10 Resolve Deliver Page Tips (including INSTAGRAM)

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hi my name is Darren Austin and in this episode we're going to be looking at tips and tricks in the deliver page and I just want to say a huge thank you I've got my first thousand subscribers last night and I'm genuinely pleased I can't believe it's happened quite so quickly but thank you all anyway and let's get on with this one so tip number one is quick export you don't have to use the delivery page in order to export we've got some presets up here and these can be found in the other pages so if I go to the color page and we finished our grade and we want to export this out now you can just go file quick export and then we see our presets up here and you literally export find your location you want it to export to and press save and it's done so it's really quick and simple this operation can be found in the cut page and the Edit Page but not fusion and Fairlight now if you want to add your own preset go to the deliver page put your settings in that you want so I'm gonna make a pro res quad 4 presets at HD click up here and say save as new preset let's give it a name and you now see this set here in our presets so in order for it to appear in the other pages you need to click on here quick exports now the quick export that we just made here is not in the list of quick exports and the reason being is we're currently set to individual clips now a quick export can only do a single clip it wants to take your 20 or 30 shots in this instance and make a single file after a single graded file whereas at the moment we're set to individual so what we need to do is update this setting so let's switch to single clip click on here and we say update current preset and now you'll see the quick exports has it in our list so we can include it in the quick exports click on here that's the color page file quick export and there you see our preset that we've just made it's in HD 25 frames per second Apple ProRes quad 4 just press export save and that will render out to the location that you set here so tip 2 is expand view back in delivery page and nice and simple this one up here you have a expanding your Settings box so just press on here and now you've got a really clear view of all the settings that you might need to use tip number three is check your clips this is a really good practice to get into a habit of doing and before every render I always check my grades up here I go to clips and down here I can filter them and what I do is I go to ungraded clips and the reason being is that I don't grade in a linear fashion necessarily on long form programs especially I'll grade one scene that might be halfway through the program then I'm back at the beginning and I'm all over the timeline so it's very easy sometimes to actually forget a clip so it thinks I want to render just this clip and I'm in single clip mode so it won't allow me so I'm gonna say apply filter and then it puts it into individual clip mode which I can change after and now the clips highlight it I can go back to my color page there's the clip highlighted copy the grade for the middle mouse click there back to the delivery page and now I can clear this filter off by going here and saying all clips and then we can put it back on to a single clip if we want to so I really recommend you do that and you can also filter things like you can look at tracked clips noise reduction clips sometimes I take noise reduction off temporarily so I can search for all my clips with noise reduction and just make sure I've applied it back on so tip 4 is disable updates during render so if you go up to the main menu you've got an option here called updates during renders which can be set to off minimal or on and what this does is give you live view as it's rendering so you're actually looking at the render happening so if you're running on quite a slow machine you can literally switch this off and so you won't see the preview while it's rendering but your render performance will be quicker which also reminds me if you press P you can look at a full view in the delivery page tip number five is use commercial workflow and what this does is allow me to render out my grade but with all the versions included as well so some of these clips have got separate versions of the grade different options and we can render those out into separate folders quite easily so if we go up to here and go to file and come down there's an option called use commercial workflow but it's not enabled until you go to individual clips you can't render out a single clip and do this workflow so down here now we have used commercial workflow click on that and what I want to do is place the five versions here into separate folders and I want the name of those folders to be the version name so it'll be version 1 version 2 etc and you can rename versions to be something that might be more suitable to the clip so this is a common workflow in VFX as well so you can send different versions to the VFX department tip number 6 is additional outputs so when I render this I can actually make multiple versions of it so let's have a look I'm going to take off that commercial workflow let's go to our video and I'm gonna do a master in Apple ProRes quad 4 in 1080hd let's just give it a name and the client wants to take away a h.264 version so I'm gonna go up here and say create additional video output and you now see I've got a number one which is our Pro res quad 4 and if I click on number two we get a shortened dialog box which allows me to quickly dial in whatever I want so I'm going to put in h.264 as it was data burnin will allow me to export with bouncing timecode for example so I might do two versions one with and one without and I'm gonna put subfolder in here so the h.264 version we're going to a subfolder called oh one let's just do say these three clips so I'm gonna do mark out here mark in here and let's get rid of this one I'm gonna add it to the render queue and the difference here is that you only get one job so I've got two files being made one in ProRes and one in h.264 but it's seen as one job and the advantage of this is when I start this render is it does it all in one pass so you only see the video going through one so if your clients that with you and they're just watching the render they're not gonna see it render wants for pro res and then render again for h.264 you just get one simultaneous stream of the render so it's a really quick and easy way of doing multiple versions and if you want to delete a output you can click on it and just press delete output down here and it's gone so tip number seven is nice and simple show job details and what this does is allow me to see a bit more information in here about what's actually being rendered so if I click here show job details now I can see that it's the Apple ProRes quad 4 in HD so it's just a little bit of reassurance as to what that job is so tip number eight is in - Graham formatting so these days it's not unusual to be asked to output for Instagram particular and we're grading branded content material so we have to do mobile phone portraits we have to do Instagram and we have to do regular sixteen by nine so how do we go about doing that so what we have to do is change the resolution in here so we'd have to do a custom resolution and for Instagram it would be 1080 by 1080 but there is an easier way of doing that so if we go into the cut page we can click up here and there are presets for Full HD for portrait mode for mobile phones and also Foursquare for Instagram so if we press on the square formatting and then go back to the delivery page it's now taken our settings for us we know that we're in the correct setting and that is ready to export out for Instagram so it's now square formatted so in this case what we'd have is black top and bottom which brings us nicely on to tip number nine which is about blanking so how do we know this clip has now been made into Instagram format but we can't really see the shape of it because we've got black and black hair and our viewer is generally set to black so what we can do is go to our user preferences click on user and say use grey background in viewers and what this does is make those grey and now can see really clearly what the output for Instagram is going to look like this is also useful not just for Instagram so if I go back to the cut page and let's put this back into HD and go back to our deliver page and let's just make that fit so we can now see very clearly at the top and bottom that we're clean what sometimes happens is if you've zoomed out and done a pan and scan on your image you sometimes get a little bit of blanking so if I go to my color page let's say we've just zoomed a bit and we had that going on if you go to the delivery page you can now see that you've got a little bit of blanking showing in the top this is also good for guide for if you're putting on and two three five look or something like that so if we go to timeline go to output blanking and let's put a two three five on there and get some I deliver page you can see it nice and clearly what's going on there because we've got the gray viewers and that gray viewer applies the color page as well so particular few working on a laptop you can see exactly what you're working with and spot any blanking issues so finally tip number ten is smart filters so when I'm grading I'll often come across a shot and I might need to do something a bit more complex that I don't want to do at that time for example object removal I might want to just do that a bit later so what I do is flag the shot so I just go right and click on it flags and add a colored flag and then what I'm gonna do is when I'm in the delivery page just before I render out I want to check that I've not got any flags that I've not completed the work on so if we go to Clips a bit like we did it with the ungraded Clips earlier but you can come down here and say flag clips and look for shots with any Flags so I've got three flag shots and what I try to do is remember to take the flags off once I've completed the work so if I've done a bit of object removal I'll take the flag off and then there's non left but in this case I've got three flags still on so I need to go back into the color page to address those and if you see up here underneath the word clips as a red line and that's telling us that were in a filtered State so we're currently in flagged clips so if we go to all Clips that deletes the filter so you now see there's no red line and just be careful here that you use the pulldown menu here and not clicking on the word Clips because if you do your Clips disappear so you need to press that again to bring them back so finally there's a little thing down here called smart filter you can create your own parameters so have a look at all these there's tons of stuff you can use metadata so because of color timeline properties of graded clips is true adding some metadata could be a certain camera you could say maybe all shots that have got open effects on them is false so it's show all the clips without open effects on and just create yourself a smart filter there and then if you click up here you'll see that smart filter is added and you can delete them or rename them in this section here so I hope you found those deliver tips useful let me know in the comments below I always answer all the comments it's always nice to hear from you and hit the subscribe button hit the notification bell and what else you got to do go to my facebook page killer tips DaVinci Resolve and look after yourselves and I will see you in the next episode
Channel: Darren Mostyn
Views: 8,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deliver page, Resolve Deliver Page, How to use deliver page in resolve, killer tips DaVinci Resolve, Darren Mostyn, davinci resolve, resolve17, how to use resolve, editing with resolve, learning resolve, tips for resolve, how to use DaVinci Resolve, Instagram, killer tips, davinci resolve tutorials for beginners, resolve16, davinci resolve 17, deliver page davinci resolve, entregar página, Resolver la página de entrega, Seite liefern
Id: 827KBLwwZ0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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