Walking with God - Lee Stoneking

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for tonight's purpose I want to draw your attention to the Book of Amos a minor prophet in the Old Testament in chapter 3 and verse 7 he said surely the Lord God shall do nothing but he reveal of his secret unto his servants the prophets it's a very interesting statement then of course I can quote it for memory in Psalm 105 verse 1 in part that verse says make known his deeds among the people that means to tell what God has done for you what he has done for others that you know it raises tremendous faith and then in the Gospel of Matthew 24 in verse 14 Jesus said and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come we're living at the end of the age there's no doubt about that Jesus is about to come people are mentioning it even people not in the church don't really claim God they're saying things like could this be the end of the world are we coming to the end it's amazing what is happening in the very moment that we live in you and I are walking with God I want to talk to you tonight about walking with God because I feel that something wants to take place here this weekend different from anything else that's ever happened in the years that we've been here how many of you are ready for something totally new different exciting lifting up to around you've never walked in before lift your hands are not your voice oh let us pray for a moment Lord Jesus tonight by the authority of the word of God by the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we enter this place God with uplifted hands uplifted voices we lift our very souls to you crying out asking for your divine intervention that resurrection power will be here tonight that impartation will go forth to every one within the sound of my voice that we will be open Oh God to that which you're about to do that which you want to do that which you desire to do for your people in these final hours of time we will not fail to give you praise glory and honor anoint us now both to hear and to speak we give you praise o gracious Savior in the name of Jesus of Nazareth and everyone said amen but bless you you may be seated thank you for standing so long you have enough energy to clap one more time and just let your voice out in expectancy because you are excited about being here and about what you feel this October sixth just next month would be my spiritual birthday I will be 55 years old in the Holy Ghost I will have had the Holy Ghost now for 55 years in July I turned 78 years of age so I can tell you that I've seen a lot of things in my lifetime I have but one of the most interesting things to me that has been happening and I don't talk about it a lot but walking among you as the people of God working with men of God foreign soil and here I can tell something is happening in the Spirit of God toward men of God women of God and that is he is pulling to get them involved with the realm of the miraculous the Holy Ghost is pulling at our preachers to become involved with the gifts of the Spirit and the working of the Spirit as never before but you've got to be open to it because it won't happen unless you really want it I've been praying for years I'm still praying God use me help me to do the thing that you want me to do so I know this is true if you walk with God he will take you where other men have been but if you really continue to walk with God and seek Him and go beyond the accepted even into the realm of what sin people call fanaticism if you continue to walk with God and to seek Him he will take you where no other man has ever been and that's exactly where we need right now to be we need to get beyond the traditional things we've done we've got to get beyond traditional Pentecostalism we've got to get beyond some of these things and get into apostolic Christianity we are apostolic Christians there is no one else out there like us because in 33 AD Jesus did not give birth to the Roman Catholic Church he did not give birth to the Church of England he did not give birth to the Lutheran Church the Baptist Church the Episcopalian Church the Jehovah's Witnesses the Mormons the Baptist Lutheran's he didn't give birth to that he gave birth to this that we have a hold of you tonight repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost he gave birth to a church that was on fire with the demonstration of the Spirit of God and power that Romans could not fight it the Lions couldn't eat it the wolves could not contain it the fire could not burn it it was out of control it destroyed the Roman Empire I can hear the sound of that in my very soul I can hear the sound of it in my very being because that thing is beginning to happen again I can hear the sound of the rushing mighty wind I can hear the crackle of cloven tongues of fire people this is the greatest hour that we have ever lived in if you're ever going to do your thing for Jesus this is the time to do it why don't you get beyond what others think get beyond what other people say this is the time to do it in this service and I miss some of you you've been wanting to do something that you've never seen before then you're gonna have to do something you've never done before why don't you try something you've never done before why don't you clap a little bit if you can't jump up and down stop a foot you've got to get a hold of God get a hold of each other because that is upon us tonight that spirit is upon us in this place tonight it's here tonight why don't you do something right now like you've never done before just for a moment every adult every young person every child whoever's here that's all clap for a moment and just shout to the Lord we shout to You Lord Jesus we clap for your Lord Jesus we lift up your name Lord Jesus [Applause] there were many men in the Old Testament that walked with God but Moses opened the Red Sea that had never been done before he walked with God refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter lived in obscurity on the backside of a desert for 40 years he was 80 years old when he delivered the Hebrew children out of Egyptian bondage no one had ever seen anything like it he did something that had never been done before there were others who walk with God after him before him but no one exactly like Moses and then there was a prophet whose name was Elijah Elijah walked with God and tore things to pieces he came from the Northern Kingdom of Israel Suliman their worth David was the first king of Israel he ruled over all 12 tribes off for 40 years he was succeeded by his son Solomon who ruled over all 12 tribes of Israel for 40 years but when Solomon got involved with idolatrous worship through the heathen wives he had married he'd lost the favor of God and at his death God divided the Kingdom of Israel into two kingdoms in northern and the southern kingdom the northern kingdom did not have one good king not one in all of their history but because of that God raised up mighty prophets so that the people would have hope you may not understand this but the voice of a man of God that is anointed it's the greatest thing in your entire life because it is a gift from God himself and so God raised up mighty prophets in the Northern Kingdom and the southern kingdom they had some great kings David was one of them when they had a brilliant court preacher Isaiah a prophet that came out of that but Elijah was from that Northern Kingdom the King feared him the Queen feared him everybody feared him he pulled down fire from heaven it was astounding but Elijah in the end was cut away in a chariot of fire that had never been done before he was succeeded by Elijah who declared and coveted a double portion of Elijah's spirit the largest spear he got it when he died his bones were thrown upon the the dead body of bones of someone else and the bones rose up and fleshed the back on people that had never had been happened before this has seemed hard to comprehend that you could can you believe that can you picture that a theory of mind's eye because I'm telling something you've got to be able to picture in your mind before you ever gonna see it you can't just doubt it in question did that thing happen I've heard all kinds of criticism for the years when Billy Cole was in Thailand he where he announced at 185,000 received the Holy Ghost in one meeting there were all kinds of questions of doubt someone said to me brother struck you do you believe it I said yes I believe it but even if a hundred eighty-five didn't get it I believe he could they could have got it because that's how powerful God is God can do anything this Jesus can do anything he is alive he is alive he is alive he's a healer he's a deliverer he's a savior he's a brother he's a sister he's a mother he's a father he's a redeemer he is a savior people that's why we shall that's why we dance that's why we run that's why we come to church every day of the week I don't know about you but I have Church in my home every day I have Church in the on the planes I fly I'm in constant motion constant motion I pray on planes all the time I pray in grocery stores I pray because I know he's there he is hah hah hah hah hah hiya hatta coalition aiyah he's alive inside of us people talk about walking in the spirit walking in the spirit what does it mean to walk in the spirit I've heard it talked about preached about for years what does it mean to walk in the spirit people you can't pray twenty-four hours a day seven eleven you can't fast every day for months and months what does it mean to walk in the spirit I figured it out at least in my satisfaction and that's all that matters to me anyway if you care what everybody else thinks you'll never do anything you won't I don't care and the older you get the more you get away with and I really am enjoying it I am walking in the spirit is to develop a God consciousness in other words no matter what you're doing you're conscious of him there that's why if you're in a car and someone jumps the lane and they're headed straight toward your car and it on collision if the first thing that comes out of you is Jesus you're walking in the spirit there's a God consciousness there to be aware of him at all times if you develop a God consciousness walking in the spirit you'll not fail God because you won't walk away from the Spirit he won't let you the moment you begin to court things of this world God is a jealous God he is not willing to see you give in affection devotion intensity to the world that which you used to give to him he's the jealous God he'll work to get you back it's best to just do what he wants in the beginning I told Jesus just the other day again I said Jesus look let's talk you and me I don't need a broken arm I don't need a car accident I don't any other tragedies happening to me just tell me exactly right now what you want me to do I'll start this second I don't need some great upheaval or accident to get my attention I don't I don't want to go through it god forbid you ever pray for patience that's the most stupid foolish thing you will ever do in your entire life I don't pray for pay I've never prayed for patience I ask God to impute it to me as he did righteousness to Abraham I'm not interested people this amazing I'm out of my notes but I think we'll enjoy this a man walked up to me one day and he said oh brother stonking I want to go to foreign soil well I was excited because I said but what country do you want to go to he said Oh any country I said what because I was thinking well he had a burden for certain people or something and he said I don't care just foreign soil I said well why is that he said I want to go to foreign soil so I can suffer for Christ I said look boy I don't have to go to foreign soil to suffer I can suffer right here that's that's how far away we are from just understanding the things about God this is not a difficult thing to live for God people ladies and gentlemen whoever you are if you really are in love with Jesus Christ none of this is a big deal none of it none of it you look around here all of our ladies look like ladies all of our men look like men it goes back to one thing how do God perceive you or how do people perceive you rather how do you want to be perceived dress the way you want to be perceived because you are perceived by the world by the way you dress it's so simple to live for God if you live for God hard it's easy if you live for him easy it's a nightmare it really is with all of this for just a moment let's lift our hands and just praise God for a moment because I can feel there's revelation here there are things the Holy Ghost is leading us into and there's no telling where brother Smith will take us and now working together in the spirit but we're here tonight to touch him to touch the hem of his garment to his voice to cry out to him that's it let your voice out don't worry about your neighbour just let your voice out in the name of Jesus of Nazareth oh ho Takashimaya varicosity of Erika handin a very shallow daughter condition of Iraq worship daya [Applause] [Music] Joshua and Joshua made the Sun stand still that had never been done before Peter walked on water with the Creator that had never been done before Paul was caught up to the third heaven that had never been done before and Joseph ruled second most powerful man in the earth next to Pharaoh himself that had never been done before do you understand there is more written about Joseph in the Bible than any other biblical character in the entirety of the Bible because Joseph was a type of Christ I've been to Israel 23 times one of the things we do is go to the Mount of Olives and look across the Kidron Valley at the Temple Mount what they call the Temple Mount where the Dome of the rock now stands and you can see the city of Jerusalem the ancient walls etc mache gave his lecture about all of it and when he finished I said ma che may I say something he said of course I said that no I said we know in biblical times if the prophets the sages the seers when they made an altar to God they went to the highest point on the mountain to build their altar as close to the heavenlies as they could get to get their sacrifice near to God they all did it they found the high place both our altar and raised that sacrifice to God the Bible says when Abraham offered Isaac he went to one of the mountains of Moriah if you've been to Jerusalem there are many what they call their hill mountains all over that area there Jerusalem is here if you stand on the Mount of Olives the Kidron Valley looking at the Temple Mount I explained all this to the people I said we know that the prophets of old ones of the high place I said the Muslims say that Muhammad ascended to heaven on a white horse from that mountain that platform right there and the Jews say that Abraham offered Isaac right there they're both wrong because if you follow with your eyes from the Temple Mount topographically and go up around the mountains the high place among those mountains mariah is Calvary Abraham offered Isaac at exactly the same place Jesus we crucified because Isaac was a type of Christ my guide took his head off lowered his head and he called me reverently I have hosted hundreds of Christian groups no one has ever said that before he said but you know something you're right people I don't know about you but I want to get into the deeper things of God I want to find out things I want to know things because this is the greatest story that has ever existed in the knowledge of man this is the greatest story what has God done for you what is he going to do for you what has he already done what will he do for you here tonight it all depends upon your openness to him how much of him do you really want how much of yourself are you willing to give so why don't you throw your hands and your voice in there and tell him how much you're willing to give how much you're willing to do because the Holy Ghost is pulling at this entire congregation righto Karissa that acacia Takata went oh haha Haresh whatever Nicosia techies at the cursor from Doha dare show Tata Kadisha level Aquatica good - photographer relations of a rock oh sheeeeeit aya I hear the sound the many voices - God it sounds like music - god it's like a melody Calicut Akasha Akasha let your voice continue that your voice continued because the Spirit of the Lord inhabits the praises of his people the hustle of the ricotta of a rock oh sheeeeeit attica Chaka Chaka from dota Hvar Akkad a coach at Iowa Rocco take a shuttle from the Hadassah shiitake shuttle decoration tire hahaha addition of a ricotta car Patrick initially the ricotta quiche at that the barakaatuh Keisha teka teka from dota rocket akuto turkish a toccata and a hora debajo de queijo Turkish attack attacker who the Hadassah total condition of the ricotta Keesha taka taka taka if you will push that just a little farther with worship something will fall upon you there's never fell upon you before Jesus Jesus Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Chaka Fattah Korea shiitake shot that ecclesia Turkish attack attack [Applause] tofu - Oh Toto take a shot at a chaotic attacker from dota lava record aka taka-taka-taka-taka ha ha ha ha cachaça taka taka everybody stands something's about to happen it's gonna happen not because of me is gonna happen because of you you're a believer here in this place tonight there's an anointing on this congregation it was here from the beginning there's an anointing upon you in the name of Jesus Pokhara total kata-kata 11 rocket akisha taka hunt 11 raka if you can feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost on you you may climb over a few but go after somebody get a hold of somebody near to you begin to pray for them and there will be an anointing that will flow there will be an anointing that will continue upon the deborah kosher toy of Viracocha taya Honda lava rock oh sheeeeeit a Turkish attacker from dota lava rock Attica Attica Attica hatak orisha lava rock oh sheeeeeit ayah in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus keep on moving keep on moving because this is your right as a believer this is your right as a believer this is your right this is your duty here tonight these signs shall follow them that believe you are a believer people can be suddenly delivered from all kinds of spirits right while you're praying for them people can be healed you don't need me to pray for you these signs shall follow them that believe but to Krrish Italia the raka and Oliver laka you young people here tonight a wonderful group of young people again get a hold of each other you young people and just begin to command in Jesus name and begin to pray in Jesus name that's it just let your voice ow Cody shut off and raka I'm doctor level rocket acacia taka hiyata lava rocket a caciotta cantilever her coat acacia tire Buddha show totoko take a shot Akaka that's it that's it that's it that's it Hakka Hakka receive anointing receive anointing receive anointing such as I have in the name of Jesus of Nazareth Racine it hit otoko Chateau de queijo total of erotica on da da da case Attica and O Hara de coche Attica da
Channel: Capital Community Church
Views: 84,851
Rating: 4.8255033 out of 5
Keywords: walking, with, god, lee, stoneking, preaching, preach, sermon, ccc, capital, community, church, fredericton, nb, new, brunswick, canada, upc, upci, united, pentecostal, international, apostolic, christian, revival, weekend
Id: D972z1YG0JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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