21 "Wet" Zelda Facts You Probably Didn't Know!

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[Music] hey I'm your host the bread pirate and here are 21 water themed facts about breath of the wild you probably didn't know number one normally as soon as you use your temporary stamina it's gone forever however there is one exception to this rule it turns out if you lose your extra stamina while drowning the game will give it back to you so from now on you don't need to worry about losing that temporary stamina while you're trying to catch that one last fish thanks to pe5e for sharing that fact on the breath of the wild subreddit if you're curious where all the other facts came from on this list you can find that out in the description below number two fire weapons are a blast but have you ever noticed that they work worse when it rains that is because fire weapons lose their flaming abilities twice as fast as normal while they're wet for example the great flame blade will lose its fire charge after two spins when it's raining but normally can be spun four times before running out so make sure you plan your fights accordingly [Music] oh shut it you two I know how to count number three in the Miro Shaw's Shrine aka the golfing shrine oh why didn't you just go home that's your home are you too good for your home answer me you can find orbs which are a little bit quirky that's because While most orbs in the game float on water these ones sink there's even a little kiddie pool in the shrine where you can test this out for yourself in fact we can take a look at why Nintendo made the balls this way by looking at the hole at the end of the golf course you'll notice that there is a subtle amount of water in it so to make sure that the balls landed in it properly they made the ball sink number four one of the easiest ways of dealing with high-level enemies is by freezing them and tossing them into a lake but if you're dealing with a large group of enemies then you ought to consider combining your ice attack with electricity oh yes and stasis as well when you put those three things together it means that the enemy can now conduct electricity so if you shoot them with a shock Arrow it'll sound out a wave that zaps everybody nearby scientifically speaking it doesn't make a lot of sense since ice is technically a poor conductor of electricity but this is also a video game so why not exploit it number five on the other hand if using ice and stasis seems a little bit complicated for you you can use two jellies to douse your opponents in water and achieve the same effect in fact one bizarre Quirk about this is that if you use it near a choo choo you can actually make them wet which is weird since you get two jelly from choo choos so you would assume that they're already wet but they're not so that's cool now somebody in the comment section is probably thinking this fact was dumb electric chew jelly is way better for zapping enemies whoever that person is I hate to break it to you but electric chew jelly sucks and I'm gonna show you why look at this see how close I am okay watch this oh that's kind of small no kidding electric two jellies make teeny tiny explosions and the only way to make that explosion bigger is by getting it wet a guess which jelly you need for that insert Thanos meme right here number six oh this is such a good one okay so mifa and sidon you know them they're the fish people and each of them have their own theme song for mifa it goes and for siding it sounds like but if you dig a little bit deeper these notes are actually trying to say something and it has to do with Solfege yes that thing the one that your music teacher was always talking about it's basically a way of giving music notes a name similar to the ABCDEFG scale the mind-blowing part about this is that when you apply Solfege to The Melody of mifa's theme it goes it spells her name that's so freaking and sidon's theme is the exact same look at this it goes oh wait wait that's not right okay oh my bad forgot to switch it turns out that the Japanese use a c instead of a t when doing Solfege so it actually does spell out Sido side down huge shout out to tagoma games for making a post on the Zelda Reddit about this and teaching so many people about this wonderful secret the Reddit post is linked in the description below and has a lot more information about Solfege if you're into that sort of thing just read the replies on it and you will know more than you have ever wanted to about soulfish number seven aside from sidon's name being connected to Solfege I have also heard that his name might be a reference to the mythological god of the sea po sidon I learned this from a commenter on one of my videos called Bridget Corliss and frankly it makes a ton of sense number eight if you've ever been in this situation waiting for an ice block to melt I got a cool fact for you you can technically melt these suckers while keeping your fire weapon in its holster it's definitely not as quick as making a campfire or rapidly holstering your weapon over and over again but hey on the bright side you get to be lazy so who cares number nine this is a pretty well known fact that's been covered on channels like Gamespot but it'd be criminal if we didn't mention it in a video like this if you hold the ZL button while swimming it triggers different swimming animations and that's all well and good but what's really cool about this is that these animations are a reference to the way link swims in Ocarina of Time as you can see here they're clearly the same the references they're so good number 10 gravity in Hyrule is pretty whack and this is just another one of those moments if you go to the inside of Death Mountain and pay close attention to the lava on the sides you'll notice that some of it is Flowing up the volcano it makes for a really cool psychedelic effect even if it's a little um really right now I'm like I'm like in the middle of a video okay um all right we'll answer this [Music] reviews okay and this is this is really what you called me about come on it's a liquid it's wet it's basically the same thing all right sorry about that uh let's move on to the next fun fact in case you haven't watched croton's amazing video on Shield surfing in breath of the wild then I got a great tip for you next time it rains Shield surf with a daybreaker shield or an ancient Shield these two Shields have the lowest friction in the game and when paired with rain will make you go super fast even on Rocky or grassy terrain now originally I was gonna have a gag here where I showed link going super duper fast with the song gas gas in the background but that song is like really insanely copyrighted so so can't play it just pretend that we did play it in fact if somebody could go in the comment section and write wow fact 11 was my favorite it was so funny then I think that would help the rest of us imagine this better number 12. did you know the East akala planes are the only location in the game where there is permanent thunder and lightning so if you step into this circle it will immediately trigger a storm I mean sure there are other places where it rains for a long time but after you complete a side quest in those locations the rain goes away on the other hand this place always storms regardless of what you do number 13. if you consider yourself a pro at parrying in this game then maybe you should consider parrying lightning if you wear items that give you immunity to electricity then you can Parry lightning as it strikes next to you shout out to extreme j7 for telling me about this fact and also giving me tips on how to pull it off number 14. although it's common knowledge to many it's worth pointing out that swimming without clothes on makes you go slightly faster than when you're wearing an outfit pretty realistic if you ask me number 15 you know I just found out last year that the big trees in Hyrule count as cover from the rain so if you want to build a campfire under it boom baby you got a huge space to work with but if you can't find one of those giant trees to hide under a small tree should work just as well simply cut it down use stasis as it lands at a 90 degree angle and put a campfire underneath I learned that trick from chica go Rusty and hey if you're absolutely nuts you can also use this waterfall trick to escape the rain it's basically the wettest place you could go but if it works it works number 17. the Zora are allergic to anything that is electric I know that because my uncle works at Nintendo but if you don't believe me that's okay you can test it for yourself whenever you swing an electric weapon or an arrow at Azora they will react with more terror than if you swing a normal weapon at them that's the number 18. hey Larry what's up with all these hate comments on Twitter they're they're talking about lava or something he did what oh my bad I'm just getting a little bit uh distracted right now uh so um yes here's a cool fact from rocking gamer dude normally you can only use the crayonus Ability on water but there is one place where you can create crayonus blocks in midair or at least you can try it if you go to the dining hall at Hyrule Castle there is an invisible wall you can use your cryonis ability on I've never seen any sort of thing like this elsewhere so it's pretty cool number 19. on the flip side there's one type of water where you can never put crionus blocks hot spring water apparently it's too hot for the blocks to be created there which is a nice touch from the devs shout out to chica Zelda for sharing that fact on their Channel make sure you eventually check out one of their videos 20. you know for a Time the royal guard set was the only set of armor that I wore because I love the way it looked little did I know this outfit has a secret perk to it that makes it all the more worth wearing when you wear the full set it says that it decreases the amount of stamina you consume when you do your charged attacks but what it doesn't tell you is that it also decreases your stamina consumption while leaping on cliffs and dashing on water I mean I don't know man it looks like a pretty inefficient swimsuit to me but the game knows physics is physics is what the game knows he knows physics 21 did you know Zora are the only race that don't sleep on beds in fact they don't even sleep in houses instead the Zora people sleep communally all in the same location in the pools underneath the Zora King's throne room that's some pretty cool stuff okay so um don't mind that okay so I got some good news and I got some bad news the good news is that YouTube has not ruined the like button yet they only ruined the dislike button the bad news my my comments about lava being wet might have triggered a violent Riot so until I find a way of fending off the Twitter horde have fun storming the catching them no [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Bread Pirate
Views: 1,159,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legend of zelda, zelda, did you know, the legend of zelda, nintendo, breath of the wild, botw, botw2, trivia, fact, facts, facts you possibly didn't know, Ganon, Link, water, wet, cryonis, shirtless, speedrun, skip the tutorial, the bread pirate, gamespot, rinhara5aki, Still Didn't Know, pointcrow, multiplayer
Id: pAAwk0dS1iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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