Rev. Lee Stoneking preaching “Our Infirmities Healed”

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[Applause] this is not a lengthy message today but it is something i want to talk to you about it's something that i've got a hold of and it's been a tremendous inspiration to me and i trust it will be to you only one verse of scripture it's found in romans chapter 8 and verse 26 here the bible says in romans 8 26 likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit itself make it into session for us with groanings which cannot be uttered notice the word spirit in both cases is capitalized likewise god helpeth our infirmities but god himself maketh into session for us is what we're reading here about how many of you to your knowledge have some kind of an infirmity in your body of one kind or another lift your right hand how many of you would like to be healed of that infirmity then you will be today jesus i worship you [Music] i simply want to entitle this our infirmities healed with energy and strength and renewness of the touch of god from last night again let's just clap one more time and just sort of shout to the lord with the voice of triumph and joy and exaltation and thanksgiving because he is faithful that promised tap your hands all ye people and shout unto the lord with a voice of trial [Applause] [Music] bless you you may be seated thank you for standing so long it occurred to me several months ago that there are things that have happened in my life that i've never really talked about so i thought i should tell some of these things because i really believe that you can do what i'm doing because you're a believer as i am a believer and these signs shall follow them they believe and i think as long as we're in this we might as well get the most out of it we can possibly get i'm at the state of mind i'm going to explore every little thing i'm going to get involved with the spirit of god and the workings of the lord and if people like it that's fine if they don't it's still fine i'm going to do it for jesus doesn't matter what people think or say or do it really doesn't [Applause] so i received the baptism of the holy ghost speaking of the tongues october 6 1963 and i went right away off to bible college at apostolic bible institute in saint paul minnesota in the late 1960s and early 1970s there was an episcopalian bishop who received the baptism of the holy ghost speaking with tongues and he was so excited about it and so enamored with it that he wrote about it and it expired inspired rather many many people and so what happened was as a result of that and it kept growing the holy ghost baptism fell in the baptist church the lutheran church the catholics were receiving the baptism of the holy ghost it spread all over the country there was a big article in life magazine at that time i still had the photographs with people with their hands in the air worshiping god it was just amazing it spread across the entire united states and it caused no small stir in all circles so much so that the united states government donated thousands of dollars to conduct a study on this business of speaking with tongues they called it glossolalia i was in apostolic bible college at that time and it was in the news it was just everywhere macalester university in saint paul minneapolis area received grants from our government for this study and to conduct this study and so midway tabernacle and abi they were known in that area and had been for many years as people who spoke with tongues so macalester university sent a study group to midway tabernacle and apostolic bible institute to observe us brother norris the president of the bible school appointed me as a liaison between that study group and midway tabernacle and the school it was very interesting there were two professors dr gurlock and dr holstein they came along with the research team to our services at midway tabernacle and to the bible college it was very interesting because the moment they got involved with us the services were quite different they're in the church and in the school because we had all of these students from mcalester university coming and they were salt and peppered throughout the whole artist not in a group but just all over the place and they were all carrying little recorders with microphones so when anyone spoke with tongues there was a message in tongues they had these mics in the air trying to catch it trying to record us speaking with tongues so the services were interesting they were interesting and they did get recordings of us speaking with tongues well they sent the recordings of us speaking with tongues to special speech analysts and that type of thing to somehow try to decipher or understand more about speaking with tongues and they found out that in this speaking with tongues they had recorded there was a language rhythm there was repetition of syllables there were different tones that are normally found in languages but they could not tell what language it was the bible says though you speak with the tongues of men or angels so they could not figure out what was going on so they finally decided that speaking with tongues among us was a kind of hypnotism by the power of group great group influence great group influence group influence people getting together they said you all get to the altar and together and you get to praying and weeping and you have these ecstatic static utterances so we feel it's a kind of hypnosis that you get into so they sent an actual hypnotist with this research team to abi and i was there to watch this hypnotist came to hypnotize the entire group he looked the part he had a dark green suit a dark green vest to tie to match he had a shock of sandy reddish hair a little goatee and a mustache and horn rim glasses he looked the part he really did i'm in at the table about halfway down this way dr gerlock and dr holstein the professors are here and the hypnotist is at this end of the table and he said he explained he said i feel like this is some kind of a group hypnosis that you get involved with and he said i'm going to hypnotize all of you he said i want all of you to relax so i stiffened he said i want you to uncross your ankles so i crossed everything he said to do i did the opposite and he went through his little incantations and he actually did hypnotize them and i watched it it was it was very interesting because even the professors were acting like anything but professors people their heads were rolling around their hands were sort of flying in the air and they were doing all these different things and i was watching all of these people under this state of hypnosis so it was very interesting but then after several minutes he brought them out of the hypnosis state at that point dr gerlach looked across them and he said well reverend what do you think i said well i have this to say he did hypnotize you folks but i also notice he had to bring them out of it if i indeed have been hypnotized no one has ever been able to break the spell dr gerlach looked across the table from me and he said you always seem to have the answers i said yes sir and i smiled people i think it's absurd really that people make fun of us have you ever watched what they do on the streets i mean really give me a break look how people dress you can't tell what's what and who's who anymore and evidently they don't look in mirrors maybe they don't have mirrors i don't know how they go out on the streets like they go out it's we're not the weird ones we're the people that have it together among us you can tell who's who and what's what and if they can shout and dance out there at bars and discos and for this and for that my god in heaven how much more should we do what we do in the house of god because we were lost but now we are found we are on our way to heaven eternal life is inside of us that's worth shouting about that's worth dancing about that's worth leaping about that's worth running about clap your hands again all ye people and shout just shout unto the lord because god is in this place jesus is in this house and because he is here anything can happen anything can happen nothing shall be impossible to them that believe but for kathaka i can tell he's got it that man's got it right there that man running has got it we've all got it so just for a moment do something with what you got jesus i worship you because you are god oh dr gerlach and dr holstein came to one of our evening services at midway tabernacle i spotted them at the back of the audience near the wall so i walked back to them and invited them to come down to the altar and receive the baptism of the holy ghost it had no small effect i said you need to come and receive the baptism of the holy ghost then your study will be over you'll have all the answers and you'll know what you're looking for i reached out like this and they backed off and they left the service i never saw them again they left i had one woman through the years come up to me and she said she said to me she said i want what you've got i was right in the middle of an altar service and the holy ghost was on me i just threw my hands there said here it comes she fell backwards speaking with tongues on the floor people we really do got it we really have the demonstration of the spirit of god and power in our lives another person just criticized me terribly for how we acted i started laughing i said lady when you get what we've got you'll act just like us she said oh no i said oh yes she kept coming back guess what she got it guess what else she acts just like us because you can't stop it it's like a fire shut up in your bones it's not a thing so religion it's an experience it's the fire of god it's the reality of god it's the living christ inside of us in albany new york area where i have lives in 1968 back in the early 1970s there was a father bertolucci who received the baptism of the holy ghost in the living room of an older minister's wife in his house in the living room of this older couple's home this roman catholic priest received the baptism of the holy ghost it was amazing and he got involved with the gifts of healing and began to pray for other catholics in the whole catholic diocese in albany and people were being healed so much so it shook up the albany diocese and they moved him out of our area sent him out to the midwest to get him away from us well you can move them any place you want but you can't take what they've got inside out you can't get rid of that they can't get rid of it and where he went he began to pray people through the holy ghost out there and they began to get healed all over the place they finally sent him to rome to get rid of him but the holy ghost broke out in rome at one time there were seven thousand roman catholics in the albany area that had received the baptism of the holy ghost and i reiterate it reached rome they called it the catholic renewal there were five churches in the hudson valley area when i first went there that brother hanby had started and i went there to help evangelize those churches for him and also ended up pastoring the ones connected in new york during that time there were some interesting things that happened in the church in wrenching in new york across the river where we had a church there one sunday night there were three catholic nuns that walked into the service and we had a wonderful service it really was wonderful the demonstration of god was there the power of god was in their place at the end of the service i'll never forget this those three nuns walked up to us and they said every day we pray before a dead christ on a crucifix but to you he's alive isn't he yes because the cross is empty the tomb is empty but he is alive inside of us those nuns talk to their priest and he called and wanted to have an interview with me and i said fine so we got together he really wasn't interested in anything much i had to say i tried to be very kind and polite and tell him you know about the worship and how wonderful it was and the baptism of the holy ghost and he he wasn't interested and finally he said you're just one of our wayward brethren he said you just are one of our wayward children i said no no we aren't he said yes you're just one of our like the baptist the lutherans he said you're just part of our wayward children but you still belong to the catholic church i said no no we don't he said well how do you baptize i said we baptized by immersion in the name of the lord jesus christ for the remission of your sins you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost he said well then you didn't come out of us i said no you came out of us and they did the roman catholic church can only trace its roots back to about 100 a.d they cannot span the gap between 100 a.d and 33 a.d because there's no connecting points we are the only people on planet earth that can go all the way back to an upper room to 33 a.d and hear the sound of the rushing mighty wind and the crackling of cloven tongues of fire because we've got exactly what the first papa kashua we've got the plain but we've got the same holy ghost that fell in 33 a.d peter had it paul had it mary the mother of jesus had it oh clap your hands apostolic oh shout apostolic ha takachaya baraka [Applause] oh [Applause] i was witnessing to one catholic priest one day on the street it was in when i was an abi waiting for a bus to go to work and he was going to some parish or something and he was a young priest but not real young but he was younger man and i was witness to him on the street corner and again he wasn't really interested but i said to him he had a bible and i said may i see your bible he said yes i said you are a roman catholic he said yes i said are you a good roman catholic he said yes of course i said um and peter was your first pope is that correct he said yes i said are you absolutely sure about that he said positively so you're telling me that peter was the first pope of the roman catholic church he said no doubt about it i said you're positive he said yes i said let me see your bible i opened it to acts chapter 2. [Applause] verse 38 and i said then peter your first pope said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost i said now that's what your first pope preached where'd you people get off the track he said i don't know i said you better find out they better find out people because this is that as i said before there's not another that to go to when you come to this this is the end of the line so get in it shout it dance it preach it tell it live it you've got nothing to lose everything to gain and in so do it you will convert those around you because what this world is looking for right now they are sick of religion they are sick of religion but what they have not seen is the demonstration of the spirit of god in power people being healed throwing down crutches getting out of wheelchairs receiving the holy ghost speaking with time coming out of water baptized in jesus name being delivered from demonic forces that they have not seen but we've got that that's what is our heritage this is our heritage this is who we are it should be happening every time you come to this church service every time you come to church there should be a miracle there should be a healing there should be a deliverance there should be somebody converted something should happen every time you come to the house of god because this is where the action is this is where the fire is this is where the wind is this is where the truth is this is that this is that this is that tap again all ye people everywhere every man every woman with thanksgiving clap with thanksgiving [Applause] oh if you study church history and i have extensively but the catholic church cannot fight they embrace and then slowly bring it back around into catholicism i said to one catholic i said you're not a catholic i'm a real catholic i'm the real one catholic means universal i'm catholic you're not catholic i said the baptist once said said you're not a baptist i'm the real one we baptized correctly you don't [Applause] i said to methodist once you're not the real methodist we are the real methodists because methodists they were called methodists because they practiced holiness methodically that's what they did that's why they were called methodists they're not methodists we're the real methodists the real everything people we are the real everything and if you get a hold of that and you're thinking you will act differently you will carry your head differently you will be you feel like walking down the street and shouting yes i'm one of them yes i'm one of them yes i'm one of them yes i'm one of them i am baptized in jesus name i do speak with tongues we do lay hands on and people are healed we do get delivered in our church services we are emotional because he's alive and he has given life to us [Applause] for example i reiterate but the catholic church cannot fight it embraces and then they slowly bring it back around into catholicism classic example when the roman catholic church wanted to christianize the american indians in the southwest this is what they did they sent their priest in among the indians and preached the roman catholic christian doctrine to them and some of the indians came across and tried to embrace what they were saying but the one thing that those indians would not do they wore these necklaces leather thong or whatever but it had bird feathers on it and bear claws and things like that relics that they endeared themselves to connected to their worship practices and the roman catholic church tried to get them to take those necklaces off and they would not do it so all the catholic church did then was to add a cross to it classic example but they can't fight they embrace and then they turn it around back to themselves but no catholic has ever talked me out of this but i've talked many of them into this [Applause] just before the coming of the lord you're going to see the greatest demonstration of the spirit of god and power the worth as world has ever seen how do i know that the bible says the latter rain is seven times greater than the early rain is seven times greater than the latter rains we're living in the latter rain now we're we're in it thousands are receiving the holy ghost all over the world thousands of people they now say there's an estimate now there's over 1 billion people in the world that now have received the baptism of the holy ghost speaking with tongues in the last days saith god i will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh all flesh i'm here to tell you today if god pours out upon this world and the bible says he's going to what's upon us in this place they will be dancing in the streets there will be shouting in the marketplaces there will be pr there will be a move of god that nothing can stop you read the book of acts if the letter rain is seven times greater than the early rain then we can expect to see before the coming of the lord everything you read about in the book of acts reenacted but it will be seven times greater than anything you read about there there will be phillips among us cut away there will be all kinds of things happen there'll be miracles in the street legs will grow eyes will see deaf ears will hear it'll be on the streets people it's been behind these four walls too too long it's time to get it into the streets it's time to take it to the streets it's time to give it to them out there and they want it and they will want it [Applause] there is unlimited potential in this room right here there is unlimited potential in this room this thing was not done in a corner and it's not going to end in a corner it won't and this is where i really want to get to today there is a man called dr andrew newberg he's a medical doctor he is a psychologist and he's a radiologist he studies how the brain works he does it through what they call spec scans he studies what happens to the human brain when they are speaking with tongues he's become very interested in this in his studies this is what he says he says that when you speak with tongues the language center of your brain is not working he says the part of your brain that controls the action of your tongue and vocal cords is not active when you're speaking with tongues but the part of your brain that is active is your sensory perception and every nerve on the surface of the skin has been touched all at the same time in other words god wraps himself around you totally and he says you are speaking through an influence that is not you that's why we say we're being moved on by god i repeat likewise the spirit also helped with our infirmities for we know not what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit itself make an intercession for us now know that when speaking with tongues in intercessory prayer your dna is altered in your body by sounds and vibration they have discovered that the vibration of middle c makes dna whole in your body speaking with tongues intercessory prayer is god's way of healing you by taking the sounds of your words and vibrations to any part of your body that needs to be healed in other words the spirit is actually speaking through me and it knows what needs to be healed in my body god is in me that's god's way of healing us from any infirmity we may have so what i want you to do right now if you have the baptism of the holy ghost speaking with tongues i want you to lift your hands close your eyes and let the holy ghost begin to speak through you and when he does infirmities will disappear all over this audience that's it that's it miracles are happening right now infirmities are leaving your body infirmities are leaving your body [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] what's up [Applause] foreign [Applause] if you feel and infirmity has left your body if you know it stand your feet and keep on speaking with tongues detox the spirit knoweth how to pray the spirit knoweth how to pray he [Laughter] foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Laughter] come out of your lips for what he has just done for you [Applause] that's it that's it that's it that's it that's it miraculous the miraculous is in this place the miraculous is in this place infirmity is disappearing never to be the same never to be the same again never to be the same again thinking [Applause] oh [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] oh thank you oh miraculous miraculous miraculous what is in this place i think it'd be a wonderful thing if we just all stood and people with the anointing that is on you there is a glorious anointing upon you there's a refreshing in this house i want you to get a hold of somebody begin to pray you may have to go over a pew you may have to cross the the aisle but get a hold of somebody because the anointing that is on you wants to reach to others and when you do the patako the power that's on you will go to them and strengthen them virtue virtue virtue virtue by the authority of the word of god by the power of what has just been preached i rejoice and command all infirmities to have left these people to have left these you this youth to have left this adulthood the ages the grandmothers and grandfathers among us oh lord jesus you are the healer the dear and glorious physician [Laughter] foreign foreign [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] so so [Laughter] the holy ghost is pulling pulling pulling at many of you if your infirmity has been released from you and you know it i want you to come to the front and just stand here and lift your hands because in so doing you are telling the world this jesus is real i have been healed my infirmities are gone that's what it's all about people we must confess him before man confess him before men by actions by word by deed honda oh [Applause] [Applause] foreign oh [Applause] um i worship you all thank you [Applause] keep on coming just keep on coming wonderful wonderful wonderful what the holy ghost is doing in this place here today in the name of jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 29,427
Rating: 4.8845725 out of 5
Keywords: lee stoneking, lee stoneking preaching, lee stoneking message, lee stoneking un speech, pentecostal, apostolic, pentecostal preaching, apostolic preaching, oneness pentecostal, oneness, upci, upc preaching, upci church, united pentecostal church, paw preaching, aljc preaching, cooljc preaching, cogic preaching, miracles signs and wonders, awesome preaching, healing, miracle of healing, acts 238, great preaching, preaching 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 57sec (3057 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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