Restaurant Takeover - Italian Garden

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we receive a flee from the wife of owner Joe I have been started this restaurant with his father 15 years ago and we haven't made any changes since then Joe's a little stubborn so we're not sure how he's gonna take this and they have no idea who we are and that we're coming today I'm not even sure the owner Joe knows that his wife called us we're gonna give you these little cameras Mike's gonna hand you our little spy cams you're gonna go in there get some footage for us so we're gonna sneak in and see what's really going on you ready for this Italian garden is getting restaurant takeover chef Adam Hyneman he's the melbourne trained chef and co-owner of el gastronomy vagabundeando first gourmet street food truck and restaurant takeover designer Paula Velez from the design firm PVD are you all ready to go in there not really thank you what a gentleman nothing like sense they definitely need a change God there it is shiny in all its glory the steam table how are ya so I'm looking at food through the glass on the steam table and I am NOT impressed what are you getting I'm probably gonna get a veal sandwich bill Thunder yeah apparently these veal cutlet sandwiches are meant to be delicious well at least that's what it says in the window I'm gonna try the lasagne yeah thank you thank you nothing says made just for you like food slot from a tray onto a plate the decor so wait I know the walls white aisles and the hot table I feel like I'm in a bathroom right now who wants to eat in the washroom Oh buddy I don't so I'm bad take my first bite and I am a little bit worried the schnitzel is not even crispy it doesn't even taste homemade soggy with all the juice in there no how's the lasagna Oh sauce to me is kind of watery for science actually - I've never seen a lasagna that looks like that food yeah definitely not good I want to come here for the food I'm gonna be coming into the park we did the core I don't wanna eat in a bathroom to be on yeah I've had enough yeah okay I think I'm ready to deliver this all right let's go do it hi are you Drona wonder I am we're from restaurant takeover I'm gonna have to shut you down today tell me like how long ago you've been in business we started this position my dad 15 years ago and unfortunately he passed away about a year ago me and my father we used to work everyday together um he was my best friend Joel works harder every day just to be like his father I know he's still here with us I know that this means a lot to him it's a lot a lot of emotional feelings involved here this is no jizan right now your dad has a business to you and I'm sure you would like to put your business to your kids one day if you don't give them a motor lug a fresh look fresh man you wish then this is probably gonna disappear with time you can see how hard this is gonna be for Jo but things must be bad if his wife's asked us for help I hope you can accept that maybe Paula and Adam can help us revitalize the restaurant it's always good to keep things fresh changing we like the idea of the heart table to where people could see their food I need my hot table hot tables are the worst they leave food either soggy or dried out I've got a battle in my hands here my food is very important and I will not sell something that I would not eat myself how can he say he cares about food when he lets it sit in a vat of sauce for hours on end how much of this is being the same unchanged since it was first opened besides paint and maybe the occasional floor every few years yeah he's been all the same for the last 15 years we've been pretty much piecing the whole place together this face here gets a little crowded somebody asked me for a coffee what not I have to turn around and do one of these definitely this making no sense there's no flow it's really hard for them to work their thought am I ready for the continue that's it let's go as you see this our stove we do our sauce our Veals our peppers so we're walking through the kitchen I'm having a hard time understanding how they operate in this place it's really tight back here no place to walk around to cook it is a little hectic and I am limited with the space that I have we need more counter space more shelves more storage Riteish let's go see the second fire Lee let's do it why the hell are there two kitchens everything is all over the place it's a mess I'm really touched on the food I wasn't personally blown away there's a couple of things that need to be addressed there the taste of the sandwich is non-existent for someone to come on in and criticize my food it kind of hits me hard he thinks is the best food in town and sorry joe is time for change as I see here is definitely the decor has to change we need to make it fresh to make him more modern and then address a few things with the food I want my heart table to stay if you want to do it better fix it up clean it up you're more than welcome but I need my heart table straight off the bat he's put up his defenses and he's a very prayer man I don't think it takes well to criticism for the kitchen whatever you would like to help me with I'm more than happy to work with you help me with Bobby on the chef and in charge once you hand that check over the way this work is you're gonna give me $15,000 and I'm gonna match dollar-for-dollar but we will need to close for six days and I need the keys I don't give the keys to nobody you know this is my my life my bread and butter it's hard for Joe because he started this place with his father a lot of the memories are here I am still a little worried because I don't know what you guys are doing even though you guys might not like it or it's outdated but for me this is my life you after going undercover I feel like I'm in a bathroom right now and seizing the restaurant I'm gonna have to shut you down today designer Paula and chef Adam agreed to help owner Joe save the memory of his father we used to work every day together it was my best friend but now owner Joe is having second thoughts this is my my life I don't give the keys to nobody it's all about establishing longevity for the business and you've got you know two girls and a boy that eventually you'll want to hand the business down to I'm puttin my life my family's life in your hands we need you guys to be open-minded and always remember us know your house is a business Joe was a little afraid of change this is his home but you're looking forward to a new look and we're looking forward to maybe improving the menu with your help maybe improve the menu this guy is so bloody defensive I am also not here to be criticized or anything like that I'm really worried that once we start cooking together that it's gonna get really tense really fast I actually need that check yesterday take it right there we go when it comes to me handing over my life to a lion Adam I am a little worried Joe I just need you to promise me you're gonna be open to listening to what I throw at you I I promise you and I'm looking forward to working with you so the next time you guys see me you're gonna have a brand new restaurant I understand how important is for him to make his dad proud always alright joy it's time for you to show me how you do the veal cutlet Adam I don't know he's from Australia I don't know if he's ever tried a veal sandwich before this is our veal egg wash breadcrumbs parmigiano cheese yep some parsley flakes and a little bit of garlic powder you haven't put fresh pasta in there before we do by world cuz we do so many I mostly use it do it like this and here we go again up comes Jose defensive words and you don't flare it before you we've never done the flour in part okay Joe keeps telling me that he's open to my suggestions but when I throw them at him he keeps backing off and saying this is how it's always been done and now I'm gonna fry it for you how many pans would you normally work for service sometimes I got 5 6 pounds going I don't see the possibility of deep-frying to be out of the question well you might be right there Adam you know like I'm saying uh yeah I've wanted to take her advice and we can try your wig all of these go straight into the sauce they're sitting in the sauce the whole time yes ok I tend that it seems to be more more moist to me there's no way that makes it moister soggy er maybe these are our toppings that we usually put on our sandwich yep these are coming in fresh from local suppliers or that include mushrooms no the mushrooms are canned mushrooms and fresh ingredients and fresh this why the hell is he using 10 mushrooms a lot of the customers when we use the fresh mushrooms they didn't like the texture and the way they looked I've never heard of anybody liking Tinh mushrooms on a frigging sandwich and these also they save me a lot of time and there it is tomato sauce both sides top and bottom and then depending on what the customers like I entered on usually it's mushroom sweet pepper soy onions I guess I'll have a buddy yeah was crispy I had had that posted taste that looks a damn sight better than it did yesterday coming out of the steam table okay I can't stand the flavor of it can mushroom it tastes like baby food to me there's my veal sandwich and unless you shows me something better it's gonna stay the way it is kegger welcome to Italian garden live in business for 15 years and as you can see they haven't touch anything nice bathroom tiles we're definitely in the right place my plan is just to make it beautiful so they're gonna come for Joe but also because it's a beautiful place to have lunch this wall is gonna be a very special wall we're gonna do a custom-made wallpaper have you seen this wall ah yes I'm just knock on this wall well we have to make it flat putting the wallpaper up and taking the tiles down means drivelling mudding sending priming it's igor's job to remove the stack oh I don't care he's doing it why I'm gonna do is a lot of pictures of Italy black and white and I want to have here and they're a couple of their pictures so you want to bring some emotions to this afrinolly if we make the entrance in the middle instead of the side which is where the cooking area is I think this is gonna give us a better flow moving the equipment around always involves a lot of expense issues and just gonna be a lot of problems the only thing we're going to truly change here is just to extend it and then to make the bottom with this beautiful stainless steel tile they're a little bit expensive oh gosh Adam what's he doing here I need to talk about getting some money funded towards the kitchen do you think I need enough money for all this less you can't no you need money Fred here but you've got to be able to you know maybe throw a little bit my way this is restaurant takeover and that includes a kitchen - I'm not somebody kitchen turkey here I'm an actual chef and I want to see a kitchen in this restaurant it's actually a very good idea for him to be here right now because the kitchens wide open into the restaurant and he should be part of all this flow and everything okay so now I don't have you attacking me up to let's let the deal now come on why everybody's always against me so I'm gonna extend this counter we're gonna make a wall all the way to the end so I'm gonna give you more counter space I need a lot more than just two benches in a wall well that's better than nothing I'm usually don't give anything to the kitchen that's not gonna fly there's a whole other kitchen area that needs work can we get a new range no way are you kidding me I'm not pulling your leg I'm dead serious I want a bloody range in here this thing's ancient no this is already like 30 grinding here what about the front of the restaurant no no no I'm gonna give you a couple counter space here a couple shelves here and there and that's about it local maybe you should reduce the amount of custom wallpaper that you're putting all over the place and maybe increase the amount you're putting in the kitchen whatever I can give them $2,000 that's all I can do order up it's demo day fifteen years will take me 15 minutes I know it seems mean but seeing the past destroyed by yegor helps the owners make clean break I hope that theory holds true for Joe hi guys hey Don hi Adam are you ready for this righty-o Matt let's do it alright it's now or never I'm a little worried Adam was that well I don't know what you're starting I just care of Joe I'll be honest oh okay oh no the threads open your eyes what what the it took me 15 years me and my dad to get this thing together with them this is crazy I was expecting a renovation but you guys destroyed the place I'm very pissed off confused there's walls missing nurse glass everywhere they trashed the place what are you talking about it's time to let it go I mean it's we're gonna give you a brand new restaurant well for me I don't know I'm starting to regret it now doing this restaurant takeover thing I don't know guys I'm really having second thoughts no what I what I got myself into here you know I'm actually terrified because I do think that I've unearthed the beast in the end I want it to look the same or better or else there's gonna be a there's gonna be a problem for everybody at home I do feel like on eating battery acid with the sinner I can see man I don't know what the SAR cannibal after experiencing Italian garden I feel like I'm in a bathroom right now and hearing their story my father we used to work everyday together he was my best friend chef Adam and designer Paula took $15,000 from owner Joe I don't give the keys to nobody and promised to give him back a better restaurant I'm putting my life in your hands and Adam is not impressed with Joe sauce they're heavy too acidic but now just a day into the job owner Joe is regretting his choice I'm very pissed off I'm starting to regret it now the team has less than a week to turn this job around so I know Jay thinks I'm some sort of marsupial that's crawled out of a hole in Australia but I'm here in Little Italy today to prove him wrong I'm about to go into a hardcore Italian cafe and get the locals to tell me what they think of my sauce so Joe look out I want you to be honest tell me what you think of this yeah good yes but I'm Veronica I want to get you two guys to try my tomato sauce that's a beautiful this is a wonderful soft fresh beautiful I need to know where I can bite be honest and tell me what you think let's get it seems really simple right tastes like you've just got good Tomatoes some nice garlic so docile it's good yeah fantastic I'm glad you got it yeah beautiful video thank you very much that was a huge success everyone in this hardcore Italian restaurant in Little Italy loved my sauce even the owner so if that doesn't tell you my sauce is good Joe I don't know what we'll all I wants to put something in the middle of the restaurant and you got to think about plumbing this is where the main entrance to the bar is going to be so I have to cut this out and open it up and I'm gonna research where I can drop it downstairs pretty much how to solve ever see myself yeah there's a couple of nice drawings in there but then really don't tell me anything I'm in a business of mine reading my original plan was to make a deportation wall between the hot table and the back Smulders so we can increase more space on the front the more city were you going to put those pipes there like because we can't keep them there you want to shift everything from there to this side it's not that easy looking at your drawing I don't think I can do it you left me with a very very skinny partition in here if you don't have the skinny partition that means this hot table is gonna move more to the dining area and I don't have space in the dining area already I have to have it bigger so I can put all of my pipes wires and everything inside that wall something's gotta give up I need a thicker wall for such a small space this is giving me a big headache already whoa I've cleaned up everything and what kind of ceiling tiles do you want Sealand is gone this wasn't part of the plan I didn't ask you to take the tiles off that ceiling is disgusting and just simply had to go but they were crop well but we don't have money this is thirty thousand six days listen you guys talk you said you want to do this room as well so I got it the thing I'm not doing a full right now of the kitchens listen Igor my job is to design the front no the kitchen if you're gonna whine too much I'm gonna call I'm oh my god oh good call Oh big deal like I'm not scared like seriously I just stop damage and dad stuff with my budget and that's it Igor has to stop wasting the budget on the keychain if this business is gonna work I'm gonna need all the money on the front of the house good idea here young very good Adam welcome to the restaurant takeover kitchen I've been beating around the bush far too long with Joe it's time to tell him how I really feel about his sauce I've got to come clean Joe I really do not like your tomato sauce personally I do feel like I'm eating battery acid what does you know I can't say that man where would he turn on battery acid I don't know what the saga niveau he's from Australia so I really don't know how good he knows what tomato sauce is I'm being honest he's pushing the wrong button there after I ate it it just it was so rich it was so acidic not only attacked me he attacked my mom cuz that's her recipe he is very upset he's very disappointed and he honestly thinks I'm fully attacking him his mother and his family I really want you to consider tasting my sauce and seeing what my sauce is about okay and and possibly taking a couple of hints from it and just so you know yesterday I went into Little Italy with my sauce okay and I went around to a cafe that's full of Italians and got them to taste it I really needed to come in here with a little bit of street cred from Little Italy essentially I want to get you two guys to try my tomato sauce that's a beautiful beautiful I need to know where I can bite Joe the dried basil just isn't happening this is what you've got to go with the fresh basil the fresh tomato trust me this is what you need Joe Toye oh this is very very good slap how much to pay these guys so the sauce I'm doing for him today is a lot lighter a lot fresher and overall a lot easier to eat some olive oil I use shallots in my sauce I'd start my Sherlock's off while I do the garlic so I've given it a little bit of a chop I use my knife and go through like this or essentially crushing a little bit can do that on for me please now we can do that too how'd everybody's got the same way Adam I feel a lot of tension between us right now Joe no I'm all right I want to see what what you're gonna do here just cook these down nice and slowly the tomatoes I've got here are San marzanos and what I've got here is the Roma's blanched deseeded basil I throw the entire bunch in so I'll bring it to a simmer and then turn it right down and just let this cook and this is the finished product will taste this together you can be honest I don't care if you if you say you know what I don't like it I think mine's better okay so let's give it a go it's good but to me it seems it's still a little wrong what they mean by raw as opposed to boil a little more sure my little more I kind of salsa eat it up that's what it tasted to me I know as a chef you want to educate the customer but my customers they seem to like my sauce yeah we've got to think about the new customers that you want to attract joy you know it's not my oysters sell it to people I told you I've tried I don't know what part you'd understand about that I guess we've got a different look on certain themes is opinion is one thing but an insult is another Adam I want to show you something I got a bruise here this bruise here is because of you cuz every time I think of you I go like this I know it's tense I know you probably hate me right at this moment look at this collar how could you pick this collar what do you mean it's a bright red blah blah blah it's always something she knew about this problem and she still brought this painting the Renault at Italian garden is not going well what the can I can't say Igor is bleeding money from the budget on things that Paulo hasn't okay I ain't asked you to take the tiles all and in the kitchen chef Adam and owner Joe are at war I don't know what part you don't understand about that Adam every time I think of you I go like this the team is down to a matter of days to get the job done I finally arrived in the restaurant supply store to find a kitchen work table you're going Adam I just feel they're against me and they think I don't care about Joe I don't care about Italian gardens I do care I care about everything I'm going to find the best one for Joe it's painful so I feel like I need a tour guide or map to get around this place is huge I'm looking for like a worktable a stainless steel for kitchen do you have any of their have a few over here everyone have a look these are all stainless steel yeah this will work but 595 well I can't afford that it's no way that we have some use different we just got in do you have something like as nice as this oh yes well I'm walking around and things are busted rusted this is they're like I'm having no hope at this point this is like a stainless steel cemetery whoa hello sexy this is why I want 150 dollars perfection magical can you deliver this for me yes like today uh we'll try yes yeah yep so happy done check flooring is done and the bar is generally shaped the hot table is in place now that we built a walls and created an opening in here I can join the plumbing pipes anymore I can draw an electrical or water lines to this side I have to drill through to join these two feet so now that I made this perfect hole I can finally drop the plumbing which is drain and water lines through this hole at the drain that we used to use is right here the drain that we're creating is in here fortunately we're talking about 2 feet I have this massive beam in here and I have to bypass it and I will have to go across the wall all the way to the drain all this plumbing all this electrical are definitely affecting our timeline we are dramatically falling behind this is probably more important for a business than any art on the walls that they have so we have to do plumbing all right Joe it's time for the veal sandwich I know it's tense I know you'd probably hate me wrote it this month you got your opinion I got mine everybody else has their own right eager to see what you're gonna show me Yeah right so let's let's do this feel hot and liberal cutlet all right yes 1 you cooked for me when it was just the two of us I wish it could be like that every single time it went out it's not that his cutlet sandwich is bad it sits for too long in the steam table it goes soggy and gross and cold essentially I want to find a solution for you to be able to put out the product that you cook for me when it was just the two of us every single time it goes out it's crisp it's fresh it's beautiful he's not listening to a word I'm saying we're gonna do some mushrooms and onions in the pan saute for years we were using fresh mushrooms but my customers they did not like them let's be honest here Joe just doesn't want to have to slice mushrooms got a nice hot pan olive oil in in with the mushrooms we're gonna throw the onions in as well so while they're cooking I'm gonna get that tomato sauce back on the heat once again all seasoning when it's with mushrooms I wait until the very last minute purely because if you throw salt salt on now salt was drawing all the moisture out exactly so let them sit off over there just want to chop up some basil we're gonna mix this through some of the breadcrumbs and I'm using panko he was bred in his veal with some Chinese breadcrumbs or whatever they were that's not Italian to me I liked flour because you're forming that glue so that you can get a more even coat of breadcrumb and give it a couple of seconds in there so that the flour has time to absorb absorb the egg so you do all your cutlets by cooking them in pans on the stove you are essentially deep-frying it in a pan so one of the things I'm doing for you is I've got a little deep fryer it's gonna be at the back so that the people that you have crumbing all your cutlets you're gonna have to get them cooking out the back in that little deep fryer you know for me that probably will not work so on that note we're gonna deep fried a demure jersey and just vegetable or I just straight-up vegetarian fish for yep you can get a beautiful golden brown without it going black so you can cook it for a lot longer so we're gonna do a gremolata gremolata is essentially finely chopped parsley garlic and lemon zest and it's a beautiful seasoning agent essentially watch your knuckles make so don't want a knuckle sandwich and not by that I mean I don't want your fist no oil as too many people and cameras around all right so I guess the next step is just putting this together so some sauce top and bottom like you do your veal cutlets or kangaroo cutlets some mushrooms that is essentially my take on your sandwich the bun I don't know how other people gonna eat that and his sandwich that he made Jesus you can't even fold the damn thing in half so should we give this a try oh yes how are you supposed to eat this thing it's very good whew he likes it he's not smiling but he likes it I'll take this one is a victory I'm willing to put it on the hot table I would try it and it's up to them and hopefully I'm so busy I would have to hire you I know you got my ball there's the wallpaper Kim yeah your wallpapers there the wallpaper is finally here and it's like Christmas there's all these boxes she's gonna be so excited it's like sorry to do this I know it's all pictures of be Dolly and then we have Joe and he's that passed away and a mom I think Joe is gonna be really happy about this he's gonna make her all worth it I wanted to be any talent restore in a modern way so these Brides amazing red would look amazing with these custom-made wallpaper oh my god this is a horrible color just like rasberry yeah who's gonna take you like seven coats to cover at least five I'm gonna talk to Paula look at this collar how could you pick this collar what do you mean it's a bright red I'm pretty sure as a designer she knows this collar will take us coats and coats to cover blah blah blah it's always something was this six-day thing it's got to be something that we can put on she knew about this problem and she still brought this painting and asking her to solve a problem it's pretty much useless whatever I'll grab something else sorry guys I make them believe that I'm gonna go to the store to find something else but I'm not that's the color I want and if you have to the seven coats up to the seven coats sorry Joe just keeps resisting me not to put down your sauces ADA it tastes like salsa I I personally don't like it that much after taking $15,000 from owner Joe this is my my life I don't give the keys to nobody chef Adam and designer Paula promised to deliver a better Italian garden no no I'm starting to regret it now now Adam is worried Joe he's going to punch him too many people on cameras around and Paula is ticking off Igor and the career as a color I want and if you have to the seven coats up to the seven coats sorry the team is down to its final days you do veal meatballs and you do it as either a sandwich or a pasta right right so all I'm going to show you today is how I would do it quick and easy to order every restaurant out there cooks to order it's what chefs do so get some of these dice so stick all that into there so you use just veal in there just feel and we'll put in 1 cup of breadcrumbs and fresh basil as opposed to parsley we're going with little guys here so if you want to get in here and just make a couple of little balls lovely olive oil just a little bit into the pan when somebody comes in in orders you're gonna be able to take some of the pasta which you essentially pre cook you know on a packet it says 12 minutes so your undercooked by 3 or 4 minutes right chill it and cold water toss it in a while sit on a tray and you're done but I'm not a la carte I am a hot table I understand that but I'm just trying to give you some friendly advice Joe Joe just keeps resisting me I am NOT there for fancy dishes like Adam makes which is all show are you gonna do just throw your your pastor in it's done Palmer's it on let's taste this while it's hot and I want you to tell me what you think it's okay I I personally don't like it that much like I'd wipe one thing you've ever bought your sauce to me it seems a bit raw raw not to put down your sauce is a that tastes like salsa I'm not gonna you know to me and it kind of does taste like a little bit of salsa heat it up okay for Adam this is a show but this is my life there's not a show for me this is my life but the next time we'll be cooking this is together for the reveal all right good you're cooking for polar and uh yeah the boss okay I'll be looking forward to it nobody's on site nobody's taking care of that kitchen at all somehow I ended up putting it together myself oh do I break this turkey and we're knows I'm why am I doing with it I choose the pain for this restaurant I couldn't wait for cool off I just gave up I went to the store and I got another paint this is the color she chose and this little color I I chose I can bet you wouldn't even feel it friends this whole week I've been holding back Joe from driving by that restaurant every single day four times a day I say to him there's nothing you can see there's nothing you can do just stay away I thought there would be finished I come in and see my signs Missy Joe what are you doing here egor my goodness what happened to my sign I hope you guys know change my name what difference does it make wait a minute took me 15 years of blood sweat and tears for that name Joe you're a tough guy but drive by please i want my restaurant back like i don't know what the hell these people are doing you gotta go jack you going 24 hours i'm gonna be here tomorrow right now and tomorrow I'm gonna wear my hunting jacket tomorrow when I come and see Joe hunting jacket really this plays not up the shipshape there's gonna be a problem for everybody Joe let it go I'm watching them I'm watching them non-stop it's everything that me and my dad worked hard for him I'm scared to be honest it's been tense up and I can say that now there has been anger I feel a lot of tension between us right now Joe there have been threats gonna be here tomorrow I know and tomorrow I'm gonna wear my hunting jacket tomorrow when I come and see and the job isn't done yet ah smaller the restaurant the nastier the job six days ago chef Adam and designer Paula promised to relaunch an Italian garden which will keep owner Joe's memory of his father alive I wanted to look better a roast is gonna be a problem for everybody Adam and now the team has only a matter of hours left to get the job done I'm marching them non-stop hey Don so I'm at Italian garden today because I feel guilty I've essentially put all this extra work onto the shoulders of Igor I feel bad I feel like I've let him down hey you got where do we stand where do you stand Adam comes over everything is pretty much done you know and I'm I kind of like I'm not a chef I'm putting this these things together I have no clue what am i doing yeah you have experience cooking you're looking at this kitchen you know how it should work yeah and I really needed your input in here I got to fix this but he's pissed I feel bad that I haven't been able to be here and help so put me to work man what do you want me to do I guess he can clean uh okay looks like I'll be cleaning the kitchen today we give Joe's restaurant back in his chaos we just have few hours like I don't know know how this is gonna happen to be honest hi Paula hey girl still lots to do so I came here early today normally the chef's don't do this but I felt obligated to be here there's enough bubble tape on here to sink the Titanic I just hope Joe appreciates the work that's gone in by everybody present I think Joe is a very proud guy so being so proud I'm afraid that nothing is gonna be good enough for him tonight is the reveal and tension is high I've Unleashed a bit of fury by making a few comments and I'm pretty sure Joe's gonna hate whatever we've done to his place hi guys Joe how are ya hi there feel good yeah I wait to see we are so ready to show you this well this week was very stressful because once again you know I hand it over not just the restaurant in my life it's everything that me my dad worked hard for so this is the first total price so open your eyes we have a new sign Wow everybody can see that's very nice I was worried I drove by one day and I saw the sign missing and I was worried that you guys were gonna change our names you wouldn't do that to you man all right Joe is just happy we didn't change your name okay I'm so excited I can't hold myself anymore I have to show you the inside I think definitely Joe's gonna point fingers of dominica if things don't go the way he wants it because she's the one to make the call okay Mike um okay just was a big rumble of emotions going through us I'm scared to be honest Oh No fantastic man honestly this honestly does not look like my place what do you think your father would think of this man I think you would be very happy you reckon me the same way I don't know yeah God's always gonna make you play it's like easier yeah good perfect it was amazing all I thank you from the bottom of my heart they were stunning stunning everything was fantastic he says he loves it but I'm not saying any emotion coming out of his face I thought he was gonna even cry it or like be more emotional expressive about it I like it I like it it's a new look it's a new change it's gonna take him a few days to warm up and go ya know this is my place and I love it Oh looks cool man I say a little bit of an emotion raised but not a huge amount I'm still really worried that he doesn't fully appreciate what we've done for me it's a kitchen not a kitchen slash storage room we've got you a couple of brand-new stains still work [ __ ] once I get used to it I that that's fantastic I'm sorry if I got upset a few times but it was I just felt it hard you know and in over my place two strangers you know I don't know why that's my life you know what I think it's hard for him to see the OL restaurant that he's dad built disappear I've been so stressed and so busy finishing this amazing restaurant for you guys that I think I need some food we're gonna do it my way tonight okay and then once I'm out of your hair it's up to you what you do I'll do this part you do the coming all right and we'll go straight into the fryer so Joe I know got real there in the kitchen I do feel like I'm eating battery acid or duck or is that still a very tender subject it is you could have used a better choice of words there Adam I don't know about you but I've never tried binary acid you know can we yeah so to build a bridge as they say I want to thank Adam for all the work he did do in the back I gotta say it looks pretty bloody good you're the boys ladies wow this looks amazing going to all of it all the stress to get through the six days in the end it was the best thing we could have ever did for the restaurant for the family for the customers thanks to both of you guys to Igor the finished product was all worth this is to the future for you guys right that's right only shot that's right thank you Italian garden hey guys Thank You Paula the girls are you feeling it's in a good solution sauce to me coyote sex salsa I wonder who told her to say that since the restaurant takeover business has been very good it's picked up a bit the design and the flow everything works great new work so to me it really shows a new personality and a new change Italy and modern mixed together there it's bright it's clean now it's completely rejuvenated it looks fantastic the veal sandwich was very delicious our food is still the same I didn't really use anything that Adam showed me he's been feeding me in my family committee looking forward to staying another 15 20 years
Channel: Paula Velez
Views: 95,693
Rating: 4.206799 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: _lROT31--5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2015
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