Why Unreal Engine 5 is a BIG DEAL

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Scorched Earth 2 is looking nice!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/-Death-Dealer- 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
so then 105 alpha build just released this morning and everyone is freaking out people are saying it's the next generation of gaming and that the industry will never be the same but the big question is why is unreal engine 5 a big deal two reasons lumen and nanite since the dawn of computer graphics developers have tried to achieve the elusive real-time global illumination that means getting dynamic bounce light without having to wait hours for a single frame to render here i have unreal engine 5 open right now and lumens is not turned on this is what we used to get in unreal engine 4. now if i turn on lumens we immediately get that bounce lighting and if i grab the light right here and move it around we can see that lighting being transferred over all the different objects so this was impossible back in normal engine 4 and keep in mind we're not even using rtx ray tracing so this also works on amd cards as well as nvidia cards this also works for emissive material so i can drag and miss material on my spear and delete my light and this movable spear is also casting light which wasn't possible in previous engines here's another good example lumens as you can see we can't see anything but as soon as i move this rock away we can see that we are in a cave and the cave slowly starts to illuminate more and more until it's very illuminated so all that light you see right there that's bounce light that is indirect global illumination and then as soon as we cover our cave again all of that nice bounce lighting disappears next up is nanite nanite very simply put allows for dynamic level of detail this means you can have an asset that comprises of millions of polygons but it is still performant in game because those polygons dynamically deform lowering the total amount of vertices on a static mesh this allows for high poly movie assets to be used in game and artists now have the option to not use a normal map allowing the geometry to take care of the fine detail but there are some caveats it only works for static meshes so nanite will not work for grass or deforming geometry like skeletal meshes which is what characters use there was some confusion with people saying the nanite works on skeletal meshes since the robot you see here is using it i had my suspicion so i decided to download the demo and check out the robot myself and my suspicions were correct the geometry of the robot is not a deforming skeletal mesh instead it's a bunch of static meshes that are then attached to a dummy skeletal mesh so this is why epic games decided to make a robot and that's because robot parts they don't deform like human skin does robot parts are just static which is great for nanite this is also a reason why epic games chose to use a desert as their example environment since deserts comprise of a bunch of static meshes like cliffs rocks and dirt which works well with nanite so to show you the power of nanite here is our cuban reference and here is the massive open world that's currently being powered by nanite and we can actually visualize what nanite is doing by coming up here to lit and then nanite visualization and then we can click on triangles so here we can see that we're pretty much getting one pixel per triangle so that is unheard of for a game engine and if we zoom in we can see that there is dynamic led so when we zoom really far those polygons get bigger and bigger but then we zoom up close those polygons get smaller and smaller smaller to compensate for the detail the camera is trying to look at so that's the power of nanite besides lumen and nanites we also get access to 15 000 free scanned assets specifically the mega scans library right off the bat within unreal engine we don't have to download a second program like beforehand so if we go into our content browser we go to add and we can do add quick so content so we can bring in something right now let's go to 3d assets and we can drag in any of these into our scene just like this as if it's actually in the content browser and unreal will automatically start to download it for us and import it just like this so if i actually zoom out we can see that we automatically got our asset in no hassle whatsoever everything is working great and that is amazing what program do you know that comes with 15 000 assets ready to go and finally this is unreal engine 4's default user interface and this is unreal engine 5's default user interface the difference is literally night and day i don't know how unreal engine 4 was able to get away with it for this long it will take some getting used to but it's worth it so you might be wondering to yourself how do i learn unreal engine 5 well you are just in luck hopefully by the time you're watching this video right now the unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial series is up right now on my channel link in the description below if it's not then it should be coming up very shortly it's also good to know that i just launched the unreal sensei master class we're going to take a deeper dive into unreal engine and learn some of the fundamentals and some topics that are pretty hard to go over on the channel and we're also going to be doing a lot of exclusive live streams there too so if you want to support the channel you could go ahead and check that out link in the description below so with all that being said good luck in um5 and farewell
Channel: Unreal Sensei
Views: 1,242,827
Rating: 4.9464841 out of 5
Keywords: Unreal, engine, unreal engine, game, five, ue5, unreal engine 5, new, features, nanite, lumens, megascans, realistice, 3d, videogame, render
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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