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This is just a Canadian man complaining about a shovel that tries to do too much and fails.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Sachyriel 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

The F-35 of shovels

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/HiTech-LowLife 📅︎︎ May 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the brand new wrangler star wilderness survival testing grounds now i haven't intentionally got myself lost in the great rainforest of the pacific northwest now i'm not entirely lost i do have breadcrumbs running on my phones or my gaia app but i haven't looked at it and i won't tell i want to get myself out of here to do a real world test on one of the most expensive all-in-one survival tools on amazon mosquitoes and that is the survival shovel this looks like the perfect spot right by these giant cedars and the babbling brook a survival tool needs to be able to pass my test and my test is with no help from any outside tools that needs to be able to go with you into the forest process firewood assist you in starting a fire and boiling ultimately boiling a cup of tea oh you always kneel on a rock those three things are survival shovel which will break down here in a minute pint of water via u.s forest service wildland firefighter issue special issue bottle i'm partial to this is the best shape for a water bottle and my zebra pot or the nod to our british friends zebra let's have a look at our survival tool before we oh goodness before we set off on our skills test so it came in this green case a couple different compartments i did bring some tinder as well i brought some white uh some dryer lint i can get a fire going out here but to expedite it that just makes things a whole lot simpler and it all fits in this compact kit the quality of the bag it's not great it's definitely not great and looks like we have what what six pieces all right let's start with the shovel head itself here the shovel head appears to have its own sheath i'm sure that's because it's probably sharp they claim the manufacturer that it can be a replacement for an axe and we will see today won't we so we have something looks like it's stainless steel a bunch of holes in it looks like it's been skeletonized there to light lighten itself up you've got treads there so you could stomp it in with a boot um yeah it looks like a bat so this uh here has got a that's it looks like a detent oh i believe that's a wire cutter right there as well i wish we had some wire to test with that yeah that's what that is and the detent feels pretty good so you can operate it like a traditional army shovel in multiple different configurations right there okay we got that all right we have also five pieces here uh we'll start with the base or this is would be the end of the handle uh that's a screw that's a quarter 20 there for uh you could screw it to your screw to your camera i think that's kind of a strange feature on a survival tool but that's what it is here's our fire steel our magnesium rod we'll be testing that today the machining on this is very nice the coating is very nice the threads are nice it's pretty thick it feels pretty good actually but that's a long handle here we have on this end a whistle this is a survival whistle as we know you can't shout for very long or very loud a whistle carries much further how loud is it oh it's ear piercing loud so that's a big win you can take the whistle out if you wanted to pack it around in your pocket i'd probably keep it in there so that's a nice benefit and it's not plastic so it's all aluminum very lightweight next section i don't know what that would be looks like this one breaks in half again a lot of failure points here okay so here's our survival knife we have a kind of a tonto blade it's not sharpened on the ends it's only sharpened here in the middle we have some serrations that are not great but it is reasonably sharp but it's very wimpy i feel like i could break it i actually know i could break it with my hands right there that's not ideal for a survival knife but i guess it's better than none we'll see we'll see how it batons and then the final two sections are just extensions and there's nothing there so since it says pinch point let's put it together i'm assuming that this goes on first it's got some silicone rubber grip stuff there which slides around so it's not really of any use i'm i'm going to go out on a limb and guess that using this as an axe is going to be very painful all that energy is going to be transferred through that aluminum into the hand and i'm not looking forward to that our first task is to start a fire i've broken the tool up into two separate tools which is kind of handy it actually makes a handsome looking little knife although a terrible knife as we discussed earlier there the head is a bit wobbly i'm not looking forward to processing firewood but with this but even with the knife removed it still has a fairly long table handle which should be adequate and of course the first thing we need to do when looking to start a fire if you were lost is standing dead wood standing dead wood is the only thing that will burn especially in a rain forest everything on the ground is wet you can't get green trees to burn so this is a perfect perfect one right here and about as big as my forearm i'm not chopping nothing until you hit that thumbs up button i'll wait i've got all day all right have you done it here we go so it spins oh it's terribly painful on the hands all right that is without a doubt the worst chopping experience i've ever had just from that experience alone i now have carpal tunnel and cancer goodness even knocked my my teapot over here goodness that's the last thing i'm chopping that's the last thing i'm chopping with this tool these cable saw tools as anyone knows who's used one are not exactly excellent for processing firewood but that's what we have now i'm not chopping without it anymore let's see if we can cut our first piece here all right i remember now with the cable saws they'll break your fingers they're very uncomfortable so the trick is is you take a small stick and you insert the stick into the ring and you split it like this and that would give you more pulling force as well as it's more effective okay so that's a fail one feature the survival shovel has that does work in our favor is it's gonna be good for grubbing right we can turn it into that uh 90 degree profile there like a military shovel of course we want to oh it always comes unscrewed it all uh we need to scrape down to mineral soil i've gathered up a bunch of small sticks and logs i found a piece of there's a fire fire ring over by the creek there and someone left some firewood peach chunks in there hey if it's in the forest on the forest floor it's not off limit if i need it to split um man this thing's terrible i mean i i just it's just it's not you can't safely do it uh to be honest so that leaves us with well with batoning right you know it says we don't have a saw we can't really cut anything to baton with so we'll uh here's what we'll do we'll unscrew a section of this handle we're improvising here guys uh and we'll use that we'll see how tough that knife is it's pretty pretty dry and i need it or we'll be here all day i don't know if this i don't know about this knife design guys it is pretty anemic but it's getting it done we gotta we gotta give credit to that if we can tell it a few more times and we can shave the rest of it as i said i did bring a fistful of dryer lint which is a great fire starter here now you can use sap in different things but just to expedite it here i'm going to put a base of that down there that'll help us help to catch the spark from the included fire steel well friends we did indeed we were able to get a fire going with the fire steel and the included knife but i also found some dry stuff that someone had packed in here for a ring fire you know what to be honest with you the thought of using this knife any further and trying to actually do anything without a saw and build a stand to boil my pot and all that is pointless it's just not usable it's not a safe knife to use i feel like it's going to break and slip on my hand and i have no way to i have no saw so i can't and i'm not chopping i refuse to chop with this thing anymore and the knife is not suitable it's just too delicate and too small so i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this is not a real survival tool [Laughter] was there any question really you know i mean i was trying to be open-minded but uh i think we all knew what was gonna happen the lack of a saw is what has ended the video it had they put even if it was just a basic one like we saw in the uh the comm bar tool we were able to use that and to make and to finish our video and to make a proper a pot holder but with this and the cable saw as a total fail uh i'm gonna go i'm gonna just go ahead and end it here because this thing is terrible uh and not suitable not suitable for anything and at 250 and that's what i paid for it this is not a product endorsement i bought it online uh and that that's what it came out to when i purchased it was 250 that is 250 to be better spent getting that fight keeping that fire warm to be honest with you thanks for watching may god bless you and your families please keep us in your prayers and we'll see you all on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 2,665,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oiK-7m50A50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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