Reverse Seared Tomahawk Ribeye

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[Music] hey this is Marc winter swine like barbecue today I'm going to show you how we do date night it's wildlife headquarters I have two bone-in ribeyes that are just flat-out beautiful if you remember a few weeks back we've done a standing rib roast on the outlaw smoker these are actually the two end cuts from that rib roast I vacuum seal them put them in the freezer they kept great we're gonna do a trim on them we're gonna season them with a little bit of grit and of course the grunt rub if you have not tried this this is one of my favorite real time beef so tonight we're gonna do a reverse sear someone set it up on the grill grill shrimp tonight lay them both there we'll run the pit at about 250 to let them come up real slow once they get done and reach about that 120 temperature I got a Weber Kettle sitting beside it we're gonna get it screaming hot and get awesome sear on these steaks we're gonna show you how a few sides that go great with these rib eyes it's gonna be a good date night for us y'all stick around let's get started so first thing we're gonna do is get these rib eyes trim them they don't need much but I am going to take this backside of this fat cap off right there all we're gonna do is come in here and you'll see it's kind of a line you can follow just take the majority of that fat off we're not gonna like say we're not gonna do a whole whole lot I'm not gonna worry about cleaning the bone up it looks pretty good we'll do the same thing this one this one because it come from the other end of the ribeye it's got a lot thicker fat cap so you're actually going to take a little bit more off this you just want to expose this meat underneath this fat that way the rub has something to stick to and it just adds a little bit more flavor so we got these trim we're gonna get a good layer season on these this is a big old hunk of meat I think these come in at about three and a half pounds of piece so I'm gonna start off with Mississippi grit you can start off with any AP just salt pepper garlic like saying we're gonna do a pretty heavy coat get it Pat it in do the same to the opposite side this paper here is already tender she's gonna be good and of course with this big estate you always want to get the edges now we're going to come back with a grunt rub this is a little bit coarse of a rub so it's gonna add a really good textures outside of these and you're gonna have to Pat this in because it's gonna fall off there's the same pain to the other side has a lot of course pepper a lot of course onion garlic all the great flavors that complement beef so well same thing we'll get the edges we got these steak seasons we're going to let them sit on this cutting board for about an hour that'll give us time to go ahead get this pellet grill fired up get everything up to temp and then we'll get them put on I'm expecting it to be about an hour cook at 250 before we reach that 120 during that process we'll get the weber kettle fired up we'll get it screaming hot they will get a good crust on outside of these will do a couple sides and we'll be ready to have a date night so we're out here to grill the grills chimp I got it set it to 50 come right up to temp we'll get these babies put on so what I'm gonna do is just lay them each in there and then I'm gonna come in with the probe just because I don't want to overcook these see you can see on either one of these you just want to be dead center that loin that's your loin on this one so I'm going to take this probe and go right in and we're going to set it up just like that I'll get the lid closed we got these rib eyes on we're gonna keep a close eye on them with this thumbr work dice we want to carry in about 120 definitely don't want to overcook them you can always get your finished temp when you do your sear process on the Weber we'll check on these rib eyes in about 30 minutes with any good date night you've got to have some good sides tonight we're going to do some mashed potatoes of course my brother Mike he's done hooked us up with some great sauteed mushrooms these are all good size and go good with any kind of date night especially with a good old ribeye you can't beat this it's been about 30 minutes the rib eyes are sitting at about 75 degrees we're gonna go ahead and get this weber kettle fire it up that way it gives it plenty of time to get these coals rolling I got a chimney full of roll-up charcoal I'm gonna place a little tumbleweed down there feel it we got to slow and sear what I'm gonna do is let these coals come up to temp once they get ready we'll pour them over here and that'll give us a good ultra hot zone and be able to sear these steaks so you can't have a ribeye with having a really good butter we're out a little bit olive oil this cast-iron skillet handful of cloves of garlic this butters gonna be used for the mashed potatoes as well as the rib eyes we'll let these cloves of garlics get a good coating oil kind of let them simmer and brown a little bit before we add to the butter as you can see this garlic it's done browned up we're gonna go ahead and add these few sticks of butter again some of this butter can be used for the potatoes rest that was gonna be used for the steaks while that's simmering we're going to add a good bit of pepper give it a little stir garlic smells awesome what we'll do now is we'll just turn this heat down there's lettuce butter simmer it'll infuse a good bit of that garlic flavor it go great with potatoes but really complement these rib eyes so it's been about a total hour we got the coals ready we're gonna get these dumped in the slowest here and you can tell there's a lump coal it's screaming hot you just spread it around pretty good we're gonna get this great put on here I can hear the beeper going off let's get these rib eyes up so these rib eyes got great color I'm gonna get the probe out of the way like I say they're both sitting about 120 and I can tell they're super tender I'll get them both up I'm gonna let these rest just for a few minutes let the temperature kind of calm down before we get them on the screaming hot fire that way we get an excellent crust they'll be great in the end this Weber Kettle is running almost 500 degrees I know the grates are hot coal is looking good what we're going to do is just lay these right over the top of these coals we're gonna do the same thing with both of them and we're just gonna keep a close eye on them we're gonna flip them as needed we just want to get it perfect sear on these steaks we're not worried about grill marks we just want that perfect crust I would say it's gonna take probably about a minute to minute and a half on each side it's hot as these coals are it's gonna go quick so it's been about 30 seconds we're gonna look at them and see we can always move them to a fresh spot they got good color don't be scared to keep flipping we just want to keep a constant moving on them make sure we get a good crust you can't beat that when it's flame kissed we'll just keep flipping them so this one rib eye it's got a perfect crust I'm gonna say we're good on there I mean you can tell it is sizzling hot we've got an awesome crust on both sides we're gonna get this one off and let it rest and we're gonna get that great crust on this other one why we got chance you can tell it's sizzling across the top and flames are touching that beef I wish y'all could smell this it smells awesome man this last ribeye she's ready to come up you tell them flames got that sizzle on it look at that crust that's what I'm looking for when it comes to a ribeye well let it rest we'll get it in here we'll prep the plate we'll show you all what date nights all about so this is Friday night as swine life headquarters this is date night new ones you can tell we've got two beautiful bone-in ribeyes probably three and a half pounds of piece we've got a little bit of spurious we take mashed potatoes we put them on cutting board and we let these steaks rest on the mashed potatoes you'll thank me later because that is the best mashed potato you'll ever eat over here on the side I still have our butter it's still piping hot what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this butter and just drizzle over these steaks so I got this butter drizzled over you can't beat that presentation if your honey don't love you for this you ain't living right so what I'm gonna do here is take this you got this bone-in ribeye I've got an awesome spinalis on it that's my go-to bite we'll see what we're working with here oh yeah you can tell us a perfect medium-rare you know what I have to go for a bite that right there is a textbook steak you can't beat that flavor you get from there pellet grills getting a little bit of smoke on that reverse sear and then we finish it off on that Weber Kettle it has a great crust it's caramelized that butter complements it so well I guess for the heart doctor we're gonna go ahead get these potatoes we got to try them get a little bit butter on that's a perfect meal the wife knocked in potatoes out of the park they were excellent we've got a little bit of space go along with it this is my go-to date night you can't beat this that's a wrap for us today at Swan Lake I appreciate y'all checking this video out I'm gonna have to let y'all go because this date night doings and I'm gonna have to enjoy this meal tonight y'all make sure your shooter submission on facebook and instagram if y'all got any questions and as always like and subscribe to our Channel and we'll see y'all next time
Channel: Swine Life BBQ
Views: 98,443
Rating: 4.8987045 out of 5
Keywords: Tomahawk steak, steak, pellet grill, traeger grill, grilla grills, beef, grilling, dinner, reverse sear, pellet smoker, ribeye steak
Id: uHrQdOvte40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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