Return to Nut: Kirby's Return to DreamLand part !4

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hey how's it going everyone we're uh playing more kirby i do it sometimes all time that's pretty much all i do let's play kirby well that's not entirely true i play other games anyway and here we are nutty noon at the the proper way instead of doing whatever the i was trying to do yeah anyway nutty noon that's a weird name i don't really know what that means so i don't know what most of the names mean in fact i have a theory that um is like uh kirby you know these these locations aren't actually called what they're called um and their these locations also don't have food in the background like like the milk crate houses and planet robobot city or the the carrots in the background of old oxy um it's just what kirby sees because he's obsessed with food so he like sees food everywhere he goes [Music] so these places aren't actually based off of food it's just that kirby loves food so much he can't help but see food everywhere oops i almost died [Music] and also i have a similar theory with sonic games where it's like sonic some sonic levels have really stupid names that in like in in the actual sonic story they they call them what these names are and always sounds kind of lame it always sounds kind of dumb like who would actually name something this i was like i have a theory that it's just what sonic calls these places because he doesn't actually know what they're called because he doesn't really spend because he lives he lives in green hill or whatever so he doesn't really spend that much time in in regular society so he just goes like uh that's the marble zone or uh this is radical highway because it's radical totally radical bro anyway yeah i don't know just that's just what i think [Music] oh geez sorry my my throat hurts and i'm nervous because i have to go to work in about an hour um and i was there until like two in the morning last night i have no idea what even happens [Music] bam wings baby [Music] yeah i don't know [Music] who would actually take cutter in this section why would you why would you why would you take anything but spear for this it's so perfect i wonder if i can beat this whole room without hovering oh nope oh that didn't work [Music] you must die god spear copter is so much fun i'm so glad they they managed to put it in forgotten land like it's like it doesn't matter how impractical it is it needs to be and it needs to be a part of the sphere ability no matter no matter what what game it's in no matter what the game is doing i'm really glad they found a way to put in forgotten land and also in forgotten land you can sort of just spam it it charges quickly enough so you can basically just use it as a double jump you don't even need to hover his bandana d you can just use spear copter it works just as well if not if not better like who thought of this anyway like whoever did they need to be promoted or something it's like let's randomly let this one copy ability turn into a goddamn helicopter right tornado time i like how shoot how forgotten land did i mention i like how forgotten land handled tornado because i think forgotten lands tornado is awesome letting you actually suck up things like it's an actual tornado and then having the the like the the third incarnation like third evolution of the ability like letting you uh have the things that you suck up home in on enemies after you throw them i thought that was so cool oh yeah speaking of speaking of things that i like like about kirby games i learned two things recently about two curvy games so first thing is return to dreamland um did you know that in return of dreamland uh you can have the fire ability break metal blocks with its burning attack just like an amazing mirror and squeeze squad i had i didn't even know that i mean i guess in hindsight it makes sense because it's like it could do that in those two games i was like oh my god it's like they never give you the fire ability right before any metal blocks yeah cause i was watching a speed run of this game and i was like wait a minute how are you gonna get the energy sphere you don't have hammer or stone you you skipped the cannon and then he just blasted right through it with the fire abilities i was like i was like blown away kind of like i'm lowing these enemies away yeah perfect and then another thing uh one of my friends showed me about kirby superstar is oh my god is that if you play as the helper if you're player 2 in kirby superstar you don't actually have to wait for kirby to give you a copy ability to switch abilities if you mash the a button you can just cause yourself to self-destruct and then run into an enemy to get a new ability i had i had no idea i don't know if it works in superstar ultra [Music] but i was playing superstar with one of my friends and he was randomly like oh by the way if you mash a you can you can kill yourself and i was like wait what and i was like tack is so cool on kirby's superstar because he makes it so um he makes it so you don't have to wait for player one to give you a different ability to swap i was like you don't have to do that anyway now but admittedly using cac is still a lot better because if if you want to change elsewhere you have to essentially risk killing yourself so anyway it's it's so weird because this is my favorite you know i learned a new thing about my favorite game of all time the game that i thought i had known absolutely everything about you know it's just amazing there's always new stuff going around new things to think about i love the ninja ability um this is one move it has though this one the smoke bomb attack which is pretty pretty meh i was drawing some i was drawing a an art piece as to how i think you could improve it um it's nowhere near finished yet god knows when i'll finish it it's literally four panels like i procrastinate so much it's literally just drawing kirby four times with a ninja hat like i can do that no big deal why is this taking me this long to finish drawing [Music] like it's like every 30 seconds i just want to get up and and walk around and i guess do literally anything else ah dang it hang on that was almost cool [Music] damn goddess i love wall jumping it's always fun in games unless it sucks like in like a nori in the blind forest i actually i really don't like boring the blind forest [Music] um i don't know a large i think a large part of it is that i at hollow knight i'm pretty sure was like the first metroidvania i played and then i played a bun i played a couple more metroidvanias by that you know after that um and i was like there are so many games that i picked up because i was like oh that sounds like a fun platformer and i was like oh never mind it's like i don't hate metroidvanias but i'm so sick of them as like there are so many games that i've picked up that i didn't realize were metroidvanias that were metroidvanias i was like monster boy in the cursed kingdom that sounds like oh it's a metroid it's like like it looks like a really cute kid friendly game and i was like i doubt it's a metroidvania and then it actually was a metroidvania i was like or in the blind forest maybe that might be fun oh it's another metroidvania god damn it so that was part of it another part is i just i just don't like the way it controls and the art style makes everything look blurry and i have a hard time telling what's what it's a game i could definitely never 100 and then i was i was ready and willing to give you know will the wisps a try because people said it was also good and i was like all right maybe they maybe they fixed some of the things i didn't like about the first game and and no it was it was exactly the same that's the first game except well i mean they did fix the the lack of combat where you can just hit things on your own now instead of using this weird orb i just i just i just don't like cory that much i'm sure i'm sure it's a good game and all but like it's really it's first of all it's really hard on the eyes uh in my opinion and again maybe i just need to wear my glasses but and it's really hard to tell what's what and where you've explored and where you haven't like hollow knight makes it so clear you know the map is the map system and that is is really freaking good it's clear i like it when things are clear yeah and it's in its its its tone and its atmosphere and its whole storytelling methods it's just just not something i i am particularly interested in trying to think of things to talk about bam he's dead i like that they make him look like concrete in in ex mode that's cool [Music] um i mean yeah metroidvanias i played like i played hollow knight i've played i've only played one metroid game and that was samus returns um i was thinking about trying metroid dread um you know if i ever get around to it i don't really have much time and most the time i have nowadays i spend procrastinating and playing games i've already played i don't know because i'm just i'm just like that i did play uh oh yeah i played uh i played that game that came out straight um it was pretty fun um it was not like i was it was not what i was expecting it well actually it was kind of what i was expecting it to be but i was i was a little disappointed in it kind of feels like it needed a bit more time in the oven although i didn't get the collectibles so maybe there's more to the game um it was pretty fun though it controls really nicely it's got a cute score i mean it's got a decent story [Music] i just thought i just thought it would be more like untitled goose game you know where it's like it just feels like the fact that you play as a cat you know takes is constantly taking a backstage to the story that the game actually wants to tell and it'd just be nice if the game acknowledged that you're a cat more often [Music] it's like because it always it all the cat related things that you can do like scratching stuff and and tripping people down the stairs which i did a lot by the way um it always feels like uh you know more of a bonus than like an actual central part of the game [Music] but you know what if you ever you know whoever made the game if you want to make a sequel i'd i'd totally be down i i had a lot of fun playing it and it wasn't again it wasn't too long so i don't regret playing it i beat it in like you know a couple hours it was definitely not a bad game and it was actually pretty exciting at times too [Music] it just i feel like it doesn't have much depth but i liked it and i'm a huge cat person so obviously i was gonna play it you know good or bad so yeah straight pretty good all right i'm not gonna make the same mistake i made last time [Music] ow spike to the face you know kirby is the one character because it's like health bars and games are like you know they're unrealistic and it's just like real humans or real living organisms don't actually work that way but kirby is one character that i could actually see a health bar actually being a realistic representation because he's literally just a blob of mass that can take on different forms i always thought that attack was easier to dodge than the one he does in when he's uh in main mode where you have to time it right and that one you can just you can just you can always see what's about to happen damn this video gamers are cool you know what you know what i like about the spear doomers so much it's again it's it's the clarity and their design the simple color schemes the color-coded nature it's like this is the blue one this is the red or sorry there's no blue sphere anywhere this is the white one this is the red one this is the purple one this is the green one i like it i like simple color-coded stuff like when you go to the grocery store and buy like a four pack of chip bag closer like what do you call those the things that are like look like handles but you use them to keep your bags of chip closed and they're like they come in like four different colors you buy a four pack love that stuff i like candy it's like this is apple this is banana this is this is grape flavored you know it's i don't know it's it's it's just it i'm incredibly easy to please except candy nowadays is is so weak i had some like sour patch kids the other day and i i can't have candy anymore because it hurts me like it like if i have too much like i actually feel myself corroding away um and it was so weak like it was the most pathetic sour candy i've ever had and i was like was it always this like did we used to have it better back in the day or am i just misremembering and then later when i was in so much pain that i could like like i could barely bend over because i felt so inflamed um you know i could barely like lean down to grab the boxes that i'm supposed to get at my job and i was like that was so not worth it i like i feel insulted that that took as big a toll on my body as it did because it was so pathetic and and not yummy at all like god damn candy has really gone downhill i mean you could argue everything's gone downhill lately but you know i miss being a kid you know and i i think everyone else does too god damn it you know i'm desperate to hold on to as much of my childhood innocence as possible [Music] you know in my hope that maybe one day things could be as good as they were back in the day you know i like to think i still have hope for the future i try not to to act jaded because i i need my spirit i can't i can't be i don't want to be a mean person you know i need my spirit i need it to survive i can't just go through life you know miserable bye bye noddy yeah just i i want to be happy you know sometimes that's not always possible to do but [Music] [Music] i'm tired i yes patience nice i hate those things they always eat me on these goddamn ladders thanks that was awesome i love it when when something that i think of on the fly just works so beautifully like that [Music] i also love this game's music did i mention that i think i may have mentioned that once or twice i don't know if it's just the nostalgia but [Music] it probably i mean it's good it's really good music but it's it's really the nostalgia [Music] [Music] i love this level in particular actually i used to hate it because of the ropes and the wind and the the annoying bits of that but i've kind of grown to respect it a little bit peaceful music is really a big part of it i've been so obsessed with beaches lately like i want to go to the beach so badly i'm playing like all the kirby beach levels um you know i've been listening to to to beach music from nintendo games i'm just like i want to go to the beach so badly i haven't been to the beach in in like like eight years would be nice no i don't care too much for the warm weather but from what i've seen you know beaches have great views from what i remember at least i mean who knows everything could be totally up and ruined by now but would be nice excuse me while i just murder these perfect [Music] [Music] there we are it's so weird they just like they like they're making this level and they're like oh shoot we still need one more energy sphere uh just just just hide it in the clouds right there i don't know it's kind of funny [Music] all right going to the the worst stage [Music] i just i really don't like this boot did i i don't like the boot that much actually that's not true i i do like it but sometimes i just i'm not feel on it i just want to run forward it just it changes the way you run because you don't run you hop around instead [Music] at least it's short i like the item challenge in this game [Music] i like it when these things are like just kind of isolated to their own things [Music] it's like here you can have this section just don't muddy up the rest of the game play with it it's i was kind of it's kind of how i felt about planet robobot at first too like at first i thought the mech was awesome and i never wanted to go regular curve again and then i hated it for a while and i i always avoided the stages where you were mostly in the robobot and now i kind of now i kind of respect the mech i really like how it was implemented you know and the different copy abilities that it can itself get i just it's good i like it and i like that robots and video games in general have taken just i like it when the when the control scheme of a different gameplay style is more or less mirrors the main gameplay style in its controls but just you know it feels different but it still controls the same so it's like robo or like robot robot mech suits in general in games like i'm the one the one from bayonetta comes to mind or bayonetta too you know they always control like uh a simpler but more powerful version of like it's like of the regular gameplay so it's like getting in the robot it's like you still have the same controls it's just it's just a bit more simplified and you have a lot more power anyway robots are cool robobots are cool robots are kind of meh explosion oh shoot [Music] time to go ham mer oh just no forget i said that don't worry about it [Music] oh shoot again i'm leaning really close to my monitor you i'm pretty sure that the clicking for my controller [Music] that weird bird also is making a lot of noise [Music] yeah sorry i have my my screen door open because my cats wanted to go outside and it's it's pretty nice out so i have the the air turned off and the door open anyway sorry about that my controller must also be making a lot of noise i'm gonna try to to make sure that doesn't happen let me just oh i can't get comfortable i really need to find a better place to record [Music] there we go that should work anyway sorry about that [Music] what are some games i've been meaning to play i wanted to play because i played shantae risky's revenge or like the the remastered version i bought it on steam so i want to play the rest of the shantae games i just like i wanted to play literally all of them but you know when am i gonna have the time to do that i didn't even like risky's revenge that much he was kind of but i still want i still want to play the series because because it's about it's got boobs in it so naturally of course you know i have to now [Music] [Applause] [Music] i was playing um kirby in the forgotten land with a friend a couple days ago and i he had he hadn't played through the whole game yet and we got to the end of the the fast-flowing waterworks level uh and i like i didn't even mean to say this but i was like as soon as we got out of that one part where the pipe goat makes you go forward and throws you up to the end of the level i just said and here we are like by complete like force of habit [Music] so that was fun my mind has been invaded and here we are wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no sorry i'm dumb hang on let me try that again no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] i got home at like two o'clock last night and my cats were sleeping uh my cats were on the two chairs in my living room the cats were both like each there was one cat on one one cat on the other and then when i woke up this morning they were in the exact same place like they hadn't moved an inch and granted i did get home pretty late so it was probably only like six hours but i was like oh wow you guys are still in the same place i thought that was kind of cute whoa ah shooters like this some real touhou action [Music] oh god this move is so fun also i like that in forgotten land if you charge up uh your spin attack as far as it'll go with the sword ability and then let it go and then jump during it you can you can still do the the jumping spin attack that was introduced in triple delux it just you jump after the spin is going i think that's pretty cool i wish that the because it's like i was playing the game and i was like why aren't there like why can't you do a plunging attack by just holding the guard button and then pressing the attack button while you're in mid-air like i mean i get that the game is supposed to be simple because it's a kirby game but like you could have at least let me do that and then i saw that you can actually do attacks by holding the guard button pressing the attack button with uh with the one of the copy scrolls that you can get makes the sword ability able to do that and i was like why can't you just do that for more abilities i mean i get again i get it it's you know new environment you can't use up and down to to control moves so they have to have less moves but why can't you at least use ice's ice sprinkle like i never want to use ice because it always feels so slow to use because like you can't use any attack besides the ice breath while you're in the air at least with fire you can at least use the fireball anyway uh you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna risk embarrassing myself again and taking the harder route again but i'm gonna hang on to spear for the first one this time just because spear spear treats me well spirit is good i have a harder time and i have a harder time dying miserably when i have spear oh never mind i didn't mean to do that i actually need this thing hell i needed it in main mode now water dude why am i so stupid [Music] oh i hate that he does that that's so mean [Music] it i'll just take spark now [Music] [Music] uh i wish i had star allies spark up attack right now oh come on these arenas especially give me a hard time they're weird just their weirdness [Music] there we go puzzle solved the puzzle life solved a bajillion times oh look at that background that's cool there's a whole ass planetoid in the background no speaking of celestial bodies i was on my way i was driving one night and i was on my way home from work and the moon looked humongous and like i'd seen it like this before but anytime i see the moon and it's all orange and huge and stuff and it looks like it's about to crash into earth i have like a huge panic attack because i just like i just like it always looks so surreal and i'm like oh my god we're all going to die speaking of dying i'm about to like right now please spare me [Music] anyway yeah celestial bodies whenever they do not things that they're not supposed to do or i'm not expecting them to do it always freaks me out and i always think that this is it this is how we die the moon has finally come to kill us all i'll take cover sure why not cut out brood [Music] yeah so shantae i wanna play i wanna play more shantae i wanna play that game i've been hearing about tunic and that sounds fun [Music] i guess i could give more game recommendations unravel 2 is a really fun game if you play it though make sure you play it on switch because uh ea will make you download their stupid launcher if you want to play it on if you want to play it on steam so don't play it on steam it's i i have a hard time even recommending it just because of ea's involvement in any capacity but you know it's it's a really really fun game it's fun both single player and multiplayer it's like it's two players and it's just really fun it's just the fact that ea is involved as publisher so that's the caveat and also play it on switch instead oh shoot i think that was the only one i can think of [Music] i guess i'd recommend straight too that's a that's a decent game i've it's it's i played it because the entire cat subreddit that i visit frequently was like it was blowing up on there i was like every single post is like hey i am playing straight with my cat they it's a cat game and i'm playing in the mic i have cats and i'm playing the cat game and i was like oh shoot it's out i was like wow i guess if if if it's that good i guess i'd better check it out it was all right all right uh so i took wing last time i don't want fighter and i no wait no i took whip last time or did i take wing and then i died and then take wings [Music] so i haven't recorded in a while i was just thinking about that [Music] i haven't even made a video in a while because i haven't really had the motivation and then work got crazy all of a sudden again summers are summers are apparently very bad oh that's right he's sweeping he swoops slower sweeps lower i love how he looks the crimson red looks so awesome you know i think that's why i like her i think i just realized why i like kirby bosses because no matter what they're doing there's usually an opportunity to strike at them it's not like other platforming bosses where you have to wait for their weak point or their cycle or whatever to end it's like with this it's it's kind of plays you just you just attack with whatever moves you want while they attack you shoot i keep forgetting that he swoops he goes lower yeah you just like no matter what they're doing there's always at least some some opportunity to attack the boss that's why i'm that's why i'm pretty sure everyone hates pi ribbit so much because he just jumps in the background like an and you can't you can't you can't hit him for like there's like it's like a whole minute of him just being in the background with you not able to do anything you know it's like a whole new it's like a whole dimension of the entire fight has been removed [Applause] oh because you're just dodging boring attacks not being able to strike back yourself pirate sucks he's really really annoying and i hate that he's like one of the most prominent bosses in kirby clash because he's so annoying he could have at least made it so you could at least maybe make it so you can hit rocks back at him to damage him or just something something to give the fight a little bit of depth that's already in the other fights just by you being able to attack them while they're attacking you that's why i hate the final boston in crash throughout the cortex so much too god that fight sucks [Music] it's called crunch time named after one of the worst things imaginable i mean i get it it's a pun that name did not age well crunch time is bad die both the practice and the boss fight don't crunch your employees that just makes things worse can i kill gordo nope you can only kill gordos in that one section of star allies by crushing them with those fire blocks all right cool you're done [Music] yay [Music] we did it [Music] all right cool just gonna do i think it's the the water challenge is up next oh right there's there's a cutscene where we go to alcandra that's cool all right i'm gonna do the water challenge hopefully i'll be able to do it and not give up on it and then i'll be done for now you know [Music] yes i know how to water game do you even water bro okay well that's not very promising i can do this there we go [Music] there we are oh please the running like i like that water lets you surf like that it's cute and all but it makes me feel so out of control since star alice at least tried to to fix it up a little bit so that you would have it would be a bit tighter it's still it's still not as still not great though [Music] yeah you're just your acceleration takes a huge hit even if it is faster than running normally so so not in control [Music] oh come on i may be here a while i may have to actually cut a lot of this out [Music] damn it [Music] [Music] i like the the water snake in star allies dribbly that's a great enemy [Music] oh please [Music] [Music] okay what's there oh wow all right cool that took like four tries [Applause] [Music] [Applause] guess i'm getting better all right cool i uh guess that about does it for now all right have a have a good rest of your day everyone thanks thanks for watching
Channel: NagoTheCat
Views: 13
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2clvLpyRjrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 38sec (3098 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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