That's What He's Done For Me

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open your Bibles with me to first Timothy chapter number one first Timothy chapter one commencing at arrest number twelve through verse 17 I want to preach about that's what he's done for me that's what he's done for me first Timothy chapter one commencing in verse twelve reads and I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who have enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious but I obtained myself because I did it ignorantly in unbelief and the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief I'll be it for this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long-suffering for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting verse 17 is a song and it reads now under the king eternal immortal invisible the only wise God be honor and glory for ever and ever amen thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades with the word of our God shall stand forever that's what he's done for me after spending three years preaching and teaching at Ephesus Paul left the church in the hands of a capable young preacher named Timothy Timothy was a young man in his first pastor it and he encountered his share of problems he had to combat false teachers he had to overcome the rise of false doctrine that was disorder in the worship service he had to find and train qualified church leaders that was the sin of materialism and in the midst of all of this some people in the church thought Timothy was too young he was just about at this time thirty years old and in the greco-roman world a man did not really come into his manhood in their thinking until he turned 40 so here is this young inexperienced pastor trying to deal with people who are recalcitrant and stubborn need leadership and knee training and Paul has placed them over that fledgling congregation but he's having some trouble leading them they despise his youth and Paul admonishes him Paul exhorts him to let no man despise your youth he says stir up the gift that is in you I wish I had a Bible reading Paul said Timothy I know it's in you I see it in you it was in your grandmother it was in your mother you were you were raised right it's been put in you by your by your grandmother Lois and and your mother Eunice don't let anybody criticize you because of your youth and your inexperience and Paul admonishes and encourages young Timothy and said to him if you want to talk about having a hard time let me give you my testimony and when Paul relates to Timothy his testimony what he's actually sharing with Timothy is this is what the Lord has done for me and if the Lord can do this in my life surely the Lord can do it in your life and whenever you tell your testimony whenever you share your faith always remember to tell them what you were before God got his hands on you our brothers and sisters some of us looking good in here this morning we dressed up in here this morning we are made up we looking sharp this morning but you should have seen us before God got his hands on us you should have known some of us 10 15 12 to three years ago look at where the Lord has brought us from when I shout when I raise my hands when I open my mouth I'm just sharing this testimony that's what the Lord has done for me now all of us don't have the same testimony all of us wasn't on drugs all of us didn't go to jail all of us went on the streets but but all of us ought to be able to testify God didn't bring me from that but he kept me from that I wish I had a witness here he might not have brought me from it but I thank him that he kept me from I could have been dead I wish I had two or three witnesses here I thank God for my story I thank God for my testimony I thank God for the trials that have come through for the hard times that I endured because it made me the Christian that I am right now I'm not all that I ought to be I wish I had one or two more witnesses but I thank God I'm not what I used to be and so my testimony is if you give me a minute I can tell you that's what the Lord has done for me somebody was sick and he made you well you were broke and he paid your bills you were down and he raised you up you were depressed and he lifted up your bow down here you thought you'd never smile again but God put a new song in your mouth you thought you'd never stop crying but your testimony is weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning come on let me give you a minute or two tell somebody next to you that's what he's done for me put food on my table put a roof over my head put clothes on my back clapping in my hands you put a new song in my mouth and I came to praise and I came to lift my eyes I've come to tell my story that's what he's done for me let's let's let's let's walk with Paul through his testimony let's let's walk with Paul as he admonishes as he encourages young Timothy from his own life because that's all you can testify about all you can testify about is what God has done in your life you might not know all the books of the Bible you may not have gone to seminary you might not even know the Bible you don't need that to testify you don't need that to be a witness all you need to talk about is what you have seen and heard I've seen God open doors I've watched God make my enemies my footstool I've seen God make away out of no way I've seen people who are against me that God made them love me I saw circumstances that should have taken me out but God stepped in right on time I wish I had somebody else here who don't mind testifying who's right embarrassed to be a witness I know for myself that's what he's done for me now in verse 13 in verse 13 and verse number 15 Paul testifies as a sinner verse 13 and 15 I was a blasphemer a persecutor injurious that mean I'm just looking for trouble to get into but I tend mercy because I did it in ignorance don't know don't ever brag on being a fool repent for foolishness but don't brag on being a fool Paul said I did what I did because I was ignorant I was a blasphemer I was a persecutor I was looking for trouble and I received mercy because I did it in ignorant Paul was persecuting the church thought he was doing right and you can actually think you're doing right and you're doing wrong I wish I had one or two more witnesses and he said this is a faithful saying Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners here it is of whom I am chief a crook a wretch anything you can name some of us in here did it now now we're not bragging on it we ashamed of it but mercy got us in here is more oh let me let me let me let me talk to some cheap sinners over here on this side I know it's more sinners over here than it is right in here some of us know that if the Lord hadn't covered us I wish I had one or two more with me if the Lord hadn't come to see about us in the nick of time we'd be in prison right now I need one or two more witnesses who can help me testify I'm not here because I'm so holy I'm not here because I'm so righteous and I've been a Christian over 40 years but I've been messed up a long time as well cuz even though I am in the body of Christ I still got some issues that God should have dismissed me I am the chief among seven nine all for you to get this you got to realize who's writing this Paul writes over half of the New Testament scripture and yet he calls himself chief among sinner that ought to say to some of us who are lesser in greatness some of y'all missed that too that ought to say to some of you who think you're so holy and perfect and and and righteous because you make a lot of noise and cut up and carry on listen the reason I give God so much a pray it's because God has shown me so much mercy and you are not ready to shout over grace until you went over your guilt have a got a witness here you're not ready to give God praise over grace until you have mourned over your guilt and I shout because God has shown me mercy and grace mercy is God keeping from me what I deserve and grace is God giving me what I don't deserve that's the testimony of every sinner in here today that Paul said look at what I did I blaspheme that's that's what I did I'm guilty of that I'm a persecuted I caused trouble sinned you name it I've done it um this this preacher was preaching once and this beautiful young woman was up in the balcony and he was preaching so that she just got happy and fell out of the balcony and she had the presence of mind to grab ahold of the light fixture and her dress went up over her head and the pastor said Oh Lord whoever looks up at this shall be struck blind and the chairman of deacon see i'm going to take a chance on this i we have some of us good as long as there's no temptation we hold it as long as no bottle is around no drinks on the table no no lights turn low no no slow music no no out of Houston but the minute we get around our temptation I wish I had somebody to help me we are on our way to sin asking God to have mercy because he's so long-suffering he's slow to get angry and if you ask him he will forgive you if you confess your sins he is faithful and just and you can't shout if you don't confess you can't get happy if you don't confess Paul said I was not just accused of being a blasphemer I wasn't blaspheme I was not accused of being a persecutor I was a persecutor in another passage he says by the grace of God I am what I am he is talking as the chief among sinners that's Paul's testimony and God delivered him from that and Paul says to Timothy that's what he's done for me but then Paul goes on to testify as a saint because we are dual citizens we're citizens of heaven and with citizens here on earth and as long as we are in this flesh in this weakness in this body of sin and contamination we will always need mercy and grace Paul says I'm the chief among sinners that's that's my earthly citizenship but he says that was therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus that's my heavenly citizenship you can help me preach this won't you Paul says every time I desire to do good evil is always present the good that I would do I find myself not doing and the evil that I don't want to do that's what I do that's my earthly citizenship but thanks be to God who delivers me from this body of weakness and death that's my heavenly citizenship that there's a war going on a war a conflict between my flesh and my spirit sometimes my flesh wins sometimes my spirit wins and brothers and sisters if you be honest here this morning it's always a fight to do what's right I said as always a fight to do what's right and when you do right don't brag on it don't don't stick your chest out cuz 10 minutes later that old man will rise up in you and the very thing you said you would never do again that's what you find yourself doing I wish I had some incentives in here like me who can testify I'm saved by the grace of God have a got a witness here my testimony is I've got some issues but God loves me so much he's giving me a chance to get it straight that's Paul's testimony as a sinner then he testifies as a saint and then in verse 12 he testifies as a servant and I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me for he counted me faithful but that's an accounting term he he put faithfulness on my account yeah he counted me faithful his right in the next line putting me into the ministry he put me in the ministry it was not how desire I didn't run off to him he came running after me I did not seek him he came and sought me I wish I had somebody to help me prove Oh those of us who preach and those of us who teach God's Word those of us who sing or whatever it is you do in the church God put you in that ministry God gifted you with the ability to do that God gave you the power that's what that word enablement in the text means God has given you the power to do what it is that you're doing you're not doing it in your own strength you're doing it in the power of God and so brothers and sisters you're not ever allow anybody to intimidate you about the gift that God has put in you that's why he threw Timothy stir up the gift stir up the gift of God that is in you if they don't like it sing anyway if they're talking about you pray anyway if they laughing at you shout anyway if they don't say thank you being encouraged anyway if they don't appreciate it go out of your way to help anyway because here is the next part of Paul's testimony he testifies as a sinner as a saint and as a servant because when God saved him he made him a showpiece it is right in verse number 16 happy for this cause I obtained mercy that in me first Jesus Christ might show forth all long-suffering here it is for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting Paul said in other words God saved me to put me on display God saved me to put me on display he saved me as a pattern as a sketch as an outline as a summary exposition this is what can happen to a life in God hey and so everywhere you go you on display your your showpiece you are God's workmanship I wish I had a Bible reader created in Christ Jesus for good works everywhere you go people are looking at you everywhere you go folk are watching you especially the folk who used to know you I wish I had my 7:30 cry it's a whole lot of sinners come to church at 7:30 that's the crowd I like to preach to because they like me they know we know good and God saved us not because we were so holy but to put us on display to let people see look at what I can do with a life in my hand perhaps there are some displays some showcase Christians in this church this morning who know that you are where you are and who you are not because you deserve it but God just chose to make a display out of your life some of the vilest loose lowdown sinners are the best showers the best praises the best worshipers because they know where God brought them from can I call a few witnesses a woman had an issue of blood and Jesus came walking through the crowd and she had suffered many things over many doctors and lost all that she had and she said if I can touch his clothes if I can touch His garment I know I will be made whole you gonna help me preach this watching and Jesus walked through that crowd and the woman said this is my last chance she grabbed his clothes and when he stopped the issue of blood stop Jesus said somebody touched me I wish I had a witness here and I'm sure it was Peter I'm sure it was Peter he said Lord all these people in this crowd somebody's bound to bump into you Jesus said I didn't say somebody bump into me I said somebody touched me cuz when they grabbed at me I felt virtue I felt power run out of me you're gonna help me preach this Walter he said who touched my clothes another woman to raise their hand and Jesus said woman your faith has made you whole if I gave her a chance to testify this morning she would say that's what he's done for me Lazarus had been dead for days you gonna help me preach this won't you Jesus said show me where you buried it they rolled the stone away and Martha said Lord he's stinking now he's been in the grave for days jesus said you're gonna see your brother again she said I know I'm gonna see him again at the resurrection and the last day Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he be dead yet shall he live and he that lives and believes in Me shall never die if I gave Lazarus a chance this morning he would come to the mic and testify that's what he's done for me they're out there in the desert place and that was no way out to buy any bread and that was a little boy with two fish and five loaves of bread Jesus fed a multitude five thousand men not counting women and the children if I gave them an opportunity they would testify that's what he's done for me this woman was on the way to bury her only Son this woman of nain was on her way to bury whole child Jesus put his hand on the casket and raised that boy from the dead if I gave him the mic this morning his testimony would be that's what he's done for me Jairus his daughter was at the point of death Jesus went and put his hands on her that she came back to life again and he said Donna arise if I give her an opportunity the testimony would be that's what he's done for me that's some more examples in the Bible but I don't have to go down to Egypt to get Moses at the Red Sea I don't have to go to Daniel in the lion's den I don't have to go to the fiery furnace to get Shadrach Meshach and Abednego that's some people in this church right now who's got your own testimony that's what he is done for me if the Lord opened doors for you help me tell somebody that's what he's done for me if the Lord made a way for you help me be a witness this morning that's what he has done for me if the Lord been good to you help me testify right now that's what he has done for me why don't you grab somebody why don't you shake somebody's hand tell him I don't know what he's done for you but him and get you my testimony that's what he's done for me is there anybody here feel like praising him today is there anybody here feel like magnifying your name come on help me be a witness that's what he's done for me come on preaching like I'm preaching why don't you grab somebody preach to him like I'm preaching tell him that's what he's done for me he brought me from a mighty long way he made a way I don't know where he died didn't he die but Sunday morning he got up with all power is that I anybody here know my Jesus come on help me talk about he's a rock in a weary life he's a shelter in a time of storm he's a friend when you're friendless bread when you're hungry yarn or induction Jesus is on the mainland why don't you tell somebody why don't you tell somebody that's what he's done for me whatever he did for you tell your testimony to somebody who needs to hear it I don't know what your testimony in so why don't you tell your neighbor what the Lord has done for you tell them right now what the Lord has done for you it's individual for you it's personal for you it's all about you it was good for you shot on your testimony praise God for your testimony give him glory for your testimony give him an honor for your testimony praise His name for your testimony open your mouth for your testimony wave your hands for your testimony the only reason you got a testimony you passed the test I said the only reason you got a testimony you passed the test jackoff Frankie Frank you for being a father thank you for being a company keeper Frank you for being a mother ah ah no he's alright he walks with it talks with me he kept me he never left me thank you Jesus no he's alright I was a sinner I was a wretch undone lost and on my way to hell but he saved me that's what he's done for me I was in the hospital they said I wouldn't live two hours but here I am this morning my testimony is that's what he's done for me you got your own story you know where God brought you from you know what God did for you and God did for you what you couldn't do for yourself don't let nobody make you embarrassed about your testimony don't let anybody make you feel bad about your praise they don't know how much you paid in trouble and pain to get to where you are right now give God the praise give God the praise give god the praise give god the pain give God to pray from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same he's wearing to be praying he brought me he kept me I wish I had a witness when I was down he picked me up when they were laughing at me he stood by my side why don't you hug somebody encourage somebody give somebody a warm embrace tell him that's what he's done for me it has no secret what God can do what is done forever ah that's what he's done for me I'm not testifying for you you got to testify for yourself I'm talking about that's what he's done for me yeah brothers in the system I hear Paul I hear pork now telling Timothy try to get to me come before winter stop and throw as in get my books bring my parchment but if I'm not here when you get here I want you to know something I have fought a good fight I finished my course I've kept the faith henceforth there's a crown waiting for me and not only me but to all those also wait for his appearing
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 154,702
Rating: 4.7122674 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: 6kzr9higaKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2016
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