Technical difficulties and depression: Kirby's Return to Dreamland part 13

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hi how's it going um [Music] i'm gonna be honest with you uh i recorded this entire video and then i looked at it and realized that my mic had turned off for the entire time so there wasn't any commentary so i'm just gonna record the commentary now and and paste it over director's commentary style anyway so white wafers you know i just have bad luck in white wafers i guess and something always goes wrong with recording anyway so let's go let's let's start i'm just gonna yeah you know you know [Music] anyway this is probably going to be way harder than just just recording and playing at the same time [Music] what what do i even talk about i don't i don't have a controller in my hands i have dolphin on one side of my screen or not dolphin but the the video i recorded on one side of my screen and then audacity recording on the other side and i'm just sitting here watching this whole thing play out oh hey look there's white wafer as i'm going into it now oh look at the cute little kirby like what what do i what do i talk about i guess i should just talk about what i remember talking about when i was trying to record and failing like i fail everything in life i remember saying i was gonna be happy when i walked into this place i remember uh finding out that was a lie [Music] um yeah but there i go being a little fighter curb that i am sometimes you know i played a bit more of sonic uh rider zero gravity um i uh i enjoyed it a little bit more than i did last time i still don't like that you can't drift but you know there's there's some fun to be had in it my mind is just going completely blank i'm i'm panicking so hard i like this section where they have the the fire and ice blocks that you break sequentially um it's nice i don't know it's like you get the firepower after breaking the the fire blocks of the ice and then you use the firepower to break the ice blocks that are up and coming and you can use fighters you know one of fighters moves to to break ice blocks too so that's cool oh there i go grabbing the cannon everything just died these porn roughs first they were first they were you know vaporized by kirby with an invincibility cannon and now they're getting blown to shreds by a can i said candy invincibility candy now they're getting blown to shreds with a cannon excuse me sorry i uh now i don't remember if i if i said it right or not um i just have a lot of moments where i just can't trust my own like i refuse to trust my own memory and you know if you if you've ever had one of those moments where you do something and then immediately forget you know the thing that was the point of why you did it like if you check what time it is then don't actually check what time it is and then have to look again or like if i'm if i punched in at work like so many times if i punch in and then immediately forget not not forgetting to punch in but forgetting if i've punched in is always the worst yeah that's uh god not being able to trust your own memory sucks sometimes you really you really have to know when to when to focus on something that is important and not try to do multiple things at the same time i'm recording the setup at a somewhat inconvenient time there's a there's a couple kids playing outside making some noise um although it seems like they're done so they won't be interrupting anymore hopefully you know what you can you can have fun if you want it's like i don't i don't mean to to say how dare you you can have fun i'll i'll just i'll just deal i'll cope yeah see they are screaming it's not you know what i'll just i'll just have to cope i mean who am i to get in in the way of anyone's fun i mean i have plenty of fun at other people's expense sometimes myself you know you can't please everyone can't make everyone happy you can't avoid causing mischief and trouble your entire life it's just gonna happen you're gonna knock heads with people you know some things you do will be inconvenient for other people it's the way life goes striking a balance that's important again again balance balance is important balance is everything balance is the key to life and my neck hurts a lot i don't know what i did [Music] ouch anyway almost done with the first stage i'm gonna show off a bit by using the this the tornado spin to not hover get onto that platform that doesn't actually do anything because i i forget if there's anything there or not because i'm obsessive oh yay good for me number one [Music] what are some things that i talked about when i was recording oh yeah i talked about kirby battle royale and how it's like the one bad kirby game of like like the worst kirby game ever but not because it's just that terrible but just because kirby has a franchise has never really had a terrible game in it before and battle royale is is is what i i think battle royale is bad game i went and played it recently um because i was like oh yeah i haven't played battle royale in a while i mean maybe i'll maybe i'll see if there's anything i i missed about it i uh and then i immediately remembered why i don't play battle royale because it's annoying it's really bizarre it's a weird game it's interesting you know it's uh it's an interesting game it's like it's like it's supposed to be like following up on kirby fighters where it's a pvp game you you know you the copy abilities are the characters except there's some other characters you play as like you know that basically the core four kirby meta knight waddle dee but no bandan at this time and then uh you know ddd you know it's just not very fun to play because you're constantly getting knocked around and thrown out of the way and and you know the only moves that actually are worth the damn or the ones that let you knock people out of the way and the ones that deal damage are just worthless it's just a very frustrating game to play and i'm just not a fan oh yeah here's me screwing around looking at the background a little bit wishing that there was a game that just had this background in it just let me run around this i said that those ice pillars remind me of the ones that get randomly that get generated in minecraft's ice biome it's like that'd be cool if minecraft if this was in minecraft yeah i said look at the clouds i said look at the nice purple sky i've been i've been trying to draw backgrounds and stuff like that backgrounds are so hard to draw i'm not very good at drawing i've only just recently started to get a little bit better oh yeah let me let me just take a moment to wombo combo some sheld absolutely destroyed um but yeah backgrounds are pretty pretty hard just everything is hard to draw and i end up obsessing over the smallest things and then i end up lazily drawing in like important stuff i'm like oh the just just slap it on there we go and then really small stuff that doesn't matter it doesn't affect the drawing in any way i'm just like it has to be pixel perfect and i think too hard about it and then i get like well i'm just a shitty artist and then i stop drawing and then i never get better and then [Music] it's just it's you know it's just a nightmare it's it's really hard just forcing yourself to to practice and get better when you feel like you're just never gonna you know you're never gonna contribute to anything anything nice and that's that's not true you know you just practice practice is so hard to do [Music] anyway yeah you know it just just don't don't think that if you're if you feel the way i do you know just just don't that's the best advice i can give just just don't do it just feel good don't feel bad feel good i don't give good advice yeah um kirby battle royale was interesting though it has some things i like about it like being able to hold as many things as you want at once to a point where you're just creating a giant you know unseeable tower like the dog from undertale um that was cool you know having a specific pick up button you know and throw pick up and throw things and you can pick them up really quickly and throw them really quickly that was fun you know i just wish i wasn't getting constantly thrown to the floor and dropping at all because everyone else wants to to be a dick game game the game just makes everyone turns everyone into a huge dick i've actually had the the uh the uh the pleasure of playing it cooperatively with one other person who actually bought it uh it was not i mean i guess it was fun because we were playing together but just yeah just just if you're if you're planning on just just skip it no big deal not not really a great game i mean at the very least it's it's not a bad game because it's a shitty corporate product with microtransactions in it that you know that activision just farts out or something you know like it's it's not a harmful game it's it's just a bad game because you know it didn't really have that much i don't know it you know it's just like maybe it was a bad idea maybe they just didn't have enough time to work on it or maybe you know it was just you know wasn't really meant to have that much effort put into it because it was just a small one of those kirby games to tide you over except the other kirby games that do that are you know just expanded versions of existing mini games so they have a strong solid foundation to build off of yeah but this one this one was just like something completely new and an untested idea to my knowledge yeah so it was it was just a bad idea um at least it's it's not a harmful game [Music] speaking of new small kirby games uh that uh i record i recorded this video literally hours after that trailer for the new kirby's dream buffet came out so that looks pretty fun it kind of looks like yeah you know people say it kind of looks like fall guys which i never played but based on what i've seen of it yeah yeah it looks like ball guys kind of looks like dream course and then a little you know tilt and tumble like dream course and tilt and tumble and then uh you know battle royale because of the competitive multiplayer thing [Music] you know but battle royale but like you know not frustrating um so yeah it looks pretty fun i'm pretty excited it said summer 2022 so that's this or next month but it doesn't have an exact day so that's weird but okay [Music] yeah oh yeah that's right we're in the the lovely ice cave background that i love so much [Music] my everything hurts i'm so [Music] not in the mood to do anything productive to to my credit i have done i have worked on my drawing a little bit more i i was actually drawing something i was trying to draw um a background for my phone that looks like aqua star from kirby 64. and i made a little bit of progress on it you know not much not enough to give me confidence that i'll ever finish it but i'm doing my best i enjoy drawing sometimes but other like it's hot it's the same way i enjoy video games like i enjoy drawing when when things just come together and i look like i draw something super awesome you know without really you know really knowing how i even got there [Applause] and like the first time you ever i ever you know you ever excuse me excuse my i'm bad at talking today you know the first time you ever figure out something just on your own like how do i draw this and then you it's it you know it clicks and then you get it um it's it feels so amazing you know you just figure it out right in the moment and then you can use that skill to draw other stuff but other times drawing is so grindy and annoying and and like it constant like it has moments where it constantly makes me feel like i'm not good enough and like i'm a failure and like you know like i'll never get this and i don't know why but i i i can't stomach up the courage to go look at a tutorial because i'm just thinking oh i mean i do know why because it's like i'll just like i feel like i'll just be wasting my time but you know i want to get better at trying and my brain's like no it's not worth it you can do this on your own if you look at a tutorial you're cheating i don't know i'm just god you know brains man they're they're hard to work with they're hard to live as they're hard to exist existing is hard [Music] i mentioned uh when i was playing this and recording i mentioned that i should stop trying to impersonate characters because it always sounds super cringy whenever i go back and listen to it um anyway so i'm i'm gonna throw out another impression for me to be embarrassed by i'm sonic sonic the hedgehog all right let's do a few more um all right bring it on uh what else does he say uh he says tails watch out and then there's also uh speak for yourself let's get going all right all right i swear i'm done i'm done i'm gonna go and listen to that and and you know wish i was dead oh and wish i'd never said it and then i'm just gonna upload it anyway uh so that everyone else can hear it too oh yep here's where i decided to have a little bit of fun while jumping with a ninja i feel like you know because i and i wished more coffee abilities would let you all jump or maybe i just wish there were more spaces to wall jump in there's like there's literally two two areas in this game where the game wants you to wall jump because it's only it's serious it's just the ninja ability that lets you do it you know it's like i wish i could i wish it i wish it had more utility but then at the same time i i like it the way it is that it can just be fun um it can just be a fun thing that you can do if you feel like it oh i don't feel good my uh you know since this is an unfamiliar setup that i you know didn't do it took me hours of of staring at my screen hoping that i would somehow gather the courage to start doing that to to start this and when i like because i like i'm not gonna be able to make any more videos until i get this one out um and i can't just trash this one because then then like there'll be an entire section missing i have to do this i have to no there's a there's a dog there's a dog barking sorry about that someone's dog's barking that's okay my cat's meow anyway it's fair enough uh yeah but i like like you know gathering courage is hard it's very hard or it's hard for me at least it's hard for i know it's also hard for a lot of people but i've heard some people don't really have an issue with him god damn good for them i'm sure those people have other issues opposite issues in fact [Music] but yeah i think sometimes what i wouldn't give to just be dumb and confident all the time dumber than i already am anyway there was a point in this in the in my original recording that didn't actually get recorded but my original thing that i i feel like needs to like i didn't want to go through this video without mentioning but i mentioned it i was talking about battle royale kirby battle royale and then i spiraled off into talking about activision blizzard and saying what the is going on there um anyway and then i was like yeah anyway but yeah i'm hearing stories about stolen breast milk and and and rape and and just horrifying and you know not just horrifying but like clownish clownish laughable like like the breast milk being stolen like what the kind of headline is that how does a company exist where that can that can exist like i like i have so many questions how how did this even come to be and then i said something along the lines of um so basically where i live right now um [Music] every every single every single place is hiring people you know from the really fancy restaurants to the dominoes across the street everywhere is hiring because of because of uh you know the pandemic and you know that you know people not going to work because you know they can't because of the pandemic anyway so everyone is hiring they'll take anyone they can um hell a really nice place hired me you know just just for showing up um but anyway everywhere is hiring and i don't know if that's the situation for where you live if you work for activision but god damn if you work for activision don't work for activision if you can help it like based on what i've seen there's there's just no better time to you know pull the rug out from under them you know you know quit go work somewhere else go work literally anywhere else do not work for the company that steals breast milk and rapes people don't like don't do it if you can help it i'm begging you don't work for activision blizzard and if you do and there's something better out there just just do it just quit just go just get away from there run away run far away do not work for there anyway yeah yeah i just i just wanted to say that because i was so so upset when i found out my recording didn't go through because i i had said that in the recording and i was like what the did did they steal my audio and delete it do they like are is the government spying on me and and and stealing my recordings so that i can't i can't put them out i was like no i just i just had my recording button turned off because i'm an idiot and usually i make sure to turn it back on every time i accidentally press it when i'm trying to turn the brightness down and then uh but for some reason i forgot to turn it back on because like it's right next to my brightness button and i can't see very well without my glasses but i don't wear them very often because they hurt my ears if i wear them for too long that don't don't ask me how i don't know um but yeah uh wow i've talked very little about the actual game that's going on on screen i i don't even know why i have it here here's me wasting some time but anyway yeah um yeah the the mic button is right next to the brightness button so i uh yeah i pressed that one instead and then i'm like oh shoot wrong button and then i turn it back on but i forgot to anyway yeah [Music] yeah i've been playing kirby 64 a little bit um and just enjoying myself i've come to appreciate the game a bit more there are some little things that i can like i used to not really like it because i was like ew games kind of clunky to control you know copy abilities usually just have one move and they're like a lot of the copy abilities stop you in place to use them like i just don't like how the game feels but i've come to appreciate it a little bit more because of all the little things you can do like how you can hold you know normal enemies or you can hold any enemy above your head and a lot of them will do cool unique things like the glunk will shoot things in the air and then the galbo will shoot a flamethrower and then they though oh yeah i up the energy sphere excuse me while i unfuck that there we go going back in excuse me that didn't happen you didn't see that i'm good at games anyway but yeah and then um you know what what are some other cool things there's an enemy that will just that will just disintegrate in your hands if you try to hold it um you know some enemies you can throw in in weird ways like the karen you can throw it and it'll it'll through turning to three projectiles um you know there's the the axe enemy you can throw like a tomahawk it's it's just a lot of fun it's like it really leads into the whole idea of experimentation not just with the the mixing of the coffee abilities which can get old fast but like you know the other stuff like the just just just all the cute things you can do in that game um you know really makes it worthwhile works worth makes it worth replaying yeah so anyway i enjoy it i enjoyed it you know it'd be cool if it could be remade remastered or anything yeah that that that shell is too short for me to just duck and hit it with the french horn um speaking of which when i first saw kirby's dream buffet like the the video for it like the trailer i thought i thought like i genuinely thought that nintendo was actually remastering return to dreamland at the 3ds games and i almost like i almost had a heart attack because i was like like when i saw that i was like a little heads-up would have been nice because i was like please don't be what i thought what i think it's gonna be because like i don't think i could emotionally handle it out of the blue one day i just saw that return of dreamland my favorite game of all time and then the 3ds games which are both not far behind um were being remastered and you put into a trilogy style like first of all there's always the chance that it could be a bad remaster and then nintendo could screw it up like they screwed up mario and then zelda it wasn't even a trio it wasn't even a remastered trilogy for for zelda it was just one game nintendo sucks i love i love nintendo but nintendo you know [Music] makes me wish i could just make my own games and i wouldn't have to put up this yeah um but yeah it's uh it would it would have been a a very uh hard to swallow pill it would have been amazing i would have loved it um and it but i just it's like it would have been very emotionally taxing if i like woke up one day and found out that was happening and i know that might seem silly to some people i mean like it's just video games like who cares and it's like yeah but the way i see it video games are no more important than than than anything else in life like what do we even what is the goal of life it's just there's it's it's not really well defined it's just just do whatever gives you the good feeling and in whatever place you know your heart your head your dick you know whatever makes you feel good in whatever place [Music] you know but it's you know it's really simple saying saying it like that but it's it's complicated life is complicated and pointless [Music] so that's just the way i see it that's why i like video games that's why i'm okay with liking video games as much as i do because it's what i do it's what i like in life it's what i do in life [Music] snowball cute kirby snowman yeah you know i just like i'm i want to go so cute but i just like i can i can already tell how annoying that is i i don't really feel that way most of the time and i can barely barely act like it like oh my god this is amazing oh my god it's so cute oh my god my depression is gone it literally cheered my depression this thing is my childhood i don't want to say stuff like that because i feel like i feel like a loser then you know what i'm i'm sorry if you if you do like saying stuff like that i'm i'm i swear i'm not attacking you i don't want to attack anybody you know for liking what they do for acting the way they do i'm just i'm just not very enthusiastic about most things in life [Music] also i i mentioned sonic freeride or dammit not that game not that not that dumb game i mentioned sonic rider's zero gravity earlier because the entire time i've been talking i've had fun well actually hang on yeah that i've had that stuck in my head the end oh yeah the the spike saved me from getting crushed um if you didn't see if you didn't see that but like i jumped too early into the platform that was gonna crush me and i got hit by the spike and knocked out of the way um so thank you spike oh yeah and i also took bond because last time i took cutter and i'm pretty sure i haven't picked a bomb the entire time i've been playing extra mode but yeah yeah this entire time i've been talking i've just had stuck in my head so yeah yeah probably from all the times that like sonic rider zero gravity i almost said free riders again um probably because of the tutorial and how you have like it teaches you each each mechanic of the game in a separate stage it's really obnoxious and every time every time you start a new tutorial it's just you know over and over and over again and also the song is really really good i enjoy listening to it and it also has this really cool like the game has this thing where it has adaptive music where it switches to a different part of the song um you know whenever you do the the the gravity moves so like if you do gravity move it'll skip directly to the the drop or whatever you or whatever it's called specifically i'm not sure but it just sounds like kind of like a drop yeah um i like it kind of but it's like i like i i struggle to like the style of adaptive music in games like how pikmin or doom 2016 had it where it'll skip to other parts of the song depending on what's going on i i like it it makes a song not sound like a song yeah i just feel like it's it's a bit of it's a bit over designed in my opinion um i do like it i do like the other style when when instruments will be added or removed or the song will be remixed based on what's going on like a lot of games will have underwater renditions of the songs that they're playing that are playing for when you go underwater like uh donkey kong tropical freeze um is awesome and has that donkey kong tropical freeze has really great adaptive music especially in in this one level high tide ride where it starts out with uh the title screen theme and then it gets more foreboding the deeper you go in the level it's just so awesome and honestly that level is basically just a rail grinding stage and honestly mine carts and rail grinding they're kind of interchangeable a little bit it's like that stage is is is like a rail grinding stage because it has it's it has rail switching in it which is awesome you know since it's donkey kong it's mine carts it's just rail grinding is a bit more uh is a bit more versatile you don't have to get in a cart to rail grind you can just hop on the rail and then you can get off the rail it's kind of like how games that have swimming in them versus games that have water levels and regular levels like how super mario bros had regular levels that you'd run around in and then water levels you'd switch or i mean you'd swim in versus a game like kirby's eternal dreamland that has running controls and then when you go in water you start swimming yeah i like it when oh yeah and also this is where i was very sure to pick up firepower before going into the room this is where this is where i i i went and saw the statue of liberty this is where i i feel like i'm showing my family vacation photos or something like that all right i don't actually do that but my family members like to show me photos from their vacations especially my grandparents they are all about the photos they have a million and one photos they have so many pictures of me i when i was a derpy little kid i've got i i was such a i was such a uh i was when i used to be a wimp like you is essentially what i was gonna say yeah i used to be really whiny and annoying now i have no i am not like that i mean i am i'm still like that but like i don't know i just am like that i really am whiny and annoying and i complain all the time and yeah sorry sorry this is depressing i'm supposed to be happy because this is my happy place white wafers the shelter are somewhat annoying to put up with i actually like them because they take so much damage but like you know they take enough damage and they get knocked away out of your hitbox so then you have to run up to them again and deal a final blow i like them i think they're good because they're one of the few enemies that don't just die in one hit that sometimes they can really annoy me especially if there's a lot of them and sometimes i just like to use this sword spin attack on them to to destroy them so yeah i think they're good be cool if they can give you the middle ability [Music] i don't know i think i ran out of things to talk about as i usually do oh yeah this is the part where i was uh where i was slagging off activision because they suck and also um they ruined crash team racing they did they did they ruined it i'm not afraid to say it i'm not afraid to say they ruined crash team racing for me at least with their stupid microtransactions in fact that one slight is responsible for making me aware of all the terrible stuff that's going on in the industry like as soon as that happened i like i was like oh my god like it really opened my eyes i started seeing all the that's going down all the all the things all the terrible companies are doing you know all the mistreatment of workers and all the harassment and all the the terrible conduct that's going on it all stemmed from that they're just my personal choice of of a company that i hate that in nintendo i hate nintendo um yeah yeah but it's like it's it's just it's just the whole industry's culture that's rotten and i hate seeing it it's very it's it sucks i hate i hate looking at this but like no one else wants to so i guess i'd better do it it's like what what can i even do about this i don't know what is there for me for for someone as uninfluential as me to do i mean i guess just don't support them which i've been trying my damn just not to do i've been trying my damnedest to do to not support them which is hard because i really like crash bandicoot you know no he's cool you know i didn't really play many of his games i only played the one when i was a kid but you know [Music] i hate giving activision money and even if i don't give them money directly they'll still they'll still make money off of me you know because because of taxes and the whole refund thing if you work for activision just quit just quit your job if don't work for activision if you can help it if you can quit quit if you can't i'm sorry that that sounds like a terrible that sounds like a terrible spot to be in i mean like i'm like i send my love out to you if you if you if you're stuck at activision with no way of of maintaining a livelihood now i'm sad i didn't really want to talk about that for this long but i am it's important stuff it needs to be talked about you know of course you know it's very important the fact that people are getting raped by at you know at companies who just think that they can do whatever they want and you know what i honestly feel bad for the people who who who do carry out this terrible stuff you know those people are sick they need mental help you know they're not well they need like god like i can't imagine like how in much pain you must be trying to suppress if you if you're willing to do something like that to someone else [Music] you know it's it's just i don't know the way i look at it is like i try not to make enemies out of people i try to i try to understand and i [Music] like i try not to look at something terrible that somebody has done to somebody else and say that person's a bad person and they should go to hell and be damned for all eternity but i try like that person needs help themselves that person is sick [Music] you know they they're crying out for help you know both the people that have been hurt by them and the people that are hurting other people themselves you know everyone's a victim of all this terribleness you know nobody nobody nobody has a better life just because you know just because they hurt somebody nobody had nobody has a better life for hurting somebody even if it might seem so it's not the case oh yeah here's me utterly sucking at this boss i think i i think i actually died here and had to take another go at it any second i'm pretty sure i'm gonna die when he throws the things yep there we go yeah i don't know if you're if you are out there and you're mad at somebody if you're if you're mad at you know a previous boss you've had or an ex-boyfriend or or something like that you know i understand why you're mad but i think it would be healthy of you to to if not forgive that person at least let let your anger go at least try try to let your anger go i understand that it's it's it's a hard thing to do and you know it you don't even know it like it's hard to know how to do something like that but you know give it a shot it you know it might help you it might not help you but i think it's worth at least trying [Music] find someone who you love and trust in and tell them all about your your woes and stuff like that but you know it's like it's like aang said let let your anger out and then let it go god i love avatar so much it's you know it's widely agreed to be one of the greatest shows of all time at least i'm pretty sure it's very it's a very i love avatar [Music] and uh it's sequel series cora was pretty good as well it was very faithful to the it was very faithful to the source materials what i can say i like decorah too and there's a dog there's a dog barking again all right cool part grabbed [Music] oh yeah i'm gonna talk about heart-wrenching stuff and then i'm gonna do this i'm just i'm just just trying to find anything i still have to i still have to watch the entire me failing the bomb trial a couple times and then finally getting it before i can be done talking and pulling stuff out of my ass to talk about and accidentally uncovering some of my own demons while i'm at it so [Music] for now you'll have to put up with me playing slide whistle i'm very sorry i really am [Music] i suppose if i was actually sorry i'd stop doing it but oh well [Music] i wish i was sorry [Music] [Music] all right i think i'm done with the slide whistle yeah i'm just gonna sit back and watch me up the bomb trial a couple times and it was it was every time it was because of the goddamn coins stupid extra coins that spawn in on the moving platforms that i don't grab one coin literally one coin it honestly makes me wonder if i could get a platinum by by just missing one coin but no you get the coin bonus that gets you the platinum medal goddamn those how the coins does was what the does sonic origin have coins in it like ha a sonic game that has something like call them something else please like i i know again it's not a big deal but like coins are for mario and sonic is like the emphasis the antithesis of mario kind of at least in my mind he is it's like please don't call them coins we call them park tokens like you did in that other awful sonic remaster that was fine except for when it was park token um yeah you know tokens is fine you know i don't know that just makes me so uncomfortable collecting coins in a sonic game [Music] yep there we go as it's fine in here it's kirby kirby's not the antithesis of mario in fact he you know i i heard that he you know it was like supposed to be mario but more accessible it was like masahiro sakurai like to to take a game and then make you know [Music] oh yeah yeah there was a word for it it was it was kirby kirby kirby kirby fixation was it curbizate kerbiazation or was it was it kirbyism i think it was kirbyism which is the the term that was invented that means just applying broader accessibility to um to an established game formula or something like that curvyism yeah that sounds right i remember that that was a cute that was cute you know a lot of companies use accessibility as an excuse to to to to focus test their their stupid products and make them more bland it's like we want to make something accessible so we're going to take out all the charm of it it's like that's not what accessible means you're just you're being stupid and thinking that only teenage boys play your games you're being you know people you're turning your games into michael bay movies by making them more accessible know if you want to make it something accessible like make it easier to play like you know make the game easier to understand make the tutorial more in depth you know add high contrast mode like in the last of us too that was a good idea oh yeah i think while i was playing this i was recommending games to people oh yeah i i guess i'll do that now i'll say all the games i said or at least all the ones i can remember okay so play hyper light drifter um that's like zelda it has very surreal and it has very surreal and psychedelic music and really good art and it's pretty short it won't take up too much of your time play freedom planet obviously i love that game it's like kirby and sonic combined into one um very nice and it's it's got a really nice story about it too um play uh play unsighted which is a game that i uh played after hearing a youtuber or actually it wasn't even a youtuber it was my sister who recommended it to me because she saw a youtuber talk about it and i was like yeah sure let's play it it does co-op it's like zelda except you're on a timer and the longer the more time you waste the more people die like in mass effect um play uh this game called oh yeah hang on here's me missing the thing by one second or point 10 seconds anyway there's this game called bleed which is a game that i found on the great deal section of the nintendo eshop um where it's a twin stick shooter side scroller game where or sorry not bleed play bleed 2 instead play the the original one isn't really not that you know it isn't really isn't really i mean it's fine but it's like it's not really that noteworthy but the second game is awesome because they give you a katana that can reflect projectiles so play bleed too that one's good um play hollow knight obviously if you haven't played it before you know very good game but you know everyone knows that play you know cuphead the dlc for that came out i'm still waiting um to to actually play it because my sister my other sister hasn't been available um but i will i will get around to it but yeah the game cuphead the the game without the dlc is also very good um play uh play uh i don't know play kirby play more curvy games yeah don't play battle royale or i mean i if you want to but you can skip battle royale but play more curvy games especially this one this one is very good um play [Music] um kind of out of ideas what are some other games that i've found on my switch astral chain that's decent platinum games made that you control a little guy you you fight hack and slash style and while you're doing that you control a guy pikmin style or not pikmin style but with the with the right stick oh there we go bomb trial over we did it [Music] so yeah i'd recommend those games you know you can check them out if you want oh uh play enter the gungeon too i've poured an unhealthy amount of time into that game um oh yeah and here's me spamming crouch teabagging the floor trying to think of other games to recommend anyway um since the video is about to end i think this recording is about to end as well so have a good night guys that's a wrap love you all [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NagoTheCat
Views: 50
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 58sec (3178 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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