A Must-See Western Starring Ray Milland | Wild West Western Adventure Movie

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[Music] oh [Music] oo boy o [Music] boy [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one yeah [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there you are gentlemen three lovely ladies you sure fell into it tonight pleas me out get kind of early aren't you Henry on a night like this you're better off in here I can't afford anymore business hasn't been so good lately I never thought about an Undertaker having business worries he's bound to get us all sooner or later but judging from your looks Wilson you're likely to be next I'll sure [Music] try B there you are gentlemen stage team they just come in just a team huh no stage see no stage there's somebody out there can't make him out though now just leave it to me I'll check into this huh well I am acting Sheriff now ain't I sure Jim we just don't want you to get hurt that's all as long as it's only a team of horses you're investigating well I can take care of a darn sight more than horses [Music] [Music] w maybanks take Dorfman and k k go around behind the post office the rest of you come with [Music] [Music] me [Music] a [Music] a [Music] can't believe it how could you do it the woman started it when she snatched the handkerchief from my face and every one of them recognized me we had to finish it right there nobody meant it to go that far but it's done where are your men I sent them back to the ranch like you told me they won't talk they know better I can't stand to think about it a little child in her mother the whole territory will be down here I wouldn't worry Luke they'll figure Apaches did it the paches take scalps nothing to keep you from going back and scalping them you got $63,000 there you can give me my share now I'm getting out you've clamped my share too you'll need to go a long way to forget I wouldn't do that Luke we're in this together I'm not so sure I want no part of this I'm afraid I'll have what's the sheriff going to do you have to you'll take care of that when the time comes [Music] who's [Music] there who's [Music] there [Music] he's in the bank who's there Mr Stanley yes did you get him no no he got away he shot Anderson and he might have held up the stage what makes you think so he came in riding one of the stage horses I'm afraid it's likely then he broke in here and killed Luke Joiner l no not Luke he won't go Fire In This Storm get after him I'll join you as soon as I can we'd better not be seen together for the next few days just as you say now he couldn't have come in a better time wonder who he [Music] was [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come [Applause] on there's nothing down there come on [Music] for St all a it's no use Mr Stanley you can't see 10 ft In This Storm anybody get a good look at him nobody but Anderson and Anderson hasn't come too yet well he wasn't much of a deputy anyway don't worry gentlemen we'll find him in the morning it shouldn't be too difficult we're only looking for one man and when we do find him I want to deal with him myself Luke Joiner was the best friend I had what could have happened to the stage we're all anxious about that this man we're looking for probably knows the answer [Music] [Music] how are you today Betsy your seven little kittens huh what shall I name them shall I name you D me after the seven notes or after the seven days in the week you're not the seven wonders of the world you know as I was going to St Ives I met a man with seven wives each wife had seven cats each cat had seven kids kits cats man and wives how many were going to St IES [Music] [Music] is for for for what are you doing here I'm on my way out ma'am who are you I didn't say nobody's going to hurt you I'm relieved to hear it why did you come in this house didn't you see the flag I came in through the Cellar Door I don't believe you there must be two feet of sand on the Cellar Door not last night you've been here all night I slept in the wood pile and I'm obliged to you for a jar of peaches did you like them I never tasted better I think you better go now with your kind permission ma'am oh it was 400 wherever they were going who the man with seven wives and the cats and the kits 400 to St IES oh no only one look you said the man had seven wives and each wife had seven cats but I met them they were coming from St Ives that makes only one me going to St IES correct ma'am goodbye there's a man outside who is it Dr Mason probably you see we have yellow fever here I'm waiting here you're on the Run aren't you what makes you you think I'll protect you I'll leave that to your good judgment ma'am morning the good morning my I thought the whole territory was going to blow away last night or might too optimistic how's the sheriff this morning his temperature seems much higher well let's have a look it's a mild type of yellow fever but that's bad enough I'll send over some medicine to reduce his temperature but he's still going to need constant attention thank you Doctor how much sleep have you had in the last 4 days I'll be all right I've been trying to get someone to come over and help you but they're all afraid no I I don't need any help naen do you have any coffee made yes there's some on the stove thank you dear it's been a bad night nine I wish your father wasn't laid up has anything happened some fellow tried to rob the bank killed Luke Joiner shot him in the back same man shot Anderson but he'll pull through the Whole Town's out looking for him they haven't found him yet no was it somebody around here or or a stranger Anderson's the only one that saw him and he can't talk yet then he's still in town bound to be man couldn't get very far on foot and there aren't any horses [Music] missing [Music] who's that someone ran out the front [Music] door you keep the door locked don't open up for anyone but me and keep a gun [Music] handy keep quiet I thought you were in a hurry to go who else is in this house besides you if you want to go there's nobody stopping you who else is in the the house just my father and he's I know I heard what the doctor said then will you go no I think I'll be better off in the sheriff's house for now with yellow fever I'll take my chances water some water [Music] water we need water some water give me a pan of fresh water and some towels well go on he's asleep for a little while did he say anything while I was gone what sometimes when he's Delirious he starts talking oh they all do didn't make any sense oh you've done better with him than I could well maybe I've seen more sickness than you have you think it's little out of my line if what the doctor said was true it was as far as it went so right unfriendly town you live in then you were in the bank why do you want to wear your father's badge those cloth in that trunk downstairs would be a lot more becoming I didn't know you saw me afraid I couldn't help it you look pretty good don't think I think I'll keep quiet when they come back here looking for you I need water some water take it easy you're choking them go ahead give him some R his head just leading you out of Temptation I wish you would go now it's not politeness is keeping me are you sure you can describe him well I looked him over real good try and get a sketch of this I want to get it in the newspaper as soon as I can all right go ahead well he was tall oh 6' 4 in maybe had a mean face and little beady eyes what color black mhm hair black too long and stringy mhm that look anything like him sure does sure fits him to a te it's not often you get such a detailed description to work on well I was try and keep my eyes open let's find him well that shouldn't be hard now that we know what it looks like can't be very far away mhm help myself to some of your coffee there's bacon and eggs if you're hungry well as a matter of fact I help myself to those too $20 for bacon and eggs and a night's lodging I'm not running a boarding house well drop it in the collection plate next time you go to church you do it or do you ever go to church well they may not believe this but I once sang in a choir that must have been a long time ago it was might have been better for you if you kept it up yeah it might what made you stop well you grow up things happen what kind of things are you still wondering if I shot that man on the bank did you no his father uses pretty good shaving soap I gave it to him for Christmas why are you hiding half the towns are taking shots at me if you're not guilty why don't you give yourself up and stop acting like a criminal because my name happens to be Wes steel Wesley steel yeah I never met a notorious Outlaw before oh no wait a minute I'm not an outlaw I didn't think my reputation had travel this far north you underestimate your reputation how does a man like you become a gunman well it's pretty easy once it starts you learn how to handle a gun and maybe you learn how to handle it better than anybody else must be quite an art it's one that some people never Master they're just as well off my father wasn't he was what you'd call an educated man had no use for guns so you you'd use your brains reason with people your father was right it was a gun that killed him I made up my mind then that the same thing wouldn't happen to me so now you do the killing and you don't always have much Choice fellas come along trying to prove that you're not as good as they are pretty soon he gets out of hand and you find the as you got to shoot to live and it's always been you that lived so far Nadine Nadine go ahead answer it Nadine [Music] did he come back no one's come in since you left I was worried about you he's still in town somewhere how is Mr Anderson he'll be all right but what is a doctor they sent out a search party to look for the stage stage all day five people Elizabeth Nelson and a little girl oh no that man must be gun crazy I wish your father could take over are you sure it's the same man who else could it be it's the same man well it might be Apaches no it's robbery and coldblooded murder I ought to leave a man here with you but I know I'll be all right then keep your gun handy if he shows up don't ask questions shoot to kill [Music] him something wrong Nadine no it's just Elizabeth Nelson and her little girl yes all [Music] right I had nothing to do with that stage then who did who could have done it I don't know they were so sure they want to be sure like that Deputy don't ask questions just shoot can't blame him I'll give you until dark just Until Dark [Music] Nadine Nadine NAD brought your eggs and milk and a bottle medicine the doctor sent that Sandstorm sure messed up things around here thank you Mrs M oh and there's a paper in there too they're getting together a big py that's good all the road are sanded in and they got guards posted at the pass he's going to pay for this with his mortal life well I got to get back they're making a house to house search in Mexican town and likely he's there too bad you can't get away to see him when he's [Music] caught [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Dre Dre [Music] [Music] what [Music] a [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] sh it ready [Music] [Music] is I wish you wouldn't walk so easy you know this coffee is pretty muddy this eggshell will clear it I want to thank you for what you did last night that's all right I fell fast asleep I didn't mean to but I couldn't help it I don't wonder you should have gone you shouldn't have stayed here you know you don't look anything like that picture in the paper I saw it and I hope I don't what about that other picture that was in the paper the one of the man who got killed in the bank this Luke Joiner what do you mean was that a good likeness yes and I guess he was the man I saw on the bank he took a shot at me and you didn't shoot back no then who could have killed him the only other man with him was but it couldn't have been him couldn't have been who Mr Stanley who's he he was Mr joiner's partner Ah that's the doctor go ahead I'll wait in the sell all right morning nine good morning the doctor's gone my father's awake he should be up in a day or so Ellen I guess I'll be going too well the roads are all blocked everyone in town is carrying a gun look they're looking for a man that resembles that picture in the newspaper they're not looking for me we at least wait until it gets dark when you leave where will you go oh I guess one place as good as another getting kind of tired of running away but but where will you go I don't know any place where Wesley's steal will be a name or another a reputation is that all you're running away from a reputation well it can get too big for a man to live with where did you get that money I didn't get it from the stage coach and I didn't get it from the bank then how did you get it suppose I told you I had a little spread and I sold it but I came by it honestly what would you do what would you do nothing suppose I told you I stole it what would you do I said what would you do [Music] nothing what are you running away from I'm not running away from anything a body doesn't have to get on a horse and right 1,000 miles to run away she could run away right down a flight of sell [Music] steps [Music] silk Linens that little jar you put rose petals in It's My Hope Chest yeah I've heard of them why do you hide it down here in the cellar you're being too personal oh well forget [Music] it I suppose it's only fair it's my father it made him unhappy when I got it so you hide it and run away down here because your father didn't want you to grow up I'm all he has he's done everything for me mhm everything but let you grow into a [Music] woman I am grown up are [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] all right boys place these two at the center of the [Music] altar [Music] let's go out and find him just a moment friends the Bible tells us vengeance is mine I will repay but I declare that each one of us may justly be an instrument of punishment for such coldblooded work as this it is a crime not only against these silent victims but every member of this community tomorrow morning when the minister comes we will commit these lost ones to the Earth but our duty to them will not be fulfilled until this killer is destroyed a watch will be kept in the church all night and it is only right and fitting for the sake of my friend and partner Luke Joiner for me to take the first hour every Trail every pass is guarded this man must not get away alive if he is found report to me at once and Justice will be Swift and Final [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] who's there I understood this watch hour was to be private something you want you who are you my name is Wesley steel you're a Long Way from Home aren't you steel oh then you know about me no oh not exactly it was quite a picture of me in your town newspaper I'm the man you're looking for you're mistaken we're not looking for you I shot your Deputy I'm the man your partner shot at in the bank you remember your partner don't you you were right behind him when he was killed right behind him we've got nothing against you steel you can ride out of town tonight ride out with me and my men go your own way I wouldn't enjoy riding with a man that shot his partner in the back and that's not all you've got to answer for you must be out of your head you've got no quarrel with me if you think I had something to do with that stage hold up I know you had something to do with it I was in your bank the night you were talking it over the gun that killed that little girl was working for you any man's got a quarrel with you I I won't draw I'm no gunman I won't draw I'd hate to turn my back I won't draw I I'm dropping my gun go on get out go on on get [Music] out you can't shoot an unarmed man no but I can sure bat you to [Music] death a [Music] yes get [Music] get [Music] ch [Music] where have you been church meeting first time in years you're hurt had a fight is your father still asleep let me help you please come into the kitchen [Music] did anyone see you come in here not as far as I know who were you fighting with Stanley Stanley he was in back of it all Jo joer Stage Coach all of it the coach that's why I got him because of that child that [Music] little oh w what is it doctor looks like a slight concussion he'll be all right if he gets plenty of rest does your father know he's here no everybody else does Clinton saw him leave the church and head up your front steps must have been right after he tangle with Stanley you know about that too sure I just finished treating him Mr Stanley then he isn't he's all right still didn't kill him if that's what you mean didn't kill those others either how do you know I just know don't know open the door they'll only break it down you stay with him I'll go don't tell them we know he's here doc who do you want the outlaw who you you know who there's a sick man in here but he doesn't fit the description of the man who shot Anderson what are you trying to pull Mason the man we want is in this house and we're going to take him you can't have him now why not stop joking doc who says we can't I say it he's down with yellow fever he's lying if you think so step inside and stand near his bed we'll take him anyhow he won't be sick long get out of the way Mason I can shoot him from the door [Music] get off this porch she won't shoot let's drag him out and get it over with M what's that I'll kill the next one now get out of here all of you [Music] m [Music] you'll be sorry Nadine you're only making a fool of yourself more ways than one it looks like you get out of this yard and stay out what's going on here your daughter is hiding a murderer Gil it's Wesley steel steel here he killed six people in this town Gil and I saw him come into this house throw him out he belongs in jail wait a minute just hold on I'll handle this go on inside the house then wait right here and he stayed to take care of you when he might have got away that's why he's still here you true now do you think you can make me believe that West steel stayed here at the risk of his own neck just to nurse me the sheriff you've been rais different than that you ought to know better than to try to lie to me how long's he been in my house where have you been hiding him carrying on with him behind my back while I was sick your mind's dirty do you you he dirty like that mob out there you do that again and I'll kill you so help me God I'll kill you she means it Gil she loves him Gil doctors take can oath as well as Sheriff there's a reason for both the one has to do with saving lives no matter what I think about a man that's why I told em as yell a fever the other binds you to uphold the law by due process to protect an accused man against illegal violence no matter what you think it's a principle that's more important than that man or Nadine or me or you Gil you can't give him to that m [Music] up I think Jo will do the right thing know why should you men all know I've been down with a fever otherwise a thing like this had never happened nobody's blaming you Gil just turn that killer over to us and go on back to bed I'll make up my own mind about that then do it now for your own good Gil I've always decided what's good for me and without any help from you but he's a dangerous man Gil a very dangerous man I'll still handle him myself you're not going to let us have him no Henry go down to my office and bring me a set of leg irons and some shackles this gunman won't be leaving here you can Bank on that [Music] [Music] [Music] you want some water you let him put chains on me you know I didn't but I couldn't stop it they got my name on a rope haven't they me where can you talk a little yes to you honey Stanley's alive oh I'm so glad he didn't die well if he died we never could clear you you think my word against his will do it he's got this town in his hands you know that would you give me some of this water what is it drink it [Music] down now try and sleep you'll feel [Music] better you find what you're looking for what were you looking for I know Stanley's got this town in his hand but I never thought he'd have Gil Corgan there what makes you think he has you said things while you were Delirious things you never would have said otherwise I was out of my head what a man says when he's sick doesn't mean anything that's what I thought at first that's what I tried to make myself believe but now I know better a sheriff in this town gets his house free in $110 a month how much have you you been able to save out of that some as much as I could not this much Stanley came to Mesa six years ago we were poor then remember real poor we're not poor anymore who put these kind of Notions in your head that Saddle [ __ ] killer a man who would shoot another man in the back and did a man who shot down my own Deputy the minute he hit town have you been taking advice from him why don't you mention all those people on the stage he's supposed to have killed them too well why don't you why don't you how do you know he didn't because he's not that kind of a man and I don't believe you are either you know where I was when all that happened yes but I don't know where you were when the Trinidad Bank was held up and the bonded Stage Line and the assayers office a new El Dorado you didn't solve any of those did you nobody was killing any of them either I don't hold with killing Nadine then don't let them kill Wes steel he'll have his day in court he'll have five minutes in if he ever gets that far and you know it West Steel's a gunman he's killed in Texas and he's killed here I don't set myself up as judge and jury like you all I can do is turn him over to the court and that's what I'm going to do as soon as he's able to walk I've tried to raise you the best way I could to make you happy to teach you the difference between right and wrong and then when I'm down and can't help myself you get taken in by this this Saddle [ __ ] he's poisoned your mind and your heart too against your own father medine if I ever catch you at another low trick like this I'll kill him myself he won't sneak into another man's home and ruin it do you hear me yes I hear you you taught me the difference between right and wrong you knew at once well I haven't forgotten you don't understand these things I understand a lot more than you think I'm not a child anymore you heard what I said ah Dr Mason join me for a drink thank you don't care if I do how's your star patient getting along better than I expected he'll be out tomorrow he can get around as good as ever you mean it seems my diagnosis of yellow fever was a little Hasty thank you Joan did you hear the doctor judge how's that West steel will be able to stand trial tomorrow that's why I'm here sir [Applause] bring him in meet me at the [Music] bank seems like a waste of soap don't say that it's not very funny no I guess it isn't I'm not used to Chains It's the first time in my life and I I hate it Wes I've searched his pockets for the keys I've looked everywhere I don't know what to do don't cry Nadine I've had a good life and I've lived it all of it but being W steel I knew it might end any minute of course I'd like to live a 100 years if I could live with you but if it's going to be tomorrow well don't let it worry you too much a better a man in West steel will come for you [Music] yet [Music] in West Steel's hand that gun could kill five men and I'd have to be the first nobody gave Elizabeth Nelson or a little girl a chance that's not my fault they're going to hang West steel for those killings and you're going to let them how can I stop them tell them what you and Stanley have been up to for six years tell them the truth you'd sell me out for a stranger sold yourself out dad I won't try to justify what I've done but maybe I can tell you why this is hard country it killed your mother and I had to sit there and watch her die she was as young and as pretty as you once as young and as fine we had high hopes and Big Dreams but none of them came true not a one the first year we were married all the Wells on the ranch went dry not a windmill turned for 240 days the cattle broke into the yard and just stood there balling for water we didn't have any we sat praying for rain and watching them die one by one over a thousand head I still hear those cattle in my sleep we lost the ranch and moved into town and you were born everybody was broke had nothing so I went up to Phoenix and worked on the new railroad for 6 cents an hour when I came back home I found your mother taking in washing so thin and so gaunt and so sick I hardly knew her it was too late to make things right for her but it wasn't too late for you you know how it is around here Nadine hot and dry and dirty and dusty can't grow crops you you half the time you can hardly raise cattle it's dog e dog that's the only way a man can get along back East they all talk about how wonderful the West is how a man can get rich overnight just throw out a handful of seed or pick up some gold from a stream bed folks that tell you that I've never seen the West at least they've never seen what I have back East they've got different ideas about what's right and what's wrong they'd say it's wrong for a sheriff to make a deal with a man like Stanley it is wrong I had to live you had to live you were only 2 years old when your mother died and I promised myself right then that you'd never know a hungry day or a cold night so far I've kept that promise Nan and I mean to go on keeping it I don't know how exactly but giv West steel that gun won't make things right go on honey you better get some sleep I'll figure something out I'll figure something steel I'm not asleep hold out your hands so I run and get shot trying to escape huh [Music] here strap this on you and get your hat on it's almost daylight taking a chance giving me this gun I guess not I'm going to kill Stanley the first time I see him you're not going to see him you sure of that be quiet you wake up nine Stanley's in back of all these killings you know that as well as I do what I know is my business come on we go through the Cellar Door [Music] on the other side of that white Ridge you'll pick up the old army road to the Colorado it's Apache country what's going to happen when they find out you've turned me loose let me worry about that I'm thinking about Nadine so am I you tell her I'll be coming back for her no you won't not if you care anything about her you won't the dean's got good stuff in her maybe she didn't get it from me but it's there I want her to marry a man with a longer Prospect of life than you [Music] got where have you been where is he he's gone you turned them loose I don't believe he did those killings that's for the course to decide Gil I've decided already that man's got to be brought back they'll try and make you tell where he went they might let's get out of here now there's nothing to run away from Nadine hey is that the tree yeah boy if this man is able to stand trial we shall proceed with it here comes Dr Mason caran turned him loose you're joking I just came from there he's gone why should Corgan turn him loose that I can't say you must know something there's something between that daughter and steel youve no need to say that we'll find out from [Applause] caran Stanley you better get out there and quiet those people what can I do they'll listen to you they won't listen to anyone Gil's been your friend for a long time so was Luke Joiner all you've been drinking too much if you won't judge wor them there be no lynching Orga go out and help Sheriff what are you going to do I'm going to throw up you should have kept riding with wh I live here Nadine didn't take them long where is he Gil they say you turned him loose it wasn't steel that killed those people on that stage you turned him loose because he's been carrying on with a daughter of [Music] yours him thank you put a r on his NE tell us wa a minute can't this [Music] [Music] hen they're lynching y car you've got to stop them you must do something there's nothing I can do Stanley we've got to get the sheriff away from that mob besides he knows where steel is he'd only lie to us looks like he's in with Ste I don't believe it I won't believe [Music] it [Music] Stanley thinks we should string him [Music] up tell stand to come out and give his orders to me who are you where's steel turn that man loose I'll kill the first man that ghost for his gun that's far enough you want to be first I can hit a lot of you before I go down you with the Rope take it off take it off untie his hands now get him out of there this is a rotten town with a lot of rotten people in it but for once you're going to listen to the truth the man who murdered those people on the stage coach is working for one of your most distinguished citizens get out there and gun him down Stanley come out and tell us how you shot Luke jiner in the back come on out come on Stanley and Deny It Go on get out there I'll go [Music] ste's telling the truth I know I work for [Music] [Music] Stanley [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] Clanton look at me I'll blow you to pieces Stanley drop it you're forgetting Corgan you're in this as much as I am am I it's going to be your word against mine I'll take my chances come on hey you out Lucas Turner take these two down and lock them up you better go with steel honey what about you I'll stay here don't worry I'll be all right no no I'm not leaving you there's no life for you here this is a rotten tongue wherever he takes you it's got to be better than this she's not going any anywhere with me because I'm not leaving who knows if this place is any worse than the next one I'd hit from the way things look now it's got a good chance of being better I'm [Music] staying let's go home h
Channel: VLG Cinema
Views: 3,248,627
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Keywords: best western movies, classic western movies, cowboy movies, free western movies, full movie, movies, western, western feature films, western movie, western movies, western movies full length, western movies full length free
Id: ll-xil1keoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 6sec (5946 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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