How to build a PC step-by-step | Overkill $4000 đź”´&âš« theme PC build (RTX 3090 + Ryzen 5800x)

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is uh so just can feel my body is [Music] you know i need you can't feel my body is [Music] um oh is okay welcome everybody this looks like it's going to be live i can see people have tuned in over here hi starfall joel parry triton army obviously benji kaiser here clutch by the way your streams are so clutch uh thanks ben and everybody for tuning in this is gonna be quite a long live stream we're going to be building this pc behind there there's all the parts light out there and it's going to be quite exciting now i don't quite know what it's going to look like if you are listening to this let me know if the audio sounds alright according to my like everything looking on the actual you know graphs it looks okay but just let me know how does it sound to you and basically a few things before we get started and for people who are watching this in replay what we're going to do today is build this pc obviously but before we're going to do that i want to go into a little bit what what this pc is for first of all it is absolute overkill for most of the people and this is not best bang for buck type of thing so this is definitely not in that category but it's going to be quite exciting because it's a 3090 build and we have a ryzen 5800x it's fantastic and another thing i want to mention that i'm not going to just spend lots of time in the beginning here you know telling you all about the bars because parts i think this is a boring so what i will do is i'm going to actually leave a link in the description of the video where you can go and check out all the parts that i'm using in this build in the description below so if you want to check out what the parts exactly are everything in the description below but quite exciting parts for example the sst is the world's fastest ssd or single ssd you can have so this is quite exciting um also i can see this chat over there but the only thing i want to mention here is i'm gonna mostly focus on the build and i only try to answer the super chats that are over there and just because otherwise i'll spend all the time on the comments so if someone has anything very important you can send the super chat and i'll try to answer them but the rest of the comments i can see you all there you know thanks guys for tuning in you can have a chat there aaron's modding the chat over there as well but like on the super chats i will be answering on this uh over here um by the way hit that like button if you haven't already i can see 14 likes over there 17 people are watching this so three of yous haven't uh hit that like button at the moment and so feel free to hit that like button we're going to start this build soon but what is this pc good at now let me kind of tell you like the creator's perspective first um because you know if you are looking to build a pc you want to know how good is this pc that we're going to build in the creator's perspective so first of all it's got a lot of graphics card power and graphics rendering power now the cpu is mostly um single core threaded so every single threaded task that you might have for example photoshop it is absolutely top of the world as good as it can get so um the best cpu for photoshop basically within one percent uh what you can get the 13 5950x is just a bit better but it's less than one percent so there's no point of going with 5950x ryzen 9 if you want to go with photoshop so this is one of the best processors you can get for photoshop and it is very good for lightroom so if you do any active tasks like scrolling between photos and things like that this is like the best you can get it's better than intel and better than 3000 series ryzen processors so right up there but if you consider also the exporting score of the lightroom photos then the threadrippers are scoring much better in that area it's fantastic in after effects it's the top three processor for after effects it's right up there but it's it is better on after effects than any intel and amd including threadripper so there's only 5950 5950x and 5900x that are better so if you want something like a good right up there thing for after effects then this is the processor it's solid for premiere pro but it is it's not there because premiere pro likes to use a lot of you know calls and threads so because this process only has eight it is quite all right over there but it you know thread rippers and ryzen some of them are better like the ryzen 3900x will be better but it is better than 10 900k intel if you're asking that for davinci resolve we have bet it's better than any intel and that you can get so even like the 18 cores of intel like 10 980 xe processors it is better at davinci resolve which which is just crazy less than half the price so it's very amazing in that but um you know it's lower than 3900 x for davinci resolve and the last thing is it is the best cpu for acusoft metashape so if you want to do any of the maps thing then it is absolutely fantastic so with no further ado let us start this thing joel perry is saying your lighting in this video looks clutch yeah do you like my links in the description part uh-huh and that over there but let's start this thing okay maybe it looks slightly slightly too much on there let's turn it down a little bit that's a bit better so we're going to start with the motherboard so and we're going to need the power supply and we need the processor and this okay i always like to start with the power supply because we want to earth ourselves now it's not like nothing major majorly big but there is a little trick how you can earth yourselves for any static electricity you might have so we're gonna be using this over here okay i know it's um semi-modular but as you can see in a moment it doesn't actually matter and you can save some money by going semi-modular over completely module if you have any pc or extension cables psu sorry psu extension cables then there's no point in going with completely modular power supply because you're going to use them anyway so plug the power supply in turn it on so now if you touch it you're going to be earth so there shouldn't be any static electricity going on so this is the processor let's pull this out sorry this is the motherboard let's have a look what else do we need from here there's a nice little bag from um like all the cables and things so we're gonna take this outside i think the rest of the things we can leave inside so maybe now you can use like the closer up when i'm doing these so from the motherboard we're going to be needing this take it off put it on top of the box because then it's nicely kind of covered looks like it's come from the factory but it looks like there's something on i don't know if you can get a real close-up over here from this part over here it looks like something's been sprayed on it to get like real close up there we go okay you see even closer there is a whoa right up there can you see it looks like something's been sprayed over there yeah you can see it now look at that it's like something's been sprayed over the motherboard so i don't know what that is but hopefully that shouldn't be a problem i don't think it is who knows what this comes from the factory maybe there's some kind of alcohol that they used to clean it it was sprayed over we're going to be installing the processor first part of me just had lunch there is a the processor the rest of the box is completely empty now if you are wondering how do you install the processor then first of all be careful when you're going to open this packet because it kind of flops open and you don't want your processor to fall out or bend any pins from the pack back so gently open this and then inside here on the motherboard we have um the socket you can open the socket by this little lever on the side you can do the brightness up a little bit um that's it a bit more there we go and then we can put this into the socket there's a little uh corner on this top corner on this side um and then let me see if i can do it this way yeah go on there we go so top corner over there you can see there is um a little arrow and then we have the same on the processor one corner over here has the arrow so the arrows line up by the way it's so much easier with ryzen than intel systems intel systems will feel very fragile because you've got lots of very fragile pins ryzen seems to be easier that's it processor installed let's put this back in the pocket packet okay and then we need our ifixit kit okay have a look over here i'm going to take a screwdriver because we need this top um m.2 slot open and let's use number two ifixit kit in the description below if you want to check it out absolutely fantastic piece of tool uh kids if you're doing any small electronics or any pc builds there's nothing better than ifixit kit so we're going to open these there's already a standoff installed over here which is very very good but now let's open this ssd this my friends is the world's fastest um pcie 4.0 drive this is faster than the seventh rock and 4.0 this is saving rocket for plus which means we have up to 7 000 megabytes per second read and write speeds that is seven gigabytes per second i'm saying gigabytes and not gigabits because that is right gigabytes per second that is absolutely crazy so just pop it in there push it in that's it didn't do like a click this time but that's fine as you can see our um slot over here or the standoff is in the right place so now we just need a screw which should be in this motherboard box so we're gonna see what's in the motherboard box see aimed at two screws boom that's one that we need i'll leave the rest of the things inside for now actually i'll put them on the side because we might might need them okay aim the two screw let's pull that out okay let's screw that in world's fastest destiny my friends it's nice that the standoff is already applied over there as well the motherboard is x570 amd motherboard and it has whoa don't do that almost lost the screw there it is x570 motherboard so you're going to get the best chipset for your money well not for your money just best chipset for amd so where on earth is that ah that screws in that's clever it screws in it screws in like on the top of this slot over there so this m.2 slot actually has the screw hole over there because i thought it's gonna have to go over there but it's not this is hopefully going to be the peg here but there is a thermal paste on the other side a thermal pad so we're going to undo this little film now turn it the other way make sure it's the right way we're gonna slot in there we go let's put this back touch the power supply with our ourselves okay and our m.2 or the os drive has been installed now the next thing you usually go for is ram but in our case i'm going to go actually a little bit unconventional method because we're going to be installing quite a beefy um aio on this one which also means that there's some fan configuration to do and i'd prefer to install the aio or actually cpu cooler to this before we're going to actually put it in the case so we're going to have a bit of a sloppy you know doing putting one the motherboard and the ao at the same time in but it's gonna be better than doing it like vertically in there i think so we're gonna do um that next up we're gonna have to pull out we're gonna put the motherboard on the side for a second here and that's rubbish and we're gonna pick up our okay our case here because all right we need to rip this case apart let's take the cl glass panel off okay then on the other side this is pretty cool check this out so there's like a little button on this side on the back when you flip that the panel just literally pops open so i'm going to put that on the side here as well then the top of the front sorry comes off when you pull it from the bottom it's quite quite strong oh there we go i hate when they when they build them like that but it's fine that's how it works then the top comes off the same way okay the top panel off this by the way is the nzxth710i so definitely uh worth checking this case out it's a massive if you do any liquid cooling or things like that this is quite an awesome case but from the top over here we want to take okay i'll leave these in there for now this is the case uh instructions i'll put them in the back we want this top like bracket here to be screwed off so there's little thumb screws over here if they're already too tight then use a screwdriver for me they are not so i can just take it off because our aio is going to go on here let me just double check which side goes is which okay the holes is in the back these two holes the back frame has holes in the back so just so i know which way it's gonna go back so i'm not going to mount the ai or backwards on here okay four screws off if you're wondering where to put them then our ifixit case has a magnetic thing on the bottom you can put them in the bottom over there and then put the case back there we go now they stay safe in there so then the top frame here this comes off and that is what we need the rest of the case we're gonna put on the side for now okay then we're gonna take up our aio which is nzxt kraken x7 it's quite a rare model model because as you can see from here this rgb fans on the actual aio usually they are black but not in this case there's no instructions on here you get this card scan the qr code and then that's going to bring it up on your phone on the internet so let's have a look what do we have over here we've got these fans we've got some cables the mounting rack some more cables over here and now i need to i'm going to put the motherboard cables back in here just so i'm not confusing which cables are from where makes it a bit easier for me okay this m.2 in the back over there then let's pull this there's the rad whoa [Music] okay so um i'm gonna pull this out okay you have um this thermal paste over there let's have a look what it looks like looks looks good so i'm not gonna redo it just i always like to check it because sometimes with transport and things you might have some dust or like a piece of sand grain inside there which is not gonna create the great connection on your cpu so that's that do not i still don't trust it and do we have any tissues here any toilet paper any tissues can you see any tissues over there um some baby wipes and no it needs to be dry have a look in the first drawer on the left if there's any in there see that's what i should have prepared let me have a look no is there any toilet roll left over there no anywhere nope okay so we're going to use we're going to keep it at that i'm going to keep it i'm going to keep it at that let's have a look if i do have any well actually okay i'm going to sacrifice one of my microfiber cloths and i'm still going to actually wipe this clean on the bottom over there because i just want to do it a little bit on my own because i know i can do it better so i'm just going to wipe it off that looks very very dry and thick so who knows how well this is going to be doing on the on the cpu um could you give me some of that amazon paper first from there yeah i'll take just like rip a piece out that's it i'll get like the big excess off from this paper see we're gonna have to uh adjust some things live so i'm just going to get the first excess off with just some paper over here this looks like an old thermal paste feels like it's already gone dry a bit it's very like thick okay so there we go let me just take it all off as much as i can i'll leave this as bin we're gonna add our own thermal paste just use a piece of paper trying to polish it up on the bottom over there as much as you can okay there you go it's all cleaned up i just use my microfiber cloth here as well okay that is all cleaned up now and then we can put um some our some of our own thermal paste on i've got some octo thermal paste over there but first of all i need to figure out the actual mounting mechanism for the aio because i want to attach it to the motherboard before i want to do anything else so this is slightly new we have am4 that is our socket these are the screws for our fans so we need them and these are okay these are the ones that we're going to be plugging into there so let's have a look what do we have all right so is that am4 then i think we have to put the repacket on i'm gonna use my phone to scan the qr code and double check this always good to double check if you don't know um how this is going to go so ndxc qr code where is it so let's put that on the side we have the x73 select language english download this is the back bracket so i think i'm going to have to like if i would guess it i would have to put the back bracket on there on the motherboard um and then use in the back of it take these off put that in there use the am4 standoffs on top of the bracket on the front of this and then there is going to be probably i might have to change um one of these but that doesn't look like it is going to be okay so that's the right one so just have to look no this is the right one this looks like the intel back bracket so that looks fine so i could probably um you know make it up or figure it out but i just want to double check what i'm doing let me just see them intel back bracket yes uh okay perfect so now i know what i'm doing so this bracket over here that is installed on the aio is the intel back bracket so the easy way how you can change that is we just put the bracket that you have over here on on top of the screws over here as you can see and you'll see that these screws line up and these won't because they're they're like different intel one is more of a square whereas a ind back bracket is more like a rectangular type of thing so it just should come off when you just twist it like anti-clockwise and then we're gonna put this one back the same way boom boom that is easy that was super easy wasn't it okay next up we're gonna take off our uh okay now we know this goes there i wanna put the girls over there yes so i want to put the fans on first so this will be it over here so i'm gonna put this uh you know what i'm gonna have to put this other back bracket on for a second just because because i want to put this protection unit on but that only works with intel one okay okay okay oh i've got some thermal paste on my finger that's the problem wipe it on your fingers okay so now we're gonna do the fans first there is three um 120 millimeter fans they all have rgb as well as um you know the fan cable these are quite good fans i think the aer 2 if i'm not mistaken but basically how this works is with the front of the fan the air pushes back down like to the ugly or back side so what we want to do is plug them in over here like that on the top they all just have their own holes but if you're wondering which way did the um like cables you should put then just because we know that this is going to go on top of our case over there and this mounts onto our cpu like that so what we want to do is we want to just you know put the cables that they come in the back of the case in the back of the case over there so i'm going to turn this back so basically the cable should be on my side because when i'm putting it up there then the cables go backwards so here and then here is these screws screws for the aio just double check which ones are there yep so just the long ones i think there is yeah there's only long and short ones um do i need to use washers as well most likely yeah so use washes as well yeah so they all have to use washers and the screws so we're gonna start to plug them in over there use a phillips or posi 2 drill bit for this i'm just going to do these corners just slowly putting them in this is okay everybody who's watching this if you haven't hit that like button yet um hit that like button it actually makes a difference i can see 42 people are watching this okay like button hit that like button there we go we're just screwing it all in here i'm gonna put the diagonals in but then keep going with the rest of the fans so that if i need to you know move them slightly to get them into the hall i'm not like undoing seven screws four screws okay there we go hello dennis sega i can see you in the chat over there yes sega the 3900x will be fine with the stock cooler absolutely there's a reason they put it in the box it's fine although ryzen 5's the different cooler that is not very good it likes to run the process are very hot but not in this case by the way how does the quality sound like i'm not sure am i streaming in 4k is that right can someone tell me in the comments is that 4k streaming right now um i think it should be i'm not sure how well does it look like look over there okay looks like we're all in now just tightening these cables up high dennis the good thing is this rad has a design that even if your screws are over tightened they're not actually pushing into the pipes and they're pushing into the fins so you're not actually going to wreck your rad if if you're gonna miss you know put like another screw in which you know i don't recommend you to do but if you do then you know it's all right yes it's 4k how does 4k look like i know there's a little bit of a lag how i'm seeing like your footage like the comments and this live but yeah hi reggie hi thomas a little bit too much light is it on the main angle okay i might have to turn it down no you're fine i think it's my angle over there um what's the iso on that camera yeah you can turn it down like it's the same way too that's it leave it to yeah that's 250 is it okay okay dennis which one is not focused is it the main angle not focused or the side angle not focused yes main angle okay is the focus all right on the main angle should be right if you double tap in and then press the ok button in the center center of the you should be able to zoom in double tap on do you know what i mean built up on the screen and then that square you can move around on the screen and then do that main angle says it's not focused it should be maybe it's just this one no this one okay and then now when you press okay on the uh um yes all right oh yeah that's fine maybe it could be like the stream um quality um let's see if i can adjust that put it a bit higher okay see if that's any better okay we're dropping some frames now let me put this back just turn this off how's that is that any better guys okay so our rounds are done now um well almost done where is our in and out cables so in and out so basically if i'm gonna show you this way look over here on the top here there is i'm gonna change it to this angle that's a bit bad so check this out and here there is in and out in out in in out so we need to connect them because later on we'll be using some um you know the cam software so they all will work together so basically because i don't know which way i'm going to put it and i think it's going to have to go in from this side so but we know that all of these will be connected we're going to use these it's very easy these little cables that come in the ai bot or box labeled which one should be going in and which one out so just use these cables to connect them there we go is that in yeah that looks in and then another one that's in over here and then that where do you live says a jail gale i live in the northeast of uk so this is in the uk by the way this was absolute block that we found all of these things in stock because obviously you know what the stock problem is um yeah it was very lucky that we all found them in stock to actually make this build but the cool thing is all of this build will be red and black if you haven't got the theme yet it will be red and black so we're going to take our amd back bracket or the stock cooler mounts off over here there we go so you can see a bit better okay take these off okay let's put these and put these in the back over here because i'm not gonna need them then double checking that i'm doing it right yep amd perfect so then you've got one like packet from the air that says am4 on it and you can see there am4 so what we're gonna do is take this out and then these four screws will go on top of the already back bracket that's on the motherboard so you can just screw them in from the side uh okay there is another little bit that um basically the the way you put them on is the little like washer or screw thing that's on the other side so basically that goes down okay and then the stick goes up and you you'll notice the difference because if you put them the other way like i did now like it was a little bit wrong the um the screw just one screw in because the top uh thread is a little bit thinner than what you need for the socket so it's just gonna keep over threading and it won't tighten up and i was like eh so now i know it's on the other side so just tighten them up with your hands that is good enough as as much as they go with your fingers boom boom boom okay and then now um our aio let's put back the the old bracket this is the sorry intel bracket off and then a and the bracket on okay so it looks straight from you know the tubes come here and then it goes straight over there so i want the tubes to be on the ram side so it will kind of go down like this okay well it looks like i'm gonna have to put tubes down because that's how the socket looks like actually i can put the socket the other way as well and i can put it yeah okay okay okay okay okay let's see if we can put the socket yeah look you can move the socket round so you can have the tubes whichever way you want look at that so now it's the other way it's gonna go in there and then we'll screw it in like that but before we're gonna do that thermal paste guys um where is it where did i put it there it is we're going to be using uh noctua thermal paste over here so how this works is just put a little splob and the middle over here just like a little pea size one and basically you don't need to worry if you put too much on because that doesn't actually matter because i know this thermal paste is non-conductive thermal paste which means that even if i get it all over the place and absolutely mess it up nothing's going to change it won't actually hurt the system so now i just want to make sure that i have these um there we go there's the other packet that has the actual tightening screws for the air on so let me take four of these up they're just like massive thumb screw knobs that you you want to get okay so these we're going to be screwing them in so i'll put them on the side here let me see that you can see it all nice and well how are we going to do this these on the side the reason i want the tubes on this on this ram side is because i know the cables are going to be here um and then i want to route the cables it's the nicest cable management way if i go up here and then from the back of the motherboard this way so let's now slot it in okay it is already on top of the cooler over there on touching the cpu and let's start tightening it up so just it's tight i do always die diagonals first try not to drop these on the motherboard you want to do the diagonals um okay that's tight-ish because that's the best way of tightening down the cooler which means the the thermal paste will be equally spreaded across okay and now let's just tighten them diagonally they're massive thumb screws so it's really nice to just tighten them with hand it actually works real great so there we go this needs a bit more diagonals okay there we go you can just use your thumb you don't need to actually use the screwdriver because if you use screws driver you might put too much pressure on the socket and if it doesn't post or you get like a cpu error just undo them a little bit that would then it will turn on i have once done it where it's too much pressure on the actual board but that looks fine it's really nice and big thumb screws i've had deep cool air before and they're a bit smaller so you need to kind of use your screwdriver a little bit but this is this is much better okay this is all installed now now we want to put this into the case um okay dennis is saying which psu you put in on this build everything is linked in the description if you want to check out guys so feel free to check out the links what i'm using all the parts everything will be linked in the description below okay where's my thermal paste let's put that away now we need the case i'm going to put i have to clean up a little bit now here jabuz hello yaboos nice to see you over there nice to join in on the chat if you haven't uh hit that like button yet hit that like button massively makes a difference triton army says i think you have it the wrong way around the fans will be the opposite side no actually this rad will be i'll show you in a moment it will go underneath it it will attach to the bottom of the rat and then i'm gonna have three more fans that i'm gonna get from the front of the case and they will be from the front and they will be facing upwards so i'm gonna have a push and pull a pushing ball push and pull configuration so it will be fine because they will be pushing the air up and then there's another side on the other side that will be pushing the the air uh like pulling the air through but let's not lose any washers okay i'll put that on the side there for now these will be for the aio aio okay i think we're getting there so what we want to do next how does this main angle look now guys does that look a little bit better you know a bit less light looks all right okay i can see that the table is a little bit less maybe put one push up of the iso there we go a little bit brighter i think that's a little bit better because you see a little bit more into the shadows um so um when i will put this into the case now that is going to be a little bit tricky so let's move this on to the side i did it vertically or horizontally like this because i knew that you're gonna get the best um like way of putting down this the cpu onto the cpu so i know that like the thermal paste and stuff is is not going to be like all over the place um you could do it vertically as well but do not i prefer not to so let me have a look if there's the right standoffs pre-installed um okay over there yes there is some that this case where are these going okay just pull them tight on the other side so they're not messing up over here all right so um while we are at it let's do another few things yeah so i know that this case fan is gonna come off because that is rated quite a bad fan quite loud and do you know what we're going to replace it with the aer fan uh which is you know 140 millimeter rgb fan trying to take these off later on putting another one in there the cool thing is that the uh the back fan is 140 millimeters as well okay let's take this on nicolas is saying hola hola okay let's have a look where does this go in let's pull this out from the other side so you can see okay there is our friend there it is okay let's pull this fan out put it over there now let's put the motherboard in let me just double check one two three one two three that's the no bin that's very good one two three okay now let's do it this side are you so you can see what is going on let let's see if i can keep it over there i'm going to take these ssd trays off over here because we're not going to use them and i don't want them to be in the way okay motherboard goes there let's see how we can do it fan screws on the button there all righty oh i need some motherboard screws which are in the back of the case which i remembered so which ones are the motherboard screws now the yankee doodles there's a lot of screws my guess is it's it's these 6-32 screws and if you want to make sure before you're gonna do the build because that will be the best way you just try to screw one into the standoff yep they're the ones these are the ones i'll leave the rest aside for now this push it up now because we want to see inside that's it a little bit down so our motherboard okay all right the good thing is the a i o shield is already installed which means that it's just gonna slot in there is it gonna go oh it's not gonna go yeah it's gonna go like that alrighty let's see where is [Music] this new bin yeah it should go in straight away so let's have a look there we go let's okay to get these screws in that little middle middle knob no bin nubin standoff that's behind the um m.2 come on you can do it one handed there we go there we go one screw in that will hold that nub in just didn't want to go in properly but now it did so that is fine these tubes they're all right finally got to see some good content shulaf is saying but nz nzxd case is just boring sorry to say and to be honest this one is not as boring as the uh h5 10 11 i think this has some quite interesting things in it okay so i've got most of them in now the thing i want to do now is actually push the aio through the to the top or to the top like that so basically it's gonna appear in there um like that if you know what i mean there's gonna be this is gonna be over there like that the tubes are gonna go underneath that shroud they're gonna go over there and then now the thing is i can nicely rest the nicely rest the air on the top over here like that so it's not you know linked up over there but what we want to do now is i'm gonna pull these fans off because we're gonna install this bracket that will go on top over there like that and then the fans on the other side will go there as well so um let's see what we can do where is our ai oh no yeah aio screws aio screws oh no that's the problem you see um let's see okay i might have to do a little bit of an other trick to mount these but what we're going to do first is get these screws off first i might have to attach them in a little bit of a a little bit of an angle oh there's a little magnetic strip on the front as well i might have to adjust them in a little angle because i only have um small screws over here for the fan i don't think i have long ones that go through it if i double check the aio yeah i only have one set of long fan screws that will go through so what i can do is attach them on the can i attach them in the red because i can't screw them down later anyway i'd have to get some new screws from the top there's one thing i might actually forgot um nzxd case designed to be very minimalistic which i love yeah it is quite minimalistic which is quite cool actually um and this is going to be quite a nice clean build as well for 30 90. um it's going to be good there's a lot of unscrewing here i wish i had like an electric thing to do this i like to drill let's do this how are you guys doing where are you watching from if you're watching this live comment uh where you're watching from all righty let's have a look i'm taking these fronts last two screws come on oh my hand oh okay so all of these all of these fans over there okay let's see there's quite a good gamble cable management uh like shrouds on the back over here as well so later on when we do all the fans and things uh that would be nice whoa watching from sydney what time is it in sydney uh jayden netherlands we can see waleed is from netherlands so this is off to the cables there we go so these these three hopefully will go on the top there later on but for now i'm going to have to change that so basically if you do this build you're going to need another set of long aio screws to do a push and bull configuration because if i put this on the top over here the problem i'm facing now is that it goes this way basically if i put the fan on the top i need to screw it through the fan but the screws aren't long enough so that is the problem i could get like a few screws from the bottom and then later replace them but no we're just gonna do um these worries there they are we're gonna do the small screws to the top over here so these were okay fan screws i'm gonna put them all underneath here but okay small screws with a washer and then let's screw the aio in from the top okay my screws sydney midnight at sydney well that's crazy this is 12 o'clock in the uk at the moment germany 2 p.m philippines 9 p.m where about whereabouts are you from from the philippines reggie okay i'm just gonna do it with four screws for now just in case if i need to adjust it any other way or whatever so i'm just gonna pull this push this bracket inside here let's see how this is gonna look [Music] okay hmm interesting there is only that much space for the rod on this side so even though this is shown on the nzxt um you know that you can use those this way um i am not sure you can use it this way you see because these fans are hitting the motherboard and wait a second maybe you can if you do it oh i see one second i might be stupid let me take the ai off because that top bracket might be actually able to be used the other way as well which means you can flip it around and then you have the clearance for it so i mean if you flip it this way like this yeah okay okay i see so basically if you didn't know what just happened is that top bracket over there can be used this way or that way which means you can use them on both um side of the the case which is which is quite a new quite a cool thing actually which means that you can put the fans this way as well look now we have clearance on the motherboard alrighty let me put one screw in and then i can tell you more okay let's see this and let's put this in as well okay manila okay in india 633 um ronan is saying what do you think how long is it going to take until the hardware market is going to go cheaper again who knows we all wanted to um go as fast as possible but that's you know who knows how this is going to go but actually yeah the front you can't get the fans or the radiator push and pull configuration you can only have it one way because now this is very close to the top and which is fine actually these front fans needed to be changed out to something different anyway so i'm glad that we did it but the sad thing is yeah that you can't have push and pull configuration but you know what it's overkill um anyway but this looks really good now let me just put a few more screws in see every time you do a pc build you use different parts and you learn something something new and there's nothing there's a few things are the same but you kind of have to use a little bit of logic and then it all just kind of makes sense and you learn new things best place best processor for 10 000 pesos what is it philippines pesos from the philippines i don't know philippines prices joshua um so 50 pounds is 5 000 and a half so it's about 100 quid for 10 000 pesos you're probably gonna get i don't know ryzen 33 100x or 33 100x something like that what's the best processor for 10 000 pesos so now the you know thumb screws that go on the top again so we're gonna use these to remember them that i put underneath this let's put them back in there um actually i'm not gonna put them all in because i might um need to take some of them out yet it's because we have to do some of the fans and things so let me just put two on the top panel so it's not just flying off it's hot held still but okay let's see is that where is this going yeah might we can move the ai or here and there a little bit might push it back a little bit later that will leave it like that for now aio screws and put them in there okay i have that case cool welcome uh aki who just joined next off what we want to do is which one do we want to do first there is some cables to do for all of these fans behind and so i'm just going to push all these cables behind behind it there but we're gonna do what we're gonna do next we're gonna do okay let's do the fans then next all right we're gonna be using these corsair af120 millimeter fans now for the front of the case now these because this is red and uh black build these are actually configured that they're constantly red so they don't they're not like rgb that you can change them but they are constantly red and in a way it's like okay you know whatever but at the same time you're never gonna have a problem that when you turn the pc on you're gonna have to wait for your os to load up before you can change the colors they're constantly gonna be red and then the rest of the things can be changed i think it's just going to add a really nice red glow for this pc build come on how does that uh case work for you our key and then we have this okay let's put these screws on this side okay so these fans are going to go from the to the front down there like that so where is here they are let's put these back there they should be better fans as well than the case fans so let's start this okay there's new minimus listed case from deep cool that's called macube with atx and m80x version i want to swap my case with that is because it can support radiator on top and xd doesn't yes not the smaller nzxd cases can support um the top radiator only a front radiator whereas this h10 h710 i which this is called will support like the top radiator as well so that's what we've gone there it's quite a beefy radiator um it's gonna be absolutely awesome siren ciaran saying uh can't wait to see it finished yeah me neither this is going to be absolutely mint like glowing red in there there's going to be there's little led strips over here inside the case already as well and plus the nz xd a aer rgb fans are going to be very nice as well because they you can configure them on the software there but that's going to be really good yeah i could have i could have put them the on the other side as well do i want to put them on the other side hmm no i'll leave them on this side it was necessary to install 5950x in the pc i wish i wish it was i wish we had it 5950x is an absolute beast of a processor but it is very expensive as well and for the purpose who this pc is going for whose build i'm doing they will be using this for only gaming by the way um which is not what i'm usually doing but you know what because it's locked down and everyone likes to see pc builds i thought why not and why we went with this instead of intel 10900k for example is because this 5800x is cheaper and performs maybe equally or one percent better than the 10 900k on the titles he was looking at so that's that's the point here okay come up let's get these screws in two more is anybody watching this from work while they're working wow there's 1 740 people have clicked on this video already that's pretty cool and there's 72 people watching it right now hello everybody if you haven't hit that like button yet hit the like button it actually makes a difference subscribe if you haven't already because you know why not look all the fans from the front are done okay you have these cables from the front there we go next up our nzxt fan over here this is a aer rgb 2 so 140 millimeter that is going to go in the back of the case okay let's have a look these are some of the nzxt cables that we probably gonna need this let me put that on the floor there that's there so this is gonna go look at that hey that should be going on in here oh it's snapped let's see if i can fix that it's not snapped it's just loose so we're going to be installing that [Music] in there like that so then all the cables are going to go from the front okay let me remember now which way are they going to go and i think it starts just so i know um where is the case instructions again there we go all i'm checking right now is that the uh the the hub or the smart devices like which way they're actually being plugged into actually i could figure that out with a cable let me see which cable goes into that just so that the in and out sometimes they're a bit confusing like which way of the line is it working or going you know so okay that goes there so it comes out from there and then goes in comes i comes out from here and then in from the back one okay so we're gonna have to use this one basically it makes sense that the cable comes out the signal moves from going out from there and then it goes into the first one then it goes to the second and third one and then from the last one it goes yeah it goes in over there okay from here to there again this is going to be a little bit tight squeeze over there and that's why i put these on the top over here so i can actually easily get it off if i needed to this top let's have a look look at this if you can get a close-up now of this so these fans over here that in port over here there we go from that cable and then that is going to go there is a hoop behind over there and that is going to go over there so i'm just going to keep that dangling over there you see over there i don't know if you can see that there is a hub over there and there's only one way it can go in and it's gonna go with that come on come on okay uh-huh there we go so that went in and then we need another cable to connect from the last fan on that side to the fan on the actual um on the back of the case so what we want to do is pull that up again remember the last fan over here we have out which is this one here okay that's gonna plug in and then the rest of the cable comes down okay i'm just gonna put a few thumb screens back here okay then now in the back over here [Applause] and then see that cable that came from the top over there from that needs to go in in this case goes in to this one here so someone is asking here how would both nzxt and corsair fans work the thing is these corsair fans aren't rgb so there's no rgb header in there they work as normal fans so basically just non-rgb fans and you can plug them into this normal item system port on the case or into the fan header on the nzxt cam and they just work as normal fans like the previous case fans work but the like cool side about this is they will actually glow red when you turn them on when they've got power so that's the cool thing so now this is going to go over here and i'm just trying to figure out how high do i want to put this yeah i'm gonna want to put it all the way to the top just because it hides the most of the cables over here and then gets the rest of it out so now this is going to go well yeah you can see it this is going to go through to the back of the case that is just the just the fan cable from the back and there is one of these there as well you can put it in okay figure that out later in and out so all these cables can be hidden on the top if i push it all the way up there we go okay i'll do the do the cable management later push it all the way to the back okay let's pull put the back fan on as well how by the way what do you think about davinci resolve 17 i'm planning to buy the studio version because that's uh that always fits perfectly with gaming pc considering gaming species don't need high cpu and always rely on gpu and this is kind of like davinci resolve also relies on cpu but it just can utilize the gpu a lot more so even if you have a better cpu on davinci resolve it will actually make a difference and the thing is just compared to premiere pro if you have a good graphics card and the winter resolve it helps you more then if you had a good graphics card on premiere pro it doesn't help you as much because not everything can be utilized on the graphics card but yeah go for it it's good price how did you get the rtx 1390 because it's sold out everywhere to be honest in the uk here this was literally just in stock went in there bought it and there was a few more there and when i left and the only question i have is now i'm just wondering if we were just lucky getting this uh gpu which i think we were because it is out of stock everywhere so the back fan has been installed now pushed that way comes out from there we have nice glow of stuff going on over here i'm gonna leave all the cables tangling out from the back for now but we do want to do one thing which is we want to install the and some of the cables for the psu and psu extension cables so sorry these cables are on the way doing that next now um guys is a ryzen 537 ram and super good yes absolutely is good it is definitely good so we want to get some psu extension cables now over here welcome everybody welcome itsy by the way itsy grimy it's creamy i see it's creamy [Music] so some cables let me have a look this is going to be is that cpu or gpu sometimes there isn't a difference but okay that is the cpu cable because it splits in half from the top so we need this one there is these two that are gonna be for the gpu there's one six pin as well so we're not gonna use that this is gonna be used over there and then we've got another one over here where we're gonna take come on and from this you're gonna get look at these cables super nice red i think this is really like blood red how these look like so and then we need another one of these cpu cables now this is not necessary right like most of this build is not necessary but this is why not right let's do it um i will start watching you more hi it's oh thanks yang one young noise hello people tuning in um so what we want to do is we want to put uh some actual combs on these cables before and then push it um in the back over there uh actually we might be able to do that later as well but i might as well do it now you know why not it's pc build i do it like i want it anyone can do it like they want it but basically we're gonna use these are gonna go for the gpu later and the cpu yeah okay i'm gonna put some combs in there's different way how people like to use combs like putting the top across so it kind of um if you look this i'll show you the how i like to do it basically but i like to put it the other way so you don't actually see the comb across but you see the nice tidy cables if you know what i mean um so what do we have working this that way this way there we go so i like to have the comb across like that you know because now you don't see the comb as much but you see nice tidy straight cables some people like it that way but then this way i think you're gonna like mix up like the actual line how the red lines align and it's quite obvious where the actual tie clip is so that's why i like it i like it this way um hi what gpu should i buy for my r5 3400g you already have a gpu built into your processor so in a way you don't necessarily need a gpu but you know obviously the extra power is nice shoot i installed it the wrong way now showed you how to do so it goes that way and then it falls backwards so i installed the comb the wrong way sorry guys come on let's take this off it's going to be absolutely gorgeous when it's once it is finished um sepha i don't know what you're saying i really don't and so this goes that way okay and then we'll put it this should i put some music in the background i could put some music in the background and but only they could hear the music not i could hear the music okay there we go so now that's going to bend over like that and then go through on the other side let's see if we can get a closer up yeah zoom right in the back over there do you know what let me let me show you a bit of a a bit of light over here is that better slightly better maybe a bit better over there yeah there we go so this goes through to the other side and then i'm going to plug our cpu in the cpu plugs in to the top two parts over there okay i might need another comb over there or i might not even use the corn i might use it yeah i might use it without the comb it looks quite nice in there actually there we go that goes over there and then let's plug the other one in as well now by the way this second cpu power is not supposed to be like necessary it is kind of a like you can if you do overclocking obviously then it's nice to have it over there um but now it's like a 16 pin kind of just looks beefy over there like that look at that then we're gonna have them come down on the other side like that i think it looks really really good in the back over there and then we have our motherboard one over here but this one i think i'm pretty sure i would like to get combed so it will look straight like that and then we'll go behind there so yeah we're gonna comb this one how's it going okay tell me a game for you which the 600 placental cereal n 4 000 laptop i don't know online runescape i don't i'm not a gamer so i don't know really all of these um my suggestion is do a giveaway and then you will see that your viewers will increase yes absolutely everyone likes to give away don't they but the thing is i'll have to um i've actually got a few things in the works where i'm at trying to figure out a giveaway and things so subscribe maybe if we hit some kind of milestone and you can be part of it and not miss the giveaway but yeah uh what's a good cpu and gpu for professional color getting in davinci resolve now in a way anything will work but there is an upgrade path for the gpu and cpu i have done the video on the cp a gpu before so go on my channel darus darus and you'll see a video on me explaining um of the upgrade path of the gpu on davinci resolve now if you have a cpu you're wondering what's the upgrade path for the cpu for the vintage resolve for color grading and editing and whatever in there then stay tuned i've actually filmed the video it just needs editing at the moment it's going to come out soon 1390 is overkill in most cases the difference between 30 oh hans i did something on the wrong way here um the 30 80 and 1390 there is not that much of a difference um but there is a massive difference in the price so it's gonna go in there then round okay let's put another comb in so that's it it's see okay so how many of you who are watching right now are actual content creators and do professional work as a content creator and how many of yous are just enthusiasts or gamers or just people who like pc builds would be very interesting to know that for example itsy i can see who are you what are you doing okay trying to not mix those cables are up there's 24 cables so each time you comb them you have to put them in the right way by the way if you're wondering where i'm getting all of these parts the links for all of this pc build is in the description below if everyone wants to check out uh world-class stuff if that means anything you know like the fastest um nvme ssd in the world okay let's see if we can put another one in maybe last one so blacklisted says could you like film the process of setting up and recording a video including your editing workflow and everything you do to make a video maybe um yeah it is possible if there's people interested in that um there is there is yeah there's a multicam there's three cameras usually how i'm filming with that went to the wrong way and then i'm doing a multicam on premiere pro so in my case in my workflow i need as much cpu power as possible um because i've got like four cameras recording 4k and then trying to do um the editing later on that yo nice build so far tech check thank you very much tennis jay same old 3d model artist that is cool and this is something i wish i was very good at it's using is a gamer and content creator started one week google console player getting a pc soon reggie is a multimedia artist um there's some gamers there got my first pc 5600x and 37d that is solid my my 5900x and 32 gigs rig is basically a procrastination station yep we all know how it feels okay look at that now these cables look nice and straight okay let's pull that comb a bit closer basically so this is going to be a little bit interesting let's see how we can push it on the other side and then we want to plug it into the motherboard over there okay yep okay it clicked in now i think this is pretty cool i know it sticks out quite a bit but that is also like the feature of this that you see a lot of the the cable and how nice it is and so i'm gonna leave it like that i just remembered that i never actually finished putting the motherboard screws in because uh you know i had uh i plugged it in now it's something you know so i'm gonna go back and put a few more motherboard screws in there hmm there it is so i'm gonna just move it to this angle and then [Music] dairus is color grader and camera operator that is really cool um vivec is saying i'm going to build my first pc soon i've ordered all the components maybe next week i will start building thanks for the live pc build no problem it's good to uh do some things live and just kind of have a chat with all you guys okay the red and black theme is awesome i enjoy the red and black as well it is very very cool and now i haven't showed you the ram yet the ram is going to go in there as well we're going to have corsair vengeance pro rgb which is pretty cool as well and we're going to configure that obviously red so it's all going to look black and red seriously seriously and nice okay so any more screws on the motherboard okay one last one i think over there hi from the caribbean whoa i wish we had your caribbean weather here in the uk right now it is seriously depressing weather right now go on let me see what's going on in here there we go okay it's warm but windy yeah it is cold and windy in here so i prefer warm and windy um so next up we can probably do the ram then we have almost everything in the system just like few configurations to do so for ram we have corsair vengeance pro over here it is black and rgb from the top obviously okay have a look at these just spell my name and smile sohel rahan 560. aaron is saying i came back had to get the bike serviced and wow hello back aaron check this out your favorite rgb ram 3600 megahertz and this is c c 16 sorry c c 18 c 18. so how you put the ram in is you open these slots over there let me see if i can show you i keep this in there maybe in there maybe get me the brighter that's it zoom in right in there so if you have just two sticks basically how you do it there's four slots let me see if we can turn it this way okay then you start from the very outside and then you have one and then two is there any ram sheet sheets here no so but because we have four it doesn't really matter um where we're gonna start because we're gonna fill all the slots of beautiful ram this is going to be 32 gigabytes all together does it shine through no maybe something about that okay okay let's put the ramen um we've already done two hours of this live stream i wish it was faster but you know what sometimes this is the case whoa let's look if can i go okay look at this that is very very close the tubes are actually just a little bit touching the ram but it's okay it's not like putting any pressure on it's touching it so in ideal world you know we might want to put them the other way but i think this is still going to look the cleanest over there i could have bought the tubes down or tubes up but i didn't want these cables i want the cables to go down and hide straight away and then go up from there so then the cable management will be at the um smartest that way okay last last one of the rooms okay all ram is in look at that why not ryzen 9 for video editing cpu is even more needed than gpu alex um are you meaning this build or you mean something else that you talk about i'm not sure i might have missed what you're commenting there on but that's that okay what do you have that one this in there we've got that going now we need all right let's put the ram on the side this on the side let's have a look our motherboard is done so we can put that back over there put the motherboard on the side to touch the power supply the reason i didn't do the ram before is because i knew that these tubes would be a little bit awkward to put in after the ram is in so that's why i did the aio end because i knew i wanted the tubes on this side so that is um really nice over here the tubes go like that you know very very cool i might put the tubes like that okay like that so now it's pretty much cable management now and then let's see if we can turn this guy on pretty soon so i'm gonna turn it the other way to see what is going on so you have a little bit of an idea and we're gonna do the cable management first and then we're going to put the gpu in because we have an actual sag bracket for the gpu because the gpu is so massive you'll see that in a moment that it's just going to sag over here so we're going to have a little bracket over here for that so look at this rat's nest on this side now okay what is going on over here um so these are all the top fans let me see where's okay that as well one second there is the one more fun one more fun cable over here and that is going to go over there as well okay so how are we going to cable manage this stuff so these are the three cables that are from the uh aio aio3 fans over here so if you have them you know just separate them too and actually it's a bit easier to for you to see what is actually going on over here and what cables come out so you know what on earth are we are we doing over here so these will go to the motherboard then from the nzxt cam that's on the other side there there is like a few few things that come out from there right so there are three cables that come out and all three of them have fan headers attached to them right so you have um you know fan splitters so we're going to use one of them doesn't matter which one for now and then we're going to put all of these fans inside the splitters so make sure just that they're all on one flanspire you know it goes into three so we're gonna take the other top fan doesn't matter which order you put them in because they're all gonna work exactly the same speed or frequency so now the top three fans are in one so i'm gonna separate it for a second put it on the top over there just so i know this is done okay then these are the cpu cables over there which we're hopefully gonna you know tie in down over here this and this over there let's see let's tie this up did you know that if you have good cable management it gives you plus 100 megahertz from the processor it's a joke it's a job it doesn't it just gives you peace of mind that you've done a good job look at that it's just beautiful though okay what people saying there hello from portugal daniel oh nice to see you so these are to go for the g c m power supply then there is this one lonely guy over there and for this one i am actually going to plug that into there is another one of these actually also the fans gonna go three of them they go there okay and then this one we're going to put just gonna want these to go underneath the cpu cables so it can nicely run along this side okay it goes from the middle over there see there we go this cable over here see if we can there we go that goes in there this hide behind there there you go i put a cable tie over there later so this one let me see if there's any system ports over there well in fact okay so we have three of these just to make it easier we're gonna later do all the fan curves and fan adjustments all on nzxt cam i'm not gonna plug anything onto the motherboard which kind of would be my preference but just so it's easier later it doesn't really matter but i'm just gonna do that so that backfan speed is actually going to go or like the fan cable header is going to go with through one of these so that goes there and then okay see that's gonna go down there like that and then the last three cables there this is all gonna go to the front over there so let me just plug these in from the front to a bit of cable management over here okay there we go look at all that let's see if we can get it all nice nicely coming down to do this first let them go from the top here and then go from the top okay what's this now that's that rgb cable from there just slide them all down here it's quite nice these actually all here that will make your cable management very nice and easy let's put that underneath there as well okay let's do this here okay okay it's gonna look pretty good now let's see what can we do with the front fan cables all of these are actually dc fans they're not four pin they're three pin just so you know let's see okay we can just go up up from there that is not bad what rgb in this case then is aaron asking so there is uh two rgb strips inside the case that already come in the case the rgb is on the fans on the aio and the back exhaust fan and then there is rgb on the ram so that's what's rgb so these fans you can see there's like little hooks on the back of this case so you can like put them on the hooks and then run them up like that so that is exactly what i'm going to do put them behind those hooks which is kind of meant for only like one fan i think but we have three so let's see how this is gonna go pull all of these i might tie them all together in there this goes there okay then i'm going to use these little ties here so they would come together needs more rgb aaron is saying let's put one more over here okay so now we've got these three cables over here let me [Music] pull them tight into there okay very good so where is our last fan header over here okay that's that one it's so nice these shrouds over here you can literally just you know plug it put it in there in those and then it looks so tidy and so clean i didn't know how much i appreciate these this is very nice okay look at that and the last one are you going to plug them in boom one [Music] two and then three you can turn the brightness down a bit it's on my hands it's a bit dusty that's it alrighty let's see if we can get that this in there and then these on this side okay like that let's keep these down there there's massive ssd like storage what you can do over here there's two a 2.5 ssds or hds that you put over there two 3.5 inch drive like enclosure down there and then from the front remember we will um remove these two ssd drives uh or like drive base things that's let's slide on the top of the like psu thing on there and then there's one more on the front over there so there's quite quite a lot of uh ssd space oh i forgot i will these cables as well let's see i almost forgot them okay we need one cable tie from the top over there to keep these together okay this and then this cable management we're hopefully gonna just drop drop down there okay let these go down there okay last few little things then first of all there is let's start with what we know what cables do we have and i'm going to i'm just going to see which where are we going to put them this will say there is usb 3.0 over there okay so that should go in over there which is not the nicest thing but well whatever let's keep these down there this cable management and last these things is um i'm gonna put the psu in now because then we're gonna we're gonna see how that's gonna add a few more cables to the thing so let's do that so we're gonna undo this back rex is saying technotus has my full attention from nevada usa what did they say nice to see you god bless america long live america long live america oh that's what we say here in the uk long live the queen no god don't live don't we say long live the queen no god save the queen who says long live someone nobody nobody okay where is our is this for the psu let's have a look so psu screws are somewhere as well uh let me just double check are these the right screws yeah okay the cool thing is we can put the psu in like from the back not from the side which is a big bonus i think so screw one in there is four screws only to something so i'm going to use these in the back for the psu god save the wien aaron it's queen not wien benji is saying nice spelling aaron hi benji rex peak is saying we're going to hell in a hand basket with joe biden oh what's going on obviously okay and our psu has been mounted to the psu shroud or whatever it's called so we can push these in but um do you remember i mentioned that there's no point in having a modular power supply if you for example have psu extension cables because look this is the motherboard one over here 24 pin and that you're going to use anyway because you know every motherboard needs it so why do you need an extra port for this and by the way we had to get whatever was available so this was like one of the only ones available over here so let me take out from what we need from the psu box some psu cables over here so let's put this on the side over here let's have a look what do we need we do need one sata cable so is there any sata yep okay so this one sata cable it says 8 on it so it should be quite simple over here once later let me put the rest back by the way if anybody is wondering what um parts i'm using links in the description below if you're wondering what pc is power supply go bang spaghetti pasta people are getting excited there so this is vga which means we have two power s sorry this is for the graphics card we need two of these cables it says vga eq on it or vga what is it q g gq on it so that's that's that so we need two of them and then where is our cpu there we go cpu cpu and then in another pile there is two cpu cables there we go one two two cpu cables all righty we are very close the end my friends very close to the end let's put these back in the box so start with cpu cables and you start with the side that doesn't say uh okay it says cpu on both of them one side splits to half that goes to the cpu or our c psu extensions there's one side that is solid and then it's very easily labeled over here as you can see let me see if i can zoom in here a little bit whoa that feels broken ah no it was the there was a cable that was on it but look at this very easy cpu one cpu two and then you can't really go wrong i'll show you see even if you wanna plug the wrong side into it wrong wrong side here that is like ghost double it doesn't actually go in here because it is the wrong way you can't can't put it in there just does does not go in all right so you can only put it the right way cpu 1 cpu 2 boom shakalaka eco on and then we have what's this this is uh the vga right yeah vga1 so there's a lot of vga parts here if you want to run six graphics cards you can do that on this power supply we are only running one but that requires well you know if you want to run three graphics cards for example three 30 90s you could do that but you're probably running out from power from this anyway because they need a bit more than 1000 watts which this one over here is so that that and then now last the sata cable easily labeled over here i'm going to put this into the sata port voila and then now when this is in you can just slide all those cables inside or like through the back over here eco mode makes this bmw become a toyota pri prius hi lowry um let's have a look what we see what we're doing here trying to get this build done okay there we go okay power supply and see once it's in you don't know that you have semi-module power supply because all of it will be hidden anyway okay let's sort this out here now let me turn it this way show you what the heck i'm doing so this goes there let's have a look what do we have over here alrighty my friends cpu okay one cpu that goes on this side over here and then where is the other cpu there it is it's trying to make sure they're not like crossing each other cpu cpu both of these cpus go on this back side over here and then plug into doesn't matter which goes to which but they just need to plug into this mpsu extensions okay probably gonna plug them tie them in there is there any oh there they are zip ties do the zip ties later there is a bot for youtube two hours this still hasn't finished alex why are you giving me hard time alrighty this is a full power supply sorry graphics card that will go later graphics card that's gonna stay later this motherboard one all right that goes here it's 24 pin so you have to kind of put them together and then you need to plug it in over here come on ah come on okay this goes in quite hard let's see if we can do it again like goes in easy at first and then turns really hard can sound pretty bad oh come on oh there we go okay let's try this first okay there we go try the four pin first and then okay there we go that's better finally ouch my hands victoire we have it in all right and then this we can just hide underneath into the shroud of where the hard drives would have gone but there is nothing there for now so we can just put it there um sata cable that comes from the power supply there is one sata port over here that needs powering that comes from the actual what's called nzxt cam that needs to go to the sata power port over here so we're going to do that into the sata power already goes in there let's put these like these in the back over there as well push them all down there now let's do the smaller cables okay we have hasty audio over here okay this cable um basically we're gonna push up from the very back part so it's gonna be on the bottom on the on this over here so just push it through there so it goes on the other side from that part we're going to sort it out later look we can plug it in plug it in over there and then we have usb that's usb 2.0 that comes from there and let me double check where is the port from the motherboard again yeah that goes here so you can put that exactly the same way up where the hd audio went they both come from the um one comes from the case panel one comes from the nzxt cam we just put them on that side then let's see what else comes from here this is front panel audio sorry front panel connections so that goes where's the front panel on this motherboard yep that goes from the side over here so basically what you need to do is we're going to put this underneath the um 24 pin motherboard cable just push it underneath there and then just leave it to the other side because it comes over there i like that nzxt like puts there front panel connections like power leds and all them into one slot so you don't have like what eight separate cables or however is there so now this is the usbc front panel connection and that goes underneath there so that should go go through underneath like on this side of the motherboard pod there's like a slot in there you'll see on the other side once we go there but it should turn over there but you know what i'm just gonna push it underneath this cable because just trying to because it's a little bit short where we usually usually it's like on this side of the motherboard but this is on the bottom so we need a little bit more length to it than usual let's put it underneath okay i'm hoping this will be enough length yeah it should be enough it needs to go underneath everything here there we go this is going to be very tight in there let me see if there is any other okay let's see if we can so the usbc port let's see if we can get that guy out actually and it's all just making sure that it all fits somewhere okay you can follow along who would be interested in making that type of build for yourself by the way is there anybody who's thinking about building this for themselves okay let's push it down there okay where are we there we go so the usbc cable has to go through where the [Music] um 24 pin power cable is okay there we go and then we can put it in over there that goes in okay let's tighten that up back up that goes there and now the usbc cable this kind of has to come out from this side as well let's see if we can put it there like that well okay anyway maybe not there we go they can go there that just goes [Music] okay just gonna push it through so we can do this on the other side okay these came out this is last little annoying bits screw with confidence the verge some someone says there i han so let's turn this upside down now [Music] i know we're sitting a little bit on the cables but don't you worry don't you worry so let me get this up like that so okay that's good so now we're now we're not on the top of the cables they're all lying up like that let's see can you see now what's going on so we have a few cables remember we put the hd audio out from the bottom there so that is going to go on the bottom of the motherboard over there let me see if i can get a bit more light going over here for you okay so that is going to go in the bottom very bottom corner over there there is one pin missing like upper right so make sure you put it the right way goes in like that perfecto then we have usb over here and that is going to go in here you can see there's usb it says usb over there it's pretty simple there's one um part that is like dead or like there's nothing in so make sure you know where this is exactly the same on the motherboard there we go in there then we have front panel connection and then we have usbc now the usbc has like a little connector on the on there so it needs to go down there okay so just do your best what you need to do in order to get it in let me figure out which way does it go go this way does it go that way yep there we go the usbc cable is like one of the most fragile ones so make sure like after you've you're done with it you can you just don't have any tension on it because if you pull a little bit tension on this side over there and then it just pulls it out and that is not good and then the front panel goes over here it says f panel on it it goes on the side jfp one just literally sides in there make sure that your pins are lined up there's one that doesn't have a pin plugged in that's over there then we'll pull the cables tight later on that side but then there is usb 3.0 on this side on the bottom over there as you can see it's just behind this 24 pin over here so we'll see if we can plug that in over there or is that [Music] that is usb 3.0 on the bottom over there as well so you might use that part over there because that is much easier so that usb 3.0 is going to come out from the bottom over there and then we're going to plug it into that port on the side of there so two seconds i'm going to plug it from this side and then that goes all the way down from there then out from the bottom there we go there it is okay let me put it back down so you can see what they come doing so the where are we this way so as you can see it's come out now from the bottom this is bottom might be a little bit disorienting for you guys and then it goes underneath there there's like a little lip over here make sure that goes up so we're going to put it there like that be very very careful with this cable because i have easily pushed some bin pins out of the socket location so it could be a nightmare so but there you go boom boom shakalaka it's all done on this side all the cables very nice guys we are very very close to doing the first post of this so let's have a look if we're gonna get that um okay graphics card let's put the graphics card in guys last little bit and then we are done let me turn it this way so now we can push these cables through on the other side a little bit make sure it's all tidy and nice okay let's pull this off from the motherboard because look can you see that uh-huh it's off now anything else any other seals anything on the motherboard nope oh yeah this one we'll leave that last oh that's nice over there um okay so that's there cpu fan cpu pump oh dudes i completely forgot guys why did no one remind me of that i haven't plugged in my uh aio so that would have not worked because we have no like pump connected nothing connected blah blah blah so there is two cables that come from the air socket one of them has micro usb and then this is usb and like 2.0 usb header so that will go on the bottom over there so that's that and then we have another cable that has a few things in like the rgb controller and rest of these things like that so now because that goes out from that boom so that rgb controller should go to the nzx the cam so where is it oh yeah there we go this way this is how it goes alrighty okay so there is this power cable over there [Music] yes i can a bit confused now this cannot go over there is this going to yeah that's going to there okay i might have to figure out some rgb things later because this should go into the side of this nzxd cam that's over there as well and let me see if does it no where the heck does this go is this for the i'll have to look into that where does this cable go because that is the phone okay that goes there that goes that is it ncxd rgb anyway we're gonna look at that in a moment but this um there is two parts on the aio over there turns on pc without cooling okay let's put these in the back over there and i want to see what the heck i'm doing a little bit okay there we go so okay that's it on the aio honestly i don't know why there's so many cables coming from the ao it makes it so confusing like why does it have to have sata power as well as everything else um is it really that much led powers things like that okay so then the micro usb cable we're gonna push down from there can you see it's it's gone from like this side over there to there and then the other one we're gonna put from the other side where on earth is this going to go i don't know what this is for is it nzxt motherboard [Music] proper random because we already have maybe you don't need that does anyone know what this part is for let me get a closer up of this anyone get a closer up of this cable over here does anyone know where this cable goes right it says nzxd on it's got four pins and it's not the same four pins that go into the nzxt cam does not mean that they go to the nzxt motherboard like if you said you know nzxt and what is it n9z9 motherboard so there we go look at that what is this one for because you already have all your pump and then the sata and then the usb goes down there so i don't know what's that for i think robbie tech anyone know robbie tech who does loads of these live streams how many how much room yes it is 32 gigabytes 3600 megahertz if anyone's wondering what the specs are feel free to check out the description below there we go so that should go okay that goes to the pump header aio pump right this one that it has three pin air pump and then we'll push the cables on the other side with the rest of the cables okay turns on the pc without calling oh that would have been funny not really okay so we have one cable that's going to go down all the way to there so now this k this cable that i'm putting in now here this is from the micro usb over there and that should be controlling the led of this maybe you don't need that cable if you're on nzxt motherboard you just have all the other cables okay perfecto then what else do we have on the other side sata and that random cable what on earth is that for did anyone say motherboard yeah i think it's on the motherboard maybe extra cable and plugs on the side of the mobile no it's it's not for this motherboard because i don't have a part for this motherboard and this um it needs to be some kind of nzxd motherboard i think okay on the other side let's okay i'm gonna leave this one dangling for now because i don't know what the heck that is for and i'm pretty sure you don't need it watch it you don't actually need it because all the other things make sense we just need another one of the sata cables why did nobody remind me of the aio guy are you paying attention okay there we go that is plugged in over here as well guys it's time for graphics card check this out this side 1390 okay there is aaron there's rgb on the graphics card yeah okay guys ready for the rtx 3090 look at that okay i'm gonna put that over here for now this is an absolute monstrosity um i'm not sure you you kind of see how how big this is but this is absolutely massive like it's it's huge it's absolutely huge there is two eight pin powers on the side and there's some rgb headers on that side as well so this thing is rgb so i think this is two just two slots over here yep second and third oh magnet from that led has come out pilot fly you need to fix that magnet came out anyway back to the point i have to take the second and third oh mama you see anyone see the problem here anyone see a problem see your problem anybody yeah our 24 pin is going to be in the way because the graphics card extends all the way to here so i'm gonna have to push that 24 pin to come out from the top part over there so let me see if i can adjust that it needs to needs to come out from there like that okay there we go and then now we can put the graphics card in right yeah okay second slot it is a thick boy it extends like halfway through that line over there it's insane okay two slots off even though this is that one the cool thing is the first four here are four slots on the motherboard so with this motherboard you could probably run two rt yep you could run two of these on uh sli because you can actually connect them there's an sli connection over there which would be absolutely mental this is already pretty much overkill so open the port over there right and then slide it down there let's see all right second i might need to take these parts board covers off looks like they might be in the way here a little bit when i'm putting these in so okay graphics card let's see how are we doing this here oh guys we actually have to take the third one out as well because there is something that extends to the third slot as well so can't go in without taking even the third one out i think we don't have to take the third is it the third covering out as well no the third cover doesn't have to come out but the screw has to come out because it won't go in without that okay second try okay it's in it's very look at that can you get a close-up of that look at this look how much it's moving over here so let's put some screws into this guy okay look at this side saggy boy we need a we need a bit of [Music] support for this which we do have i'll show you in a moment actually yeah the port covers weren't the problem that third third screw of this was a problem okay look at that it's like you know when someone puts like way too big wheels on the on the on the on the car and thinks that flipping i'm class which kinda is class but here it is this is um the gpu now where are we going to put the cpu gpu cables in i would put them in through this little hole over there because i think it just looks the nicest so let's have a look oh yeah let's put some combs in there okay i need to put some combs on here let me see what you guys are saying there that click though gpu sag yeah let's put some combs on these okay so if you could choose which one graphics card would you like to be in stock tomorrow which graphics card would you choose i would choose 13 80. seems like the 30 80s are the hardest to find i've seen loads of 1390s in stock and 30 70s i've seen no 3060s no 30 80s i don't know about you guys okay let's put there is another fan over here can you see guys there's a fan on the side of the graphics card look at that and there's a little let's take that little little film on it come on there we go look at that i think there was films on there as well yeah someone over there as well i'll take it out later so people saying 30 80 definitely 30 80 or 30 70. 30 60 ti yeah is the 30-90 worth to edit video absolutely not um that is michael michael shocker is asking is it worth for editing honestly i don't think so but i'm not building this for myself i'm building this for someone else and they're requesting 3090 and then i'm like yeah sure if you want them and they're using this for gaming which is a bit different scenario than editing but for editing no way man 3080 even two 30 80s like puget bench tested 238 each which should be cheaper than 130 90 um you know if we all sold at msrp and then that should be better than 1390. no iron i don't want to put the combs the other way i want to put them this way because i think this is the best way having the combs like that so i have the like blood veins running like that way instead of this way this would like kind of cut the vein so i don't want it this one this way definitely this way who agrees with me on the comms and who doesn't okay will knock to air cooler be good enough for 1500x yes absolutely depends which one you go for though but most likely yes i'll do the combs for this first bent is saying still not finished nope still not finished i like to enjoy the time and look at the cables and then you know do a little bit of this do a little bit of that i don't know about you but um since you're watching me do this you actually know how long it takes from to build one at least for me um and i know linus builds them in like 10 minutes on on these live streams but no how are the latest people who just joined enjoying the um the 4k stream how does it look does it look alright to you does it look better than linus that's the question is it better than his alrighty the veins okay look at that now that is beautiful let me put that in there just back up a little bit let's pick up i have to put one more one more it's not 4k ben insane it's not 4k i'm pretty sure i'm streaming in 4k have a look 1080p it's 4k is that a sony a7 and the main camera angle is sony a7s iii and then the camera you're looking at through now is sony a7s2 okay let's have a look what we're doing over here there we go look at that look at this that is absolutely flipping awesome okay the only thing is there's another little rgb headers that are coming from the um this over here so where the rgb head is on the motherboard there is okay three pin is down there and then four pin is up there am i right okay is there any oh wait a second i think there's rgb down there as well rgb1 down there and then what is that down there p i have to double check where did these plug in again on the graphics card look at that so basically there's these tiny little pods on this side if we zoom in can you see over here yes okay one of them is three pin one of them is four pin there's absolutely tiny little like injection over there and then one goes what on earth is going on over here okay this is if you want to continue them three pin okay connection but i'll have to double check this on the motherboard where does that go straight in the combs all this over here yeah maybe i can put them straight over here pull them straight over there i think it's beautiful oh we might actually put i might put like a three in the back over there just to keep it together look at that like that let me put another third one somewhere in the middle there so it keeps it together there we go down there like that look at this it's like you're running motherboard power into the insane so it says over here on top of me connect three pin plug to the three pin socket or connect the four pin plug to the four pin socket ah okay okay okay four pin three pin two cable ok so does that mean that i have to do it or i don't have to do it it says connect three pin to the three pin socket or connect the four pin plug to the four pin socket yeah i don't see why would you need i have a four four pin over here and that is one single cable of this um i'll see where the four pin where's the four pin on the motherboard again double check i think it is there's one on the top over there fan j rgb 12 volt then rgb let me double check if there is one rainbow j igb2 it's the same rainbow j rainbow that's one there that's three pins they're both three pins down there the four pin is on the top [Music] side saying bro i want to buy that pc it is more like 4 000 euros that it's 3.7 thousand pounds this but okay let's see if we put the four pin oh my word i wish they'd thought that through a little bit better and i think it's just the oh what's happening try to switch it on and off ah that battery is dead can you just change that battery in there okay i wish they did that a little bit some other way because let's have a look um i have to put this there is like okay it is so such a tiny part go over there oh there's some in the side over here as well there's a little film on this side it's done now there you go i'll show you the film there's like a little film here voila this is the hope the price of gp goes down okay so this one here do that and then i'm gonna have to put that through the middle there do you see what i'm doing here i'm gonna put this here and that goes to the fall pin okay and four pin jrgb is on the top over there and then it needs to plug in on the top let's have a look our arrow needs to go onto the left side to okay i think that should be it now but it kind of like i wish it was nicer don't think you need the three pin as well it says four pin or three pin so well there you seen here so we'll see how that goes okay that's it now let's plug in the so this is for the gpu as well i'm not sure if i need to use that the instruction doesn't say that anywhere look at these cables this is beautiful are you ready guys last last things to plug in over here okay our gpu so two of these gpu cables remember vga cables that we had from the other side now i am putting two separate cables not one of them so i'm not connecting one to the other if that makes sense okay you could do that but it's not i don't think it's wise to do that in theory it could work like connecting one cable to both of them but i don't really like it that way because it comes from the single kind of pod from the um psu so now we have in two separate parts powering this all right okay okay okay this i don't know where the heck that goes let me double check this on the nzxt motherboard um thing where does this cable go okay preparation this that there we go there we go powering the fence okay connect the usb cable rgb led okay this yeah is the rgb controller but we already have one on the other one so i don't know how how is that supposed to go because that doesn't go into the it doesn't go into the fans so that's the problem it won't plug into the fans i'm kind of curious if it does now do i have any other and rgb and nzxt fan uh no let me see okay definitely not in no no i can't it's not going into there so i don't know what that is for so this is all plugged in now the last things to do is like put two more uh cable thumb screws for the aio on the top there who's ready to for this oh lane mccall hey elaine how are you doing nice to see you i think you're back in the states now aren't you let's do this [Music] okay my friends who's ready for this i'm gonna do the cable management later because it's slightly boring to show you all this on the live stream all right so the power let me see what can i pull out from there okay that one okay let's see oh lane just um built a windows 10 pro os built specifically for gaming what do you mean custom windows 10 pro os so we built an os system lane is that what you're saying that's pretty cool if you did what's what's different on the windows 10 pro os you built remove the front ssd mount to make it cleaner yes that's true let's remove this there we go that's much better if you don't need it don't plug it in okay my friends here is the big big reveal but i'm gonna do something very different i'm gonna i'm gonna see if i can show you live the post screen as well if it comes up so i'm gonna plug this into the graphics card okay so if i go over here that should be the post screen now okay keep it from here now power on from the back okay yeah who's ready who's ready okay it's plugged in from the back last thing is yes let's plug out this nzxt cover woohoo alrighty and now this is the moment of truth let me double check motherboard in i can see on the motherboard there is a red button on the bottom over there can you see this power led over here that is on okay and let me double check that all the cables are in this is in that's in that's in other within both of the cpus in okay let's hit it boys three two one voila let me go here quickly let's see the post screen let's see what on earth is happening okay the front fan's spin spun and then went forwards again all right we have the rgb fans working on here this is working the nzxt cam is not um running the front fans at the moment let's see what's the motherboard scene where's the led codes okay oh okay okay devices found okay let me see what are they saying we have ryzen 7 we have how much run 32 gigabytes okay our gpo is gone he's going as well very very good let's see nice black screen yes but the big camera let's see f1 ah shoot um i need the keyboard for this could you pass me that keyboard that's on the box on there okay thank you press f1 yes my friends let's let's press f1 come on ready f1 there we go msi bios we have this on is the gpu does it say anything about the gpu over here there we go look at that beautiful press it i've already pressed it by the time you you're clicking on this and let's see hardware monitor okay i mean the only thing i need to do now is to go and put the windows on and then start doing that but that seems to be working the only thing i am wondering is there is another little pin for the gpu and i don't think i need to put that in because as you can see the rgb is already working and it's working the same as even on the ram we just need to put the windows on and then you know start configuring all this spot it's great the only thing is why are the front friends not working unless the like basic fan curves for the nzxt cam are to actually you know when they're low enough they're not actually turning on but as you can see the front fans they're not spinning the span at first but then they stopped after a few seconds so probably because the cpu is so cool it's just that um okay my friends this is how you build a pc and uh you know this is how it is i'm gonna start putting the windows on now um can you give me the windows uh stick over there you know the wooden one and i'll show you how we do this as well win the stick stick it in the back somewhere over there voila and then we're gonna hit restart hold down the power button and then we're going to hit it again look front fan span and then they turned off spinning now they're spinning look i don't know why they're not yep and we're installing the windows as you can see okay now the fans are spinning i don't know what's wrong see now they're spinning voila there we go um so windows install is going to happen let me see if there is any other thing guys that you are saying uh len's saying he has the 510 elite and cracking right now i have a 510 elite as well with a little bit of customization going on put some music on yeah guys shall we put some music on one second let me get some music on two seconds it's gonna go to intro but okay can you guys hear the music in the background voila okay just like windows if not working reboot yeah look the front fans are now spinning they're seriously quiet and flipping after they blow some air there's some serious amount of air coming through but so yeah if you want to see the full custom like when it's all configured in terms of the uh rgb and everything then stay tuned for that we're gonna see that because i want all this to look uh rgb just makes me vomit really but i want it all to look like the same type of thing so that's it so my friends uh i can see who else is there scythe hand chris thank you very much my friends for staying here let me let me just click this ah wrong wrong one drops the drops drops this all right so next install now let's see how it's going to go uh lane uh no i've got the 710 as well so if sam could actually point to the that computer over there focus on there and then i'm gonna turn it to there no the that pc behind there as you can see i've got my h510 over there lane um it's a little bit dark over there but it's fully customized i'm gonna build for that on my channel this is just another whoa that is a bit trippy see that how to get past this i don't have a product key boom there you go no problem 10 pro there it is yeah you can see the keyboard on this drive yes because this is the absolutely fastest drive on the planet earth right now single fastest planet over there oh i have a black screen no it should be fine now how's it going peoples there is a few people watching thank you everybody for tuning in if you haven't hit that like button yet please do that and we're gonna see you all soon but that has been the build i'm going to leave it at that because i'm going to do the cable management a little bit more in the back i want to get it like really nice and perfect i won't leave you for that live stream but thank you everybody for tuning in if you want to see any other pc builds then stay tuned because there is a few more coming i'm very excited for the next one because i'm more like a minimalistic like one style thing this to me is like too much going on i know i'm gonna configure it all one color rgb and it's gonna look very cool you know all the red is gonna match and it's gonna look mint but i'm more of a like a minimalistic guy like a black and white build so there is something coming up there's just parts in the posts and they're coming up but that's that really let me see hi james uh scythe i had a black lizard chris thank everybody for tuning in great to see you all here and then yeah i think we're gonna crack that going now oh look at that i think windows has already been installed let me see if if this is come on let me show you getting devices ready mg meg pc case looks so industrial yeah when i'm putting everything on it then it looks really good because you've got the top cover in the front cover you won't actually see the rgb leds over there but i wanted them to be rgb so you can see them from this side and you can see them actually from the side a little bit which is going to be pretty pretty cool too much rgb going on over there yeah black and white color is better for pc that's like my opinion but this is absolutely behemoth of uh of uh of a guy look how far this extends it's absolutely crazy so come on can you get the windows going now is it restarting can we see what's it doing come on three two one booty ah it's doing some stuff um so i'm just gonna see some more comments over there dennis is saying why didn't 5900x uh we didn't go for 5900x because the person who requested this build um wanted this for gaming and there is not that much a difference between 5900x and 5800x and 585900x was not in stock so there is nothing you know to lose plus it's cheaper plus you can upgrade later all that sort of stuff what time is next stream i've got one stream on friday going um but um we're gonna do uh that's gonna be about different whether you should build a pc or you should buy a laptop and we're gonna do that with ben kaiser so if you don't know that and he's a cool guy live stream with him but anyway guys thank you very much guys for everybody for tuning in this has been how to be built about uh four thousand dollar pc or three point seven or three point six thousand pound pc and absolutely mint um i might do another video on this so if you wanna see like some benchmarks and things like that on the channel subscribe hit that bell button so you're not gonna miss any of that but for now i'm gonna see you later and then yeah we'll see you soon if you want to see any other builds particularly comment below because i'm always in the comment section below checking them out thanks guys for watching bye i don't want you but i need i don't want you what i need i don't want you but i need foreign
Channel: Tech Notice
Views: 233,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech notice, pc build, how to build a gaming pc, rtx 3090 build, red and black gaming pc build, red and black pc build 2021, ryzen 5800x build, ryzen 5800x, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a pc step by step 2021, rtx 3090 pc build, ultimate pc build, how to build a pc step by step, pc build 2021, how to build a pc 2021, pc build tutorial, how to build a pc, overkill pc build, overkill RTX 3090 build, how to build a gaming pc 2021, rtx 3090
Id: h8xYALQi0qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 5sec (12125 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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