Epoxy Resin Window with Black Resin

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hi there it's me again i'm doing another video on the uh broken glass epoxy resin windows and i've made some other videos which um i got a lot of views and a lot of comments and questions and which i really appreciated now again this is um not stained glass this is broken glass that is set on a bed of liquid resin epoxy resin now the difference here this is one of the things that i've made before now you can see that it is clear this is an old window frame and what i did is i just figured out a design i poured epoxy resin down and then i laid my glass pieces on it this actually has some of those glass marbles you know that you can get at the 99 cent store um some of the floral marbles but a lot of this is all broken glass and it's colored broken glass i go to thrift stores i collect broken i collect glass and i make sure it's colored it's not painted it's colored and then i break those into pieces and different sizes and variations and throw those down so what i'm doing today is the same really the same concept basic concept now i'm doing something a little different today a little out of my comfort zone this is an old window or this is an old picture frame so it still has the glass in it i put a bead of caulking around the back side and the reason i do that is when you pour this liquid epoxy down it's a very good chance it could seep through onto your surface so i use butcher paper on the bottom wax on one side paper on the other so i will just gonna start pouring resin and you'll see well let me explain what i'm going to do i guess so what we're going to do is this is black okay i am pouring black resin down on this window and the idea here is when i put the pieces down um you know resin fills in all the gaps in all the spaces so if i were to put this down on um on the resin all of the gaps will be filled in now what's going to be different here is the black where the ridge of my glass piece touches the glass that's going to be clear and then the black epoxy is going to fill in so you'll still be able to see the pattern when it's upside down so that's kind of a reverse of what i've done before if you saw one of my other that's my sami dog if you saw my other pieces i did one where where i just laid them all down and you could see all the textures because it was clear so this is really going to be opposite and different um it'll be it's going to be very different so we'll give it a try so let's start by pouring the resin i'm i use a table top table top epoxy resin which is different from the resin you use more than like two inches if it's two inches thick you can't use tabletop there's a different type you have to use so what i do with this is it's one to one ratio i'd mix it up according to the directions and see how it's black it looks really frightening because it's so thick but as it spreads out it is self leveling remember to wear gloves you don't want this stuff on your hands if you get this on your hands uh it's really hard to get off you can use a there's an orange like an orange citrus soap you use you can use i use old-fashioned lava remember lava soap because of the pumice in it it's kind of i just wash real good with the lava on the soap and water so i'm pouring out here and i use a little tongue depressor and i just try and spread it out evenly i like cake frosting get it spread out and it will level itself out to some degree and i didn't want to do a lot so i'm i may possibly need a little more resin and if that's the case then i'll just mix it up and i can pour it over i can pour it after i've placed all my items if i think i need more resin i can do that that's just a little a little more difficult a little more time consuming now look at this you're going to see see how this is clear and that's going to be the idea right here the clearness and that when i put my glass down it's going to be able to cover everything it'll cover it it'll make it just fine and the i will repeat while i'm doing this the reason i like this over stained glass stained glass i tried i cut myself up a lot it's pretty darn expensive you know it's much i much uh it's much cheaper to just go to a thrift store find a piece of glass for a buck or to go to the dollar store and get some beads for a dollar and um and just figure out a design you want you know the the idea is interest i love the interest of what this does i also love how it catches all the light i'm i i'm all about glass and i love how it catches light okay next thing now while you weren't looking i actually went and mixed a little bit more resin with some color and i added it to the mix and again spread it out evenly and it is it's self-leveling really well i use the tongue depressor to get all the way to the corners because um it's just get it to the corners so with the bubbles there's a couple things you can do about getting bubbles out you will have bubbles with this there's no avoiding that i know some people that will blow it out with a straw yeah it works but not the it does work just not the best you can also use denatured alcohol get a boss spray bottle with denatured alcohol and spray it on denatured alcohol i find out is not allowed in california which is where i live so i i've always used torch i use these little torches and when you if you use the torch just a real quick pass we'll get all your bubbles out really that's spreading out really good and uh of course the main reason is is i leveled this i've got a piece of cardboard under here because i put a level on it make sure as this resin just relaxes it's going to cover the whole area so now i'm going to do these so all i have are variety of glass pieces that i set out mostly clear i'm going to put some other marbles in some floral marbles and then some red red pieces just for variety but remember so here's a heart now this heart has raised edges around the sides i'm going to put this on upside down and it's going to it's going to really um just like that and it's going to show when it dries it's adhering itself down there and that it's not going to stick up at all so i've got other pieces a candle holder i've got a paper weight which i thought was kind of cool so we'll do the paperweight some other little dishes another candle holder a butterfly which i found which is kind of cool do a little butterfly here and this is just a little dessert plate which i'll place in the center this another a coaster i found a coaster which is kind of awesome and then another little plate that i showed you earlier now that's that now i've got a lot of space in here and i can i can actually leave whatever i want there's a couple air bubbles in this plate let's see if i can't get those out that's good we'll call that good and as i go [Music] so these are actually black black i got these again at a yeah some thrift store i'm a thrift store shopper if you're not and somebody asked me how do you get so much glass well i have family who loves stores and garage sales so i always hit those garage sales are your best bet for for the best price um but at this time of this time of year it's a little difficult so i've got clear clear stones as well and i'm just want a variety of it throw some variety down that one's flipped but it's okay and just because i can i've got a little um smaller ones some are black some are clear now you'll notice how fast this is going you know how long it would take to do a stained glass piece but if you're okay with the randomness and you like the variety that this is happening that this is bringing uh it's this is the way to go and once this is hung in the sun the sun is just going to really refract and move the light always it's always a different a different piece at a different angle okay so we're going to do that now what i'm gonna add now are broken glass pieces these are various glass um dishes pieces i found and again i'm trying to get the texture you know if i were to put this flat down in resin the texture will disappear it will vanish but because i've got black resin it's going to stand out for me so i'm putting these in upside down it's an upside down world the other thing i want to do for interest is i'm just going to throw in some cherry red broken glass that i happen to have and i think it's just going to just the interest you know where's your where's going to take your eye so i'm just randomly going to find a few spots drop these in because again light's going to show right through this stuff and it's going to be so cool it's going to be just so neat and we'll do that there and this here and even it out a little bit with something here whoops dropped it if you do drop something and it's in the wrong place if you're afraid to dig it out i have hemostats you know those medical things they use the clamp to tubes with i have a pair of those and i can dig it out that way you want to keep your fingers out of it gloves again is really a nice idea i've been doing this so long i'm uh fortunate that i haven't uh haven't got much on my fingers and [Music] what else let's just use this up i just got a couple more big chunks these are big chunks i know where the chunks came from but they're big chunks and you've got about 30 minutes or so to lay things down before the resin starts to set and i think i'm gonna so i'm gonna call that done uh let me review everything that i got a large old picture frame with the glass in it i level that out i mix my epoxy according to the directions i pour that out i spread it make sure i get to the edges and then i'll take my pieces and drop them in wear your gloves i have a window open and i've got a fan going this particular brand i use um it's called incredible solutions tabletop poc tabletop epoxy resin now i've gotten that off of amazon and i found this really low odor some of the other ones are very toxic in their order you might need a respirator but i i did that maybe once or twice and no more i found this one which i'm really happy with takes about 30 minutes now drying time will vary depending on your product i will i'll post this up and i really would appreciate your comments on it once it's done because i'm i say i'm a little out of my comfort zone too so it's always nice to take those risks but you know it's important to create it's important for the whole mind it's important for your mind to create that's all thanks
Channel: Resin Window Art
Views: 2,287
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Keywords: resin window, Resin Window, Epoxy Resin, epoxy resin, window art, Window art, Window Art, Broken glass art, broken glass art, Glass window art, glass window art, garden art, Garden art, Garden Art, Glass Window Art, Epoxy resin window, Epoxy resin, Garden window, resin window art, Not stained glass, Making window art, epoxy art, Epoxy art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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