CREEPY Things That Happened To People That SCARED Them For LIFE (Stories)

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a slash is credit serious what are some scary horrifying creepy things that have happened to you or in general that could have a plausible explanation but still freak you out this one is kinda creepy but also kinda comforting this story was told to me by my grandmother who is a no-nonsense kind of broad so I believed every word of it my grandma had a neighbor slash friend who unfortunately lost her husband when she was young about 40 or so years ago it was a sudden death cardiac arrest or something like that so this woman was so upset because for a couple years after his death she couldn't dream of her husband for some reason it really bothered her that she couldn't experience a dream with him in it it's almost like she wanted it for the comfort anyway some time passes and this woman is preparing to sell her house and move closer to her kids they lived a state over suddenly she gets her wish she starts dreaming and her husband is in them she has multiple of these dreams and in every one her husband wakes her up sits down on the bed and starts speaking to her however his speech horrifies her it was described to me as backwards or garbled I imagined it to be something similar to the way twin peaks' characters speak in the black lodge so yeah pretty goddamn creepy she can't make a single word out a few days before she's about to move out for good she goes to bed and dreams of him again the dream is the same except she understands one word he says he grabs her in the dream and repeatedly says rafters almost seeming panicked she wakes up rattled but returns to sleep the next day as she's finishing up packing in the basement she looks up and sees her rafters she remembers the dream and is compelled to reach into them she does and pulls out thousands of dollars worth of ww2 bonds her husband had purchased without her knowledge she swears he never told her about them so he appeared in her dream to tell her so she wouldn't leave all those bonds behind when she sold the house story still gives me chills today TL DR woman's husband dies she begins having dreams of them when she's about to sell their home he says the word raft is repeatedly in the last dream prompting her to look in the basement rafters where she finds thousands of dollars worth of ww2 war bonds my grandfather died when I was in a very uncertain place in life he didn't get to see me graduate college because I flunked out and worked garbage jobs for two to three years before getting my act together he ended up getting mesothelioma and went from a fit and healthy old man to a skeleton clutching at his chest and gasping for air within the span of a month I got to say my goodbyes before he was really far gone I'm / was afraid of hospitals but I did go in and see him while he was still lucid and I think he preferred I see him like that when I said my goodbyes rather than the way my mom described him on his last few nights we had that kind of mutual respect for each other and sense of privacy that man always thought I was smart even when I was failing school and making terrible choices I was always his granddaughter and treated the same way with encouragement F's on my report card or not my grandparents house was like my sanctuary when I was little my mom had a lot of issues and I lived through two divorces and countless out-of-state moves that I could always count on my time spent with my grandparents to be peaceful until my grandmother's pain issues got really bad and she found not-so-great ways to cope with it he also technically wasn't my biological grandpa since my mom was adopted it did not matter I'd go to their house and eat home-cooked meals and play skip-bo with him till like 10:00 p.m. when it was finally bedtime so the point of that massive wall of text I loved my grandfather he was a rock for me when he passed I was upset but he was in so much pain at the end I was also relieved for him he was taken too soon but life is a bitch and super unfair so at least two but unfair and he didn't suffer as long as some people do after he passed I started having dreams about him and their house my grandmother had long passed by this point - in them we'd sit in the living room or at the kitchen table and he would just talk to me about things in my life I very distinctly remember a dream where he warned me to get away from the abusive boyfriend I was seeing at the time as time went on I got my act together and now I live a relatively comfortable life I'm not rich or super successful by any means but given the life I had I beat some odds let's put it that way there was a reason I failed out of middle school and all kinds of other things and as these years have gone by I've had less and less dreams about him now I don't dream about him at all anymore to date my brother has had one dream about him when he was about to graduate college and I'm so proud dream it actually took me a long time to realize I don't dream about him anymore I still dream about their house all the time but it's always empty I had one single dream about my grandmother and it was her in her kitchen making dinner with her back to me which is a pleasant memory of how she was in life I think the one dream from me my grandmother was her saying goodbye but all those dreams about my grandfather will him essentially watching over me and as I got my life together he realized he didn't need to anymore so he either moved on or moved elsewhere and that's why when I dream about their house it's still because I remember it as a safe haven but now it's empty because they're gone and have moved on which makes me happy and so terribly sad at the same time but at the same time if my grandpa was confident enough in me now to trust I'd be okay I must be doing something right I've shared this on reddit before I believe that I lived in a haunted apartment it was a three-bedroom two-bathroom row home near the professional slash graduate schools and the owner was a dentist who bought it so his kids could live there when they were in school and once they were house rented it at a great rate to other students the important context here is that there were a lot of residents cycling in and out he would post ads for single bedrooms and have the prospects meet the current tenants and each was on their own lease so some people stayed for a couple years while others filtered out each school year also all of the tenants were young professionals all student's not partying college kids but late twenties early thirties many would move out into their first home with their soon-to-be spouse so why was it haunted sometimes you would come downstairs and all of the cabinets would be open some people have suggested sleepwalking or nocturnal wandering for snacks but it happened with a variety of different people and no single person was consistently in the house each time it happened others have suggested that the building was slanted and it was gravity but some doors opened in opposite directions so that doesn't seem plausible also except for times when all of them opened they seemed to stay shut just fine too the back door was a sliding glass door leading to a small fenced yard as row homes have and once one of the roommates called me over there were 100 maybe 1,000 s of large black flies flying into the glass hard enough that you heard the pinging this went on for a while until most of them were lying on the ground stunned or dead the remaining couple flew away and we went outside and swept up a dust bin full of flies the plausible explanation is that they were fleeing a predator which may be true but it still was bizarre 3 there were randomly 'kz in the roof but oddly enough they didn't seem tied to rain snow or any other weather they just happened also they dripped like water and left water stains on the ceiling but if you put a bucket underneath to catch it it was this sticky brown tar the landlord had professionals take a look twice while I lived there and told me he had it looked at a couple times before I had moved in and they never found anything to fix the plausible explanation is that moisture was getting in somehow and it was picking up tack or building material and washing it out I've also heard that past cigarette use will cause tar to weep out of walls with moisture but again it was just sort of odd how it happened for the cat when I moved in two couples were moving out and a bachelor was still living there he had a cat which was awesome it was giant and if you tried to pick it up it would never scratch but it would do everything in its power to get down and then it would walk away and give you side I anyways a month after I moved in the cap zone had told me he was moving out he left but he left the cat in the house I made sure it had food and water but it never seemed to touch it it mostly hid and that was fine a week later one of the other past tenants came to pick up stuff and I told them the cat was still there and they both looked at each other and sort of sighed about how the guy had two cats one he took care of and one that just lurked in the basement and how he lied to the landlord about the second cat etc two weeks later the guy comes back to get the last of his stuff and dimension the cat and he gets really angry and huffy and tells me that he only has one cat and it's already gone but the thing was myself and the people who moved in kept seeing the cat and hearing it at night but it never ate any food we left out and the house had a pest control treatment for mice at one point but we still saw the cat the plausible explanation is that a neighbor had a cat and they are wily things but it is really weird that so many people saw it but no one ever caught it or stopped it from coming and going at one point we had a rumor two rescued an abused pitbull and the dog was really really skittish and it never seemed to react to a cat being there even though it freaked out at animals it saw on walks so that is the haunted apartment and all the plausible explanations I should note that nothing bad ever happened to me there I posted this before but it didn't get a lot of attention so I'll try again when I was 12 my family lived in a house that had a very large pond behind it think less of a pond and more a very small lake so when we first moved to this house the neighbor's son was always out at the pond fishing when I would talk to him he would swear that there was a Rabb solutely huge catfish in the pond he really wanted to catch it but was never able to he said he knew that it was there because he had seen it eat some of the baby ducks and geese that live there he watched them get sucked down under the water while swimming on the surface I thought it was interesting that a fish could eat baby ducks but never really gave it a second thought neighbours son event till he moved out he never did catch the catfish after living there a few years I was probably around 16 I finally saw what my neighbor's son was fishing for or at least saw its effects my friend was spending the night just hanging out playing video games all night on some random weekend when we heard the ducks on the pond completely losing their shirt this was around midnight and normally we didn't hear the ducks inside so we had to see what was going on at first we didn't notice anything it just seemed like the Ducks were going crazy every once in a while for no reason around 10 to 20 we had a lot of ducks and geese on this pond one day my dad counted like 300 point would fly off the pond for a little while and then come back down the whole time freaking out then we noticed it ducks were being pulled under we watched as several ducks were pulled under the surface by something and all the Ducks around it would flip the fuck out and move away from that spot it was insane I have seen ducks die for food before and this was not that they would kind of struggle as they were being pulled down throwing their wings and head up as they went down it seemed like something was grabbing their legs and pulling them down and let me clarify these were not baby ducks these were full grown adult ducks being pulled under and not resurfacing next day we told everyone and very few people believed us as these things usually go never really saw anything like it again and had stopped thinking about it until one night something happened cool summer night window open playing a game on my Nintendo SP when I heard something outside it sounded like someone with big sloshy wet boots were stomping through mud I was sitting on my bed next to the window looking at my SP when I first heard the sound it sounded like whatever it was was walking down the fence line to the pond I jumped off my bed to go look out the window when I looked out I saw what I can barely describe at the end of our fence about 20 feet away from the pond was this giant brown and black mass of something the size of it was around a small car I it was rounded kind like cousin it with two shiny black eyes near the top it was looking right at me as soon as my eyes met I TS asterisk asterisk I collapsed with fear I have never felt anything near that level of fear before in my life one time I almost died from car surfing and the fear I felt then was a drop in a bucket to what I felt when my eyes looked into whatever it was I laid there on the floor unable to move unable to breath and listen to the creature walk to the pond I heard splashing and that was it I laid there for what seemed like hours and eventually moved to my bed and stayed awake in fear all night just stared at the window no idea what it was I think about it often last time I posted this people asked me to draw it I'm a terrible artist but I gave it my best effort before my parents split up we used to live in this huge old house we lived in that old leaky house until I was about 14 the thought was to renovate the nearly 100 year old house but I guess life got in the way for my parents the house had two floors and all of our bedrooms was up on the second floor the largest part of the second floor was dominated by the Attic it was a creepy attic filled with discarded things from both our family in the previous owners I knew the Attic pretty well because although I was terrified of it me and my best friend would hide things we shouldn't have there a stolen bosib Albert fireworks and other things 10 14 year olds would hide from their parents the Attic had old wooden door that had a key in it the door was always locked unless someone was in there my bedroom shared a wall with this attic I had insomnia when I was a kid or at least the doctors told my parents it was insomnia one of my biggest secret is that I slept with a nightlight on hiding under the covers and pillows until I was 14 I would strategize how I would sleep and make it look like the bed was empty by sleeping under the mattress or by having my head under the pillows the reason almost every night I would hear stuff from the Attic shift and move it often sounded like somebody was rolling heavy balls like balls or the light across the floor in the Attic sometimes I would hear knocks on the walls sometimes I heard what sounds like whispers me and my best friend would sometimes summon the courage to explore the Attic in the daytime always with the door open never alone I was obsessed with finding the balls I heard rolling across the floor the other sounds I could write off a sounds a house would make but the rolling balls and the whispers were run explained we never found the rolling balls or any other source that could explain it I'm sure there could be a plausible explanation but I never found one I do not believe in the supernatural but for some reason I still get scared thinking about it we moved when I was 14 and the first night after we moved I slept with all the lights off head on the pillow I have slept well since I spoke with my mother about these things a couple of years ago when I told her about the sounds she grew a fearful expression and said she didn't want to talk about it anymore when I was 8 years old my room was on the second floor of our house with a window facing the street I liked that room because there was a streetlight right outside that made the whole room glow a pleasant orange color at night and I was and still am terrified of the dark one night I had stayed up reading I had just discovered Percy Jackson and I heard a rustling sound at first I rationalized it was my cat but she was asleep in the hall right outside my doorway I realized it was coming from outside I was terrified but I mean I couldn't not check so I slowly sat up in my bed rose up onto my knees and peeked out the window there was a man in the flower bed crunched in the lavender Bush he was wearing an old black hoody and jeans and his hands were so pale a glowed in the combined lamp and moonlight I was so scared but mostly puzzled because if someone was going to break into our house I'd think they'd go to the backyard where there is no light at all not the front yard below the open window of a lit room and plus he was facing away from the house as if he was watching the street for something I ducked back into bed and covered my head with the blankets he returned every night for the next 12 always crouching in the lavender bush in the full Glover Street light I don't remember why I didn't tell my parents on the 13th night as I watched him he suddenly froze he had been still before but somehow he completely stopped moving as if he were made of concrete he slowly stood up and he was tall so tall my bedroom window was at least 15 feet above the ground at the top of his head almost reached the sill but somehow the proportions of his torso were the same as a normal person's like just his legs were 12 feet long or he was standing on a ladder he slowly turned his head to me and stared at me except he didn't have a face it's not that there wasn't features and it was just skin or anything it was that under the hood of his jacket there was just shadow his face should have been lit up from the light coming from my room but there was nothing there I could even faintly see the back of the hood through the darkness even though I couldn't see his eyes I could feel them staring straight into mine and it felt like he had crawled into my skin my whole body felt wrong like he had pulled the shadows directly into me he raised his completely white hand he didn't even have fingernails and made this gesture where his mouth should be and then he turned around and disappeared he didn't fade or anything he was just gone like he had never been there all these years I thought it was a recurring bad dream or just my infamous imagination I had convinced myself he was part of a story I wrote or maybe a book I had read but then a month ago he came back I'm 20 years old living in a third floor apartment I had just finished my math studies and I went to close my window since it was well past midnight in the desert where I live gets cold at night and he was there staring at me he was just as tall as he was eleven years ago so his head didn't reach my window he stared I felt that same molten dread in my whole body he raised his hand in the same gesture and then he was gone the next morning still convinced I had imagined it I inspected the bushes below my window there were two columns of broken branches and crushed leaves where he had stood TL DR a creepy shadow dude has been stalking me for 11 years I posted this before on reddit but here it is again I was home a long one evening and had gone to sleep for the night I lived with my so and two indoor cats but she was out of state traveling for business I woke up in the middle of the night wasn't sure of time but it was completely dark because my body was freezing cold I actually liked it cool when I sleep and usually have the temperature around 70 degrees or colder since I live in Central Texas but this was different I was ice cold but wrapped in blankets it was middle of summer so evenings aren't cold when I grabbed my phone to look at the time it seemed to be off and I press the on button but it didn't turn it on since I was half asleep I shrugged this off I walked out of my bedroom to go just the thermostat and noticed that the caps weren't around this was weird because these fur balls are always hanging out in the bed or around the bed anyhow I walk to the thermostat and tried to adjust it but the power to the thermostat I have a nest was millander power to the house seemed to be off I peeked out of the upstairs window to see if any of my neighbors were having power issues and noticed that all of their outdoor lights were working just fine from the time I woke to this moment was probably 1 to 2 minutes maximum I decide to wander downstairs to grab some water but AM startled when I realize there is a glove light coming from the first floor the way my house is situated I couldn't see the light until I had approached the stairs I found this odd because the power seemed to be out just upstairs which didn't make a lot of sense I started walking down the stairs and began to hear a faint humming noise the noise had a high pitch to it with arbitrary pulses of low sounds almost like a muffled weed-whacker that someone is throttling at random as I continue to walk down the stairs I spot a dark slowly moving figure in the room with light at the bottom of the stairs the next step that I take feels like I walked off the side of a cliff always sucked into the floor that is really the best way I can explain it because I don't remember what happened after that moment I just lost all feeling from my body my next memory is waking up again to the sound of my phone's alarm everything seemed back to normal i sat there in bed caps back to being lazy in bed next to me and tried to think about the two minute incident that happened in the middle of the night I'm not a sleepwalker and I was definitely not dreaming my security systems app shows the time whenever a door is opened or closed I realized that my security system was disarmed on the app and that the front door had been opened and closed several times throughout the night I pulled up my security footage from the exterior cameras and was surprised to learn that there was zero footage from the night like the motion sensors reacted to a random car driving by around 10:00 p.m. and then the next thing is another random car in the morning so someone slashed something walked in and out of my front door but the cameras did not capture any footage my neighbor across the street as a good security system that points at my house so I asked if he can review the footage from his cameras I told him some made-up story about how I thought someone had broken into my truck anyway he said it was weird because when he pulled up the footage from that night his cameras did not record anything just a time gap once again my first thought was that I was sleepwalking and that the memory was a dream but it just couldn't have been when I looked out of the window in the middle of the night I distinctly recall a red pickup truck parked the wrong direction in front of the neighbor's house I always notice when cars are parked left wheel to curb because I've gotten the ticket for this in the past and a how the truck was not there before I went to sleep based on footage but was there in the morning based on footage so the truck was there when I saw it in the middle of the night I definitely woke up in the middle of the night cold as ice no cats no working phone or thermostat saw the truck out of the window and then got walked by something on the stairs a couple additional things were different in the house the security system was disarmed I definitely armed it before going to bed the light was still on downstairs and that was absolutely off before I went to bed my whole body smelled like burnt marshmallows I know this is weird but it's really how it smelled and lastly my 55 gallon fish tank that sits at the bottom of the stairs in the entryway was missing 2/3 of the water seriously where the fuck did 40 plus gallons of water go the whole area around the tank was bone-dry and the fish were fine I think I was mind fucked by some thirsty aliens when I was 18 I was attending University and renting a room in an old house a few blocks off canvas only one other room in the house was rented and the girl who lived there spent most nights at her boyfriend's place I basically had the entire house to myself I would estimate that it was built sometime between 1910 and 1920 based on the style and neighborhood but I could be wrong I do know it was 100 years old at the time and the oldest home I've ever had it was my first time living alone and since it was such a big empty space I spent most of my time in my room behind a locked door it wasn't super creepy or anything but at night when I was alone I tended to avoid leaving my room unless absolutely necessary it had the same uneasy feeling of turning off the basement light and then running up the stairs as fast as you could in the dark not for any real reason but it made your heart race anyway near the end of my first semester I contracted influenza Rae I'd been pretty fortunate with my physical health up until then and it was the sickest I'd ever been in my life I could barely bill myself out of bed to go to the bathroom or to feed myself I was incredibly weak my whole body ached and I was running a very high fever I actually developed arthritis in my joints is a symptom which I didn't even know was possible I remember waking up with a puddle of sweat collected in the hollow of my throat at one point it was absolutely disgusting a few days into the audio I woke up to find an elderly man sitting by the side of my bed there was no chair there but he was very obviously in a seated position for some reason I didn't react with shock at all I was completely unafraid I asked him what he was doing there and he simply said I just wanted to make sure you were okay I must have fallen back asleep because that's all I remember of the visit this could easily have been an icon induced dream or a fever Tolosa nation but to me it was absolutely real he was there and he spoke to me and I felt very comforted by his presence a few months later I had a friend of mine from another school come to visit for a weekend we did some exploring of the house and found a hatch to the basement it was filled with old tools and hardware but one thing stood out to me for no apparent reason on the wall was a medicine cabinet absolutely stuffed with old pill bottles regular things like Addison and other old brand names I had to look up it also contained many prescription pill bottles that were too faded to read for some reason as soon as I saw them my elderly visitor came to mind I wondered if maybe he had some experience caring for a sick relative and came to visit me when I was ill because it was a familiar situation I did ask the landlord about previous occupants but they had purchased the house only a few years earlier and didn't know much I suppose I'll never know thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: TfyXlHhxiEE
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Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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