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hallelujah hallelujah praise yah everybody praise yah another time amen and amen hallelujah this is your sister carrie anne in jesus christ okay brothers and sisters i want to come with a very powerful vision and that the lord gave to me the early hours of this morning i'm so so sorry um i forgot the date today another one who said the wrong date what date is it is it the third fourth is it the fourth of october or something like that must be the fourth i think it's the fourth this is the fourth or the third i do apologize um so the law gave me this vision in october 2021 just yes just early hours of this morning brothers and sisters there's absolutely no doubt in my mind not even a little carry and you know maybe you're overtaking this thing too much no there's no doubt as sure as i am sitting on this chair and know that i'm not going to fall because the chair is holding me up because it's not wobbly or anything that is so sure i know 150 percent that the turner's event it is coming and it is going to happen the most high yeah gave me very profound very vivid vision early hours of this morning brothers and sisters are in this vision it was like i was in the biggest shopping center in the united states of babylon america i don't know which cities that to be honest with you i don't know which city has the biggest shopping center but it was huge i said biggest but it was proper proper huge really big um and when i was in there brothers and sisters listen to me very carefully because i'm gonna try to describe everything that i can remember okay in the vision it felt christmassy it felt decembery type of thing because when i looked through the shop windows there were it was a colorful light like your green and pink and purple pepper pepper ball it was just white lights but it was bright enough to just have this festive feel that's how it feels you know in the shopping mall you call the shopping center some people call the shopping mall whatever you call it and but here in the uk we call it shopping center so i had this festivity type feel and everybody was walking up and down doing their own thing and i remember was walking with this lady and it's like she knew me this woman she wasn't she wasn't an angel she was not she was a normal person admitting the vision and we were walking through the shopping center and as we were coming towards a escalator all right to go down an escalator escalator stair stab thing just before reached the entrance of the escalator i saw a group of soldiers with guns and all of that right these weren't police these were these were soldiers all right the soldier was like uh a little small it's not a moses basket it's a cot but it's a it's the size of moses basket so it wasn't your normal big cart where you put your baby in it was just the size of a moses basket but it was a cot all right for a miniature cot i would say a miniature cot in this cut brothers and sisters i saw five items because i counted it but there were two ladies um one on each side of the cut okay and what these two ladies were doing brothers and sisters anyone anyone that passes these two women they look like they were probably doctors or scientists or something like that are nurses i'm not sure but they're in the medical field but anyone who passes these two women they were called over at their will if they wanted to go and they were basically telling the people to wipe their hands because their hands are dirty so as the lady and i walked up to go down the escalator obviously we were called and these two lady callers over and the first thing they looked at both of us bought me and the lady and they said your hands are dirty so i begin to look at my hands and i'm thinking i i can't see any dirt that's what i was saying to these two ladies i said i can't see any dirt but in the spirit as i said i can't see in the dirt in the spirit is like i had bird's eye view and it's like loads of hands was just coming up these are the people in the shopping center that was passing and i saw dirt on people's hand not everybody not everybody some people had a little dirt dirty hands sort of thing and other their hands were clean and the lord began to speak to my spirit and he said the people with the dirt on their hands all they need is soap and water that's it that's what the spirit of the lord says to me the vision is that all they need is soap and water and then the hands that just disappear they're all disappeared god the lord wanted to show me about the hands so my focus was back to the two women who were telling me and this lady that we need that our hands are dirty so i bought myself and the lady said our ends are clean the lady that was with me not the two doctors the lady that was with me then turned to me and said kerry whatever you do those five items that is in that baby cut do not do not touch it do not use it do not go near it brothers and sisters as i begun to look in the cot the five items that i saw was the five names i think is five i don't know how many names i lost count but i didn't know it was five the five names of the you know what that's going on in the world i can't really call them here on you you you but you know them the one that starts with p the one that starts with a the one that starts with j the one that starts with what else brothers and sisters i lost count but it's five of them do you know what that's going on in the world and they all had the names on them the full name not just just the full name of the you know what um cobra um cobra slap oracle change everything cobra slap all right and the whole are the names on them of all of them and obviously i recognized them and i would like in my heart was saying this is really strange i begin to question my spirit and i said lord this is strange because you know what normally the coming in bottles that you pull up and you do your thing but these you know what brothers and sisters they were in the form of baby wipes they were in the form of baby wipes and when i look in the cart at all these five babe i call them baby wipes and now all these five you know what baby wives you can tell that people have been wiping their hands because you know when you use baby wipes and you have a little piece showing and it's not closed properly so i said to myself ah so people have been using these baby wipes uh these two women that's sitting down one on the left one on the right of a cut i've been calling people off and giving them the wipes to use the lady that was with me brothers and sisters i should be going to tell me not whatever i do stay away from the from these baby wipes because they're very very wicked that's what she said she said the wicked stay away she says stay away she said i'm going to show you something i'm going to prove to the whole world this is what the lady is saying i'm going to prove to the whole world and show the world that these baby wives that you two ladies are telling people to wet their hands when their hands are not dirty this is what the head was saying to the two doctors when their hands are not dirty or calling people over telling them to wipe their hands and their hands are clean but then when she was speaking in my spirit she didn't saw what i saw or the lord brought all the hands in front of me some were clean some were dirty and the lord said all i need is soap and water and wash it off underneath water that's it you're clean you don't need the baby wipes the lady began to say i'm going to show the whole world that these wipes are very wicked brothers and sisters the lady began to pull pull up the wives because it's five of them isn't it and once you pull up the first sheet of white with the the p one you know what i'm talking about the p one brothers and sister the p one the p baby wipes when i look at it because she held the sheet up she said can you see this carry and i said yes she said you see the patterns and i was looking at the patterns and the patterns in the p well it was striking in the p1 brothers and sisters and the p you know what it was striking it was vibrant well it was just in your face it was it was all white don't get me wrong just a normal color of your baby wipes it was the same color it wasn't green pink blue or anything no it wasn't just normal white baby wipes but it was made of patterns and this pattern were fancy patterns proper fantasy patterns brothers and sisters like cobweb type pattern thing so the lady pulled it out and she wiped her hands with it she wiped her hands with a pee baby wipe then she pulled out the a baby wipe the one beginning with a hay a and she and she showed me she said can you see the patterns and i said yes but the patterns in the a wasn't as as pronounced as one in the p she wiped her hands with the hair then she pulled out another one that begins with j the pattern was in that as well but the p pattern was the brightest pattern the webby will be webby will be patterned brothers and sisters then she pulled out what's the other one called i can't remember show me same thing pattern pulled out another one same thing pattern but the p that you know what that begins with p that is the yeah that one is wicked brothers and sisters the web the formation of the web that this thing form on the baby wipes is very wicked so the lady began to wipe her hands with all these baby wipes brothers and sisters all of a sudden the woman hand began to bleed there were blood everywhere blood in the cot blood on the floor right and then one of the sword one of the soldiers turned around and realized what was going on and he came over and he said to the lady what's wrong with your hands and the lady said i'm showing the world how wicked i'm showing the world how wicked these you know what you call the name obviously do you know what is so the the soldier got some water and said wash your hands off and the lady wash her hands off and once you wash your hands off the soldier then turn to her and said you've got no cuts there's absolutely no cut on your hands and the lady said i know there's no cut on my hand but whatever i have wiped my hands with these you know what you call the name of it these you know what wipes it's gone into my bloodstream and then so therefore she was just who's in blood for my pores the blood was coming from her pores the only person that i know that who's blood from the poor poor pores rather um because the bible said that jesus christ of nazareth is sweat blood and that's because his body was on the severe stress when they were gonna murder him when they were gonna kill him he knew it and his body just went under that intense stress and his you know begins his sweat became blood his pores his pores are pouring her blood but in the case of this woman something caused the blood in this woman hence well we know what it is to become thin so thin that it will seep injured it was just running out running down brothers and sisters after the lady washed her hands and she began to rebuke the you know what and the soldiers because she was saying to the soldiers you all are in it this is what i've been warning i've been warning i've been warning and i'm saying that there's some wicked soldiers that's going to protect the turners i've been telling you brothers and sisters but in this vision this woman was rebuking the two uh ladies that was giving all the the baby wipes and the soldiers and she was saying y'all are in it y'all are very wicked and then she said i don't feel well she turned to me and she said i don't feel well and it will let she she kind of bowed her head like that standing and when she bowed her head standing brothers and sisters she began to speak and she said carrie she said run she just said that to me she said run she said whatever you do she said run go and hide the lady lifts up her head brothers and sisters to look at me the turner's event is real and it is coming when the lady lift up her head brothers and sisters her eyes changed all i could see in her eyes was it was almost jelly just the pupil were next to nothing that were gone it was almost white gel ended and the pupil itself gotten bigger the iris and the pupil that color pupil it just got bigger but the white was covered in this jelly-like uh jelly-like substance and you could see that something to our body was going on our body was going through a vigorous change in front of my eyes because her skin just got so pale her and it was like her hair just became stringy everything was just changing in front of me and that was the last time she spoke when she held her head down and she said carry run run and hide that's the last time she spoke the same soldier brothers and sisters this and these soldiers are working with these things i am telling you the same soldier that gave her the water to wash her hands and said oh your hands are not caught i don't know where the blood is coming from the same soldier came over back and when you realized what was going on he knew hallelujah got a creation he knew what was going on because this wicked soldier went on his phone or his walkie-talkie whatever they use brothers and sister and he went it's time let them out do you what i say brothers and sisters are you listening to the vision you're listening to this vision the soldier then phone i don't know who he phones but all i know he said um when one you know wants a lady's change and everything obviously she's a turner now and he went on his phone and he said it is time let them out oh my god this is why the lady said carry run and hide i didn't go straight away because you know this lady was with me and i didn't know what was happening because like i said she bowed her head and but then one of it said she lift up her eyes and everything and i could see then i realized that she was turning but the soldier came over and the lord allowed me to hear what the soldier was saying so that's why i didn't move at the same time and like i said the soldier said to whosoever was controlling whatever let them out brothers and sisters listen to me all i could hear in the shopping center was screaming everybody began to run every everybody began to run when i looked behind me brothers and sisters just let the woman that change i don't even know her name but i'm going to call her should i give her a name i don't know her name the lovely lady let me call her the lovely lady just like the lovely lady who changed in front of me when i looked probably about 60 yards it wasn't far away from me i don't know where these sleepers came from brothers and sisters it must be the people that wipe their hands with the baby wipes it must be them and some that turned something on that's all i could say because all of a sudden the whole place was filled with sleepers sleepers were everywhere brothers and sisters and people weren't changed like myself began to run we began to run and people were hiding and it was just you were awful it was awful because these sleepers what was out of their minds their minds were controlled by something else and they know the funny thing about brothers and sisters when i began to run away from the scene i look back yes i did because i'm not going to turn into a pill of salt am i but i look back you see when i look back the wicked evil soldiers were still standing there dead in the run and the lady the two ladies around the cot they did not run but everybody else had to move away because these sleepers were just coming and the good thing i'm gonna say i don't know if it's a good thing actually i don't know if it's good but the thing i'm gonna say with the sleepers what i saw they weren't moving that fast they were a little bit you know they were fast enough but they were slow-ish you probably could get away they were moving but that the pace what did they go whether they're gonna pick up faster pace eventually i don't know but when i look back they were they were coming don't know what coming they were everywhere and um but the pace wasn't that fast fast fast when i began to run brothers and sisters i don't know the vision must have shifted it must have shifted because i found myself this is the same vision and i found myself knocking on a hotel room and when i knocked on the hotel room brothers and sisters when i opened the room i saw my mom and she knew what was going on and in this room brothers and sisters she was praying and i saw because i know my siblings i know i know the siblings my siblings who have gotten do you know what and all the sibilance my siblings that i've gotten the you know what was in this room that they they did not turn because my mom was praying and then my mom told him not to leave the room so i think the presence of the holy spirit within my mom subdue the turning because i said to you not everybody's gonna turn i said it no if some people will be fine some people will be up and those people who will be okay they're gonna they're gonna really worship ya they're gonna they're gonna be so happy that they're just gonna turn over brand new leaf and give ya all the glory all the praise but unfortunately not everybody is gonna be safe some people will turn some not everybody some but some will but i remember knocked on this door i don't know how i found it but this was a move in the holy spirit because the same event was going on in the shopping center and when i knocked on the door i went in the room and i saw my mom and all my siblings that had the you know what they were in the room but the that they they were okay they didn't they didn't return they did that they were fine but they couldn't leave that room they couldn't leave out they could not leave the presence of my mom because i think if they venture out outside whatever is causing the change they would they would turn this is the reason why i say to people how to look after your families and friends when they turn because i know some of you are saying oh it is the the triple six that's it they're done for they're going to hell no that is not true and when the turner's event begin to happen and your family or friends turn in front of you when you begin to pray i'm telling you you're gonna see restoration you're going to see restoration from your families and friends that's in front of you but not everybody will respond for some reason respond to prior so don't be brave and be a hero and go on the street and say you're gonna go touch these turners and no you don't do that they don't do that you keep it in your home because this is a part of ya's judgment upon this wicked world the turner's event is a part of yes judgment as well because people still hate him even though this thing is going on they don't they still don't know him so what is the calm is going to wake people up like because you you probably think that all the you know you know what that's making people ill all over the world you think that alone will wake people up but they don't business they keep they're doing the same thing they're still clubbing they're still doing everything wicked but when the turner's event happens and some people realize that they have not turned or they're good they're good they're gonna give you a praise and if they do turn and the family friends begin to pray and rebuke the thing and they come back to their natural humanity they're gonna serve ya with all their hearts all their soul and other mind because some people come to ya through fear the vision is true but uh i'm gonna release i wanna release three videos today brothers and sisters three today back to back the other vision that's a vision of the revelation that i'm going to release it's it's also about december 2021 we don't know what's going to happen but like i say in this vision to me it felt festive festively when the turners are changing the vision is true this vision this vision is true this vision is true um be in your guards be sober be sober be vigilant be watchful ever ever observing all things doesn't matter to call you conspiracy theorists don't matter don't matter one bit observe all things brothers and sisters observe it all yeah never lies this vision that i'm giving to you now this prophecy this prophetic vision it is true and it's going to come to pass it will it's going to come to pass very soon we're very very close enough is enough because you see ya is wrapping things up and people are not the heart is so hard against the most eye but this turner's event it has to happen so to wake up people because what's coming next is a triple six and when the triple six come don't be asking for prior because nobody's gonna pray for you because you're done you're going to hell h-e-l-l that's what that's your donation when you take the triple six and i know that you know what looks like the triple six it does you know you look at you think you can't buy it can't go on holiday condo it does but it's not it got to keep me the contents of the bible all right be bold be strong be courageous walk with ya just like enoch all praises all beautiful praises to the messiah who lives above the heavens yeah eternally bless you i love you all and i will see you soon someday in glory in jesus christ precious holy name amen and amen let us say the benediction together it's in jude 1 verses 24 to 25 the bible reads now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the unwise god our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power both now and forevermore amen and amen amen blessings amen
Channel: Sister Kerry-Ann
Views: 17,133
Rating: 4.9450865 out of 5
Id: -Tbs_aHMbJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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