I Made 300 TINY Players Simulate Civilization in Minecraft

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300 tiny minecraft players are trapped in a huge minecraft house and are forced to try and simulate a tiny civilization the players are split up into five teams the kitchen team the seller team the living room team the bedroom team and the garden team it was entirely up to the players to elect a leader build a tiny base and eventually wage war against the other rooms to take over the house this will be incredibly challenging as the players are in hardcore mode so if they die they'll be dead forever will the different rooms band together to survive or will they descend into chaos sit back relax and pick a team to root for as i present to you minecraft civilization tiny edition we start our story in the living room where the citizens had gathered around a player named sailor's bounty then they encouraged him to make a speech speak speak sailor guys i believe we can win this i have complete faith in all of us sell a team that's the pdp is kitchen has the anarchist what do we have we have the cult of sailors let's do this the people now rowing to go began dismantling the surrounding living room sailors bounty at this point was effectively declared the living room's popular dictator gathering iron for our glorious leader and so people showered him with loot they had collected nothing less for our glorious leader thus making him the richest person in the living room but he wasn't selfish he gave most of it back to the people i have two blocks and 15 ingots which you can have wait if all the people are giving their resources to the state and the state is equally distributing it back to their people isn't that my lord i've written a book for you oh really it wasn't all perfect in the living room though despite sailor's efforts to create a fierce society a dispute broke out over some stolen iron we share everything but yeah um stuff like that just kind of make sure that it's not just being sold just ask me it's fine no you don't don't worry about it it's not going to the world leader anything that would make you unhappy is the end of the world down below the living room in the cellar the team contained two dangerous individuals beebag and wilding the ruthless duo who'd led their team to victory in my dimension video were keen to get a head start to seize power whilst most players ventured over to the double chest furnaces and barrels to collect materials oh my goodness oh there was so much evan got lucky and discovered a diamond pickaxe on top of a crafting table diamond blocks achieved this gave me back a real loot advantage early on over the other cellar residents meanwhile players quickly discovered the cello is full of secret rooms and hidden treasures however this loot wouldn't be easy to acquire ah there's vindicators the bookshelf don't go in there another player accidentally let a small army of pillagers out of one of the crafting tables okay i opened the vent guitars oh holy crap hell on the other side of the cellar wadi discreetly mess it with back to discuss how they would seize power listen no one trusts us from the past videos so we need a new strategy to gain power what kind of strategy we need a puppy leader someone that gets elected that we can control behind the scenes pulling the strings from the shadows huh i like the sound of that up on the top floor of the house the bedroom team sprung into action with half their players breaking through the doorway and venturing into the corridor wow look at this place in which they came across some giant armor stands some brave players towered up and scavenged valuable near the right blocks from the armor back in the bedroom a player named the movie senpai had started a religious cult that worshipped a mural of me that was on the ceiling oh praise the ceiling man please don't worship me my lord here is some watermelon as a sacrifice one player threw a trident at me i i actually would try it out please forgive us lord marcus over in the kitchen the players had a bit of a rough start after looting the double chest crafting table and barrels they soon discovered they had to watch out for blazers and magma cubes from the furnaces oh yeah and this guy was killed by the cake hold on wait guys guys i can't get out no the bravest players were the first to tower up and explore the high levels with the wants to find all the best loot whilst another player four craft had discovered that there were stray spawners in the fridge these three starts so we transformed the fridge into a fully functional xp grinder then a player named yellow tiger came across an axolotl in the sink axolotl this one estellato couldn't possibly lead to a cult right i want to carry you until the day i die over in the garden the players started by punching a huge log collecting iron blocks from tools then gathering materials from the barrels a smaller group of players meanwhile had joined over to the other side where they discovered the garden's only chest which contained most of their small supply of diamonds despite most players sharing armor oh thank you a plane named leisurely had been mining up most of the diamonds for himself leisurely i see you've already got a full set of diamond armor what's your plan i'm going to take over this nation by whatever means necessary back in the cellar the citizens had a big problem oh there's loads of vexes the chalmer table contained a library of evokers which if left alone would continually spawn vexes leading to more deaths guys we needed kid those vindicators our guys are dying so to win favor with the population beeback and wardy staged an assault on the enchantment table to defeat the evokers despite the few deaths the attack was successful i killed all of the summoners let's go be back my god just went b-bag and welding thought they'd won over the masses guys don't listen to beebag bagging wilding remember what they did in previous events you actually make a good point in response to this turn of events beebag and welding decided to meet up in the corner of the cellar hey uh god from thane what's up oh hey guys so i got a proposition so listen you have two you have two choices right now you either drop your gear and become our puppet leader what why because no one's gonna pick us as a leader from the previous events they don't like us but if you don't you're gonna die where you stand and no one will remember you hey fine i'll do it just leave me alone though over in the living room sailor's glorious communist dictatorship was working out great they had run out of food i don't have any food uh what do we have any food but despite that fact the people actually banded together and managed to pull through it just to say that there's no hard feelings i got you don't worry don't worry all right unfortunately despite things looking up the living room team was down to around 39 players which made them the weakest team to fix that they discussed the possible formation of an alliance with the seller team i think we just need to combine with stella so an elizabeth cellar is entirely possible i can already tell there's gonna be a mass war who would dare go against our glorious leader up on top of the giant fish tank which happened to be full of guardians and drown they fell on a shulker box full of tridents oh my god geez then one of the players fell in the fish tank oh my god guys oh please calm down i'm dead i'm dead goodbye he's gonna die he's gonna die meanwhile in the garden leisurely had been recruiting more followers to his course however he didn't think they looked menacing enough with what they had so he went over to kinetically who'd been gathering animals hey can we have a few of your horses yeah sure and with that the horsemen had been formed horse force force their first act was to go and plunder the nation's chess hey you guys can just steal everything yeah we can and because of this thievery anti-horseman propaganda began to spread fast the military of each nation would now be tested as it was time for the raid event while the players attempt to survive the raid i'm going to tell you about the sponsor of this video dragon city is a free-to-play mobile game that's available on all devices where you can collect thousands of dragons with different rarities and build your own empire you can collect food gold and gems to level up and personalize your own dragon city to grow your floating empire you can breed together two dragons to create a new dragon species you can then hatch your eggs and feed your baby dragons to evolve them you can also train your dragons teach them new attacks and even bring them into battle for them to become even more powerful i die or you can take part in pvp battles in the master arena where you can challenge your friends and face other dragon masters there's even alliances where you can work together with other dragon masters and exclusive team events to unlock special chess with awesome rewards inside dragon city is a divine past in which you can receive extra goals and even more rewards oh my god you can also complete exciting weekly mini games to claim daily prizes to catch new dragons and you can even find youtubers in dragon city like george not found and dream you should definitely download the game by clicking the link down below or scanning the qr code as you'll get a special reward of 30 000 gold 15 000 food as well as a very rare elder mountain dragon oh my god everyone push forward in the kitchen all the players climbed up onto the safety of the central island however that didn't stop one player from drowning in the tap i'm drowning and drowning oh a lot of the survivors ran for their lives and hid from the invaders once the dust had settled the true extent of the destruction was revealed yellow both got nuked my goodness that redevent just like wiped out half of us building competition every civilization will build their own tiny base and the city will be judged and they'll receive rewards or maybe punishments over in the living room players were still in shock over how many teammates they had lost during the raid we got massacred a little bit it turns out the sailors living room dictatorship was actually doing the least living out of all the teams despite this sailor encouraged his teammates to start building right so we just need to keep building the base that we currently have the first thing they built was a gold cross to honor their fallen teammates they also built something suspicious you said it wasn't among us and this is clearly among us no it's from a mobile game i found bro the living room players were pretty happy with what they built honestly i think our base is really good and so they stopped building and began discussing their low play account problem bedroom honestly they double us and they've got another right we're screwed if they decide to attack us first should we start sucking up the seller i like the we'll suck up the seller and we'll be fine just type stellar heart in the in the chat i like this plan then they began negotiating with stella team to form an alliance hey right guy how are you doing buddy i don't really understand what's going on if i'm being honest we we are scared we don't have many people left we need the stability that seller provides and we love seller we we we are just the cheerleaders for sellers well fontaine what do you think yeah i'm alright with us having some more soldiers as the unofficial leader of living room we accept your tongue welcome aboard we need to make a shrine we love you all right the living room seller alliance was now officially formed over in the bedroom the players were also mourning the loss of their teammates all of red team got smited however their leader namoo senpai persuaded them to start building i say we build an altar so they climbed up onto the bed and construction of the great melon shrine began once they built a podium stand the moon declared himself emperor of the bedroom team hello everybody i am now the watermelon emperor and i shall lead you all to victory and surprisingly everyone supported him oh hell lord melon he then laid out his plan to the people uh first declaration is that marcus second of all watermelon is our country's greatest watermelon thank you thank you down in the cellar the players were planning out their city maybe we can make cobblestone paths connecting the building then they got to work collecting materials and constructing their cellar bays wilding meanwhile was going around the city placing pro-godfontaine propaganda in order to try and get their puppet leader some public support over by the furnaces b-bag was hard at work killing magma cubes for xp to get even stronger gear to help him obtain power over in the garden everyone had been working together to renovate the sandbox and it was looking really good the farm had been expanded and now they had a windmill too a player named yanashi had also built a bar for social gatherings all right people we're open for business there were houses made from surrounding materials and they made a stage for speeches meanwhile the horsemen were recruiting more people to their cause a dreadful want to join the horsemen sure does that mean i also get a horse the kitchen nation had split in two there was the furnace faction who were building a castle on top of one of the furnaces then there was the colter door siding founded by yellow tiger who were building a cult hangout by the kitchen door the furnace people were aiming to create a more conventional democratic society whilst the cult by the door worshipped the axolotl from the sink which they named door siding they had even set up a whole load of strict religious rules that the members had to follow at all times as the sign says i am the doorman i stare into the doormat and the doormat stares back yellow tiger the priest of this cult wrote a document that they called it the bible which laid out the story of their idol daughter the doorside in colt however wasn't happy with how many followers they had you know what guys we should go on a crusade and force everyone to worship josiah so they began talks with the furnace faction in an attempt to sway them to the doorside in religion hello there gentlemen will you accept door sign as your lord and savior by chance sure we'll happily worship the poseidon with a degree that does it would become the official religion of the kitchen nation it was decided they would all embark on a pilgrimage they would like us to come to the village and all touch the sort of sacred doormat once the furnace fashioned he'd listen to the bible reading axolotl splashes they're officially part of the cult it was after the initiation that they were suddenly under attack the horsemen from the garden team were firing arrows at the doorside and players hey uh everyone garden team is kind of firing on us right now this wasn't the only content the kitchen they should hand with another team during building they also began negotiating an alliance with the bedroom team i'm the bedroom leader so i i came here to talk what have you brought me in here to say we want to form a line to though the guard team out of nowhere just started firing arrows at us so they are clearly a threat yeah if we could become a united nation i'm down sounds good if we join with bedroom we'll be half the server in the cellar it was time for me to judge their base so they took me on the tour and here we have the hamburger house and this is uh well it's a felon what else do you want me to say marcus and this is our incredibly handsome statue remind you of anyone this is the local mcdonald's the best food in the whole cellar this is our amazing watchtower as you can see you can go up the ladder or apparently not i'm stuck isn't very functional yeah if we don't get first place over in the garden after being taken on a tour of the infrastructure i had a quick interview with the horseman so uh what are you guys up to we're gonna take power pretty soon i mean uh protect society then the players invited me to attend the funeral of their dear friend jolly tinsel who had been killed in the raid jolly is one of the only members that died here lies wait what was his name again his name was jolly oh yeah jolly he was an important part of our nation he made many great contributions like you know what never mind let their last not be in vain for the garden gang shall honor their loss by becoming the strongest room now it was time to judge the living room dictatorship space are you currently naming the castle yeah what are you going to call it uh i i mean it's definitely not sucking up in any way this is i don't know what i'm gonna think about you spell my name wrong i don't worry all about i never named the kingdom they were actually trying to deceive me and we're dedicating their base to the cellar instead of me secretly this is actually all for summer yes over in the bedroom construction was really coming along the mooi senpai that took me on a tour of what his nation had built builders did an amazing job uh we've got our shrine we've got our shrine i've got a little throne for you to sit on it wow this is a very watermelon themed ah then you come along over here we've got this uh uh yeah and you got this yeah and then we've got this amazing little altar where uh i the emperor shall decree that watermelon is love watermelon is life easy wisdom the first nation to receive their reward was the seller hey guys i'm here to give you a reward for the bill competition congratulations you came in first place nobody open it if anyone opens it just kill them they didn't allow anyone else access to the chest we'll go look three three two one oh my god once they had looted the chest be back got out his fortune pickaxe i have fortune two and used it to greatly multiply their supply of diamonds this left b bag and welding with a significant amount of leverage over the other players the players then formed an orderly queue to receive their diamonds alloys i'll give you nine diamonds wow thanks so much this system was perfect for b-bag and welding as it established them as the ones in control hello garden team i'm here to give you your reward i'm just gonna be honest i don't think we won well actually you did great congrats on second place unfortunately society kind of broke down once they received their award why is nobody giving me any diamonds everyone just grabbed what they could in an absolute frenzy look this guy took all the loot a plane named marco had managed to get his hands on a valuable toast movement dying from the chest and i've had enough of the bickering between his team i'm gonna go run my own civilization and so he towed his way up into the tree ah this will do nicely then he constructed a throne room where he could rule over all of his subjects some could say he had spent a little too much time alone wait mr scarecrow is that you oh wait no it's nothing i thought i was going insane for a second mr horse marco you need serious psychiatric help i'm happy to say that you guys came in third place then they pledged to give the best stuff to whoever was elected leader the diamonds and the enchanting books will go to whoever becomes leaders sound good even though i did like their youtuber logo i thought the rest of their base wasn't great so they were going to get a bit of a surprise so you guys came in place piglet first everyone run oh my oh my fourth god they're coming how come we only got fourth place living room team was incredibly confident that they'd done well guys i believe in us i think we have this i think last place will get the punishment and i don't think we're going to be lost this is pretty sick then after they saw what happened to the bedroom team oh wow the assumed bedroom team must have lost that's bedroom i think then it was time for me to give them their reward congratulations you guys came in last place guys this is why we built the walls living room team were very coordinated and they didn't lose a single player to the ravager the players were really confused as to how their cobblestone mess could have lost i want to see what everyone else is they have double our members so they probably have trouble it was now time for the mousehole event a secret passageway had opened up in each room the bedroom team was the first to discover their mouse hole two players vaughn and no just ventured through the end team passageways until they came across a deep chasm wait guys look there's electro at the end in order to get the elijah however they would have to park all their way over most players were hesitant to try the parkour but two of the bravest players 1991 and von kunsten decided to go for it and they were doing great until no oh i died bonkinson however successfully got to the other side and claimed the elites for his team right everyone over in the kitchen nation the place soon found a hidden tunnel under the stairs the whole nether in here okay wow which happened to be full of blazes which led to the unfortunate deaths of a couple of their members old herbert died in return for their struggles though they now had blaze rods which meant they could properly get their potion brewing started zelda knew exactly where their mouse hole was their game has been opened so they rushed straight there everybody and inside they found tons of wandering traders which saw one important item gunpowder which would help the seller team increase their stockpile of explosives oh my god i've got so much tnt bro as soon as the living room's mouse hole opened up sailor led an expedition to see what was in there however instead of walking down the tunnel to find their surprise they decided to break through the wall instead and found themselves in the garden where in the garden this is so nice the first contact between the two nations was very hostile yo allegedly is kind of intimidating i'm not gonna lie with the beau wielding garden nation firing arrows at the living room players however marco one of the garden players had the courage to go right up to the living room team and gave them some food as a peace offering sailor accepted this gift yeah we are we are here in peace as well then trading between the two nations ensued give you some food thank you very much a player named kinetically who seemed to be the gardener's most likely candidate for leader began negotiations with sailor so are you guys up for a non-aggression pact we're open to a non-aggression pact there's also one more thing though we want bows we have turtle helmets that we can give you in exchange for strength and try to see that's fine with me despite the formation of a non-aggression pack leisurely's horsemen from the garden team went and looted their living room take all their stuff and team are like looting everything we have run run run this angered sailor and so he murdered one of the horsemen's horses in retaliation i will be honest i did kill one of the horses these acts of course left the nations on bad terms i don't think we're teaming with living room anymore it was now time for each civilization to elect a leader firstly in the living room it wasn't really democratic per se all hail are glorious leader sailor however sailor kindly gave each player a rolling government treasure i'll be the treasurer okay yeah so we've got vice president the treasurer uh grocery what do you want to be i want to be a cult leader cult leader i'm glad with that we don't just have a leader we have a government then i officially crown sailors bounty of the glorious leader of the living room nation i would like to thank everyone for electing me we've got this team we've had this since the beginning we're going to win and we're going to hide from bedroom and kitchen yeah let's go over here we should come up with at least three candidates no more than five i have an idea guys wait wait see the bridge the other there's four podiums the way you vote should be standing on the podium if i were a leader i would probably just run it based off logic i would definitely make a cabinet of advisors so i've got my doormat if i if i was elected leader we would rule under the command of the one and only dormer and not only would we dominate the competition we will clean them off of our shoes we will win together because we are unified together under the our lord and savior dorsin to me one of the best things about being leader is you have to be with the people through anything thick and thin i will promise you this whoever is diplomatic go into war i will be there right by your side and we will show that in this whole entire house the kitchen team will run we will be the ones left-standing if you choose to vote for someone stand on their podium with them the players then began voting and it soon became clear that zombie warlord had won the election then i crown zombie the leader of the kitchen nation congratulations mate thank you all for electing bae and together with the power of dwarf sidon backing us we will show that the kitchen team is the best team there bedroom team didn't bother having a formal election please fellow citizens elect me as your leader and we shall rise with the watermelon as the people had accepted the mooi senpai as their emperor we have elected senpai congratulations namui i shall lead you all into victory head down in the cellar all right guys if i'm elected leader i will give you all the among us impossible then the actual speeches began we are going to execute uh wongfu if he is bad wait hold on we made an entire group of idiots into a normal civilization are you insulting us welding and be back knew that they had absolutely no chance of getting elected themselves so they did everything they could to make the population vote for god fontaine their puppet leader instead all these candidates are worthless we will win this with your guys support or not we are in need of a good leader someone who can keep us alive and bring out the best in us i can keep those promises vote for me and i'll make sure that we will not just survive but we'll thrive and be victorious then it was time to vote whoever you wanted to vote for step in front of and god from pain with the funny thing is if welding and b back hadn't tried to get god fontaine elected they probably would have just won themselves then like crown got fontaine the leader of the seller team and so she made her first declaration i'm going to make beatback and wildling my top generals these guys are experienced pvpers we should listen to them in the coming war there are people who want to take this all away from us they want to come into our land and kill all of us in our town are we gonna let them do that over in the garden kinetically was looking like she was gonna be elected leader and that of course wasn't okay with leisurely so we devised a plan to assassinate her i've got something to show you at the sandpit i'm on my way [Music] you know i think we need to find more cobblestone maybe some more building blocks wait what no i died with kinetically dead all that was left between leisurely and power was public support and he had the perfect plan a player named high villager taken a lot of the bill competition's rewards and the people weren't happy with him i believe it took everything and leisurely was going to use that to his advantage then it was time for all the candidates to convince the people to vote for them i've had contact with bedroom for a while now and if you elect me as your leader i'll form an alliance with us and bedroom you're an enemy spy then it was time for high village's speech i managed to get my hands on a whole load of enchanted books if you elect me as your leader i'll distribute them amongst you all hey after leslie's failed assassination attempt my villager was furious that was attempted murder we should exile him all high villager has done is steal everyone's hard-earned loot from the building competition i'm trying to give that loot back to the people who deserve it the people actually agree with him and they pressured home villager into giving up his loot okay fine i'll give it back this act gave leslie and his horsemen a lot of public support and so he was crowned the leader of the garden team thank you for electing me we shall ride our way to victory under the banner of the horsemen it was now time for all-out war between the different civilizations the first nation to act was the kitchen nation which immediately went on the offensive into the corridor the living room seeing warnings in the chat and very imminent invasion fled down the stairs into the cellar just narrowly avoiding the kitchen players ah a big chase the living room players hoped that desalination would honor their alliance and harbor them as refugees however initially after seeing all the incoming players the seller nation panicked and thought they were under attack stellar attacking us which seller are attacking locally a few citizens pointed out that it was in fact their allies do not kill people on yellow team they're our friends went up to greece sailor and his people hello you got the living room right yeah uh we're refugees then invite them down to the cellar floor everybody go down on yellow team okay the living room was empty so the kitchen players were treated back home where they met up with their allies the bedroom nation blue currently within your territory we can retreat to mine if you wish we can stand around here stay here build our defenses so if any of the three teams try coming at us we'll be ready over in the garden leslie's army met up with a few representatives from the bedroom team who wanted the garden nation to join the bedroom kitchen coalition hey we'll give you these books if you join our alliance sounds good to me however as soon as the bedroom plays left he unveiled his true intentions comrades we will not be joining them we want glory for the garden nation and no one else he decided to send one of his best pvps a player named rubrik over to the seller to scout out how much of a threat the other nations posed meanwhile he himself along with the other garden members ventured into an exposed pipe which they knew led straight to the kitchen nation oh my god i can see so many people it was there in that tunnel that they waited for the perfect time to launch their surprise attack down in the basement sailors bounty and his people were feeling a little uneasy as they weren't sure whether they could trust their new seller allies i have a bad feeling about this so do i it was then though that rubric the garden scout ambush one of the seller citizens screen's attacking him luckily the stellar player got away and in response the entire might of the seller living room coalition went off the rubric there's he's right there he's right there attack attack get him back however somehow rubrik actually got away from the huge army where's the green but he wasn't safe for long as he went after a living room player at the top of the stairs i'm so dead come back come back right now come back save me we're gonna kill him everybody this backfired on him and a chase ensued everybody get him oh oh my god someone killed him oh my god he's low and after a long pursuit they killed him once rubrik was executed by the angry mob while he spoke to all the people in the alliance this isn't just an attack this is a statement of war from green we'll be leading an expedition outside to garden everybody and so with everyone in the cellar living room coalition raring to go wilding led the massive army up the stairs and out of the cellar we have such huge numbers there's no way we lose immediately they came across a small force of kitchen players let's take them out which they swiftly murdered the few that survived ran for their lives back towards the kitchen and the entire cellar living coalition was close behind news of the massive incoming army reached the kitchen guys they're coming everyone gets ready everybody charged the door and so they took up defensive positions covering every side of the door b-bag and warding were the first to charge through the breach nice nice nice however they immediately saw just how many enemy players were waiting for them did you tell me what the team's right here and so they panicked go the coalition fractured with some people fleeing down the corridor whilst wilding beebag and sailor stood their ground did everybody stay here we can hold this entrance even though they knew they were heavily outnumbered they decided to launch the assault on the kitchen regardless and so the great war for the kitchen commenced uh my swords kill everybody that's not a yellow or pink the main army held the line against the kitchen bedroom alliance of the doorway yeah they're advancing a little bit everybody get ready it was a fierce fight everyone opened fire however the seller liberal coalition look to be coming out on top using the overconfidence of their enemies and their powerful bows to their advantage meanwhile sailor rushed in with a few allies on the ground floor okay guys we've pushed in there's three of us who have pushed inside just above them back to had also made his way past the front line with the kitchen bedroom forces knowing that they've been flanked oh go we're gonna move back we're gonna retreat run for your lives they decided to fall back to the central kitchen island to hold their ground everyone we're gonna hold our ground here however this tactical retreat allowed the remaining cellar living room army to burst into the kitchen then in the perfect princess maneuver settler players circle round the other side of the central island to prevent anyone from escaping up the stairs the invaders then launched their attack on the trapped coalition players everybody charged the enemy it was a total massacre with many players simply fighting to the better end it was an honor supreme leader yellow tiger sensing that the end of the alliance was near and seeing all his friends being murdered fled for his life and hid in a war i'm here for you buddy don't worry that they're not gonna get you the leaders of the bedroom kitchen coalition the muy and zombie fled towards the stairs he's got an electro god we can take him he's got the crown he's got the crown what's the melody and then zombie two was intercepted by sailors and with that the last surviving leader of the kitchen bedroom coalition was dead after the cellar living room coalition murdered all the enemy forces remaining in the kitchen wading and bevac took the opportunity to take the crowns off the dead enemy leaders hang on hang on well done um with this crown i now pronounce myself as second president meanwhile below the battlefield the green players licked up in horror having witnessed the massacre the majority of the surviving kitchen and bedroom players fled upstairs everybody run but the coalition weren't going to let them get away that easily so they went around the top floor taking out any remaining kitchen and bedroom players they could get their hands on oh god there's a seller player oh i gotta run no no no no no no no then they set their sights on taking out the garden team who they assumed would be in the garden but of course they were still in the tunnel below the kitchen so back rushed over there to scout out the garden however he discovered a group of highly geared bedroom players instead all of veteran gardener all of them every trihard alive is here hearing the news welding rallied the coalition to make their way to the garden everybody garden everybody garden we're going to vlog sailor was the first to arrive and after meeting up with beebag they engaged the enemy let's go boys attack these weren't any regular players though no just on top was one of the best pvps in the entire server and went toe to toe easily with be back come on be back it's your time to die oh god no this might actually kill me luckily welding in the coalition came to his rescue and so being heavily outnumbered no just send the pole to safety he is properly running no just on top then circled round to regroup up with his teammates however despite being the best pvpers they knew they were outmatched due to the sheer numbers of the coalition so they ran for their lives don't let them get away but it wasn't enough as the bedroom players were picked off one by one let's go nice job wilding more chaos was unfolding outside back in the kitchen the garden place had finally emerged from on the ground there were solar players all over the place so they had to watch out leslie was absolutely terrified of getting caught so he led his nation back underground and all the way through the tunnel back to the pond when they emerged back into the garden though they discovered they weren't alone there's a seller player here someone help me a garden player came to the rescue to help his king but instead of holding his ground leisurely left his teammate to die and saved himself leslie was honestly a bit of a cowardly king it was around this time that the coalition learned that the final remnants of the kitchen bedroom alliance were hiding on the roof and so beeback and wilding ventured up through my mural and up onto the peak of the house where they proceeded to wipe out the last of the kitchen bedroom alliance i killed one we missed one get them get them get him then after landing an incredibly impressive end pill they had won they're all dead now lester between the coalition and ultimate victory was the garden team and now this is right here he's under pulling away get him the entire alliance chase no just off the side of the roof then we'll venture down into the garden to continue the pursuit no just here no just hit it i need chords i'm fighting despite being outnumbered ten to one no just somehow survived and he got away once again meanwhile literally had led the ghana team all the way back through the tunnel and into the kitchen then they had mined their way up onto the roof learning of this be back and welding ordered the coalition to attack everybody meet up on the roof and so the army ventured out of the huge train across the room they're coming people get ready then the final stand of the garden team commenced come back here literally guys save me save me leisurely the cowardly and scheming king of the garden team was dead i killed that leader wait i need to get the crown are you collecting crowds [Music] then with the last of the garden team white town he died he died full damage the only surviving army was the seller coalition itself and so apart from a few straight players the coalition had pretty much won but would they be happy with sharing victory well done comrades we are the best comrades wait do you guys like communist yeah we're communists under our glorious leader sailor kill him is it safe to say back isn't the biggest fan of communism you know i really liked you you shouldn't have told them that you need to get out of here there was clearly tension in the air they both knew what was gonna happen i'm sorry it's come to this sailor you were a good friend hey welding could you spare us a little bit of tnt just for old time's sake yeah sure i'll give you something too much no i died it looks like polo wolf is the only guy remaining the seller team all chased off the polo wolf surrender and after putting up a volume effort you're not going to win living room will survive he died too and with that we just wiped out yellow team after a lot of searching the coalition found no just on top the final bedroom player somehow no just was actually putting up a fight single-handedly against the small army of cellar players however there was no chance of him winning so to make it fair warning offered him a 1v1 no just i'll give you one fair chance a 1v1 you will meet no one else winner takes off sounds good this dude didn't even let me finish my speech [Music] you're running out of golden apples with no just dead the seller team thought there was only one player standing between them and ultimate victory yellow tiger had survived all that time hiding in the wall of the kitchen however unfortunately he couldn't hide forever okay we can be civil about this right right right seller team decided not to execute him on the spot wait one request okay just just follow me just follow me first of all i just want to say i formally surrender i i like i will give up but please i just want to live all the seller players made their way over to the clubhouse can everyone take a seat can everyone take a seat where yellow tiger began reading out the bible one last time gotcha was burst by the yellow sun before he went back into his bucket he stated axolotl splashes those are some fancy last words for a dead man nope these are your sidon will live on what the heck get over here be welding we're holding what the hell what the hell are you doing only wrong i'm sorry sailor oh my god i can't believe i actually pulled that off is gonna win this thing he's way too power hungry we need to stop him i don't know i mean have you seen the numbers well we have to do something we can't let another dictator win one of these events hey balding do you still have that uh tnt you had earlier we were team together one day listen i've came with you for the dimension event video the zombie event video and now the tiny event video after all of it you were just a dictator i was only a soldier for your use what i'm trying to say b-bag is i'm going to do something i should have done a long long time ago this wasn't supposed to happen like this barley i won't forget this that was incredible oh my god i can't believe that worked oh hey guys wait who are you where is everyone they're all dead well uh i guess we won't need this anymore no what do we do now uh what just happened uh wilding you might want to wake up what are these where are we once again thank you to dragon city for sponsoring this video go download it using the link below and if you're a new player you'll receive 30 000 gold 15 000 food and a very rare old mountain dragon
Channel: MARCUSK
Views: 3,498,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft civilization, 100 player minecraft civilization, 100 players minecraft civilization, 100 players simulate civilization, civilization minecraft, 100 player civilization in minecraft, simulate civilization in minecraft, minecraft civilization 100 players, minecraft civilization experiment, magicgum, minecraft civilization 100 players war, civilization in minecraft, civilization minecraft experiment, 100 players simulate civilization in minecraft, Tiny Minecraft Civilization
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 21sec (2241 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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