Resin Window with random glass pieces.

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all right now hi there uh i posted some pictures of a resin glass window and i've had a lot of people ask me how it is done now a resin glass window is not stained glass this that i have behind me here this was resin glass what i do i take regular i take glass colored glass not painted glass i take colored glass i break it apart and i will put it on a window i like to use wooden windows wooden windows are just a whole lot stronger they're a lot more durable and you can put hooks in them on the end so what i do with these um it's just kind of it's a really enjoyable way of creating we all need to create now what i take here again a wooden window this is an old wooden window i've still got some hardware on it as you see i'll clean the window up get it all prepped and ready to go and the big thing the most important thing is with the window is to get it very very level because i'm using a liquid epoxy resin liquid epoxy resin you can get them you can get them in various uh some of the box stores you can also get them online i use and they also come in marine epoxy but as long as it's clear it can be colored they actually make they actually make powders and liquids that you can put into the resin to color it but i'm going to for this thing for this project i'm just going to do a clear resin and the it's a one-to-one ratio i mix it up i have two two clear cups two clear cups that i will use with equal amounts of the resin we stir it up according to the directions now the resin is very some of them are very smelly some of them have a strong order odor to them so it's important you have a work in ventilation and so we by mixing this up and it's coming out pretty good the other thing when you break the glass the glass i use are plates and vases and bowls and cups to break it what i do is i lay it i take a pillowcase i put the pillowcase down i do not put the glass in the pillowcase i put the pillowcase down i lay my glass i cover it with the other side of the pillowcase and then i just break it up and you can get as large pieces smaller pieces as you choose now this is very random it's not like stained glass where it is cut and where it is perfectly shaped the way you choose it to be although you can do collages now you're going to look at this window that i have here underneath it i have freezer paper this is just freezer paper what you can do if you like because there's endless possibilities what you can do is you can take a design and draw it on your paper and then when you're ready with your colored glass you just lay it that you just start covering uh the pattern that you've drawn out now if you do draw out a pattern put down red here blue here green here whatever colors you're using for this particular project i'm doing something very simple using lids and plates and just glass glass objects and i'm also going to use some of those marbles you know the glass floral marbles that you can get at at the 99 cent stores things like that they're the little glass they're flat on one side clear on the other i'm going to use those in this project just to give it interest so i mixed up the resin i just use an old tongue depressor make sure you wear gloves resin is not something you want to be touching it's really hard difficult to get off the hands and this i the product i found is not have a lot of odor to it but i do have a window open here in the room so we're going to pour the resin out and pour the resin out and as you can probably see the the liquid is already self leveling but you know my window i've leveled it out i've leveled it out i put a level on the gras on the glass so that i know it's level if it's not level this resin over time is just going to shift positions and you're going to have a lot thicker on one side than the other so once i've got it poured out i like to take this the tongue depressor that i was using and make sure i get it spread to the sides spread all the way to the edges and the corners i also when i first first started doing this i started doing this with old pictures i took an old i had an old picture and with the glass still in it of course and i i used that to just just trial and error go to the 99-cent store and get some of those glass marbles and and it's a good way to start it just gives you a feel for what the resin is all about working with resin is about how thick it is and the glass how you're gonna lay it down so my resin is spread out really well and uh there's there's two different ways you can get the bubbles out the larger bubbles you can blow on take a straw and just blow out the bubbles that's one way of doing it and it does work it's not going to take out the smaller bubbles i like to do the big guns i have a propane torch so what i do with my propane torch i get it nice and nice and hot nice and flamey and i just run over the whole thing briefly hit it with the torch you do not want to land anywhere with your torch for any period of time you're just going to hit it nice and fast taking all your bubbles out it's not flammable and that's what i do bubbles are gone no bubbles so the next thing i'm going to do i had laid out and gave myself an idea of how i wanted all these laid down now this so i set everything over here say glass lids i'm just doing i'm going to start just laying setting things down in a somewhat random pattern i found this one it's kind of cool it's glass but it's a double layer it's got some flowers floral in it and i lay things upside down so we're going to do all of that see isn't that cool kind of cool salad plates you just set them down again be careful not to touch things you don't want to touch things this stuff is hard to get off your hands and don't worry about exact placement of this that and the other it will the resin itself will start to fill in the areas to move around here i got to make some room for this star see i found this is this also is a candle holder so what i'm going to do with it because i thought that's kind of cool be interesting i'm going to put a little uh something inside of it in the star ah talk about interesting then the other thing i'm going to do next is i'm just going to be filling in i've got rectangular glass pieces that i'm just going to fill in randomly throw in here i like the color i like the just kind of make things stand out a little bit because last thing you want last thing i wanted to do is to look ordinary or even planned i just kind of like to throw things down and together all right so i'm going to call that good and all i did again was i just started filling up the spaces and you can make it as tight and as condensed as you choose i didn't want to crowd it too much but but i have done pieces before where i crowded it together and it still looks just fine it's really as long as there's interest to it and that's the whole point that's what i love about the now i've finished laying all of my pieces and it will probably start to get tacky in about half an hour or so but i don't want to touch it because as soon as i come in and put my finger on it like to see if it's done it's going to be you're going to create a ripple it's going to be your finger's going to be sticky and you're going to figure out how to get it off your finger so i just leave it and you can i could still move things around for up to about 20 minutes so let's get cutting it kind of close because it's getting thick so once it's done i will just leave it in its place overnight and then the next day i can pick it up and move it around i guess i'm just amazed at how simple this is this is and it just takes like anything else it takes practice and it's really enjoyable just just do it and have some fun with it you saw that i did this one here so you can choose an idea or a pattern this is not stained glass it's much less expensive number really a lot less expensive and it also is um quicker a lot faster i'll say that a lot faster so enjoy yourself with it and i'll post when you see this posted i really would encourage you to send me some comments um i'm on facebook uh tracy summers i'm on facebook as well and enjoy it have some fun with it that's what this whole thing is about right let's just create all right thanks
Channel: Resin Window Art
Views: 18,763
Rating: 4.9244332 out of 5
Keywords: resin window, Resin Window, Epoxy Resin, epoxy resin, window art, Window art, Window Art, Broken glass art, broken glass art, Glass window art, glass window art, garden art, Garden art, Garden Art, Glass Window Art, Epoxy resin window, Epoxy resin, Garden window, resin window art, resin, resin art, Resin, Resin art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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