Resin Window with Broken Glass: The Basics

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hi there i posted um i posted some pictures of a epoxy risen window that i make now this is not stained glass this is glass but what we're going to do is i've had a lot of people ask me how it is done and i i had a difficult time finding something on youtube so i might as well make something my own so what i do is i take an old window or sometimes an old picture with a wood frame wood is best you can practice on other things but i like old wood frames with the glass still in it see i did this side um i did decide a while ago all this is this is broken glass i take i take glass plates glass vases colored glass and i break it apart and what i'm going to do is just show you a very simple collage there's a lot of uh you can go anywhere with this you can make it very advanced you can do um designs you can't especially do things as detailed as a stained glass but this is cheaper it is to me more fun it's more individual you can just do all kinds of stuff with it so the first thing i do with the window a wooden window like i said i like wooden wooden windows with the glass still intact clean it off prep the window get it nice and clean level it out that's a big part of it this epoxy resin that you buy you know i get it at some of the big box stores i can also order it online these are the ones that i have these are table talk table top epoxy and i like the ones where it's uh one to one mixture so one to one mixture according to the directions using a ventilated space because it's kind of smelly so according to the directions we mix it up one to one and i mix it about four minutes is what the directions will say i use clear glasses you know i like to see just how much is in one glass and then i pour the other glass and make sure they're equal volumes and then i'll combine and i just use a large wooden tongue depressor mix them up for the four minutes the allotted time and i've got things laid out of course i got my glass ready to go and i'll talk a little bit more about the glass in a minute and level it clean it get it ready and just have a basic idea in mind remember right now i'm just doing a collage of blue glass and a white glass you can do any combination you want you'll see back here i did a couple i did a red glass and a blue glass separated them out so that they're all kind of going in one direction just interesting ones they're all so so different and once you've got the everything laid out everything kind of stirred and ready to go we will just kind of have some fun with it this is so easy and so quick the main thing is just prep time you'll notice i have what i have underneath this window is white freezer paper so it's got the wax on one side and then the paper on the other side i will make a mess use gloves you don't want to touch the stuff with your hands it's really hard to get off and it is as i said before it is smelly so make sure you're using a vent in a ventilated room so all i'm going to do here is i've got my mixture all nice and uniform we're going to pour over here and you'll see it's already spreading out i guess if you can see that it's already kind of self-leveling so what i'll do with that i use the the rest of the tongue depressor and i'll make sure i go to all the edges i actually once this is all spread out you've got about [Music] 20 minutes it starts to get tacky but you got quite a bit of time don't get too worried about it and i just go out to the edges with this it's kind of like um frosting it really spreads pretty easy but you will notice when you're spreading this out you'll get a lot of air bubbles from the stirring of course so just kind of do your best spread it out fairly uniform and even but get to the edges get to the edges because the edges won't really the edges uh we want to make sure that's all covered the other thing that i will do when there's a lot of bubbles two things you can do with bubbles a straw gets out large bubbles or if you want to invest in a torch which is what i have done this stuff isn't not i don't say it's not flammable it will smoke but you want to hit it with the torch really quickly and briefly you'll see all your bubbles start to vanish so go over it a couple times get some of them tiny little bubbles out and that's all i'm doing you know i'm not gonna i'm not i'm not the perfectionist i just wanna get this laid out and see what we're gonna do now with uh i was talking about the broken glass these are blue this is blue now my glass that i use it's i make sure it's colored glass it's not painted glass painted glass hasn't worked for me well it will fade in the sunshine the ones that i've made will fade they'll scratch off so blue colored glass plates bowls cups vases if you go to the thrift store all my stuff is thrift store required so you go to the thrift store and you look for vases make sure you look look at the bottom of them to make sure they're not scratch if they're scratched and the blue is gone that's painted which is not something i've found really useful and all i do with um my glasses just gonna throw out various blues real random like i did over here uh and if you did and i'm just dropping i don't lay and just drop remember i want to keep my fingers out of this stuff so oops that one's upside down upside down hemostat don't want to use that get rid of it so with the i've made windows that have seashells in them i made ones that have of course different glass in them um the variations are pretty incredible but it is just as simple as can be look at those broken pieces use gloves use eye protection when you're breaking your glass the other hint that i have with breaking glass is you can i take i take a pillowcase and i don't put the glass in the pillowcase i put the pillowcase down i put my piece of glass there i fold it over again and just smash it that's all i do and some of the epoxy resins that you get some of them are really smelly um like industrial i guess i found one that it's not too bad it's not real smelly at all i do have a window open over here and i've got a fan going up above just to keep the air circulating but you know i always wanted to do stained glass i looked at stained glass i tried some stained glass i started breaking stuff you know uh it got really expensive really fast so i don't know where i found this idea i have out i make these um ones that i made before are outdoor hanging i made them for my sister up in montana and uh she hangs them outside of her house they've been there winter summer fall year round they've really they really held up well um that was some of my first pieces you know you never know until you try it's not that that difficult it's not that hard it's just something that i've decided i wanted to mess with you'll notice it's not an exact science it's just kind of what i love about it is that at every angle and when light hits it it changes it it just changes how it looks and the pieces i've got hanging i have some hanging outside and any time of the day it's really pretty incredible how it uh it looks catches the light so differently so that's all that is you know see how it's just similar and i showed you earlier what it literally will look like now this will this is will start to set up in about half an hour to an hour depending on what um which one you get um and i will just leave it sit in a level place for about a day and then you can pick it up and move it around i'm going to uh prep your window you're going to level your window and then mix up your resin according to its directions i like one to one if you want to color the resin you can there's all kinds of powders and liquids out there on the market where you can color them mix mix that into your solution pour your resin make sure it's out all the way to the edges and then you can start laying your glass another thing that i had i did is i i drew out a design one time on this white paper remember this is quite freezer paper i drew out a design i laid it down taped it on and i could look through the glass and see the design that i had drew out and i actually put on there green in this level and blue and that section and gold and that six whatever colors i was using and that way i could lay it down and i got this cool pattern it looks like waves as i said earlier i've also done seashells i've done seascapes incorporate blue glass into it to look like a wave it's it's just a lot of fun so give it a try i will uh post some more things some more ideas along the way and some more of my projects this is just fun this is just a great way to enjoy yourself we all have a creative streak that we need to need and it needs an outlet so let's do that thanks for watching
Channel: Resin Window Art
Views: 17,140
Rating: 4.8949099 out of 5
Keywords: resin window, Resin Window, Epoxy Resin, epoxy resin, window art, Window art, Window Art, Broken glass art, broken glass art, Glass window art, glass window art, garden art, Garden art, Garden Art, Glass Window Art, Epoxy resin window, Epoxy resin, Garden window, resin window art, Resin, resin, Resin art, resin art
Id: V8pBS7SL_Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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