Ivanhoe (1982) | Full Movie | Cinema Quest

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[Music] you're about to see a story of bold Knights and beautiful maidens a story of love and hatred and Prejudice though our story is old the love the hatred and the Prejudice are ever [Music] new [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for [Music] holy God of Abraham's SP silence if you value your life Holy Father I beg you silence follow [Music] me this [Music] way [Music] [Applause] you see they've been lying in wait for you where is he where is this Jew well he's gone sir on disappeared in you let him get away they're Normans Saxons or Normans what does it matter to me do I Rejoice because the brave Normans cross the channel and defeat the brave Saxons what's the difference they both treat us like dogs you call them Brave Knights I call them thieves a rich Merchant I fear is fair game no mam you saved my life and I'm forever in your debt if you keep to this road any longer sir no one can help you I shall be lost otherwise well I know this country where are you B to asby the great tournament why then we can travel together ah may I ask who you are that I may thank for my Deliverance mely a paor pilgrim returning from the Holy Land ah come to waste any more time here would be [Music] dangerous there there lies ashy ahuh the blessings of Jacob be upon you Pilgrim how am I going to repay you well I want nothing you shall have a horse and armor for the tournament but how did you know that I I've seen it at once beneath your robe the chain mail of a night and the golden Spurs you shall have everything you need then I must warn you sir that both horse and armor may be lost in the justing Ah that's possible your land's good use will be as powerful as the rod of [Music] [Applause] Moses [Music] that's my little B eh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Norman dogs careful Master they say Prince John has 10,000 ears let him hear me then I'll say it to his [Applause] face [Applause] who is that that's Cedric of rwood a Saxon Lord I meant the lady oh that's his board the lady Rena from the Royal line of Alfred the Great great she's beautiful if a sex can be called [Applause] [Music] beautiful Challengers Regal front [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B Mar [Applause] [Music] Ryan [Applause] gilber [Music] sh [Music] listen to the crowd Prince John is well accepted here today he would do well to take over the throne now before King Richard gets back from the Holy Land Richard dies the moment he returns T yes your grace are we ready to begin uh there's still the choosing of a queen for the tournament s if it would please your highness my daughter perhaps oh it might appear unseemly to announce your daughter before the tournament has yet begun let the Gallant Knight who conquers the field here today make the choice these three Noble challenges will undertake all commers each Challenger may be selected by touching his shield with a lance if the shield is touched with the reverse end of the Lance then sharp points will not be used but if the sharp tip of the Lance touches the shield then the combat is understood to be with sharp weapons if any Knight should break the Lance of all three Challengers here before me then Prince John will declare that night the Victor in this day's combat Prince wants the Victor to choose the queen Prince John has declared the Victor will have the honor of choosing our queen of love and beauty Normans all three Normans is there a Saxon to meet them tomorrow I'd fight tomorrow are you looking for [Applause] someone your highness no sharp points will be used how disappointing [Applause] [Music] he [Music] [Music] he [Applause] is there no one here no one to stop them [Music] tomorrow [Music] [Applause] who is he look a again Master H perhaps you should should ask who was he a Saxon without question have we know better than this we have my Lord his name is ivanho your son master I have no son you may have disowned him but he's still your flesh and blood and worthy of his Saxon name he is worthy of scorn and nothing else oh what a disgrace Oh What A pity my son ran off and left the city [Music] [Applause] next who's next [Applause] Your Grace there are none left now who will meet the challengers is it possible will they let these Norman Invaders take the day the very honor of England is at stake surely you how annoying that we should finish fin is so early so quickly and yet and yet how comforting to know that the three strongest Knights on this field are loyal only to you your [Music] [Applause] majesty [Music] [Applause] it's him it's him the [Music] [Applause] pilgrim [Applause] [Music] ah Des deardo the disinherited Knight welcome you have your choice however the outcome will remain the [Music] same I disappointed what did I trade places with you font never this one is [Music] mine [Music] a sax I'll wager he's a [Applause] Saxon [Music] may I hope that you will now give me the [Music] opportunity what a shame Brian now you'll never get your [Applause] [Music] [Applause] chance who is he find out who he is [Applause] [Applause] have you confessed yourself this morning that you Peril your life so frankly the sharp end they will use the points prepare yourself then look your last upon the Sun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you are allow the lunch over you are not allowed the sword you disinherited Knight we Proclaim you the champion of this day's [Applause] tournament we shall meet again tomorrow when there are none to part [Music] us Brave night we commend your Valor and we award you this Valiant Steed to match your [Applause] [Music] courage you call yourself the disinherited one by what other name shall we know you as a stranger in our land you may require assistance in your choice of a queen let us say to you that the fair Alicia is considered the first in Beauty as in place would you present your Lance you may now indicate your choice [Music] [Applause] lares lares to the Gallant Knight long live the queen of love and beauty the que [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Beauty you can't just waste your whole life in bitterness father bitterness you speak of bitterness what would you have me be oh Lord and Master Prince John demands twice the contribution I gave him last month contribution it's a ransom but surely King Richard will return to England and resume his throne what difference does that make to us Richard or John in this wicked country we shall always be persecuted you no all Christians are not the same think of the Gallant Knight who fought today ah now there was a brave and no Noble use I'll wait that Pilgrim was Jewish yes beelin there's a stranger at the door s he wishes to speak to you does he look dangerous I don't believe so he wears the garments of a pilgrim ah ve yourself my friend sir forgive my intrusion I am here to pay my debt to you that's what de I owe you my life not at all my daughter Rebecca I'm honored you owe me nothing you paid me back at full today at the tournament may I offer you a goblet of wine nevertheless I have brought your horse and I have here the price of the armor keep them they're yours well I feel I must at least pay you something to my father owes you a far deeper kindness than any STS or arms could pay please let us look upon it as our debt to you for his life if that is your wish you Ryan forgive me please I must prepare myself for tomorrow's encounter sir you've been far too generous I'm honored to have met you thank you I bid you good [Music] night [Music] oh you frighten me wait I will leave and come back again there are you frightened now tell me tell me at once who was the mysterious kn who was he oh W please don't play games with me what did he say his voice could not be heard his face his eyes his nose his mouth could not be seen why he wasn't there oh one gone into the night the good night gone into the good night I think it best best would would not ivanho if he were here would not ivanho be jealous Brave New Champion he would have no reason I am faithful to I know but if Cedric marries you to the noble hog Athlon never he will insist and I will refuse oh W well what did she say did you talk to her she hasn't forgotten me well tell me she hasn't forgotten me the lady is fair she would have a prayer for me for the brave knight who won the day are they the same what's your name be gone you Nave be [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] gone [Applause] [Music] the queen of love and beauty shall be guided to her throne by our Royal Lee Prince [Applause] John [Applause] where is Athlon oh master that is a question is he getting ready for the combat he is a guest of the noble Lord girog when I saw them last they were eating ven an enormous [Music] Beast Be it known it is forbidden to thrust with the sword you may strike only a mace or battle axe may be used at pleasure but the dagger is forbidden any Knight unhorsed May renew the combat on foot any Knight who breaks the rules of this tournament will be subjected to public ridicule and stripped of his arms GL to the brain any well let them [Applause] begin [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] the racing you we stop the combat at any moment stop it by the Light Of Heaven I will not he gained his prize yesterday let the others now have their [Music] turn [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] Mo hold stop the [Music] conflict [Music] [Applause] un the glory to the brave to the brave glory to the brave to bra glory to bra [Music] bra his head must be bare to accept the chapet [Music] Ian [Music] ho the Chaplet my lady I bestow upon you tonight this Chaplet as a gift of Honor for this day's victory and upon these fearful wounds no worthy wreath of chivalry could ever be [Music] placedo help him help him your own son we you do nothing my son has left my house he has deserted my country he has forsaken the Saxon calls he's no son of [Music] mine we must help him quickly father how don't take him to our house but he's a Christian by our laws we can't deal with him except in Commerce he is Gravely wounded and by our hearts we cannot refuse him I think if he should die in our care he will not die unless we aband abon him and if so we must then answer for his blood to God quickly his enemies are all about Wilfred of ivanho there is more to this than one day's battle if ivanho has returned from the Holy Land can King Richard be far behind now let him come we'll Crown his brother before Richard can gather his forces Dev will take Richard and welcome to him I Brian G bear make you this solemn promise I shall meet this Wilfred of ivanho in Mortal Combat and send him to [Music] Eternity [Music] stay get back there get back get back who is it who is it that bears him away someone far Kinder than we Your [Laughter] [Music] Grace my [Music] lady [Music] [Music] you my father and I we brought you here to care for your WS we have special herbs ways of curing WS although we never inflict them herbs secret preparations handed down to us since the days of Solomon you should be able to Bear armor again within 8 days you may rest at our home in York until your health is restored we leave in the morning is there not someone else here in ashb who could look after me until I N step forward today but dear Noble Maiden I no I am not a noble I am but a poor Joyce is it our race then is that why you do not wish to travel with us I I have no wish to inconvenience you I accept your service gratefully rest now I'll leave [Music] you [Music] your majesty rise did you find him at the house of Isaac the Jew of York they plan to take him to York in the early morning that was a stroke of good luck I shall meet with Wilby Forbes and withon at York within the week all my forces will be gathered there to challenge my brother you're traveling alone I must for the moment you may retire now oh and Philipe your majesty a good night's work thank you your [Music] majesty yeah well where is she where is our Queen of the tournament she yes she is your ward is she not where is the lady Rena she is exhausted by today's events she begs leave to decline your courteous invitation well we are not customed to such a refusal from our appointed Queens it is traditional that they attend your Customs are not our customs well perhaps you're not object if we drink a beaker to the champion of this passage of arms to your son Wilfred of ivanho I cannot drink to your own son he deserted us he left his house his country to fight in foreign lands with your brother King Richard then let us hope my brother holds in more esteem than you I cannot forgive him I will not forgive him a willful youth who refuses the commands and customs of his fathers I fill my cup to Cedric himself this ward of yours the lady ruena yes a rose of loveliness and I trust a jewel of wealth a Saxon of large possessions it is my intention that she marry this gallant and Noble Knight Athlon the last of the royal Lion of Saxons ah but then she is a minor is she not and she is therefore at our disposal in marriage indeed what do you think Dey I'm told you're attracted to the lady would you find it pleasing to take her as your bride if her lands are to my liking I will hold my s bound to your highness Wishes the day my ward marries a Norman will be that Norman's last day on Earth hold sit down both of [Music] you we've invited these honored guests here this evening and they shall remain honored guests we've offered a toast to Cedric of rwood and now we pray you name us some Norman in return it is a hard task for the conquered to sing the Praises of his conqueror yet I will name a Norman even though he led my only son astray he is still the best of your unfortunate race I drink this goblet to the health of King Richard the lionhearted and now I hope you will excuse us we have remained here long enough up Noble e we bid you good [Music] night I'm afraid your majesty that the Saxon dogs have retreated in Triumph it isn't possible is it could Richard be back in England again what does it matter you have the services here of mar bra front to bir and my own humble sword enough for an [Laughter] army here is my toast and solemn pledge to Prince John our next king of [Music] englands joh [Music] joh where is she now where is the lady Rena weeping weeping come we must leave at once would you go without your son idano has chosen to go his own way so be it he chose he better fitted now to do the juggling trick to the Normans and uphold the honor of his English ancestry who was it that defeated the Normans at the tor P not another word we leave at once your highness yes this arrived this morning from France no what is it the devil is Unchained take heed Richard he's escaped from France he's back in England you mustn't lose a moment your highness draw your troops together at York and meet whatever Force he has head on your highness at [Applause] once my friends my friends we ride for York York We join Prince John within the fortnite for what purpose for the purpose of facing King Richard at last York is only a three-day Journey we have plenty of time of course you shall be my guest s toen on the way tankards and venison enough to fill even your fat bellies what is [Laughter] [Music] say stop stop wa [Music] [Applause] [Music] here what are you doing why did you stop Bandits Bandits there are no Bandits yeah in the woods maybe we're leaving you can't do that you can't leave us here no we're going now stop you can't take those horses those are my property thieves th here drink this there rest now rest they were hired to take us to York I've got my money why should they care we deserted oh god of Abraham what have I done why must they Smite us Soul have a look may God make them merciful hold I greet you warmly sir trusting you're in good who are you speak plainly Infidel I'm Isaac of York I hired a guard of men to escort us to York but they deserted us as you can see why they say we the bandits in the forest but rumor that's all I beg you to let us travel under your protection dogs of infidels out of the way sir may I speak please we have someone here an old person who is Gravely ill I beg you to let the sick person be transported with care under your protection there's no concern of ours wait if this poor person is truly imp parent of life and if these two kind and Earnest people cannot defend themselves well then we must in all charity give them help so be it they may travel in the rear [Applause] hi what is it what's the alarm no alarm sir all is ready for you to Castle we only wish to inform you that there's a party of Saxons in the forest there belove you know them Cedric of rwood the lady Rowena and the noble Knight athon how large is the Party 10 or 11 the servants are not I my good friend de bracie I wager that the hour has struck what it is time for us to deliver your wife your wife de brzy is awaiting you what was that what I [Music] nothing [Music] forgive the intrusion my lady I am pleased to announce that you are now the guest of my good friend front de I would soon as Sir go with Bandits but indeed that is what you are Rey are you certain that you want to marry this sharp [Music] tongue well what have we here I think perhaps that we have caught more than one bird on this occasion an Infidel and beautiful beyond belief we can do you no harm sir we have an old woman here who needs our care she shall have it I promise [Music] you [Music] dogs Norman dogs barbarians but surely they will feed [Applause] [Applause] us get get up [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is it what Affliction does this old act there I would not go close enough to find out set her down set her down please uh well you may [Music] leave there it's all right sh easy rest easy ivanho don't be alarmed don't shout I beg you you we are we in York we we are prisoners me leave me alone lost again lost again what can I do taken my master left the fool Bandit or Nave I am nether sir then what are you I am a fool wber the fool of my master Cedric of rutherwood a Saxon Noble Saxons The Prisoner prisoner where front B's castle with his Ward the lady Rowena and the noble atlon also would you mind sir thank you there's also Isaac the Jew from York and his daughter Rebecca they were abducted they were indeed sir most certainly just as surely as you and I you I what are you talking about look about you sir the bushes are moving welcome welcome gentlemen what do you wish a fool or a [Music] [Music] knight [Music] [Applause] [Music] release [Music] him the Black Knight the tournament at Ashby you saved young Ivan here you hold that against me against you there is nothing more dear to me than the life of an Englishman if you are as good an Englishman as you are a knight then I hold you in esteem why do you pass our way shortest distance to York then you must stay a while taste our Hospitality please I entreat you if you truly love Englishmen help save my master he speaks of Cedric of rwood the lady Rowena the noble athl prisoners all of them prisoners in cast front the bir for myself I would join any Enterprise to save them where's Little John on his way from toon and will Scarlet he just arrived and where's frier tuck did you call my Lord Where Have You Been why at Vespers saying prayers for all good Englishmen it appears you've been drinking more than usual perhap perhaps a Pious taste or tool our sacred why you think you're in suitable condition to give a service in combat hissing here there is a weakness here I don't know yes they have both passed away I am ready then come my Wicked priest let us be off Black Knight The Fool will lead us to his master [Music] you want my life you want my wealth is it too much for you Normans that we Saxons still hold land in this our own country very well then put us to death I ask only that you free the lady Rena in honor and safety [Music] Norman swine my God who would have thought that you the descendant of Saxon Kings should be the prisoner of a vile Norman in the very Hall in which our ancestors held Court perhaps they'll hold us to a moded Ransom dogs oh my tongue Cleaves to my pallet could they have forgotten his sent his wine don't you sit down my lady if I'm in the presence of my Jailer sir I will stand dearest lady you are in the presence of your captive not your Jailer I don't know you sir and no man dressed in Spurs and wearing chain should intrude himself upon an unprotected Lady it's my Misfortune that I am not known to you I hope the name of Dey is known to all in Deeds of chivalry deci I see no Deeds of chivalry on this day you are unjust lady Rowena won't you allow at least the passion of a man drawn by your great Beauty sir you speak the common language of a Minstrel well perhaps bold language best justifies bold action I tell you now you will never leave this place unless you leave it as the wife of Morris de bracie your wife oh I know you have great pride I admire that it makes you even more suited to take your place beside me when I do marry sir it will not be to one who despises the manner in which I have been brought up perhaps you dream that King Richard will resume the throne that is an empty dream I can promise you that his fate will be as hopeless as that of Ivan hose what ivanho ah do I see a touch of tenderness at last well where is he do you know where he is I do tell me I I beg you he lies Gravely wounded in a turret room above I don't believe you you didn't take the trouble to look he traveled in the horse Litter with Isaac the Jew of York I were I to inform our host of this ivanho will no longer breathe at [Music] all smile dear lady Simply Smile at my proposal and he will have nothing to fear I can't believe that your purpose could be so wicked and your power so great there are others Cedric Your Guardian the fate of all depends on your decision [Music] lady Rowena I would rather you kept your original anger than this be assured please you have no reason for Tears as [Music] yet [Music] I will leave you [Music] now to dwell upon your decision for tows only 12 centuries that's all we see but front the bir has a powerful Garrison well is to a noble victory is this what you came for the emeralds are beautiful and the Diamonds what Brilliance but they cannot match for a moment the Brilliance of your eyes they can buy you pleasure no for you I demand a ransom of Love I'd accept no other coin we have nothing of common between us our Union would be contrary to laws of church and synagogue alike a union do you think I would marry a Jewish not if she were the queen of sheas and besides it's against my vows a night Templar to take any woman as my wife does your order justify carnal lust and debauchery I've spoken mildly thus far but now my language shall be that of a conqueror by the laws of all Nations you are subject to my will and I'll not give up an inch of that right nor will I give up violence if you refuse to hear my commands if you wish use me night Templar and I will Proclaim it from one end of Europe to the other so all will learn that you have sinned with a Jewish and you should be accursed for having Dishonored the cross you wear you are King wited but your voice would have to be loud indeed to be heard beyond the walls of this Castle still you can be saved submit to me freely and you will go forth in such state that many a Norman lady will answer you submit to you I spited you sir I defy you I will give myself to the god of Abraham [Applause] [Music] first stay where you are just one foot nearer and I'll jump I swear by Earth and Sky I will offer you no offense you have taught me not to trust you I swear by this cross and the sword at my side I will do you no injury if not for yourself then for your father's sake step down I have broken many a law and many a commandment but never my word very well let there be peace between us I am I am not always what you have seen here selfish and Relentless I shall return and I shall hope to find you more receptive you will hope in vain now a cursed dog of an accursed race do you see these scales in these scales you will place a th000 silver PB silver I am not unreasonable if silver be scarce for you I will not refuse gold I beg you sir it is too much look about you Infidel prisoners a thousand times more distinguished than you have died Within These Walls but for you we have reserved a long lingering death there in this warm couch will you lie stripped of your [Music] clothes fire shall be kept warm beneath you and we shall Place oil on your limbs lest lest you burn too quickly how come the god of nature make anyone capable of such cruelty you have only to pay the ransom I must seek help others to tell me when and where must it be delivered yeah here to be counted before my eyes my daughter you must allow my daughter to go to York and then under your safe conduct and as soon as man and horse can return the treasure can be weighed in your scales your daughter no no that's impossible it's too late it's too late yes I took it to be your concubine I've already given her to Brian gilber he B take all you want take 10 times more make me a beggar in the street here Pierce me through with your sword Place me on your fire but in the name of God I beg you to spare Rebecca I have already given my word to Brian gilber I would not break it for you or 10 more Jews you must must you you must pay my Ransom villain I'll pay you nothing not one pen will I pay you unless my daughter has delivered in safety and honor you lost your senses old man do you imagine that your flesh has some charm against scalding metal and boiling oil you what you will my daughter is my flesh and blood she's dearer to me 10 times dearer than these two lims that you threaten or I take my life and tell the world that the Jew knew how to disappoint the Christian St help him train him to those B [Music] hands leave [Music] him I will be back [Music] what happened nothing nothing ivanho was still prisoners have you spoken to them them yet no I thought I thought I had someone here Dr this no no I feel so dizzy it's only water cool water I saw you what in the light by the opening there standing in the light like an angel oh dear God if I didn't to get my strength back you will you will message has arrived and the Saxon hand can anyone read it yeah where did you get this it was delivered to the gate well it's a letter of defiance Defiance I wber the son of witless Jester and fo to the noble Cedric of rotherwood to charge you with wrongfully seizing upon the persons of the said Cedric lady Rowena ethelon and their surfs and bondsmen is this suggest you have also wrongfully seized Isaac of York his daughter Rebecca and a person who is sick with their party the insolence you will deliver to us within the hour all of those whom I have named failure to do so will bring you destruction a fool indeed I have the assistance of many allies including the noble black knight Black Knight do you remember at the tournament and that of the Stout yman Robert luxley Loxley the Devil Himself I know the name I know the man here in the forest they call him Robin Hood I promise you he would not attempt such insolence unless he were were not supported by many strong hands now see what you've done I give you the use of my castle and you bring this this this Hornet nness down upon me Hornets no stingless drones I would say for one Knight is enough against 20 such peasants these yman know their work besides the best of my men are in York along with your own Force de brai would they dare to storm the castle they would indeed we must buy time [Music] this message will go to the fool we receive no Defan from slaves and outlaws if the person calling himself the Black Knight claims any chivalry he should know that he stands degraded in the present company to the point you'll bear what purpose will this message serve we ask you in Christian chivalry to send a man of God to us to receive the last confessions of the prisoners before they are executed at dawn tomorrow they plan to execute the prisoners you must be mistaken no I've told you the words just as they sat down then we must storm the castle I think it AR ruse simply to gain time they wouldn't dare go through with it then we shall ignore it no better we we know what's happening there they ask for a man of God to hear confessions let us send them one me I would rather kill 10 of the enemy than confess one Christian I put aside the F's frock I'm dressed for combat now and only combat I say we storm the castle not yet is there anyone else here who could take on the part of a father Confessor who but a fool would put his head where the wise man refuses what do I say to these Normans T tax Rob biscum that will be enough that will suffice you have it p b bisco than [Music] for how many of them guard the castle I made no count but at least a dozen made the capture I can't just lie here I must do something the door there is bolted from the outside even if you had your strength there's nothing nothing you can do only I could find out if only I knew she was all right lady Rena if any I could be certain they haven't touched her you you love her so much she is my life I am hers it has always been so oh do you know what it is to care for someone that much I no what I said no I've never felt that way [Music] before don't worry I'm sure she's all right and I would think more concerned about you you're very kind you're very unselfish and kind it's difficult to understand why there hasn't been someone for you [Music] [Music] what are you want hobis what a poor frier who has come to hear the confessions of the prisoners oh follow me I don't know why they sent us a holy frier sir pet the bis come here now tell me first what is the number of these Bandits their number sir is Legion what is that number had a guess five 100 now even now you still think of your stomach I will stand by you through all Mortal danger who's this p f bis may the blessings of all the saints be upon you what do you want here priest to prepare you for death what your execution impossible they wouldn't dare attempt to murder us Noble Cedric you will be called upon to answer to the highest tribunal I shall fight for my life first fight to the death better to die like men than like slaves wait wait a moment do not leap into the dark good uncle by my faith I know that voice the voice of a fool and if you will not confess and I am here to free you one take my F's robes walk quietly out of the castle I will wear your own cloak and accept death in your place they'll hang you even a fool can hang with Majesty wber I will grant your requests but I want you to make this change of gun with Athlon instead of with me the son of witless died to save Athlon the fathers of atlon and monarchs of England my neck is too straight to be twisted for their sake it is our duty to save him it is the duty of every man with Saxon blood in his veins I hang for you or for no one at all the fool is right I would not deprive him of his kindness to his master and your Escape may bring friends to our rescue is there any hope of rescue from without Yen are ready to storm the castle even now they wait to hear from you wber your memory will be preserved while there is Honor on this Earth but I trust I shall find means of saving you what shall I say if they should question me I have no language of a Holy Father Pax fisum is that all just more useful than a broomstick very well atlon farewell if I cannot save you I shall return to die with you farewell farewell [Music] uncle [Music] [Applause] we finished re [Music] father what did the prisoners say God's will be done your speech good father smack something of a Saxon T follow me I need to hold the swine at Bay for at least 24 hours here take the scroll to Philip of malvon he'll send us his men we can keep these Bandits where they are now we shall soon have enough lances to engage them PS be come yeah this is for you but I will Flay your skin if you fail my [Music] purpose [Music] Norman dog hounds and viets what have we here villain you flatter me sir I'm nothing but a fool of hell I would give you holy orders I will tear the scalp from your head and through you from the ramparts too late they're closing in as we speak you you value your freedom then rid us of this scum that surrounds us how your freedom for their Retreat my freedom and the fools and the fools but do not speak of the Infidel they remain here of course would I sacrifice myself for an unbeliever be gone what if the lady ruena the lady remains here I'll be drawn by wild horses before I consent toart from her I will be happy to furnish you with them the lady remains then so do I and if you're brave enough to M the battlements You' better do so right now to the walls to the [Music] battlements come on Englishman it is time we showed our breeding in the name of St Christopher to the [Applause] [Music] battlements they coming under what Banner can you identify them I see no banners they wear the green of forest [Music] Bandits look over there three naves led by the Black [Music] Knight there's still time to deliver up our prisoners what allow this Rebel of mankind to render us cowards to our ungodly shame [Music] never there's a knight among them in Black armor a black knight hey [Music] George [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a oh [Applause] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] St [Music] [Music] fire you swine [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] gu we'll need a backing R you shall have one keep the arrows flying while we make the attack come on the lard dear God in heaven if only I could be by his side now why why why do your people so crave to fight because a sword in your hand to shed someone's blood is that what you want to take the strength from someone's arms and the light from his eyes Glory gentle Maiden glory is it glory to spend a life so miserably God I Soul you speak of things you do not know would you put out the light on chivalry all that separates the noble from The Savage don't you understand that without Glory there is [Music] no no matter no matter you're not a Christian Rebecca these feelings are not known to you true indeed I'm from a race that no longer listens to the sound of trumpets but I can promise you I would dare to die as bravely as the bravest Knight if I thought he could bring back the land taken from my people sweet gentle Maiden if I belong to your race I would keep you and treasure you for the rest of my [Music] life [Music] one life that's all that God will give us and we're not destined to share [Music] it I shall never forget you Rebecca never [Applause] does he breathe but a rattle a welcome addition to the kingdom of Satan you la a faith true but unless we wish to join them we'd better return to the battlements live or die we fight as gentlemen stay out huh stay outside you have no armor for this fight my bones may be old but let them curse me in my grave if I don't join you they're almost through the [Applause] gate [Applause] come [Music] [Music] [Music] back healed healed I will not yield to one unknown tell me your [Music] name my Lord I yield where can I find Ivano I even [Music] know quickly quickly find Rena stop save yourselves follow me you're bracing quickly right no I have yielded I have given my sword on it [Music] [Music] I can walk sir I can walk ivanho oh my love yes indeed I think our Gallant Knight will surely live a while longer but not in your arms dear lady no he must be attended to in the peace and quiet of my Camp assist him come ivanho you'll see her again be off with you now you won't leave here not without you my love eon eon where is he have you seen him where in God's name is Aon I fear sir that he is dead dead well he has not been found so many bodies have been hacked by the broadw that it's impossible to tell which man is which but he must lie here somewhere oh dear [Music] God all my hopes all the future of the Saxons perish with [Music] a together you could have been a force against the Normans never my heart's always been with Ivy and you know it your son I have no son he deserted me he deserted his Saxon blood you will have no part of him do you hear if you make any effort to see him again I will have you bound hand and foot please I beg you love him we leave for rwood as soon as our party can be brought [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] together anything you want ah I have only one favor to ask if you'll do me the honor name it I ask permission to dispose of that night as I see fit here's [Music] yours leave us you're free to go on condition that you leave England at once should you be found on English soil by Sunday next I shall hang you up to feed the Ravens on the Pinnacle of your own castle go sedric will be disappointed would have lik to have disposed of that prisoner himself good yman Gallant Knight let it be known here by my word that if any of you should hunger I will give you food if the Normans should drive you from these Woods I have forests of my own where no one will ever ask whose Arrow struck the deer we thank you Lord Cedric come to us not as a guest but as a brother ask any favor and I will grant it anything at all we would be honored to have you join us for the funeral rights of the Brave Departed atlon the honor would be mine you have taught me the value of Saxon virtue and I shall not forget it readily farewell make room make room for your Godly father and his prisoner I am like an eagle with its prey in its clutches a victim to my sword for the love of God will someone take me away from this madman where did you find him I was looking for a draft of noble Norman wine when down in the cellar I found this Infidel I was going to beat his brains out but I took pity upon his gray hairs and converted him there and then that's a lie I'm not converted he lies you call me liar then I must feat you better man strike me frier if you dare I'll stand by your blow if you'll stand by [Music] mine right then down you [Music] [Applause] [Music] go now my turn I think you've broken my jaw I think not you can still speak come let's put an end to this nonsense I am Isaac of York has anyone here seen my daughter Rebecca we saw her carried off by Brian gilar when the castle fell he's done that where was she taken to Hazard a guess I would say North to templon where the Knights of the temple gather I must leave at once I must pay Ransom please who will guide me I will pay money do anyone who will guide me oh dear sweet gentle I apologize if we had harsh words before I will be happy to guide you to Temple stone for a small fee 200 stakers 200 stakers we can leave in the morning we leave at once we leave at once keep approaching your majesty you have everything you require your men attended me very well sir good please be seated what news let those wounds heal I may have great need of you later I'm almost healed sir thanks to the tender care of a remarkable young lady are we acquainted she's not of our race if she were I would not have let her out of my sight indeed I have never seen it such a remarkable recovery rest today we shall leave for the funeral services at rwood tomorrow where's the time what of your forces gathering at York oh time enough I'm determined now to reconcile you and your father you think it possible I shall demand it and uh the lady Rowena well I rather thought I'd leave that up to you [Music] yes what is the girl's name Rebecca daughter of Isaac an Infidel yes and he dared to bring her here he made no attempt to conceal her how could so Noble a knight as Brian gilber be caught by this Paramore she is obviously a sorceress of course may the Lord protect us speak what is your Aon a man of great wealth is here to see you Grandmaster has he no name his name is Isaac of York let him in the gate [Music] what is your business I have come to pay for the Deliverance of my daughter she is Prisoner here of BR gilber we wish you to tell us something of your daughter does she practice the art of of healing yes Reverend Master the art taught by that matron of your tribe called Miriam yes Reverend Master we burned her body at the stake now we have her pupil Reverend Master silence dog that which of yours has cast a spell over one of the Knights of our Holy Temple our Christian law will now deal with her I beg you to name your Ransom I will pay you whatever you you or would you rather face the fire yourself excuse me Noble Reverend but can we offer this witch to the fire without the laws of England permit us to provide Justice in our own jurisdiction we judge we condemn s Brian I'd have a word with you I am in no disposition to speak we must I'm afraid it concerns this person known as Rebecca I saved her life my shield was her protection and now she tells me I should have left her to the Flames not even the slightest moment of gratitude she has cast a spell over you that is ridiculous sa Bri the grandm has ruled that she must be punished what did you say he is determined to bring her to trial only the death of the Jews can atone for the Amorous Indulgence of a knight Templar are you serious she must die for what reason I have told you because she is a Jewish what does that make her a witch what do we bur her for being a witch or a Jew does it matter think of it s Brian your present rank your honors all depend on your place in the order would you throw them all away on this passion you may be grandmas yourself in future at which time you can caress or burn these Daughters of Judah as best suits your humor what do you want from me confess go to The Grandmaster and tell him that although you love this captive Rebecca to distraction you love the Knights of the temple more you welcome the trial she has offered me nothing nothing that I should give up all Rank and honor for I will cast her off I will you daughter of an accursed race follow me where you will be brought before the grandm to answer for your offense What offense I've been taken here against my will the offense of Witchcraft among others witchcraft you accuse me of Witchcraft then I shall follow you willingly for I am totally innocent of such a charge and I shall look upon your judge as my protector the time has come good yman we must bid you farewell the time has also come for me to disclose the name which I have withheld from you I am robbert of luxley I'm known as Robin Hood would it displease you greatly if I disclosed that I have known it all along perhaps then you would share the secret of your identity you will know very shortly I promise fawell farewell farewell and thank [Music] you God [Music] speed I long to tell them s they fought with King Richard their pride will come when we Normans learn to rule with fairness once again you have my sword against Prince John at any time you wish it's possible now I won't need your sword which is just as well I don't see you ready for battle for another month I would find the strength of a 100 demons to serve my king but for now ivanho let us ride in [Music] [Applause] peace Reverend and Valiant Men Christian Brothers of every degree I regret to inform you that the Raging wolf has made an inroad upon this flock and is attempting to carry off one of our members we have therefore summoned to our presence this woman by name Rebecca a woman Infamous for her witcheries she has maddened the blood and boted the brain of a knight devoted to the service of our Holy Temple a very preceptor of our order Brian Gil yes it's true that such a man could Cast Away concern for his character his vows to our order for an Infidel what else can we surmise than he is possessed by some evil demon or Wicked Spirit BR what do you say of these accusations I will not speak to such wild charges if my honor is questioned I will defend it with my sword which has often fought for Christendom indeed we forgive you brother gilber unveil yourself it is not our custom to uncover our faces in an assembly of strangers Rebecca of York and you will answer me truthfully have you ever used secret cures and ancient medicines upon wounded men I have if that is a crime then where is the LA to accuse me to relieve the sick to help the wounded of any religion is not displeasing to your God or mine it does not make me a witch it does not make me a sorceress I appeal now to Brian gilber whether these accusations are not false if you're a man sir if you're a Christian speak are these things true if you still have the power to answer this demon my brother then do it now I fear the power of Satan is too great for brother gilber therefore I now wait under the rules of the order the prisoner has the right to demand a champion to defend her in trial by combat you call for a champion in your cause I do who would be the champion of a sorceress God will give me one very well you will now lay down your glove to see who Among Us will meet your champion [Music] we have received the glove of this demon and who will pick it up as a sign that we will meet her champion on the field of Honor speak up who will defend our Noble order against the champion of a demon I accept the glove in the name of Brian gilber To Whom It chiefly concerns Brian Gilbert is our charge to you then you will do battle with her Champion for the Judgment of God never doubting that our just course shall Triumph Grand Master if this woman will repent there is still time if she will accept our holy emblem and renounce her own renounce my own father's are you mad mind your tongue Infidel if I cannot speak for my religion then I am prepared to die for it I demand the right to a champion you have until the Third Day from the present to find one you give me precious little time to find a stranger of another Faith who will do battle for me three days God's will be done if you fail to do so you will die in fire the death of a sorceress if you bring forth a champion and he loses the battle you will die in fire the death of a sorceress a god a the just [Music] core who give you this message a preceptor of the Templars who received it from your daughter sir do you have a reply yes um inform the preceptor that we will find a champion within the prescribed time you wish to name him no later profund EX I am here to pay my respects to your departed Kinsman my gratitude Noble Knight I will see to it that these sad walls offer you the hospitality you deserve you and your servant uh the moment may seem inappropriate but I beg to remind you Cedric that the last time we parted you offered to grant me a favor for the service I had rendered you you have indeed chosen a sad moment we have stood together in combat but you have always known me as the Black Knight yes know me now then as Richard plantagenet your chest King Richard the same well do you just stand there have you no knee for your Monarch I will confess s that I have never knelt to Norman blood oh well perhaps you will when I prove to you equal protection of all Saxons and Normans if that is indeed your intent then you deserve to keep your throne against the villainy of your brother John no more can I extend to you at this time accept the favor I require you now as a man of your word to forgive and receive to your affections your Noble son Wilfred of ivanho father you you I beg you to grant me forgiveness I have always been a man of my word even when given to a Norman therefore you have my forgiveness thank you Father may I see the lady Rena what what's that I intend to offer my hand in marriage to the lady Rowena not till she has completed at least 2 years mourning for the brave Athlon two years neither you nor King Richard himself will change my mind two [Music] years what do happen what do happen the name of God if you are mortal speak give me time to collect my breath alive as much alive as bread and water would keep me for three days we were told you were struck a mortal blow and cut to pieces I don't believe the blow was all that mortal St years of course but I wanted about until I collapsed in the woods Beyond friendly Shepherd nurs me until I could travel again one barley Loaf in water that's all he had I don't wish to sound ungrateful but it was a terrible ordeal take a breath rest a moment I'd much rather take a morcel of ham and a goblet of wine if you don't mind thank God you've returned ready to resume our project of Liberation don't talk to me of liberating anyone it's as well I'm liberated myself watch your Tong you stand before King Richard yeah he has been a guest here to attend your funeral by my faith I am honored I tender You My Heart and Hand Athlon would you kneel to a Norman I rise from my tomb a much wiser man than when I entered it and what of the lady Rowena would you desert her as you have deserted your Saxon cause let us speak honestly here and quickly before I expire of hunger lady Rena has never cared for me she does in fact love the smallest finger on the hand of Ivan home more than my whole person here give me your hand and yours now I hereby renounce all my inherited rights to the lady Rena in favor of my cousin Wilfred of Ivano done I implore you can we eat at [Music] last good friend I [Music] need I must leave for templ stone at once what is it a matter of Honor but you've only just are you well enough as I have no choice if I should lose him now it would be more than I could bear you will not [Music] [Applause] [Music] cop [Music] here [Music] what do you want please you have no reason to fear me there are Gods to protect you now God Hearts you mean those chosen to escort me to my death Rebecca please if you have nothing better to do than witness the misery you have caused then let me know it and leave me alone I confess I did not foresee what would happen here but I beg you to listen to me it was my intention to appear as your Champion you I mean to protect you yet how if I do not appear against your Champion I will lose all Rank and honor I will lose that which is the very Breath of Life to me such is my Doom if I fail to appear but you will appear so why do you trouble yourself your choice is made no I stand ready to renounce all Fame all respect of my countrymen if you will only accept my love for you your love or your base passions we could leave here at once England is not the world we could go to Spain to Palestine I create a new order I'll make you a queen Rebecca let us Escape it's nothing but a dream an empty vision of the night how can you Cast Away all the bonds of your order only to gratify this passion for the daughter of another people there is a spell on me why should I wait for you so willing to die and torture an agony why do I care nothing can save you now then so be it I leave you now forever but I would ask that you forgive me and that we part as friends I do forgive you even though I know your sword will be strong against me I forgive you freely as a victim forgives her executioner fa [Music] well where in God's name have you been at the castle of Hunter birth I shall lead your Force of Arms immediately King Richard is back in England I know I talk to him you talk to him he's raising a huge Force of Arms at York we shall meet him there I've sent word to Brian gilar and fth fond is dead and his men are scattered Brian gilber has returned to templon and cannot be counted on you have none but your own Force here what of yours King Richard took me in Fair battle and I was forced to yield and swear by my honor that I would leave England your honor your honor I'm talking about the future Throne of England unless you wish to face King Richard with your Palace guards which I would not advise I would hasten to make peace with him at the earliest possible moment my lord it's us your grace I am a practical man to face Richard without the troops of these three uh loyal Knights would be brave indeed and bold but fruitless V indeed I regret to say that I am too old for combat Your Grace I must now lay aside my duties and take um sanctu in the Church of St Peter my God your God Prince John will never see you take the Throne of England good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I call upon the champion let the champion step forward Reverend father no Champion appears for the JS let one hour pass and if there is no Champion the witch will prepare for her death Becca hear me listen we can still Escape I have a strong black Stelling waiting at the edge of the field no in the name of God then I beg you announce your faith and admit your guilt hey it is time Reverend father proceed what a Pity to perish without one blow being struck in her behalf if she were the least bit of a Christian I might Champion her myself [Music] proceed [Music] a champion a champion a champion a champion a champion your name your rank your purpose I am Wilfred of ivanho a knight proven in battle I am here to sustain with Lance and sword the just rights of the young woman Rebecca and to defy so Brian gilar as a liar a traitor and a murderer you are not yet recovered from your wounds to fight F heal them first or it will not be worth my while to curb this boyish Spirit of bravado you have fallen twice before my Lance recover your honor sir do battle without further delay for your death oh not yet the prisoner must accept you as her champion do you accept me as your Champion [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] let no one on pain of death interfere with this field of combat L say [Music] Al [Music] [Music] are you [Music] [Music] [Music] r [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] God [Music] [Music] w [Applause] [Applause] why you have rightfully done your duty in combat by the Lords of our order I pronounce the maiden Rebecca free and Guiltless hail King Richard long live the king him heaven for fend and to think I struck [Applause] him Rebeca [Music] if you look to the towers of the preceptory you will see the Royal Standard of England instead of your temple Banner it has been placed there by your King Richard plantagenet you do not reconcile with your brother Prince John my brother now pays obedience to his king and you Reverend father are hereby banish from this country dissolve your order and depart with your followers at once but sir or do you wish to use the Stak and fire yourself from this day forward your king will seek a close Union between Saxon and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Norman heos in matrimonium in nomin Pat at at Spirit of Santi amen what means this lady why' you bow before me I pay you my debt of gratitude which I owe to Wilfred of ivanho forgive my boldness I beg you to rise your kindness your charity to my husband there's more than PID Us in return would you give your husband my grateful farewell are you leaving York my father and I are leaving England we sail for Spain and hope for some protection there but Ivano now has favor with King Richard and though Norman he is just and generous perhaps but the people of England are a fierce race and it is no safe Abode for the children of my people but surely you have nothing to fear there is a gulf between us lady our faiths forbid us to cross that Gulf but I must tell you that your face shows a gentleness and a kindness I will always cherish I bless God that I leave ivanho with such goodness of heart [Music] I [Music] farewell May The God Who made us both bring you [Music] blessings Rebecca Rebecca [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it was told by all that ivanho and Fa oena lived long and happily together yet one can't help but wonder if fond memories of Rebecca did not reoccur to ivano's mind until the very end of his days [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Cinema Quest
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Keywords: Cinema Quest, Cinema, Movies, Fantasy Movies, Fantasy, Fantasy Genre, movie clips, clips, film clips, fantasy movie clips, magic, ivanhoe 1982, anthony andrews, ivanhoe 1982 full movie, anthony andrews ivanhoe, fantasy movies full movie
Id: bnc1jcajo0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 26sec (8546 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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