Ret Paladin Pre-Raid BiS Guide | Phase 1 of Classic WoW!

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[Music] hey what's going on everybody welcome back to another video I've been getting a lot of questions asking about getting raid ready as soon as you hit 60 for classic so I wanted to make a quick guide just showing your pre raid bus and select gear for phase 1 as a rep paladin you're already gonna have to overcome a lot of stigma most people don't want you in the group to begin with so you're gonna have to damn well do your best to get the best gear you could possibly get before going into the raid to you know stand your own so yeah this is gonna show some different items that you can get different couple different options as well as trying to avoid a couple of those very expensive items that will be your pre raid best in slot that you can eventually get but as far as phase 1 goes these will be some fairly good equivalent options or you know close to at least so let's go ahead and jump right into it alrighty guys starting off from the helmets the Lionheart helm is gonna be your best in slot for a while it's 18 strength 2% crit 2 % hit so this is perfect for what you're looking for for DPS however at the launch of classic it's gonna be very expensive and probably a little rare might not pop up for a little while and yeah I know you're probably not gonna want to spend all your money just on this so this might be something for you later down the road when you're able to save up some money get some be able to get in some raids at some point however this will be the best the second option for you something easier to get will be the massive the Unforgiven this is off of a rare from Stratholme it has 12 spam 2% hit and 1% crit so it's got the stats you're looking for this is a pretty good option for you right there and then moving down to the 3rd option would be the eye of rend this is a decent one as well it's lacking the hit chance however it does have 2% crit so that's pretty strong right there as well as having 13 strengths this is off of the Warchief Rin black hand from Blackrock Spire and then a decent option for you as well it would be the crown of tyranny if you couldn't get any other ones you can roll with this it's got 20 stem however you lose 10 spirit but it does have 40 attack power and 1% crit so that crit chance that you're looking for is gonna be right there for you and then another decent option will be the shadow craft helm this is actually has 20 aji 18 stab and 13 strength the the agility on this one and the strength kind of make up for it so it's gonna give you a little bit of crit chance a little bit of attack power so a decent option for you well if you couldn't get into the other ones alright so moving on to necklaces market forging is going to be probably your best option here it's got one percent chance to create and 26 attack power this is off of a quest chain from Western Plaguelands moving on from that one we have the Imperial jewel this is off of Emperor Emperor from the last boss in Blackrock depths this has 32 attack power and 7 stem it's a decent option it is lacking that crit chance that you're looking for and hit chance but it's a decent bit of attack power for you and then another option for you would be the emperor fury talisman this has eight stam five spirits 7 fire resist which is nice for molten core and then has 1% crit chance so you're gonna be stacking that crit as much as possible alright so for shoulders we're gonna go with the true strikes shoulders these are gonna be highly highly contested they're pretty much pretty read best in sloth for most DPS melee dps classes so you're gonna have rogues going for you're gonna have hunters going for it warriors so it's gonna be tough to get however if you do it's great it has 2% hit chance as well as 24 attack power this is off pyro guard umber serine Blackrock Spire right and then moving down we have the black dragon scales shoulders these are pretty decent option as well this has 9 stamps 6 fire resist and 40 attack power so it's a good chunk attack power it doesn't have crit however the set bonus does give you if you get two pieces will give you 1% hit chance and if you get 3 you will have 2% extra courage so it's a pretty decent option this is nice for molten core it is male so it's you're not wearing leather be a little bit tankier however I'm not totally sure if the set bonuses will be in from the start I'll have to check on that but from what I know it by itself for the attack power is a decent option if you weren't able to get a true strike and then from there we have some plate shoulders the worm Slayers Paul ders these are just a world job you're more than likely gonna be able to find them on the auction house they're pretty decent they're not they're not gonna be the best but they can hold hold the place for meanwhile why you replace it but it's gonna have 12 strengths 12 stamina and 8 agility so decent option for you right there and then another option for you could be these small doses of valor the dungeon set 1 for warriors these are pretty decent and not the not the best it's still lacking that create or hit that you're looking for but it does have a good chunk of stamina has 11 strengths and then 9 agility so that's gonna be a decent option for you as well and then there's another set of shoulders from high Lord o makki and Blackrock Spire lower Blackrock Spire actually this one's gonna give 20 attack power so not quite as good as the dragon the black dragon plate but it'll make do for now already and for chest plates we're gonna go with the death-dealer breastplate this is off the chest of the 7 from Blackrock depths there's gonna give you eight stam 8 strengths and 2% crit so a really good option for you that crit that you're looking for and then we're gonna move down to the tombstone breastplate this is a very good option as well 10 strength tents damn 2% crit this is from Dark Master Ganley from scholomance this is going to be a pretty strong option for you as well if you weren't able to get one of those pretty strong option for you is going to be the cadaverous armor this has eight strengths eight agility and sixty attack power so a good chunk of attack power is lacking that crit that you're looking for but the attack power is decent enough to make it work for you and then another option would be the night brace tunic this is five agility so a little bit of crit chance barely barely any though but 50 attack power so a decent option then stacked on that as a little bit of resistance for fire and shadows so can help you out with resisting some of that stuff your overall your pre raid best onslaught will be the savage gladiator chain however it's a very low chance to drop this is off of gosh the dervish in Black Rock Depp's this is 13 say I'm 14 and jelly 13 strength with 2% crit so this is perfect for pre raid except for the fact that is a very low chance to drop so you're a little bit better off looking for the other ones and hope to getting one of those over this one this is I don't highly suggest farming it is possible but if you want to go for it then totally go for it if you're trying to be all out try hard you know sweaty neckbeard then go for it alright and so for the chest this you're gonna aim for the cape of the black baron this is off of Baron Riven dare and Stratholme this gives 15 agility and 20 attack power so this is gonna be pretty much your best option for your cape another decent option is Stoneskin gargoyle cape this one's off of stone spine and Stratholme this gives a totality a 7 strength in 14 stamina so a pretty strong option for a cape if you weren't able to get the black Riven dear one alright so now moving down for your bracers your best and slot is going to be the battle born arm braces this is a very nice item and it's got that 1% hit and 1% credit so both the stats you're looking for this is off for chief friend black hand from Blackrock Spire if you weren't able to get those another option for you would be the VAM braces of the status this is from Timmy the cruel he actually drops this and it's a decent items got 7 stam 6 strengths and 1% crit it's a plate as well so pretty good option for you if you're still if you still weren't able to get one of those there is a quest you can do from Blackrock Spire that will give you the blink strike arm guards this is three strengths and 1% crit so pretty strong option right there if you weren't able to get one of the other ones if you're lacking some hit chance the slash cob racers are a nice nice option to pick up that have 7 agility as long as with one percent hit chance so those are from Helicon from Black Rock spires well a pretty good option and then a decent option as well would be the black mist armed guards these are from the beasts of this 13 stay m5 strength with 1% hit so a really strong option if you're still liking that hit chance and then a decent option has some overall decent stats will be the lure of the lordly armed guards these kind of cover all stats which as a paladin you can actually make use of so you might be able to find this on the auction house for a decent price because a lot of the times items like these were they have just all of the stats done in there aren't typically very popular but however if you're still looking to fill that slot this can be an OK option for you it's got seven strengths eight spirit eight stem seven intellect and seven agility so overall not too bad increase your mana pool by a tiny bit and get that crit chance a little bit up as well another option for you would be the shadow craft bracers these have high agility so 15 agility and 7 stem is gonna be a decent option for you as well so for your gloves your devil sword Gollancz will be your pre rate best in slot however in the beginning of the patch they might be super pricey they are from leatherworking you're gonna have to you know there might be a devil sword mafia already happening but you can do your best to try to pick these up if you happen to have skinning or you know a leather worker they could possibly help you out make these for you but picking them off the auction house is gonna be a very hefty toll these do have 9 stamp 28 attack power and 1% crit chance so very strong if you get that 2 set bonus as well adding another 2% hit that's just what makes the cherry on top for this set very strong another option for gloves if you weren't able to get the devil sore you can pick up the Reaver claws off of overlord where the lock in a block expire this has 15 stem 9 strength as well as 1% crit chance another option would be the skulls finger finger bone claws this is off of skull and Stratholme this gives tense damn and then 40 attack power so a decent chunk of attack power this option is not so bad as well this is a world drop it's a level 37 epic that is 1% chance to crit 20 attack power and then 30 attack power when fighting undead if you weren't able to pick these up they might be kind of expensive I won't I don't suggest looking out for them exactly but if you happen to have them or maybe you can get them for very cheap this might be a decent option for you too all right now starting off with the belts Oh mocks girth restrainer is a decent option for you it's got 15 strengths and 9 stand and 1% crit this is off of a quest from Blackrock Spire as well another good option would be the cloud runners girdle 15 agility and 14 strength this is off of quartermasters Zig risks from Blackrock Spire so there's gonna be a strong belt for you to pick up a girdle of Bistrot fury is a nice option for you eight strength 10 stamp 30 attack power off of the Eviscerator in Blackrock depths it might be an easier one for you to pick up if you couldn't get any of the other ones alright and another option for you it will be Brigham's girdle this is 15 strength 15a 16 stamina excuse me and then 1% chance to hit so this is a pretty strong waist if you can pick this one up this is off general dreck Asaf from Blackrock Spire moving down to the handcrafted master smith girdle this is a pretty decent option for you as well this is from Gorelick anvil crack from Blackrock Spire 11 strength tens dam in 10 agility so decent option for you to pick up if you weren't able to get one of the other ones alright now moving down to the legs so the cloud keeper leg plates are gonna be a pretty good option for you however they are a world drop and they are an epoch so they can be very very expensive if you happen to like get them by chance as you're requesting or whatever then awesome if not I wouldn't exactly seek them out there are some other okay options for you that you can fill that slot and not feel too two down on it the cloud keeper of like plates are pretty cool they have 20 stam 20 strength 20 agility and they have an on use effect which increases your attack power by a hundred for 30 seconds so pretty strong for for your pre-raid best in slot however you can get some decent options such as the devil soar leggings these are actually really good as well they have 12 stamp 46 attack power and 1% crit chance this is gonna be the same problem with the gloves is that they come from leather working with devil sores they're gonna be very expensive as these are pre-raid best and slot as well for other classes however if you are able to get them you get that 2 set bonus that 2% hit is gonna be huge then we can move down to the blade master leggings these are going to be a pretty decent option for you they have 5 agility on them as well as 1% hit 1% crit and then 2% dodge the dodge doesn't really matter but these are off the beast from Blackrock Spire they're gonna be pretty pretty good option for you if you still need to fill that hit cap or that grit that create that you're looking for and then moving down to the handcrafted master Smith leggings these are actually pretty strong as well they are lacking the crit that you're looking for but how they do have 29 strengths so a ton of strength on them which is gonna be a nice bit of attack power for you and as well as having 12 stamina these are from gorlok anvil crack as well and then another option for you out of the storm shroud pants these are from leather working as well so they could be pretty pricey however if you know someone who can make them for you it's a not a bad option with 2% crit chance alright and so for boots we're gonna use the battle chasers breeze these are a really strong option however they are a world drop so you'll have to look for them on the auction house or you know just hopefully you run across them maybe a guilty can pick them up like find them for you however they are gonna be pretty strong 13 agility 14 strength and 8 stam so a decent option for you right there if those were too expensive kind of the downgraded version of that would be a fair on scale boots these are probably gonna be kind of expensive as well but sometimes you're able to pick them up you know sometimes these some posted on the auction house for a decent price and you're able to grab them it might not be a too bad of a choice these have nine agility 14 strength and 14 stamina moving towards the sum of other options you can pick up the rib steel foot guards these are pretty decent as well they have ten strengths seventeen stand and ten agility these are off iraq doom howl from Blackrock Spire and then another option if you're looking for it you can get these off of Helicon from Blackrock Spire it's 14 stamina and 40 attack power so decent chunk of attack fire right there so if you weren't able to get the other ones then this can be an option for you alright and so going into the jewelry so four rings black stone ring will be your pre read best in slot it's got six damn Tony attack power and one person chance to hit this is from princess from Mara Don you this isn't too difficult to get because it is a little bit of a lower level dungeon a lot of times you actually have people selling runs where they can get you to the end and help help you farm this you just have to buy it off of them or you can just keep queuing up and going in there yourself not a bad choice as well and then for your second ring you want to go for like pain Weaver band is a good option got seven stam 1% crit and 16 attack power this is off of general dragon set from Blackrock Spire pretty good option for you a decent options right here would be magnesia 7 stam and 1% crit this is from a quest called the princesses surprise from Blackrock depths this is a little bit of a lower level item but if you weren't able to fill that slot again this is the assault band it's got 7 Sam 5 spirit and 20 attack power it's another world drop so it could be expensive but again if you're if you're still trying to fill those those items then this could be something to pick up for you already and so for trinkets there's pretty much two options there's not much more it's gonna be the hand of justice which is a two percent chance on hit 2 game 1 extra attack and also gives you 20 attack power so this is off Emperor so you're gonna see a lot of people looking for this warriors row even sometimes hunters but you really want to try to get this item so do your best to farm as much as you can do those impure runs the lava runs and try to get try to get this item it's gonna be really really strong for you all right and then the the bread to your butter is gonna be your black hands breath this says he increased your chance to crit by 2% this is from a quest chain a really really strong item you're not gonna replace this for a long time as well so these are the two you're gonna look for there are some kind of odd trinkets here in there that you could use but these are pretty much the ones you're gonna want to use for the most part all right now so let's talk about weapons so you want something that slow as possible so something like the arcanite reaper is gonna be really really strong for you it's got really good top-end damage it's a 3.8 speed so it's right in that sweet spot that you're looking for it's got 13 stamens 62 attack power however this can be a very expensive item you're gonna have to find a blacksmith that knows the pattern or you're gonna to learn by something yourself and hopefully you get the pattern and then finding all the you know the materials to make this item it's gonna be pretty costly so that being said if you can get this please do it is it's gonna be awesome until you replace it with a raid item however I'll give you some other options here that you can use so the nikkor is a pretty strong option as well it's got that super slow 4.0 attack speed with high top-end damage overall DPS a little bit lower but rep Aldens you really want that slow attack speed to get those steel command products going off more this does have a proc chance on it which in dungeons is not gonna be a big deal however in rating if you're in a group and you know there's only so many debuff slots and they really don't want the the nikkor proc to be taking up one of those it can push off an important debuff so you know it's it's gonna be one of your better options but you know like be wary of that so just just take note and try to pay attention to that a decent option for you as well as the Black Hand doom saw this is a pretty decent item it is a little bit quick a tiny bit quick from what you want however it's 3.5 it has high DPS as well as a high top-end damage and then the proc chance on this actually sometimes depending I think can make this worth it to pick up this chance on hit to wound the target for 324 to 541 damage can actually crit if that does create it actually proxies your vengeance so it's a pretty decent option for you if you're still looking to rip on you know to replace your weapon from questing right and so another option for you would be the dread Forge retaliate err this is a decent option it's got 1% chance to create 30 attack power 1% chance to parry which you know for PvP can possibly be decent or for out there you know in the world a leveling or questing or you know farming it can be okay but for pre raid it's not going to be the best it does have a decent speed on it so 3.7 is going to be you know kind of in that area that you're looking for so a decent option for you all right and then so I have some kind of interesting ones that people you know if if if you've happened to find this while you're leveling up or you can find it on the auction house at a pretty decent price if you pick up destiny with and you're able to throw Crusader on that I know that's gonna be a very expensive enchant early on however this can be an OK option I know it's not gonna be as good as a slower attack speeds I know but I'm bunchy you're gonna yell at me saying oh no you need to you know the 3.8 attack speed or 4.0 however if you weren't able to get one of those this isn't the worst thing so it can hold you over until you do get one of those slower attack speeds and just the strength increase if you get that 200 strength proc plus a crusader product that's 300 strength that's a lot of attack power so it can work for you alright now here's an interesting one for you this is the black blade of sharam so this is a very low chance to drop like one one or two and I believe off of general dragisa from Blackrock Spire the last boss this is gonna be a pretty good option for you a lot of people actually don't know about this weapon the the chance the drop is so low that most people don't really know about it however it has a really cool chance on hit as well as a 3.5 attack speed which is a decent decent range for what you're looking for it's still not the best but I think honestly sometimes the procs on this can outweigh the the overall dps so when this procs it actually procs a little infernal spirit to pop up and he casts some some random spells one of those in which is increased stats by 54 I believe 30 seconds and that could actually stack so I've seen it stacked multiple times so so imagine that is like kind of a half a crusader so as long as it as well as having 50 strengths you could have 50 agility 50 in 50 spirit so overall very strong another proc on it is to increase your attack speed so that's an OK proc it's not the best for a ret paladin but still just overall increase in damage as well as it has a flame strike so that'll cast a flame strike on yourself dealing AoE damage around you which is pretty nice for a ret paladin as you you know your only source of AoE is gonna be your curse your consecration lost my train of thought there sorry so it's gonna be a nice option I'm not totally sure if it scales a spell damage I've been testing this on some servers and so far this item seems a little buggy so I haven't been able to figure out if it does or not but if it does that'll be even better another proc that it gets it actually gives you a nice mana per 5 regen effect for I believe 30 seconds as well so being a paladin sometimes man is an issue and this can be super helpful so that being said that's a decent option for you as well I mean once again this is a super low chance so it's not likely to happen but if you do get it if you do see a drop please go for it you're gonna be one of those few classes that actually can use it for the most part warriors are gonna be wanting to do wheeled and so if you're able to grab that and bring that into rating it might not be a bad option so there we go alrighty guys thank you so much for watching if you have any comments or concerns with my list of items I tried to cover most things I might be missing a few things but that being said thank you so much for watching look forward to some new videos coming out soon I'm planning on doing some leveling guides to prepare everyone for the launch as well as I might have a video on consumables and stuff that you're gonna be looking for as a ret paladin so stay tuned and once again thank you so much please hit that subscribe button and like this video if you enjoy my content and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Milloh
Views: 35,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, Esfand, Drakova, blizzcon, wow trinket, vanilla wow, vanilla server, classic wow server, vanilla wow leveling, wow quests, wow zones, wow soundtrack, wow lore, wow bfa, battle for azeroth, shockadin, paladin, reckoning, milloh, ret paladin, retri paladin, retribution paladin, pvp, guide, Twitch, Livestream, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Raiding, Guide, blizzcon 2019, Highlights, Leauge of Legends, Riot, Blizzard, BFA, WC3, Diablo, Diablo 3, PvP Video
Id: 9e1gfji79ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2019
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