Revit 2024 - My TOP 3 New Features (Live!)

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[Music] thank you [Music] all right already right hello hello everyone hello and welcome to episode 100 of Bim after dark live pretty wild for those of you who have been around since the very beginning you know that this live stream started out as not being called in after dark lives and it was just simply a live happy hour I started uh back in the very beginning of the pandemic so actually almost exactly three years to today and it started out the very first episode was actually me comparing enscape twin motion and lumion in one episode I'll put a link to that below so lots of things have changed since then the second episode I believe was a uh a uh a double guest appearance by Paul Albin and Marcelo scandalari who have been on the show many times since I never thought back when I back when I started this happy hour thing that it was going to become a 100 episode continuous live stream with the amazing guests the amazing content uh the amazing audience like you guys coming to hang out uh every single week for a hundred weeks so thank you guys uh cheers to everybody hopefully you all have your cocktails for tonight and uh we're gonna have some fun it's just me tonight um bringing it back to uh the very very first episode uh just me hanging out here um and I did reach out to most of you guys and um I did ask sort of what topic we should do I had a couple topics ready to go but I did want to sort of um you know it being the first or the 100th episode I did want to um sort of uh see what what you guys wanted to hear um so uh overwhelmingly there's kind of two two topics that really Rose to the top and overwhelmingly it was uh Revit 2024 so we're going to talk about Revit 2024 today you may have seen some some content and some posts about it on other websites and channels and all those are great and I definitely think you should check them out what I'm gonna do tonight is really just pick my top three my top three favorite new features and just geek out on them um I think uh um they're probably the ones that move the needle most for me um understanding that there's a lot of new features in it but these are kind of the three major changes or additions or features that I wanted to uh to pinpoint for tonight um looks like we've got some hey everyone in the chat there uh this is live so I will be checking out the chat as we go along and uh definitely feel free to ask questions um I may be able to answer them may not we'll see but definitely ask some questions um we're gonna have a good time tonight I'm super excited for it before we jump in I did want to take a moment to thank our sponsor for this 10 episode series um that is uh the spring season and uh that is and so let me just roll the clip real quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] so if you guys have been keeping up with the 100 episodes you know that Brenton weiberg has been a guest multiple times I think almost five times so you know how uh skilled and and and knowledgeable he is at Revit families and creating Revit content and so um he was also not only um nice enough to sponsor this 10 episode season of uh of Bim after dark live but he also is offering all you guys 20 off so head on over to and use offer code revitkid 23 and download and use um his families he's got some phenomenal uh casework window stores families and so on and so forth so thank you Brendan for Brenton for supporting uh this show and also being a guest and being such a great um asset to this community and I see we've got a bunch of uh returning folks uh Stephen and Brian I see NYX here from rev appear what's up Nick he was on the show last week um you know what's really cool about this is um uh after a hundred episodes uh uh this the screen names uh and the usernames for YouTube recognizing you guys and everyone coming back um has been awesome and we got some new folks too uh looks like um uh some some folks if this is their first episode which is really cool so definitely head on over to and uh check out all the 99 previous episodes if this is your first um because I promise you there's some really really great stuff in there some awesome guests some great content and finally um because this is the last episode of this season I will be taking a little bit of a break from the live streaming but that does not mean that I will be taking a break from YouTube content so uh be ready to uh keep an eye on the channel I may not be live but I've got a couple of things planned including a series similar to the modern kitchen series for a different project as well as a Revit residential template that I will be giving you guys a behind the scene access to so keep an eye on the channel for all of that great content and uh and I definitely will restart the live shows at some point in time but um you know this this is the last one for this little season so awesome and Nick Nick burro made it live for once glad you could make it man I know sometimes uh nine o'clock P.M Eastern can be challenging for for folks for me personally um it's a little easier because both of the kids are in bed but it also bodes well for the uh the the topic of this being a happy hour and whatnot so all right uh Scott Davis is here from uh from Autodesk Scott was also a guest hey Scott uh and uh one one of our most popular episodes It's funny how many people uh how many people I come across in in my professional work outside of the YouTube game um that said that they use our our episode talking about Bim 360 um to explain bim360 to uh people that they work with which is pretty awesome uh maybe next season we'll do a refresh because everything's all the names have changed you know permissions have changed Everything's changed right now uh awesome great so let's jump into it and again I'm going to keep an eye on on the chat as we go along feel free to ask questions um take me in whatever Direction you want I do have somewhat of a guideline that I want to go with but we're going to talk about Revit 2024 um and I'm gonna jump right into some of my Owen Skyward is here to scout you've been here pretty much every episode of the hundreds so I hope one day I get to meet some of you guys in person um and if if if I do make sure you remind me what your YouTube handle is too because I may may not even know uh your face or anything just your avatar the YouTube handle okay so Revit 2024 came out I think it was about two weeks ago in full disclosure it took me a little while to get an active license because we were having issues with a license manager so unfortunately I was behind the ball but the second I got access to it I dug in immediately um and I and I actually um tried not to um watch too many of the other videos and reviews and stuff because I wanted sort of my my own commentary and thoughts on it before it was uh infected by other peoples so these are these are my reactions to to Revit 2024 and really the the three things that I'm most excited about understanding that there's a lot of other stuff so the the first thing that the very first thing that I'm super excited about and it's a lot of people there's been some negative and positive reviews on this and thoughts about it but um but what I'll do is I'll jump right in and show you kind of the thing that I'm absolutely super stoked about is if I go over here and I flip this to dark in a dark mode dark mode is amazing for me uh I'm one of those people well actually I I should back up one second uh if you're one of the Maniacs that's using Revit with a black canvas I don't understand you so dark mode is phenomenal but um there's a button up here right here for canvas theme flip that to White because I don't know what kind of crazy person is using Revit with a black canvas if you are I'm sorry I don't understand you but but the actual dark mode to me is just I've been waiting forever you know if you look at my screen here I'll fill up I'll pull up file explorer notice file explorer is in dark mode my Google Chrome Outlook Microsoft teams Zoom you go on the list every single program on this computer is in dark mode including my phone too everything in my phone is dark mode the only program that wasn't until now has been Revit so for that alone super stoked uh you know I I just it's this is something that I prefer with my eyeballs preferred I just enjoy it I've always enjoyed that that contrast and finally finally we have it um you know unfortunately and I know everyone likes to jump right into the negatives right away of all new features because that's just how we are as I think architects in the AC field not every single window is is is dark modeed yet I'm assuming maybe over time they're going to be doing that maybe the developers realized as they did this that holy crap there's just way too many dialogues in Revit and I think everyone can relate to that because it's just absolutely out of control um but uh I've used it for a while now and I gotta be honest like it doesn't even bother me that much maybe because I'm using a white canvas that most of if not all of the internal dialogue so notice I've got to type if I go to you know if I go to my view template here if I select let's select a an object and go to edit type you know notice all these all these menus are not in dark mode and I gotta be honest with you I thought I thought that was going to be a bummer but um it's actually not that bad and maybe because I'm using a white canvas and I don't know if the plan is to have everything uh in all of the menus dark modeed so to speak um but but it actually it didn't bother as much as I thought it would which is pretty cool just the the fact that everything else on the background is in dark mode is is honestly I don't know why it took so long to get to this point I know they also redid a lot of the icons if you look closely you'll notice um I haven't seen any that changed enough to think that it's it's going to be confusing to you um you know some of them look a little different um like the light bulb on the bottom for for reveal and toggle elements looks just a little different under modify there's a few that look a little different but the truth is I haven't found any that that changed um changed dramatically to the point where I was like I don't know what this button that was based on my previous knowledge of the program so when I heard that icons were changing I was a little concerned about that especially as an educator of Revit um you know it's you always get a little worried when uis change dramatically um and and I don't think this was this was too bad I don't think it's going to modify other than dark mode versus light mode too much of of the of the uh you know of of of of of what you've seen and how you could relate old versions of Revit to this version of Revit and so on and so forth um so so I wouldn't be too worried about that um you know you notice that how I you can flip the canvas theme from from dark to to light like this and again like I said if I don't know what kind of maniac works with a black canvas but uh but the actual dark mode itself is awesome I don't have my Pi Revit installed yet so I don't have my colored tab so I may get a little confused between some sample projects I have open but it is what it is I was actually you know as much as I love Pi rivet and all the other add-ins that are out there for it I was kind of hoping that maybe Autodesk just threw in colored tabs or some way of doing it into into the out of the box but no not yet so looks like everyone is is pretty pumped about um about uh dark mode which is pretty cool um I am super excited about it I know that's a quick one but I I like I said um if you look at if I opened up all of this all the programs in my computer right now twin motion Outlook teams uh word uh you just go down the list Chrome you name it every single one of them InDesign Photoshop all dark mode and so rev was the only one that wasn't and so finally finally we're there okay um so I'm just checking to see if there's any questions guys uh no questions right now hey from Senegal hey what time is it in Senegal um cool okay sweet and Scott Scott Davis says the modify arrow is bigger oh man what a change I didn't notice that look at that bad boy ground breaking right there groundbreaking I'm only joking okay so so I mean that's really one of my one of my number one favorites and I know it's crazy when you think about it but it's just I I I'm so used to everything even my messages on my phone my out like everything on my phone is is in dark mode so just that alone has been so much easier on my on my eyes um um yeah and so so super happy I know a lot of people like well it's just like CAD blah blah blah well it's fine I mean whatever the Civil 3D CAD they'll kind of have that background 3D Max has had dark mode forever um so I'm okay with it okay so so that's that's number one number one is dark mode I'm super excited about that if you guys have any questions on dark mode or want me to play around with anything with it um you know go for it um and then number two is what I know a lot of people are are are are interested in and and and sort of uh probably wondering and and wondering if you haven't played with it yet how it works and and and whatnot and what what it's all about is the the topography changes um you know we've we've waited a long time for for Autodesk to make some moves on topography and um I'm someone that um you know when I'm when I'm when I'm when I'm doing the construction management side of reviting um we do a lot a lot of topography and site modeling um you know construction sites if you've seen the chain if you watch the channel I've seen I've shown you a lot of examples of of what we do with topography and so um I was super excited to to to just see what what what they were gonna do um you know we kind of all knew that it was coming the the rumor mill was was was pretty loud um you know the the road map talked about it we didn't really know what it was going to be um but it's here now so we're going to jump into toppo salads and I'm gonna sort of show you guys what it is um give you kind of my thoughts on opinions on it um as well as some of the cool things that I think we're going to be able to do because of it um so with that I think we'll jump right into to this lovely new tool if you have opened Revit 2024 you may have noticed under the massing Insight tab this is no longer a topography button right it's a topo solid button and so if you pull that down you have create from scratch sketch and create from import so what I'm going to do is I have a couple examples I'm going to run through some examples of converting excuse me I'm converting a a topography existing topography the Topo style to show you kind of what happens there but also some of the the ticks and tips and tricks I've already kind of figured out with with trying to use this thing um first of all trying to use it just like you did the topography tool as well as just some of the cool things now that we can do with it now that it is a a solid and and that to me is the keyword is that it's a solid and so there's a lot of positive I guess repercussions not the good word outcomes of of the fact that it is now a solid okay so uh so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to start I was gonna start in a sample project but I actually think I started in a blank project so I can just show you guys what this is so I'm going to be using the the outer out of the box template which I think is it's it's new now as well there's an out of the box multi-disciplinary template there's also new sample files um I don't know if it's public who made them so I'm not going to say but they're they're really cool a lot of neat stuff to just pick apart and figure out and look at and see how how it was pulled together so definitely check out the the new sample files as well the new the new template I haven't dug in too much um but the reason I'm starting with it is it already has a really good Topo solid system type um you know with it so that's good okay so Topo salad so with with topography um you know the process has always been pretty simple right it's it's um you know you click topography you click uh you know you you you set your elevation and you basically click points right um so the difference with the Topo salad and and actually I shouldn't say I should just so everyone who's trying to understand this thing gets it it's really just the floor it's got some really cool features to it but if anyone out there has ever just made a floor that had a variable a variable surface to it so or a roof for example right hopefully you guys maybe in the past have done flat roofs with like uh actually um sloped insulation where you have a variable layer to it it's really all it is so um with some other advantages so as far as just understanding how to use it it's a floor basically where you're modifying the sub elements so so instead of thinking I'm drawing points right away you're actually drawing a a a sketch an outline a perimeter right away which is actually kind of neat because for those of you who maybe didn't know on regular topos Topo surfaces you actually couldn't do certain things like cutting out a hole or having a c shape um sort of the way that that you would be thinking cutting out a hole I guess you could but um but you couldn't do a c shape because it would always triangulate between the points so anyways um it's basically a floor I know Scott said the colonel is like it's it's basically a floor I'm gonna stick with that so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to really quickly just draw a sketch so you notice I hit Topo salad and I'm in our typical floor and roof boundary condition stuff right so everyone everyone's familiar with this um so I'm just gonna draw a quick rectangle okay so there we go so that's already a difference right normally you're just drawing points right away here we're drawing a rectangle and actually you know what yeah yeah we'll do that for now um so so here's here's my here's my rectangle for the floor right so now instead of drawing points to actually generate it you're actually going to draw the floor first and then modify the sub Elements which is to add points within it okay so if I click add points now I'm basically in my modifying sub elements part of of floor Modeling which now we're calling the Topo salad right but there are some really neat things that um you guys should pay attention to when you mess with it which is up here right so by default topography you pretty much had to do absolute elevation and that was the only option you had right here what you can do is you can actually change what reference your points are from so current level base Point survey Point Internal origin but you can also do um an offset from the surface which is kind of neat and so I haven't found a ton of a ton of um thoughts or reasons to use this other than you know if if you if you don't have don't want to do the math or something if you're doing a three foot dig and so on and so forth instead of doing the math from your actual Contours you can actually go directly below so let's just first before we do that let's do an absolute elevation I'm going to go off of the project base point and I'm going to say 10 feet I'm going to go top down and I know this is something that's going to piss people off right away is as you start drawing these what you'll notice is my my mouse is locking to everything okay so the first thing I notice is because it's using this this floor tool right you're seeing the triangles um if you're going to try and like refine these edges you're getting snapped all over the place let me go to Hidden lines so you can see like I'm getting snapped all over the place okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to undo all that and I'm going to show you a quick tip which is if you go to manage and snaps and you check the box for snaps off I know there's a keyboard shortcut for so but that will turn on snaps every time you make a um a move so every time you click if you check the box here and you turn snaps off completely you can always turn it back on now when you go to modify your sub elements you add your points now let me add 10 feet here now I can draw freely and you'll notice I'm actually not snapping to all those silly triangles that are popping up right and when you do that not only do you get to not have the annoyance of locking to everything on the planet so let me just draw this one here I'm going to go to 15 feet now now you can also use my favorite tool which hopefully you guys if you follow my my blog or the YouTube channel for a long time have seen this tool which is just called Auto clicker there's a blog post I'll link it below basically it clicks every number of seconds that you want so I'm going to set to 150 milliseconds and then start as F6 stop as F6 right so what I'm going to do now is if I go down here and I want to draw a lot of points and make them smooth I can still do exactly what I would do with topography if I hit F6 you'll notice it's actually just drawing I'm not clicking do you hear I'm not clicking my mouse and the slower you move obviously the more points it's going to grab but now you can just kind of Trace around Trace around your topography as you go through it all the the triangles can be very annoying to look at but that's actually what topography was doing anyways a little a little smoother but you know they're annoying to look at but it doesn't really make a difference it actually still Smooths out pretty good so I just sort of I just press F6 drag my mouse along press F6 again that's my auto clicker tool that hopefully you guys have seen before and now you can see I'm starting to sort of build build some topography here right so now if you're bringing an image in if you're tracing over a cad file whatever it ends up being you can still do that right and I'll turn my Snaps back on but my first tip would be 100 percent uh turn snaps off when you're when you're modifying that because you're just going to run into a whole bunch of crap okay so what does this mean now okay if you look at this it looks very much like our topography um you know and even even to the point where I didn't necessarily click to the end so we still have the stupid annoying thing at the bottom here where it's doing what it is but the difference is because it's basically a floor but we'll call it a solid now you have and let me let me cut a section through it so you guys can see I'm also going to change my view settings to the 70 50 20 rule something that hopefully you guys have seen if you follow my channel if not just Google it but you're seeing it now which is I'll turn off Shadows for now which is turning on ambient Shadows setting your sun to 70 your ambient light to 50 your shadows to 20. I'll turn on into aliasing 2 because why not and there we go now we have a much sexier looking view although that green for that grass is a little a little bright but what you'll notice is that it's this it's basically a floor um or a roof or you know a system family in Revit that you guys are probably familiar with ceiling even I guess a stacked layered system but it's using those Contours to do it so it actually adds a ton of flexibility so I don't want to go through every single tool that exists with it now um I will tell you sub-regions are gone so if I click subdivide what it does now is this thing that like lays a surface on top of it so I'll just quickly click subdivide and you can see it actually lays a surface on top of it you can change the thickness but you can't go negative so if I say one inch and I turn this material to um something like asphalt for example see if there's one in the this new family uh there yes no yeah I guess a light gray will do that and then you can't you can have it show or not show The Contours but it still follows it would be pretty cool if it just sort of sunk down into it if you want to do like a road but either way basically a sub-region the the let me show you something really cool though if I say copy and move this over watch this ready ready oh yeah so I got a warning you guys didn't see it but I was able to overlap them okay so I know we don't want to overlap them but everyone out there can probably sympathize sympathize with me on the absolute insane frustration of sub-regions and overlapping and how insanely annoying it was right so the cool thing here is yes you're going to get a warning but you can finish the sketch and you can actually just complete the damn thing so I don't know how many of you have gone through what I've gone through where you've done this huge like site parking lot or something and had to select and copy your pink magenta lines cancel your sketch see what the hell you were overlapping with or change the other one and then create a new sketch just to paste it back in because you couldn't finish the sketch and overlap it so that alone that alone I'm pretty I'm pretty stoked about so you notice I was actually able to overlap these two sketches it gave me a warning and you know I'm not saying you want to but anyone who's ever dealt with site stuff and sharing edges and whatnot that alone is just is just really cool to me um you know obviously it would be really cool if it goes down and sunk into it or let you go negative with the dimension but it does let you go positive like forever which is kind of interesting so like if I did 100 feet um of course I have a section box on so you know it's going like that and it's still following the Contours which is kind of interesting so if I modify the sub elements and I I take some of these and I shift them over here let's say or maybe I'll just draw some more fine let's do some at 15 again we'll do some over here what you'll notice is that this guy up there changed too right he's following along with it so why you would need to do that I haven't quite figured out yet but but you can if you needed to so so super cool super cool I think that that um yes and you can join them yes Nick sorry I just saw yes and you can you can you can join and cut and stuff with the subregions together too which is super cool so um or I call them the sub region sorry they're not sub-regions right they're called uh subdivides I don't know I'm gonna what is it actually called it's just another yeah subdivision I guess man whatever I'ma still call them sub-regions I don't care um okay so uh and I I just saw Jorge mention the performance thing so I'm actually going to talk about that a little bit so I've tested that as well and so I'll show you guys a quick example of performance because that was my first thought too was um I do a lot of I do a lot of really large sites and um anyone who's modified really large topography knows how dramatically insane the performance can be like adding a little teeny pad and clicking finish on a giant topography can take forever um so I wanted to compare those and so we'll talk about that in a second but um good good point there and I'll show you so what I wanted to do just kind of Riff on um on why I'm excited though about about this tool as far as what it is and so I know I know people aren't very happy with the fact that pads went away because of the solution that we have so far so there are no more building pads okay and as you know long time Revit users that has just been a staple of of the Revit processes you know building a site putting a pad cutting the hole in ETC right um and so you know I was curious too to see like what does that mean what is what is that going to do to workflows and I don't think it's going to be that bad and I actually think in the long run it is going to be pretty cool um and so for those of you um who don't I'm not going to show a pad so I won't put on that road actually so so basically what you have to do now is generate a family or an object a void object that can cut it and so I've seen a lot of um of content basically saying and even I think in the Autodesk kelp it shows like a mass in place family so um you can and I'm going to do that right now but you can also just use a regular family you can create a family you can do an In-Place one you can do just an extrusion sweep all that stuff and that's what's really cool about is because it's now a solid object you can actually um you know cut it with void objects of any type which I think is really cool so first I'll just show you kind of the the out of the box Autodesk suggested way if you go to the uh if you go to the um oops here I hit the zoom button there I'm not on with the guess what am I doing um so so basically um there they they basically and they by they I mean Autodesk basically show in their help video to go over to masking Insight in place Mass we'll call this one pad one for now just for fun and I'm just going to draw a rectangle for now uh yeah actually you know for fun I'm gonna make it I'm gonna draw a reference um a reference line I'm going to draw it on a work plane and I'm going to turn on threes uh yeah yeah we'll do that reference sign rectangle here all right so if I zoom under here you can see I basically just made this rectangle down here out of reference planes I'm going to take those I'm going to say create a void form and if I go underneath it I'm going to cut geometry select my Topo solid oops I didn't create my form sorry try that again create void form okay pull this thing up so there's my void and then I'm just going to cut geometry with this and now I've got you know this this thing here right which is which is my my uh my mass and that's cutting a hole in it obviously you could control the bottom top you know so so there's a couple things that this does first first what it does is if I drag this thing down click finish and I turn on a section box you know it can do that right and so creating tunnels is you know one of those things that we just couldn't do forever in Revit um you know we we had so many workarounds it was putting toppo and then putting a floor on top of it and modifying the floor which I guess we're kind of doing now but we can do it within the same one so so there's some benefits there um the other benefit too is you know because it's a mass if you use a mass family for example let me go ahead back to edit in place I'm gonna click this guy it's probably yelling because I've got all this stuff going if I pull this back up you know some of the things that are pretty neat about it is you know you can if you modify you know the mass family um you know you can start doing things like less straight edges and so on and so forth right um actually let's let's have some fun with this let me cancel that so if I wanted to um let's draw let's draw another in place Mass uh so we're going to do in place Mass I'm just going to call it Mass one for now I'm going to do reference plane spline through points and we're going to do it on a surface and so I'm gonna have some fun here and I'm going to take this guy and I'm going to copy so I'm just doing a spline through points um I'm going to copy this up and this is the kind of stuff I think about when I see you know oh I can use masses so we'll take this we'll all shift it off a little bit and then actually I have to close this huh that's gonna be a pain let me let me close it first let's do 3D snapping okay okay so we're going to take this whole thing and we're going to copy it up because again this is a conceptual math so why not and I didn't select the whole thing try again this was not in my plan to do live so let's see take this guy copy it up okay there we go okay so if I select this and this and I say create avoid form right you can see what I did is I created this this shape that uh that basically you know it's got all these Curves in it and stuff right and from that now I can cut out actually let me bring it above the surface move it up a little bit oops arrow keys why not we're having fun okay so uh so now you can see there it is there so I can say cut cut geometry okay so now it's doing that which is like okay whatever you can make a pad do that but you know now you can actually start taking like this edge here and doing that right or maybe this spline Point here and doing that right so now what you'll see is I've got these angular sort of and I can even over I can even do an internal you know pull it this way and you've got sort of this internal Cave thing going on there hopefully you guys can see that um so so you know I I guess being able to use a mass what's kind of cool about that is you can actually start curving and cutting away some interesting you know shapes within it which to me is kind of cool if you're designing even a building that's maybe in the hillside it has these cool cool things tying it in and whatnot but you could also just do an extrusion and so for those of you using Revit LT who don't have massing capabilities um you can just do a model in place Extrusion you can make a family that's an extrusion but then you obviously can't follow the surface the biggest issue that I have with it right now is the fact that it's it's an element that you have to model in place and then you have to you know hide it filter it do whatever you need with it to maintain it right pad was always its own little thing um you know so so it was easier with categories and what not to control it to some extent um you could also um click you know click walls and have it hosted to walls this you can have to lock the wall so you know some some downfalls there but otherwise you know you could see you could actually do a lot of like the custom customization the flexibility of this is is huge sorry I saw there's a lot of chats let me just double check to make sure I'm not having uh um this guy getting a hard time you showed up man you decided to show up in this in the chat I guess I didn't have to say you work for Autodesk Scott maybe I could have kept you on the wraps but I think they would have figured out at all but uh but uh but the other things that you can do too um you know because now it's a surface which I think is pretty wild is so for the longest time and you guys have probably seen on the channel I've showed I've even showed this file before right we've been using railings to to do things like follow follow topography right for for things like construction fencing um for things like supportive excavation for here's a here's a highway rail you know metal Highway rail and so that still works and that's still um in fact probably works better honestly uh um with it with a topo salad because it's a it's a floor um so so I feel like railing is just going to host better to it but um so I can pick a new host and you can see this will do that um you know go through it and it still does the same janky stuff with that one profile but so you can still do that but what's really neat is because it's a solid you can actually and if you have massing of course you can actually follow the surface with stuff so whether you're making an Adaptive component or an in place Mass I'm going to do one in place because I don't feel like making an Adaptive component but if I do an In-Place Mass I'm going to say um pipe two or something like that the first thing I'm going to do is I'm just going to draw a reference reference line I'm going to do a snap through or a spline through points and instead of draw on workplane I'm going to say follow surface or Draw on face and then I'm going to do follow surface right here and what you'll see is it's actually looking it's looking at all these triangles hopefully you guys can see that so I can actually now have families whether it's an Adaptive family or a model in place right I can now start modeling with things um that follow my Topo surface they're hosted those points are hosted to my Topo surface so if I wanted to real quickly I could draw a circle on this work plane right here okay so then I'll select that I'll select my my spline through points and I'll say create form of course I went too tight hold on you guys didn't see the error but I got self-intersecting so somewhere around here I must have went uh a little too oh of course look at the end there what the hell is that come on come on there we go okay so I select here and here press create form now you'll see I'm actually making a family this is in place but you can make an Adaptive family um and it's actually following the surface and those points are hosted to the surface so when the surface modifies it modifies with it so that's a solid but then I believe and I actually haven't even tested this it was the theory that I didn't get to test before we did if I switch it to a void and I cut it there you go I'm I'm using that now to actually slice into my topography look at it even made a little you made a little tunnel there where I didn't put enough points right so when you think of that now right like that that's blowing my mind right because now the yes there could be some pros and cons to the points and the you know the the process that I just talked about the fact that it's kind of a floor but the fact that it's now a solid and then I can slice and dice it like any other giant solid geometry in Revit um is really cool like like when you start thinking about that there's a lot of really cool stuff you can do with it um and yeah I'm using the masking tool but um you know you can build families now that that can just be hosted to this surface and and cut cut things in it right and so um there's a lot of a lot of really neat things I think that we can do with this so I'm super excited about that part I I hope that shows you some some little examples of of how that could happen uh the downfall um you know of that is obviously it's a mass and so you got to deal with that so if I click finish here um I just got yelled that for a circular chain of references for something I don't know what I did there interesting top goes out double deleted element okay I guess I can't finish that mess I don't know I did something there but either way you get the idea right the idea is that now you can start hosting hosting objects to this you can make adaptive components you can make void families you can do In-Place voids and and you can really start sculpting topography to make it something that you need which is something we can never really do right it's it's always been an absolute pain to deal with that kind of stuff so um super cool uh I'm super excited about it and uh and I hope you are too um so it's 9 40 now so I had plenty of time to show my next favorite thing obviously we can go on for a while with Topo salads and actually oh that's what I want to do sorry let me let me cancel this Mass I don't have time to figure out what that error was so we'll go through it so somebody mentioned performance so one of the things I did uh for fun uh was to take a project I'm currently working on which is massive so if I click this um you'll see it is 223 No 2 million square feet so it's big so so this is this is topo topography um and this is the Topo salad so first I wanted to see um you know upgrading a model the whole conversion process what is that like um so it works pretty well um it converts your sub regions to those new Subs sub solids I don't know what we're going to call them now um uh and they do have a thickness and they kind of try to figure it out so that's okay but it does get rid of all your pads so fair warning there but the reason I wanted to do this is to also see the performance so here's my Topo salad now made from the topography so you'll notice it made this big Topo salad it actually converted my sub-regions to these mini Topo salads um and made them one foot off which is kind of stupid I kind of wish that that default was smaller maybe there's a way to set the default smaller but um so because it kind of looks stupid to have a one foot Road dig there but whatever but you can see it actually converted pretty much everything from the topography to a topo salad Point wise and everything like that the only thing it didn't convert was the pads right so so these are all pads here so you'd have to go back and and regenerate although I don't know this is me testing stuff out I was gonna say that was me there's no pad so so you'd have to regenerate your pads but the reason I really want to do this and I'm not going to actually show you because it would take like 20 minutes to spin and whatever was I wanted to see if if it performed faster right that project has been a pain in my side in the sense that if I modify a pad it takes ages to to finish the sketch right just because you see how big that Topography is right um and so that's what I was trying to do and so I noticed a few things um it it did seem to perform kind of similar uh modifying the points um it took a little while once you modify the point but there's no real finished sketch so you're not waiting for that the weight is happening somewhere else so that wasn't too bad and then I did put in you saw I put in a a right here I just put in a void to see how does that take as long as a a um a a pad would have to finish the sketch it still took a while I didn't do a complete comparison to time it like with a clock it felt like it finished a little faster but it still took a while so I didn't really notice a massive uh increase in performance um between the test that I was running here and there um I think if I created a sub-region that new sub-solid thing maybe it would be a little faster because that seems to run a little quicker but um you know adding points and modifying something on gigantic topography didn't seem to have a huge performance increase so um that's nothing scientific I'm sure I'm hoping someone out there maybe does this scientific sort of thing to see my thought was that it would perform a little better and maybe to some extent it does but right now I don't have the math to tell you that it does but I do know that I was able to convert that giant site to Topo salad pretty successfully other than losing the pads which isn't isn't all that you know I'm I wouldn't say it's not bad I wouldn't want to make them on this one but um just so if you know it's gonna happen you know you get rolling with it hey Kylie thanks for the congratulations awesome uh uh Richie's here live awesome just checking to see if I missed any uh any uh any questions in there no okay sweet so uh with these last 15 minutes and and definitely if Topo salads you know I'm definitely gonna dig into this more so I will probably have more content on it in the future as I just explore and mess around and find some really neat things that you could do with it so um definitely stay tuned for that so number three as far as what I'm excited about um is kind of a it's kind of a double because it's not entirely Fair that's just a Revit thing but it kind of happened at the same time so we're going to compare the two and that is the the the next evolution of this twin motion and Revit in Autodesk partnership so for a while um I was trying to figure out kind of what that was going to mean and uh we got the little button in the 2023 update um which basically just did the same thing as the twin motion uh as the twin motion exporter so it was like okay fine we got a button but it's the same as the ad and I've had forever with 2024 we finally do have a direct link so what I'm gonna and the reason I'm also excited about it is because uh 2020 uh twin motion 2023 came out which has a new UI too so super exciting so let me show you what that's all about um and we're going to do it on this project here as I mentioned before there'll be a new series coming out on the on the channel um in in the coming months and it will be this project so um you guys uh if you haven't seen the modern um the modern kitchen series definitely check it out there's 18 episodes um on the channel I'll put a link below as well um where I I went through the process of Designing a kitchen renovation on a mid-century modern project this is a ground up project of a modern Barn that I'm working on right now and I'm going to be doing a series similar to that with this project so stay tuned for that but now um so what I'm excited about is um you know the I I've always with twin motion I've always kind of used uh I've been okay with exporting and then refreshing in Twin motion mainly because I use a lot of phasing and design options when I'm using it but as a design tool um having the quick connection to the iteration is is important right it's you know if it becomes a design tool side by side so um finally we do have that with twin motion we have a direct link so the the button up here under view is built in again uh most of this looks the same as 2023 updates but you'll notice that there's an auto sync checkbox now okay so before we had to do was refresh it manually whether it's in Revit or in in um in in Twin motion um so pretty cool um what we're going to do now is I'm going to open this thing and we're going to cross our fingers that the 4k camera streaming and the two programs don't blow up my laptop I'm going to turn on auto sync and I'm going to open in Twin motion and we're going to cross our fingers while that opens in the background I'm going to try and do a side by side as well um so bear with me on the uh on the resolutions but okay so this is what pops up okay if you have an existing project it might be a little different but right now I'm just going to create a new project from scratch and I'm going to run through run through what it is um so you can see it's saying I want to create a direct link in Twin motion I'm going to say new project or existing project depending on what it is so I'm going to say new project I am going to collapse by material I'm going to turn on fix fix UV normals I'm going to bring in all so I'm going to bring in my lights and my meshes which is pretty awesome I'm going to set my light values to Twin motion default because otherwise they're going to be nuclear bombs going off and I'm going to click ok so what I was doing is it launched twin motion and it automatically links direct link to my project so if I go way up here because it's way up in the sky you can see here is my barn I don't have any textures on it in Revit um so that's why you're not seeing many textures here but let me go here let's try this side by side I know how much we all love uh side by side with rabbit uh I can hide I can finally hide everything in Twin motion now which is awesome so here's my twin motion side of things so now we have a direct link going on so if I was to delete this railing for example you'll notice that it gets deleted in Twin motion so if I was to modify these stairs or actually let's do something different let's uh let's take this railing and move it shift it around I can't select it oh I selected the top rail that's why come on there it is if I slide this off you'll notice it it's sliding automatically in Twin motion and it actually works pretty pretty quick which is which is awesome so you could still do the uh the the export refresh type of thing but when it comes to being a being a design tool right this is where um to me I always use enscape over twin motion notice I haven't I upgraded this so the pads didn't cut so if I'm sitting in here you know this is a perspective that you're not going to get in Revit unless you go on a level one view you know now I can go in here and I can modify some things and sort of see how they look so if I go to my 3D View and for some reason I want to uh I want to move this door over this way right you'll notice on this side notice the door moves right and you know this is all the default materials so we can sit there we can we can apply materials to this and they would hold those materials um and vice versa I just undid it there um so now it's finally a true a true direct link to um to Twin motion which is which is pretty awesome I wasn't going to dive down into twin motion 2023 you might have saw a video I talked about that a little bit but but now it actually is a program that um I can truly say you can you can actually work side by side with it so it can become a little more of a design tool when when you're doing it that way and now and it does work really well I was concerned when I saw when I heard that the direct link existed now that the performance was going to be pretty pretty janky but it actually works really well um and this computer believe it or not this is my older Bim box so this is actually an i7 three three year old laptop right now I'm in the transition process um and so it's it's a it's an old it's a three-year-old laptop and you see it's actually handling the process um the process uh you know the changes um pretty dramatic pretty easily uh which is was surprising to me I thought it was going to be kind of kind of tough so you see I just undid that you can see the direct link processing and obviously the faster computer you have the faster that that link will happen um as you go through it so uh pretty awesome there and and and obviously you know I don't want to dive through uh all the twin motion stuff but you can really quickly I'll just show you you know if you do apply a twin motion materials to it um so if I wanted to uh if I hide the materials down here and let's jump in I uh let's go to let's throw some materials on it it's going to maintain the uh the twin motion materials as we go through I don't know let's do planks for now sure oh actually real quick twin motion tip for you guys that took me forever to realize and if you if you have watched my my videos on Twin motion I complained about this a lot um it's applying materials and having to rescale them up here if I there's this little check box here if I pull that down if you set if you set this from object UV it's a material thing when you're applying materials if you set it to cubic UVS instead of from object UVS and you drag any of the stuff in it's actually scaled already I don't know if that existed forever I just didn't know it I don't remember where I where I actually learned it but um but you don't have to rescale it anymore which is awesome but what I was trying to get out there is um you know the this the materials and the stuff you do with twin motion will maintain in the background model of your import will go so um super cool uh and and I think that's the first probably the first sort of incarnation of this partnership that we're seeing where we're actually starting to see um some benefits potentially of it so I'm super excited about that I'm going to dig into that a little more too so um you know definitely look forward to that um just checking the chat here thanks Yogi modern kitchen was fantastic thanks appreciate it that was a fun series um uh fbx some people are talking about fbx and Max files um yeah so so sweet motion can and that's one of the benefits of using of using a tool like lumion or twin motion is that you can import um lots and lots and lots of other file types um successfully without having to bring them into Revit um the the one thing that I will say that's um and this is in a Revit thing is more of a twin motion thing there's no way there's no way to link um to link twin motion objects to Revit objects um without removing them so so you can you can do an object replace um and replace objects in in kind and I think I have a video on that with cars where like I put a bunch of placeholder cars and I swap them out but the problem is if you refresh it um then those cars come back uh it doesn't it doesn't hold it doesn't hold a dynamic link so that is that is a little Downfall with it but the twin motion file is a separate file yes so that is a a Steven uh just asked Hey Stephen nice to see you buddy Steven's in the Bim after dark Community uh if you guys are interested in that head on over to uh lots of cool stuff over there um the twin motion model is is a separate file it is a separate scene um it is uh because you know over there is where you know again this is this is where you kind of get the best of both worlds is here's where you can start building you know building your world so to speak um so you can start throwing in that's not the tree I want to use you can start throwing in trees and and plants and stuff like that and and and whatnot and that saves as a as a scene um and then when you you don't lose it though so you notice when I launched when I launched um when I launched twin motion it asked me new scene or existing when I said open in Twin motion and uh for the direct link and um and you can actually choose the existing scene so you can go in and populate everything call it a day but you are saving a different scene it's just that direct link is happening for you uh yes you can export um Joe just asked if you can export the model to clients if you're using the paid version of twin motion you have cloud-based options for exporting um I think in the free version with Revit you don't have Cloud you may be able to export an exe I actually have to check that which is a standalone that you can technically share with clients but you don't have Cloud access as far as I know that is the the only difference between the version that comes with Revit and the premium version that you would buy from epic is um you you can use the cloud publishing tools um with the with the the paid version so awesome uh all right I was just checking to see if there was any uh any other questions I don't think too many uh okay sweet all right well this has been a lot of fun I I hope this is helpful for you guys my top three of the dark mode the Topo solids and the twin motion Direct Connect I know there's a lot more so feel you know definitely check them out um something that I will be launching pretty soon and I know people have asked about this and this was actually the other topic for the um the that I got a lot of questions on was template files and certain template things um and so one of the things I am making available and we'll be making available soon is my residential Revit template along with sample files and whatnot um so those of you in the Bim after our community you already have access to it you might have seen that today so if you want access right now you guys are interested then join the community right now it's perfect time if not I'm going to be making a separate opportunity for you guys to get the template I'm going to be making a video showing how I set up my Revit residential single family residential Revit template make it available to you guys um and yeah thank you guys this has been awesome uh I cannot believe it's 100 episodes um pretty wild uh the the the support the audience the the way you guys have been hanging out this whole time I I hope that um the this show and these episodes have have brought as much value to you guys as they have to me um I will also be in built in Austin uh Austin I think it is uh in in June so hopefully if you guys are going make sure you sign up for my session first of all um but also come say hi to me a lot of you guys are avatars on on on on screen here or maybe comments after the video is published I'd love to meet you guys in person so don't be shy now that everyone sees my face and has seen my face over a hundred times uh hopefully you guys will recognize me I'll probably be wearing these shirts the whole time too so definitely come up and see me and uh yeah super awesome you guys are amazing um with that I want to bid you guys a great weekend um again I'll have some some published videos coming up soon but I won't be live for a little while so uh until then you guys also have an awesome summer coming up I hope you all stay healthy and happy um keep keep digging in keep keep exploring these Technologies and I look forward to uh a hundred more episodes soon so with that I bid you all to do thank you so much and uh and we'll talk to you soon cheers [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: TheRevitKid
Views: 13,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: revit, revit design, autodesk revit, revit tutorial, revit tip, revit tutorials, revit architecture, BIM, architect, architectural design, bimafterdark, bimafterdarklive, Revit 2024 - My TOP 3 New Features (Live!), revit 2024, revit 2024 tutorial, revit 2024 review, revit 2024 new features, revit toposolid, revit 2024 toposolid, revit 2024 twinmotion, revit twinmotion, twinmotion
Id: bPBajAGiKvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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