Eat and Drink TV Restaurant Takeover Ep 2 60 min 20170609

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you're watching eat and drink TV clean tapas restaurant take over please please help us but he needs some help help me a restaurant takeover no seasoning no oil no principles of basic cookery at all its shambles its disheveled it's dated it's disgusting what you go in and just order some food good feeling this is gonna hurt my stomach I feel like I'm in a cafeteria I found a hair we shut you down you give us $15,000 we match you dollar for dollar oh my god oh this is more than you have I'm in no way a millionaire I'm in a bad mood today this place stink isn't it horrible it stings like a lot of work this place is a dump I gotta do all this in six days oh my god oh my god it's like a an overflowing diaper disgusting the really horrible tomato the rotten lettuce and four turds the turds are not attractive that's our pub club sandwich [Music] fantastic michael has his passion back so this is your go-to salad now [Music] my customers going to love this is new it's different I will embrace it all our lights are in for lights are installed I ordered five lights what do I know you change your mind every five minutes maybe you changed your mind about the lights Oh God how are we gonna fix that I like oh you always say weed what about the lights though you're there no hide enough well you never told me where you want them you gotta give me the height this is common sense I worked enough with designers to know there's no common sense can we use the floor no one more sending to this floor or in the basement [Music] one two three [Music] this is Lord [Music] [Music] this is the Curzon you don't know what the hell you're doing it's a dive bar that is just about to go under I could end up homeless so chef Corbin and designer Paula are going undercover I'm not gonna waste my time in a place like this seizing the restaurant we're here to show you down and then battling each other as to what should really be the new direction this whole restaurant bar thing it's not gonna work Corbin once a bar they've never ran a restaurant in their life Paula once a restaurant which leaves manager JJ with his future in their squabbling hands you two don't even seem like you're on the same page the team has just six days okay guys we're right around the corner from the Curzon we received a plea for help from JJ the manager of the Curzon the owner has given me an ultimatum if I don't make the changes we'll all be out of work and he wants to shut it down we're going in undercover and we're gonna see what life at the Curzon is all about here are your pencil cams you two are the eyes and ears for us they have no idea we're coming right now the Curzon is getting restaurant takeover chef corbin tomaszeski a 20-year veteran opening three new restaurants and restaurant takeover designer paulo Velez from the design firm PVD [Music] restaurant it's not a restaurant it's a dump we sit on the sofa you ever walk down the street and see that somebody threw their couch out would you sit in it what's the service apparently go to the bar and order stuff yourself what would you like to drink I just water water yeah two beers please and you have a menu do not know menu that can make you nachos about that what else do you have on the menu all the eyes right now our nachos I'm actually on that indeed okay amateurs I've never not looked forward to food in my life like I am right now [Music] listen it smells like nachos it kind of looks like nachos what I expect anything more No you kidding me it still tastes like a tin can this is lazy this is something that some bachelor does you know where he's gonna go sit in his boxers on the sofa and watch the game yep zap it in the microwave and call it a day after this is in fact this is laziness no I know how to know I'm Johnny are you the owner sort of are you in charge yes I am or from restaurant takeover we're here to shut you down [Music] so I understand are you the owner you a manager what do you do basically I'm really good friends with the owner I'm technically the manager we've made arrangements for me to possibly buy into this establishment after we get it going more like a restaurant potential partner potential partner it is this is the thing if JJ get more business in here then the owner is gonna let him buy it this is my restaurant right no not really what we have really is more of a bar or lounge type of place it's really busy later at night and there's not really a dinner crowd at all I feel that if we had a menu they would create business during the week also even if you have a menu where are you gonna sit to have dinner here the exact college is a lot of things have to change it has to become more of a dinner atmosphere now to have a restaurant you're gonna have a great chef now I would love to meet the chef extraordinaire that prepared that magnificent platter of nachos okay Dave yep hi mr. nacho okay there Jade you're not a chef are you not even a little bit since I you know you want to make a restaurant I can mean who's gonna cook that'll be me moving forward have you worked at restaurant before I have as a poker shot as a cook yes is it cook any of you managed a restaurant before this is my first one you know that there's a significant difference between managing a bar and a restaurant I sure know yet for sure and you're out for that we'll see none of what JJ wants is possible without great food there'll be no more of that bachelor in your underwear nacho swamp so what would happen if you were don't come here and help you we will close and if you do come 1l please then I could become a partner here wow that's good so see there will help you and you're gonna be the boss or you're not gonna have a job sink or swim [Music] okay Jeff this is the way it works restaurant takeover we'll give you $15,000 you're gonna write me a check right now $50,000 combined $30,000 and I'm gonna give you a beautiful restaurant let's call a spade a spade this place is a dump your food is garbage you don't have a menu and for what I've seen so far I don't know how the hell you were ever gonna make it right the fact you actually have people that pay to come here and drink is a bloody miracle because you know what I couldn't get homeless people to hang out here not even just to stay warm the environment isn't good it's dirty it smells you've got dirty sofas you know you've got holes in the walls you don't have any food Oh correction you have nachos which are by the way for me you need to find a balance between a bar business with some food because it's time for a change the bars still working they need a restaurant the area needs a restaurant so that's what are we gonna do I get it but they never ran a restaurant in their life booze makes money bar business is money yes Corbin but they're all making any money during the week and that's the issue here you know the issue is they go with the other Mary I love Corbin but he has to worry about the food I can turn this place into a restaurant that will have dinner crowd and a late-night drinking crowd I'm a little bit worried guys about this you're asking me to give you a check for $15,000 but yet you two don't even seem like you're on the same page which makes me a little bit apprehensive no one is gonna come here without great food they're not restaurant tours we really should just walk listen this is how way is going to work I've been doing this for a long time you're gonna give me $15,000 right now oh I'm gonna just walk out and you guys are gonna do whatever you want my way or no way does the deal and that's it I mean I'm not wasting my time here you [Music] you [Music] after going undercover and experiencing the Curzon you kidding me chef corbin and designer paula seized the restaurant we're here to shut you down and are now demanding $15,000 from JJ I'm not wasting my time here whose future depends on the Curzon success get on this but Corbin is insisting that the Curzon stays a bar they never ran a restaurant in their life while Paula wants to turn it into a restaurant my way or no way JJ wasn't gonna be I think you guys need to know what's at stake here this is my livelihood I've been given an ultimatum by my boss if we don't do well here he's gonna shut this place down I can't get on this I know what I'm doing so you give me those $15,000 right now so we don't waste more time give me the key and that's it this is a deal Corvin by doubt JJ send me the check all map out of here I'll do a menu for this place only because Paula thinks she can make it work but I'm giving her the benefit of a doubt anyway I don't wanna get burned by a failure I know the stakes are high but JJ will be out in the street if I don't do this right [Music] keep please let me go Don this is how it's done you got what you wanted I always do that this definitely makes me feel uncomfortable you have to put up all this money but yet the designer and the chef can't even get along how do I trust them so Dave this is the kitchen that does nothing you understand that when people walk in to say a bar they need to see something on paper something are you gonna make anything from scratch today I'm going to be doing my hot sauce for the Winx from scratch and we also do our own it has tortilla chips so you're making me wings and chips better than nothing so basically I just like to quarter them so what do you do with those now deep-fry them lightly and start seasoning what the is this that deep fire that is so dirty the nachos you made me yesterday is that where you cook them yes sir great the oil is black just a nice quick little fry some like that and then I'll take them to the season er the season er yes the bowl I put salt and pepper in oh that's a good one I like that one it's the season er no special seasoning just salt salt a little bit of pepper this is it stale Greece with sogginess old oil with everyone's been fried in it is now stay on these chips those just aren't very good but the idea is there but the execution is all wrong the good news is I like chicken wings so show me your fantastic wings for starters make my own sauce in-house regular hot sauce butter and garlic so you don't make a hot sauce you take hot sauce and add two things to it yes that's bull it's a lot like a slap in the face where you get those from the local meat market they're organic they're fresh now we're talking beautiful product going into a big toe yes now I get it now I know why is Hooda so horrible because he takes fresh beautiful product and destroys it and that that of fat what's going in those puppies you're looking at it with a little the pre crumbled blue cheese there I can tell by the size of the wings and how long you put them in there they are not cooked what's a little Seminole at the Curzon so I try not to kill it with the sauce to start and crumble that in and that's the kit and kaboodle this is it what are we got happen in there they're raw I'm not gonna eat your wings because I don't want to get sick you don't know what the hell you're doing you have no clue whatsoever but there is a glimmer of hope is that you haven't adopted enough nasty bad habits I know what I need to do with Dave I'm gonna break him of his spirit build them back up and turn them into a man there's a score sign this is a bar obviously yeah the idea is we're gonna turn this into a restaurant because that's where the owner is looking for well why would you kill a bar because they want a restaurant and I'm gonna do what my client wants kind of strange to me because they already have clientele and you're getting rid of it it's kind of risky to Memphis we're here for a reason is obviously no work in and if they want a restaurant we're gonna give them our so we're gonna make it work what the owners wanted to see in this restaurant got them to where they are right now why would we do what they want when they up in the first place you know the bottom line we're not here to please the owner we're here to tell them what will work and make his business successful well right now you're here to please me so just listen we're I'm gonna okay I think it's way too much of a dramatic change for this place it's a bar it's always being the bar my inspiration is I wanted to make it like a large style a cabin something warm a lot of wood sensitive people come and feel homey okay so here this is gonna be my focal point we're gonna build a beautiful bar table we're gonna have these trees these branches my only crop you got trees Yaniv table in the tables in the middle of the restaurant and the right trees growing through the table it's really weird - Duchess let's demo this place [Music] hey sound guy give me a hand [Music] I think I'm done here guys I mean I've seen the show before I know what Igor does with an axe it's not gonna be pretty [Music] it looks like a mess ego has don't find us for sure I think it looks better already only need us some nachos and we're open for business a reason why I did this is because I just want out completely say bye to the old Inn say welcome to the new it's gonna be a great bar that's try restaurant you guys are on the same page right of course we are crystal clear again Paula and Corbin are bickering I don't know what's going on and it just led me to be more and more confused you have a minute this whole thing it's not gonna work okay it has to be the bar d-does even know what a cook they've got no chef they've got no cook they've got nothing carving come on like we're gonna make it happen that's it it's not gonna work yes no we can't because we're gonna be able to survive after we leave this is a business they gonna be able to do because we're here it's gonna be them do what's what they can do after we leave we're gonna do it nope or not yes we are what I can't do it I know I told Paul I play ball well I lied now I just want to help save her from herself but you know what I need your help to pull this off hurry up geez you [Music] after going undercover and eating what passes as food at the Curzon designer Paula and chef Corbin took $15,000 and promised to help it this definitely makes me feel uncomfortable the problem is that Paula and Corbin are not seeing eye-to-eye they've got no chef they've got no cook they've got nothing after Paula insisted the new Curzon will be a restaurant not a bar Corbin back down you got what you wanted but now Corbin is backtracking and is fighting for the Curzon to stay a bar I can't do it the team has less than a week to come through Paula and Corbin are bickering I don't know what's going on I'm headed into work and they get a call from Corbin she's wrong plain and simple I won't wreck the bar business which is a for-sure thing with the off chance that a restaurant might work you know what I do I agree with you the only thing I'm really worried about timing please make up your mind soon paula is going to freak out no problem for me [Music] all right day you're in the basin of the Curzon here and now it's time to work okay you're going through chef corbin boot camp culinary style there's a huge misconception on on what chefs really do and you know that this rule of a celebrity chef and it's no big deal but you know what it's hard work it's blood it's sweat its tears like you're busting your balls and I want Dave to get a taste of that so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna break your superior when you're down on the ground I'm gonna build you back up and turn you into a man or at least a half-assed cook are you up for it sure this is you have no choice now get your butt in there you're peeling potatoes geez I thought we were gonna be doing something a little more advanced all right so there's potatoes there's a bucket there's a bowl I'm not gonna peel themselves there you gonna go a lot quicker than that because if I'd to pay by the hour I'd be broke by now Corbin is yelling away at me trying to get me to go faster and faster on these potatoes I read it off cheese walk through that pain come on butterfingers pick it up let's go [Music] I had to make a fake bar because Chloe still wants a restaurant so we are going to go behind her back I need a plan so I had to scrap left over from different jobs and they slept it together took me like five minutes [Music] super surfer Bonita I must be really good coz pulla loves that crappy bar that I put together I feel good you look happy everybody's happy so let's hope it goes smooth he will have you it's ridiculous we're totally off course and she's so happy notice Dave's feeling the pressure you know he's experienced the sweat we now got the blood all we need now is the tears and that will come with the onions in a minute this is you [Music] more bull I mean I'm still waiting for today to get fun a me yet it's a little bit Dave you want to box the tissues there's more onions 50 pounds more when this is done you're done [Music] Dave's worked really hard he's worked his ass off you know what I feel he needs a little bit of a reward so I'm gonna take mine for a few drinks so listen I know I put you through the wringer the last two days you probably think I complete all but you know what I am I want you to get understanding it the restaurant business is hard this whole idea of JJ and Paula wining a fricking restaurant is stupid it's not gonna work I don't get that and no offense you're not a chef I've never claimed to be right so your menu needs to be a bar menu tonight is all wood inspiration we're at a great bar we've got great atmosphere you need to do the same thing you got to copy what they're doing they do it on a whole new level Cheers I gotta make a call I'll be right back so I call up Paul at the bar and tell her she's gotta come over for some drinks she's gotta join Dave and I and have a good time but you know what you're gonna come down here you're gonna have a few drinks and you're gonna have some relaxation you know what I'm saying are you does that matter what I really want to tell her is that we're gonna do the bar restaurant not the restaurant you know if it takes a few drinks that's all it's gonna take she'll come you need a drink three more shots please so we're doing some drinking we're doing some eating we having a great time with this place it's got that buzz now is my moment together take Paul outside and break the news to her Paul I tell you want no restaurant barb this is what it sad yes I get it are you sure these are the professional I'm gonna do a bar forget about JJ's I know what I'm doing you're the best job cider is what I'm doing underhanded yes wrong the important thing is that she agrees and I hope that she remembers this in the morning why is the wall on fire let's get out of here open the doors you're watching eat and drink TV you [Music] after agreeing to help the Curzon chef Corbin and designer Paulo can't seem to agree on anything else this whole restaurant bar thing it's not gonna work Paulo once the new Curzon to be a restaurant Corbin wants to keep it a bar that sells food is stupid it's not work after Corbin threw drinks at the problem he and his co-conspirator Igor are hoping that the matter is settled once and for all the virus right the team is down to a matter of days to get this job done Dave how are you good how are you it's been a long haul but finally we're here in the restaurant takeover kitchen you look a little sleepy little sore a little rough not gonna live good well it's gonna get worse I mean better so I'm gonna give you the official restaurant takeover apron well at least I look like a chef now you look like a chef but remember you're not a chef dish number one and it's a beef burger yo you take a pot and you're gonna add bacon love bacon and what we're doing is we're gonna render all that flavor out of the bacon so it actual infused into the beef the tricks in making a really good pan-seared beef is hot pan but dry product don't touch it don't play with it don't do anything just let it sear all the hard work is in the preparation of the dish once it's cooked it's easy-peasy just kind of warm it up and serve it we're gonna caramelize the onions inside we're gonna dust this a little bit of flour flour is gonna thicken it's also gonna give us some more color add your bacon back-end cake and then I want you to pour the red wine all over top this is a tough meat so the acid of the wine is gonna help break down some of the fibers in the in the beef and make it tender tomato paste cannot make beef bourguignon without pearl onions whole onions beautiful this is a fresh bay leaf fresh thyme very aromatic there gonna be lots of flavor and then we fish them Oh later everything about it just screams fresh garlic we're gonna put in whole cloves of garlic so you don't chop it up you don't because this is gonna simmer for like two and a half three hours forget about it Paula wants me to take the drywall down to expose the old patina I think it's a great idea this what this place needs this is what it looks like when it's done that looks fantastic it looks really good all this stuff needs to come out now [Music] these are just fresh green onions and this that's great this is real food and really good food can you make this I believe so Corbin said it best I've got to step up be a professional about this restaurant now you're gonna look like a superstar and it's all thanks to me [Music] maybe I insist on a restaurant because they all say I couldn't and but do you know what I'm big enough to admit that I was wrong and I will design a bar that has more restaurant elements to the problem was working on restaurant takeover is that I have a construction to do and I always have a filming crew behind me and they're always on my way can you get your camera out of my way I'm wait wait look seriously and I always do stupid things why is the wall on fire so now Wow turn the breakers off oh look at this mess look at these freakin wires all over the place I have this song guy who plugged in tons of stuff in one outlet the wires are all over the place they plugged a never seen one no gladden the wall cut the fire let's get out of here open the doors now don't breathe this the fire wasn't that bad but the patinas gone the wood you now through the drywall box I've come here many times in this restaurant every action buddy that's one of our best dishes so you're happy I'm very happy where is my wallpaper you [Music] after agreeing to help the Curzon I'm gonna do a virus right the team has to rush to make over the space and turn house cook Dave into a Corbin worthy cook hurry up chase the team is down to its last days to come through on their promise to do better mrs. Bryant pork chops with an apple chutney like the sound of it it starts with the brine so this is a kosher salt about a cup of salt okay okay some liquid honey a little bit of brown sugar maple syrup time peppercorns bay leaf one two three garlic cloves and removing a cider vinegar you just cook it until all that sugar and salt has dissolved to take it off the heat you let it cool in you pour it over top of your pork what you end up with is this I'm just gonna mark them on both sides and then we're gonna finish it off in the oven okay [Music] before we put this drywall up I'm gonna take down this patina there's some brick behind it see how it looks patinas down and this brick looks really good maybe I can convince Paul to keep it let's do chutney butter onions those are Roman seeds close they're gonna give it a little bit of a spice I'm gonna put it in chili pepper one whole chili fresh apples which have been skinned and cord means diced I'm gonna sprinkle just a little bit of sugar so because we've used a cider vinegar in the brine that makes sense just use a little bit of apple cider in here then the other thing that we have to add to it is some fresh sage you're gonna tell me if that pork is done cuz you have a problem when it comes to telling of meat is cooked or not how do you tell if I meat is ready slice into it no it's the only way I've known no you have to touch it it's a little bit resistant slightly firm it's good to go wilted onions kale you ever served in a pan before no sir you take some of your sauteed kale and onions over there on the bottom in the center of your pan take your pork chop put it right there Charlie you take some of your chunni put a spoonful of that right on top little garnish kale chip here on the side I even have these cedar planks to serve food on tell me that doesn't look amazing it really does when he puts the final product on that slab of wood I mean I finally am starting to get it holy it's amazing it's the best dish I've ever had in my life oh my gosh okay you know what you're doing I'm very impressed with Cartman at this point I mean I was a little hesitant to start I knew we were on the same page but now that I've seen his job so to speak I'm blown away nobody on the block is doing this you're the one with the block on the block I love it I think I know what do you like I can still drywall it no I love that that's amazing cool do you want to see the floor yeah Oh 3d perfect you know what I'm actually really happy about this change you know this bar Esther and think is working out even better I don't know how eager managed to pull this together so quick but I'm super impressed so you're happy I'm very happy where is my wallpaper it should be here it's not and I need it I'm already everything is done but the wallpaper and the trees okay you know what let me go and make a phone call you better do well yeah I don't know I don't understand why it's not here this is my favorite part of today do you know why tell me because we're back in the bar business finally so we've made a couple entrees but now it's time to make some bar food cuz let's not forget this is a bar restaurant I call these dishes the one-handed dish you know why I called the one-handed dish so you have a hand free for your beer exactly this is bar food perfect this is much more my realm you remember your chicken wings and your hot sauce yes I didn't eat it why uh a undercooked the wings they're just bad that's why I didn't eat them they were bad they were wrong they were bad I'm gonna show you to make hot sauce from scratch okay it starts with fresh ingredients onion sweet bell peppers these are some hot green peppers roasted red pepper and of course these are the hot ones okay so all I do is I take and I put it all in a pan distilled white vinegar vinegar is what makes the hot sauce tangy yeah a little bit of brown sugar I'm also gonna add a little bit of maple syrup I was about layering of flavors that's what great cooks do French Dijon mustard ah let it come up to a boil come over to the bladder now you cook it for like ten minutes can you let it simmer okay and then we end up with is this give that a taste tell me what you taste a sweet right off the hop there's this buy some that's hot sauce it's a healthy alternative doesn't have all that bleu cheese that Dave was putting in there is a simple sweet hot tangy sauce we're not gonna deep-fry your wings okay in fact we're not I'm gonna call them wings anymore we're gonna call them drumettes this is why your wings are gonna become legendary these new wings are simple it's not the wing tip of the chicken wing it's the actual drum part of the wing and all you do is you take the flesh remove it from the bone and pull it down so you actually have a little bone to hang on to not a slimy greasy chicken wing like every other bar in the area little salt I know you do take your sauce yeah whole thing goes in the oven I have to read bad Dave tortilla chips you had great product but then he just fried them in that nasty oil put a little salt and white pepper on them and call them a chip horrible I'm gonna bring her your face over here what do you see in there the bottom of the pan that's what your deep fryer should look like Yukon Gold potatoes sliced into little rounds and then you just drop them in the oil these are gonna replace your tortillas we're gonna fry them until they're crispy get rid of all the grease put them in a clean bowl you gotta put salt on them right away and put a little bit of cheese parmigiano fresh chives right away fresh thyme right away boss toss toss you know what let's try out these one-handed bar snacks with a bottle of beer let's see if it works it's the best chip I've ever had in all honesty you taste the fact that it literally just came out of the pan fresh chives garnished these suckers the quintessential dip for wings sour cream blue cheese a little bit of lemon juice some chives salt pepper make a big vat of it beginning of the week it's done Cheers oh man that's good though even better with the beer though I love the taste of the new hot sauce with the fresh wings it's awesome they just mix perfectly together functional great looking great tasting food that's what it's all about now listen I know I've been rough on you but you know what you needed it but I'm very proud of you I think you worked your butt off but the true test is whether or not you can pull this off for Jay Jay I'm making you the pork because it's the most complex and he's gotta make every single bar snack that I showed him is he gonna do it I hope you can but we'll see cheers Cheers yeah I don't know I kind of want it just like a restaurant buddy [Music] you [Music] less than a week ago chef Corbin and designer Pola went undercover this was it seized the restaurant we're here to show you down and took $15,000 from manager JJ it just definitely makes me feel uncomfortable if the Curzon improves he gets to be a partner if it doesn't he's out on the street get done this now having battled over the direction of the space and having bootcamp House chef Dave but the true test is whether or not you can pull us off for JJ the team is down to a matter of hours to come through on a bigger badder bar won't even finally arrives I was freaking out I never thought it was gonna happen but eager and old got put it out really quick and it looks beautiful there's still a lot of things to do I have to put a bolt the artwork that's got everything on their walls we have to do accessories shelves we still have to clean the planes and arrange the tables in and pack the chairs we're probably not gonna be on time all I can think about whether is JJ gonna be happy about the finished product voice I have a lot of anxiety right now I'm nervous I don't know what to expect I'm really clueless as to what they did and I hope it works out I really do yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] it looks like a bit of a bar here guys not quite the reaction I'm hoping for I don't know I kind of wanted just like a restaurant buddy really liked the look it looks really beautiful but it kind of still looks like a bar you know that's what we decide you're gonna have to trust me we kind of talked about this didn't we I mean I told you guys what I wanted you know what it's it's the best of both worlds you know from being in the bar business before you make your money from the booze of course now you're still gonna make your money in the booze and you might make a little bit more with the food these will bring people in on this side they'll eat and they're gonna stay and have drinks so you actually think we can do both here you know I know you'll do I hope so and if you don't I will buy this place if you like the way looks I'm gonna worry about the rest you're gonna thank us you're gonna love us again even if you hate as well it's really beautiful you guys did a great job and thank you both and I guess we'll have to give it a shot and see what happens overall I think JJ is still darden it but give him a couple of weeks he's gonna thank me you're sold on the design Ryan you liked it as I love the way it looks and look well you won't let us win you over with the food because this guy all right I have performed a miracle can I just say America I hope he does well I mean Sahn do you know I think we got to do it you know Dave let's go cook okay you're gonna like this don't worry [Music] are you ready for this buddy I am ready this is your debut this is for you to show me what you can do this is my kitchen now now you can boss me around I pan white hot pan to sear it in searing all the flavor no sogginess I know I know we're getting there [Music] how much well did you think I was you're using past tense really I think Dave's gonna do great but if I come back to the curzon weeks from now and that food is crap I'm gonna come after Dave and I'm gonna throw him back into that culinary boot camp chef Corbin style yeah these looks amazing all the presentation was oh I cannot wait to serve that to the guests that's stupendous the presentation is amazing wow that's fantastic this is this is phenomenal everything everything looks great and tastes delicious so proud of you I can't believe you cook this that's awesome thank you neither can i this is the new curse when I see the bar food I see the concept now more clearly everything fits so perfectly it's really it's really great you think you can manage it because that was a residence very different from a bottle yeah I feel almost indebted to you guys it's actually pretty crazy what you guys have done here to turn things around we haven't even opened yet and I'm already uh you know almost in tears over what you guys have done for us that makes me super happy makes it all worth there right so you like it I love it I love everything I really do means a lot of Corbin it really does it's really nice and one more thing guys they keep there you go so much to have that key back is just that was back in our hands when you do everything that we can we use it make it successful there's a big happy ending right here you know what it means let's salute cheers to the place new cars on it's awesome man the business has increased during the times that we really wanted it to increase we have a big dinner crowds and we have the big nightclub crowd today is a Tuesday and you can see how we're slammed right now we hired a new chef and I think he's added a lot to the team I'd like you to meet the wonderful chef of the Curzon this is Darren dave is working under Darren and he's doing a heck of a job I'm hoping one day you know to learn enough that I can take over my own kitchen this restaurant takeover I've attained my heart ownership and everything's going very well Corbin thank you so so much you're amazing Corbin Paula thank you very much for all your help we're really happy with what you did this restaurant is gonna succeed thank you guys very much you're watching eat and drink TV you
Channel: Darren Cummings
Views: 10,950
Rating: 4 out of 5
Keywords: Christine Curran, Restaurants, Food, Interview
Id: v2myztdxxLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 4sec (3604 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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