Easy Inside-out Resin Art on framed glass for a wall light feature/demo

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hello everybody I'm getting ready to do a full project mmm I've already mixed my resin it was two-to-one ratio that's all done I've got a glass a framed glass here which it used to be belong to something else so I am doing it upside down because I want to to do the picture on here and then have it flipped over and if it looks great good great and if it doesn't I can always pourer on that side so that's what I'm doing and I have got three tinters here they're all by arty suit and indeed I'll talk as I'm working so I'm just going to pour most of this on here so artists loot enters and also some of the artists with pigments which I have chosen most of them quite transparent I need something transparent for for what I'm trying to create here I'll probably need to mix a little bit more of their resin actually yeah probably cuz I'm not going to have enough let's say I go and this actually is a silicone a wine cup that I just got online so I'm going to just pour all of this on there actually let's just realize that I didn't have enough okay which is fine and then I'm just going to quickly mix up another batch okay so I'm ready to go again why did was mixed up some more resin and poured it all over so it's quite thin but I did not want it too thick and last night what I did was I went around the bottom around the edges with some PVA glue just to get that to stop any of the the resin leaking through and what I've got to do is just go around don't want them no soap clean the gloves really really well that definitely showed on the other side so we'll see how well I did what didn't do already see something yeah no okay so here we go some tinters so what I'm doing is I want it quite transparent and I have not done this before so it's definitely gonna be a first for me and I'm using these pipettes and I find them quite useful little things some of them might have already been used and then I just cut the tip off so they're nice and clean and usable and you can see that's quite transparent okay so this one was the amber now we got the indigo which is quite a pretty pretty colour and I'm not using any APEC's here the only a peak that I'm using is the white right I will be I thought I'm only going to use a tiny little bit of white to make it transparent so the reason why I don't want any opaque paints in here is see if you can see in there you see that dark spot there it stains and if I cannot pay there it's not going to move it's just gonna stay that underneath even if you're moving it up to up the top at the bottom it'll still show and I want the picture to be shown that at the bottom of it so it's going to be a bit of a tricky one but a good test so I'm really looking forward to it this is a gold epoxy pigment metallic pigment and once again mixed so it's nice and transparent so even if you have a pace you can make some to look like transparent you're gonna put a tiny little bit in there this is a cherry epoxy pigment it's already a transparent so you just adjust as you go the Jade metallic is also transparent and I put quite a bit of this one in there because I love it and it's going to be transparent so it's all good and I have the white which is in a pake but I'm mixing it to look fairly transparent so we shall see what you'll see all right so leave that white there for a minute I've got some alcohol in this little bottle so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna squirt a fair bit of alcohol in these cups because I want this to create some really cool effects so I'm pretty much turning him into an a semi alcohol like I said haven't done people but I love trying new things and I never worry I won't put it in the white because I've tried it in a white before and it did not look good and it just reacts with the the white reacts with the alcohol and it doesn't create nice things so just stirring actually I'm just going to stir it as I go because that alcohol kind of just goes up and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to use these be pets to just drop random drops okay like I said I I'm not hundred percent sure of the design right now but just seeing learning I didn't pay for this substrate so that's not costing me and all I'm using really is two hundred milliliters of resin okay so it's not a lot just notice that's not all the way to the edge so I'm just fixing that now advice okay now let's go with some of this amber which is quite quite transparent if I need to add more I will watch nice and yellow you can see some will react or put one in there I love that looks that one wasn't planned because it's got a lot of alcohol in it it's separating all by itself used you know they some of these Oh got a fly in here no wonderful I've got that I've got an aircon on [Music] ceiling fan on and my doors open oh that's such a pretty color this quite like I'm in there put it on the side doesn't have to be in the middle there this is the sea blue or just come up my foot's I'm here see what it does and like I can't see what's going on underneath there looks pretty good up here at the moment try not to spill things some of these lovely cherry you're mixing that alcohol in there you point pull it up the peepee Oh gorgeous and you could just use a syringe if you wanted to or you can just use a stick whatever you want to do you can if you've got a steady hand you can use a stick so I'm just going to keep going like this this is a very therapeutic there peuta can even just doing this now I'm probably going to speed up this video a little bit so you don't have to be listening to my dribble you know what what actually I just thought of something what would be a good idea is to put a mirror underneath this that way I would be able to see what it looks like from underneath whoops didn't think of that maybe next time cuz I'm dying to see what it looks like underneath especially these these parts here of course we will be doing some swirls and some swipes with possibly a feather this is another nice one stirring in there alcohol you don't have to put alcohol in it I find that alcohol helps it helps the effects and it also helps thin down the resin a little bit oh that's I'm going to add some more of that indigo it's really really pale that's what you do about four drops in there give that a stir now it's better yeah you [Applause] [Music] okay so he's no feather oh get a new one just an ordinary feather you make sure you sort of pull hands fingers are present like that make sure there's not loose hands or anything and then what we're gonna do is gonna start this swiping it's gone random cross right across my side you can use something else if you want there now you've done it that way now we're gonna go across this way and maybe pull it on the widest side as well just to create a little bit of something there's a lot of that green which is amber mixed with that lovely sea blue so I just want to go around make sure that I drag across these really plain areas that I missed just to create some interesting there yeah that way yeah don't know what it looks like up top from your angle but from here it looks cool drip drip drip looks quite cool just fixing up those beats there which have no so you can use something else maybe even a peep it or let's stick or toothpick something I got one of these things I just want to pull it to that just do one of these just so that I've got some character on the edges and I'm dying what what it looks like underneath that's cool cuz if it doesn't look good they can now god I look so cool if it doesn't look great underneath which is I'm gonna have a look right now wow wow that looks interesting so what I want to do now is I want to introduce a little bit of just to give it a little bit of movement and to pop the bubble [Applause] yeah I hate definitely definitely gives it so much character oh that sells these lines they're kind of opening up there gentle with it if you spread the areas that you want to spread [Applause] I'm going to speed it up a little bit [Music] okay that to me looks really really cool well why this is something different that's for sure there's no little toys just to pop the bubbles but it's the bottom of it that really matters let's see how that looks shortly boy in a couple of hours and yeah you know leave it at that I'll bring you down closer so you can see all right so that you can see what it looks like on this side and then on the other side okay hope you enjoyed it it looks actually looking pretty cool well let's start in this corner here and just look at that look at that Jade so that gold trying to do it so you don't really see that Jade so what I'm trying to achieve is some sort of a interesting design underneath there and then I can fit a light and then have it like a light on the wall so we'll see what happens for now but for now this is it and thank you for watching hope you liked it do subscribe and give me a thumbs up if you like that thank you everybody so this is all dried now and set overnight so that's the back side and let's flip it over and have a look at the front oh there's a lot of that white which was still quite a pay that came through but I don't mind it and see if you've got like that you'll be able to see that it's it's got all those bits which are just glass see-through so I think that's gonna look oh it's heavy it's gonna look quite okay once I put the light in there let's go down and do a little bit of a closer some of that gold it looks quite different from this side on these Jade's and oh it's so pretty and the camera is not picking up the actual you know the shine and the shimmer which is a shame quite a shame because I can't show it to you that's just all those metallics which are wonderful so and once I do the once I do the light thing behind it which I'm not sure how I'm going to do just yet I might post another video just a short one just to show you that but for now I'm just going to post this one so that you can see the process this is just an old glass frame it had something in there oh and I just got it for free somebody wanted to unload it I will paint around there and make it look all nice and pretty so this is the the back side and you've just seen the front the backs looking pretty cool as well your friend different and alright it's some really cool effects here anyway it should give you some ideas to do something similar with this kind of technique and that's it from me for now I will see you in another video you okay so I've just got my life on and I'm just gonna pop it underneath there and shine through it so you can see it so if I put a little like little fairy lights all around this frame I should get a really cool cool light so this would be tops really fell over there
Channel: Suzana Dancks Le' Rez Expressions
Views: 113,813
Rating: 4.9007444 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy resin ratios, how to apply resin on canvas, resin casting, resin art for dummies, sculpture, epoxy resin, resin fort newbies, resin safety, how to make a sculpture with resin, resin art for beginners, how to measure resin, how do I apply resin on mdf board, Resin art, teaching resin art
Id: YDZoOB4-Z4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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