rig a character for unreal engine 5 to use it for retargetting and all the animations of Mannequin

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hi I'm Nan s and in this video I'm going to show you how you can read whatever character that you have in wherever you download it and R it and Export it to unre engine and after that how you can retarget that character to use all those animation that mannequin has in Arial Engine 5 and all those animation that you can download from mixo or from internet doesn't matter because the new way of retargeting the animation from one character to another character is from chain so it's not like aial Engine 4 in aial engine 5 you have chain okay and I will show you a step by step in detail how you can retarget your animation to whatever character with whatever rigs that it have for retargeting your animation so without any further Ado let's begin before we start I want to thanks my patreon supporter and I want to say please if you like my videos and if you want to help me hit that like button it helps me a lot thank you very much so for example we have this manquin in here let's just open it up in here and this is our mannequin and I did open just the skeleton right this is the skeleton for the mannequin of course you don't need to look at this whatever rigging that you want to do in blender on Maya or 3D Max it works with retargeting system in our real Engine 5 okay but it's easier to have a reference to create your regon because if you use a reference like this a mannequin or whatever it will be easier to retarget that keep it in your mind that you don't need to do it exactly like they rig the mannequin but it is easier to use this asset so for use this 3D object I want to go to meshes in here and in here in skeletal Mish find that whatever character you have in aial engine 5 find the skeletal mes right click on it and go to asset action and Export it and with that you can export it as a fbx file that you can open it in blender Maya or 3D Max right so I want to create another folder in my desktop there is a lot of folder in here and I want to tell it that is or whatever you want to call it right so export it it it tell you how you want to export it which version of fpx you want to use I put it at fbx 2014 because the uh blender used that version right so you can just use whatever version you want but I I choose this from the start and I always choose this doesn't matter you just want this skeletal mes for just a reference you don't need it at all okay because I did this a lot I mean a lot I remember all the bones names all the bone name in mannequin and uh all the animations in AAL Engine 5 but for you to see I want to export it again so click export it will be exported go to your blender go to file if you don't know about blender doesn't matter because I will show you whatever you need to know for for a Indie developer right just click on import and in here click on fbx and go to desktop we create this read folder where is it this okay let's just open up the mannequin and right off the bat you can see there is a lot of bones that is sticking around if you watch my last video about the rigging and the pipeline from blender to Unreal Engine 5 you know it by know that um the start point of these bones are important so doesn't matter where the end part is just the start point of them is important right so if I click on this bone and go to this boy in here and click in front you can see all the bones that is sticking out but it's not good practice to have it like this okay so what I want to do I want to hit a on my keyboard hit delete to delete everything again go to file go to import and fpx click again on or mannequin and in here go down to Armature we don't have any animation on it so uncheck that and the thing that I want to check in here is automatic bone orientation because the orientation it's not important in aial engine of course it is important but because we want to just export it to blender and those are two w two separate W and they don't work visually like each other so we can check this automatic bone orientation to show it us exactly like this right so you can see it again I want to click on the bones go here on these bad boy in here and click on in front so we can see all the bones and you can see it right everything is cool we can see all the bones there are some bones in here that are too big and I don't want to see those bone and these bones these big bones are ik bones that we don't need it for our character so what we can do just select select that head tab to go to the edit mode click on these bones that you want to hide click on it hit H and it will hide again if you want to unhide it alt H will be will unhide every that is high hi okay head Edge this one head Edge this one head Edge this one head Edge this one is ibone as well head Edge on it and I think this one is a ik bone as well of course you can just see it in here and select it but because I worked with it a lot I know which bones are ik and we don't want them head Edge again there is I think this one is a this one no this is not and some bones are in here for twisting we don't need them as well okay so if you go here and expand this like this spawn one spine one spine 2 spine 3 calical calvar neck one tight L Cal L and you can see it it will be selected here so we have this character what I want to do I want to go again to object mode hit a on our keyboard hit G and after that y to just bring it out a little bit so we have some space for our character right so now that we have these as a reference let's just import over character for import in or character just go to file go to import and fbx so in here I want to open up this okay and it's too big I want to make it a little bit small head one so you can see both of them and let's just scale it down a little bit because it's too big right at s again make it a little bit small it doesn't matter you can just use that big and it worked fine in aial engine 5 because retargeting is powerful okay and it's roughly the same and it doesn't matter if it's bigger or smaller it works fine with retargeting right so now we have our character in here and we have our reference but what I want to do I want to delete this reference why because I know all the bones and it's always better to open up another blender and open your reference there because if you're doing this for the first time uh you need just the names okay and the hierarchy and all that's all that is matter right so again let's just go to file import fbx and in or desktop this R click on it and go to animation deselect and go here automatic B orientation import it so now we have our reference here because I have two monitor I always open it in separate blender blender it's not a heavy software okay you can have both of them and it will be easy first of all what I want to do I want to select all of these empties you can see this is just an empty um object in here that doesn't do anything so we can delete it maybe you have it in your fpx as well so just Del the important thing is body i l i l teeth tongue and U teeth okay so all of these are important first way to do it you can just use it like this but if you want to be more organized because uh for example you want to animate eyes as well so it's it's better to be separated but you can select all of them with a you can see I did select all of them like this and you can hold control and hit J and all of them will be just one one object but if you want to animate eyes animate its mouth and all of that you don't need to do this at all okay I want to rename this to dragon and know that all of them is just one object I want to create over R for it right so first of all let's just see this first bone this is uh it put the root bone in a empty we don't need to do that okay so I want to just show you the hierarchy and the position of them okay so let's just go to edit mod when you are selecting the root just go to edit mode and again in here head Edge on all of these big ones in this one as well this one as well so and when you're clicking on the root go to this bad boy go to viewport display in front I know you can see everything right so the important thing for us is the uh the naming of course you can use just your naming but it will be easier to use just the naming that Aral engine people are using it okay and you can see first of all there is a pelvis that is here there is a spine one there is a spine two there is a spine three and this is calic L let me show you the calic l calic r let me expand this and you can see the naming you can use this naming but if you use your naming convection it will work it doesn't matter just the hierarchy is important right so let's just do it in own way right so in here you can see I I'm I'm moving this like this by holding shift and with middle M I can move it like this but if I if it's off the screen you can just click in here hit home on your keyboard and it will bring it up front right if you hit one you can see it uh in front of it right so for adding a skeleton a skeleton to it add some bones to it right so for that you should go to add an Armature you can do that but there is a better way to do that you can hold shift hit a and now you can add an Armature and you can see it create a big bone in here first thing to do if you watch my last video please watch it it's very very much important for you to know about last video I did talk about how visually blend their showbones and how Unreal Engine 5 show the bones for you you should watch that video it's most important video in this series of videos okay so we have the Armature like I said in last video you should rename this Armature to the root okay and no just click on it and go to here and in object now go to edit mode okay and with that again go to this boy and click in front so you can see it of course it is inside our character but we can see it right it's a good tools the root is 0 0 0 doesn't matter this bone is 0 0 0 okay this bone is this bone that we are seeing here and you know it from last video that the start point of this is important okay so I want I want to scale it down I want to use these four pelvis okay hit G and after Z after that Z to bring it on X on Z Direction and let's just scale it down a little bit again hit G Z and this is our pelvis so if you watch my video from last video you know that this bone if you call it pelvis okay doesn't matter what you want to call it the target can work with that so this pelvis the a start point of that is important this start start point is important so this pelvis will be the end point of root that is 00 0 to the start point of pelvis so in uh blender it show it like this but in unreal it will show it a bone from this 0 0 to a start point of this okay so it's important tips that you should know again let's just go here and we want to add another bom we did talk about how you can use you can create bones right so in here we select the toop point in here hit e after that Z to bring to create another bone hit e and z to create another bone hit e and after that Z to create another bone so now we have three bones and we should name it this one I want to call it a spine 01 this one let's just click it in in here this is spine 02 and this one we want to call it spine 03 and if we go to our uh character mannequin you can see this is spine one spine 2 spine three you can see it call it like this but I don't want to do that I want to just my name in connection right you can just copy the name from here to there but it works like this as well right doesn't matter what you want to call it in retargeting you can do whatever you want it's very flexible okay now in here first of all I want to create another bone in here for over neck okay I want to click on the stop point of spine tree hit e after you can see if I don't click on don't hit the Z button on my keyboard it will go around but if I hit Z it will stay on the Z so I want to put it in here again head e and after that Z and this is our head now right it's it does it make sense I hope it makes sense so this one let me go here this is a spine tree and we want to call it neck okay and this one if you go here you can see it is selected and this one is head okay everything cool now I want to create the left hand so click on this stop Point head e to extrude and this this is our calic bone okay I want to call it calic l okay and this is important to use l in here because we want to mirror it to be easier right so let me see how it call it on manin in here it will call it clavical l okay doesn't matter I did call it calical doesn't matter it's cool at an a start point in here hit e and I want to bring it to here and I want to call it upper and L okay I want to create another one from here to here and I want to call this let me bring this out so you can see it lower and L okay this L is important now we have this and I want to create another one for just hand okay to here and I want to call it hand L everything cool but let's just go out of this and see it on this side if you H tree you can see it on this side but I want to see it like this on top you can hit seven or your non pad and you can see it on top okay you can see it is not aligned so let's just align it I will click on this end point hit G on my keyboard bring it here for example hit G on here bring it in a little bit bring it in a little bit I want to bring this in as well so bring this out a little bit like this so I think everything is cool with this head head s on your key npad in your keyboard and no I want to zoom in here but if I click on it and hit home it will show it like this but if you click on period or that dot on your npad it will go to that b right so now I want to create bones for all of these fingers okay how we can do that let's just click on this start stop point at e extrude to should we do it like this I don't think so so let's just go here to see how they did it in here you can see in here it is not connected these bones are not connected with these hand bones you can see it's not connected but this bones is the child of these bones and that's what Aral engine need the hierarchy of them and the naming of them is important for Unreal Engine and the start Point as well so you can see in here um this this bone is the child of this bone but it's not connected so how we can do that let's just go to here we can just click on the bone that we want disconnected you can see let me show you this I want to call it Pinky L okay I want to call it Pinky L and this pinky L bone it's start from here and we don't want to do that we want it disconnected but we want it to be the child of the hand L as well so we can do that just select on your pink pinky L bone hit alt p and click on this connect boom and know if you hit G on my keyboard you can see it is child of that but it's not connected right so let's just do it this way grab this end point I want to put it in here the end point is here so headit e to create another one h e to create another one again and this is Pinky L pinky l01 pinky L 02 so the next one you can see the mannequin in here has five finger right but our character has four of them so what we can do about that so in here you can see this is the pinky and we we can use the pinky in here like this and and we can use this big one as this middle one this big one let me see what it called it's called middle and this one is index and this one is th okay so in here what I want to do again I want to create the bone from here to here click on it alt P to disconnect it hit G to grab it and put it in here grab the end point to align it like this before doing anything else you should see all the direction to see if it's inside our body of our character or not so that's that's okay okay for no head F head seven on your keyboard so you can see it from Top I want to call this middle l so you know that this L is important so the mistake that we done in here we should do it like this this is Pinky 01 l so L should be at the end of that it's important because we want to mirror it right Z pinky 02 L okay these L's are important this middle L and click on the end point head e to extrude put it in here head e again extrude to put it in here and let's just name them so when I click in here you can see it's selected in here this middle L I want it to be middle 01 L okay and this one is 02 L okay everything cool yes I think one two one two everything cool so we need another one to do but before we should check it if it's okay at seven again let's just G click and create another one like this click on it alt P disconnect join head G so you you can put it in here click on end of it hit G to change its position hit e no no first of all just let's just name it okay I don't want to name at this time just click on the end point and create two bone in here with e to extrude right this one is index okay index L okay I want to copy this name and use it in here head of two to rename it and this one is 01 L and this one again is 02 L okay everything cool next we want to do it for this but before doing that you can see if I go to the front it's not okay you can see it clearly it's not on our hand this one again is not in our hand so headit G2 bring it down a little bit and these ones are not okay as well they are outside of our character body but we can't see it clearly okay so how we what we can do about that just select all of these bone that causing a problem and hit Edge it will hide everything and after that hit one on your keyboard so you can see it in in this way and no let's just grab this put it in here grab this one with G put it in here grab this one grab this one and no I think it's inside right and for all of those ones to bring it back hold alt head Ed and those are here okay index is finished and now let's just again extrude from here to here click on it alt P disconnect bone head G to grab it like this and hit seven on your keyboard so you can see it clearly oh want to bring it like this let's just extrude from here to here extrude from here to here and I want to call this t l the next one I want to call it P 01 L this L is important if I forget to put this L please you don't forget to do that because it caused some problem later on so hit L and we name all of them now we should go to this View and see if it's okay or not it's not okay so hit period key and you can zoom like this hit G to bring them down like this everything cool and it's inside our character now for the leg where we should start okay let's just collapse everything in here we want to start from pelvis okay this one and you can go to this in here so you can see from the pelvis it is connected to here and start these bones okay so let's just do that you know that the start point of the uh bones are important so let's just click in here hit e and I want to disconnect this again alt P to disconnect it h g bring it here for example it's very important where you put it okay because when you want to retarget it maybe it won't look cool as much as you like it okay so play with that you can see it start from here to down so let's just do that hold shift with middle mouse or one we can just go to this mode on I want to start from here to here e to extrude put it in here for it to look cooler if you go here you can see in if I go tight l Cal you can see it clearly we don't need these twist okay we can hide them this Cal we don't need this twist and we don't need these ones as well because that those are just for ik okay and I will talk about ik a lot and you can see for foot there is a foot that is like this and there is a ball as well in here it's for a good animation just don't worry about it just create them and it work fine so we have it like this now I want to go to this view hit e let's just do it like unreal and again hit e to bring this down and click on it alt P to disconnect it hit G and after that Z bring it down so this is the ball okay and let's just call them this one is let me see what they call it in here this one is tip L okay let's just copy its name it doesn't matter I want to do it like this this one let's see what they call it in here it's cal cal L you can call it whatever you want but it's good idea to do it like this Cal L and no in here here this one is let me see is foot L and after that ball L okay foot L and this L is important and this one is ball L okay everything cool now we did it for the left part if you hit C on your keyboard and select everything like this we you shouldn't select that one so hold shift and select that one and select all the bones on the left side know that we have this heades on your keyboard you can zoom to make sure that all the left side is selected and aligned correctly now go here click on this button in here go to tools and click xaxis mirror click on it after that right click in here and go to symmetrize okay and know it will create all the bones for the right as well so you can see tight R calar foot R ball R and all of that and in a spine if you go down you can see it has Cal L and Cal R and everything is cool now right so now that we have over read let's just go back to object mode first of all click on your mesh and after that clicked with holding shift click on your bone and after that contrl P to connect the Armature or bones to the mes okay with automatic weight just check that okay and know with that if we go to pipeline I did talk about pipeline in last video a lot just install this add-on but if you don't want to this install this add-on you can just export it as fpx but with this add-on it will be much faster I did just create a video how you can download and install this and here we can just send to onreal and it says the export collection is not there you should go to utilities create that export so whatever you put in this export it will be um bringing exported to Aral engine okay so let's just export that now and go to Aral engine and in here in Untitled category in Untitled asset if you see you can see all of them are here the skeletal mes the physical AET the SK skeleton the material and all of that let's just click on the skeleton and now you can see the skeleton is in here and it looks cool right we can just click in here for example and rotate its uh arm like this click in here and rotate its arm like this and we can create animation in here as well but in next video I want to show you how you can retarget this skeleton so you can use it with all the animation that came with Unreal Engine for example the animation for the manquin right so I hope you like this video please please please if you want to help me hit that like button it helps me a lot it's my honor to have you here thank you thank you thank you very much for watching bye
Channel: unreal magic
Views: 32,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZVuqHZGjbJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2022
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