Level Faster! Paladin Classic WoW Leveling Guide!

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hey what's up everyone welcome back to another video so I'm gonna go ahead and cover leveling today this is something that's been requested as the launch classic is coming up very soon so I wanted to go ahead and cover some basics some tips and tricks that I think are helpful for leveling some other guides out there I've seen have been pretty good but a little couple inaccuracies here and there so I just wanted to go ahead and make sure we get you guys moving in the right direction for leveling a paladin so here we go alright guys so let's go ahead and start off with the race so you're sitting here at the character screen you're trying to decide exactly what you want to play and you got two options you got the humans and you have the dwarfs so each have their own benefits so I'm gonna go ahead and break these down for you one by one just so that you have an idea of what can work for you so we'll start with the dwarfs dwarfs are probably the best for PvP I would say they have stone form which is amazing cooldown is gonna make you immune to bleed poison and disease and also give you a ten percent armor bonus so this is very handy for paladins a lot of people think oh well you have cleanse so why would you really need that so say you know you Bop yourself to avoid damage from a rope you put up stone form that broke can't blind you if you're stuck in a blind you can't cleanse the blind right so that's one of the major benefits of having that as well as the immunity to bleed this comes in handy and you know if a rogues trying to bleed you out or a feral drew they pop up they're you know they're all the ruptures and everything and you're you sit there you go boom and you are immune to bleed so it immediately reduces the damage by a lot stone form can actually come in handy in some PvE circumstances as well there are a couple fights where you're gonna get a bleed on you or poison and it's very nice to be able to get that off you immediately which is that one cooldown make you mean to it for a little while as well door assault also have a bonus in gun skill this doesn't affect paladins at all you also get a frost resistance bonus by 10 this is not too bad this comes in handy later on when you're fighting you know frost mages shamans with their frost shocks next randomness has a couple fights where you need frost resistance it's very important and then your last racial ability is gonna be treasure finding this is just something kind of fun to have being able to track down hidden chests inside caves etc it's you know just a kind of a fun ability nothing to in particular that's super strong about that alright and now for the humans I would say these are preferable for PvE you have perception which is a decent ability it's you know it you can help you pull out some rose or feral dudes from Stealth it doesn't I would say you know it's it's it's okay it's it's not the best but honestly sometimes if you pop perception and you're able to pull a rogue out of out of stealth keep them from opening up on you this can be super handy so yeah I think it has its its spots but you know not necessarily anything too amazing from there we're going to move down to diplomacy so diplomacy that actually gets 5% bonus rep this is actually pretty handy so as you complete quests or you kill mobs you're gonna get a little bit of extra bonus rep so it get you towards your goals faster whether you're trying to buy a certain item from a rep vendor or you're just trying to buy maybe a new mount maybe you want to get the you know a tiger mount from the Night Elves you can that will help you get there they're a little bit quicker and then we'll talk about let's see human spirits so five percent increased spirit this is actually pretty handy for leveling and for healing it's not necessarily the best that to have but just a little bit about a spirit you'll notice your Health's gonna regen a little bit quicker than others and can keep you moving so and then the amazing part about a human for PvE is gonna be the sword and mace skill you get plus 5 in swords maces both one hander and two hander and this is literally probably one of the best stats that you can have so weapon skill for people who don't know it reduces your chance to be parried dodged or miss or also reduces I think glancing blows as well so having +5 on that will basically reduce the amount of hit chance you're gonna need so far I think it's confirmed that it gives you about three percent ish hit rating so you stack that up on top of your prot precision talent for another three percent there you only need a little bit of extra hit rating from your items and you're already covered so that's why humans are really strong for PvE alright guys so I'm gonna go ahead and show you my progression for my talents that I'll be running I'll show you different options so if you decide you want to do some AOE leveling or holy leveling or retribution leveling I'll give you all the options right here for you so starting off with what I think you everyone should probably do for leveling is just go full retribution this is gonna give you the most damage boast the best you know it's like single person leveling however if you want to do some duo leveling maybe you know group leveling you're gonna do some dungeon runs Holi or protection might not be a bad option for you so gonna go ahead start off with retribution I pick up five points out of four improve blessing a mite that's 20% increased attack pie right there then from here you can either go five in a deflection if you're doing solo leveling this is gonna be very very handy if not maybe improve judgment just to increase your DPS a little bit however I'm just gonna go 5 out of 5 deflection I'm gonna go seal a command I'm gonna go two points into pursuit of justice for the movement speed then go into the crit chance gonna go ahead and max that out right away then from there I'm going to move back up improve judgement gonna get sanctity aura gonna get two-handed weapons weapons specialization and then from there we can either put points in a benediction improve sila crusader vindication or eye for an eye eye for an eyes kind of a PvP thing vindication is not that strong until later down the road and then benediction just produce the mana cost so a little bit more efficiency so I kind of tend to aim for that I just like to be efficient as I level try to keep moving so then from there I'm gonna go ahead and pick up points into vengeance and then repentance so there you go there's a full red tree and then moving down you can either choose to go down the holy tree or the protection tree I personally am going to go down the protection tree to pick up precision early on so from here I'm going to go ahead and pick up redoubt I think improve devotion or isn't strong enough so I will go over it out there three points in a precision and then once I have that I'm going to go ahead and move over to the holy tree so I'm gonna go ahead and get five points of divine strength I'm gonna go ahead get five points into the divine intellect and then get my consecration and so we got one point left so this is where you can kind of choose where you want to do with it you can put it in to improve plan hands maybe Guardians favor yeah so I personally probably gonna go let's see let's maybe improve lay enhance just a little a little bit off your cooldown just you know have it up more often for you so there we go that's a pretty standard Rhett leveling build for you this is going to be the best for single person leveling so I'm gonna go ahead and now cover protection leveling so this is something that I think you should pick up later down the road maybe like level 40 plus I don't think it's strong enough to do on its own without without the right kind of setup here so we're gonna go ahead and pick up or doubt to start off with I'm gonna get precision for that hit chance and then we're gonna go into toughness for some increased armor pick up that Blessing of Kings for when we're in groups and then here's where you can make a choice so I like to go and prove righteous fury just for tanking so I can get in those five bands and not have much of a problem then I'm gonna go into anticipation a couple at one point they're gonna get improved hammer at justice then we get a couple more points into anticipation get a busting of sanctuary I'm going to go ahead and pick up five points of reckoning four points of one hand weapons little ization and then Holy shield so this is why I think you should wait till 40 if you're gonna try to do some AoE leveling as for the holy shield it is a mana intensive spell however its I think it outweighs if you were to try to go consecration AoE leveling consecration just takes so much mana that I just don't think it it it justifies the mana cost like the damage just doesn't do enough like it's it's not quite however with with Holy shield this increases your chance to block as well as deals damage so essentially reducing your damage and dealing damage at the same time and plus it gives you a nice bonus threat when you block an attack with this holy damage so when you're leveling in a dungeon this will be super helpful for you to keep aggro so once I have those points there I'm gonna go up back into the holy tree to pick up that consecration for later on for leveling so I'm gonna go ahead and get divine strength five points and then from here I like to pick up improve shield righteousness just to have a little bit of extra damage on that it's a decent choice you can also just go five points and divide an intellect if you'd like and then from here we go consecration and then we have some extra points here so healing lights actually pretty strong because these this 12 percent improved heals is off your base heal so it's gonna give you just as much healing as if you were like a full-on holy paladin and then so you can either choose to pick up that you can go improve lay on hands you have a couple different options I personally like to go down into the red tree so I'm gonna go ahead and pick up benediction for reduce mana cost and I'm gonna go into five points to fight or excuse me four points deflection there we go so I like the parry chance it's just I think it's overall very strong sometimes you can do this as well you can go two points judgment two points parry this is nice just for the lower cooldown and your judgement when you're taking those judgments or sort of like your quote/unquote pseudo time that's gonna be the best you're gonna get for a top as a prop paladin so that's something you can do as well alright and then we'll talk about holy leveling so holy leveling I only suggest if you're gonna be leveling with eight group other than that you're just not gonna have enough damage to level on your own so if you're gonna do it in a group I mean honestly I would I would do if I was you guys and you you know you really work hard set on healing I would still just go down the retribution tree or still go down the protection tree you know once you're later down the road just because you can heal all you have to do is grab a couple pieces of intellect gare anything with any mana for five or healing and you can heal just you'll be okay trust me but if you really are stuck hard stuck on wanting to go holy here you go I'll show you a little build for you if you have a group with you all the time and you're just like I'm gonna just sit here healing dungeons for my group until I hit level 60 is something you can do you go five points divine intellect five points spiritual focus pick up consecration just for the AoE if for if you're doing dungeon leveling this comes in handy for a wing groups down healing light and then we can go into improve lay on hands a point five points illumination when I get divine favor I'm gonna go to points blessing of wisdom I'm gonna get another point in to improve lay on hands and then from here you have a couple different choices you can either go lasting judgment unyielding faith or some points into divine strength I personally would probably go lasting judgment just so that you don't have to be judging super super often so we go five points into five percent crit for your holy spells this is amazing for healing and then we have holy shock right here so I personally don't like to pick up holy shock if I'm leveling like this it's just it costs too much money this karzai sorry not too much money it cost too much mana so I would leave out on that one and this is what I do so from here you're gonna go down into the protection tree I'm gonna go ahead and pick up read out pick up precision pick up Guardians favor you can't gardens favor I'm gonna go ahead pick busing of Kings and then we have some extra points here so I'm gonna go ahead and put that into toughness just to be a little bit tankier then we have improved hammer of justice improved consecration concentration aura this is amazing for healer and then put a point into place blessing of sanctuary so there's a full healing build for you if that's what you want to do as you level up it's you know it's an option I I probably wouldn't suggest it but I've been getting questions on how to level as holy and I guess this would be a way to do it alright guys i'm go ahead and talk about rotation this is something that i see people get kind of messed up a lot they think you know it looks on pen and paper you're like oh hey like judgment the crusader i'm gonna judge that first that increases my holy damage and now i'm going to use my seal command - do you know even more damage but however it doesn't necessarily work like that you know so it does give you that bonus damage however you are better off just immediately judging your command and looking for a crit to get vengeance up and most these fights are gonna last that long you between mobs so having that sealer Crusader up on I'm sorry judgement of the Crusader up on the mob you're not gonna actually get that much bonus for it to make up for the time that you you know you're killing the mom you do want to judge just really the Crusader however on you know say you're fighting a boss or a rare mob who's got a bit more health it's gonna take a little bit longer to kill that's when you want to go ahead and put that up on there for you and then honestly a lot of times just to keep moving sometimes I'll judge wisdom I'll judge light to try to balance my health out and then just keep my seal command up just for the damage but that's something that I like to weave in there here and there like so if my mana is getting about 50% I don't want to stop to drink I can run up to a mob judge wisdom and then start getting some auto attacks and they'll give me a little bit of mana regen just while I'm fighting that mob but as well as adding your you know blessing a wisdom you can weave that in and out of like instead of just having might up constantly you know you're moving between mobs you don't want to stop to drink throw up wisdom next mob you fight judgement of wisdom and then use your sila command again so that'll just get your mana moving back up a little bit and then you know keep you from having to stop and drink all the time alright so here's some basic tips for leveling speaking of mana you really want to find a mage buddy or at least when you're in a major city ask a mage to make you some water having a mage mickey water can save you a lot of money even if you give him a small tip that's gonna be super super impactful if you go through the game just buying water off of vendors you're gonna spend a lot of money right there and you really want to get your mount when you're level 60 I know many people are saying that they want to wait for the you know the Paladin quest chain to come out so that you can get your charger I know it's an amazing looking badass mount however you want to probably just get it quicker than that you you know as soon as you get your epic now you're gonna be able to do everything faster quests you know dungeons like getting to dungeons you know everything like getting to wherever you need to go it's just gonna be a way way way way faster so I highly suggest doing that as well as some other like you know combat related benefits to having a regular mount versus the charger mount the charger mount is a spell it does cost mana so that messes up the rule of five so if you cast that it stops your mana regen for a little bit you know say a mage runs up and counter spells you as you're casting your mount boom you're locked out of your spell's for a while so that's never good but yeah I mean I do love the charger mount it is amazing looking however when classic lunches and if I happen to get up to sixty quick enough and then I'll grab you know probably just the regular mount but that being said also another tip for saving money would be to pick up skinning as you level skinning is a really easy profession to level up all you have to do is skin the Beast that you're killing and as you level trust me you're gonna be killing a lot of beasts so that's just an easy way to make money you can actually just vendor the skins that's something that I always tend to do instead of trying to put them on the auction house to sell them there's gonna be think about there's gonna be thousands of people leveling all at the same time and probably a ton of them are gonna pick up skinning just because of the same effect and honestly putting it on the auction house you're not gonna make that much extra money over just finding it a lot of times I was actually looking at a it was one of the servers I played on and I looked on the auction house for the prices of skins and someone was auctioning them for cheaper than the vendor price so just take note make sure that you look how much they vendor for and then you know make sure you're getting your money's worth so another tip would be to pick up every item that you can find and while you're at it make bank alts bang cults are super helpful to have what I highly suggest is to make a couple different bang Colts some different names like I don't know for me I'd call it you know milho skinning mill enchanting mill oh whatever you know and then as you're leveling up you know oh I got this item that I don't necessarily want a vendor I don't want to have to run back to a major city to put it in a bank or anything you can just mail it over to an alt and the thing with the olds is you don't even have to login to them right away you can just mail it to them you know as you're leveling okay now you have some downtime you want to hop over and grab that alt you could log in run over to the mailbox pick up the item you're looking for and boom it's basically essentially you know free bag space so another tip that I would suggest is you don't have to learn every single spell this is something that people who might be newer to classic they're kind of unaware of your spells cost a lot of money to learn so currently in the game you just as you level up you just automatically get free abilities so in classic every two levels you will learn it some a couple of new abilities or so and they actually cost a good chunk of money and so you know money is very important in classic so you don't want to be spinning at all on some abilities that you might not even use like for example for a paladin at some point you get turn turn Undead which is a decent spell for later on down the road but early on you probably don't need to have it it's you know it's okay like sure you can fear an undead mob but is it better to get your higher rank of a judgement or of a seal than to have turned on dead most likely so yeah just take note just look at your abilities try to play it out okay like do I have money to pick this up you know like just try to plan accordingly to what you want to actually gather you know because repair costs are a thing you're gonna want to save money like your mounts very important to have your epic mount just having money to you know buy food or water if you have to is very important and getting those main abilities that you want a level up or gonna be more way way more worth it then you know just having to spend your money on that kind of stuff alright so another thing that I've been hearing is that dungeon leveling is not worth it so from the beta it looks like it is worth it so on private servers it looks like a lot of people were trying dungeon levelling and it just wasn't cutting it for him so I think that you should do dungeons honestly I I've always done tons as I leveled up and sometimes it can slow down your leveling process if like maybe you have a group that's struggling to get through something but honestly in my opinion getting those some of those quests done from the dungeons picking up items twelve bosses that I can really help your leveling process afterwards like if your solo leveling this could be super helpful to get like for example you can do I was at Razer fitting crawl that has the corpse maker it's like a level 29 30 axe or whatever that is a very strong two hander that you could pick up you know early on if you do that dungeon you can grab that axe and you're gonna be very happy once you have it so there's little tips and tricks like that that I have it's just to do okay guys that's just a quick and dirty leveling guide for ret paladin's pretty straightforward wanted to make it simple and easy for you guys but thanks so much for liking subscribing if you want more classic while content or gaming content in general I'm trying to grow the channel so I really really appreciate it guys so thank you again and have a good one [Music]
Channel: Milloh
Views: 131,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, Esfand, Drakova, blizzcon, wow trinket, vanilla wow, vanilla server, classic wow server, vanilla wow leveling, blizzcon 2018, wow quests, wow zones, wow soundtrack, wow lore, wow bfa, battle for azeroth, shockadin, paladin, reckoning, milloh, ret paladin, retri paladin, retribution paladin, pvp, guide, Twitch, Livestream, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Raiding, Guide, steel-leveling, world first
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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