Reverence And Awe On The Road To Emmaus Pt 1

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[Music] open your Bibles with me to the Gospel of Luke chapter number 24 Luke at chapter number 24 commencing in verse number 13 it's a long passage to read but we don't have Sunday school so I can free as long as I feel like commencing in verse number 13 and behold two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs and they talked together of all these things which had happened and it came to pass that while they communed together and reasoned Jesus himself drew near and went with them but their eyes were Holden that they should not know him and he said unto them what manner of converse of communications are these that you have one to another as he walk and are sad and the one of them whose name was Cleopas answering said unto him although only a stranger in Jerusalem and has not known the things which are come to pass there in these days and he said unto them what things and they said unto him concerning Jesus of Nazareth which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and have crucified Him but we trusted that it had been he we should have redeemed to Israel and beside all this today is the third day since these things were done yay and certain women also of our company made us astonished which were earlier at the and when they found not his body they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels which said that he was alive and certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre and found it even so as the women had said but him they saw not then he said unto them O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself and they drew nigh unto the village whether they went and he made as though he would have gone further but they constrained him saying abide with us for it is toward evening and the day is far spent and he went in to tarry with them and it came to pass as he said that meet with them he took bread and blessed it and brake and gave to them and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight and they said to one another did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk a moment about reverence and awe on the road to Emmaus reverence and awe on the road to Emmaus those of us who read the Bible know that the Bible has a lot to say about morning's Jesus prayed early in the morning Abraham rose up early in the morning to take Isaac to Mount Moriah what a morning it was for Jacob when he woke from sleep and set a pillar of stones in honor of God at Bethel it must have been a glorious morning for Daniel after that night in the lion's den imagine how refreshing was the morning for the disciples after that night in a storm all night and they wake up in the morning in the boat with Jesus but none of these morning's can compare to the morning in the text people who know me know that I am a morning person I go to bed early I rise early in the morning I've had almost 20 1200 and mornings since I've been alive but I've never had a morning like the morning mentioned in the text for on this morning Jesus rose from the dead and pulled the sting from death and gave life eternal to everybody who puts faith in his name what a glorious morning what a glorious resurrection day that because he lives I would live as well death is no more the king of terror death no more frightens the believer because Jesus conquered death rose from the grave is seated on the right hand of God with power and in his own time he's coming back again but this morning we ought to celebrate with enthusiasm that God raised him from the dead this morning this this morning is a time of solemn reflections as the morning began to dawn on the first day of the week after Jesus had died on the cross some women came to the tomb to finish performing the burial rites that had but that had begun with Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea they came with their myrrh and aloes and their embalming spices because they wrapped his body in a linen garment and laid him in the tomb until they could get back after the Sabbath to properly prepare his body for burial the women are said and the disciples are scared the women are on their way to the tomb and the disciples are hiding in an upper room in their hearts and in their minds Jesus is dead and because they still think he's dead they are demoralized disillusioned despondent and defeated the last time they saw him there was a crown of thorns on his head the last time they saw him his hands were nailed to a cross blood was streaming from his brow that was a wound in his side the last time they saw Jesus he was in fact dead so dead that from the sixth to the ninth hour the Sun went down in the middle of the day and about three o'clock he said it is finished he gave up the ghost and said father into your hands I commit my spirit he breathed his last they took him down laid him in the tomb and as far as they know he's still dead but between Friday afternoon and early Sunday morning a forensic transaction is taking place in the - he was dead someone ought to help me show you yes the last time he saw him he was dead he was dead the last time they saw him he was dead he was dead but between Friday and Sunday God did something for us that we could never do for ourselves between Friday and Sunday God raised Jesus from the dead and an angel roll - stole away not to let Jesus out but to let the women in walk with me round attack it's early in the morning it's early in the morning is some solemn reflection they remember him [Music] bruised and beaten scarred mocked his beard pulled from his face they struck him with their fists they gambled for his clothing they mocked him they scourged him and they laid him in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathaea that's where he was the last time they saw but now it's Sunday morning and God has done a new thing under the heavens God has resurrected raised Jesus from the dead he's out of the tomb and the women get in and when they go in they are shocked to see this linen chrysalis because he comes out of the linen garment like a butterfly comes out of a cocoon without disturbing it I don't think I got that over - he comes out of the grave with his linen cloths still in the form of his body without disturbing it I'm gonna make that make sense in just a minute but in the midst of their sadness that morning God took great pains to minister to the needs of their heart and somebody here ought to help me testify that when you're lonely and can't understand why when you're broken and it looks like life will never come back together again when you're crying and you can't seem to air the full of tears in your life God has a way of ministering to your need it could be real in the morning it could be late in the midnight hour it could be with the warm embrace of a friend it could be by our scripture reading it could be by a song that you just stop singing for no reason God knows how to minister to you in the deep darkness of your suffering he moved in several mighty ways to encourage the hearts of these saddened believers look at what God did that they couldn't do he rolled a stone away I mention to you not to let Jesus out but to allow the believers in and I have been some stones in your life some some obstacles some stumbling blocks some barriers that that people have erected to stop your progress or maybe Satan put a roadblock in your way or maybe because of your own foolish decisions that been some stones in your way but if you trust God if you put your faith in the Living God he will roll your stone away he will roll away stones of doubt he'll roll away stones of depression he'll roll away stones of sickness he'll roll away stones of trouble and problems and when he rolls your stone away it's not necessarily let you out of your situation but to let people into your life so that they can see what God can do with somebody who puts their trust in it sometimes your troubling is not for you your trouble is for somebody around you have a got a witness here sometimes your strife is not for you is to let somebody else see that if you put your hand in the Lord's name just like he brought you out he can bring me out he he God rolled the stone away and every time I read that story I I just I just I just shout about God's power because when the angel Road is stolen away he's sat down on it as if to say to the Roman soldiers what you're going to do about it because when God rolls your stone away when God prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies all your enemies can do is sit down and watch you eat and once God solves your problem and sits on your stone he tells your enemy about what you're gonna do about it all power have a got a witness all power is in his head he rolled a stone away and suddenly and then he sent an angelic messenger with some good news why seek ye the Living among the dead he's not here he's risen just like he said come see the place where the Lord was laid that's good news that's the gospel that's the good news that's the gospel story where are you looking for the living among the day I serve a risen see he's in the world today I know that he is living whatever men may say I see his hand of missile I hear his voice of cheer and just the time I need him he's always near he live he lives Christ Jesus lives the day he walks with me he talks with me along life's narrow way he lives he lives salvation to impart you ask me how I know he lives he lives in my heart it don't have to be Easter Sunday for me to know he lives I don't have to be at lily Grove to know he lives I don't have to have a new suit on I know he lives I'm glad he lives because when life gets hard for me he walks with me I was a head of witnesses he talks with me he holds my hand he tells me that I belong to him because I don't serve a dead Jesus I said I don't serve a dead Jesus but you wouldn't know that by looking at some of your expressions in here this one you you wouldn't know that by the way some of you are sleeping in here this morning you wouldn't know that by your blank stares and your and your flat effect as if this is just any Sunday morning no no no no no no no no this is not just any Sunday morning I said this is not just any Sunday morning he arose he got up from the dead just to save me [Applause] this is how I'll shall they call on him in whom they have not believed how said they believed in him in whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher how shall they preach except they be sent how beautiful isaiah says are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace thank God I heard the Gospel story thank God I heard somebody tell me he died I wish I had a witness here some of y'all of my age and older can remember when that story still had power somebody here can recognize with me that that story still can move you he died bit he died but right early Sunday morning he rose from the grave I never get tired of hearing that story I never get tired of shouting over that story I'm glad he died but more than that I'm glad he got up because the Jesus had just died we would still be in our seat [Applause] if in this life only we have hope we are among all men most miserable our faith is in vain our preaching is in vain and you are yet in your sins but God raised him from the dead and the angelic messanger and angelic messengers ever since have been sharing the story he died on Friday but he rose Sunday morning and then I told you a moment ago he left a message inside the tomb he left her a message inside the tomb that that what just happened God did it when you when you when you read the text when you read the narrative when you go inside the tomb it's not disturbed it's not missing it hasn't been ransacked it does not look like somebody who left in a hurry it looks like he just took his time and let me tell you how I know that's true because the scripture says the napkin that was over his face he folded it and lifted in the green not mine you you gotta take your time to fold clothes somebody help me to meet you it wasn't a mess at weddings strewn all over the place he got out of the linen cloths and left it in the form of his body he left a linen chrysalis in the form of his body to demonstrate that what happened there God did it I still don't think I got that over to you they wrapped him in linen too but God got him out and didn't unwrap it still over there political [Applause] when when when God does a thing you know god did he somebody have been in trouble and the law gets you out you know God did it somebody here had a broken heart but God bound up your broken heart you can help me testify God did it come on tell somebody sitting next to you God did it every situation every storm every dark night every falling tear every Bridge every circumstance God did it and if he did it for Jesus he can do it for you if he did it before he can do it [Applause] he left that napkin watch this he left that napkin the linen napkin that was around his face no hurry no rush cuz the Angels already sitting on the stone cuz they nobody from the come in here and mess nothing up because the angel said what you gonna do about it now he leaves the napkin at the door that's a message to the disciple and they would understand it because of their custom in that day when a person ate a meal and enjoyed it they would crumple up the napkin leave it on the plate and say thank you for the electable meal but when the hospitality wasn't quite right [Applause] when they didn't appreciate their stay they folded their napkin and left it at the door the translation is I'm never coming back here again [Applause] Sunday morning he got up from the grave left his napkin in the grave at the door I'm never coming back here again I told you I can preach as long as I want I feel like preaching it right now in the meantime to disciple on the way to Emmaus it's late in the evening on the first day of the week Cleopas and perhaps his wife are on their way back to Emmaus seven miles from Jerusalem the little band of disciples are beginning to scatter and Jesus does not want them to leave till they get the story straight that's why you're not ever leave Church before they've been the ditch because if you leave before the benediction you don't ever get the story stream Jesus wants them to get the story straight so the Bible says he joins them they're walking and they're talking and they're talking and walking about what happened Friday they waited around Saturday and nothing happened and they leave Sunday before they get the story straight and Jesus never wants you to leave til you get the story straight because you gonna come up against something that you're gonna need to have the story strength somehow don't help me preacher and he joins them but they do not recognize it why weren't these two followers of Jesus able to recognize it can I help us here maybe they don't recognize him because they weren't expecting and maybe the reason you never get a breakthrough you've never experienced a miracle because you're not expecting you watch other people shout you watch other people give God praise you watch other people celebrate God's wonderful words and it never moves you because you're not expecting it and you always get what you don't expect you miss them you thought I was gonna say you get what you expect no you always get what you don't expect if you don't expect to be blessed that's just what's gonna happen to you if you don't expect your prayers to be answered that is exactly what you're going to get if you never expect God to make a way God will never make a way maybe they didn't recognize him because they weren't expecting perhaps they didn't recognize him because you look different after the resurrection [Applause] that's there's something about him now that's not like it was before me but that's why I didn't recognize but but I think Jesus actually prevented them from recognizing him because he wanted to supernaturally interfere with the facial recognition software in their brain so that he could offer them a course in Old Testament survey 101 because the Bible says when he joined them he said why are you so saying and they say are you a stranger and you don't know what just happened in Jerusalem and he said what thing they said Jesus of Nazareth one who was a prophet in Word and in deed and our elders crucified Him and now it here it is the third day and we thought that he was the one but here it is Sunday and some women said they saw him but you can you can hardly put no confidence in and what no woman said [Applause] you know how did get hysterical how do you hear stuff that you didn't say and see stuff that you didn't see you you can't take no woman's word for that because women get sometimes get things wrong because they just see what they want to see and hear what you don't say and read into what you're saying by putting words in between the lines that they had nothing to do but what you just got through saying you know how missing women are you can't trust that and then Jesus like only Jesus can do it started preaching to them about himself I wish I could have been there I wish I could have heard him talk about that rainbow that God put in the sky when the flood was over for no I wish I could have heard him talk about that that Ram that was on Mount Moriah that substituted for Isaac which was really a foreshadowing of himself I wish I could have heard him talk about that stone that David used when he killed that giant Goliath which was really a strong that the builders rejected which became the chief Cornerstone I wish I could have heard him talk about Joshua at the Jordan River when the feet of the priests touched the brim of the waters and the waters parted and the people went over on dry ground that's that's Jesus talking about himself I wish I could have heard him preaching about David in his palace when God had forgiven him of his sin with Bathsheba and David asked God to create in him a clean heart and renew within him the right spirit and don't take your Holy Spirit from me but restore unto me the joy of our salvation I wish I had one or two witnesses I wish I could have heard him preaching about joel saying i know that my redeemer lives and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and though after the skin worms had destroyed this body yet in my flesh shall I see God that's Jesus talking about himself I wish I could have heard Jesus talk about those three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were thrown in the midst of a burning fire and then Nebuchadnezzar got up and said didn't we throw three men bound in the fire they said yes we did Oh King he said I see four men now loose walking around and the fourth man looks like the Son of God you don't help me preach this water that's Jesus talking about Jesus I wish I could have heard Jesus talk about Isaiah slam jail Joel's wheel in the middle of a wheel is there anybody here hearing Jesus talking about Jesus his Adams Redeemer he's Abel's Vindicator he's Abraham's sacrifice that's Jesus talking about Jesus is there anybody here wish you could have heard Jesus talking about that rod that Moses stretched over the Red Sea that's Jesus talking about Jesus and the Bible says when Jesus got through preaching to them he act like he was going to leave them but they told him abide with us as a matter of fact they constrained him to abide with them until the evening and brothers and sisters the Lord will never stay with you until you ask him to abide with you God will never walk with you until you ask him to abide with you God will never make his home with you unless you constrain him to abide with you he will pass you by if you don't cry out and ask God to abide with you I thank God for His Holy Spirit that I'm happy every day not just on Easter Sunday morning not just on Sunday at Lily Grove but every morning when I wake up I thank God for His goodness coz he could have left me sleeping from last night but he decided to wake me up early this morning and if nobody wants to praise Him I'm appraising by myself if nobody wants to give him glory i'ma glorify and by myself and when Jesus got through preaching they said did not our hearts burn within us while he spoke with us by the way and every time you have a talk with Jesus it'll make your heart burn within every time you have a conversation with Jesus it'll make your heart burn within is there anybody here ever had a little talk with it is there anybody here ever heard him call your name is there anybody here glad you know him glad you recognized him glad you know him for yourself why don't you grab somebody why don't you celebrate with a neighbor tell him I'm glad I know him I'm glad he's my Savior I'm glad he rose from the dead I'm glad he's coming back in glory [Applause] no he's alright [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah heroes heroes hallelujah and because he got up abrahams don't get up Isaac's going to get up Jacobs going to get up Daniel's going to get up Moses is going to get up David is going to get up now pastors go yup my grandmother's gonna get up my father's gonna get up and one of these days one of the day sometime morning when this life is over I will I'm gonna get up - it's very anybody here can't you say sanctified filled with the whole it goes shake somebody's hand come on I'm waiting I'm waiting for that bread gets up folks I know he's alright [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I know I know I know I know my redeemer Neil I know I'm going home to be with him Brett is Jesus Frank you Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] low in the grave Heatley Jesus my Savior death could not keep his prey Jesus my lord up from the grave he rose with a mighty triumph or his foes he rolls the victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with his Saints to reign he arose he arose hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Christ arose and because he got up one day I believe my grave clothes in my grave and then I'm gonna rise and you won't recognize me then because I'll have a new glorious resurrected body behold now are we the sons of God and it does not appear what we shall be but we know that when he comes we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 42,363
Rating: 4.6732025 out of 5
Id: rNGh6YKCA9w
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Length: 45min 39sec (2739 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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