Retarget animation in unreal engine 5

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hi I'm nanar and in this I'm going to show you how you can retarget a skeleton or a skeletal mesh to use all those animation that came with uh mannequin in this case animation starter pack that has a lot of Animation in it whatever you want to do with the character you can do it with just this animation pack right so without any further Ado let's begin first of all I want to thanks my patreon supporter they helped me a lot and they help me to create all of these videos thank you very much and before we start I want to say please please please if you want to help me and you like this video please hit that like button and subscribe to my channel it's my honor to have you here so you remember from last video we add our character and we rig it and we export it to Unreal Engine 5 so we add this character to blender we rig it some of the names are we just name it like we wanted to and some of the name we just copy it doesn't matter which name you want to use for this retargeting purposes okay it will work and how it work let me show you with the paint okay in here for example we have this character it has head it has neck it has this hand it has this hand it has this body it has this leg okay and each leg has this it has some shoe on it okay and we have another character doesn't matter if it's another size for example this is its head this is its uh neck this is our hand okay and this is the body and this is the um foot right so how we can retarget it in Arial Engine 4 you do it with exactly say this bone should be this bone this bone should be this bone and all of that right but in our Aral engine five there is better way to do it let's just close select this is green in this case we want to save from here to here copy the animation from here to here and paste it here to here okay so this this is a chain for example has four bone on it so in here has for for bone as well so we will save from this point to this point copy it animation to this point and from this point to this point and for the leg as well we say from this point to this point copy it animation and put it on this point to this point okay and that's how we can retarget our animation doesn't matter how many bone it has okay so let me show you how you can do that and let me again go back to the paint first of all for each one of these we should create a ik for example this one needs a ik rig Man Zero okay and for this one we should create that ik rigman 2 that is the target animation for example this has animation that we want to targeted for this animation right so we should create a ik re for this and create ik re for this and after that we should connect these two with something that is called ik retargeter okay or something like this so we should create i r for both of the um the skeletal mes the one that it has animation and the one that doesn't have animation for both of them we should create ik and with ik retargeter we will connect them together okay so let's just do that first of all I want to go here in this character that we R from last video and what I want to do I want to right click go to animation and create I just for this Dragon okay there is two of them because I did it once before and that's why it give us two I want to call it ik rig and I want to call it Dragon okay and let's just open that up this one is for or Dragon we want to do it for the um mannequin as well so in here in its folder doesn't matter if you don't uh use its folder but for organizing things it's better to create it on its folder right click in here go to animation and again create another ik rig and this one I want to use this SK key let me search for that SK manquin and you can see there is two of them because one of them it came with Unreal Engine 5 and one of them is from this animation starter pack that you can download freely on Marketplace okay if you hover over it you can say it this one is in game an an starter pack and this one is in game character man u4 okay I only to use this one because it has a lot of Animation I want to call it ik re and this one I want to call it man okay open it up and you can see has some bones and this one has some bones as well so how we can connect them together so first of all we should create those chains okay for example from this point to this point should be a chain from this point to this point should be a chain right so let's just do that so for example let's you create for head doesn't matter what you want to call it so in here Head Start From the neck to the head right so we start from neck the chain and at head okay next let's just create a um hand L okay and I want it to start from this pelvis L to this hand L okay those fingers we will do it separately so let's just click on the start point we want it to be from calic L and we want it to be hand L okay again let's just create another one for hand right okay doesn't matter what you want to call it in here so the start point for this is calic R let me find it calic R and this is is hand or okay we can search it it will be faster so we will we did this hand chain we did the head chain we did this hand chain as well now let's just do it for the foot right so in here add another chain for foot whatever you want to call it foot L and I want it to start from the tight L to ball L okay let's just add another font for fot R and again in here tight R from this tight r here to ball R okay now we want to do it for a spine as well so let's just add another one call it a spine if you create a lot of this chain it will look very much better okay but it takes some some time right so the spine it should start from pelvis to the spine tree right so we did it for this dragon now we should do it for this one as well okay and you can again name it whatever you want you can retarget it as after that but if you just copy these names from here to here it will be much easier so the head should start from um let me see from the neck we can just search for it okay neck one to the Head we can just search for it like this it will be faster next one is the hand L and the Hand L should start you can see there is a lot of them here that maybe we don't want to retarget we don't need it maybe okay but if you want it you can go through it and add it it should start from C calic L like like it did start in this in calic L to hand L we do it like this again and it start from Cal L and to hand L okay let's just do it for hand r as well hand R and it should start fromal cavic sorry that I'm not saying correctly cavic okay clavicle so it start at hand or again let's just add for left um no no no no foot L and a start a start we want it to be uh tight L to ball L I think ball L next foot R so let me it should start from tight R to ball R right so what we need we need the spine as well so in here I add another one call it the spine and I want to start from pelvis to spine three right everything cool let's just save them and know that we have our ik re let's just go here and create that I R targeter right click go to animation and in here click on I retargeter and first of all it says that pick I to copy animation from okay so I did call it ik right man this one and we want to copy from that animation let's just double click on it and go to chain mapping first of all we should set the Target ik and what is called ik re I think it's called Dragon Okay so you can see the dragon as well in here right everything is cool no we should we can just select auto mapping and you can see espine espine head head hand L hand L this target chain this is the source chain that is coming from the ik re man and this is the target chain that is from I car Dragon right so if you Auto map it it will be cool no if we run one animation for example the idol it shouldn't work right because this is in t position and this is in a position and it should shouldn't work right so let's just click on one of these and you can see it changed but it's not looking cool because we didn't um retarget the Fingers um and the the uh pose the rest pose position is not uh okay so you can see that because we didn't retarget all the bones and the let me show you the the rest pose or the pose the default pose of our character in here is T pose and in here it is a pose so both of them should be the same that to look better right so we should create another pose and we should add all of those fingers to our retargeter I just paused the video and I did in I rman I did add all the pinky R pinky L index r index l t l t r middle l Middle R and you can see the pinky R start from pinky 01 R to pinky 03 R okay and you can see it I just create all of those bones and all of those chains and if you click on it you can see the chains in here okay this is for food this is for food R this is for a spine and this is for Pinky you can see it in let me show you in here okay I add all of these to my dragon and to my ik man and now in our retargeter all the finger bones now are connected let's just find out a idle one again in here double click on it so you can see everything cool right but again that about that t pose and um a pose so this character that you want to copy animation from is in a a pose and this one is in t pose so we can fix that go in here and edit pose in here click on this bone and rotate it until it look like this roughly right this much I think that's enough or maybe a little bit more go and you can see no it works fine okay and now if you run or animation let's just run like this and you can see all the animation is working fine let's just click on here this animation works fine this animation is working fine because this one has just three four finger and the mannequin has five finger so the hand shouldn't look cool but I think it's look cool right so all the animation is working fine so let's just see for the walk okay the walk forward and you can see it works fine it look cool um again this one this one everything is looking cool and now we have all of these animation for example this one this one this one this one and they are beautiful right so we have a lot of animation and how we can export it it's easy just select the animation that you want double click on it and you can see it for example this one and go to export selected animations and in here tell it to where to save those animations for example I want to save it in here hit okay and it will create that animation and you can see it we can just double click on it and you can see we can see the animation if you go to character bones and in here tell it to select only or none you can see it clearly with holding alt and left click you can rotate it to see it if it's doing a good good job or not right so yeah and that was it guys for this video I hope you like this video and please please please if you want to help me hit that like button it helps me a lot thank you thank you thank you very much for watching bye
Channel: unreal magic
Views: 7,826
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Id: klNk4siHjDM
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Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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