Religious mould vs Spirit life | Ezra Moses

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[Music] [Music] hello hi hi hello hey everyone please please sit how are we doing tonight it's a bit uh oh yeah so i'm gonna be preaching to this group here all the while aware that there are people behind me staring at me [Music] right awesome i really enjoyed sunday's message oh my and if i'm if i'm correct brad pitt is famous again praise jesus i'm amen all right i love i love joy i love joe i love it when it takes over amen at this very moment i i speak i pray over anyone who is sick here anyone watching if you're sick in your body be healed now be healed now right now right now right now if there's something that you couldn't do before just try it right away wherever you are receive your healing it was purchased for you amen all right i just want to when jackie was preaching there were certain times i just wanted to if i could scream and tell her please don't go there i really wanted to i said don't do not go to that chapter and don't you know it was but she just took half the sermon away like that you know and then there i was and then after a while i was rejoicing because it's the same spirit right and how beautiful is that yeah now so now we know so there you go there you go well then i still want to so so anyway i just sat and i i was thinking about [Music] so many things that have happened this last year and how it has changed the way i look at god the way i present god i as you know i passed a church and i'm invited to a lot of places and i need to present christ and and so much about that has changed and i'm just going to try uh to get you all to understand that and and what is happening at wow the wow word and why why is it so offensive to few like i i get to meet a lot of pastors as well and they don't understand this language at all uh there is so much that that we dialogue and help them but but i want to bring all that together and help us all understand something uh tonight so so if you're if you're okay so if you're okay i want to um i love to just break religion and and we're going to go into all those areas and also connect it to connected to how beautiful uh huawei is and how ego is disappearing every day right so we're gonna we're gonna travel a bit and if you will just travel with me i'm sure it'll be uh very useful very helpful right years of indoctrination years and years of indoctrination uh has led us to a place where we all have a preconceived idea of god you know it's it's i don't know if it is our fault uh because it's been years of indoctrination there's so many things that been taught and taught and thought and and there's already a a preconceived idea of this is what uh this is what god should be like you know even even with the jews that was the that was the problem you see even with the jews it was a big problem they were all waiting for messiah but they already had a religion and and they wanted a god who could fit this religion that they had created and and that was that was the biggest problem then and it's not only the problem biggest problem then it's the biggest problem now as well you know so so even though jesus came to the jews okay gentiles were a plan from way back then gentiles meaning anyone who's according to context anyone who is not jew okay so so basically you and i we're all gentiles okay and first through peter probably and then through uh the gospel started going to the gentiles and then paul my god paul really took this forward you know but but then when you when you're reading the word when you're trying to understand paul when you're trying to understand his language he was really suffering with what i would say what i would call galatianism where where if you notice paul he's always telling people hey what are you doing there that is that is not what i brought to you that is not what i came to you with why are you somewhere else what is this other gospel hey if you if you received something for free why are you working like he he hated performance like when you really understand he hated performance and performance always comes through religion when you are fixed in religion you will end up starting performing right and here is paul really really going and he he says i i go through birth pangs for christ to be revealed for christ to be formed and all i want to give you is christ and and and where are you guys that this is paul's language when you when you go into this is paul's language you know you you can hear his uh heart cry there you know so so you understand that paul was was struggling with something with presenting the gospel to the gentiles so we need to understand what was given to the gentiles to begin with what was the deal that was cut out for us are you all okay i don't know if it's the mask or i don't know it looks like all of you just uh stay i don't know probably you could be laughing for all i know you know you're okay right so so here is here is paul and if we can understand if we can just try to understand what he was trying to present to the gentiles and where it was going wrong probably just probably we might be so free to go after christ in a way that we've never done before because there's always limitations on the inside okay so so let's let's just jump to acts chapter 15 acts chapter 15. praise you jesus is uh is is this going to be on screen or some sort or do i need to read here ah right awesome so here's the context here's the context paul is being attacked here if you if you understand paul he keeps saying they came to spy on our liberty they don't understand what this is they don't understand what what i'm presenting to these people the gentiles you know it was it was not jesus per se but christ that paul was presenting like we don't have to go into that now but but but look at what's happening in chapter 15 and certain men okay this is how it starts and certain men came down from judea and taught the brethren unless you are circumcised according to the customs of moses you cannot be saved right now listen jesus died he rose all that had happened and now paul is taking the gospel to the gentiles and it's written certain men from judea came and this is what they're saying point blank to all the gentiles they look at the gentiles and say hey you cannot be saved if you don't have the customs of moses there is no saving there is no saving that can happen without moses so there is a there is a so and the next verse therefore when paul and barnabas had no small dissension and dispute with them this is no small matter because it's turning ugly it's turning into a fight it's turning into arguments and debates so it was so unsolvable this issue it was it was not easily solvable that they all decided that paul and barnabas and certain others would have to go back to jerusalem sit with the the elders the disciples and figure this thing out that is how big an issue this became meaning paul had presented something to the gentiles and there were others who had come and they said what has been presented to you is wrong you need the customs of moses you need the law you need this you need that so there's a dispute so being sent on their way by the church they pass through all these cities describing the conversion of the gentiles and they caused great joy to so everyone's rejoicing that there are so many gentiles now gathering and and when they had come to jerusalem they were received by the church and the apostles okay now are you are you with me so far when they came to so they read jerusalem they were received by the church and the apostles and the elders and they reported all things that god had done with them now again but some of the sect of the pharisees who believe they are pharisees yet believe in in the messiah for them they believe in jesus that's such a funny thing i guess that's the problem that's the problem even today so much scripture and doctrine in our head we have no idea what was given to us so much of doctrination that we are always looking for a god who can fit that mall that's been given to us in in every in every step that we take towards this in this journey with god we are always seeking for a god who can fit that mold because it's so uncomfortable breaking out of that mold so here they are these pharisees where did that go ah but but some of the sect of the pharisees who believe rosa's saying it is necessary to circumcise them and to command them to keep the law like this is this is no joke here you need to command these guys to keep the law like what what is this gospel that they are giving the gentiles the you and i they they're fighting about you and i they're discussing you and i what are they giving to these people they must be they should be commanded to keep the law what kind of christianity is this and that's what they look at us i don't know if you get it i get it every day man you need to command them now look what's happening now the apostles and the elders came together to consider this so finally the the council is gathered the council has gathered they came together to consider this matter and when there had been much dispute again can you believe who who who who is fighting over this now the apostles the disciples these are the these are the ones who you read about walking with jesus and the whole scene there even they were so confused about what was happening that they were disputing among themselves hello and when there had been much dispute you need to look when i read that i i can i can so clearly understand what would have been going on in that room i i mean i i hope i think they were not throwing chairs and mics at each other but but it was somewhere there it was somewhere there peter rose up and said to them men and brethren you know that a good while ago god shows among us that by my mouth the gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe okay now are you with me are you with me look at this part so god who knows the come on now what god who knows the god who knows the heart acknowledged them and gave them the spirit god who knows the heart god who knows hearts oh my a god who knows hearts gave his spirit and made no distinction between us and them he purified sanctified their hearts by now therefore why do you test god by putting a yoke on the neck of disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear why do we put so many doctrines and and philosophies and and do's and don'ts on on the next disciples whereas god was all about heart and spirit so so here is what the problem was what was paul taking to the gentiles and spirit can you imagine the kind of gospel the gentiles were hearing from paul then hello in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god and everything they were made everything everything was that and what was that that word the logo's word was was the revelation of christ or or or a conscience of christ a consciousness it was it was being taken to the gentiles and they were then they had the spirit and that is why paul would go on to say in in romans chapter eight when you read he would say hey if now this spirit if you don't if you don't if you don't learn this spirit life if you don't understand spirit life then you then you can't be that son which son that son who can create that son who can who can turn corruption and bring life you say you can't be that son if you don't understand spirit life because all that is being given is the spirit i'm sorry but they were not given a bible right after they were not given doctrines and and bible verses to quote and and just walk around and memorize hey christianity was never supposed to be religion it was never supposed to be religion christianity was not supposed to be memorized information passed from from one generation to the other or from one academic institution uh to whoever went there or that that is not what it was supposed to be at all it was about sanctified hearts and the spirit and it was no small matter so how did we end up here ridiculous but isn't that the truth now and this is why paul was being so persecuted because there are too many pharisees who believe without understanding that they are pharisees who believe there is too much emphasis on on letter scripture and doctrine than christ there is too much emphasis on how far man is away from god too much emphasis on how god is not accessible to common man that glory in earthen vessels has become such a dis such a far away concept to christians and this is what we're dealing with even today hello it is it is i love it i love romans romans 8 there's this verse romans 8 so much that i could have done with roman say jackie but but listen it says it says but by the spirit but by the spirit put the deeds of the flesh to death and live hey that's the gospel right there for by the spirit but by the spirit put to so so the gospel comes to this gentiles nothing was demonized nothing was stick why is it that everything about the gentiles has been demonized even today when i say even today today much more everything that has to do with the gentiles has been demonized and and and men have been taught to not see christ in anything that is not religion and there's so much of indoctrination that even we struggle to see christ in things that don't fit our religious mold and in this we walk every day calling ourselves good christians whereas it's only deception and here we are deceiving ourselves not understanding it's this spirit life that i've been invited into it's the it's the conscience of the consciousness of christ that i have been invited into are you all okay i want to go to colossians chapter two colossians chapter two poor tammy blame the spirit so when i talk about the spirit it's so dimensional there's so much to spirit there's many spirits in that sense but i don't want to take that path and i want to keep it linear just just just so i can drive this point through so so let's let's look at colossians chapter 2 and verse 10. it's a very short word that i have for you today but then but i really believe i really believe it has to set you free to just boldly walk into into into this life of living and running and walking with christ i mean if you got to if you got to understand all that all that kirby is teaching and and the word that's coming out of here you need to understand this first that the gospel was not doctrinally i i of course i understand doctrine and the importance of or the need for good doctrines in a church but hey that's that's that's not priority okay verse 10 for in him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily and you are complete in him what are we talking about we're talking about you again gentiles i like calling you gentiles you are complete in him you are fully in him and and all of him is in you this is how this is how simple you can make it he is fully all in you so so come down to um where right to the last four verses please i don't know even go go right down right the arg you've gone up to footnotes right therefore are you with me guys therefore if you died with from the basic principles of the world why as though living in the world do you subject yourselves to regulations therefore let me read that again if you died with christ from the basic principles of the world why as though living in the world do you subject yourselves to regulations do not touch do not taste do not handle this is what a church is supposed to be this is what you wear and come in all this is what [Music] and here we are trying to put to d put to death by religion and not spirit and it's why we reached here when they say don't touch don't go don't what are we trying to do we've got a we've got a very funny concept of spirit and flesh and we think we could tackle this easily with a few laws and commands and doctrines or whatever are you all okay i hope i'm making some sense to you tonight do not touch do not taste do not handle which all concern things with which perish with the using according to the commandments and doctrines of men now listen listen to me these things indeed have an appearance of wisdom hello these things of course it looks like wisdom it even looks like good religion and by following all these things we even think we are pious and and even we enjoy even we we seem to enjoy it can you imagine why millions are stuck in this place why it has to be because they're all comfortable enjoying something that they think is good and pious and holy but look at look at what it says but they are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh hello they are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh in other words these things indulge the flesh only i hope you get what i just said so these things have been indulging flesh it makes you feel so like you you accomplished in doing it you you feel so accomplished there's a sense of pride in being so right with the few written words that we have and saying i'm i'm living that and in doing that i'm only indulging the flesh here i am in the name of god feeding my ego it's all being done in the name of god by the way and here i am saying i live my life this way i don't do i do this and i don't do that and by doing all that here i am with no ego with no flesh whereas it has been the complete opposite but hey but by the spirit if i put to death the deeds of the flesh i will live whoa live can be now live can be long live can be abundant but that live it happens with the spirit life hello i'll be okay and and spirit life spirit life will actually never spirit life can actually never fit a religious mold the religious mould will never accept wise men looking at stars and seeing christ i hope i don't go into dangerous territory your religious mole will never accept wise men reading stars and finding christ your religious moles will never understand jesus let me let me help you understand this jesus the earthen vessel with glory living a spirit life walking on water like these are so no it doesn't fit the religious mole it's why a battery charge offends you so much what is a battery charge into the day when you when you're reading there is paul talking about being in a trance he's saying in my body or out of my body and and what language is that this this jewish he was a jewish boy obviously he must have had a lot of practice in a lot of these areas it's not like he one day found christ and was blinded and the next day got into trance and no no there was so much of good in him that he did not demonize but understood that it is christ he understood there was all christ christ in you the hope of glory can we can i how can i put it in other words is not not that not that fine doctrine in you it's not these beautiful scriptures that you have memorized it's christ in you who is the hope of glory are we okay it's why i need to learn what is what is happening here and put it to practice maybe like go into those meditations try it man try them out if you look at it then you you say this is not for me all this is not for me i know christ i know christ you know you know what point blank you're stuck in a religious mall that you're trying hard to stay in we are like we cannot be new wine old wine and new wine skins and that is the problem when you don't learn to just flow with the spirit it says he's like it's like the wind like the wind the wind you can never create a mold and say this is how it works you can never and the spirit life is welcoming you all that spirit life is welcoming you all to just to just break open to just break open these molds and jump into into understanding this journey and just running with all the freedom you can possibly have and in that you learn flesh you learn ego you learn all these things but understand it has to be done with the spirit it has to be done with the spirit it is about your heart it is about your heart and it has to be done with the spirit it is about your heart it is about your heart and it has to be done with the spirit also to understand your heart is already sanctified don't go into judgment with your heart understand understand that you have the grace to bring goodness out every day but how do you do it with the spirit do we do it with the spirit everything else is going to be you indulging your flesh do you understand what i'm saying i think i'm going to stop here i'm going to stop you a bit i feel like okay stop right stop there stop there and i'm just gonna i'm just gonna pray with you all when i say pray it's not like uh you know let's all close our eyes and kneel down and no no i just want to i just want to just help you all today i just want to help you all today if we can all stand together i just want you all to take a minute and then we then we're going to worship all right we're going to worship and you're going to you're going to really worship just at least for one song let's worship man give it everything okay but before that before that i want you all i want you all to see i want you all to see yourselves walking away from religion of any sort and when i see this if it doesn't make sense to you then you really need to go in deeper you understand what i mean i i tell you all of us in some way or the other are caught up in certain religious malls and and there we are trying to bring god into that and missing out on all the new that is waiting to happen for you and i but the moment you just take that step to walk away from anything religious and if i can't see it help me see it spirit take over help me see it that i can walk away from all these molds and walk into all the new without the struggle without the struggle and i'm speaking to your hearts right now that you will be able to do that tonight that you will be able to sow free yourself from the clutches of anything religious and understand that there is an invitation for you to see christ in everything and be so conscious of christ in you and in you and in you and in you amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 1,127
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, christian yoga, identity in christ, intimacy with god, life church, faith over fear, day of atonement, repentance, desiring god, bible study, personal growth, Ezra Moses, Religious mould, religious, mould, Spirit life, spirit, life, bible, holy, spiritual, prayer, holy spirit, faith
Id: tob4mVoNO3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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