Herb Smoked Chicken | Smoked Whole Chicken Recipe on Red Box Smoker

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hey Malcolm read here how to barbecue right I got my buddy mark Lambert with me from sweet SWAT online mark how's it going man it's a little cool out here but it's a we're excited or ready to cook some some good food up on the Red Box today so Mark's gonna come in and show me I'm gonna be on the other side of the counter today and he's gonna show me how to do a recipe and mark tell us what you're gonna do today it's a spatchcock chicken and it's rubbed with v AP rub and it's herb spiced and what i mean by that it we're not gonna rub a bunch of herbs on it we're gonna create a bed of herbs and we're gonna infuse the flavor straight up through the chicken you're gonna see it's gonna be awesome and then Malcolm made us an awesome white Alabama style barbecue sauce to finish it with just lightly just to set it off you're gonna love it hey I'm excited about this one mark learn a new chicken recipe today let's get to cooking so the first thing we're gonna do this video today with Mark's he's gonna tell us about what we're cooking on mark what grill you got us using today for this recipe we are using the Redbox smoker a red box is essentially the original version of a backwoods smoker the way red box works it is a reverse flow double wall insulated water smoker what I mean by that is the outside wall is insulated it's got 1-inch insulation here in the bottom you've got a firebox and there's a damper here that controls the area in above that we have a cooking chamber the cooking chamber is separated from the firebox by a removable stainless steel water pan and then there are three shifts one directly over the water pan one in the center and one on the top however today you can see that we are gonna cook without the water pan we're gonna cook chicken we're gonna cook a little bit hotter a little bit faster anytime I cook something with an edible skin I want it to brown I wanted to get tasty and with water sometimes they did inhibits that browning so we're gonna cook with about 25 briquettes of charcoal lit in the bottom we're gonna wait till the thermometer gets up to roughly 425 degrees I like that setup of the Redbox market hey this is a perfect size cooker so my cooking at home let's get that chicken prepped show me what we're gonna do to it today so mark it looks like you've got a little birds nests there I like that as our smell good my necks bellow from here it's a little birds nests it's pretty fitting for the chicken and it's gonna lay right on top of there and what doing here is because we're cooking direct these herbs are gonna brown and they're gonna create smoke and it's really going to infuse a lot of great flavor into this chicken so show me what we're gonna do to this chicken whenever you're cooking anything that has a cavity this cavity in here it's going to be a different temperature and what I mean by that is there's a lot of moisture that's going to collect in there anytime you have moisture moisture is going to reduce the overall ambient air temperature inside that cavity so what we want to do is we're going to remove the cow do you want to flatten it all out so this bird is more evenly displaced across that rack and it's going to cook a lot more even because of that it's gonna cook faster we're gonna be able to cook at a higher temperature and still have the center of the bird done the breast and the thighs are going to get done closer to the same time we're looking for a temperature in the neighborhood of 163 160 or so in the breasts 176 175 or so and the thickest part of the thigh so you're going spatchcock it kind of make it lay out flat right yeah and it's real simple so if the breast is laid up all you want to do is flip it over and you start here at the Parsons nose or the vent flap called it a lot of different things and insert your shears on the backside and then all you wanting to do is remove the center backbone section so we're gonna spatchcock this bird and these shears just go right through this and once we cut down one side of this spine we're gonna move to the other side and we're just going to completely remove the backbone and this bird the scissors make easy work of it - those are awesome they work great and then when you get down here we're just coming finish clipping a little bit all right so this bird is split and we're gonna flatten it out all we have to do really is sort of break the wishbone and you heard that bone break I'll give a little crunch there I can hear it yeah just bust that thing so it flattens out a little bit more next steps go ahead and clean our board off we're gonna make sure our skin is nice and dry so it Browns really really really nice that's one of the best things about this type of recipe is that the skin is really crispy and edible and tasty and adds to the not only the appearance with the flavor of the dish and the dry heat is what really drives that skin right it really does it you know anything with a good edible skin it likes that hot dry heat so at this point this bird is mostly ready to go we're going to keep it real simple today one of the few things that this bird needs it need some oil we've got the outside nice and dry so that it's not going to you know turn gray and the smoke that comes off of the herbs it's gonna have a little particulate and that stuff's gonna accumulate on there if if it's wet we want an oil doesn't matter what kind of oil you use I'm he's grapeseed of use olive canola Billy didn't didn't seem to matter that much my melted butter would even doubt that so a little AP when I'm trying to make sure the wind doesn't blow it away here you go heavy as you want with that mark that's good stuff salt pepper garlic and all the goodness this is lends itself perfect to this recipe and you could use your own rubs if you got salt and pepper garlic just mix it up yourself so we're not gonna put too much on there some of its gonna cook away but at that point whew that was tough wasn't it ja so a little oil a little AP rub we've got a lot of the flavor element in this dish sitting on the rack here so the only thing that's left to do really is to take this bird and make sure it goes into the nest right so we've got this beautiful herb bundle nest these herbs are gonna caramelize they're gonna start to burn and char and they're gonna put off an awesome smoke flavor we're gonna put these on the red box as soon as it hits about 425 degrees now this is another crucial element in creating a really really tasty skin and a brown skin is making sure that when you put it on that cooker that it's already at the temperature that you wanted that I like to have it above on the red box or thermometer you'll see is on the very top and we're going to cook this on the top rack so that we've got some distance between the coals and the bird it's going to that way you'll get the right amount of char on the bottom of the bird but when you put this up close to the thermometer you're gonna see about a reduction and almost maybe a hundred degrees because the cold meats close to the thermometer so if you did want to cook it on another grill you could do it just run your temp up yeah you just run your tip on up a little bit put it in when it's nice and hot put it in dry a nice coat of oil and you'll get that beautiful golden brown skin see you it'll come out great let's get it on the pit let's do it so what temper you up to Martin man this cooker is about usually around 425 but I think we made it to 420 so we're putting it on the top rack and notice we've got a good 17 inches or so between the coals and the bottom of the chicken and that's imperative to make sure that the bottom doesn't prematurely Brown before the chicken gets done we want it nice and brown we don't want the herbs burnt little want them charred so they're gonna add flavor but they're a barrier to kinda absolutely they're kind of a barrier but when those herbs really start to char and cook you'll just kind of smell oh I can smell them now they're heating up now that's pretty cool we do well close it up and then just to get it kick-started we're gonna take some of the same herbs of our nest and we'll just throw a few of those down there on the fire and that's going to immediately start to infuse flavor so we're gonna make sure the dampers right there in the middle or so we've got a hole in the side and we've got this set up for a power draught so it's going to put a little air through there the idea that we're gonna put this chicken on it around 420 degrees we're putting the chicken on the top rack and this thermometer is really going to start to ramp down and we want it to hold in that 325 degree range to give us the optimal cook time and the temperature is even throughout the breast in the time so what are we looking for in the breast we're looking for roughly 160 degrees in the breast it's going to get a little bit of rest time and carryover because it's cooking real hot the thighs gonna make it to about 173 176 degrees we just kind of balance them out if it's 173 or 160 we'll pull it you know if it's 176 and the thigh and the breast is you know 163 165 it's okay so we're not worried about time we're really cooking the internal temp like always and you know it's done when it's done we'll put a probe in it mark how about that we use one of my dot alarms we'll watch those temperatures so we can see what we're doing and uh now we just got to cook a chicken right while we're waiting on this chicken to cook y'all don't know about Mark Martin Lambert is world champion pitmasters sweet swaddle mine's the name of his team he also does barbecue for a living president of the nbb qa1 Memphis in my shoulder division three times four times world champion twice ribs at the American royal ribs ribs at the Houston live shot I'm telling y'all I'm mark he has done it there's his theme music right there you know he's got a business call alright our chickens been on like 30 minutes it's running right at that 300 degree mark we're gonna open it up and kind of see what the skin looks like we're gonna put a probe in the breast and make sure that we don't overcook it check that color out mark there that brown colors beautiful golden color and so what we'll do at this point is I'll go ahead and kind of half go and pull it out and to make sure it cooks evenly I'm gonna rotate it but the other reason we rotate is we're going to go ahead and Malcolm's gonna stick our probe kind of right in there to the thickest part of the breast and then we're going to put it back in and let it finish browning close the door let's go around and watch it rise all together 102 degrees we're getting there it's gonna have a beautiful color when it hits 160 degrees you don't need just a few minutes to rest we're gonna cut it up give it a nice drizzle of that white Alabama barbecue sauce Malcolm made earlier and show you guys what it looks like we can't wait to dive into it I'm ready to try this too all right our chickens at temperature 163 degrees it's done this was a bigger bird it took a little bit longer all in it took about an hour and 15 minutes so we should have a really golden color on the on the skin on the outside the bottom side should have some really nice charred greens from all those herbs in there let's let me see what it looks like I'm excited to this look look at that burger mark hey that's beautiful chicken that is a beautiful golden brown bird it even looks crispy that yeah yeah herbs are nice and charred on the bottom we got a golden brown skin and you'll notice the skin is just starting to break on the thin part of the leg where it's really starting to get hot that's a good indicator that this birds cooked let's get this thing over just probe out of it we'll get to the board let's get to eat all right our chickens done it has got the most beautiful golden color it's got the nice crispy skin we've chopped up some nice garlic chives over here in some of our roasted herbs that were in our nest it's roasted sitting on the board now and it's rested for you know five minutes or so and you can see some juice really starting to puddle up under it so that tells us that the juices are redistributing and it's time to get this chicken cut up so what we're going to do now this chickens real easy and simple to cut up first thing I like to do is go in here and separate the legs and the thighs you can see it's real easy we've removed all of that connective center from the spine the thighs come off nice and easy and we'll go in here and we'll remove these wings we just hit that little joint right there and remove those wings nice and easy and then what we'll do is we will split this breast and we'll go down one side of the keel bone pull this breast off of it and then fillet it down try to get that meat off of there I'm good on the other side of the keel bone and we're going to fillet that meat off we're gonna finish this bird up so we're gonna go and find the joint right here at our legs find the joint at this leg we're going to separate those so we've got some manageable portions here we'll leave the wings hold it's pretty good-sized breast so we'll go ahead and separate the breast into two portions and then real simple what we're gonna do look I mean just look at that inventory mark it's so juicy its moist so we're gonna try to arrange it to make it look time fancy not too much I think we're not fancy we just want to eat some good chicken or some good bird at the end of the days what we're looking for we'll arrange that nice like that we're going to come back we're going to hit it with some of these herbs now those are just the Toth the roasted ones that were right under it you just chopped up five that's part of the nest as all that is we're gonna hit them with a little bit of that so we've got a nice little bit of herb here and there next go-round is this Alabama white sauce about from what's in the fight sauce that one's real easy it's just you gotta have Dukes Mayo couple comes to Duke Mayo some apple cider vinegar salt pepper touch the sugar to balance it out some lemon juice I'll put that recipe up on the video and in the description but it's a super simple Alabama white sauce it is fantastic on chicken I know it's gonna be good so don't necessarily want to drown the chicken in white sauce just a little bit of something to accent it to really set the flavor off and then of course we had a few chives in our fire we had a little bit in the nest as well but color is everything you eat with your eyes first and and these chopped up child's really accent the bird really well so that is our rip box roasted herb chicken so real quick mark tell us exactly what you did one more time how easy was it man this is real simple you go personally I like a three to four pound bird this is closer to five so it took us a little longer to cook but once you get that bird you want to set it on the breast and then take your kitchen shears start at the Parsons nose or vent flap and cut all the way down one side to the neck and all the way down the other side of the neck remove the backbone flip it over flatten it out dry it off that's key you want that golden brown skin make sure it's good and dry on both sides hit it with some oil some spray oil a little bit of AP rub nice and even coat of AP rub and it goes in the red box the way we like to do is we take it a bit of herbs we make a little nest and that consists of rosemary thyme oregano sage chives remember whatever you want write whatever you want whatever you like but we make that little nest and that really does a lot to infuse flavor into the meat it does a lot for the aroma and does a lot for the flavor in the end and we use a few of those herbs chopped up they're kind of really soaked with all that beautiful chicken grease that's really coming out of there and when it's finished we're looking somewhere for a hundred and seventy-three to 176 degrees in the thigh 160 163 degrees in the breast or so pull it out let it rest cut it up and bam herb drip box chicken right there so I'm coming around to this side of the board now more you're gonna comb this you're gonna cut me a piece on the business side I know what to do back here it's my favorite time of the day so we'll cut you up a few little pieces there is it drumming we're gonna have to put a little bit on the side cuz we just used it on there we need give us a little topping sauce all right I'm gonna get this flat you know the flats where it's at I always say that I'm going right in there let's get that flatter down we'll get the same one while you're at it I'm glad to get these gloves off so I can get into the business myself so a little dip of that mark this is some fire chicken man I'll tell you what it's not look at that that's coming apart it's got a great flavor but the skin is crispy it really is crispy chicken skin that red box did outstanding job I can go with this chicken I mean it's just this juicy its moist min the flavour simple seasoned with the AP thought it needs but the way those herb flavors come up you taste it in the meat I'm surprised hard to believe that that goes into the meat I mean it's just like any smoke when you smoke something smugglers in the meat when I wouldn't the flavor of these herbs going there and that's the whole idea don't overthink it don't overseason it usually ARBs keep it simple and you know the whole idea is make sure that you get that good crispy skin if you're using a cooker that has a lot has water in it you're never gonna get really good skin if your skin is wet you're never gonna get really good skin the backwoods or the red box or any water smoker for that matter is designed to use water to help maintain the temperature and help to keep it consistent so you can fill it up with coals and the water helps maintain the good cooking temperature however with chicken that doesn't work so we remove the water pan but when you do that you gotta really reduce the amount of fuel you use because you don't have a temperature regulating regulator in there any little bit more fire management but I'm telling you learning how to do that is worth it it's a whole different purpose for using a water smoker yep you can't cook dry on it you just got to regulate it and I'm telling you what this this chicken will make a great meal I mean you see all the pieces you've got there I mean that's gonna feed a family that's a good dinner man absolutely it feeds a family of four no problem thank you for showing this recipe to my friends it's been a lot of fun hey we hope y'all liked the video today thanks for checking out how to barbecue rot you can subscribe to our Channel look mark-up ssom d.com right space wanna mind distributing calm send those comments to our facebook and twitter as well we're trying to answer all of them and you can find mark he's on Instagram he's on Facebook check out obr you've got a great page on there and they're doing some shop cooking over there we have fun in the Test Kitchen we'll see you guys next time thanks for watching sauce makes it to yeah no that's all yeah
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 819,896
Rating: 4.9047718 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, Herb smoked chicken, smoked chicken, smoked whole chicken, best smoked chicken, spatchcock chicken, spatchcock chicken grill, smoked chicken recipe, smoked spatchcock chicken
Id: tKsOPkn7XTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Thu May 03 2018
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