REVEALED 👉 World's MOST POWERFUL Creator PC! | AMD 5995wx + 3x RTX 4090 Workstation [OPPENHEIMER PC]

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they won't fear it until they understand it and they won't understand it until they've used it [Music] so there are PCS and there are pieces it's got a 64 core 128 thread CPU it's got not one not two but three RTX 1490s only 256 gigabytes of RAM 7 pcie m.2 Gen 4 ssds and it can easily pull more than 1500 watts from the socket now believe it or not it all has a reason and it makes much more sense than you think this is one of the most powerful I see Power most expensive and most jankiest PCS I've ever built on this channel now you might be thinking who on Earth is this pc4 well if you work in 3D and you need to render whether on GPU or CPU this is an absolutely killer setup what you'll see next is the build process of this PC because it's a lot different than your usual PC and if you pay close attention I'm gonna show you some of the upgrades how this PC can suddenly cost easily more than fifty thousand dollars Animax has been around for 33 years and most of you probably know them by their power supply but a few years back they also introduced all-in-one liquid cooling products into their lineup back in 2017 they released an AIO that covers the whole IHS of a thread of a CPU the first gen and TR4 aios had an issue in 2019 but since then they have released an updated LIC Tech Gen 2 and increased the warranty from two years to five years they also have a no questions asked worldwide return policy more about the Lake Tech AIO later on in this video but learn more about nmax psus and other products down in the description below so you've got an actual advantage of knowing what this PC will look like I actually don't know fully so it's gonna be interesting but we've got a lot of very high-end exciting Hardware as you've already probably heard so let's start the motherboard we're going to be using is the Pro wrx80 Sage SC Wi-Fi motherboard in terms of motherboard upgrades there really isn't much out there there is the 2.0 version of the same motherboard wrx80 Sage from Asus and that one will give you extra little features for example PBO or power limit modification on the CPU which means that you can push the CPU maybe more than what it is on this one so perhaps that is the upgrade there but it's priced very similarly to the version one of the motherboard this is for the threadripper pro 5000 series and 3000 Series pull this plastic cover out take this 64 core threader for pro 5995 WX CPU this is the best CPU you can get right now for multi-core performance now I know that you can get the Zeon 34 95x as well but that will have to be overclocked in order to actually beat this AMD one here in multi-core performance in multicore performance at stock settings this is the best CPU upgrades there really isn't anything out there this is the best as top end as you can get one especially when it comes to Performance per watt CPU absolutely ridiculous highly recommend check out my review for the CPU but it's got 128 PCA lanes and that's why we have a socket like that as well all we do is slide this down put the clamp down there as well in order to close this number one first and then I'll do a bit of Two and a bit of three did you know that you need this special AMD threadripper kind of a screwdriver to tighten this down because it's got a certain tightness Torx already built into the handle I'll show you in a moment you're going to hear a click there we go click click as long as all of the screws click you've got a perfect tightness of these and you don't need to worry about anything else this is 256 gigabytes of ddr4 3200 Mega transfers per second team group T create ramp okay let's get it installed 128 gigabytes 256 gigabytes now the good thing is ddr4 isn't that expensive anymore and you can get these a very very affordable even if you want to put it in your mainstream PC or upgrade ram in your existing ddr4 system I highly recommend checking out this Ram kit now RAM upgrade and here you can get quite a bit of upgrades now perhaps you can change the frequency to a little bit faster but then we might have some issues with the actual integrated memory control and so on because it's rated 3200 megahertz so if you look at the same megahertz Ram you can upgrade to this RAM and that's going to cost you nineteen thousand dollars for two terabytes no problem you think that's expensive well have a look at what Apple charges for 1.5 terabytes of RAM and it's a much much slower Ram as well considering that the 19 Grand doesn't sound so bad anymore does it and we have another bunch of ssds here this is the team group t-force whoa z440 and the point for these Estates is that they are Gen 4 nvme drives but there are something very very special about that now as a Creator I'm not sure if you know what a terabyte written spec is that but every SSD has a lifetime value the amount of times you can rewrite the SSD cells in there is a limited time and usually the mainstream ssds go roughly around 600 terabytes written spec that's like the Samsung 980 Pro for example but these ssds here are rated 1 800 terabytes written for a one terabyte drive two terabyte drive these come in two terabytes and sizes as well that is 3600 terabytes written which means that you can rewrite pretty much 100 of the drive every single day for the next five years and that's gonna be the lifespan of this SSD if you're gonna write less than obviously more than that but within warranty period to write one terabyte of files on the SSD and delete them every single day for the next five years I just can't tell you how ridiculous this is but you think oh surely this is going to come with a higher price point well actually have a look at the price point for these are z440 drives it's absolutely amazing and you might be saying look there's only three and the two slots on the motherboard here one two three why are you going to put all these ssds well this motherboard actually comes with expansion card there it is and this expansion card takes extra four and the two slots which go which we can slot into any of these slots in here so we're gonna fill all of these as much as we can in terms of speed of these ssds they are Gen 4 drives and they go up to 5000 megabytes per second reading write speed so not the fastest the Gen 4 drives but I think the terabytes written speak over rules or overplays the spec of the speed which I think are quite fast here as well one is already installed let's slot another one in there another one in there now when you are installing ssds on this motherboard there are actually two separate sizes of standoffs in the motherboard case so as you can see in here one of them is pretty much double the thickness compared to the other one the big size standoff score for the motherboard standoffs but the skinnier standoffs go for these and the two expansion card standoffs once we have the standoffs on the expansion cards to the 2280 because that's the length of these ssds we're going to pop these ssds in there one two three [Music] four push it down as you can see they've slightly redesigned the heatsink design this is a little bit of an older z440 and these are the newer ones slightly different remember to peel off the film on the heat sinks because otherwise they don't work [Music] so this card now has four terabytes of nvme storage now you can put up to four terabyte sticks in there which would mean that you can get 16 terabytes per one slot on this card and if you need a lot of fast nvme storage then this platform is what you want it for because the CPU has 128 pcie lanes and each one of those slots supports pcie buy purification which means that you can slot that x16 slot to four X4 slots which this will do and then you can see individual of these m.2 nvmes line up there so if you have seven of these you can run all of them in their X4 slots and you can get seven times for 28 plus 3 31 and the two slots on this motherboard just so you know as is the upgrades and what we can go for is disabled rocket plus eight terabyte NVM SSD so that's a Gen 4 drive and it's 8 terabytes per stick which means that we can get eight times seven which is 56 terabyte storage in there now if you want to use the whole system as storage you can get more of those expansion cards and Slot them into every single one of the slots and then have absolutely ridiculous amount of nvme but let's just be reasonable for now and then just go for these sabrin rocket drives and then that's going to cost us extra you know a seven and a half Grand a little bit more I'm Gonna Leave the cooler for a moment because I'm gonna have to try a little bit of different things or under the case here because this case needs a bit of planning so the case here I have this is the phantix and through Pro 2 and this is a large PC case and I'm going to take some of the panels off in here before I bring it up there there's a lot of things going on here first of all it's got on the bottom fan support 320 millimeter fans can be plugged in on the bottom here maybe even 140 in this slot here but these two are 120. you can put fans in the back there as well and in the front and it supports 140 millimeter fans in the front here as well on the top 140 millimeter fans 140 millimeter fans but then on the side here 120 millimeter fans but it also supports a dual system so you can have two systems inside this system and what I mean by that is if you have a Micro ATX board you can mount it in this slot over here and then I have a dual PSU you can put it in here or dual PSU slot can be in here as well yes get these covers off now obviously on top of these covers you've got another 2.5 inch SSD mounting here so you could put one two three four 2.5 inch drives in there if you wanted to okay we're gonna take the front off the front has a mesh panel and then you've got a little latch on the top there for your front panel i o there's also a dust filter in the front here the first things I like to do is play around a little bit with our GPU support because we've got three RTX 1490s two of them are Asus 2 1490 which has about 3.5 slot thickness and because of the thickness of the cars we can't fit any everything in there and we might have to utilize some other parts of the PC to actually Mount the GPU so we're gonna have to play around a little bit first of all this back cover so the primary PSU goes in this slot here but then the secondary slot is in here so if you take this cover off with these two screws you have a secondary PSU slot which we can just put the second PSU here as you can see so if you're running like a loads of maybe RTX a6000 cars um in there boom boom boom there are two slots thick but require quite a lot of power and you run out of power with from one Supply power supply you can have a secondary in there but this back bracket does come off or the case actually comes with a secondary bracket which is this one here so what we can do is when we slot this one in there just like that it gives us the option of mounting a GPU or something else in here so we've got some extra pcie slots there so I'm not sure if we're going to fit the tough card here that's exactly what I'm gonna try now to see if that fits in there so let's see [Music] so the tooth card doesn't fit in here because the three slots take the thickness that we have in the back here there is a little bit of a like a chassis support bracket in here which you can see in here as well we've got the same little like a corner bracket there and that's going to fit or like go in front of it but I'm just wondering if we did let's say go past it it will go really in front of the PC case and it might struggle with the airflow and the same thing is here on the upper part because the card is actually quite deep as you can see it comes out so far we can't use these top slots here even though it might fit in there the card is just too thick the 1490 cooler now the ideal thing would be if there was literally a bracket that we could put on the back here that just moves this even just one slot that way that would do it for us so for example if I cut this bit out from this bracket here I know that would not make this bracket very strong but in theory then we could slot the GPO in there just like that and it would fit but we'd also have to cut the bottom bit out so that's not ideal the other option is if we modified the bracket a little bit and move the bracket along just a tiny little bit or if Antics could make their own brackets here since I'm not sure about the bracket yet I'm gonna pause this one here and install all the rest as much as we can and then see if we can come back to this in terms of PC case upgrade there isn't much out there and the issue what I have is we need a huge tower that also able some space underneath the bottom slot of the last PC expansion slot because if you want to slot a 40 90 for example there it's going to go four slots down we're gonna have to have something that supports that and there is something from fantex it's called the enthu elite and that's going to cost you around thousand dollars it is a massive case but it comes with some of the you know Elite features let's say so if you do want to occupy that and have more space than what we have over here and perhaps not have a gpus laid you know sideways in there on the bottom then you can go with that case so let's figure out the standoffs because this is an e80x size motherboard that I have and a very long one we're going to lose these rubber grommets and we're gonna have to use these upper kind of cavities there to make the cables come down from there or perhaps some here but I'd like to install fans in there so that's why I'm not gonna do that but we'll see about the motherboard first on the side here and I'm just gonna check okay this here is Gonna Come Off and it's gonna go there okay I think the standoffs now are in the right place let's see if our motherboard will go in there yep that's it we're gonna go backwards a little bit right now and then install the cooler I've got the noctuar nhu 14 s TR4 and sp3 cooler here and I've actually accidentally dropped it and then I bent these Corners here as you can see but there's good news there's very very good news about these Corners you're not going to see that because I was gonna have these covers anyway hc5 cover and then he6 cover one of them is completely white and then one of them completely black I'll show you them in a moment once we've got the cooler installed because I've already done the like testing on this cooler already I've got some thermal paste on the CPU and cooler so we'll just give it a quick clean [Music] as you can see one of these things why these cooler or this cooler is very very different from the thread upper cooler is that this cooling bit that attaches to the CPU is very very big can you see how this is bigger yeah yeah which makes a very good contact with the CPU okay take the thermal paste from the box and then applying the thermal paste paste in here goes like this you're going to want to put nine small dots [Music] and then a little bit bigger dots in the middle of these there there there and there now if you wanted to you could use a spreader to spread it out but honestly it's not a big problem in here now let's see if we have these lined up the right way slowing it down into the holes I'm gonna press down and do a little wiggle wiggle and then now in a style pattern tightening this down [Music] and I'm gonna put the fans in here as well and these are actually replacement chromax black fans for the cooler because the cooler comes with you know these brown ones but I think I've got some interesting black and white design going on over here interestingly I'm not sure if you've already noticed it the socket is rotated compared to the usual motherboards because usually you know you'll have the socket that way you've got Ram this side and that side but this means that the air is going to have to come from the bottom here and then pushed out from the top because that will be the natural airflow you know cold air and then hot out from there which means that we're gonna have to install those fans kind of backwards so this way [Music] okay the other one just around here and I've also replaced the rubber corners of the fans with the white ones you can have black ones or anything but I'm gonna have it white ones just because I think this will fit on the design a bit better and the Ram with this silver and kind of white is working very very well now you could have just one fan for this as well but two is better because they're cooling performance and we want as much cooling power for this 280 Watts TDP CPU as possible and you'll see this cooler will be completely fine why didn't you go with an AIO why didn't you go with custom blue for this because I don't have to which one are we gonna go for this white one or this I'm liking the white one more so oops in terms of PC cooler upgrades now leaktec 2 TR4 was originally created for threadripper CPUs but nmx also challenged themselves to make it work with Zion now Animax is pleased to announce that it works both with thread repair TR4 and Xeon LGA 4677 CPUs equipped with a user-friendly mounting kit the Lake Tech 2 TR4 ZN allows seamless installation on both AMD threadripper and Intel Xeon platforms ensuring a hassle-free experience the Lake Tech 2 TR4 Xeon AIO cooler is specifically endured for Intel Sapphire Rapids based Xeon processes with LGA 4677 socket as well as AMD ryzen thread Ripper Pro processors with swrx8 s trx4 TR4 sockets and AMD socket sp3 for AMD epic processors this high performance AI oil cooler delivers overclocking grade cooling performance to maintain optimal CPU temperatures unlocking the full potential of your processor in addition it's also recently been certified by Intel and published in their website check out the lektek 2 TR4 by Animax down in the description below [Music] thank you now I'm going to take these PC slot covers all off for now just because we're gonna have to try to move the gpus all over the place and so I'm gonna have to do a bit of slotting here and there it's definitely getting heavier now [Music] foreign thank you okay so I have fiddled around a little bit of the graphics card in terms of the graphics card layout number one the MSI Supreme X liquid will have to go and the very very bottom slot of the motherboard just because that hangs down just two slots and that will cover the like bottom bit of the motherboard and I couldn't put any of the Jeep other gpus there and if I put something else in there it would cover or like too many slots so I can't fit everything in there then the other one is the PCA Riser cable situation now I've asked fantix already what's the situation with the back panel there and it would be nice to actually have the GPU laid out like front so that you've got front fans in the front here but at the same time I don't mind if the GPU will be kind of even slot just in on top of the fans just like that in there and the other bit is if you put put it kind of diagonally here if you're just going to slot it just down there diagonally like that and you put the GPU in there it kind of will stay there on its own just like that diagonally it will get some fresh air from the bottom there it is doable as well now this is not perfect and I would love to slot it in in the bottom slot there but I think we're gonna have to see top GPU we could move it slightly down one slot in there and then we'll have the GPU slightly lower down and then we would have the expansion card on the top slot there if you wanted to maybe perhaps that's better to not put as much hot air onto the CPU Cooler so that would kind of block block it there out so if that will be the top top one there with a gray slot or we would put the gray slot that one slot card just over there like that as well in terms of the AIO I would put it just over there like that and the good thing is if I had another one of those aals or another one of those cards we could put another one of those pretty much just down there slot down there or on the bottom or on the front so if you are gonna build something like this for this system I'd recommend getting a few of these Supreme X's rather than the air called cards just because it would just make more sense it takes less room a GPU upgrade yes yes there are few out there number one I would go and get the Liquid X from MSI and have all of these as liquid X because you can slot much more of them out there even four 40 90s if you wanted to and that would cost you about 5.8 5.9 Grand the other option is to go with a 6000 Ada cards from Nvidia which are just meant for professional use 3D rendering and it's got a lot of vram but that one is going to cost you right now about 10 grand a piece is what I can see from a b h now because it's a very skinny card you can have four of them for example and have the you know GPU upgrade cost you just four cents shy of forty thousand dollars damn and for the fans we will be using the phantix D30 fans the 120 millimeter fans and these will use where the 120 millimeter ones go and for the 140 millimeter ones we're we're going to be using the phantix m2540 millimeter fans and all of the fans are white which means that we're gonna get a nice black and white kind of theme going on here so let me uninstall the gpus and then put some fan cables in and then see how does that look foreign [Music] now since this bit over here is getting covered and kind of tight I'm gonna have to put some of those power cables in there as well because otherwise the fans will will cover these so I'm gonna have to double check that you know everything fits and the power cables go through there for the eight pins otherwise later on I don't have any space there the same for the bottom of the motherboard here I'm gonna put a few of these cables in um what I can see here like the front panel audio and the power cables here just because I'm gonna have to start installing the the 240 millimeter radiator here so cables and fans kinda have to be installed at the same time ah okay here's um another one of those situations where I wish we would have done something a bit before so on this motherboard down here there is two six pin PC slots and here's the cable for it and it's it's it's just not gonna white slot in there so which means that I'm gonna have to open the motherboard a little bit let's see maybe if I leave the top screws in and the bottom one maybe if the bottom comes out I might be able to slot two of these in if you install this first install these power plugs first and some of if you have any other plugs that like are downwards here you might want to install them first because uh this is not exactly working [Music] okay so this was a bit of figuring out to do here um because everything for the CPU motherboard the front panel type A and type c cables have to come from there and in order to actually still see the Q LED like there you're gonna have to like figure kind of one way or the other way kind of how the cables come but I figured out that I'll put all the cables like one way and then one of these CPU cables on the top here as you can see there is going the other way which pulls all the cables the other way making this nice and like kind of clean aesthetic and the airflow can still come this way and I might be able to still fit a 240 millimeter fan on the top here as an exhaust now I have set the AIO fans here to exhaust from the back and I'm gonna go double layer as well there's two in the back that are exhausting it out because I know the way this AO has been configured is that it wants to run it quite hot until the fan started like start to kick in meaning that the radiator will be quite warm I don't want any hot air to be blown in all the time whatever this because that will heat the whole system up so I want this to exhaust out doesn't matter that's the air that comes in through the radiator will be a little bit um like warmer than coming and then from the outside but it's still going to cool the radiator down [Music] foreign just a little update of the fans as you can see I've got uh two mixer fans going here because these phantix D30 fans are reversible as well so you can see you can get this beautiful thing on the bottom there to uh not so you don't see the back of the fan with these like little X and brackets in there it's gonna pull the fan in like this so they have reversed the fan blade in there so the point over here is that I'm gonna pull the air in from the bottom and then from the bottom there and then this here so that hopefully will push the air out and then kind of diagonally out from the top over there I'm also going to put the two in here so two of these fans will go there as well just to push the air constantly out from this there's a bit of a like a Lego playing here which one should you put in there first the slot in there but it looks good also I think I have figured out a good way of mounting the GPU here as well if I put the GPU literally that the fans are in this way and it will slot slightly down down here and it will rest on this fan the fans can still spin no problem there but it will rest here and then I'll figure out some kind of resting in the back there as well so the GPU can actually stand here maybe slightly diagonally like that in there because then it will get still some air from the bottom or like from here if you go straight down it will be too close to the glass here which would mean that it will kind of jock it but right now it looks good so we're gonna keep going ready for real [Music] also these fans kind of slot together so you can get like one big row of fans so you kind of stick them together to each other first which means that now I can only Mount this fan here for example with just two screws the diagonals and then put screw covers on and you don't even know that I don't have any screws in there [Music] for the change [Music] okay I think I've got all the fans screwed in now one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen fans the fan upgrade here it's kinda what do you want it to look like now this is very good fan configuration here but if you're asking me is this something that we can upgrade then the phantix D30 fans can be upgraded to T30 fans which are much more powerful and better but you're gonna lose the Aesthetics so depends which one is more important for you but other than that there isn't really anything else out there that we can upgrade the fans for let's look at the other side now one thing there is missing from this and that's the power supply and for that we are using the seasonic prime PX 1600 so that's a 1600 watt power supply it's got 80 plus Platinum power rating there is 80 plus titanium as well but you know we're going to cheap out a little bit go with the Platinum one the main thing is this here the pcie connectors so that we don't have to use two power supplies for all the gpus that we're going to play putting in this build now the power supply is going to go right over here this way and then we're gonna have to slot all of these connectors into the power supply as you can see I've already put them into the motherboard like the motherboard connectors pcie connectors there's 600 watt 12 volt power cables I've got three of these in here one two and then here's the third one so all of these after we plugged in and this and then the cable management let's go [Music] okay again two steps forwards one step back because we had to put an extension for the power supply I mean the motherboard cable for the power supply because the power supply cable this one isn't long enough to go up and down [Music] every single one of the CPU and PCA connector is connected up to this one that's 11 8 Pin pcae or EPS connectors all absolutely full [Music] for PSU upgrades we are 99 there there is one power supply that I can think of that can give you something extra that is the TX 1600 from C Sonic and the only difference there is that the power efficiency is from 80 plus Platinum to 80 plus a titanium but other than that that's it to go above 1600 Watts on a normal non-server power supply it's very tricky to find so unfortunately 1600 watts is the maximum we can get okay I've got it now built and everything should be plugged in everything should be ready to go and finally I figured even out this GPU situation basically now we've got three RTX 1490s in here and I didn't do it exactly the way I thought it's going to be so that's why I said this is not going to end up like I thought it was going to be because because basically this GPU the very bottom one here I managed to get Riser cable underneath there and then bending it down behind it so even though this card is plugged in underneath there is a riser cable on the very bottom slot that goes underneath here and it's plugged in the back over here basically I had to screw the Riser cable apart because I'll show you here the Riser cable will have the actual cables going in there and I had like that type of kind of a plastic over there and then the Riser cable came out but I undid this plastic so then I had a much better bending angle of the Riser cable which made that the Riser cable is going to be a bit shorter in terms of this one so it doesn't hit the GPU that's coming from the next slot basically down so the Riser cable is kind of a Slimmer design and this is that here so there's a bit of bare cables there but actually I made sure that the bear cables aren't touching any metal or anything like that the actual plastic bit touches the GPU a little bit but the bag cables are just there on its own and it's actually working fine which is uh well we'll see if you're actually going to turn up on on Windows but I have good high hopes for that I'm the two expansion card goes on the very top I could have put the GPU a higher slot and then that one on the bottom one but I didn't want the GPU to be as high here on the CPU Cooler I want there to be a bit more room there and move the GPU down and that also gave me a bit more space between these two RTX 1490s here and then the Supreme here actually with this one fan calling the vrms and things has a bit more airflow there plus these fans will like push the air through okay power cables in Moment of Truth three two one look at that all the fans are going very very fast these fans work here these fans there here every single fan works and it's got RGB as well let's see if we can get a pulse there we go okay we have the threadripper 64 cores 262 gigabytes it's actually 56. we'll leave that one there because the pcie front slot is this top slot is going to be we have to do like X4 X4 X4 so we're gonna go pcie RAID Mode which I think should be X4 X4 X4 because we're not going to go X8 X8 mods we'll have to see everything else we can leave at x16 mode and the good thing is because this motherboard doesn't have any RGB controller so you can't control the RGB from the motherboard but this case has like kind of a RGB control in there so that I can swap through different colors I think I'm going to put them white there we go see this is is this solid color yeah this is not there we go I'm Gonna Leave it just constant solid white look at that here we go one two three RTX 40 90s we've got ethernet we've got one two three four five six seven discs here as you can see it's not gonna load them up but if we go disc look at that one two three four five six there we go all of the seven look at that local disc one two three four five six cardier z440s the memory is 256 gigs and look at that that's what we call 128 threads the interesting thing is that in order to control these fans we're gonna have to access the um ipmi or like the management of the board on another computer because right now the fans are going like very very very very fast so I want to tune them a little bit because this is you can't really bear this sound but what we can do is put some of these panels now back on [Music] I had to remind myself how to exactly get to the ipmi of this or the board management control number one what you have to do is make sure that the switches on the motherboard are on there are two switches that you want to flick on one is ipmi and then one of them BMC which you'll just find on the manual if you don't know where they are once you've done that you go to your motherboard's bios and when you're in the Bios you go to all the way to the last tab which shows you server management kind of thing and here you can see that the BMC self-test is is past the ID is 32 you can see all sorts of these things here BMC support is enabled if there's some weird settings there you can just set BMC warm reset but when you go to the network network configuration settings press enter them you can see that here on the first bit I can see there is here this IP address 192.168 51.8 okay that's set by the router send make sure that your PC is connected via Ethernet cable from the motherboard in the back of the motherboard as you can see that cable there to the router and I had issues with 2.5 and 5G kind of networking so if you're going through that it might not work it probably not gonna work it didn't work for me but on the manual somewhere it says that the actual Network Nick on the board is supposed to support that but if you can connect it to a 1 or 10 gigabit port on your router so which I did up there and basically what you can do then is go to another computer whether it's wireless or network connected doesn't matter as you can see right now here I am connected wireless to the same network as this one is connected and then what you want to do is you type in exactly the same age IP address https semicolon slash slash and you go was the I think it was that let's go back to check yes point eight okay well when we go 0.8 we're going to hit we're gonna just hit enter and as you can see voila we are in the control of this kind of a motherboard now and all of the hardware of this computer this asmb9 iqvm that's like the little computer that's doing little chip on the motherboard that controls everything if you want to get in you're going to go admin admin sign me in and then now we can see everything that's happening on this motherboard okay dashboard I'll have to remind myself how does this work here sensors you can update the firmware here there's all sorts of these sensors here as you can see chassis fans they are working quite fast I'll have to figure out where do did we um control the fans here okay settings here fan control there we go let's have a look customized okay here we can do the fan control can you see you can do the fan curves here unfortunately you can't quite drag it as easily when we hit 70 degrees no we're not going to be 100 degrees we're gonna be temperature when we hit 80 88 then we're going to be 100 okay and then let's take this one down there as well a bit [Music] foreign now we have nice little fan curves there so basically I've put the Baseline a bit lower so that this will work a bit better but here on the CPU fan now I want to see if I can turn this up to 40. [Music] this feels um about right there now so the fan curves are done you can do video recording here if you want to uh save this there's all sorts of things that you can you can do here I'm not a pro at this but basically if you want to really dig deeper and get proper geek you can control the whole PC through this basically so if you've got access to that IP address from somewhere else right through a different network or even on the same network let's say you've got a ton of these motherboards in the same network let's say all of your offices everyone's doing this and then you're saying look my PC is a bit loud a bit hot or something you can just control everything from one computer which is um pretty pretty cool okay so let's test then some of the hardware and see if everything is working now first of all I want to prove people wrong who say that you need liquid cooling for this CPU right everything is in a case right now it's not an open case fan curves are very very moderate it's very very quiet here and then we've got cinebench R23 which is probably one of the worst tests we can have for the CPU so right now we're idling at 47 degrees idling power as you can see 100 Watts um 97 Watts something like that okay let's head on for this and let's have a look at the temperatures now okay as you can see we're pulling 170 280 Watts now 280 Watts pieces hardly getting cold now 286 Watts there okay we've peaked at 59 degrees CPU fans just gently kind of moving mowing there and we're just calmly pulling about 70 000 points in cinebench 70 000 points 61 degrees with an air cooling okay let me just mention this again this CPU is pulling 280 Watts we've got a single Tower air cooler there with two fans that are not even going hundred percent speed like at all it's at 62 degrees and we're pulling 286 Watts from the socket yes the air cooling is well well enough for that and that's due to the high contact plate with the IHS now we could be putting an AIO there like a normal 360 millimeter like Arctic liquid freezer 2 for example and but it won't do much better job sometimes even not a good job just because the cooling area of the AIO will be so much smaller than this air cooler that gets all of the heat out there look at that was 63 degrees how long have we been about one minute and a half been pulling 286 Watts here it's absolutely ridiculous threads 128 let's see okay furmark has stopped because uh it's not used to having 128 threads is it Max 32 threads yeah I think it can only look it can only put 132 threads 100 utilized the rest of them are just going to be kind of sitting there maybe doing a little bit of things and we're pulling 250 Watts there now we're 73 degrees 74 degrees there by the way in the room here there is 26.4 degrees it's rather warm in this in this room right now interestingly this uh CPU burner with 32 threads somehow actually makes the CPU warmer than cinebench look at that even though not all of these threads are used it is a little bit warmer 76 right now so look at that if we go stop okay we've pulled down in temperature there and if I'm gonna put cinebench on back again look at these threads every single thread 100 utilized look 128 threads boom used but interestingly it's not using as much wattage or well it is using more but it's not as hot okay look we're going to stop that and then put on now this 32 thread burner and look at that instantly 70 72 degrees they must use different kind of calculation but as you can see we're not even 80 degrees okay I'm just going to leave this one running here and then see how how good this is all right okay I'm just turning the PC on here and um looking at the power usage for what's pulling from the wall we're pulling 418 Watts from the wall okay I want to test some of the power draw from the system now because um okay we're running cinebench okay that's 518 Watts there and then another thing we can do is run octane bench which basically utilizes every single one of these 4090s and renders in 3D so let's click go and then let's see what happens now oh oh 14 1400 Watts 1480. dudes we might be running out of 1600 watt power that's 1 463 Watts that is absolutely ridiculous I hope this is not my house setting on fire downstairs because the smoke alarm is going okay just for a laugh let's put blender running there as well as well at the same time okay we're benchmarking blender while octane render 14 22 1456 let's have a look at our gpus 65 degrees we're pulling 290 Watts one of them were pulling 332 Watts one of them 316 I don't know how much more can we get there I've got another idea MSI afterburner we've got the GPU let's just say pool 133 of the TDP if you want start the CPU render start octane render let's have a look at our GPU wattages now okay can we reach 1500 watts now or not 1469 okay let's start for Mark GPU stress test as well so one of these is gonna go come on give us 1500 watts now yes 15 28. did you see that 1487 one five one seven and as you can see even at that point we are not going very very hot okay what we're talking about here GPU one 65 degrees Max 60 at the moment the hot spot or memory is 80 or something hotspot is 76 as you can see we are cooling it down quite well GPU two we're pulling 400 watts there do you see maximum 540 Watts we've pulled there I'm not sure which one of these is which 319 maximum 330 pulled and if we're looking at our CPU that's just 286 watts and look we haven't pushed it past 71 degrees while all of the gpus are like pretty much 100 utilized as much as you can in a rendering situation yep one of the gpus here is just casually pulling 400 watts cooling this down is not a problem and those fans are still not going hundred percent because when I first started it off and when we didn't have any of the fan curves it was much much louder so you might be wondering why is this PC janky it's because of this RTX 1490 here believe it or not it's actually hold on this angle on the back by zip ties that go through the PC in those rubber grommets there on the other side to hold it in the back there to actually put this angle in there because it's not really meant to fit in there just because the 40 series cars are so so big now the point is this is not actually fully permanent and amazing solution what I want to show you is that it can still work with this type of situation here and if I was you I'd probably upgrade to the Supreme X's that are much skinnier and you can have so these liquid coolers all around here maybe one there one on the top there one on the bottom or one in the front there you could easily fit them much much easier down there just all of the three RTX 1490s there and you don't have this type of janky situation going on here let me make sense of all of this to you now you might be thinking who on Earth is this pc4 well if you work in 3D and you need to render whether on GPU or CPU this is an absolutely killer setup because in 3D if you're rendering in Arnold v-ray octane render for example you can make use of all of these three RTX 1490s and it makes a lot of sense perhaps much more sense than some of the a6000 series cards if you're using CPU rendering or perhaps some kind of scientific calculation some kind of molecules chemical calculations oil calculations or just compiling a lot of code then the CPU is the best multi-core CPU that you can get for that type of work there is nothing like that on the market at that low power power consumption it just beats everything out there yes Intel theoretically can be that but at about three times the power consumption so for CPU and GPU rendering this is probably the best PC you can get in the world now you might be professional 3D Creator you might be saying why didn't you use the Ada a6000 cards for example well they're the new quadrol cards that Nvidia kind of canceled but calls them now a something else well the reason for that is because you're gonna get much more 3D performance out of these three cards and it's gonna cost less for these three cards than one Ada 6000 cut now 186 000 card will cost roughly about six seven thousand Pounds maybe eight thousand dollars something like that but in terms of rendering performance it's gonna perform about equal to one RDX 1490 but we've got three for the price of one a6000 so our Arnold render for example Temple or octane render is going to be much better with these 40 90s and I understand that there is a limitation of vram and how the programs can pile it and it's not exactly SLI and they can't share this all so if you do need more vram for your gpus then perhaps going with Adas is a better option but just in comparison this guy here is about three to four times deeper than Apple's absolutely maxed out Mac Pro okay I know since we started making this video Apple has actually released their new Mac Pro lineup which has the M2 Ultra chip and is a lot more cheaper than the Intel Xeon you know lineup from 2019 they don't sell that one anymore which I just showed you but at the same time it's also a lot worse than our PC here in GPU and CPU Performance Plus you can upgrade your CPU RAM and GPU and anything you want in that Mac Pro you very limited what you can upgrade you can basically upgrade just your i o now I know we're comparing apples and oranges here a little bit but believe it or not this orange here is much better as long as you don't need Mac OS if you need something else and you can use it in both platforms then this is absolutely killer of a system in conclusion I'm quite liking this black and white design and what's going on here I like that these white fans in a black PC chassis with the white accents a little bit of gray there things a little bit of lightness to the case and the theme kind of is quite nice now I do wish I had three MSI Supreme X or Supreme Liquid X the gpus in there because then it would look a bit cleaner aesthetically and just a little bit faster as well because they are one of the fastest cards out there if you're wondering what are the PC benchmarks for creators or perhaps about the 1490 scaling how much performance we're actually gonna get when going from one to two to three RTX 1490s then stick around there's more videos coming about this PC and if you do feel like you want to spend your mortgage down payment on this PC then check out the links in the description below and feel free to make a purchase thanks guys for watching I'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 678,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pc build, 3x 4090 build, oppenheimer trailer, oppenheimer theme PC, christopher nolan oppenheimer, 5995wx build, 5995wx threadripper, 5995wx rtx 4090, workstation pc build threadripper, 3d rendering pc, 3d rendering pc build, 3x rtx 4090 pc build, rtx 4090 sli, amd threadripper pro 5995wx build, workstation pc build for 3d rendering, 5995wx render, ultimate 3d rendering pc, oppenheimer, oppenheimer style, christopher nolan, oppenheimer 3d rendering, cillian murphy, movie pc
Id: SmHwP_yV5WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 44sec (3524 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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