Speedruns From the Crypt - Resident Evil Village

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village new game casual uh glitchless no no glitches in this house for this run uh but with me here today is marforia hello hello everyone and yeah uh we're going to start the game off real quick uh the time doesn't start until i get control of ethan so we're going to skip a few cutscenes here but i hope everybody's doing well hello skipping all the beautiful cut scenes but more you took she snores yeah we got to wait on this one a little bit yeah all right and three in a blink two the girl one two go and all right so immediately we start off with alden's rose so the intro um is basically it's kind of close to what re7's intro is with like the very slow pacing uh but then after after a few minutes it does pick up but we have to go put the rose to bed here i'm kind of upset we can't use mods for the speed run because i do enjoy the chris redfield baby head mod no chris redfield babies here no unfortunately not all right now you may notice ethan moves really he moves much faster in this game than he does in seven which um feels really nice when you speed around this game oh for sure i don't have my uh i don't have my splits open so the siege section is going to be interesting you'll be okay yeah it's fine so there are certain things that come down to timing and making sure uh you're in a certain spot at the right time um but yeah it will be fine oh yeah you'll be good gives me more time to lose d.a so one thing i i really want to mention right off the bat uh this game has va uh if you're not sure what d8 is it is difficulty adjustment so basically difficulty adjustment what it is is the more you take damage the lower your da score goes and that makes the game a little bit easier uh so bosses will be easier or things will just be in more in your favor if you shoot an enemy or if you kill a boss or anything like that your da goes up so that makes things a bit harder obviously uh so that is quite a thing we do use in this run uh re7 has nothing of the sort unless you're maybe doing madhouse knife only uh but otherwise yeah it's it's a lot i'm so sorry i was going through my notes and i forgot to move myself in obs i saw someone in chat saying mar in her notebook my bad cat oh you're fine you're fine ain't nothing wrong with taking notes that's sometimes the big thing of speedrunning notes are important sometimes especially when there's a lot to remember hello pro yeah there's there's tons to remember in this game uh especially like um well the menuing the duke stops uh item pickups what to buy and sell etc yeah um someone in chat said even in casual absolutely and casual as well oh yeah uh so basically we don't buy any case upgrades there's a few case upgrades you can buy if you'd like uh but we don't do that at all in this category uh for hardcore definitely but for for this category uh we we try to not use any of that um there is a few things that we will be buying uh thankfully because this is not uh glitched or anything like that we don't have to worry about buying the sniper later on but we'll we will get to that when we get to i just want to preface uh or like mention anyways uh it's nighttime but for some reason time moves really quickly in this house i don't know what it is but it's a thing maybe it was like 5 a.m when the car crashed and then as soon as like all this happened it turned the sun came up it came up pretty quickly and a matter of like a minute and yes if you have not played village yet because the game is still quite new it came out last year sorry last month last year um yeah this this is a pretty spoiler-heavy uh speed run yeah we skip all the cutscenes however there's still going to be stuff that you know you'll see yeah oh it's daytime now what's it all that's what i said i've moved really fast in that in this house but it's yeah it's cool at least we can see things now true and uh cow will be coming upon her first retry here yes so in re7 there's a lot of retry points uh not a lot not as much as this game um but in in this game there's a heck of a lot i'm probably not gonna do a good amount of them because most of the retries in this game are mainly just pushing you ahead a few steps which is not really important when you're you know when you're just doing an rta versus igt or with the timer that we use so the in-game timer for this game it's a thing uh it's it's it's interesting i don't know how they i don't know what their thinking was with the timer in this game so basically uh if you retry it puts you back at the point you were uh when you were at that point of the checkpoint or the checks or quick save or whatever anyways uh but if you die and you retry it resets the timer pretty much it goes back oh nice dodge yeah so now this is the game's finally picking up everyone's favorite uh resident evil asset right here still going strong the bolt cutters and that was the last we ever heard of the bolt cutters yep just they were there and done and pretty much every single resonable game that came out in recent years have had not many used for the ball cutters all right sorry uh i was going on a tangent on the timer but now it's uh now it's game time oh you got an herb nice which means the box won't have an herb uh which is fine we got a nerve so um we're coming up on the lychen horde here and this section i mean it took us a little bit to figure out how this whole thing worked right cat yeah it took it took a minute um so basically we do not want to enter any of the houses and we're just going to take as much damage as we possibly can yeah so pretty much we're just going to have a snuggle test with the uh with the lycans here so um kat mentioned earlier the da the difficulty adjustment and essentially we're gonna get our we're gonna try to get our d.a as close as possible to zero because that's gonna help us with our boss fights later mainly moreau um but yeah you essentially want to take as much damage as possible from all these lichens and you know you kind of want to hope they grab and bite you as opposed to just punching you they they could be very silly they they're on a timer as well so you kind of have to jump between all the different lichens so that way they can give you like you just have to like wait at them on casual they're very docile yeah they don't do a crazy oh there's no answer not as aggressive yeah they're not as aggressive but you really hope they are yeah all right hey do damage please hit me sir thank you it's me please come on fellas let's go time open up the pit time for the mosh pit right so now we're gonna our health is going to regen but we're gonna go and sit over here real quick so we want yurius uh he's the big guy that spawns over here we want him to uh we want to basically be over here while or we want to be over here for him to spawn because this just makes this park quicker we're going to take damage while we're waiting we just need to be standing here uh while we wait there he is there he is so um cat will know she'll now grab the chem fluid and the herb that is always in this house right here and she'll craft two heels we want to use the one heel while we're in danger here because heels do bring your d8 down even more so um we'll use that second heel once the lychen board is done so yeah um and i believe these are the on this is the only section that we use heels and i think you use it at the lady d height as well other than that yeah we don't pick up heels or craft deals in this game because you want to spend the least amount of time in your inventory as possible and you know crafting stuff you know that timer is still running yeah so we're gonna go grab the shotgun interesting enough if you don't grab the shotgun here uh it'll teleport to that church in the village which is interesting yeah we just grab it here early on uh for inventory purposes it also just might as well since we're waiting anyway there's no need to wait for it it's just a kind of like a continuation of what they do in resident evil if you don't pick up this important uh weapon they're gonna teleport it somewhere where you see it yeah so we're actually going to shoot ourselves with the barrels as well we basically want to get our d8 as low as possible and i have an srt open all right i'm gonna hopefully yeah you're down to 191. i think you're good and it should happen any second now we're going to get an arrow to the arrow to the knee air to the knee come on i i'm trying not to get hit at the same time because if i get hit it delays it there it is all right we're going to take the heel and we're at exactly zero d a flat that's awesome that means the run's going to treat her well uh the rest of this time especially monroe good ol moreau monroe i love him he is the best is the best and we're not just memeing on that like he he's a great character it's like he was like the sleeper character that we didn't expect to love and the funny thing is is that he the person who voices uh moreau is the same person who voices lucas uh in re7 which is why i guess i i ended up liking moreau a lot more yeah all right if you just walk in a diagonal line in this corn field they should never hit you yeah cause i think there's about three lichens there yeah they just don't they don't hate you you're fine now you may notice um cats already picked up like a couple gunpowders and stuff like that and i did mention crafting earlier how we don't craft a lot but we will be crafting three pipe bombs later in the factory so you need gunpowder and metal scrap for that not rusted scrap you need metal scrap which is a little harder to find so um thankfully we can basically get our gunpowder pickups way early in the game and we get the metal scrap ones a little bit later play in this way what's funny is in resident evil 7 in the basement section with mia you can't walk past her at all but you can walk past this lady wait for whatever reason yeah but he still doesn't body block you all right so that's the one nice thing about this one nice thing about this uh run is that you can just skip cutscenes and i i'm gonna mention one part um so there's gonna be a lot of times where i look at the guests and it is intentional so items tend to load as the drawers are opening um so if you pause the item loads in while you're paused so if you see me pausing at drawers or chests or anything like that it's mainly just because i want the item to load in a lot quicker yeah you definitely use it for a couple definitely uh quite a few key items here and um yeah it's kind of interesting how pausing um you know affects like the load times and stuff like that like you'll see cat later kind of use like pause buffers at elevators and whatnot so yeah pausing on certain items at drawers or chests well you could literally just pause and then spam confirm and you don't even see the interaction really it just kind of picks up immediately all right guess this leads to the castle oh awesome aren't those puzzle pieces a little rng like in terms of like yeah so their placement the placement of those uh crests are like where they start are completely like basically rng it it you'll either get really close to where it needs to be or like super far away which is kind of tedious because it does lose a bit of time um but it's it's not a big deal we get a we get a brief moment with this cutscene because it does not allow us to skip it right away this is where you meet the four lords of uh the village here um so i started running this game because i was super heavy into re7 uh i have like thousands of hours in re7 and i was like really hyped about re8 because it's just you know i love first person speed runs they're probably some of my favorite and also since it's kind of close to how re7 is i was just like oh this should be this should be awesome i'm very excited lo and behold this the speedrun actually has a lot of weird quirks to it um that make it a little bit of a pain versus re7 but i still i still love it as a speed game and casually it's probably one of my favorite games casually it's a it's a pretty fun run um trying to optimize it of course i think that's where it gets a little difficult because when there's rng with enemies or items some item pickups like the boxes and stuff like that that can be a little difficult once you start to optimize the time to like world record top times but yeah just running it running it normally or playing it casually it's such a great game wait do this i feel like the biggest boss would have to be probably the the frame rate um this game is kind of not super optimized it gets a little uh laggy here and there so running it on like a very low end pc or mid-tier pc can be a little jarring just because you want 120 fps but getting a stable 120. i have some words i remember um but it it's it's fine uh most of the time i get 120 but sometimes it gets a little shaky i remember sorry you were saying oh no i was gonna it's okay i was gonna say remember when this game came out because in resident evil 7 everyone ran on like the pc runners we all ran on variable and immediate of course we're all like oh okay we'll run variable here or at least see how it is or how it works and oh man it lagged obs so bad yeah that's that's a one thing you can't run this game on variable um just because it will get a little a little laggy um by little i mean a lot obs just doesn't like this game for some reason all right we gotta wait a second and then say hi to our ladies so i am running a thing called bug mod or bug removal mod because it does help with the fps so if you see that they're they're kind of coming in out of nowhere there's no bugs uh it's mainly just for stability reasons and i just need to let this play we love our daughters though also apologies for being a bit uh i had a attitude sort of like yes a little bit thank you by the way uh late to your own party richard yeah it was a bit hectic really late though you're okay welcome welcome mcdice hope you're all doing good how are you doing good hope you're all doing good today oh we're having a great time also i'd like to note that capcom really hates ethan's hands oh man yeah they do poor poor ethan he he's just out here trying his best to like help his family and they just destroy his hands yeah they definitely have something against that because even in seven you know he he loses his left hand and stuff like that and but in this game wow they're brutal absolutely just non-stop left and right just destroying his hands now interesting fact about the castle so ethan's here in the castle because he's looking for rose but um as you can tell the demotresque daughters and lady demetresque they're really intrigued with ethan because they don't get men in their castle a lot um all the enemies in the castle that you'll see are actually women because they drank the blood of young women to make wine and but they still needed to consume like flesh to survive like blood and flesh so they ate the men and just kind of drained the blood of the women so that's why they're i'd imagine that's probably why they're excited to see ethan because they don't get man blood as often yeah pretty much uh but they do mention that ethan's blood is stale yes and there is a reason behind that um oh yeah also her her voice line just doesn't happen there for some reason i wonder if it's uh because of the bugs like like a bugs or something maybe that might be it all right uh so we do the retry here to cancel the fall animation basically just a quick quick retry so we don't have to watch ethan get up yeah it saves a few seconds oh dimitra's yellow how are you doing do you like how she has to like duck under doors i love it i mean if she's if she's lived in this castle for quite a while you know maybe you can like extend the door frames a little bit or something i don't know maybe she enjoys that maybe i don't know you know maybe she i don't say maybe she uh kills all the carpenters oh maybe nobody wants to come to the house don't blame them all right so we're gonna grab our pipe bomb here and that box is not rng there will always be a pipe bomb there it's interesting because uh kind of similar like an re7 um some crates are not rng and some are a lot of crates in this game are rng but yeah that one will always have a pipe bomb i can't cassandra caused all this mess ethan with his his uh his mind looks like he's carrying a little plate to eat lunch all right and can we just kill her with those that's it and we're gonna shoot her to get the gate open earlier and go grab ourselves some wine i love the design of that bottle huge it is huge though it was a big bottle don't yeah i'm not gonna don't drink it all at once ethan you might need some when uh more stuff happens to your hands yeah maybe just a little bit all right and goodbye wine it was nice knowing you it looks like the bottle got so much smaller yeah your hands are so much bigger but yeah a little bit more uh like kind of puzzles in this game more than uh previous titles i know resident evil 3 remake didn't have as many puzzles in that game like uh two and seven kind of would you agree um seven was mostly shadow puzzles yeah and i like that they at least uh upgraded from shadow puzzles a bit uh you know i wasn't against the shadow palette yes you know big fan but um it's nice to at least have like somewhat head-scratching puzzles although the puzzles in this game are no means like that hard uh there's only like one puzzle in this whole entire game that i feel was actually like a head scratcher at first yeah which is the one we're actually coming up to yes have you done to my daughter it's crazy she like disappears immediately like when you approach her you see like her dress flowing around the corner and then you turn the corner and she's gone and you don't hear a door closed so it's like dang lady all right so we're gonna be coming up to our first uh 30 fps swap which we do that a few times in this run uh just to get by enemies a little bit quicker it makes our hitbox essentially a little bit smaller she'll be able to squeeze right by these enemies no oh that one usually we will try to shoot those but that lady is a little stuck this one however yeah this one i don't like she's a bit of a a pain yeah uh but we switch and we just get fire very quickly nice easy peas easy clap all right and we shoot that one goodbye goodbye ma'am now all right coming upon a really fun cut scene with lady d that we're we are going to skip but this is this is a great cutscene i think a lot of people saw this like on twitter or something like that where lady d like throws the table and everything such a great ours uh maggie robertson likes to say go ahead do your worst that happened before yeah so since we've hashtagged that's never happened to me before since we skipped that cut scene lady d like throws ethan into the floor and he falls down like three stairs or something three stories or something like that he falls down pretty far yeah he i how he survives i ah he's attacked we'll we'll eventually figure out why he uh can take so much damage oh no she's in the middle i'm gonna go around yeah so um with cutscenes skips um apparently with the lady d ones you want to skip those cut scenes as quick as possible because it'll determine where lady d is standing so usually if you skip that cutscene as quick as possible she'll be kind of more to the left a little bit but if you wait just a little bit too long then she'll uh kind of be in the middle there but you still juked her just fine yeah some like if she ends up in the middle i just go around because it's just it's better than being really slow because when you do get into that part uh ethan's health has dropped down to thirty percent which means when it's down down to thirty percent point one sorry thirty point one because if it's not if it's 30 you're in critical but if it's in 30.1 you're just above critical so basically if she hits you you get into critical and then you're really slow and then it takes a really long time for ethan to get back to not critical so it's easier just to go around her but at least you get a free heel right here which is nice yeah you go right back up to 100 uh and you get your hand back and your jacket's sewn back on magically yeah i don't i don't a lot of people mention that i still don't get it dude we need some of that so yeah all my clothes are broken don't worry i got this juice so while we have um i do have a moment here actually i do have a question since um you know ari village is a rather new game um i did want to talk about a little bit earlier but i did run a little bit behind but um so with a new game like revillage i'm imagining um there's probably a lot of routing that was uh may have been done by either cat or both of you so how was like routing a new game like this was it like hard to find strats new things to do like how much the process was that kind of there uh so immediately when i because i was very grateful enough to get the game early thank you capcom um but uh immediately after my casual playthroughs i was just like all right time to start uh time to start labbing um we found out about the d.a thing pretty early on uh it was really funny because zeke and i were sitting there and we're just like how come you got through that a lot quicker than me and i'm like i don't know i guess i just did it better you're both different yes for for me i didn't start uh i didn't start my speech i was still um playing through the game casually like i played it day of the friday it came out and then um finished it that saturday and i didn't start uh start routing it until monday like going through it again casually and stuff like that before that who also enjoyed this bell puzzle and how long did it take them because it took me forever to find that one uh in the the window and the one above the the counter there oh it's great yeah it took me it's it took me a hug it's a haunting ground puzzle my favorite i love that line she's so commanding and awesome but um she did such a good job but yeah um the game was pretty much like a basic route was already kind of found when i started uh running the game and the one thing it was that i thought one of my favorite things to mess around with is like finding different ways to beat bosses and stuff so that was that was really fun to see like working out timing and different strats and stuff for that and uh i especially asked zenon both you uh heavily ran r87 and cat as well i know you're going to be doing re7 during sgdq coming up in what two weeks yes uh yeah about two weeks actually first week in july sorry i picked up the lock pick and that's gonna mess with some okay we're fine yeah yeah so certain things if you pick them up it does mess with your inventory and uh crazy witch not very it's a it can it can be interesting i just have to sell the lockpick that's okay a little bit extra money i think it gives you like 50. i was gonna say 50 cents 50 lay lie something like that all right excuse me nice is done in by the likes of you what's interesting as well like uh just noting because uh the accidental lockpick pickup like picking up items is really fast or you know it depends like some of them are random uh like they have a little delay but the menu in general has way more of a delay than it does in seven like um the menu of course like you know we always rave about the inventory how we can interact with it during uh you know downtime and things like that we can't do that in this game but um yeah it's pretty it's pretty gnarly uh and i know kat because she's been de-rusting with re7 uh going in between this game and that one and it's like oh i missed the re7 menu so much it's like wow it was it was so nice you just get to do things on the fly and not have to work because technically uh the menu in this game pauses everything around you but it also pauses the in-game time uh not only does that cause the in-game time but any time you spend in the duke stop or like when you are shopping at the duke that also causes time uh in the game so our timer that we have is basically set up so it still continuously runs in menus and during the duke okay i should be able to get out with these the one downside though of going between the two games is uh you know ethan moves really fast in this game menu is a little bit slower but then you go to re7 menu is faster uh but yeah either yeah moves uh very slow in seven i cannot do if i do re8 at the beginning of my stream i cannot do re7 right after because i will oh my i will complain about ethan being super slow the entire time he has molasses in his shoes excuse me ma'am ma'am move your butt that happens to me sometimes too it's okay i just didn't do the movement quick enough uh uh pleasure yeah what's also really cool too is um you know like rage using the mouse menu in seven was a little slow but here in village it's like way faster if like your mouse is hovered over a particular thing thanks do you want to explain this part too cat because this blew my mind when i learned this oh yeah so the reason why i went to go see the duke there was because uh while the duke like while the duke cutscene is playing out the door is still opening so i'll just go to the cut scene uh to make to let that happen and so democracy doesn't uh slaughter me now i kept going into her uh trust boss fights so primary things we'll be using here are just a sniper handgun well actually do you use hand in here i know there's a few different things okay all right then there's sniper sniper and pipe bombs uh before we can do any more damage to her we have to get rid of these two uh arches right here so we're going to do a little bit of damage to her to get her health down to 50 below 50 rather which cat did and we're purposely taking a hit here speak to lower well a to lower rda and to also uh get rid of the heal out of our inventory because we literally do not need it uh and it will mess things up later down the road and i'm hoping the lock picture will mess things up too much i think you'll be fine because you don't really pick up any most things between uh now and your first cute stuff so uh we throw the two pipe bombs before she jumps off and then uh there we go yeah and she's done that's it okay do one sniper shot before she flies off and then one immediately when she gets out there and yeah she'll be she'll be dead so or at least the first cycle will be i always get worried because sometimes items can be very delayed oh all uh but yeah sometimes items swapping can be a little delayed so it's a little nerve-wracking when uh when you have basically like spam oh yeah the sniper button to make sure that uh i have it out when i need it yeah uh because you want to shoot her before she flies off yeah so you're sitting there spamming your hot key for your sniper so you wait to do that shot because she regens a little bit of health there so as soon as she says morsel is when you start laying that damage into her and that was a good clean fight cat well done i didn't mess it up i'm more scared about more to be honest you'll be fine your da's at zero you'll be you'll be just fine yeah we're at uh yeah you can see my d.a that's right yeah thank goodness thank you direct decks overlay yeah so there is a few uh the srt in this game is actually uh shout outs to uh video game roulette uh squirlies and as well as cursed toast for all the amazing behind-the-scenes work when it comes to the timer the fov mod um as well as the uh the srt which is great information if you're not sure what srt stands for it means speedrunner tool speedrun tool uh and it gives you all the information that you would need uh your da score your rank where you are currently like your coordinates as well as enemy hp your hp and as well as the money how much money you have uh awesome awesome tool uh for this game especially since d.a and seeing boss health is like kind of a very important thing for a lot of reasons well um the d.a is especially very important in casual runs um i i don't believe uh you don't really use d.a in hardcore or voss but um having um hardcore a little bit yeah um so in hardcore dea is somewhat important for like boss fights it's not as important as it is in casual but it can have like there are certain moments where uh you do need to pay attention to your ada some people don't use the srt and you know that's more than fine as well i do by nuke it certainly makes things so it definitely helped optimize this game much quicker being able to see that information um especially when uh you know for routing every single category you'll see every single runner um like his you know casual hardcore voss like labbing out those boss fights and stuff you'll always see the hp up there oh nice i got that shot nice so we actually uh break open a lock on that door um to get through it it's basically opening up a shortcut early yeah it's really nice uh although getting that shortcut getting the lock on that door can be uh something else sometimes yeah sometimes you think you hit it like you're you're aiming right on it but then i guess the bullet hits to the left a little bit on one of the buildings and you're just like i'm shooting right at it what do you mean yeah this gun isn't all too great sometimes how precise is that shot oh quite cool it's it's a little tight um just as long as you're kind of like to the right a little bit oh no no excuse me sir he was right behind me i should have turned around and shot him early it's fine also he can sometimes be there i guess that raises another question i've been having um with the game like because i know r87 doesn't have too much rng on the ammo routing uh with this game is there a lot of rng on enemies drops or just ammo in general um we don't really worry too much about at least on casual we don't worry too much on uh ammo and all that um generally because we have most of what we need and uh what's like the static pickups right um vos and hardcore can be a little bit more like a you your run can be determined a little bit on what you get to pick up but for the most part it's a lot of static drops um the only thing that's really rng is we're actually coming up to it very soon oh no uh is the doll placement for angie that should be fun yeah that's after the benivento puzzle there so we'll we'll be able to explain that once we get to that part also really quick for a general chat thing if you're wondering what's on deck today we have new game casual glitchless and then new game hardcore there are two runs i guess new game hardcore any person yes yes i figured um i figured part of the fun would be uh kind of have a good showcase a sample of re village and then you know assuming a lot we're going to be probably trying to do vos for age here probably so that's kind of my hunch or guess on that one your uh prediction pretty much gdp there's no guarantees that things can change but given like the trend of our e-games like you know how madhouse was taken uh it's a pretty good hunch i guess we shall see at least with uh with this game the one thing that's nice about this game uh is that checkpoints are all the same throughout every single category uh in re7 the there was less checkpoints for madhouse but in this game village of shadows is all the checkpoints are the same yeah so if you die you don't really have to worry as much because you get set back like not too far yeah um in mad house i think there was literally like three checkpoints or four in the whole game maybe well maybe a little less i just know like if you died at march two you know the the spider all the way back to the dinner all the way back to that dinner table scene and you have to do jack one jack two all that stuff all over again mar and all the march fights like i know that uh that was a little frustrating for folks this can't be real yeah it's it's quite a thing um but this on on this game it's not as bad yeah thankfully for anybody who runs boss it's using it the biggest headache for boss runners is the beginning part the the lycan siege where you just have to survive but yeah i'm probably going to submit new game hardcore to ag2q why not i'll throw my i'll throw i'll throw my hat in submit all the categories honestly yeah i'm sure we're going to get a lot of submissions which is awesome the the our the aria village community is actually really huge right now i know within like the first week or so of that discord being open there's there's like thousands of people in that discord it's quite quite amazing to see i think out of all the re games it was probably the largest releases and like one of the largest immediate bumps right um because like i know a lot of people got into speed running with seven and you know a lot of the other subsequent releases after that but yeah you see so many people saying you know after their uh village playthrough they're like hey like i know that i want this to be my first speed run so it's a good first speed run game as well yeah all righty benny vanto house is she going oh yeah no speed boost but that's okay no i i there is a speed boost thing it saves a couple of seconds but uh there is a chance i could mess it up and for for event purposes i'm not just i'm not gonna bother with it it's kind of cool to see but if it doesn't work then it's just like oh i just wasted my time you're good because uh you may notice that ethan is he's go he's moving a bit slower in this section that's actually because um he inhaled like some pollen it's like a hallucinogenic pollen which is why you're going to see some kind of crazy stuff here which by the way i don't know about you cat but this was my favorite part in uh my casual play through let's part with i definitely enjoyed this part um it definitely it it takes a break in pacing i know there's a lot of people who didn't like it because you know reasons uh but it wasn't too bad like i like kind of like a little break in between like the action sort of thing it definitely reminded me of the birthday puzzle in resident evil 7 which that was also like my favorite part in that game it's just nice to have um these like escape room intricate puzzles like this wait where's my gun yeah the escape room i love escape rooms even like irl escape rooms are like some of my favorite things it's i enjoy puzzles yeah um or just trying to like escape i don't know it's super fun but i don't know about you i feel like sometimes there might be some such thing as too many people in an escape room because uh i've been in an escape room with like 10 people and then they're like you have like three people doing all the stuff and you're just kind of standing there it gets a little crowded i prefer like a small group of people in an escape room like four to five why is this here all right so at the whole throughout this whole part in the beneviento house you're essentially just trying to get um you know you're essentially trying to leave the basement well actually um something that we didn't explain because we've been skipping the cutscenes really is um so we're trying to find rose right you know uh ethan's daughter she's actually separated into four separate flasks i i know it's weird right how do you fit a baby into four flasks um but yeah so we found we already have the first flask we got that after the lady d fight and here we are we we saw the second flask when we first came down here but then angie that we are dull she kind of took it away so we just kind of need to get out of here and go find rose and we have to solve a few weird creepy puzzles here she also she also took all of our weapons and money that's true somehow she just robbed us i don't how did yeah how did ethan not i guess she's like a professional pickpocketer phantom pick pocket or something i i guess so oh there you go um yeah basically this this part just takes away everything from you and uh it throws you through a few puzzles but none of the puzzles are rng thankfully uh they're all static so you can literally just find the pattern and go with it yeah makes there's no noise it makes it quite uh painless you just you know move your keys hit confirm it uh it helps yeah it's a lot more uh oriented around movement and movement and how well you you know hit your keys i guess and also uh making sure you don't hit the wrong hitbox because that happens and then you lose like 50 million years goodness yeah like uh the interactions in this game are very unforgiving if you select the wrong thing because we mentioned earlier the menu being a little delayed it's the same thing if you you know use the wrong item and stuff like that especially on this uh mannequin doll here yeah she's got some uh weird hitbox especially with between the eye the mouth if you look at this part specifically before you look at the mouth ethan will literally just stare at it for 10 seconds you're like oh what do i do with this smile yeah cat's not lying about the 10 second part because you do lose like 10 seconds from the wrong interaction in re7 uh we only lost like uh three to four seconds three seconds yeah um that was like three yeah if you like use the wrong key or wrong item or something but yeah in this game they're just like nope you're gonna lose a little bit more time because ethan has to stare at things a little bit longer i guess i don't know it just always felt so weird to me it's like why do i have to sit here and look at this thing clearly for that long what ended up happening is that ethan traded the speed of his legs to the speed of his brain ooh you know that's a good point the mold got to his brain a little bit a little bit it all went down to his feet i am happy that he moves faster also uh what's what's that sound well what's going on shut up baby's going on why is it dark was it red where'd the mannequin go places now i think this is everyone's favorite part of the game oh it's like cat what was your reaction when you first saw the baby i can't even remember i was just like i i think it it came down to what in the heck is that why is that how no no thank you i go now and i think i just hid in a locker for like 10 minutes i was like no i'm just gonna stay in here i live here now yeah definitely something i wasn't expecting in a resident evil game not like it's unlike you know anything or something but still also max distance i'm glad that's still a thing in this game yeah certain items you have to be like right up and close and personal with it but some items it's just like oh it's right there i can just hit it from like uh like 10 feet away for some reason bye baby all right bye baby yeah so we have to restore power to that elevator by grabbing a fuse you see how it's light here well you know grabbing that fuse yeah about that yep now it's dark again and uh we're coming upon our baby skip now there's yeah there's a few diff there's like a bajillion ways to do that there's a few different setups i'm doing it the safe way quote-unquote safeway kind of wait nice bye-bye there you go all right there there's there actually is like i i'm i'm not even kidding there's like 10 different ways to do that skip um it it all comes down to one person came up with one strat and then another person came up with another strap behind behind the door and then another one and then it just kind of got a little uh a little insane with how many people came up with different ways to do it yeah uh but it's kind of cool to see how like flexible certain things can be oh no oh god oh no i don't think i've opened i don't think i've ever turned around at this part oh god that is terrifying i just remember staring at the elevator being like go open please bye-bye i like how it disappears and then it reappears smells like a vacuum portal something anybody want a baby no no please we'll call you dada that's great all righty now uh anyone like dolls you all a fan of dolls i i was gonna say i hate dolls i know especially porcelain dolls keep them away from me playing my cat doesn't like dolls uh we're skipping this but all the dolls uh they're kind of alive right now and we have to go find angie if you wait too long to find angie all the dolls will uh awaken and start attacking you but since we know where angie is going to be or at least where we think she's going to be uh we won't be able to see any of that really funny enough my first playthrough i didn't get attacked by any of them i i certainly got it i didn't even know that they did attack you until i watched somebody else play and i'm like oh they actually attacked me because you don't mind her soon yeah they attack yeah but it's only if you don't find angie fast enough oh no yeah cat earlier mentioned rng at this part so this is where the rng is uh angie can be in two different spots uh let's see oh good yeah she can either be right behind this pillar or a little bit further down in the back of the room uh this is ideal right here i need a wipe bad orangey okay oh good orangey no never mind we got good oh nice so i use audio cues to know if she spawns here or in by the elevator so i use like if i hear angie on my right headphone then she's gonna be here if i hear on my left she's going to be on the elevator yeah and the elevator one is absolutely the worst rng but cat actually she got the best rng here that's that's awesome i literally got the god rng that's awesome and oh no donna we we barely knew ye we didn't really get to see donna much too we're done i know she's uh certainly another character that a lot of us um became very intrigued with because you know there's a lot of mystery surrounding her yeah cause you don't really get to see much about her uh you read more about her than you do see her yeah um but she's still a pretty interesting character i i honestly kind of wish she got a little bit more uh i did like this section i just kind of wish there was like a little bit more to donna yeah agreed um but i still like her as a character she's she's interesting i like her wait it was like was donna playing hide and seek with you and like just skipping around her house yeah pretty much it's just a whole hide-and-seek thing um so basically she kind of like goes like invisible so to speak because ethan is kind of hallucinating um so you can't see donna but she is like with angie a little bit she it's kind of yeah she essentially uses she basically talks to you through angie like she doesn't talk herself like she does have like one voice line it wasn't that one cut scene that we skipped but um all of the talking like if you see angie talking that's actually donna talking so um but we don't really hear her voice we hear angie's voice so we do technically interact with her but just just through the creepy double what are you doing we also yanked her before we got out of the house because uh she's she's worth money i did grab her right i believe so i'm having i believe okay good i'm pretty sure you did because i've been having short-term memory where i'm just like i'm just so focused i'm like did i do that i don't know i can't regret i'm 90 sure you did um i know some people will grab her like you know after they do the key and other people won't but i'm i'm pretty sure he did yeah so i do a 30fps swap to uh get around that guy because you can get body blocked by his sickle which gets kind of uh annoying all right so our first duke stop first duke stop hooray yeah so cat's going to focus on trying to do all these interactions as fast as possible she's going to sell all of her treasure and the shotgun she will then um upgrade her oh she'll you can purchase stuff too um so she'll buy the pipe recipe two pipes two mines some shotgun ammo and um upgrade the rifle i was about to say you upgrade the shotgun but since we sold the shotgun never mind but yeah nice and quick well done beautiful adventure yeah yeah sometimes the how things operate in that menu are kind of awkward but i i tend to mess it up here there goodbye i'm just gonna go with the wind cheese it oh sometimes there's ammo in there all right i'm gonna shoot that and in case and oh yeah so since we uh the route before used to be where we just use the shotgun for this uh the attack shotgun but we don't end up grabbing the attack shotgun because we end up switching that out for the grenade launcher so we just sell our base shotgun early to make room for the good old grenade launcher and i got rid of the lock pick so we don't gotta worry about that yeah uh since we don't upgrade our case at all i know in the original iteration of this route we did upgrade our case just once but now we don't upgrade it at all we're using the vanilla inventory so we only have room for only a couple guns yep fun fact about this elevator on console uh this elevator actually takes two minutes oh goodness because it's a hidden load screen so if you see me pause occasionally and you see like the little spin dial there that means like things are kind of loading now does it take but on console you can't tell on fbs so it's a little awkward does that uh is that two minutes like is that on ps5 base ps4 uh that would be paste like the base old gen columns okay uh ps5 like load screens are non-existent literally the the loading time on ps5 is better than my pc it's actually insane dang here's the best character i'm a row you just kidding me you just feel so bad for him because he's like don't go i just want to make mama happy he's just he's just he's just uh he just has some mama issues it's okay he's a little lonely i i would be his friend he just wants to make mama proud he just wants to you know he wants to sell lemonade to her and give her macaroni art and and have her say ever say good job son are you winning so ugly are you all right we just go we just wanted to go get a boat key because we do get to use a boat in this game yeah nothing lavish or anything but you know it's a boat you get a why he didn't well i was gonna say you get re-4 vibes from this you really do like when i first saw uh when i first saw maro in his like fish form i was just like hmm re4 is that you i see you i legit thought like we were gonna have a boss fight on the boat like re4 i did too uh like i i like literally thought we were but then it was just like no you just used the boat to get from point a to point b and it's like oh okay and oh god like docking the boat and disembarking like i remember at first it's like oh all right i have i have moments where i just don't understand how disembarking works in this game so i just go at the dock straight ahead yeah i think and then yeah just uh yeah let it do its thing i think that's fine because if you try to like you know angle your boat if you try to like put it to the side you think makes sense the boat just like turns around does a 180 you're like excuse me yeah just drifting in the boat is uh not ideal all right we're gonna shoot those early there is a retry here but i'm not gonna worry about it it's one of those retries that just take away like a like half second yeah uh because i know some folks they can shoot it like as you're approaching it essentially but yeah that's the first time i saw that from that distance that's pretty cool yeah it is it's a nice little thing uh so that way you don't have to worry about shooting it uh down below yeah nice time save um so since we skipped some cut scenes and things like that we are essentially trying to restore power um to open up the gate because the exit is uh down below oh and uh to access that we have to get rid of all the water so to get rid of all the water we have to power uh you know restore power to like the little power station little thing up there and uh maro here you know you can tell he's he's not very happy he just likes his water also ethan has some of the best one-liners coming oh yeah i like how he laughs at his own jokes um what's what's really great is um so like in re7 ethan was kind of like monotone one note not very expressive you know he killed his wife like full-time yeah but um you know the voice actor like really stepped it up in this game i mean every single voice actor like was amazing in this game but um you'll notice that ethan's way more expressive in this game and even the simplest lines he gives like you know more expressive delivery to it oh for sure like the simplest line it's coming up um after he restores power he's like okay oh that's great hold on maro what's up dude how you doing who's the best maro yes you are yes you are son i always love the uh when people post fish moly after that yeah yeah he looks so much like fish molly it's actually hilarious i feel like capcom secretly just likes to put in random like twitch emote references like grandma in re7 looks like resident sleep yeah it just it makes me so happy it makes for the best memes in the chat alright everybody's seeing some fish in chat i'll tell you that much yeah i see quite a bit good old fish molly what'd you do here ethan i caught myself a big one yes you did yeah so if you do this part too slow uh yeah monroe will catch up to you and i think he i don't know if he eats you because i uh he he basically breaks the sh like breaks the boat and then you kind of get sunk in and he'll eat you yeah i never saw what happened here and also this crank i do not understand this crank at all yeah you have to go interact with this ladder before you can go you have to take the crank out to put the crank back in yeah i don't yeah i remember during my first playthrough i think i already interacted with the ladder and i just like walked up to the crank and then i still had to take it out and put it back in um just wild i think yeah it's one of those weird little things that's just like okay this doesn't make much sense but sure i guess i think i guess it's because most people would take it out first and then try to wonder what they're supposed to do and set it in a pattern yeah i was gonna say i think some people like you know it doesn't matter i don't think there's any time loss or anything like that if you go interact with the ladder first and then take the crank out or i wasn't sure yeah all right ethan i really think you should be doing better at this game okay okay sorry okay now earlier all right we mentioned the puzzles are not rng and this is one of them bam boom somehow i enter sometimes i accidentally interact with the sheet there again i'm trying to hit boxes they're so close to each other it's very easy to get one or the other right got it i was just trying to remind myself on what to do with that uh with that that's all yep that was it all right moreo you be a good boy now okay please uh you need focus time all right so cassidy is zero so i think this will go smooth this will definitely go smoothly so um cat's gonna throw a pipe bomb before he spawns in because um that'll do you know it'll keep him at the place he needs to be um do more pipe bomb damage to him there's also a barrel back there explosive barrel we're going to do damage i did it too early that's okay that's totally okay uh so basically i want to uh this will happen sometimes it's okay uh so basically i want to show the uh throw the pipe on early so he gets over there and not have that happen but it's fine i don't stop the roof a little bit but it's okay still did damage to him okay that's okay and that was really awkward but whatever uh don't know what happened there but we're gonna go hide for a second and i guess i'll just take oh there's me there you go i'll take that this uh he spews some acid rain um he also can't die when he's on top of the roof like that either um but yeah it's it's all good it is totally fine i can't shoot him anymore because if i shoot him anymore he's going to go sprinkling it again he'll drop down on a little bit it's fine there's also some explosive barrels around so all's good sir you know he kind of reminds me of like a g virus monster and death as he was in life but now he's a big moldy boy well done though cat hey i don't know what happened there i think oh i think i know what happened i think the pipe bomb got stuck on the roof it definitely like it definitely like landed on the roof and it did explode but um i didn't keep an eye on the damage so i wasn't sure like how much damage it did to him there but um yeah yeah because it was i think it was because the pipe bomb was really close because the radius for the pipe bomb is actually kind of big uh so you want to throw it pretty far but i think it got stuck on the roof and also the fact that uh the land mines didn't do enough damage because usually all you need to do is pipe bombs and land mines uh but for some reason monroe is just monroe any re-8 runner will express their pain about moreau it's it's fine yeah like like the lady dev boss fight is pretty you know easy to get down and everything like that the morrow one is two but like you can literally see no matter what difficulty like moreau is like certainly like the first challenging part in the run just because there's like so many specific things you need to get down if you um you know if you spawn him too early it kind of messes up your timing on the pipe bombs you don't do enough damage to him things like that so uh yeah it's it's definitely like the first part in the run where you you really have to focus but you know sometimes you got to improvise there's plenty of stuff around to do lots of damage to him so all's good yeah thankfully i didn't really have to do much damage i was just like okay i'm just got to wait for him to go come back down any day in a row any day he's just he's just trying to show like you know us in the chat that he's the best he wanted to show some of his skills he had that acid rain going you know i've been saving this one he's showing it just for you chat oh yeah uh no yeah the inventory in this game is a little awkward oh goodness it took me a while to get that down because like you would think because this is how it worked in re4 if i remember correctly if you just rearrange your inventory and then exit you know it essentially confirms it for you but if you try to close out of your inventory without confirming it doesn't rearrange your items you have to like redo it again so you have to remember to press f before you close the inventory it's so weird yeah nathan's just really unsure of where he wants to put things yeah he's i think it's because i have too much handgun ammo that's what messed me up because i usually i have the srt open to show my inventory so i don't have to open it uh but i don't have that open so i didn't i realized that i had too much it yeah that was actually part in one of the latest srt updates is it can show the inventory like right below all of the stats and stuff there so it's pretty neat it shows like all the blocks and everything i am going to try and get rid of as much ammo as i can here though i only technically need about 30 uh you don't want anything more than what i currently have which is like i think almost uh yeah a little too much i need to get rid of eight bullets what's really nice so that's like the one thing about this is that uh inventory is very very tight especially since we don't get the case upgrades so any like small amount of extra ammo will take up way too much inventory space so if you pick up too much handgun ammo you're kinda you're a little you're it's gonna mess with you a little bit just a bit all right what's really nice about this part at least is um there's a lot of static sniper ammo pickups here so you really don't have to worry about like wasting you know you don't have to worry about like uh sniper pickups and stuff they're pretty they're they're pretty nice in this difficulty here no nobody wants to hit me on the way out no okay i was hoping they would hit me so i can so i could uh get my d.a under 1000 to rank zero again that's okay can you pick up things we're gonna pick up oh go ahead no go ahead i was gonna say we're gonna pick up the the uh pipe bomb here uh we usually just try to crouch there i crashed a little too late but that is it's still neat though i blew my mind when i first saw that all right one second nice he he scares me sometimes because sometimes he'll grab you and then you're just kind of stuck in an animation where you're like oh this guy too sometimes he grabs you yeah if he grabs you while you're coming off of the zip line it's super nice because he doesn't really like it doesn't do anything to you but it does lower your da and like take your health down oh oh thank you that's exactly what i needed you know i'll take that hint thank you oh you're so kind all right uh have you so a little bit of lore so heisenberg is kind of taunting ethan to kind of you know come after rose and all that stuff but before you can get to heisenberg's factory you kind of have to go through this uh crazy lichen den where basically this is where they live and hang out i suppose watch movies have tea something eat bodies you know yeah all right these hitboxes man also uh that is awkward uh i wanted that to be the landmine it's fine you're good and now we have yurius aka hagrid aka uh muzzy whoever whatever you want to call him we're basically gonna do as much damage as possible to him and uh basically all sniper here and i believe this new route here includes one uh grenade so once he staggers back like that we pick up those pipe bombs and other items there uh so we don't have to backtrack when he dies or anything like that saves a little bit of time oh i missed that shot that's unfortunate that's okay nice uh well we need to get rid of some handgun ammo anyways yeah yeah usually i because i missed a shot i had to improvise a little bit i do need extra rounds for miranda later for miranda miranda now we have all four flasks of rose that means we can uh stitch her back together right oh you could say that i wonder what ethan's plan for that was was just like pour them all into one big cup just put in the chalice and that solves all your problems baby baby me there we go that's uh that sounds about right oh yeah is it just embarking gonna be so slow sometimes but uh you were right up on that that was pretty fortunate yeah sometimes when you're right up on it it just decides to flip you around yeah that's so weird uh but yeah now that we have all the flasks we're gonna bring the flask to some we're gonna bring it to the altar and ethan will receive this giant chalice of sorts that he'll carry to like a ceremonial site of sorts and he'll gain access to heisenberg's factory when you see the giants chalice if you have not seen this game before you the first thing you wonder is how did ethan where did ethan put this like what the heck because look at the size of this thing yeah great pleasure to see you return but somehow ethan makes it tiny and then carries around in his pocket yeah a few different theories maybe his briefcase is kind of like uh hermione's bag uh from harry potter where it was like is bottomless essentially bottomless bag it's a good old bottomless yeah just let me take this real quick probably weighs like a ton but it's fine i know a lot of folks say like oh maybe he strapped it to his back or something like that but he's moving the same speed so he's just a beast even ethan is tank confirmed i mean if re7 didn't show that already blocking bombs what's going on dying getting limbs chopped off yeah normal things just ethan things okay just just even things hashtag just ethan things you hear that everyone and hashtag just ethan things yup all right skip the cutscene all right come here all right now we're gonna go meet heisenberg heisenberger my favorite he's a cool character i like it honestly like his voice was a little jarring to me at first but then after i started like listening to it more and more i i i love him yeah great i i love his voice uh i don't think there i don't think there's a single voice in this game that i dislike um even angie as creepy she is i love her voice too i love that her voice is also the same person who does uh evelyn so she does this she's very good at doing a small child in a very creepy doll ethan welcome one thing everyone will come to learn about cat she learns all the voice lines of these re games real quick and then she'll recite them word for word and it's awesome i i i do it all the time i have a problem not a problem that's a talent like if you ever watch my re7 runs i recite uh a good amount of those lines back to back uh the lucas tv cut scene that's my favorite it's of mine to hear you the dinner cut scene the lucas tv section cut scene uh sometimes i'll even watch some of the cut scenes during my runs and this since the timer pauses for cut scenes um i usually pause on certain cutscenes for breaks because i have really really bad wrists so those give me an ample opportunity to just chill for a minute um but also i get to watch some great cutscenes yeah it's a win-win in my opinion oh good legendary let's go was that the metal scratcher yeah that was the metal so we i get really excited over that ledge because that ledge is the biggest pain in the butt uh it will either let you climb up or not let you climb up oh thank you i guess um a little smack on the butt on the way out okay yeah we'll take the ledge it's like it's that one red ledge before you climb up there usually uh when you get to a ledge you can wiggle your mouse uh you know left to right i remember rossi he mentioned that basically when the when the game first came out and you you do it there too right but then sometimes you just don't get up the ledge and we don't know why i just i just crouch crouch nice i just do like a yeah i do like a quick crouch and i should always get up every single time but sometimes a game is you know it does things or not it has a mind of its own now cat how satisfying is it like when you speed run this game that you can just like speed through this factory so quick because i know at least in my first playthrough of this game it was a huge maze and i didn't know where i was going i got lost a ton like it was really bad i i like spent an hour just in this section here trying to figure out where i was supposed to go slightly annoying but it's fine yeah this is this part is huge factory on hardcore is definitely more uh more intense i guess it gets it has its moments where it can be uh a little painful but on if you're doing like glitch percent you don't have to worry about some of the annoying parts thankfully uh glitchless however can be uh there's some improvising uh i'm gonna pick this up just in case because i might need a heel i'm at 51 yeah sometimes i'll craft a heel around here in case uh someone tags you or something like that yeah i'm just gonna make a heal anyways just for safety nothing wrong with that usually i went usually i wouldn't make a heel because you don't need to make a heel but for the purpose of uh not absolutely killing a run or listening to ethan pant yeah oh god i'ma make a heel these gears they they are something now you can like if ethan gets hit by them they don't crush him or die he just you know it's like a bump on the head just a scratch no big deal all right we got through that with you well done let's go i was that was actually better than any of my rooms that was really good because um yeah so you can actually time that uh so the gears have like a pattern a little bit so if you wait a second at the first one you should be able to walk through all of them unless you get body blocks that's a little bit of a different story but if you don't get body blocked you should be able to walk through all of them pretty easy not too not too it's not too difficult yeah because sometimes those enemies they're kind of like lurking around the corner uh they'll tag you and then that kind of messes up your timing a little bit but dang cat's a pro she went down there like nobody's business like yeah let's go all right i've molded so i'm going to reset that guy real quick because he'll come into that room so what i do is i just kind of shoot that wall you don't really have to shoot that wall but it just at least you just come up uh go up there come back down and the drill boy who comes through that door should be reset nice oh there he was he'll be right there yep he'll he'll be uh he'll just be hanging out there shooting the wall hashtag just cat things we love to see you when we all right that was one of those other moments where you pause the inventory to pick up that mine quickly um and cat will be doing it at another part here to pick up shotgun shells so yeah it's interesting how it's for some items and not all checkpoints excuse me april fool's june fools it's okay i figured i was like uh it's probably because uh we're so used to picking up the shotgun here yeah and we used to use pipe bombs on those doors too so yeah just kidding folks like i said juneful's you are all good girl i was taking notes on this new route and uh yeah i'll get there eventually anyway ever moments all right hopefully this perfect let me in we didn't mention sturm the fanboy that's been uh randomly chasing us oh yeah you don't really get to see him too much but yeah there's a fanboy just chasing us he's great a man with a fan on his chest um he's not he's not very happy i don't think he i don't think he's even happy with heisenberg so he's he's trying to take that anger out on ethan so uh yeah we don't see him until a little bit later that's a long way to go iceberg is kind of mean to him though yeah of course term yeah he just wants to do his fanboy things he wants to be our biggest fan i love it he just wants to keep the doggos cool in the summer with his big fan i really want to see an art piece of that now that'd be a good idea that would be so cute hello fellas working hard i see [ __ ] hi hi ho it's off to work we go off to work all right so we're coming up to the uh our biggest biggest fan or we have to uh shoot some oh yeah i always get worried about that one current theme in this game where you shoot lights to break things capcom sure does love red dots or anything that blows red that shows you shoot this again we got more enemies spawning and these are actually called soul dats i believe um they're just various men with different uh mechanical parts just welded on them we saw the guys with the drill arms earlier these guys have jet packs on them uh some of them have armor and stuff like that they they're just kind of wild and you can't go up this ladder until the fan stops and yeah you actually got out of there with not a lot of damage so that's good yeah that was i'm at 31 percent right now i'm actually going to keep we go that turns out i didn't really need the heel but it doesn't hurt to have the handle that's fine like um i mean if you didn't use it there you would probably use it a little bit later when we see the the other big boys so i think you're good e all right oh no whatever shall i do i remember the first time i played this game i i didn't like i saw the red light in there but i was just like oh i think i'm dead because i don't think i can do anything here but uh oh no so yeah everyone thought i was trolling but no i was just like oh i thought that was supposed to happen and you have to turn the fan off another way i wasn't sure yeah i uh i found it funny because it was just like oh yes this fan that can be destroyed with a simple handgun shot and just flies off for some reason heisenberg i think you need to up your game with uh some of these uh things this is a tiny flaw like the death star one simple shot to one weak point and it all goes completely all goes boom if that having your weapons at like your preferred hotkeys i feel is very important in the speed run just because one muscle memory and two it just helps with your boss fights uh it's like so much easier yeah it definitely helps quite a lot to just have everything in the same spot as you usually would see your kid's power otherwise it just gets very messy um thankfully the order you pick everything up should always i think i'm pretty sure the lock kick and the extra ammo did mess me up a little bit no no oh bad what were you hoping for there uh money actually okay money would have been nice yeah because sometimes you can't get money there but no it gives me handguns yeah rng crates folks yeah what can you do oh yes before before before so yeah the duke is here but um we don't we don't see him as you can tell of course in this run not a lot of duke stops just only two for the whole game the whole hour and a half pretty cool you can't aim at him you can't stare at his face you can kind of stare at his face a little bit if you want to what's funny is a good old dookie what's funny is if like if you shoot anywhere in the vicinity not at him of course because you can't um he makes like little comments saying like don't waste your ammunition and stuff like that oh yeah i like when uh so he does say like a french line oh money there's your money so if i'm like shooting my gun and stuff like that he'll be like ah it's time yeah and i'm like ah yes the language of my people yay no my favorite part about the duke is that he looks kind of like nero from devil maybe may cry once you see it you can't unsee it it's the same outfit same hair and the same face i mean just a little chubbier i mean capcom is you know they're not against reusing assets just imagine nero gaining like 600 pounds well here we go oh thank you for opening that door how kind of you sometimes they'll body block it so that was nice they opened it all right and here's the big big boys oh okay nice oh sure usually he'll attack you but he didn't attack me there nice oh sure we got the all right big boy yeah again excuse me 30 fps swap is super useful in this run because yeah you can just squeeze right by those guys yep it uh makes a you can do it to a few enemies in this uh section but on casual they're so docile that it really just doesn't matter yeah i know before all right time for stuff or propeller boy is what i like to call him uh he requires land mines on pipe bombs and that's all you need that's it uh usually he'll drive himself into a wall and you have to shoot his weak point on his back but we don't it's fine well at least hopefully he doesn't give me any issues sometimes he'll be nasty but he'll be fine i call him mr fan man mr fan man yeah all right i usually wait till he not have that happen die die okay wait what what happened done more there you go goodbye mr fan man yeah the radius on those pipe bombs i swear if you throw one if you throw one and then you throw another one while the other one's exploding uh yeah it will just end up where the uh pipe bomb will hit you or explode earlier than it should because the other pipe bomb hit it yeah they both touched each other just if the pipe bombs touch each other and go boom you go boom yeah ethan like yeah he flies back too mm-hmm if you're not like if you're not blocking it kind of sucks yeah but it's fine but well done yeah i wish i had my splits open to see where how much time i'm losing nah you're good if you can't no news is good news you can't see it true now what happens here is we get reunited with chris redfield and he tells us to use this tank that apparently uh helps kill metal and we're gonna use it to fight heisenberg and heisenberg can't control us well in this which is kind of funny because later in the fight heisenberg somehow lifts us up magically i called false advertising chris how dare you do this to us i do think this part's really cool you get to see like the whole factory and like that little manufacturing line of the sold outs and stuff it's actually really cool if you go out of bounds and like look at everything oh yeah cause there's that out of bounds and factory that folks use in any percent all righty so we're coming upon the heisenberg fight i believe cat's gonna do a retry as soon as we get out cause that'll start the fight immediately um but yeah we essentially just uh it allows us to use our bomb early as well right because the bomb has like a reload point where it takes a little bit to let you use it again and of course how can we kill this boss just look at the shiny things kill the shiny things the glowy shiny things like they do in every other resident evil game but yeah you'll essentially be doing a ton of damage to him until his health gets down to nine percent and then he'll uh kind of wander around a little bit the clock is ticking ethan he's in a good spot actually because he shouldn't take too long to get to the middle should be right right there yeah oh yeah give me a fun fact about uh heisenberg sure i learned this from uh swordfish he's a japanese feed runner but um apparently in japan they don't do the boulder punching thing really oh yeah so during the instead of that boulder punching you know um they call them i think it's like that like gorilla man or something like that because he's like a strong eight because they don't have the boulder punching them over there interesting yeah so um if you see any japanese feeders uh chris redfield's the gorilla man so do they even show like did they even show chris punching boulders in re5 because i don't actually know i don't know that's a good question um that from uh swordfish interesting oh yeah anyways heisenberg's dead yeah that went by super quick uh yeah basically all you do is a few few your pipe bomb grenade launcher and then yeah he's dead yeah and then he he gets kind of dramatic here he does like a big monologue kind of taunts you makes you feel guilty he traps a lot in this fight and a lot of the lines he uses get repeated a lot and i've actually heard him repeat the same voice line back to back before and i was just like huh okay what's really silly is like i still get i still get baited or it's like i think you can skip these cut scenes because he's just talking nothing's going on yeah this is like one of the few testings that you can't really skip it's funny there's a lot of moments like that in this game where you think it's a skippable cutscene but it totally isn't yeah all right spam confirm pick up his treasure and we are off now you can skip i would show this cut scene but unfortunately uh the speed run we go fast yeah this is actually a super important cutscene uh do you want to explain what happens uh so basically uh ethan finds out that mia was replaced with miranda or like mirando is has the ability to copy the look of other people so basically she was pretending to be uh pretending to be mia for a little while uh and to kind of get rose uh because she's like that's my child i want my child yeah so yeah rose has like superpowers to revive miranda's uh deceased child yes so uh yeah not only that but she legit rips ethan's heart out yeah it's kind of it's kind of crazy i was gonna say any persona fans in the chat she literally took his heart she took that calling card seriously and uh excuse me can't have a resident evil game without a section playing as a different character and we're playing as chris redfield don't get cocky i have a really bad problem where i have like my favorite lines i always have to recite them it's like a repetitive hat no you're good girl i do the exact same you enjoy the game that's what matters you know so this part is probably the most like frustrating part of the run hopefully the lasers play nice with me i love how there's a character named umbra eyes and one of my moderators is named umbra and he's in the chat likens please don't you dare i've reached your target location stop it oh and if also we didn't mention we might have mentioned in passing but the mold from resident evil 7 uh you know that evelyn infected everyone with that's present in this game this is this is the big mold because essentially miranda helped create that isn't it it all goes full circle that miranda was like she knew spencer and she was around her for all the you know re1 happenings and stuff yeah it's pretty wild like this is a perfect sequel to seven because they're so intertwined but yeah we ascend this is a huge piece of mold here and there's going to be various waves of lichens that pop up and yeah we have to wait for this laser to reload here um and we have yeah we have to use the special laser to get rid of this giant massive mold that was your second one right yep cool all right so i just wait here yeah and just get him to repeat reloading be with you soon yeah yeah this is a really sweet spot um sometimes they'll tag you and other times like you know they won't and it's it's quite nice because uh where you have to you know proceed forward is actually right here so this is a good space to be soon uh that's kind of like a cheese spot uh where you can literally just sit there and wait uh you can only really do that on casual on voss or hardcore you definitely cannot do that yeah they are lycans are super aggro and all those other difficulties now we got yurious number two hagrid number two and literally he will just go down uh you saw a cat throw some grenades before he jumped in he doesn't have iframes or anything like that there and we do you can do one flash and then the rest you just play in with that machine gun i know there's a few different straps on how to do this but yeah you know this one works really well and you also want to reload before the um well you don't have to but it does help a little bit to reload the gun before it gets to zero um sniper is like that as well but yeah yeah well done that was so quick geez well it gives me the treasure nice all right easy peasy easy-peasy lemon squeezy um rest of you yeah that's why it's super super simple on hardcore you would do different things obviously you'd do different things that fights a little bit more challenging on those difficulties uh i'm definitely excited to go back to figure that out hardcore focus on the plan get my time down in there yeah uh hardcore you would take a lot more damage on that section purposely to lower your da but keep your distance we don't have to worry about that on this one not so um the chris section here is actually like pretty it's all wrapped up here we're actually coming upon miranda's lab which is a really cool section you know if you're playing this casually you get to read up on a ton of lore on um you know all the different lords and then her backstory but this is also where mia has been kept prisoner so literally you shoot that lock and a and the real mia kind of pops out here so pretty you don't know how special ethan really is oh here he is all right and now we just wait oh you don't have to walk nope sit here and wait see his last sure is cold his last name is winters you would think with the last name like winters he would you know be kind of keen to the cold you know well i mean he is well he's from born in los angeles uh so anything below he lived in texas yeah born l.a moved to texas uh he's not used to the cold at all so anything below 60 fahrenheit yeah i was also born in like 84 weirdly enough yeah alrighty so this is our very last duke stop um we're gonna sell all of the those special treasures that we got and then sell our grenade launcher and lemmy and then we're gonna upgrade that sniper as maxed out as possible so you're gonna max out your power you're going to max out your rate of fire um you want to bring your ammo cap to four and then your reload speed i think cat says she um does it like two or three times or something like that either way you're just spending all of your money to upgrade the heck out of your sniper because you're going to be using sniper only on miranda here nice please yeah it's it's a lot of just upgrading the sniper to like basically full power so that way it's uh not much of an issue for miranda because miranda it does consist of a lot of quick shots and making sure you do as enough damage as possible uh i am probably gonna need to focus here but time is actually going to be coming up after this boss fight is complete and that's going to be the end of resinual village for casual yeah all right hold on to your seats it's going to be a good fight a little bit of focus because it is yeah it is quite a timely based thing all right focus time you got this cat you fulfilled your purpose you disposed of my false children and awakened the glorious egg myself now please do not worry the little rose i assure you i'll provide her with food dark they skip nice yeah you skipped both phases there which is really nice super fast yeah you have to be very quick on your timing on that and make sure you catch her before she goes under uh otherwise yeah you're gonna have a problem wow yeah that was super fast well done get some hype in the chat for cat impressive that was so good and we're coming up on time very soon yeah and time is now 1 40 11 p.m just over by a little bit i'm blaming the lycan that grabbed me earlier it was over right let's see yeah any of those lichens that uh you know weren't supposed to grab you and they did also uh yeah do you want to explain what happens at the end of the game here real quick kat at least very briefly there we go i got a 134 igt nice there we go hey yeah igt and rta in this game are quite uh quite a thing quite a mess sometimes but uh you see them yeah the end of the game look at the estimates see you didn't go over did i not i don't i i don't have i don't have the stream open you're right on estimate i was gonna say she's right on time exactly right right on the estimate you're all good hold on we're we're going over i'm looking all right let's see what it what it is what party to us you know what i'll take it i'll i will take it uh but yeah that was uh that was awesome thank you so much uh for having me it isis and thank you for joining yeah it was great having you mar thank you as well more for doing all the lovely commentary as per usual giving in all the fun tidbits of information i always appreciate it a lot thank you thank you so much for having me cat i always enjoy doing these with you thank you thank you always honored to be by your side all right before you okay good i was just gonna say uh thank you everybody for watching uh thank you for my community for always coming in and you know giving some hype and good vibes uh also shout out to the rea community there's a lot of awesome individuals and definitely shout out to the um to the lovely people who put so much work behind the srt the timer the the mods uh the fov mod and all that uh also shout out to the mods as well uh but yeah thank you everybody all right you're sorry you're saying as i said before we uh head on over to a break i we actually have a question for you uh people want to find you on twitch uh anywhere else where can they find you uh i stream four days a week on twitch.tv forward slash catlink uh i also am going to be in gdsg2q coming up speedrunning re7 and jazzpunk which is super exciting because they're two of my favorite blocks for gdq silly block and horror block love to see it um and yeah that's that is that is the thing um thank you all right um before we head on out anyone have anything they want to add more um i think i'm good um everyone if you're not following this cat link yet please do she has the best vibes and she also is super talented at every speed run that she does so please go give her some love and follows because i said so exactly thank you all right well really quick we're going to uh go to a quick wellness break this is a time to stand up touch your toes stretch do what you need uh we're going to be right back with more residual village actually as we explore the harder difficulty of hardcore and kind of see what differences between the two categories we have however before we go to a break i just do want to say that frame fatales the all women's speed running event will be returning on august 15th to the 21st with flame fatales uh you can go to gamesdonequick.com frame fatales for more info on the upcoming event we'll be right back bye starting okay bye all right we are back once again from the break uh thank you for sticking with us so i didn't really get a talk in the beginning of today's episode but so i'm going to cover a few of the things now uh today's episode is mainly the idea of resident evil village it's not very often that we get a new hit horror game that's kind of taken the world by storm in this sense so whenever we have new games like this there's a lot of runners that kind of come out and a lot of categories that end up you know taking the spotlight so that being said i thought it would be a fun idea to kind of showcase a couple of these while still leaving a little bit for future submissions if that needs be uh anyway we just saw um you know we had a great run by cat link with brazil village new game um casual our casual glitchless as a specific category but there's been a lot of categories added our village our next one's going to kind of explore both a harder difficulty and some strange tricks i think will be really interesting to see um i know i've been watching this one personally throughout the you know the month of the developing of the village speed run so i do hope that you enjoy we're going to be having resident evil village new game hardcore 80 with maxi loves take it away hey everyone i hope we're all the hope we're all doing good tonight uh oh god you saw the face up of course i still have to face up um yeah good job to kat that was that was an awesome run good job on mar for a commentary as well duke liked it that was a very good one you know duke duke is a fan he's smiling um but yeah now i'm going to show you uh a very different kind of run the categories for this game are kind of all over the place there's something for everybody so yeah i'm gonna show you any percent hardcore which is it involves a lot of crazy strats my estimate is quite safe so if any of them fail we're all good to go it's it's all good i'll show you some really cool stuff not as cool as this though dukes duke's face is pretty i mean look when you say it's basically narrow but fat that was pretty funny he is he is that was pretty funny i chuckled he's clapping so uh i know the cat and mar explained a ton of stuff but um for those of you who weren't here for some of those explanations i'm going to re-explain them so uh yeah let's go down the time where you took she snarled here we go count down three two one okay all right we're starting out with some stick uh baby tech where we hold back to move as soon as the game starts it saves point two really big strat clearly reset worthy if you that book's too fail for you but yeah this this is rose gonna put her to put her to bed it's almost there honey that's the that's the way this game starts ethan's a dad he's living that dad life there you go well this game does help for the uh you know a belated father's day show true true no just this weekend yeah ethan's a good dad honestly as well uh this specific category i heard that i think recently you got a new world record for it i did yes uh saturday i finally achieved the time i was going for not many people run this category so it was kind of up to me to optimize it so i got it down to 134 134.20 which is lrt which stands for load remover time because this game's in-game timer is busted but uh yeah that world record is up on my youtube if anybody is curious uh i'm going to try and do all of those strats for you tonight some of them might go wrong because some of them are tight but that's all right you know marathon stuff yeah we have a good we have a good estimate for it we'll be all good oh yeah so yeah we're walking through the snow uh it's it's really slow ethan ethan may have become a dad but he still has those slow intros to his video games but i mean he got two really good games ethan is in resident evil 7 and then resident evil village like he's he's such a lucky main character to get two really good games where it's like you have barry burton whose first main game was gaiden and then he got revelations too it's like all right barry's also a really good dad when's when's barry in his good dad game revelations too revelations 2 was a good dad game but i think barry needs to come back farewell there's like there's like five characters that need to kind of come back in the resident evil series but yeah maybe we'll see it who knows yeah who knows that those but uh yeah you know the first the first little bit here is just it's kind of a build up you know it's it's it's similar to how resident evil 7 works there's a bit of a build up the game is trying to give you some immersive atmosphere kind of show you what you may be in store for throughout the game but in terms of speedrunning it's just movement also chat beat me in my own joke yes the run is live but chat is pre-recorded so when i first played this i thought this uh i thought somebody was gonna be in here like re4 lewis and then uh we came up with the meme that uh like the rat the rat inside the closet is actually named lewis and we're going to see louis later in the castle louis the rat i'll let you know when he pops up again keep an eye out for him yeah keep an eye out for him i think this game takes place like as soon as miranda crashes the van and kills the driver and leaves ethan in the snow and kidnaps rose uh it's probably like super early morning sun hasn't even come up yet and now the sun is up so i don't know safe to assume the game takes place at like five in the morning or something i don't know but we're coming up to our first reset checkpoint strat essentially you're gonna see a checkpoint in the top left of the screen and i'm gonna be doing this a few times in the run and essentially this saves time with the uh the in-game timer and the load remover timer because it puts ethan forward uh in the area now for rta it depends rta could be faster if your computer is ridiculously good but um rta doesn't really matter too much except for right at this very moment in the marathon so two questions really quick go for it one i was pointed out in chat how was the lewis spell what happened like is it louis like e-l-w or like louie l l-u-i-s oh so like not even i oh i see sc but yeah in re for i don't think leon like really pronounces it super well all right it makes sense and then the second question was probably more pertaining the actual speedrun of things um so games like ari already village and re7 uh they have the famed long intros um like how does um is it is it all taxing they kind of have to reset and it takes like what like five minutes ten minutes like five to six minutes to really get into the action but um it's not that bad i think resident evil 7 can definitely be taxing because it's about 16 i think 17 or 18 minutes or something like that until you really start getting into the action but this game's this game's fine although you know some people have more patience than others here in the barn essentially the idea behind parkour barn is that you just string up as many headshots as you and i'm can doing a bad job but this is not super quick there we go he's dead he dropped rusted scrap we don't need that actually there's the first uh over first lincoln to kill in the game we're going to start the ambush here and we started at 6 38 on the timer at walla my timer oh i picked that up on axiom now so essentially what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take damage on purpose here and then about a minute and 50 oh seconds is that death that's not death we're good a minute and 50 sec okay close the door there we go a minute and 50 seconds after the 638 that i got starting the ambush i'm going to run away from this door and go to the house with a shotgun in it now why a minute and 50 seconds the reason being is that a minute and 50 seconds is the perfect amount of time to get to the shotgun house and ethan's position is going to spawn yurius at these like the soonest the earliest time that he can spawn and the earliest time the iris can spawn makes it so that the ambush goes by faster so 638 plus 150 uh 28 right no sorry 8 28. math you have to do math so at 8 28 i'm gonna run away from the door how did the stride get founded so the way that the strat got found was a voss runners villager shadows runners figured out how to do this and i don't even know if they knew that it was ethan's positioning during the time in which they wait that makes yuri respond i don't know how they figured it out i think they just did it and it just worked it was working so they just stuck to it but i actually laughed this for like four hours one night and it was uh it was a process let me tell you and i finally figured out exactly what spawns yurious you're kidding me so as soon as you get into this house he should say uh you're kidding me which that's the line you're looking for you're kidding me and now we're going to knife this like in which by the way i did take damage on purpose for da sake because in hardcore d a is extremely important so i purposely took the damage this guy is gonna break this open we're gonna run pick up some more ammo we're going to pocket flour them hot flour now if we take damage here it's actually okay because that's just d a da is difficulty adjustments essentially taking damage and healing that damage is a way of lowering your da score which actually makes it so that you do more damage bosses take more damage so that is the way that we actually successfully do some of the boss strats now i didn't do math very well so i'm actually being really safe with this strat right now uh but this should work or not so we're supposed to get the arrow to the knee right there i don't know why we didn't get the arrow to the knee but oh that happens we got killed by dark hagrid which is basically just hagrid if he never got uh let out from azkaban well you know what they say marathon luck so we gotta do this ambush again look at that teamwork though okay how was your day good i woke up and i made myself a nice uh english muffin egg sammy it's good stuff that's pretty good it's pretty good one what kind of egg was it that was like scrambled this is like sunny side it was over easy well eventually i would have gotten the egg so yeah uh now we're just doing this again well don't worry this is why we have estimated this is why i made my estimate very safe yeah also um you are the last run of the night realistically so if we need to bump it up there's nothing wrong with that yeah understand part of the enjoyment of the show here is that we kind of see speed running like it's not always going to go perfect so it's an understanding thing more importantly how was the sandwich it was pretty good it was pretty good solid definitely hit the spot i plan on getting food after this uh after the show here so i'm uh i'm hungry what are you thinking it's i don't know i'm gonna i'll figure it out though hopefully something simple yeah yeah so yeah that's the very dangerous part of hardcore and village of shadows they both uh do very similar strats for this ambush here and both of them are uh pretty pretty brutal thanks it also kind of just does show how uh how brutal the category will be kind of adding on yeah like you can't already see some stark contrast between um new game casual and hardcore that's fine okay so same strat as before okay also someone i tried to mention sushi that sounds pretty good but i don't know i'm gonna get sushi at like midnight my time that is a bit late yeah yeah i do love sushi though it is good i do too a bit late for sushi all right let's try this part again shall we i mean uh i am not getting the scene right now which is really unfortunate it should have happened by now come on there we go oh my okay all right perfect we gotta get going so i can't wait for the cutscene to heal me because you actually heal in cutscenes really yeah you can just uh you can just wait here i'll show you look i just i just got my health back while i was in that cutscene huh yeah you did didn't you it's really silly but here's the first hurdle of the run we took an unfortunate death and that happens but uh the for for quite a while this is gonna be a pretty smooth ride now essentially we're just going to uh louise's house over here and uh we're gonna do some really really easy stuff get kidnapped and hold w for a little bit and when we get to the castle that's when we'll actually have some uh some tech to get into but yeah for those of you i thought louise was the rat huh i thought louise was the rat of the mouse no louisa oh louis is the rat louisa is the old lady who takes in all of these villagers who are like okay we're gonna die if we stay out here and then louise is like yeah you should probably come inside uh but they die anyways so yeah we can talk a little bit more about uh d.a because i know there's a lot of questions all the time about what da is difficulty adjustment essentially has been in the resident evil series since resident evil 4 back in 2005 so it's not a new thing uh if you play really really well yes this is luigi uh if you play really really well uh the game will raise the difficulty for you uh by a ranking system which then leads to you know you taking more damage enemies taking less damage and uh also enemies sometimes being more aggressive um and if you play really poorly and place all your ammo and bad at killing enemies and yada yada don't worry try not to breathe in the smoke i know or wait did i just i just think i just explained that incorrectly i'm just gonna explain what this game does okay if you take damage and heal your da lowers if you kill stuff and play the game really really well it raises there's two ranks in this difficulty hardcore has seven and eight you want to be at seven for all of the boss fights there you go all right that's that's just how this works much like how in cat's uh run you want to be at zero rank we want to be at seven for this one now we're gonna go pick up our first mine which mines are gonna be a huge weapon in this run route uses quite a bit yes actually i'm a bit curious right now um i know you mentioned like you know um killing enemies like getting hit uh healing um it's like because i know in other games i think if you fire the bullets and miss that lowers your da bit not in this game but in some of the other games yes gotcha in this game they made it like really simplistic it's just taking damage and healing all right because i know i think i think already two make had that right r t remake had a lot of different d a things like picking up items and using ammo and our e2 remake and re-three may kind of have da's that are really messy and don't really do what da's supposed to do but that's okay because in this one it's totally fine the man is uh d.a started with re4 so da's in re4 re5 i think the revelations games uh jesus christ seven two make three make this game run it's just a very common thing for these games now is it a good thing sometimes for casual players it prevents soft locking so that's nice but speed running it's just something else we gotta work around so right here heisenberg basically puts us through this this crazy death trap course essentially for entertainment purposes one of my favorite movies jurassic park that's a very old mug surprise it's still holding up freaks have rows uh something else i kind of want to explain about this game as well before we get into some more kind of routing things is uh interactions with things is very wonky um some items some levers and doors and whatnot they have very odd interaction hitboxes um it's it's just something you have to get used to and kind of uh you know remember which items have wonky ones and which ones are a little bit more uh kind i've been waiting for you mr winters oh duke maxi duke in the chat if you have it so uh yeah interactions are really weird and also another thing that's really weird is menuing the menu in this game is so awesome but at the same time it can be a bit clunky if you're trying to do things really specifically and very quickly could rose be here so um definitely another thing you really have to get used to a lot of runners have lost so much time just accidentally doing an incorrect input or having the game having the game think that you're hovering over something with your mouse and it turns out you were hovering over something else even though it's visually on the thing you wanted to interact with it's it's kind of whack but like i said you just have to get used to it once you do get used to it you kind of understand um what you can risk doing quickly and what you probably need to take an extra second or half a second to make sure you're interacting with the right thing uh and shout outs to ethan's hands they go through uh a lot yeah we saw that in the last one and we'll be seeing it in this one but nothing some good old jesus juice will not help with because that's what i've been calling it since re7 also uh cat's run definitely involves picking up treasures and selling them to the duke we're going to be picking up a lot more extra stuff in this one because we will be buying the sniper rifle instead of just picking it up because in this route it is any percent and obviously any any percent means to beat the game in any way possible and that involves some uh some cool out of bounds stuff that we'll be seeing soon but essentially uh doing it we'll skip the sniper rifle so we're picking up a lot of extra jewels some extra treasures whatnot do a little bit of menuing here to open this door i love the puzzles in this game because they're not like they're not even difficult but they're very classic resident even they they feel like they really do belong in a resident evil game that's why i really like them personally even though they're not head scratchers you know they're very simplistic and um don't take a whole lot of thinking to figure out but i do think that they're very classic resident evil i like them for that i've been waiting for like one of the people in like the modding community to change the song here make her listen to like some uh some old school hip-hop or like some death metal how do you find it also yes this is the um uh this is the same runner who did fear the last uh agdq yes i got my agdq shirt on actually i did run fear hey i've ran in gdq a lot actually so if you if i look familiar or i sound familiar it's probably because you have definitely seen me before uh i've commentated a lot of runs and i've done about six runs myself jet set radio devil may cry twice fear twice and fatal frame all good stuff i think we did jets at radio during gdq yeah that was my first that was my first run as gdq 2016 i ran jet set radio and i actually uh the game crashed and i blue screened it and it also crashed the stream oh it was really fun and they had me back the next event because they were like you know what you done goofed but we like you that's a good way of doing it so just you know if anybody is if anyone ever feels discouraged about getting a game into games done quick or something like that just remember i am that guy who blue screens the entire pc and crashed the stream and they still like it all right so we're gonna see how this fight changes now so bella right here we actually watched the cutscene because it makes her movement a little bit more consistent i don't know why she did that attack but okay i can work with it also i notice this during a cat's run but mines are so good like on casual mines destroy but because this is any percent we're going to be doing the out of bounds which means we need to save that mine also i wasn't mentioning the uh because i noticed both of you were doing this it's the uh you're loading the shotgun and just firing and loading and firing and loading and firing you okay so it's funny for for whatever reason uh if you press the reload button you don't get that reload animation it reloads it regularly but if you try to fire the shotgun with no ammo you get the fast reload animation so really all you have to do is just spam left click and you will do way more dps with the shotgun that bella fight was actually totally fine uh she did give me some weird uh some weird attack pattern at the beginning that i'm not used to but apart from that that was a totally fine fight and right here we're actually gonna wait and now we're gonna go this makes her spawn behind us instead of in front of us yeah we call it the tour skip because she says do you want to you want me to give you the tour and i'm like no i'm skipping it huh that's definitely another meme from the chat so right there we're gonna pick up that metal scrap we picked up one in the dungeon area picking up another there because we need as much metal scrap as we can where it's convenient to pick up so that we can make a lot of minds for the run as i mentioned before mines are very powerful and just like they are on casual they are still powerful and hardcore they are still powerful on village of shadows they are just essential to the new game route this puzzle really quick and also the python that we picked up in the dungeon the pipe bomb uh you know that we need to save because we need to save the mines and the pipe bomb the bella fight uh we are forced to use the shotgun which is okay because it can still go quite fast but now we have to pray for extra shotgun shells i'm gonna restart that checkpoint the extra shotgun shells that we are going to be hopefully picking up in this uh this wine cellar here will allow us to save a little bit of time on lady d there we go that's consistent i just messed that up it's just a messed up line so some runners do 30 fps straps here um i personally don't because i find it to be not consistent on hardcore did not get extra shotgun shells there but we have two more chances to get extras so what happens if we don't get the extra if we don't get the extra we don't get to save that extra possible five to seven seconds on lady d damn which is okay it's more of a make or break run if you're trying to go for like record or something right yeah it's just convenient if we do get it hello go ahead do your worst every single time i see that cut scene i think of the the person who made that mod where every time you look away from lady d her hat gets bigger yeah that was an interesting one there's a lot a lot of mods uh in the uh already village stuff but actually i forgot uh i think they might have talked about it during the last run um but i think the village community actually allows a couple of mods to be used for the speedrun right yes we actually do i am a moderator for the speedrun.com page for this so this is 110 accurate and from my mouth uh there is a mod for the fov that is made by squirlies that you can actually find on the forums and in the discord and we allow that specific mod simply because the the fov in this game does uh annoy some people it even makes some people kind of sick uh because it's so it's so close so um we do allow that mod for that purpose and we also allow the flies mod because even on really good pcs the flies that are surrounding the uh the daughters can tank your fps from 120 to like 30. it's insane so we allow those two mods for the sake of really accessibility i guess you don't allow lady d's giant hat we do not actually that mod isn't even public i was looking for it everywhere and i guess the crew really make it public yeah i know right oh i wanted to play with that i did play the madness mod though i don't recommend good all right so we got her hand back which is good we need that and we're gonna head over to the piano puzzle which is uh kind of like an ode to classic plastic re1 except we're not playing moonlight sonata i wish we did but but this is how we get the iron insignia key oh my god okay so i had something with black pepper on it earlier and i just got a peppercorn it's like in my throat and it's burning cause you're saying i gotta explain i gotta explain uh the out of bounds okay here we go so uh we take the pipe bomb right we're gonna look at this door we're gonna get super close to it we're gonna aim take the pipe bomb toss it quick turn hold back and boom we have clipped through the wall we are out of bounds um now you're probably wondering like okay don't resident evil games like this usually break if you do something like this yes it is a miracle that we can actually use this out of bounds and skip something because in in resident evil 7 you barely get to skip anything well then but in this game we get to go out of bounds sir and we get to we get to interact with void duke boy duke he's the opposite of the regular duke he's yeah i used to be opposite he's dante instead of nero now pretty much so we clip back in bounds by crouching under that doorway we're gonna pick up some supplies and uh we are going to interact with this coffin and the game needs to load and process what we've just done so it actually takes 10 seconds for the cutscene to start so while we do uh the waiting we are actually going to uh adjust the inventory if i can okay good there we go we're gonna make a heel an extra heel and we're gonna make a mine because we need two minds for this fight looks like you're outside uh and i can't really explain what's going on right now because i really need to focus because this strat is one of the hardest strats in the entire category so i'll explain it afterwards all right i've seen this quite a lot uh might be able to talk through some of it but that helps but to my knowledge uh the general thing is that you're gonna be shooting lady d a set about times as well i think you normally take a hit i'm assuming this is probably for d.a uh but the general idea is i do know you need to get a lot of damage off because you need her to fly in a very certain way by the end of all this i get even worse when you place down like what two minds and then while placing these mines you then need to make sure you don't get knocked back and then you land every single shotgun shell which is going to be a lot of shotgun shells as well i think you're also blanding all the pistol shots while she's flying to get even more damage uh upfronting her with damage while hoping to gotch actually stay style and see if you get the mine and wow that was clean let's uh see if you get all the shots of that i just know you you know you do it right if you see her fly in a certain way i don't know if i know what it is there it is yes good timing very good timing is such a tight strat all right so how accurate was i or was i just like so that strat is based on shotgun spread rng all right if your shotgun bullets spread doesn't do enough damage to her when she's laying down uh the strat just will not work also i have way too much handgun ammo i need to waste some of this everything that's better but hopefully my explanation was on point and actually did help also i would say i could solve missed in chat i would say resident well it's a good already game to start running a lot of people were getting into it i think the discord has like what about 4 000 people on it now yeah four four thousand people right now there's a lot of good resources to learn this game and a lot of people who are liking it like we've run it so yeah i would say this is a good one yeah hopefully my explanation was on point for that though i don't know how accurate that was yeah no you did good actually hey i only know that because i watched i watched you run the i watched you do this part a lot like yeah i think i get what you're doing so yeah that is that is a really hard strat like the like i said getting that one cycle on lady d is completely based on shotgun spread looks like i'm getting out of this place um and uh yeah it's really difficult but we got it obviously i used the pipe bomb to go out of bounds and i used the two mines to do more damage to her to get the one cycle so that's pretty much all of our utilities used up we only have two shotgun shells left and i'm gonna be using those on a lincoln in the village section before the jack handle together i could have shot her one more time with the shotgun but i kept two shells just so this like in a coming up doesn't mess with the mess with the run too much also you're gonna see me pause a lot and uh it's basically so the game can load certain things so when there's a chest you can interact with it open it and then pause your game and essentially that will let you pick up the item as soon as you unpause now is that good for rta not necessarily no it's probably worse for rta but i'm showing it off anyways because that's what we do with the lrt and it's also good for the in-game timer as well so i'm just kind of showing off everything that we would normally do which is also another reason why i have a very safe estimate uh but now we're now we're gonna pick up this extra metal scrap here or not extra but we need it i'm gonna pick that up and we're gonna go see the duke we're not gonna interact with him just yet but he's gonna talk to us and tell us about our our daughter who is now in mr potato head form there you are i had a feeling you i had a feeling you'd have to mr potato head doll your daughter back together i'm gonna put the head flask in while i open that door which is gonna play a cutscene now not everybody does this some people just wait for the door to open and they get the fast door opening which is i don't know how it works it's not consistent so i just put the head flask in early because 70 of the time i try to get the fast door it just doesn't work uh and now we are going to head on over to the red chimney house that's what duke is telling us about the red chimney house okay i'm pretty sure he's dead no he's not oh yes um the red chimney house is where we're gonna find the key that we need to pretty much take us to every other spot in the village that we need to go to in order to rest in the game really but on the way we need to pick up this jack handle and we're gonna pick up the m1 that is going to be our pistol of choice for the remainder of the run that's a chem fluid it's kind of risky to go pick up that item but i did it anyways cause it's a chem fluid and extra supplies in this game are nice unless it's a rusted uh rusted scrap if it's rusted scrap or gunpowder you don't need it but chem fluids and herbs are definitely definitely helpful i didn't think that guy was actually gonna aggro so fast but that's okay because d a now we're gonna drop here open that door early and get the key the requirements for any percent you ask well the requirements for any percent is that you do the out of bounds skips the castle skip that i showed earlier actually saves roughly three to six minutes based on the category that you're running so every category is a little bit different in terms of how much time you save from it um and then there's an out of bounds later that i'll be showing off as well that saves about 30 to 40 seconds if it's just so now we're interacting with the duke because we need to sell the shotgun and the lenny uh the lemmy is the first handgun you get because now we have the m1 and we're gonna be picking up the tactical shotgun after the beneviento house which is where we're going to right now so we just sell the shotgun and the lemmy uh early instead of on the way to monroe so that we can free up some space because the worst thing in this game about picking up weapons and items like that you need is when you get that pop-up screen that says your inventory is full and you need to make space for the thing you're picking up that menu for the speed run is awful it's it's awful what so you never want to see that ever come with me there's something i have to tell you mia so what's going on now we're just inhaling all of that awesome pollen that makes us hallucinate stuff right here rose feels good forever rose feels different you have to fix her she feels plastic what the hell is this everyone leaves me even rose i don't want to be a little this can't be real now the beneviento house is pretty straightforward but you saw it last run it's mainly just puzzles and movement uh puzzles aren't random they are static and you can just kind of do them quickly as long as you don't mess up uh the interaction hitboxes those can be a little yeah it's very straightforward the only rng part is finding angie what's going on so uh yeah and uh kind of a good time really to uh just get some questions out if you have any indices go ahead and ask let's see uh all right i gotta i got one so i know um watching watching cat do a run earlier uh she mentioned that uh there wasn't as much rng there's very specific ammo route uh kind of the same thing here uh for one i kind of heard him mentioning that you're looking for certain drops and then two i'm imagining there has to be a certain amount of static ammo so how does the ammo routing go is it rng like uh do you have to get a lot more things you have to get certain treasures do you not get certain treasures well okay so the route that i currently have for my world record uh i bank on picking up uh random lay drops from boxes in order to be able to increase the sniper rifle for fire rate before moreau um i if i'm 2000 lay short that's okay it's all good but uh in terms of money route it should all be totally fine by the time we get to uh to the end game but in terms of ammo the extra shoddy shells is definitely a huge thing in castle just to make lady d slightly faster while also having ammo to take out that lycan um and the sniper rifle ammo is fine grenade launcher ammo if you get an extra nade launcher ammo from a box you can actually avoid picking up some nade launcher ammo later but at the risk of possibly not having enough need launcher ammo for factory because usually when you break open a box for an aid launch ammo it's only one right the static one that you usually pick up if you don't get good luck is two ammo so you're you pretty much have to make sure that you are not going to mess up a single grenade launcher shot in the factory which isn't even up to you i'll explain later there is one door that can sometimes not have all of its red blippi things broken so i'll i'll point that out later wait where's my gun yeah in terms of money drops uh early game you know just kind of bank on getting lay from boxes just to make sure you have the super upgraded fire rate from a row just in case and then uh the shotgun drops but other than that it's uh it's pretty simple also while we're just kind of doing the little puzzles here more of the same from earlier i'll take a couple questions from chat because i think those are pretty good ones um one so the beneviento house um does this actually change between hardcore and casual is the baby more aggressive is angie going to be uh like you know faster will the dolls attack in the less amount of time so from uh well i know at least um angie the fight with angie you have less time i think on hardcore and you have even less time on village of shadows so that does change but other than that the baby does not change at all really uh i played a mod called the madness mod which raises the d.a and the health pools and the aggression and speed of all of the enemies and the baby was the same huh so good to know on that part and then another one i did see here and while we won't be doing this category today mainly because i'm fairly certain that um a lot of people are probably gonna be submitting village of shadows for hddq and i figure you know leave something for future stuff um imagine you've probably played both uh how many differences are there between like hardcore and villager shadows and if you run like hardcore would it be feasible to get into village of shadows for instance if you run hardcore like let's say you run hardcore glitchless right um the route is is pretty easy to follow uh the strats are just a little bit harder because of the health pools but going from hardcore to village of shadows is not easy hardcore to village of shadows uh village of shadows i i will say is a really like imbalanced difficulty for this game they didn't really do things like how you would see in mad house where a lot of stuff has changed and the game itself feels like a different experience village of shadows everything is just intense uh bullet sponge so there's so much more to the routing of village of shadows which is fine and dandy but all of that routing is based around being able to deal enough damage to bosses as they take really long right uh to the point where cycles are really different and equipment you use is really different um there's no changing d.a for village of shadows it's just static so you don't you don't abuse that at all so going from hardcore to village of shadows is definitely a big step and you need to practice village of shadows a ton to even do some of the optimized strats correctly but i will say that for people who ran village of shadows and are looking for other categories going to hardcore from village of shadows is a really nice change you will find that you're you're probably getting way less frustrated with bosses even though some of them are still really hard this category also here i see a lot of people talking about uh the baby in chat a baby hit rapper an artist a baby i wonder if he knows that he's in this game he might i hope so should be his uh his next uh ep art oh that'd be horrifying it'd be cool but horror film yeah i know a lot of people hate this part um because of the baby just being horrifically uh made i mean if you look at it in the model viewer it's it's even worse actually like the the model viewer in the game itself but i personally really love this section of the game on my first playthrough i thought this was awesome it definitely feels like a uh a change of direction for the developers they wanted to include something that was more along the lines of like psychological horror and kind of just makes you feel uneasy and i think they did a really good job with it and i hope that this isn't just a one-off thing i hope that maybe future resident evil games have uh sections maybe not exactly like this but uh the similar goal of just you know making the player uneasy and uh disturbed as opposed to uh putting them in what primarily this game has is uh you know action sequences that are very much so based on you know um your your equipment and how you maintain your your ammo and heal counts and whatnot like that you know all that stuff unfortunately i cannot i cannot eat the baby bam fun though fun thing is that uh if if you do get caught by the baby he eats you and he says yummy it's great is great now we're gonna do the baby skit people do this really differently like every every runner has their different way of doing it um some runners do exactly what i did which is called the intermediate strat uh where you run into the kitchen and bait the baby to attack and the baby will be so far into the hallway that you're able to just slip by uh other people wait in the doorway and actually just run full steam ahead around the baby during one of its moments where it can't attack you which is extremely risky uh or some people like to do the 30 fps strat um the 30fps strat is also risky sorry sorry the baby i gotta go yeah the 30 fps strategy just kind of run past the right side of the baby as it's going down the steps it's also very risky so i tend to stick to the intermediate strap because i find it pretty consistent and i don't risk losing a run to what is a two second time save try and find me all right it's time for orangey angie or as some runners like to call it r angie it's okay it's it's all right chat hold each other okay we're gonna get through this don't don't cry oh no don't cry it's gonna be okay [ __ ] monster also uh the voice actor for angie also did the voice acting for evelyn and like it's both really well done yeah forget i forget her name but wow she did a good job i don't think i got the oh i did get the good rng wow so cat got the god rng i got the god rng hey marathon sometimes it's good also apparently angie is voiced with someone named paula rhodes yes that's her name thank you ignisis yeah no problem i like looking up these informations during the uh during the runs it's always fun stuff yeah that is that is some talent right there all right so here's the next here's the next piece of the puzzle that is our mr potato head daughter and we'll just snag that and move on now then uh back to difficulty adjustments i did get bit quite a bit that's the a that's that's d.a but just to make sure i'm gonna blow myself up in this elevator wonderful okay my inventory did look a little weird though i might have to fix that actually you know what it might have been okay i'm just being safe because i really i really hate that inventory menu where it's like you have too much stuff order brought a beer to buy base fixture inventory i'll avoid that at all costs now again these restart checkpoint strats for rta bad but i'm showing them off because they are a part of you know they are part of runs that you would see right uh when people are running it for like pbs and whatnot the lrt made by cursed toast shout outs to christos is really really good um it has its quirks but that's mainly because these games are just they're made really strangely like some of the coding and stuff is just it's kind of ridiculous so the fact that curse toast was able to figure out how to like make a timer for this is uh is really great so shout outs to him and which by the way this is uh i mean lrt like isn't a thing that we usually use in resident evil speed runs uh you know but this games this game's in game timer uh is just so wacky and makes absolutely no sense as an in-game timer that we were pretty much forced to transition to load remover time for pc speed runs uh which is really unfortunate for consoles because they're stuck with the in-game timer shout outs to the console runners for putting up with this game's really weird in-game timer all right so we're actually getting uh hit there on purpose because it doesn't do any damage but letting him hit you um it kind of messes up his ai for whatever reason and he's not gonna chase us uh and also if anybody has like cute pig emotes how's your time piggies oh yeah that's their war cry and now time for hidden loading screen in the form of an elevator taking you to a different area um you saw cat doing the same thing pause buffering this is just this is just a strat if you have a really good uh if you have a good computer and you're running on an ssd you probably don't even really need to do this i'm running on a good ssd the only reason why i do it is because i'm just so used to it because i don't want to risk losing two seconds also uh really quick i i saw something in chat i want to explain um da is actually using a lot more games than you think these days because um a lot of people don't like to be bad at video games and people don't want to buy video games if they're bad at them so very often um games will kind of adapt to the players sensibilities because it feels more rewarding to be good at a game so if you're doing good you get challenged you're doing bad um the game will kind of throw you a softball and make you i kind of dangle the carrot in front of you so to speak that's kind of the whole intent behind d.a thank you for that explanation nick dyson because it's extremely true and uh oh yeah it's definitely something that like i i totally understand because i mean there are so many points in a game like i remember you know when i was playing ninja gaiden for the first time on xbox that's a game where i wish there was some d.a so i could get through some of the absolutely terrible parts of that game oh but alas it doesn't and you just kind of uh bash your head against the wall until you figure it out oh another one i had by the way um i remember because this game actually some people if they don't have it they'll ask you hey do you want to turn down the difficulty or do you want to play in an easier area and one game in particular was um the new ghost and goblins i played that on legend i uh beat it and loop one but i died a lot and it never got easier however the game was like hey do you want to make the seizure of yourself i was like no yeah yeah i think i think that game uh i think that game was a game that i watched you play for hours and i was like ah i'll live vicariously through ignite yes i don't have to play this it's a game that i don't uh i don't wish it on a lot of people i know the i know the pain we had on the show and i saw a lot of really good runners do that and uh i i am happy not running that game series right now so kat mentioned this before uh these boats these boat disembark things are weird i'd like to tokyo drift into them just because that's fun but uh yeah they are really odd you still don't know how they work but i just uh but now we're in the rose section really straightforward another restart checkpoint here this one's actually pretty good it's a pretty solid restart check one in fact i would say both of the restart checkpoints in this area are uh pretty pretty vital if you're uh you see a runner or a console runner actually either one but now we're headed to like the windmill section memes so many memes fish moldy memes i'm the best memes i've been saving this one memes just so many like the first two weeks of this game coming out it was all right i mean this was everybody's favorite section because they just got to have so much fun in chat people are here you know you know what's coming up fish moley's in chat once you hear it you don't know just enjoy chat i suppose god i love him though he's such a cool character i like moreau uh i do think that as like a lord he was kind of given the short end of the stick in the game because you kind of just you're the story basically tells you that mother miranda doesn't like him it's like yeah he's kind of the odd one out and yadda yadda but i think maro is pretty cool oh another restart point here and in the concept art actually it says that moreau's favorite things to do uh watch romance movies and eat cheese you know yeah yeah he knows a good time it was a good time yeah yeah see that does sound like a good time i would hang out with monroe yeah what kind of cheese though is the question i'm not gonna lie has to be good cheese man that's a good question it doesn't say what kind of cheese like knowing that cheese is technically like mold like i i don't i don't know if i want moroge he's a mecca he uh he was uh he was kind of spewing a lot earlier so i don't know if his cheese is very reliable yeah that's like one of the first things you see when you get into monroe's area it's just like him puking it's so odd but it's pretty funny there's all the i'm the best yep old fish moles ethan's classic one-liners caught myself a big one oh i saw an awful one in chat so i said morozella like mozzarella but oh my god oh my god i don't like that one i've seen the gouda ones i like the good one's nice but i think the maurizel is the worst one i've seen you get the honorary i hate that of the day it's horrible all right let's see if we get the good uh ladder cycle after you uh after you turn this crank there is a chance that the ladder will just be there as soon as you uh get back we didn't get the best ladder look but this is acceptable that's the second best luck you can get on that ladder all right now we're kind of finished with uh the apipo run section as i like to call it and we are gonna go see the duke for a little bit before we fight the best okay yeah ethan's got ethan's got some classic resident evil dialogue it's it's pretty nice ah yes yes okay so sell some stuff go to supplies buy a briefcase buy the sniper rifle buy two mines two pipe bombs and upgrade the sniper rifle power as well as the rate of fire i had just enough lay during this route to get the full fire rate oh god messing up this puzzle uh so i'm left with 60 lay that is a tight money route this run usually i have a little bit more than that so got it now the hardcore strat for moreau is pretty fast you actually uh you zero cycle him on hardcore just like you do on casual but the strat is very different so i'm just gonna focus up and you guys are gonna watch what happens just gotta shortcut my sniper real quick for this and let's go awesome all right eight mines replacing eight mines right here next to this barrel he's right and all eight of those mines with the barrel it's gonna do some pretty crazy damage he's still not dead either eight minds he's dead so uh that is the zero cycle nero strat that was basically perfect um uh so yeah that's the zero cycle moreau done basically perfectly just i i'm obviously the menuing could have been a bit faster but apart from that that was exactly what you want to see uh like i said the mines in this route are very important the whole reason we're able to zero cycle him like that is because we put those mines down next to that barrel um so very very fun strat not as tight it's like not as tight as the lady d strat obviously because we're not we're not depending on like shotgun spread rng or anything like that but uh definitely takes quite a bit of practice just to understand the movements that you need to do because uh if you're too late to run past him he'll go a different direction which means you will not be able to do the mine strat correctly you won't have enough time to plant the mines and then run back so it's a very specific strat but it's not uh it's not like rng based or anything like that it's just takes a bit of practice piggies so in this route we go pick up the magnum uh essentially the magnum is just this weapon that destroys everything like it it does so much damage even on villager shadows like the magnum is really powerful it's also one of the nicest looking magnums in the entire series it's actually like the most beautiful gun in the game also the pauses uh just to remind everyone that that elevator in the rose section is a hidden loading zone so i'm actually pause buffering to make it so the loading is a little bit faster all right we're gonna shoot this guy uh do the pause strat we're gonna kill him and open the door so that pause strat is so i can pick up the magnum right away which gives me the perfect amount of time to set up the next shot with my shotgun uh this big guy might hit me nope never mind it's not gonna hit me that's kind of him so yeah uh now we have the magnum very very uh vital weapon to the route i didn't get hit at all so i will need to take some damage in the stronghold for the uh difficulty adjustments or urias or yurius i still really don't know how it's pronounced good question although um i guess in all fairness i think this game had issues pronouncing a lot of the words in it already it really doesn't matter they pronounce uh they pronounced dimitrescu wrong yeah that is that is a thing yeah that's that's why i just i don't know maybe it's ureas glorious spurious just like that not even urias or ureas the strong ooh or you know dark hagrid uh that also works now we're going to the strongholds and the stronghold is risky but it's not inconsistent i would say like 90 of the time things will work out in the stronghold and you will be okay the other ten percent not so much so uh cause you know this is a marathon run i'm expecting the ten percent to happen much like the ambush earlier at the very beginning of the run hopefully not but you know also while this ladder animation's playing out i'm actually gonna go ahead and make three heals and this will ensure that i can heal myself right away if i do end up taking uh too much damage in the stronghold here is there a guy here nope okay that's good that's one of that's one of the things that can go really wrong is that there's a guy already up here so we're gonna guard we're gonna let this guy hit us let him hit us let him hit us we got extra grenade rounds that's good the heel gonna let this guy bite us because we didn't take uh damage earlier so we need to actually take a pretty good amount but that should be the perfect amount of time so that i can get through the gate after i'm done getting bit now our d8 should be good if we take an extra hit uh i have the extra heals just in case uh we did get an extra grenade round which is nice i uh how much i can't check how much grenade ammo i have uh if this was a pb attempt i wouldn't pick up the grenade rounds coming up shortly but i'm going to anyways just be safe but uh i did talk about the the random ammo drops earlier that was one of them that you would actually really like to see so kind of cool that i can at least give that example oh goodness okay thanks thanks buddy i'll be on my way now okay big guy those guys will never hit you if you do that line uh correctly some people go to 30 fps just to be safe but literally just literally just slide right by them and right here i'm actually uh not i'm not holding s or a or whatever your key might be to go left uh you actually tap it this makes this section a little bit faster i forget how much time it saves but it's like five seconds so i just won't do it there's a heal some grenade launch ammo oh i hate that screen so i'm not even going to try and make room for that ammo i'm just going to get out of that screen and move on to florius who we are going to shoot before he drops down two shots third shot fourth shot in fifth shot we're gonna reload twice pump him with two more bullets switch the sniper as soon as possible start blasting hit him with three shots reload pick up these pipe bombs here start blasting them again turn around and guard if you know you're fast enough unlike me and he's dead so yet again uh that was basically perfect uh except for getting hit i was i was supposed to guard that attack and then shoot instantly afterwards that was a a very good aureus fight very very good it's exactly what you want so yeah super super quick super quick fight like i said the magnum is good it's a good weapon it deals damage it's the uh the big iron a big iron on ethan's hip his moldy moldy hip oh see that's an example of the boat just doing this crazy uh 180 turn see how i kind of like drifted in there we got an example of uh how boat disembarking works all right so we're gonna shortcut the grenade launcher now because we don't need the magnum for a little while and we have seven grenade launcher ammo that's actually uh two more grenade launcher ammo than we usually have so that's good it's very good hello hector you want another freebie here i'll give it to you so that goat is hector the other one is phillip the d.a goat all uh all of the fish that you saw in uh that little water section after the lady demetrius uh all of them all of them they're all tony the blue bird is named jay i don't have any names for the pigs i just call them piggies but i gave hector a couple of freebies because not interested i suppose he deserves it he's a good lad he's a good lad he really is so now we have the chalice uh because that's how we assemble our mr potato head daughters we put all the flasks into a chalice and voila it just it works it just works we have the technology and voodoo magic and we're on to the factory section which has another out of bounds skip now it doesn't skip a whole lot i'll i'll explain what it skips when we get to it but yeah the any percent part of the speed run is not over this elevator is not a loading zone don't worry we're pause buffering uh but the beginning of the factory here is uh yeah don't worry about the kid don't worry about the run shot it'll be fine just get your butt across the bridge chat ethan yeah this is pretty straightforward again uh if we have any questions yeah ask and ask away if you have any questions ask away as well come on what's the good for right now we can line them up actually i do have a this guy is more of a leading question more than anything okay um so uh i know we had the one out of bounds earlier are we gonna be able to see another out of bounds what are you playing yes we are gonna be doing another out of bounds there's only two of them the first one in the castle is a pretty big skip and it's a miracle it even works it's also a miracle that this one coming up works uh it will be pretty much almost right at the beginning of the uh the factory it's a very similar very very similar way of clipping out of bounds but not a super similar way of getting back inbounds so we'll see you very soon what was that thing that ledge right there is kind of silly who in this game is the best boy dude well actually it's more but i just like to say duke because he's kind of the mvp of this whole thing without the duke this game would be really really difficult and also less interesting also it's messed up that damage that i just took was not intentional i try to shoot the shotgun at just one of them and sometimes it'll stun all of them because of the the blowback but uh we did not get that uh now what i'm going to do is i'm going to shoot the store to open it i'm going to get my sniper out crouch and i'm going to collateral these two uh enemies just to kill them and get them out of the way because later i'll be encountering them again and now we're gonna do the out of bounds out of the same deal as before we're going to line up with this door i'm playing it really safe we're gonna quick turn hold back and boom we're gonna clip through the wall and now we're gonna drop over here crouch under this i'm gonna run hug the wall hug it now get away from it open this door crouch and back and bounce and there you go there's the factory out of bounds it saves 30 to 40 seconds based on how quickly you can actually achieve it and i'm going to do a restart checkpoint here uh this is not super necessary for like casual difficulty but hardcore and vos the enemies are usually like right in the hallway or not the hallway but the doorway so it's nice to restart that checkpoint and be able to have a consistent exit yeah i personally really like that out of bounds strat uh it's it's just really cool a castle the castle out of bounds is super cool as well but there's something about the factory one that is uh just the movement out of bounds is is cooler i guess is what i'm trying to say the movement out of bounds is more specific and just looks really dope it does not save us much time but it's pretty cool so what does that skip asks the chat uh i opened this door over here early so i actually don't have to go through an area to get all of the molds here so not going through that big room with like the turning uh turning like piston thingies that is the time save uh oh there we go lockpick so we're gonna open that drawer because that has magnum ammo in it but in order to save the most amount of time possible we're not going to pick it up just yet because the drawer takes a little takes a little bit of time to actually allow you to pick up the magnum so we're going to come back and get that later yeah that skip just skips a room do a pause strat to pick up a mine here and remember that door that i mentioned that is really annoying with the grenade launcher sometimes it's coming up soon very soon i will point it out this one pretty consistent as long as you aim correctly pick up another mine and get that door to be hard one's kisses consistent as well as long as you aim correctly the next one is the one that is not consistent i've had a couple of runs where i shoot the grenade launcher and it'll only destroy like two of the red pips quite uh silly it's this one right here oh thank goodness okay no idea why it just doesn't break all of the uh old things that's the way the sometimes i'll say you've probably uh noticed that heisenberg doesn't shut up when you speedrun the factory he just doesn't stop talking uh which i'm okay with because heisenberg's voice actor is really fun and his dialogue is fun but uh yeah he just he just never shuts up miranda thinks we're nothing but children you give a [ __ ] about your family drama yeah heisenberg is is actually a really great character i personally like to call him eisenbunger oh after the uh bug snacks yes an old bug snacks reference it's fitting uh that was some aim first try there we go that's better uh this room is really straightforward like you just just shoot the red bulb things and you're good to go that'll stop the fan now the only thing that i need to do is shoot that guy with the grenade launcher to stun him uh because if you don't the two guys will block this ladder and if two guys are blocking the ladder you're done for but if only one guy is blocking the ladder you can squeeze by him and uh it doesn't matter if he hits you on the ladder it's uh it's not matter at all now we're coming up to the big fan biggest and we wait obviously because the fan is pulling you faster than you can just run so you wait a few seconds before you actually shoot it and disable it that was close like flies like 30 feet this gets yoinked but yeah the factory so far it's going pretty smooth actually sometimes this is an area in the run where uh now just a couple of strats you might mess up and it's a bit uh disorienting it's really easy to mess up the out of bounds remember how in the out of bounds i i was turning the corner and i i mentioned hugging the wall uh if you don't hug the wall you will actually drop oh stop and when you drop you can't do the rest of the out of bounds correctly so you actually have to restart checkpoint so the out of bounds in factory uh is is actually quite risky uh in an optimized run not as risky as the castle skipped because you only have one pipe bomb to do castle skip in the first place but yeah now i'm just gonna waste my handgun ammo because i don't need it and uh this is our second to last duke stop that we're gonna be doing uh we're gonna be selling the treasures that we've gotten so far we're gonna be selling the handgun and we're gonna be buying the flashbang recipe the magnum uh a magnum upgrade so we get a free seven bullets uh and then we'll also be buying a couple of pipe bombs and and mines might even buy an extra heal actually we have ways to pass the tide don't even think i need it but this will be safe this is lord moroes flashbangs that's what they do the beauty of the grotesque and we're about to do a lot of menuing so what we're gonna do is we're gonna shortcut the magnum to four uh we're gonna make all of these mines and then we're gonna make the flashbangs and then we're good to it's go and that's actually the last big menu of the run i actually have some extra ammo with my grenade launcher so i can just choose to kill that guy which is a nice thing about having extra grenade launcher ammo if you get lucky and get some uh because that guy is just always in the way of the door and by taking him out this guy is going to open the door for me i'm going to stun him run by him and then we're good to go i don't want that gunpowder but i'll take it that's a good meme we don't need gunpowder in this run i've been trying to avoid it but alas i cannot ethan needs the powder might as well pick up those now i guess all right we're gonna flashbang this guy and this is the only time i do 30 fps strats in the entire run it's right here just to get past that guy even even rta it's faster to do that so but yeah easy peas a mr duke meister maxie duke in the chat if you have it yeah that big zoom i'm trying to shoot some of the soul that's off the line ah okay whatever you can shoot those soul dats and they'll they'll drop so yeah if you if you don't understand what 30 fps does uh it makes collisions smaller it lets you slip by certain enemies all right time for sturm this is gonna go by really quick so you flashbang him and we're gonna shoot him seven times with the magnum and he's dead like i said earlier the magnum is very good very very good we're gonna take a part even though i i don't need taking it anyways this is mine now yeah that's the sturm fight that's the last uh that's the last time actually no that's not the last time we're gonna use the magnum we're actually gonna use the magnum on heisenberg as well but um but heisenberg fights a little bit different because you take out most of his health with like this miniature war tank that chris suddenly i don't understand why heisenberg has like this miniature war tank hand-me-down thing and chris is just like yeah i'm just gonna make this i'm just gonna make this usable again and we're gonna use it to kill heisenberg it's like that's too convenient but he didn't explain until ethan resident evil games i'm coming i'm coming rose i must say yeah even though i put you in a chalice and left you in the village already right heisenberg fight so uh you saw cat do it i'm gonna do it too you restart checkpoint as soon as you can beginning of the fight because it gives you your missile back which is a very good way of opening the fights all right here we go as you can see i actually blew up his left arm weak spot with the explosive the missile that actually does double damage if you do that so uh we try to do that if we can oh i'll kill oh yeah this is going really really well actually like this fight is going really well there it is done that was a good fight it's a really good fight now we're uh headed to the second phase where we will be using our guns to take him out yourself i'm gonna murder that gorilla man hey someone watched that was so funny when you mentioned that earlier dude i was like what excuse me yeah they call him gorilla man in the japanese version that's crazy i didn't know that yeah they localized the meme um it also got mentioned like oh does the japanese version not have the boulder punching i think the main difference is that they just didn't fixate it uh fixate on the boulder punching like north america did or you know like north america europe so um they more fixated on just red fields of being a general like you know like strong like a gorilla so they call him the grilling man this localized the meme that made more sense your funeral some of some of like ethan's comebacks after he like defeats bosses and stuff it's just so funny it's just classic resident evil like when he beats lady d he's like no you're the one who's cursed it's like did you really just know you this boss okay and he does it again he does it again to heisenberg where heisenberg and then like heisenberg drops him into into the factory and he says your funeral and then ethan is like you know what no you know share your screen and i'll go over the situation uh but yeah chris's section is starting chris's section is um when was it last the desert really important doing nothing it is really easy to lose so much time in this section if you if you don't do things correctly especially on the harder difficulties so i'm actually going to be showing you a couple of strats that are pretty much mandatory to make it so that this is a safe endeavor we're gonna shoot this guy to stun him we're gonna throw a nade we're gonna throw another nade and that's gonna make this a really uh a quick segment right there uh we're gonna shortcut the flash nades while the slowdown is happening to eliminate the slowdown and get to the gate now we're gonna take out our gun because the next two enemies we're going to shoot that's probably uh we would flash need them but we actually have to keep a flash need for the yuri strat that i'm going to show you all the orgia strat the dark hagrid yes dark hagrid also everybody on wolf hand wall found wants to uh talk over each other in this section which is pretty funny okay so those two guys are dead and we're gonna throw this nade oh this is working out even though it's a little sketchy okay we're good this guy just hat all right okay now we have the big uh laser beam from satellite stuff going on pick up some equipment over here we gotta hit this mega micey ball three times with the lasers so we're gonna hit ourselves with a barrel for some da adjustment we're gonna kill the archer we're gonna toss a flash nade and we're gonna start working on our seconds satellite laser beam there it is now we're going to pick up some more equipment you know i'd even think that the section would have d.a yeah this section has da it's it's actually really important uh it's probably more important than some of the strats with the d.a with ethan actually funny enough nice we got it okay i was a bit scared there but we're fine i found all good so that was really clean that section was very very clean very happy with that this is a very specific strategy huh like very specific and yes we are taking this damage on purpose gonna stand back okay we're gonna heal for the flash now we're gonna run into this corner and now if you just keep this up he should be sunlocked how is this found now this strat is not possible on village of shadows because his health pool and the damage that he takes is a little bit different uh and on casual the strat is like really easy to do because he's you know he's just really easy to kill on casual so so that's why on hardcore you have to do that exactly the way that i did it if you mess up any of those uh of those maids or you mess up the flash nade or even the position in which you flash him in you will not get that strap we can figure that out very very specific focus on the plan i found it it's the mega mice so that's how you do chris's section captain i have eyes on miranda at the ceremony keep your distance do not move until i give the order i know it's too late now but we really should have told ethan the plan there wasn't time and we didn't expect miranda to act so soon even so you should have told him yeah yeah i like how chris just straight up is just like yeah probably should have done that you gotta feel bad for chris though in this game he just wants ethan to stay away so that none of his uh out of his like you know well okay friends not really a friend i i don't know how close they got after seven but just he doesn't want to see any more people die because of what he had to put them through basically like you know whether they're like squad mates or just people they've worked with chris has already seen enough and he's like ethan don't get involved and then all of this happens and chris has to go through it all again what's the world record for this category good question it's a 1 34 20 load removal time uh on my youtube hey it's on my youtube which is maxi lobes and maxi lobes on literally everything twitch.tv slash max celebs youtube slash maxi loves the assemblage of life and machine i can feel lord heisenberg so this is the last stop for the duke we're gonna upgrade the rate of fire gamma capacity the power and we are gonna go buy a heel just in case i don't have one because we are going to purposefully take damage to miranda please be well thanks so yeah feel free to uh feel free to follow me on twitch i i speedrun a ton of games currently world record holder of devil may cry one uh this category in village uh fear fear two um uh visage out of my way pausing here so i can run right away uh return of the king order the rings turn to the king i have like 12 records at the moment for like various games so yeah i speed run quite a bit you fulfilled your purpose all right so miranda we're just going to start blasting we're going to take damage on purpose into our next phase now we're going to reload now she's going into her third phase which is her flying face how can you deny it why the hell can't you realize cash go into her fourth phase where she gets this spirit bomb attack we're gonna throw four pipe bombs and then we're gonna start planting mines now these 10 mines are what is going to allow us to kill her right now 10. boom got god yeah ten mines yeah you can do it with nine but i like to use ten just to make sure and we're coming up on time so here we go and time good stuff eggs all right great job mr maxie uh let's see what your time was looks like it's about a 146.51 very nice yep yeah now like like i said before i started this run the estimate is healthy because there's a lot that can go wrong but for the most part i nailed every single boss strategy uh didn't take any deaths except for the ambush death which was really unfortunate but apart from that very very solid run pretty much showed you every single strat that i use in the current world record which again you can find that current world record on my youtube it's the latest upload so if you're curious to see what the fastest run is go check that out um it's all right but yeah that is uh any percent hardcore for resident evil village so which is a booming speed game right now like i said earlier 4 000 members in the village speed earning discord already um a lot of people uh that's a lot of people yeah um it's it's really crazy to see how much hype there is so there's a lot of good runs a lot of good runners the community uh i personally think that the community right now for village is like a very healthy community we've got a lot of people who have tutorials guides uh they'll help you in the discord they're active they're on every day they're doing runs every day uh it is it's just it's just popping so that leads to a nice follow-up questions one if anyone wants to find you on twitter anywhere else where can they find you twitch.tv slash maxi lobes i stream six days a week only day i'm not on his friday uh i've been grinding this game for a month and a half since it came out so i'm gonna be switching it up now that i've got that record uh so i'm gonna be doing a lot of different runs there's a bum in that thing that'll blow this whole village sky high a lot of different categories look at me when i hit this trigger we can't do you have any shout outs uh shout outs she's alive well apart from the shout outs the community that that i just did um shout outs to kat and mar for uh we're doing the glitchless run before me uh they did a great job um shout outs again to cursed toast as well as uh squirlies and video game roulette for making tools so that we can not only an even playing field for pc runners but also uh for tools to kind of understand how the game works better uh as well as some you know mods that you can use to make the game a little bit more accessible and enjoyable to run um shout outs to pretty much all of the other uh hardcore runners uh such as uh fail more i know that i learned a lot of cool strats from from dist because he uh ran it for a little bit and and yeah as well as uh you know i see dead kittens and hippo shout outs to hippo who doesn't even have a run for this game but found so many cool things hippo's the one who actually originally found out that you can go out of bounds with pipe bombs which makes any percent the category that it is now uh as well as a bunch of cool other strats so shout outs to hippo all right and uh yeah if you want to join the community discord it is up on speedrun.com there's a tab you can click you want to run a game there's a lot of resources so yeah all right that being said though i don't say thank you mr maxie thank you i appreciate you uh having me on yeah and uh thanks for checking us up now yeah thank you chad for watching as well anyway uh that being said that about wraps up uh this week's episode of speed runs from the crypt we had a fun time being able to showcase village i wanted to put this game on since the game came out i had a feeling we're gonna be planning the show and what perfect time to be the uh pretty much the last show before uh sgdq because that is coming on up uh so once again i do wanna thank you all for watching i do hope that you enjoyed speeders in the crypt uh we'll be back in four weeks this time not two weeks but four weeks uh we are not going to have a show during sgdq because that's sgdq or you'll probably be watching that and that makes sense but we'll be having a you know an electrifying show after uh sgdq ends about two weeks after that so once again i've been your host ikdysus i guess the spooky show runner here so if you want to keep up with any dates on the you know the show how i run it how i kind of do things uh you can check me out i'm on uh twitch uh with the isis e-c-d-y-c-i-s and as well i'm also on things like twitter um under the same mcdice so that being said i hope you all have a good rest of the day and or night and take it easy as well tomorrow we'll be having the first step uh starting around 7 pm eastern lastly i hope that you'll join us for a raid before we leave or we'll be going to another resident village stream so have a great night and stay spooky
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 132,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: ZW8Asy42geY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 53sec (13193 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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