Revisiting The Last Jedi (and why it's alright)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Schaffrillas Productions
Views: 995,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schaffrillas Productions, The Last Jedi, Star Wars, Luke Skywalker, Rey, Kylo Ren, Rose Tico, Holdo, Leia
Id: qlOnKW_gFLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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r/saltierthankrayt: TLJ is a movie that exists.
r/saltierthancrait: I HATE YOU!!
I'm myself love the Last Jedi (it is my third favourite Star Wars film after Empire Strikes Back and a New Hope), and I disagree with a few of his points (and find a few of the others not enough for me to not love the film), but I can see the point from which he comes.
This is good criticism.
I also thought Cosmonaut Variety Hours take on the sequel trilogy was pretty well done
This kid is like a half inch from getting it. There's a number of logical contradictions (e.g., recognizing that holdo could have told poe the plan but didn't and promptly complaining about how they didn't just plan to sneak away to the salt planet like wtf that was the plan) that I don't understand how you can make these criticisms and miss the crucial points.
I bet $100 in 5-10 years when he's had more like experience, he'll love tlj.
As an aside, I think he included every clip with yonnic symbolism in tlj in his criticism, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was completely unaware of it.
I do kind of agree that replacing Finn with rose would have been interesting and probably a net positive effect on tros. But I really enjoy the thematic elements with rose saving Finn.
Agree whole heartedly with leia Poppins. Loved the scent conceptually but it's just off in presentation.
Overall 8/10 at least trying to give an honest opion. I think he's wrong about a lot of the complaints, but I have faith he'll grow up and recognize the flaws in some of his complaints (or at least recognize that they are really rooted in tfa).
Not sure if this really fits in this sub, but thanks for the video recommendation. I'm, uh... sort of addicted to TLJ videos.
Shiny boi is actually good. I may disagree but that doesnβt change that this is the best negative tlj review