Skeleton and rigged object from blender to unreal engine 5

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hi I'm nanar and in this video I'm going to show you how you can wreak whatever character that you have in blender and import it in Arial Engine 5 and retargeted but retargeting is another video but just rigging and how rigging work in blender and how it work in Arial engine fire because those are different they just showing you different bones it's different right so without any further Ado let's begin before we start I want to thanks my patreon supporter and I want to say please please please if you want to help me and you like my videos please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel it's my honor to have you here so we are in blender and Aral Engine 5 and I want to just test something out for you in here I want to create threee block so I say add a mesh a cube right hit s to scale it down hit s after that Z to escale it down on z-axis like this hit one on your non pad and hit G and after that Z to bring it up it's just some simple things in in blender right I want to create three of these crl D to duplicate it head Z on your keyboard bring it up like this again head shift d to duplicate it hit Z after that to bring it up and we have three of them in here right three q and I want to select all of them hit contrl G on my keyboard so it will create just one and I want to call it bikes okay or whatever you want to call it right so we have these Tree in here and we want to rig it right so we start from this simple object to rig it and after that I will show you how you can rig a character for Unreal Engine in here I want to hit one so I can see it in this way and after that I want to go to add I want to go add an Armature so first thing to do know that this Armature is created for us click on it and go to here click on this Bo here object data property it's called this right and after that go to viewport display and after that click in front so you can see your bone in here okay so first thing to do you should rename this Armature to root okay if you don't do this you can't export it to Unreal Engine file it it will give you an error right if you expand this you can see there is a pose in here and there is armature in here this Armature doesn't it's not important just the important thing is this naming that is that should be root and after that this bone okay so for example I'm going to click on this root and go to edit mode and scale this route up like this hit G and after that Z to bring it up like this we should scale it down a little bit G after that Z so we want this bone to control this part of our object right and I want to call this bone 01 okay and we are in edit mode you can see this bone has an start and it has an end and it has a body and but in aial engine it's not this case right so the aial engine what's important for Unreal Engine 5 is just this start bone right so there is a root bone that that is 0 0 and there is bone one that is again this start Point not this end point okay so that is the difference between blender and Unreal Engine Maya is like more like Unreal Engine but the blender this is a start this is a stop of or bone one but in aial engine the 0000 is this root bone and after that this bone one is like 00 because Arial engine just see the start point of this boom so it doesn't matter if you rotate it like this amp it in here okay if you put it like this for example you know that the start point is important for a real engine so it will create a bone from the root that is 00 0 to this start point so the end point doesn't matter okay so let's just contrl Z to bring it back but for for presentation in blender and for animating or object in blender it's important to draw it like this but you should know I can't say it enough that the onreal engine just care about this start point and just the hierarchy okay so this bone is child of this root right so let's just create another bone click on a stop point this end point not the body not the start Point click on the end point hit e on your keyboard to create another bone inide of that bone okay bone number zero bone number one right hit Z to bring it up like this again hit click on this and let's just click on it and change it name to Bone number two so again it's very important for you to understand that Arial engine just care about the start points from root to a start point of bone one will be bone one from the end point of bone one to a start point of bone two will be bone two okay we will see it in Aral engine let's just create another bone at e to extrude at Z to bring it up on z- axis and now we have our bones right everything is cool and now we should attach it to our M right now no it's not attached to our mesh so let's just go to object mode first of all click on your mesh and after that hold shift and select on your bone contrl p and tell it to set the parent to to the mesh that we selected with automatic weights click on it and now you can see the box is the child of root as well okay and we have our bones but you may say that in aial engine should be exactly look like this but no let me show you first of all I want to click on the root and go to pose mode to show you in here how you can create some pose right so click on this bone head R to rotate it okay you can see when we rotate it the cubes are rotating within okay hit R and you can see we can create some pose with it I don't want to do that I want to do it in aial engine as well and I want to clear this stuff with Unreal Engine all right so now we have our three box in here and we have our bones and we connect our bones to our mesh right everything is cool now let's just go to pipeline export send to Unreal Engine and it says you don't have any object under the export collection so for using this pipeline if you don't know about this pipeline in last video I did talk about it how you can easily export something from blender to Arial Engine 5 and this was for pipeline I did talk about it so in here first of all just go pipeline utility create predefined collection and it will create this export collection now we should select our root and box in here and put it on our export collection in here so whatever in export collection this pipeline export sent to Onre we send it to Unreal okay let's just go to Unreal and you can see it give us the skeletal mesh physical acid and or a skeleton okay the important one is this skeleton okay and you can see it's at the root bone one bone two and Bone three and if you go to character and click on bone all the hierarchy you can see is just showing you two bone but it's not showing you two bone it's there is three bone in here with the root right so the root the root is 000000 location the bone one is from the the root position to a start of the um bone one we did talk about it in here okay so this that we called bone one the start point of that is important for Unreal Engine 5 okay and let me show you with an example in here so for example in here I want to go to edit mode and change the select the start point in here hit G and after that Z to bring it up so no you know that the start point of the bone is important for aial engine five right so the bone one will be the root from root to a start point of bone one and now if we export this to Unreal let's just close this and again open it now you can see the bone one is starting from root that is 00 0 to that location that the start Point location okay let me open both of them and you can see the start location is in here and the is the root is in here so the bone one won't be this and it will be from root to a start point of of this bom one and you can see it in here okay so that's important tip that you should know and in here let me again control Z to bring it back at the right place and that's it let's just again export it to arel and now you can see the bone one is just this okay and you may think that it's not correct it's correct but it's another way of showing bones and it work in both of unreal and blender the same so let me again open both of them and in here I want to click on root and go to pose mode and in here we already in pose mode so for example if I click on this bone one and hit R to rotate it you can see we can rotate it like this and again in here if you click in here and try to rotate it it exactly will rotate like this so again in here we click on bone number two in here and we want to rotate it like this okay and in here bone number two we want to rotate it like this okay exactly the same right so the bone number three three we want to rotate it this way and in here if you click on bone number three if you want to rotate it it feel exactly look like the same just the presentation and visibility of these bones different is different from blender to Unreal Engine five and it doesn't matter right so if you eager to have that last bone the representation of this bone you know that the bones are working like each other in blender and Ariel everything is cool right so in here I did reset the pose of these bones and I want to show you know how you can export it like we have it exactly in here right so for that go to pipeline go to export setting dialog in here go to export and in Armature just check this at Leaf bone and after that you can send it to let me again bring it up I don't know why it's going away so in here check this add Leaf bone and send to Unreal and that's all you need to do and know if you go to arel you can see we have all of those bones but this last bones that is called bone tree end it won't do nothing for us okay it won't do anything it's just for representation you just should select these bones for example this Bone Tree and rotate it it's just for representation it will automatically that add this end bone so you can have a representation of that right so that was it guys for this video in the next video I will show you how you can wre a character in blender and how you can use all of those animations that is already in AAL Engine 5 and how you can use any animation no matter what in Internet that you find uh to use it with your own character the character that you design and or the character that you freely downloaded right and after that we will talk about how you can create your own animation and add it to onreal Engine 5 so thank you thank you thank you thank you very much for watching it's my honor to have you here please please please if you want to help me hit the like button and subscribe to my channel it's my honor to have you here thank you very much for watching bye
Channel: unreal magic
Views: 12,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xu9mkIT8MjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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