Classic WoW: Paladin PvE Guide - Talents, Pre-Raid BiS, Enchants & Consumables

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oh hey guys my name is a metal goblin and welcome to my paladin PvE healing guide for classic Wow it's important to note that this video will be relevant for every single phase of a game so don't worry when you're watching this video it will be useful to you today we're going to cover a number of topics talents stat priority improve red best in slot gear enchants consumables and lastly we'll finish off talking about the healing play style just before jumping guys please do give me a quick full and twitch I'm streaming over as much as I can right now so let's jump in let's start talking about talent for talents you have two main builds your standard healing build event your blessing of the sanctuary build so let's talk about Miss Bill's repair first of all it's V the build really focuses around one key talent that is called illumination so let's read this very quickly after getting the critical effect from your flash of light Holy Light or holy shock spell you get a hundred percent chance to gain mana equal to the base cost of that spell this means when a powell instax enough crit he will basically become an infinite mana machine because you're gonna get undue percent of your manner actually refunded to you once you've got your spell career and your intellect stacked high enough or Weaver talents here they're really just flat-out increasing your healing and you spec slightly into basically protection expect to pick up blessing the Kings and you can spec slightly into retribution to get improved blessing at my however you may not want to go you don't have to go to it for this talent here you can swap it up with something else if you really want to you know again it has to be discussed between you and your class leaders you know I'm buffing you know each problem will have a buffing role like one palden buffs bomb one buff Spock one buff both busing a sanctuary one buffs busing a wisdom and so on and basically you have to decide what powell didn't your going to be what Paulding you're gonna buff sorry what book you're going to give and then you can basically mix and match and kind of move around to town slightly depending on what both you're actually providing for the raid however it is mostly better to just kind of get blessing the Kings anyway because sometimes you're going to be in dungeons and blessing your Kings is going to be more useful you know of answer Nova buffs for certain other classes so here we have the blessing of sanctuary build so one Paulding envy in the raid group will have to spec slightly deeper into protection to basically pick up blessing a sanctuary and obviously blessing a sentry is really useful both for mainly tanks but you know it could be applied for to other people in the raid as well another really key talent that you pick up along the way to get blessing a sanctuary is improved concentration or so it increases the effect of your concentration or by an additional 15% and gives all group members you know what the very effect isn't makes incredibly important but the main thing here is obviously that stacks with the standard thing that you get from concentration aura so the best thing to do with apparel than who's expecting to improve concentration or is to dip him into a range caste a group because obviously if he's an arranged caster group he's gonna massively increase for DPS about range caster group because they're gonna have their casts interrupted less so let's talk about the stat priority the stat priority is as it stands healing power ven intellect ven spell crew then mp5 event stamina so the reason why ego of a healing power first over spell crit even Louis had all these amazing things about spell crit is that you just simply need your healing to actually be good right before it does crits so the main way to do violent attack healing power you can't really get any spell P can't get any small part from intellect so he stuck raw healing power and this means you can start to down rank your spell's which in the long run means that you actually save a lot of money because you're using lower rank spells so the next time that we stuck after healing power is insula the reason why we do this is because first of all obviously increase your mana pool which increases your boss fight endurance but also because 54 points of intellect actually provides 1% crit and obviously that roughly calculate about two pieces of intellect get is gonna give you 1% crit so it can I kill two birds with one stone but honestly we need enhanced a spell crit to proc our illumination which reforms all of our mana so your main manner efficiency actually comes from stacking spell career rather than mp5 that's why mp5 is a little bit further down and b5 is still useful but you're going to get more mana efficiency out of stuck in your healing power really high so get down rocky spelled and so another and obviously two also stuck in selected spell crit so he get all your mana refunded and that's pretty much that what makes paladin you know stand out from the other healers that's what their Jam is you're stacking loads of healing power and spell crit so you never need to actually you never actually need manner of mana regeneration because you're just get in hundred percent if you man have reformed it so let's start talking about prove their best and slot and all the nuts and bolts at paladin needs in order to get himself raid ready so as always guys with my you know PvE guides I have a really big Google Drive document which basically has everything you need to know you can find vitamin description after the video here we have of APRI red best in slot gear and then as you go along you basically get more gear depending on what phases out so obviously I want to be relevant for every single phase of a game here is mostly like gear that you can get from dire mole and Phase two you jump over here you got all your enchants and again as you go along more and more enchants you know actually release so better enchants come out for the Paladin and that is signified by this section of the drive document and then here we have all the consumables that you need you know manner of consumables flasks elixirs or alcohol even like weapon oils and extra world bonuses that you can get all your defensives that are probably gonna need for very specific raiding counters and all the good stuff basically and then the next tab you have talents so obviously they need to check up on your talents both of the builds here in the Google Drive document you don't need to check them out anywhere else so let's start talking about what whole upheld in healing placed I probably heard this meme that all you do is spam flash of light and that's it like you you press four key for flash of light and that's pretty much what I do is all about in until you've cleared naxxramas and to an extent that is kind of true because there is my flash of lights so good overseas because if you're casting a faster heal you are casting more heals which means you have a higher chance for those heels to overall have a critical effect which means obviously you get that mana refunded so over time you are just spying flash of light and that's it another reason why we you are sprung a flash of light most where time is because basically a lot of time you can accidentally over heal particularly a tank because I he'll buy other people as well if you by the time you've casted a Holy Light the heel of the tank were you trying to heal his heel might have been topped up to the point where that Holy Light the the healing from the Holy Light has like capped it's gone is turned into an over here therefore it is less mana efficient so a lot of time you are just spamming less expensive heels so you don't heal over heel and obviously when you start stacking load the healing power you can down rank about and it becomes extremely manner efficient because barely costs any mana to cost you a flash of heel there are times when Holy Light is going to be useful I mean for instance in dungeons I like to cast Holy Light sparingly I like you know whenever I'm whenever I'm playing any healer to be honest what I do is I cast a max rank big heal values expiring Lee so I'm not casting all the time which means I have maximum mana of efficiency because I'm regenerating my mana apart from that you know holy shock becomes an useful sometimes again very rarely if your tank or somebody anyone is dying and they go and below 30% health maybe even 20% health and you know that they might be dead by the time you've cursed a flash of ion then yeah fair enough a holy shock will be able to fit in you could basically cast her only shock instantly into a flash of light to burst someone's health up as fast as humanly possible an officer divine favor comes in useful as well when you pop divine favor you next keel as a career you pretty much just use it whenever you need to but to be fair is probably more useful saving it for phases and your boss phases work which you know are going to be particularly difficult mostly another really big part of playing a paladin is your buffs okay you need to buff the group and you need to remember how to do that you need to coordinate with your class leader and do other paladin's in the group you know who's buffing what and there's probably add-ons that you can get as well I'll link bows and the description to basically that's going to help you with the buffing process because refreshing your both is a really really important aspect of playing a paladin because you're basically kind of like a little mini bard class in that aspect because the buffs are so ridiculously useful and they're useful too for the entire raid so and another really important next to buffing people it's dispelling people because I always remember to dispel people pretty much as soon as it's called for butter raid leader because that's you know dispelling on time it's being quickly if this spells remembering to buff to be honest of those two things they're gonna make it stand out more than your actual you know healing on the healing meters if you're a healer and the leaders can see that you're doing a lot of dispels and you can see about you're doing your buffs on time and everything then you're gonna be a well respected and just generally a valuable raid member so they're my German recommendations anyway that's from anyway I don't get individual ver guys my name is meta cobble into my next video ciao [Music]
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 49,677
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Keywords: classic wow guide, vanilla wow guide, classic wow priest leveling guide, classic wow warrior leveling guide, classic wow shaman leveling guide, classic wow hunter leveling guide, classic wow warlock leveling guide, classic wow mage leveling guide, classic wow druid leveling guide, classic wow paladin leveling guide, classic wow rogue leveling guide, classic wow tips, how to level faster in vanilla wow, how to level faster in classic wow
Id: Wor6sZCW5_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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