkan architect, BIM, tutorial, Autodesk, New Revit, Revit 2024, Toposolid, Twinmotion, Bar Bending Detail, New Features, What's new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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