Revisiting The Last Jedi (and why it's alright)

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r/saltierthankrayt: TLJ is a movie that exists.

r/saltierthancrait: I HATE YOU!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/6-dig-dick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm myself love the Last Jedi (it is my third favourite Star Wars film after Empire Strikes Back and a New Hope), and I disagree with a few of his points (and find a few of the others not enough for me to not love the film), but I can see the point from which he comes.

This is good criticism.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nachoolo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 17 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I also thought Cosmonaut Variety Hours take on the sequel trilogy was pretty well done

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bcawesome πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This kid is like a half inch from getting it. There's a number of logical contradictions (e.g., recognizing that holdo could have told poe the plan but didn't and promptly complaining about how they didn't just plan to sneak away to the salt planet like wtf that was the plan) that I don't understand how you can make these criticisms and miss the crucial points.

I bet $100 in 5-10 years when he's had more like experience, he'll love tlj.

As an aside, I think he included every clip with yonnic symbolism in tlj in his criticism, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was completely unaware of it.

I do kind of agree that replacing Finn with rose would have been interesting and probably a net positive effect on tros. But I really enjoy the thematic elements with rose saving Finn.

Agree whole heartedly with leia Poppins. Loved the scent conceptually but it's just off in presentation.

Overall 8/10 at least trying to give an honest opion. I think he's wrong about a lot of the complaints, but I have faith he'll grow up and recognize the flaws in some of his complaints (or at least recognize that they are really rooted in tfa).

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chu_BOT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not sure if this really fits in this sub, but thanks for the video recommendation. I'm, uh... sort of addicted to TLJ videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheFerg714 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Shiny boi is actually good. I may disagree but that doesn’t change that this is the best negative tlj review

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Brody_M_the_birdy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
funding for Schafer illness is provided by Skillshare tuned until the end to find out how you can try Skillshare absolutely free that's right partner live free and join okay video time so this is a video I never expected to make I figured I had said my piece about this film and I could move on with my life now but two things dragged me back in number one the rise of Skywalker really made me really a lot of the choices this film made and I think it was worth revisiting now that I've seen this piece of commercial diarrhea and number two I wanted to ask you all something have you noticed that fans of the last Jedi have gone completely insane there's this prevailing notion on film Twitter that anyone who doesn't like this movie is a tasteless and like is this movie really the one you want to say that about I'm honestly really happy that people love this film hell if you love rise of Walker I'm very happy for you because getting mad over other people's film opinions is such an idiotic thing to do so instead of disregarding someone's opinions on cinema and politics because they don't like an awkward casino space horse movie how about we all take a chill pill and recognize that as long as you're not a racist sexist piece of garbage your opinion on this movie is valid if you think this is the best Star Wars movie that's valid if you think this is the worst Star Wars movie that's valid if you disagree with either of those two statements and you can leave my video now because I am making this video exclusively for sane people here is a sane discussion about the things that I like and dislike about the movie feel free to disagree with anything I say as long as you're not a racist sexist now then I wrote a letter box to review of this movie a few weeks before watching rise of Skywalker and this video is gonna be a further elaboration on my points in that review with some added perspective now that rise of Skywalker exists I'll do what Jenny Nicholson did that one time and make this a complement sandwich go back and forth between positive and negative statements about this movie without further ado let's start with something completely non-controversial I may have gone too far in a few places but oh well Luke in this movie is friggin awesome in my humble opinion that you could disagree with because no one is objectively right about whether or not this was a good direction to take his character but I don't know I think it was I liked him here Luke Starkiller is a bitter old coot and nearly everything involving him in this movie is fantastic nearly the lightsaber toss is a bit too goofy sure ideally he would have dropped it on the ground instead of tossing it over the shoulder like that's what I expect the Lego game cutscene to do but still turning Luke into a crusty old hermit who's drowning in despair and self-loathing is super interesting JJ Abrams gave us inherently uncreated choices for Han and Leia in this new trilogy what's Han doing thirty years later uh he's still smuggling and stuff what's Leia doing she's still generally and stuff wow that's so riveting granted both of them are entertaining in those roles but I'm glad Ryan decided to take Luke in a different direction if Luke was raring to go to Train Rey and save Leia and face down the entire first order that would be fun sure but it's not as interesting as seeing Luke go through a dynamic character change seeing him come to grips with his depression and trauma is just really powerful and unexpected I could see why people didn't like it but I think it's really neat the most contentious element of Luke's story of course is learning that he considered killing kylo Luke the guy who saw the good in Darth Vader even when obi-wan and Yoda didn't suddenly thinks his nephew is beyond saving and nearly kills him out of pure instinct oh the horror how could he do that this is easily the toughest post wallow about the entire movie and I definitely hated this character choice for the longest time but honestly I've kind of come around to it now Luke is not a perfect character he's never been we all kind of assumed that he always makes the right choices because he's Luke Skywalker Jedi Master this untouchable DD who's grown so wise and powerful that he's completely infallible this is the Luke Skywalker that everyone in the force awakens is extremely excited to find this is the Luke Skywalker that's gonna single-handedly turn the tide of the war and save the day this is the Luke Skywalker that doesn't exist this portion of the movie is about rejecting the myth and coming to terms with the harsh reality of who this guy really is he slipped up he did something so ill befitting of his character that it ruined everything and haunted him for years and hinging the entire story on such an egregious contradiction of the person we think Luke is is brilliant he is not a myth he is a man and no man is infallible as difficult to accept as that is Luke acted on pure instinct without thinking and immediately regretted his decision I feel like the people who claim he actively tried to kill Ben are misremembering what actually happens I've got more to say about Luke and his arc in later segments but suffice to say I like it especially compared to the first order in this movie is an absolute joke and treating your villains like a joke is a really bad idea force awakens opens with the first order burning down a village and executing all the villagers they're established right from the get-go to be ruthless calculating and pure evil this is what last Jedi opens with this isn't cute this is a tone killer five minutes into the movie the tone is effectively butchered all these angry screaming lunatics in the first order aren't intimidating in the slightest which makes the fairly standard space action that much more tensionless seriously remember Hux is frightening speech and force awakens remember how he came across as an equal to kylo Ren despite not having force powers well now he's getting wiped across the floor tossed around called a rabid cur whatever that means God Ryan really wasted this character that could have been as intimidating as Tarkin but just wasn't for some reason domhnall gleeson deserved better Captain phasma is also hysterically underused getting killed after a combined total of ten minutes of screen time between two movies I don't understand what the point of killing Finn's main rival was if you're just gonna leave them alive at the end it results in him having nothing to do anymore phasma is just a worthless inclusion in both of these movies and it's laughable then there's big boys Snoke whose death was actually one the story beats I liked on my first viewing I also liked his death scene because it's so hilarious and idiotic that it's great I've said it before but the sexual satisfaction he expresses regarding kylos lightsaber is just a hoot but his inability to notice kylo turning the lightsaber right next to him is really silly his stupid face when he gets killed slays me and his stupid her face when his body lies on the ground is just a bit too much every villain in this movie who isn't kylo is treated like a joke and how am I supposed to feel tension as a result you expect me to believe these buffoons could operate an efficient sinister fascist military regime I know that's weird coming from someone whose favorite movie of 2019 was Jojo rabbit but like that movie expertly portrays Nazis is hateful while also coming from the perspective of a ten-year-old boy goofiness is acceptable they're not here the Empire was never goofy aside from a couple cheeky lions the Emperor had but he was still a commanding evil presence the prequels turned him goofy and while that was fun come on man but I think it's weird that people say Revenge of the Sith is this big joke that can't be taken seriously while giving this movie a pass its humor is genuinely on the same level as the prequels to me it destroys the tone of what should be intense or dramatic scenes and really takes me out of the film there's a cute line here or there and a couple things I chuckle that but for the most part this movie constantly feels like a weak attempt to be Marvel but even the best Marvel movies know to let dramatic moments play out and really leave an impact this movie does too in key moments and I appreciate that but again shirtless kylo Ren is what I expect from the Lego adaptation stop stealing their joke ideas oh well back to the good stuff ray is pretty awesome in this movie I liked how she constantly overestimates her own abilities for a change she completely fails to turn kylo back to the light and Snoke kind of wipes the floor with her I think this movie effectively kills the MarySue argument and I'm very happy about that the people who reasonably were not into Ray's character because of her lack of real struggles and force awakens might have a better time with her here I already liked ray a lot in force awakens but I understand people who were bored by her natural abilities of course now we all know why she's so powerful yeah are you happy now but in all honesty I've grown to like what they do in this movie with her parents I thought the million ray cave was just an overly long tedious way of giving us absolutely no information which it was but that's kind of the point here ray is completely disappointed to learn nothing about where she came from or who her parents are everyone's expecting it to be someone famous like Luke or obi-wan or Watteau or Dexter jettster this is one of the expectations of versions that I think actually pays off by making her parents nobody's it's an absolutely crushing reveal that's the last thing she wants to hear that her parents really didn't care about her that she truly does come from nowhere that no one cared for her until she met these new resistance buddies in all honesty backtracking on this reveal is the single worst mistake the rise of Skywalker made it's kind of scary knowing she's related to the Star Wars equivalent of the Antichrist but just knowing that her parents loved her and cared about her and sold her off to protect her just feels like such a cheap easy way out again I didn't realize what a good reveal Rey's parentage and last Jedi was until Raisa Skywalker shat in the bed and made me reconsider the message here good people can come from anywhere to rise up against oppression and your bloodline really doesn't matter an explanation for Rey's natural force gift would be nice but to me it really isn't necessary and if it's necessary to you there you go JJ's got you covered but I think the message of Ryan's story is far more compelling than offering a literal hereditary explanation for Rey's abilities JJ seems more concerned with the nitty-gritty while Ryan seems more interested in the mythos the interesting themes that the story can twist in fascinating unexpected ways now with that said race lion is not perfect in this movie cuz I never said this was an amazing movie overall because it is not I hate the way she gets shafted from the narrative in the climax she has nothing to do but shoot from the Falcon and lift some rocks I get that the climax is focused on Luke and kylo but her excitement and upbeat attitude is so jarring which she was just hit with such a devastating truth maybe that's why the they were nobodies revealed didn't sink in for me cuz the movie probably forgets about it in the climax and that's wildly disappointing Luke had to let the reality of his heritage sink in and it devastated him Rey seems pretty over it even though find out who her parents were was kind of the entire crux of her character for the past two movies James I was told to edit the prose but all you're giving me right now are cons Oh see where this movie's hard to like it always manages to ruin great ideas like burnin roses Casino subplot is honestly just as bad as people say it is if not worse I don't have a problem with a casino in Star Wars it's a neat idea to see the 1% and see how they're exploiting the poor and in a pressed galaxy anyway let's talk about Rose real quick I've said this before but I love this first scene with her it's powerful that she's mourning her dead sister whose death I didn't care about because they waited until now after she's dead to establish their bond when one scene between the two of them before the mission started would have been perfect I guess if Ryan added that scene we wouldn't have time for Poe to prank call general huckleberry but we can't just not have that in the movie anyway page his death does absolutely nothing for me but I really feel for Rose here and I love how adorable she is as this fan girl who's really starstruck by Finn it's a cute character trait that is thrown in the garbage because she becomes action girl with nauseating dialogue for the rest of the movie anyway they devised an idiotic plan and escaped to the casino and this really undermines the entire dramatic crux of the story if Finn and Rose can easily sneak away on this little pod that has Lightspeed then why doesn't the entire resistance do that they got away with no one noticing Leia says herself that the first order is not monitoring four little transports each pod could probably fit like 20 people on it it'd be a little cramped but this is such a better solution than hoping the first order doesn't realize they went to the jaw it's all planet right there am I missing something because it feels like no one ever talks about this when it effectively renders 2/3 in the movie entirely pointless please tell me if there's a line of dialogue somewhere that explains why this isn't a viable option I really need to know anyway y'all know the rest Finn and Rose fail because they are stupid they parked their resistance shuttle out in the open on the beach and frankly they're lucky that this is the only one who had a problem with that first order sympathizers seem to be everywhere on this galaxy an urgent mission to find the code breaker turns in the Finn galkin and all that stuff while Rose gives a lengthy lecture about the ethics of space horses while say in a really corny line straight out of a George Lucas script I wish I could put my fist through this whole lousy beautiful tone that's the most horrible thing I've ever heard bb-8 is the only one concerned about this mission and actually doing his part and again this entire sequence is just so totally inappropriate given the oppressive atmosphere in the other plot lines Empire Strikes Back did not have awkward slapstick juxtaposed with Luke training on Dagobah and Han and Leia escaping the Empire how exactly is this movie as good as Empire Strikes Back when a third of it is basically Attack of the Clones the entire casino subplot actively harms the pace tone atmosphere and purpose of the other two plot lines but you know what it's okay because Rose had fun and it's all good because they saved the animals you know I like the idea behind the final scene of the movie in execution it just feels like an ad for galaxy's edge but still ending the movie with some force-sensitive child looking out into space and standing as a new hope that's really cool but it was not worth this film breaking nonsense oh also DJ is a stupid character I hate his weird stutter I hated his betrayal as meant to be a subversion when so blatantly obvious I hate that it's a waste of a great actor can't abide sucks every time I cut back to Ray and Luke I thought to myself oh thank god we're back to the real movie anyway back to the real movie [Music] ryan johnson delivered a hot mess of a script but i don't think anyone can really doubt his directing abilities after seeing this movie it is gorgeous from beginning to end one of my favorite little touches is this establishing shot where you see a ship that looks like an iron touching down and you pull back and realize oh it was an iron i like that luke's training sessions with rey feel very avant-garde for Star Wars the many somber shots of Leia speak volumes without saying any words the design of crate is absolutely inspired with the streaks of red salt juxtaposed with the white crown looking truly phenomenal cinematography wise this film blows most other big blockbusters away in fact my favorite shot in all of Star Wars is this one the red salt symbolizing the blood-soaked battlefield from the massacre that the first order just committed and Luke's just gonna walk out into it and stare them all down spectacular but we'll talk about the climax more later I also love the way the force voice chat scenes are shot and edited the sound design on them is great as is the way ray and Kyle Oh almost connect before Luke bust their sleepover wide-open I also have to give props to the actors for really selling a lot of the garbage dialogue there's really not a bad performance in the bunch once you separate the characters from the acting maybe Laura Dern is a little miscast but otherwise everyone gives their a-game and their connections with each other feels so natural even Finn and Rose have good platonic chemistry before Ryan massacred the goodwill I have for their relationship and I think it's no surprise that Adam driver absolutely carries this franchise on his broad shoulders he has the one consistently great character in all three of these movies and that's cuz he sells kylos anguish and emotional torment perfectly a regardless of how he was written I think it's hard to argue that Mark Hamill's best performances Luke Skywalker is in this movie he portrays so much of Luke's inner torment so well one last thing in case you had any doubts about Ryan's directing abilities just look at the Lightspeed Ram I kind of didn't want to talk about this because I truly don't have a defense for it from a lore perspective but holy SH it's the most visually striking an astounding thing I've ever seen in a Star Wars movie having every dramatic beat converge in this one spectacular is on real from a filmmaking perspective this scene as a 12 out of 10 if you hate it because it breaks Star Wars conventions that's fair it probably does but I thought about it and the thing is I really don't care so whatever good job hold oh I wish I could say that about anything else you do hold Oh impose plotline is asinine I want to get this part over with as quickly as possible because this is easily the part of the movie I hate the most and I don't feel like talking about it bottom line is Poe was in the wrong I get why hold oh didn't tell him the plan he's untrustworthy and potentially dangerous got it but the problem is she doesn't tell anyone the plan Poe had four people on his side with this and they're not all untrustworthy hotshot Flyboys they also wanted to know what was going on whole dough is a bad leader plain and simple this never should have gotten to the point where a mutiny took place and there's a simple solution to this problem that everyone has already brought up all whole dough needed to say was that they were concerned about a spy and that's why the plan was top-secret in fact cutting canto bite entirely and making this about Finn Rossum Poe trying to find the mole within the resistance would have been so much better when Huck's first said they had the resistance tied to the end of a string I got really intrigued I thought there was some sort of interesting betrayal in store but now it's just the boring lice bee tracker that Snoke for some reason had no knowledge of are you not in charge of this entire first order why was this news to you did anyone proofread this scrip anyway yeah Poe and hold oh we're both in the wrong as the story is now but the movie is firmly on the white lady's side instead of the guatemalan man that's a bit questionable but oh well you know what making you're only prominent latino character into a hot head that constantly needs to be put in his place by white people isn't good but at least they didn't add a backstory where he was a drug running criminal in his adolescence can you imagine I mean at least Poe learns a lesson as a tangible arc I guess whatever back to not terrible stuff the squad I called this segment to tackle busbar because it's about the three characters who chilled on Jackyl but at some point in time Luke Yoda r2d2 these are some of the best scenes in Star Wars not just this movie I love force awakens but boy does it love to throw a nostalgia all over the place with no rhyme or reason oh boy it's the training ball as seen in attack of the clones and some other movie I'm forgetting oh look it's the chessboard as seen in solo a Star Wars story and maybe something else I'm not sure nostalgia runs rampant in this movie but last Jedi is much more subdued and smart about it when Luke enters the Falcon of reunites with our two that's already a really powerful moment because of how prominently these two were best buds in the original trilogy and when Luke tells r2 he isn't coming back to the fight rejecting the call to adventure in a sense are to place him the message that got him into the fight in the first place this is honestly one of the most touching things in all of Star Wars this is how you organically weave nostalgia into your story this is brilliance but the Yoda scene has grown to perhaps be my favorite in the entire film even though I still think the puppet looks weird but you know it's better than the Phantom Menace puppet so sure I guess so Yoda is the perfect character to talk some sense into Luke and get him to realize the value of failure and what it can teach us how we can grow from and move past those traumatic experiences how we should let the younger generation carve their own paths without having to rely on us for guidance all the time the score visuals and writing all come together to make a profoundly touching moment that briefly makes you forget the issues this movie has it's such a valuable dramatic scene and its beauty should not go overlooked the sacred Jedi tacks [Music] I think you people really misunderstand the problem with this scene the fact that Leia knows how to use the Force and could survive space as a result is not the issue I have no trouble believing her fight-or-flight force reflexes kicked in here the airlock thing is a logistical problem but I can get over that too what I hate here is that such a potentially beautiful scene is ruined by such an awkward unintentionally funny visual like I don't know what they could do to make this look good but holy guacamole this is not how you do it again I must stress Leia surviving space using the force is a-ok on paper it just looks like garbage and on my first viewing it was the moment I decided that this movie was not gonna work for me also I will forever be disappointed with the deletion of two crucial scenes Luke reacting to the death of Han which is pretty self-explanatory it's heartbreaking and as is he just asks where's Han and it cuts to kylo like the story just wants to get on with itself and not take any time for character drama really weird even worse is the deletion of Finn's confrontation with Captain phasma where he berates her for lowering the shields of Starkiller base leaving her to kill her own troops before they turn on her it's badass and gives one of the lamest scenes from force awakens a ton of retroactive purpose it's such an awesome moment but without if Finn couldn't have called her chrome-dome that's way more important and you know it but you know what enough mixing the positives and negatives let's give some actual mixed thoughts this one just genuinely confuses me everyone raves about the fight with the Praetorian guards like it's the greatest fight scene and all of Star Wars and I'm not here to nitpick the choreography or anything though that's certainly doable all I have to say is it's a pretty good extremely pointless battle it has one cool narrative purpose showcasing a team-up between ray and Kyle oh okay that's pretty badass and that first long take establishes that idea really well but after that it literally has the same level of emotional investment as the Darth Maul fight in Phantom Menace scratch that it has less [Music] these guys have the same amount of character as pre Clone Wars Darth Maul they are cool visuals and nothing else what are they even fighting for anyways Snoke is already dead just move on with your lives guys you're clearly no match for two of the most powerful force users in the entire saga look the fight school they've got cool weapons I like when kylo shreds the dude and it stabs a guy in the head with a lightsaber goes Zoom Zoom it's pretty cool but again it's cool in the prequel sense where the fights mean nothing because there's no investment in the character dynamics I'll take the Darth Maul fight any day simply because it looks cooler and also do love me but again I still like the throne-room fight because it also looks cool and that's it I don't know please leave me comments about this scene in particular I genuinely really want to know why y'all are so obsessed with it so the climax brings all of our characters together actually let me be more specific because there's kind of two climaxes the first climax is amazing like I said earlier the second climax on crate is amazing when it focuses on the characters who have been amazing the whole movie it's not when Rose says the single worst line in Star Wars this side of the prequels let's start from the beginning Rose and Finn accidentally their way into the base at the end look around and Rose says is this all that's left yeah thanks to you two side note though isn't it kind of bonkers that their plan actually would have worked if it wasn't for BB 90 give that droid a raise he effectively massacred 90% of the resistance but Finn arose don't learn a lesson at all despite getting so many other friends and comrades killed hell even though Poe learned his lesson he still gets no repercussions for this awful plan Leia just says yeah you can follow him now he learned his lesson but like earlier he was demoted for letting 20 people die he should be expelled from the resistance order anyway the climax so the action here is fine blah blah blah then we get to Finn's big sacrifice I'm glad he learned to lay down his life for the resistance rather than running away but apparently it's just the thought of doing that that counts cuz we get a fake-out death which should have killed rose and Finn but okay then this is what effectively killed Rose for a lot of the same non racist fans she Rob's fin of a really powerful moments a scene I was really invested in on my first viewing in the movie all because apparently it's more important to save what we love rather than fight what we hate but she acts as if those things are mutually exclusive they're not hold oh literally fought what she hated in order to save what she loved she got her big heroic sacrifice moment and it was great Luke actually does win the day by saving what he loves and not fighting what he hates which is pretty neat thematically but it doesn't excuse the wildly inappropriate use of this line given the destruction occurring immediately behind them and the awkward kiss is a cherry on top of this disgusting sundae some people say Finn's sacrifice would have been pointless and a ship wouldn't have stopped a laser but you could easily write it so it would Rose is trying to convey that living to fight another day is more important than a short-term sacrifice but it contradicts the actions of hold oh and Luke whose sacrifice is directly contribute to the survival of the resistance it is a line at war with itself it's also important to consider where Finn and Rose end up in the next movie taking this moment into accounts I wholeheartedly contend that Finn died in here with his main rival already dispatched as arc fulfilled would have been a stronger storytelling decision than keeping him alive it would have been a truly shocking development that would have given his character some meaning I say this because Finn is a complete afterthought in the rise of Skywalker he could be cut from the movie with not much changing a talented writer could have given him a new compelling arc but look who we're dealing with I like the idea of him encouraging other deserters in the first order but this has never expanded upon he is unfortunately rendered worthless in this movie and this entire trilogy more or less I believe his sacrifice here would have given some worth to his story and I think it would have been so interesting to then build a central trio out of ray Poe and Rose would it be sad to never see Finn and Rey interact again especially after ray said they would see each other again in force awakens yes yes it would which is exactly the same remorse we feel for Luke and Han I think that's the profound sense of loss that this ending sorely lacked all these nameless resistance members are dead but we don't know them personally Luke died but no one's ever really gone so it's no biggie he can just force ghost his Wayne's in the next movie and sure hold o died but that's enough about Finn though let's talk about rose undoubtedly the biggest victim of fan backlash in Star Wars history I truly believe the venomous hatred for Rose Tico would not have been so significant if she were written better don't get me wrong there's so many racist sexist pieces of garbage out there who exclusively hated her character because they're the scum of humanity actors and writers never deserve to be harassed for portraying or writing a character that people don't like like seriously what is wrong with you people but it's reasonable to claim that Rose was simply not a well-written character and her inclusion drives an unnecessary wedge between Finn and Poe two characters with great chemistry who many fans myself included were disappointed as he separated I actually wrote in the first very first draft I wrote of it like Poe went with Finn on the mission to Kanto bite and the two of them were going to be together on the mission and it didn't work at all because those two get along too well and so it was just really boring I thought Rosa's monologues and romantic inclinations towards Finn were inappropriate to the context of the dramatic story and this line in the climax was truly the nail in the coffin for me I did not consider Rose to be a well-written character but I said the same thing about Elsa in frozen one and oh look I was excited at the prospect of her being written better and frozen too and I thought she was so I was actually mildly excited to see more of Rose Tico I hope she would win me over this time moreover I was happy to see that she already won a lot of fans over in the last Jedi I didn't get it but I also didn't care cuz liking her character is a harmless and understandable opinion anyway I was excited to see Rose play a significant supporting role in the rise of Skywalker and she got less than 90 seconds of screen time why because man babies on the internet didn't like her what about the people who fell in love with her character and wanted to see more of her what about the people with reasonable complaints about her actions and dialogue who wanted to see her become better this is the part where you write her better and win people over a lot of people didn't like ahsoka at first but instead of writing around the show they made her better they allowed her to grow as a person develop a less childish personality and become a more mature well-rounded character to the point where she is now a fan favorite I wanted to see ROS become a fan favorite but instead JJ Abrams and the screenwriter of Justice League gave in to hate don't give in to hates that leads to the shark side as in the side of shark tail as then I'd rather rewatch shark tail than your shitty-ass movie JJ no Fink implead in his entire story arc in the second movie and Rose did something really stupid why do I like this climax again oh yeah Luke this is when the climax gets insanely good Luke's farewell to Leia is incredibly powerful and resonant I especially love his line no one's ever really gone since it's a touching sentiment despite being turned into a meme seriously I hate when youtubers turn potentially emotional and harrowing lines of dialogue into memes like come on that was their mistake also the wink to Threepio is everything I could have hoped for so with that striking cinematography an amazing score in tow Luke prepares to face the entire first order down in the ultimate Power Move kylos rage and resentment is perfectly illustrated by the massive overkill he sets forth which inspires one of the three jokes in the movie actually like do you think you got him but Luke remains undeterred still standing Luke and Kyle exchanged some words and prepared a fight all while Poe realizes the importance of what Luke is doing he probably should have told him that was his plan but that doesn't make for compelling cinema so whatever but yeah Poe understands that Luke is allowing them to fight another day and become a symbol of hope it's really cool that Luke despite resenting his status is a legend throughout the entire movie now realizes that there is a place in the galaxy for legends and that his noble sacrifice will inspire hope and eventually peace his arc is absolutely beautiful and it all comes to a head in this final showdown with kylo while I personally would have loved to see the Jedi Order ends with Rey forging a new order there is something so powerful about Luke emboldened with an optimistic view of the future proudly stating that he will not be the last Jedi this is the first movie in Star Wars history to drop its title within the film and it does so masterfully Luke then encourages kylo to do what Vader did to obi-wan strike him down as a diversion kylo takes the bait only defines Luke's astral projection ability is so cool why didn't he come to the planet himself uh he would have got shot to pieces remember when Coleman Trevor tried to kill Count Dooku and then Jango Fett just shot him a couple times and he died imagine that but with 1080 ATS he showed off a cool force power in one the day he probably would have died even if he did come down to the planet what's the difference between him being or not being on the planet this movie has so many problems they get you people complain about the weirdest things and yeah I've said this before but I love Luke's death scene I'm a little confused why he takes his robot hands with him to the afterlife but this twin sons gazing is just so profound it gives his story so much more meaning and beauty again a profound artistic use of nostalgia I wish JJ knew the meaning of those words I hate to end on a con but that's how the movie ends so yeah the happy feel-good reunion on the Falcon as it travels through Lightspeed just irks me rey finn and rose miserably failed and it didn't seem to affect them whatsoever 90% of the resistance is dead and everyone is happy i famously made this comparison before but imagine infinity war ending with all the remaining Avengers hugging and congratulating themselves for surviving this fact imagine Tony and nebula flying home super fast playing paper football in good spirits that's how last Jedi ends it shouldn't try to make you feel good the reality of this horrific day should be setting in and I wholeheartedly believe this is a byproduct of Disney's influence and in a Star Wars movie in a sad way is bad for business hyperspace Adventure Time Marvel can do what they want though they already made us enough money that they earned one sad ending Star Wars still has to meet its quota but you know what I'll end on something positive anyway I know I said the broom boy ending was corny which it is but it still shows that a hero could rise from anywhere from extremely humble beginnings much like Rey it's a great idea but a not very good execution which is a consistent theme throughout the entire movie I want to love the last Jedi over the course of the past two years I've kind of come around to this movie in a similar character arc to Luke's after my first viewing I felt underwhelmed upset annoyed disappointed I had no interest in seeing what came next and I truly believed that it was time for Star Wars to end I started teaching my pupils why the legacy of this film was failure hypocrisy hubris but since then I've had people talk some sense into me teach me things about the film I never considered I realized that there's a sense of truth of purpose of beauty that I couldn't fully grasp at first nothing will ever make up for its flaws much like nothing will ever erase the failure of the Jedi Order but it does enough right that I'm glad it exists and managed to inspire people it taught me a valuable lesson that there's a certain excellence in failure this movie failed to take many of the storylines and force awakens in exciting directions it concluded everyone's character arcs and left no intriguing plot threads for a third film to work with it frustrated bored or irritated me more often than the average Star Wars film I personally do not consider this to be a very good film overall and yet without its failure I never would have gotten amazingly directed and shot sequences like these in Star Wars I never would have appreciated seeing Mark Hamill's tremendous acting chops in live-action I never would have been intrigued by Rian Johnson as a filmmaker and seeked out his other works I never would have seen some incredibly bold risky and ultimately brilliant storytelling that pushed the boundaries of what Star Wars could accomplish I would not have reconsidered my feelings on this movie had rise of Skywalker not left me so empty so devoid of investment in any way I found its filmmaking sterile its storytelling baffling its ideas uninspired and its essence Hollow and aside from the baffling storytelling I can't say any of those things about last Jedi it's a mess on so many levels but it's a beautiful mess one that I'm happy I experienced at the end of the day I can watch this movie and have a good time like I can with any Star Wars movie that is an attack of the clones what dare I say I might consider this movie pretty good if I fast forward the kanto bite stuff with that gone I can tolerate Poe and hold those dance of deception cuz the focus is now on a beautiful story of regret sorrow and failure it hits hard seeing our childhood hero go through this self-inflicted trial of will maybe that's not what you wanted from him and that's okay but I'm happy I got to see this it was beautiful feel free to disagree feel free to feel any way you want about this movie as long as you don't harass anyone because at the end of the day it's just a movie arguing about Star Wars is what we grow beyond that is the true burden of all fans as I enjoy this delightful warmth I'd like to thank Skillshare for sponsoring this video Skillshare is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning with so much to explore real projects to create and the support of fellow creatives Skillshare empowers you to accomplish real growth they offer classes designed for real life so you can move your creative journey forward without putting life on hold you can learn and grow with short classes that fit your busy routine you can explore all sorts of topics such as film and video creative writing animation graphic design and much more join millions of people using skill share and take the next step in your creative journey explore thousands of inspiring classes that fit your schedule and skill level one of my favorite classes is DIY cinematography make your video look like a movie by Ryan booth as someone with a keen interest in visually stunning movies and how directors achieve such looks this class taught me so much about 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Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 995,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, The Last Jedi, Star Wars, Luke Skywalker, Rey, Kylo Ren, Rose Tico, Holdo, Leia
Id: qlOnKW_gFLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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