Two Fat Ladies: Complete Season Four! Episodes 1-4 (VHS Home Recording)

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perfect accompaniment stew all hearty fare Clarissa Dickson Wright and Jennifer Patterson enjoying what she loved best [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] together [Applause] yeah [Music] smartness to be in Jersey you imagine picking potatoes on these hills the gay of figures vaguely people will be starved they come from a dear boy natira time to practice my Brussels Portuguese now we're looking for the prey manner underground Sania I did believe we've been going up and down this same bit of red follow the case they said don't bill that much [Music] we're lost lost we're looking for because uh because there's in your mate mate LMAO mana the prime manner pramana we finished the feel turn we're going now for the prime manner oh good I think these are the people we get a cup for Jennifer we're gonna cook for all of you yeah yes can you follow the tractor of course we're going no water comes in order just when you speak Portuguese doing that not much of it miss oh he's a bit muddled [Music] Evans days verygames exciting very appropriate which game to cook for the lord of the manor for his workers his gang like a game [Applause] oh let me down the door look ladies I'm around the back in the bread oven with my cabbage see what he's up to around the button see we find the bread oven all right space this is the right place from the back he said this name must be run the back nice little what's this hello I'm just doing a bit of firm carriage loose you can help me if you like yes surely yeah we do just put them on the pedal look right in the middle yeah and then one leaf on top but I mustn't waste any time because it's your work as we came to feed isn't it that's it what I'm really looking for the proper kitchens oh yes the Portuguese people that's right if you go out the door straight across the yard it's right in front of you you can't miss it how long will these take Oh half an hour or so fantastic I've never seen anything like it I look forward to see you we better give her in the kitchen then we'll see them later how about a nap farewell that way yeah very curious that idea of wrapping your bread in cabbage leaves before you cook it why do you think they do it when tasted yet it gives moisture in or something possibly it does what gives it some strange esoteric flavor very wonderful okay okay I'm going to make lovely luscious chocolate pie spelled py e and this is a 18th century recipe from Hannah glass and it has the most unusual crust it's made with simply ground almonds egg white and castor sugar no butter no flour and I'm going to start by weighing out 6 ounces of ground almonds and put it in my bowl with 2 ounces of castor sugar now this is this unbleached castor sugar it's actual castor sugar but as you can see it's the most beautiful pale golden color and the white of one egg and I'm going to mix it all together using my hands of course naturally the thing is that you've got to really squish it together into a paste maybe I'm just going to chill this now I'm going to bring back one that I've chilled in the tin now that's what I like no nonsense that's a children hey Rosie yeah but not yet cooked you see my fingerprints in it it's really good pop it in the oven for about 20 to 25 minutes and now I'm just going to break up my chocolate I've got some very good chocolate 70% cocoa solids that's the answer the more cocoa solids you have the better it's a chocolate pie just keep breaking away how about struggled ever to break know quite a lot all the stuff I got here up to them I'm doing that good little thing they're stroganoff which does else of ritual for it was invented in Russia but I imagine probably by a Frenchman I'll probably get hundreds of Russian screaming about that but there is one essential which a lots of people forget it's got to be fit it of beef what it is have your fine please to fit it like this and cut it into strips I wonder who can stroganoff wall I don't know and I've got a book that tells you such I like to envisage can't stroganoff you need dashing in his etsion boots twirling his moustache ears and flashing his saber oh yes all of that right now I'm going to put the onions on first I've got a pan here with about two ounces of butter in it so we Charlie had a drop of olive oil now onions Indian onion sausage is gay are we having an Indian understood the young Indians having an onion shortage there were riots well I do think it was apologies now I have a great excitement web today apart from my ordinary field mushrooms and the little brown topped ones so these glorious things here on the island yellow oysters they taste like I wonder Dravid they really very good scent hmm reminiscent of something what is it they've got a curious was about to taste so now when you had it though damn anyway we'll pop them in see what happens might matter everybody know pretty-pretty and I'm gonna melt my chocolate they were the world is yellow boy stirs I'll keep their color there's a sea salt some nice freshly ground black pepper good and rough in the pestle I'm the mortar so then thank you to meet my little mixture I've invented it one teaspoon of sugar that's all you need to good tea spoons of powdered mustard mix it up she's gonna be unusual then a slap of port I may have more port that's just me makes me think you've just met a little bit lovely this is a butch cook cooked with port I think this is difficult even drinking but that's what I did like that fine great pansies better than gang to the trim in this pan we'll do the meat by itself and when you're cooking deed don't crowd the ban just have lots of space in between them otherwise they're gonna get you in a quick searing that's the last of the beef strips put our old friend Beckham on the stair now it was the lovely Jersey cream salad this is what they always put in the end this makes a wonderful sauce with all the juices in it what you should do really is finish it all off and serve immediately but those where needed serve it later I'll take it up chop some parsley Mary oh that's done there I'll just bring this across keep it moving otherwise it will set and to this I get to add some lovely Jersey cream this is pouring cream what you must make sure of he said the cream is at room temperature because if you put cold cream straight out of the fridge into this hot chocolate the whole thing will seize up like that well the whole thing if you pour Kel cream into hot chocolate it just sets immediately use quite a lot of elbow grease keep moving it keep working it that's a wonderful smell what I do then at the end is just put up a whisk through it just to put some air into it now this pie crust as you can see is one that's already cooked and I've arrived cool I'm just going to pour the chocolate into the case yeah-ha-ha loved it when this is cooled a bit on key decorated with some tasty darman flakes sprinkle them over the top and semion a rose petals goodness mmm that's very far-fetched he loves me he loves me not it's wonderful you shall have a great shower of them coming down like whether there's wonderful Elva terrible pictures [Laughter] ravishing have you been reading your oh man that breaketh it doesn't think I ever do well there you are how do you done say you wouldn't as it is the spring equinox Yuletide well in Jersey they're probably witchy ah but even better what I really want you to do is take me to the beach on the bike of course sure to the beach you better put some wet things on [Music] Jennifer day parking still abide that door position my Almanac was right sides out it's a new moon and it's the time of the year were allowed to hunt for Alma's ears of the sea Jennifer but they like a job limpet okay well they're sort of sea snails Riddick they have greenhorns denizen over the teeth Valero I mean from Rio Janeiro you happy sitting on that rock then yes I'm here I wouldn't see I'm merely a Messier mermaid I'm will of the rocks should I know it I'm happier here than in puddles we're on a spirit of adventure look every rock you turn over there may be it over underneath I got some little Winkle things yeah well that'll be useful some shrimps in here too it's the suspense oh you got the one yeah do they swim in know what that was brought it was brought in with the seaweed oh do they live there forever there we are look at the size of that looks like a tortoise yeah there were that loved Amanda dear I know usually where you find one you find others you see ya they eat the seaweed unit grazing no they're eating so they eat it you know they really do eat it like cows it's good it's a great nice to eat if you say say yes well as japanesey hmm got it yeah another big one that good yeah big the tide here here's watch it don't go out too far because he kept up very quickly Oh ma'am yeah and you'll get you'll get towed way yes that was great Beauty well that should do it for a little snack yet I think yes keen to try we have to beat them hard yes nice thing I have to do that bit to wrong way I'm getting rid of frustration and anger it look like yeah it's nice coming our ear or something right well I'll just clean another one what is it against every adversity a dish will barbecue yes they do grow the tempting now yeah yeah they do so sonoda flavor yeah it's lady welcome much more flavor them yeah good to do Oh Jennifer that tides coming in a bit oh hey miracle rushes wind it probably do it again [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet but you think like these things yes look look what's the treasure Oh lovely cream I know I require carrots onions garlic and tomato burger mushrooms we're cleaning it up look oh yes that's very good idea give me pops put everything in the box now that'd be about recovery ones drive-in shopping amazing extraordinary and that amazing extraordinaire Endon it's extraordinary piggy I'm in Portugal it's full of Portuguese and obviously very honest very honest this is amazing this idea picking up veg on the side the red and putting money in anyway I'm going to make cookies fish stew there you go see especially for our bar dear potato Pickers and here I've got some lovely fresh fish which were caught up this very morning by a hunky fisherman look at it lovely red mullet look at that red and mother isn't that pretty and I got rocks salmon and soul and tur birds and of course sardines you couldn't have any sort of fish you want but the sardines are mandatory well I'm getting over here stopped my preparations now here I have a an earthenware dish you put in it some olive oil and some onions that I had just sliced these are red onions but there can be any old onions is that a Portuguese pot there we are now I'm going to add some chopped garlic and some parsley I'd a lot of parsley I've got some lovely Jersey tomorrow and I gain to add to this some vinegar just a dash of vinegar not malt oh no no wine yeah and then just a little bit of water to help the juices run then I've got some muck babies put those in crumble them in and some nutmeg fresh nutmeg it's crazy Jim I like this kind of nutmeg thank you I have not making everything mmm I think it's delicious and some chili peppers that one's the hot ones red ones and some peppercorns which I did bash to bite a bit and a few drops of a piri piri sauce that's Portuguese chili sauce gosh gosh it's getting hotter and hotter there's a lot of fish to take this yeah I'll just leave that tube little bit Jennifer your stock looks wonderful I think it's ready mmm I move it off the heat for you yes do it then the resin and a half I think that printed then I must come do things to my fish there we are a beautiful stock proper chicken stock this is it and seemed to be the Russian mood for some reason or other but this is a marvelous soup it was made for ple conned Peter the great the great emperor of Russia and it's really good chicken stock all it contains is the chicken carcasses water bit of salt a good bouquet garni of pass the time bay leaf no nonsense about stock tube you never have any nonsense with the stock cube only never have it'll do the stuff I'll just strain it I love a really good chicken soup thank the lovely Jewish chicken soup brilliant cure-all for everything Jewish penicillin yeah right I think that's enough for my needs now I got my nice clear soup still looks live and if you strain that it'll make a lovely jelly which you can use for sauces and things now we'll do the thickening part now we've got this butter and flour mixture which I shall add little by little it's called a beurre manié and we'll add this to make the stock more creamy waiting for real cream later through the moas man Peter the Great wouldn't he I mean he came to England to study shipbuilding did he talk beg wonderful ones your wonderful Scotsman yes took him with him to build he was great you stayed there for years and became biddy rich that's right the Scots built Leningrad bill half of Moscow to a force to be reckoned with rom now what I want to do is mix two whole eggs I'll season the eggs and then we'll adjust it later I'm gonna put it about half a pint of cream lovely look at that they're wonderful lovely little little thing and add it carefully to the soup because we don't want it scrambled stirring the wild stir stir now to add to a further Russian touch it's put a good slug of vodka in its mate this makes it very Russian indeed and if you want more later you can if you have Russian gets and they want more but it sort of gives it an edge it gives it a sort of kick now I'm just going to fry a few little vegetables as a garnish only it's just a stick of celery a carrot and a handful of mushrooms really for prisoners right I'm nearly at the end Clarissa good well I just can't get my stew pot and start building my students never idea building this till now the thing to remember is to put your fish on in declares of toughness so that the ones that take the longest to cook her at the bottom scrumptious looking good yeah so I'm going to start with the dogfish or rock salmon ours is it's a euphemistically called and what you want to do is intersperse the layers with slices of green pepper just few pieces and make sure it is a lair you name sort of spread it around across the dish now I'm going to put in the turbot more peppers just keep building it up as you go and then on the very top and this is always on the very top the sardines and now are we get to the dead clever bit we've got these slices of nice rustic bread butter it lavishly and then you're going to put it on the very top of the skew butter side down and press it down firmly wonderful dish lovely that's all season right know what we need now yeah is a nice big pot of new potatoes is it straight from the ground yes I mean doubt the field and get him to it okay yeah yes that's happy that's very happy yes for Kate thank you would you like a broomstick yes to get me that to the field [Music] right well if we walked up the hill where we could catch up with those diggers and pick up the last of the potatoes and have a knife failure them with the dinner they must be starving the first from the ground think out the dishes covered in butter cream and herbs well he well that's not too bad general look how far we've come yes sir to first watch this Jennifer be careful when you got exercise really steep it now I'll leave it QX but how about that then general brother dear cheerless pretty damn well how you doing you don't gathered many hotel yeah it's new occupations vegetable suitable employment it is the duty of the gentleman to give employment to the artists an okay I think they agree shouts his ends doing it [Music] it's very nice for give give last little touch keep them warm after all their endeavors that's another slug in I think that's been nothing lovely there's a splendid mm-hmm it looks great it's it stayed so that sort of perfect [Music] trendy home a grand super grand Empress denizens from the deep spiced up in this lovely fish stew for Portuguese workers with an appetite a drop of Port will transform this fine dish seductively sublime who can resist the aphrodisiac of chocolate bye well we won't forget Josie and Harry I love all those cookies having lovely jolly time hey there sweet they weren't so good you could talk to them a little bit and all that exciting that was amazing I have something for you say what the shows this is a beautiful it have them thrashed race look at the prism wonderful television so it's lovely isn't it mother-of-pearl I didn't realize they were the abalone family and we've never in Aboriginal that's for me plowing up a hill it was a wonderful feat mmm I should be able to get Haven many unfortunate guests for months to come at dinner parties is sometimes packed those fields of potatoes washing to the bay that's a very boring for everybody very problem bang-bang duck I think you missed filter your pretty good health and the Jersey to Joseph charming Jersey [Music] [Applause] further information about these recipes can be found on Ceefax page 500 matey and the ladies will be back at the same time 8:30 next Tuesday on BBC 2 [Music] there's a selection of recipes from the tow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Eleni good morning it's nice to meet you I'm fascinated by these wonderful creatures so we bought them some food well in 2008 that doesn't look very sort of elephantine in proportion it's a girl tell yourself and let her just take you'll take it off and just present it see ya gently she'll find it let's trick pecking order here here on the front yes it all is is the leader the leader of the herd see that she's the wisest and the oldest at thirty four thirty she rules the whole the whole group never mind feeding the elephant it's off we supposed to be feeding your lad we certainly are got several elephant keepers looking after this one and you creates a voracious appetite drivin to the kitchen [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm forming with it yeah they're nice keeps me busy in the garden very pairs look terrific I like the way with your foot but they put back their chunks in a little Oh amazing I'm going to cook a recipe of my mother's which is a spatchcocked Poussin deviled it's just as well you're putting all that on it because they didn't really have any flavor there they need a little help rather like a Phillips steak don't they're beautiful texture no taste yes well they haven't had a very long life in which to acquire much taste taste comes with age cut it down the middle of the back and then you just turn it over and you lean on it if you're have a fuller figure like me it's not very difficult if you're a skinny little thing you may have to thump it with something and then you take some skewers you don't have to do this just be neat and tidy really and put it through says it holds the chicken in some sort of shape and then you do the same the other way around and all you do then is if you've got a good strong pair of kitchen scissors you can just snip off the ends and then just put it in its dish with its little friend and then here I have some softened butter and again to add to that a good dollop of Worcester sauce you can make it as hot or not as you want but be quite quite brave if any of you it'll be full of Chili Peppers those of thee no no no just Tabasco just first a little bit of Tabasco dear mister McElhenney and then some good dry Colman's mustard you want dry mustard for this none of your made-up moccasins strong taste and a good pinch of pepper and a pinch of salt and then you've just mush it all together smells lovely if you haven't got Tabasco sauce EU is cayenne pepper or even sugar powder yeah thought about and then you take your birds and you just spread it over the top as if you were icing a cake fritter don't spread it quite liberally so what do you want to know I'm doing something equally simple as much perfect wonderful smell coming from here apples always produced this wonderful smell and I've always liked this to see because it was in the days of Swing when I was about 14 and I think it was the Andrew sisters they say this wonderful song called shoo fly pie and Apple pan dowdy eyes like up and your tummy say howdy come you see Heidi I like the idea in tummies a guide yes that's very good anyway it's a form of apple pie and when cooked served with a large quantity of whipped cream and I said so what I got here all these apples cut into slices and I get to flavor them first of all good spoonful a golden treacle lovely golden treacle friend of one's childhood everyone a couple of pinches acquittal nutmeg anything about not me it gives seems to give it anything just produces from this marvelous spicy taste and cinnamon as well cinnamon and Apple of marriage made in heaven absolutely delicious any time I didn't like cinnamon was at school and I used to give some disgusting mints and flavored with it I think it was for coves go to bed and mimic them up [Music] now transfer it to will buttered Allen dish caressed with butter well quite a lot of butter I visit dogs so the Greyhound rut and I had this wonderful bacon sandwich and the woman said to me she said as its you will she said I've spread butter along the bread now we made the batter to go on the top of it which is phases the dog D will depend o do something I've got a mixture here now of them I got some milk and some butter there put this milk into the butter yep they're ready then into the ordinary flour which has been sifted we want to put Mike hardness of soda pinch of salt towards his a pinch of salt and the castor sugar mix them up together make a well in the middle and add the milk and butter in gently just to make good mixture see it's pretty easy it does is a trace there that's all mixed together then just pour it over your apple mixture spread it evenly and it will all sing in and then set and you'll get this nice crust on top it was lovely simple simple simple fair good night wrong with simple fare and there you are easy peasy would you be a dear and put that in the hot oven yes Rose will bake that and did it nice and browned on top and softish in the middle and that'll take about 40 minutes right thanks banks all right here we are now I just got I mean I've cut the crusts off a small white loaf of bread and just torn it into not breadcrumbs so much just little pieces of bread I'm gonna scatter this wall over the top of my smothered spatchcock chicken was amazing my mother who never cooked anything what he'd never allowed to cook anything that was had served until she was in her 60s when my father went off his head and left him and then she talked to it and um there were various things that she that she could do had about five or six dishes that she did terribly well and I really enjoyed doing and this is one of them so easy and save good and then another bit of butter then just dot it over the top stop the bread from burning nice brown and bubbly mmm right gonna pop that in the oven as well we will leave that cook for about 40 minutes but keep an eye on it well I'm going to need some goats cheese for my next recipe that's alright that's easy there is a lovely lady with kids and I believe she produces wonderful trees so it's exactly what you want well lead on Macduff weren't you saying that the lady with the goats was near a walled garden this looked possible what we need now is a way in don't you think [Music] look a wonderful garden beautiful attended by disks the perfect Victorian warp pipes inside the walls you nation will help write them the fruit every goose cogs yeah I'm very partial to a good Goods breath at the moment it's just coming up dude how the real thing at last they're just like Ozzy chicks well that's cuz they've been allowed to vote to get the seed you see these little heads here you shouldn't have anything to eat them what you would eat you see would be the stork down there one of your beloved's in it card you know you're brittle and freckled maybe will help me I'm there free all right let's get him find the gate on word searching mean this way I think I could smell gate Jennifer I think we're in the right place is it like milking a cow no oh you just rode really simple you ever go Jennifer you might be better than me I'll feed the leaves and you have a go oh you do like the leaves come on Mitch that's it so the rapid firm motion yeah the milking adorned with my key is maybe my buckets and pails well that's into the future you can do all the milking no no village this one does yes well I hate to break this rustic needle but do you have any gates cheese we can help yes would you like some that would be very kind could you just well I just never get yes I just giving it leaves but it should be all right you grab the milk good if I got the game [Laughter] [Music] little fun goat we had yes and lovely gates cheese didn't you milk them beautifully well not beautiful miracle managed this trickle anyway I great to cook sort of Eastern a dish lamb in Philly parcels as a jaga chop and chicken chopped without the bend it away whatever to start with is the stuffing I got butter here bubbling away thank you to add onions and get that softened onions garlic of course garlic is always delicious with sheep and Rick sheep it's over feet mutton lamb you it no celeb have about the mushrooms now into this we put our lovely herbs we've got thyme and chives mint and parsley a lovely mixture give them a little mix up oh what a smell what gives us more pleasure than fresh herbs just cooking what well I can take some things that give me both pleasure but not a lot now we've got some lemon juice as much as you can see as usual take a decorate a lot of it it's so super every quite well seasoned and then finally breadcrumbs a nice batch of theirs get it all amalgamated maybe up I mean pop it on the trivet now we comes the fun part we're going to make the parcels with bits already prepared that filo pastry would you buy you do not attempt to make unless you come from Mesopotamia or summer and you'll be doing it all your life leap down like this you need three for each little parcel I've got the melted butter here you pink it on some with method what to it each one must be interlaced with more butter this is what makes you tip me and you know that lovely texture free the pastry with it's all crinkly you have to keep it under a damp cloth don't you yes otherwise it'll just dry up and shrivel I've got a bit of a break there but it doesn't matter oh this is gonna end up as a neat parcel so don't worry did you get one of these nice pieces of quite a fine fellow and I'm just steered just to seal the meat place it there in the middle then give it a good dollop of the stuffing press it in a bit then you turn the side up the front side now but of the sides where you have folded over fold inwards to create the beginning of the package and then simply turn it over and over and you have a neat little parcel there dinky fit it did you see it's quite simple and pleasant to hold and pop it there and I shall continue filling them all up while you do one of your exciting things exciting things exciting things with goats cheese I'm making chile rellenos rude yes Caramba with a tomato salsa and what I got here is some jalapeno chilies and what I've done with them is I've put them into boiling water and then removed it from the heat and left it to stand for 15 minutes and then I've drained them off and all you do is you cut the little stalk off and just take out any seeds and then I gain to stuff them with goats cheese you can use any sort of cheese in Mexico I believe they do use something called Monterey Jack which always reminds me of an outlaw so I take the gates cheese darling its diversity yeah break it up use your hands for this is a lot easier make sure that they are spotlessly clean before you start of course and I'm going to add to it some origami and some salt quite a lot of salt because it's need to taste the cheese first this is quite a young soft cheese and it needs a bit of salt to flavor it and some chives chopped getting to snip so nice and so fragrant and they look so pretty well yeah and just mix that all in then you take the chilli and take a little spoon and just stuff away this is why you want chilies that are they're a good size I find chilies such a fascinating subject my entire family are addicted to chilies we used to think that my oldest sister was the Milkman's child because she was the only one that didn't like chilies when my brother died he left me his Chinni collection heretics Trojan things we left did you use them well I have been using them over the years that they finish now it was some time but there were dried chilies and bottled chilies and pickled chilies that's a good thing to be left in and devices they bequeathed by chilies well the noise it was like too amazing I thought you might kept them for heart-rending thoughts no no no none of that nonsense no absolutely not so I'm going to put these on those steamed for about 50 minutes and that they'll they'll puff up and um and look very nice and too gay with it I'm going to have a cherry tomato salsa I've got both red and yellow cherry tomatoes it looks a pretty and I've just cut them into quarters to this I'm going to add some shallots and a little green chilli which I've just chopped up was to give it a bit of bite some coriander and full of pinches of salt you need the salt just to make the juices run and a few more chives and then mix it all together nice pretty pretty pretty right he's getting on perfect thank you just put mine in the oven yep I'm gonna take these off now there's 15 minutes in a hot oven if you want them nice and big inside which I do hope you do because otherwise they'll get gray and sad looking there yeah right well I suppose we should just check the dining room yes and then we could go and see the elephants I'll take these napkins through you grab that bottle of wine yes the red yeah that's the one oh well this all looks very nice we're nearly done just leave them some napkins that's bright help themselves they'll need it after they've been numb I leave them white up there right yeah let's go and see the Ellie's well do you never day we might see the walk out come walk out yeah they've walking out to the field you want to take the bike or should we take the Land Rover I think we've been better taking the Land Rover probably in case something unforeseen happened yes keep out the monkeys if not the elephant [Music] [Music] just coming wrong bender hey all in uniform a song I know school crocodile okay quite quickly today if they will say streets legs carrying the mommy they look slow but they get they're taking very big spreads compared to us jump long follow them up they will look very very happy out here in the wild nice and full up are there well this stage of the day they're absolutely full yeah it's all taking more grass but they've had several hours now they go to London I think they spend a few hours a day just sort of coming themselves or dusting themselves or mud baths but certainly 18 as of the day is eating we've cooked all this lovely food for you we're looking forward to it why don't you get off Elisa's and leave us here to babysit well sounds like the best offer we've had today if they Stampede we'll be there in front tell us which point of the canvas they're aiming for and really anyway we're getting right on food enjoy thank you Bon Appetit and we will sing you a lullaby do you sing the lullaby they may very well start people if I sing with another body we're dumb devane's eat anything without cheese an elephant fly the devil has all the best recipes and these mustard petit pull sounds are no exception chile rellenos warm goat's cheese chili and a tex-mex salsa on the side whisp filo pastry makes neat cut apostles simply served they are quite a feast Lam infidel pastry stuffed and pink to turn Tony Sampson spot this fair serve with cream and say howdy to Apple Pandowdy was a curious day extraordinary like being in the middle of a fairy tale book doctor do this dr. Doolittle is very extraordinary meeting meeting these animals near to inez ed clothes being rather wonderful really lovely lovely Elliot they met they loved it I think they're charming I'm glad we're looking after them yes can I be a feeling of responsibility I say that yes but we really are babysitting because we've got the babies jumbo jumbo babies I have a feeling that they wouldn't hurt them you're all right George oh yes you're getting nearer and nearer to a circus career it was I wanted to be over John I was a little girl mmm I want to be the lady on the most complicated in in the beautiful pink tutu oh I'm sure likes me rain I'm sold well I'm glad you feel that way maybe here some time with them I they come back with listen with the tumble go down and the tear cries terrible animals look about natural jackals baby eaters we don't see the bush practically up well bill to the bush yes to the bush we'll call it nothing happens to further information about these recipes can be found on Ceefax page 580 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah Oh Java lots of lovely wild watercress oh great to have that nice peppery taste yeah look just how it used to be wonderful really good it's good strong proper place every app every mmm he's nice running water here so be quite safe right there we might need to cook ma this is the old road to strontium so if we keep gay then here we'll get the Logan's Run logo the ones we get to cook for the lumber day [Music] it's nippy be careful morning bootie find this guy - the hello good morning we've come to cook your harvest supper for the end of this particular lot and I gather one of yous got a Croft we can use to cook it yeah baby would you read yeah and show us the way you can pop over the back of my bag every day would it be happy there thank you a comfortable temperature okay gone but there's a bloody dad will do there if we get up to the ski bum she took it off so that the handsome young men would have to hang on [Music] [Music] quit yes Jennifer cross I thought it would be just a little you know fire things anyway what I did to make is good Hachi poule au pot that that wonderful nourishing dish I invented by Henry of Navarre because he wanted all his subjects to have a chicken in their pub every Sunday which was a good idea now I think it he works quite a long time and he was killed by a crazed vegetarian Supergirl but he was possibly was by a crazed vegetarian looking a gift horse in the mouth indeed so what do you do now is actually stop the chicken and first of all we want big crumbs which I've got soaked of milk but I must squeeze out just keep it moist and pull up the tail then I've got egg yolks for binding purposes and about four tablespoons of parsley and he'll give it to color in the flavor then good old garlic of course do you think they do guard leg up here but we'll see what happens big tail now a good little bell of delicious chopped gammon well seasoned with pepper and a bit of salt but not too much because of the gamin My dear little nutmeg good scrape of nutmeg and then I give the stir in chopped livers which gives very good flavor mixed air tore up now we stuffed the chicken push it to the back unless you can in I wouldn't mind having much bigger one that had to do several of these is that one get very far with it I believe one each and what I'll do is I would just put a slice there in and serve the Pope's nosing I wonder why they call it the paper snows expect it was rude it was probably heretical or something I'm sure was frightfully rude I just wind up wondered which bit of rude it was then we're truss it and we can hold it together with these excellent BAM the tip tidy that's all right now I've got here boiling in this blended pan my lovely broth which will give a lovely flavor cause a little celery ok gardening onion with a couple of cloves that can do it and we'll pop this in there now that'll simmer away so leave that there and prepare some vegetables to add to it so you you can carry on there if you need anything of the other ninety yes thank you I'm making watercress mousse the lovely watercress proper that's right it might be perhaps a little dainty for the Lumberjacks but with this beautiful watercress I couldn't resist it and I've been chopping up the watercress very fine there and I've got here some ricotta cheese that will hold the noose this is a non cooked moose trouble with cooked meat eases they tend to be doing doing doing unless you're very careful because the watercress is quite bitter I just going to add about half a spoonful of sugar and an egg yolk not many will get a moose day there with that real watercress in there indeed so just mix the yoke into it and some salt and pepper too much because you don't want to spoil the delicate flavor and the zest of a lemon have a terrible feeling we're going and abandon the lemons but luckily there were plenty I think they're not a barbaric up here as you think they are doing offend among the hill tribes yeah and the juice of half a lemon yeah and now I'm going to mix in the watercress quite a lot of watercress see how small leaves are on that but they do have a wonderful flavor this would remember of them nasturtiums family peppery yeah and I got to make white did i beaten already with them a bit more anyway see it's nice and stiff here stiff peaks and I can fold this in to the watercress mixture and make sure you fold it in well and you must use a metal spoon for it Jennifer just behind you there's some gelatin softening it wouldn't be an angel impart it to me with it yes of course all the Knights of liquid rizal it in hold it in as you get in didn't have a chance to set and now here I've got some little modes huh and I just lined each of them with some cling film so that when the Moose's are set they will come out easily and I'm just going to spoon the mixture into the molds tasty little creatures tougher Lumberjacks their mothers so the big and broad knee is that expected them to be I thought they'd be true well I think it's the they you all use chainsaws now they need the muscle no what are you going to do with all those veg their gig they gave you to join my chicken and they'll be the vegetable that goes with it and by the time these the court the chicken will be cooked then it can all be laid out together really well you can't think of it very like the Scottish cock-a-leekie but without the Barlet if I don't like barley nasty it's very slippery did you don't like slipper in here yeah that'll make a fine great dish now they can go on cooking until the chicken is ready and the vegetables will be ready yes be lovely for me well you'll be surprised how much they like these dainty little muses and serve them with a few prawns I mean I'm just old the cling film over and then I'll chill these and then turn them out for for a nice daughter you know that bridge we came over after the drave braid the pretty little one that's the one yeah I remember the fisherman we waved at yes I thought he was great attractive really who you would I thought as this fishing Rob knocking around here left by Richard I thought we might go and try a hand as a little fishing great do what I thought you'd like to come to is separate it's very weird well you can sit on one arm render or something come on beers lovely lovely what next [Music] you know right if I Drive is efficient [Music] well nothing like capture fish it wait they're not got a lot of practice at this yeah I'll help you with your car seat okay so you take the rod in your right hand then take the slack in your show you how the action works you can tattoo and it comes back shoot out what is he doing he's got the action ever leave you that let the fly come around like a goodness Jennifer I don't have waved as I'm glad to say [Music] well the weather's ready coming in and I put my hat on you are brave yes well what has to be of these matters okay let's see this action again you're getting good at this you've done it before no but I could use a whip very well okay listen I'll leave you to just go on and let me come around in the water and then just initiate you see that flurry of activity strike until I catch your fish but we'll keep trying I may never get one principally Peter you know some pitches yeah what do I do yep I think we've got one what do I hear what we knit in this it reason it's not a big swim in being towards me goodbye little fishy Oh big is it not big enough Jennifer I'll have to come back in a few years I've got to see this Hey so my new friends given us terrific thank you very much lovely gentlemen you are fancy ones in PETA [Music] seatrout how I love seatrout say much nicer than salmon I love it even more than sea bass especially when it's given to me by a handsome fisherman a perfect specimen just the right size mmm wonderful and what I going to do with it is cook it in rock salt which is a very simple way of doing it it keeps all the juices in the fish it's difficult to go wrong with it and it looks very dramatic now I'm going to rub the inside cavity with salt and pepper just the inside cavity and I'm going to put into the cavity some fellow can be fennel the herb or it can be the chopped tops of the sprouting bulb fennel well if you didn't have it you could use found no I suppose one could it's one more likely to have a Pernod about what I wonder yes quite often I've always got a bottle of that in the gathered and now the sea salt well there's my pan and this is the coarse sea salt that you get my inner make a layer of that on the base of my baking tray so the fun this Court is in Ireland when I was a little girl and we write fishing and I caught this fish and I'm so excited it's a little like today and even more humiliating it was that big a minute and they made me throw it bury her and I had all sorts of visions of having it stuffed and put on a board now who could put the fish on the salt and then just heat more salt over the top it doesn't matter is the head of the tail katroo dab it and bank it up around the fish and then I just gave the sprinkle a few drops of water on the top so that it will help the salt to KITT heat until the juices start running because you don't want it sliding off the fish there we are but it's done and then I'm going to put it in in this instance the top oven of the argA for about 40 minutes there we go and with that I guess serve that delicious but very simple and they say easily ruined sauce beurre blanc but actually a bird noise terribly easy to make there's wonderful of sources it's another miracle of the kitchen this is wonderful and here I got some Sherlock's which I finely chopped and I get to cover them with 2/3 white wine to 1/3 good white wine vinegar and a little bit of salt and pepper and I'm just going to put this on and cook it until the liquid has reduced and just moistens and barely covers the shallots in Jennifer's doing all sorts of things I'm doing a large luscious pudding for the nicer lovers what I've done is I've got these are the peaches they take it to stand out and peel them and what I gave you now is make a lovely paste to put in the cavities I've got these recipe of biscuits which I shall pound into a powder what is the difference really between a ratafia biscuit and a macaroon you say you Latakia as I say recipe ah well indeed this right now I didn't I will take great trouble with the little recipes because I did a receipt for lemon posset and that's another miracle thing you know it thickens by the lemon juice and yo men took the little recipe a biscuit tin and they all went to amalgamate I would have thought perfectly safe pretty body like a bit infuriated less mridu saying that not only had he wasted two pounds of raspberries but but the biggest bridgework had been broken what is it thicker is it the bridgework than looking back or your collar right so I've got these two a polarized state and I get add a spoonful of Demerara and to moisten it I make it into a paste a little bit of Cointreau which will give it a good old flavor Thomas the Tank Engine that's me and we'll fill the little holes with high heels and panties and a bra which I wear a girlie I think they're probably too young to know the song yes like policemen lamb there we are they're all nicely filled I guess what I'm gonna do now cover them in cream what the lumberjack the Big Cheese the peaches well I'm sure your pudding will be a great success from to be lovely and sweet and the Scots have a very sweet tooth they love three things in fact in the old days it used to be their 21st birthday present to have all their teeth out so they would never did trouble with it as all don't heard that one Jennifer I think that's Manta Scots propaganda mind you I've often heard it really now tell of this fine myths in more Dever era brother like a brulee now it's fun time I've got this lovely little instrument what is that it's my blowtorch there's no grill here that isn't how to use them but we've try now I wonder if you would I'm good hold it would you like it I'm afraid of it you also like to find the rhythm of the sharp end just call me rim down the arrow yes fresh be a matilda yes that pointy took them things let me do a lovely lovely bubbly brew I prefer good I'll grill frankly but ahem little bit closer do you think now it's bubbling they've just being too cautious with it blows away blast away yeah that's right yes it looks fine Pieria quite a little weapon yes I think I'll stick to the bike if I with you just little practice yes I'm back to put the butter into my beurre blanc whisk into it these cubes of cold butter a handful at a time the trick of this sauce is that you must wait until the first loss of finish to mixed in properly before you add another handful and just keep whisking it pay you some simple severance made a bishop of these reverence is that what your Nana used to say to you yeah my name is more likely to say an English nanny yay I didn't give her at all out there after our lovely Chinese Albert it's now stay starched monster and tow us with the terrible smell probably death toll or something like that you know we're eight used to disinfect them tonight hey I think that's done that looks great perfect perfect consistency pour it into this little bow get my fish out of the oven it should be done by now it is dramatic they like Frankenstein's monster found in a block of ice or the Snow Queen frozen in her palace yester know the way to tell I got a skewer a little sharp knife would you like that yeah that'll be fine thank you you just put it through the salt right through the crust yeah take days if it's hot at the tip then it's done what I need to do is break off the salt crust when it's cooled a bit and all the skin and everything will come with it right I think we should go and see what the Lumberjacks are up to don't you hey Richard good seems they're getting ready the rain keeps off indeed the miracle [Music] right the fish is getting cold Jennifer right there I'm gonna give them a half chop on this one for them [Music] I'll give you hundred laps now okay mother [Music] well I almost cut that that tree but they laughed at me for using this old handsaw and so they finish it off what they're using so long timber that's my tree that'll do coming down over there [Applause] [Applause] last log of the season Jennifer you were little of the deck and you okay come on tug oh yes good boy to a told make 56 don't they should ahead of me let's get up [Music] we all know kind of that come off you think it's wonderful oh good is he leaving pretty chick chicks yeah well that will set them up at reach I think [Music] wild watercress mousse a peppery bite for the logging types fresh sea trout sealed in salt and a beurre blanc irresistible combination cooler part French inspiration hearty vegetables and traditional stuffing crispy crunchy pitas with a hint of grant whole subdued the bad how many thousand tons was that dark out of that well Jennifer I think this is one cooking experience and she'll be glad to see the back up I will wait wait wait miss videos with precise people treat me with nice habits we got no money at all and they all said it was lovely loud three well yes I'm into whisp beautiful the week you haven't been there in there but knowledge of the witness it keeps the midges as well right midges they're not fond of them myself three killed winds well people come here stay there anyway I had a lot of fun I don't think you enjoyed the adventures as much as I did but I am NOT fun you looked Ollie killed in the middle of the river I know but he did have its incentives wonderful I'll give it that yes anyway well done well done very good help and two bodies copper [Music] further information about these recipes can be found on see FAQs page 580 your whole personality could be shaped by where you're born in the family [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] hello volunteer can we get some crabs from you yes we have some crabs oh good would you by any chance have a splendid card or two you have yes we have some code as well very luck indeed yeah undo the basket we've also been doing some cooking on me on the way and vocal fear thank you okay there's a better than the truth longest edom they're really delicious look at that lovely breakfast - thank you well let's see what we can fit in yeah really yes yes you like it not more smaller yeah well I'm taking minis I can fit it sure you will good luck yes for breakfast for breakfast I know put the club separate and that's a great big pillow make sure you shot the basket properly because I didn't want them down the back of my neck yeah I really will what a pretty kettle of fish well Jennifer off to cook for jockeys at Kelsey time indeed let us out feed the dog is too much my stairs and down the racecourse is on the Duke of Rocks brother state and he's kindly said we can cook in his kitchen [Music] we're looking for the kitchens of the tarsal just carry on down the roads it's on the on your left am i cooking for you and some of your colleagues i think you're about 12 video after the racing what are you cooking for us light we were told light four little jockeys okay well good luck see you later [Applause] quite a suitable home for a Duke I hate the buckler's expecting us follow me ladies we've got a long way to go yet normally this room and a wonderful tapestry [Music] she's gone come on Jennifer lose him Tom I'm looking for a marriage for the CREM I didn't make this Vince's vermicelli indeed there we are label them the vermicelli just what they want he want vermicelli good filing system truly and you'd be one somewhere right well I'll get this meat out I'm cooking green beans with Raymond mustard and she's bashing up crabs the Raymond mustard is a genuine Rabin recipe straight from the pages of a pissy Asst and what I've got in here is it's - mustard seed which I've soaked overnight in grape juice and red wine vinegar the original recipe called for verjuice but the nearest I can approximate to that is the combination of those two what exactly is verjuice well it's a type of apple vinegar cider vinegar no it's too light I've got enough body to it that's enough buddy and I've also added to that a few cumin seeds and a bit of salt and I gained put it in the blender I sell blender [Applause] and then to that I'm going to add some blanched flaked almonds and some pine kernels and a bit of salt it looks extremely good would you call it a condiment would yes a spacer a condiment or a comment it keeps forever I mean just once it's made put it in a sealed jar and keep it in the larder from agent Lee you don't want to process this too much just till they're bashed about a bit lovely and here I have some green beans which I've just topped and tailed something chewy something chewy in the mustard and just cook them for about five to eight minutes right well I've got to get on with chopping things so how are you getting on what I'm up to is I'm doing hot buttered crab when quite the right part of the country because we've got crabs straight from the sea and they'll be absolutely delicious they do take a bit of time and if you have a friend you could help all the better or some people even have people to read to them while they're doing it but if you just settle down to it you can't through it in the end and you get better and better as you go along I've got the flesh there which I shall now mix with everything else I got half my batter and we want to put in garlic garlic goes very well with crabs and anchovies surprise surprise there's quite cool having a race course on your doorstep isn't it it's just pop out I'm just popping in those wasn't too 1330 apparently the relevant Duke who who started building it I think it was the fifth one was celebrating the fact that he had at the age of 86 dost father and his first son Hill brother young relates whether he'd been practicing for years or whether even latestarter I think you are really doing that girl there but I did what sort of the specimen evolves now we get to put in to their lemon juice for one a dome good done dash of Tabasco depending how hot you like things I mean put in as much as you want stir the breadcrumbs in grated nutmeg do you use fresh nutmeg it makes all the different vermouth about 4 tablespoons everything the bad news always gives very good scent parsley thyme to the crab pile that in this should cook all in all for about 5 minutes because you don't want to cook the crab again so just sort of get it heated through now I've got the other half of my butter which I shall add in it can take a lot of butter crab sucks it up mix that all in give it a taste I've needed lots of seasoning I'll give it a little pepper slam let smells lovely too all nicely mixed then we start filling out our beautiful crab shells lovely creatures straight from the sea this morning right when you'll be stuffing there a bit these beans should be cooked by now so I'm just going to drain these beans keep the water for stock and to that I'm going to add good of the mustard oil and the mixture of chillies and garlic that I've just been chopping up and some of the mustard like they lovingly prepared from the beatings and fry that all up now mix it all in well and then put the pounds of one side and a final touch to the beans are hot dressing put the must small mustard oil into the frying pan and into that I'm going to add some cumin seed and some more mustard seeds that I just bashed about a bitchen is Pet some water and let it heat up and then you'll be able to tell when the mustard seed and the cumin seed is cooked because it'll start popping at you on there for a bit now look at this smashing serving terrine I got from my beans really handsome beautiful serene Minton try not to drop that and just put them into the terrine and then now you can hear the frying pan popping away I'll just push this over the top round yeah very good this smell of them popping it and put the lid on and that's will keep very nicely and you can in fact eat it cold or even lukewarm though they look very dainty and what I do now is I sprinkle on a little more victims not too much it's just for the browning effect little a on the top and funnily enough the French call the error stirs being of the Greta which means upper crust then they just sprinkling of parsley now there they are they're already and you can leave them to cool in the shells and then reheat them in the hot oven or under a grill when just before you're glad to eat them so you get this nice bubbling crusty top very good taste indeed I need a pound of flour but it doesn't appear to be any in this rather lavish kitchen it's typical isn't it and don't suggest a supermarket news there's a wonderful mill I knew you weren't going to an ordinary little shock Willy oh good god named little shop [Music] [Applause] [Music] discharge trough feed hopper wonderful place amazing I hope we can get some flour here nobody about hello hello sharp oh we got some grain wheat you can probably do it ourselves Jennifer I probably get arrested well I know where it turns on now here's a wheel so it like a chips wheel yeah that'll be it now I'll watch the main wheel and you turn that Jennifer Craig stiff yeah well it will be but just put put some weight into it I will and who better able I think we're happening here very exciting even knows what may happen well I we can have a pound of flour out of it [Laughter] stand clear below it's working look beautiful lovely let me see that's the Millers some use in a thumb test it sure it's properly ground that's the Gildan thumb because even the Millers were quite rich kill them with drugs we police now have another rule - weird fake tails indeed right stick that's it Oh enough more than that I would say look at it several lanes several lives of healthy pro bread yes when you like white plastic bread no I hate it I like crusty crusty white [Music] look lovely flower never been ground flower right to the stuff very good these kitchens there are great training grounds my mother had a cook who trained at Chatsworth with the Devonshire's well I think that would would be the training indeed nothing happened down like mad they were a convenient weapons at all servants don't deserve planning right well I'm going to make BAM rack with rhubarb today's lovely jockeys they won I've got in here it's just some mixed dried fruits and I gain to add to it six ounces of castor sugar and some finely chopped peel orange and lemon peel mixed and then I'm going to pour onto this a pint of cold tea this is just ordinary breakfast tea which I've made and allowed to get cold that's must be allowed to soak for between six and eight hours but fortunately he sees one a friendly footman did earlier and here I just got some some butter which I've softened and creamed breaking to it an egg which I'm just going to mix up I'm just going to put a pinch of flour into it to help it to stay together and now into the soaked fruit I'm going to sieve the flour you have to save this type of flour because you never know what you may find in it the hidden dormouse indeed okay through beautiful isn't it yes very verified email that I know perfectly all they'd good Gildan sums we've got yeah that's about half the flour stir this in and I'm going to put in a teaspoon full of mixed spice and the scallop teaspoon full of baking powder flour well that's about two-thirds of the flour now and it's as you can see from thickening up and stiffening up and I going to put the butter and egg mixture in now really mix it in well we don't want any lumps right and finish off the rest of the flour I got a brand left in the bottle I just can't eat bread I found you've just chew chew chew and can't cuz I actually make the final swallow oh yeah right pour that in I've got a baking tin which I greased and lined greatly to one end yeah and I'm just going to put this into the oven right I'm going to perfectly post some rhubarb to go with the BAM brac and what I've got here is just some pieces of rhubarb because I'd peeled off all the long sort of messy bits from the edges and just cut the rhubarb into inch pieces put it into the pot with a bit of sugar and just a little bit of water I don't want too much water just a little bit start the juice running so it's going to put that on and leave it for a very short space of time I don't wanted a the cooked I want it in solid lumps so I'll get home with my Stefan I'm going to cook a fine card a stuffed Cod look at the beautiful creature marvellous fresh again from the sea we're so lucky what I've got here is a better break come about half a pint and shoving the ham about two tablespoonfuls of ham then we've got the chives about two tablespoonfuls couple of pinches of time first time the grated zest of half a lemon now we'll put some grated onions then squeeze half a lemon in and my favorite little creature did not make grater nothing a little bit of salt no too much remember the hem and crazy' quite a good amount of pepper and I've got here it can be either butter or bacon fat and stir this in it gives a very good flavor and about the tablespoon of parsley mix it all together now we can stuff all of they Cod I'm going to cover the health fish in lemon juice and the inside nuts and they're just fine cavity as I think that's just about the right time for something to put into it okay think about stuffing is the fact that when you eat later now we have to stir it up bit of convent training comes in useful here convent training yes they torture had to serve nobody knows ever so now this this will surgeons so but they said it completely different where did they you should know with your father yes he used to spend all his time called practicing knots with his left hand and I remember my mother said that when they were courting used to drive him mad but she'd finally been doing it to her hair without thinking a firm way to start the marriage yeah no scar said no scar yeah now this is already in a will buttered tray and I'm going to add to it first of all about a pint of good tomatoes peeled and chopped up mushrooms a sprinkling of Salaam spread them Evert all these juices will come out once it's cooking and then a final sprinkling of parsley now it's ready for the oven but I must cover it yeah every was a tip not ready Jennifer now led tips well I I think it's probably better if we do our own thing which is I mean one can fall like badly you may have tips don't turn up really how you think so I would take them from you i I always choose because of the name the name must have some sort of connection yes well that's what amateurs do isn't it absolutely and they did do too badly zuv them no dams real right I cook for about 20 minutes in the hot oven and your big gay racing don't want to miss the horses saddling up in the paddock oh yeah I'm sure we did I couldn't watch that knife buckler you were just chatting up if he'd tell you awful toy episode a scream take it out mmm right useful to have a butler in my opinions Buster's ought to know their place and not to play the old retainer night a day a week day that was the bell Jennifer say that means they're mounting up so perhaps we want to get in place a bet do they sure don't think they would get together hand can I have 20 pounds to win blooming spring there twenty ten pounds each wave moving lot of women straight deposit in each ticket excuse me hey really there lot about horses and I did really know how to go about it and what if you could be able to help me you look you look absolutely as though you know everything to light it madam absolutely delighted and you go on color or name a good name and work this Lord of the land he's got no form but you don't mind that at all nearly I'm also them heavily almost yes yes alright now may I put the bet on for you to say if you're going up and dollar each with everything today is absolutely right yeah [Music] see my horse a flying threat that's a good place to be [Music] can I do [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] Raja Raja keeping to the well I think actually we've done fairly well because we have three races have you got your bag ready yes that's that's one them agree that's about 300 pounds not bad there's another 450 there which is we say in Scotland is nee bad and finally we seem to have another 500 pounds how does that do it seems a very good method [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] golden crunchy fresh from the sea hot but incredulous baked to perfection a fine specimen stuffed cub fish with two motive sauce an ancient Roman twist to this vegetable dish green beans with mustard delicious rhubarb barmbrack the jockeys will have to gallop it off before the weighing room you've been a pretty earth day just pity but I've won more money ready but I'm sorry about that Jennifer no treats held a way they way they didn't way I've got lots lots welcome but I read this gentleman he covered in things you know everything and they said they didn't know much about it so I changed the names of the colors I like basically to do with the two kind Lord of the land which is this is there's another one called Dukes delight the day I come through Raja and look the makeup look how much fits around after carefree well done much respect as well and the pursuit of love these love out of it stick to the money even very simple way to make family with like that take the name of the color that's what I always say [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: VHS Artifacts
Views: 246,341
Rating: 4.8802328 out of 5
Id: edHvGTqpjLw
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Length: 116min 12sec (6972 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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