Rescue horse saved from slaughter by Hollywood star!!

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for he not broke Slaughter date December 29th that I've ever experienced um around [Applause] horses aha they're awful they attack everything I don't want to be near you now that they kill everything this is a big me and then walk away that's it he's making that connection how nice right you got horrible vicious animal as you can see wow that's just a few clips from uh today's video guys what would we call it Saving Mr Big The Rodeo horse something like that got think of a title but uh while I'm sat here now uh I I'm going to show The View I am still in the states uh there's no by the time we get home we fly home to London tomorrow we staying in London it's going to be kind of Christmas Eve before I'm back so this video is supposed to go on unboxing day so if you're watching this now I think it's boxing day uh so I hope you've had a had a nice Christmas so far so I'll show you a little view of where what I'm looking at at now in Las Vegas I'll show you that now okay so that's the view from our 18 e floor uh hotel room at the South Point Hotel and Casino and if I just pan out there that's the stratosphere which you can see in the distance here that's where the strip is and we're a few miles up the strip in the South Point Hotel and Casino which hosts most the horsey events and that's the highway which leads to California through the Nevada desert now we've been in the USA for not far off 3 weeks now with we've had an amazing time we've really enjoyed it uh but you can get to a stage where you're ready to go home and uh Tanya said this morning when we got to I'm ready to go home now I'm the same so yet no place like home but we've really enjoyed the state I'm doing a video today because with being when we get back I've got absolutely no time at all before boxing day and even the week Boxing Day to New Year I'm busy uh fetching horses and whatever so yeah I'll get on with the video now now there was 7 hours of footage that Tanya filmed with Mr Big and obviously to make it a watchable size of video a lot of the standing around uh you know cuz the quiet periods with a horse as troubled as Mr big is around people the quiet times are important but I can't show those I've put everything in uh the up the highs and the lows all in the video for you to see and before I get on now just like to say thank you Charlotte my daughter Charlotte young I know the weather's been terrible while we've been in this lovely Sunshine both here in Texas and other places it's been amazing weather I think we've been very lucky well maybe we haven't maybe it's always like this here but uh yeah uh thanks for looking after everything Charlotte really appreciate it now the first part of the video I think it's about 10 10 minutes-ish is a little bit about what we did the first few days in Vegas with our friends and I explain who Stephanie Powers is and how uh Mr Big got rescued at the last minute before he was um destroyed so if you don't want to see any of that just just fast forward to where I meet Mr big guys but a lot of people do like to see some of the buildup um to the to the start of the video so I'll start now um let's go not he's 161 he's going to be 11 years of age he big he kill date Slaughter date December 29th and my heart leaped out of my chest nice once again he will have the fire brands on the top right H I guarantee you just some [ __ ] life still young only 11 years of age how could this gorgeous animal be slaughtered I I I couldn't let it happen he is's a little clip of after Mr biger being rescued by Stephanie Powers and how how well he he loaded up and for people who don't know who Stephanie Powers is um she's a film star has been in films with some some um famous famous actors like John Wayne she was in Man from Uncle I think about 30 different series television series but the main one she's known for is what this picture is heart to heart it was one of the longest running most successful uh weekly series in in America and well all over the world really and it was some sometime in the in the ' 80s people don't realize how horsey she is she's played um Polo she played polos for years even with uh Prince well the King King Charles now and they're showing how good a horse woman um she really she really was so in addition to that uh Stephanie has made her life's work dedicated to saving animals and educating people um especially in Kenya where she and William Holden set up an amazing uh William Holden Center for educating Kenyans uh on Animal Care and other other issues and I think the 177,000 people been through this Center gu it's amazing uh what they've achieved there and this is an upto-date uh clip of Stephanie and and this was only a couple of nights ago we went for a lovely meal and that's what you call a margarita isn't it so we're leaving on a beautiful beautiful day we on a way to be thr now it wasn't a bad flight actually and we got a Jeep a jeepy Jeep going to Reno okay it's to Look a Lot Like Christmas wow well there she blows South Point Hotel that's where you go if you're into horses all sorts of hor shows Arenas Cinema Cinema's got everything bowling it's a bit further up the strip though isn't it bingo are we going to valet park first night I think so it's easy is yeah cuz we've got all the cases okay very P very p t is there a bath is there a bath of course there'll be a bath in yes a nice deep bath bab well that's a journey done anyway is it yeah right oh going on and Here's Lucy and Dell they flew out they were with us for 5 six days and then had to go home um and next is a few clips of some of the some of the experiences we had just little clips of some of the things we did and we did have a great time say road trip it's only about less than an hour but uh this is uh the oldest through there oh you can't see see daylight through ride one of to win I think you have to tell us that I am one of the judges by the way oh you ni in your dreams yeah yeah in your dream myam justtin boots so that uh was a group entered into Miss Rodeo of 2023 guys and this picture here it's not real it's just cardboard and thanks guys what a great group of people turned up for our little get together people are on our subscription site uh and it was a lovely me a lovely get together and you know we talked away for ages so thanks for turning up guys thousands miles away from home and we got friends like like all over the place it's it's it's fantastic really so we're in the middle of nowhere in Nevada in the desert and look at this there's all Saddles hang up there is there we'll have a little look yeah gr 18 is that 61 1861 I'm waving and she's not looking gotcha she sitting on the front porch just sitting on the front porch why they kept doing the freezer cuz they she said the rattlesnake even when it's dead well if there was nothing there then those more end wouldn't be there would so another cardboard cut out at the famous uh porn stars place and this is Freemont Street guys i' actually to put the music cuz a copyright but amazing place to go Fremont Street in lasve honestly you got to go if you ever come to Vegas it's absolutely kick and with it being Cowboy Christmas our hotel the safe Point Hotel and Casino had literally thousands of horses and Riders there it was a it was an amazing experience visited with so many different um Horsemen and yeah can you have too much of a good thing no walk of I suppose a square mile that I've ever experienced um around horses I've just put a couple of Clips in there guys but we we had an absolute Ball but as you will be aware of now uh Mr big is a a rodeo horse that um was going to slaughter if a bid wasn't put in for him to be to continue his his his bucking life now I was really fortunate while I was at the South Point Hotel there's a bucking sale a Bucking Horse Sale it's called Benny bions Bucking Horse Sale it's on every year and basically the bidding starts as the horse bucks some of the horses the bucking horses fetch $50,000 in front of me guys some three or 4 thousand now I had a real opportunity um I have worked with a lot of wild ponies in Europe the UK and they I don't find them too difficult to be honest once uh these Wild Horses Hill ponies and things like that once they realize you're not you're not going to hurt them they come real quick they haven't had bad experience experiences in their life from from from the humankind this is different with Mr Big he has had the experiences of a rodeo and they're Brad to fear people and that's how they well they Buck uh so I had an opportunity at the Bucking Horse Sale and I seiz an opportunity and I visited and spoke to a bucking horse breeders a few bucking hor breeders to get some some information that might while I was while I was there I had an opportunity to do a couple of little clips of kind of the life um Mr Bigs had around people and obviously being ridden um and why he's so scared um so I'll show those now and then I'll be in Texas I would have made the three flights in a day with Tanya to go to Texas to where where we were basically that was a flight from Las Vegas to LAX to meet Stephanie and then from LAX to um Dallas Texas and then from Dallas to T Texas uh it's a lot three three flights in the day okay 47 [Music] [Applause] [Music] down yes sir 45 um we the three flights yesterday and yes my voice has gone I hope it doesn't completely drop off today but we're we're on our way in a minute um now what I have noticed we've got ice on the ground himself Mr Mr Big hello boy there you are baby hello Mr Big oh you're nice and fat getting ready for winter look at that ah here we go oh I see you're going to open that and then the most I've gotten is just this yeah he stops then yeah because he's it's it's not the way he's supposed to think totally different no he'll act but you I'm eager to see what you think let's let's have a little play with him I think he'll be he's come a long way but you just tell he's different so here's my first um ever meeting of Mr Big right [Music] now just wants to stay by the other horse really at the moment which I'm allowing him to he's talking yeah now what I'm doing there I'm shutting my eyes it's something I discovered a of 10 years ago if you shut your eyes rather than just which most of us do I'm shutting my eyes temporarily when he gives me two eyes and I found they really that's why I won't wear sunglasses anymore with the this kind of problem so I can't I can't get him to gather up like you traditionally would there's just there's like a a door closes you know trying to turn into his other eye probably won't be too bash probably get a little bit more so I don't care so much you know do you know what I mean sometimes being a little bit too quiet and that is a mass that is massive for Mr Big he's always fled people pulled against pressure not wanting to even think consider actually going to a person and look he's really considering coming to me there that was really really really big and you've got to really recognize that when you get that change are we getting that was much that was a big deal for him just leaving for a second to absorb that just for a sec but that was a a little a little change you know that was a little change there wor but it's a real good tip for you just and most of what we learn a lifetime isn't enough to learn about these OES it's not so you have to drag off everybody from hundreds of years of people's yeah but I can honestly say that shut in the eyes is mine one of the only things I've never done it all I do all I do is parrot we all parrot parrot people I parrot Ray hunts a bit you learn you know parot well you just par but some things as you get older and you you find them too late in life don't you um but uh if I try it i' promise I'm going to think SE go sof yourself shut your eyes become getting away from you I noticed you pick them leaves up then I noticed that I don't know if anyone noticed it's another clip there it's the same part of the ramen when he does come towards me it's always the same part you see how I'm looking at her foot and that there was the first time I looked his foot to ask him to to back the foot off but immediately goes back I'm gone so he starts to realize there's some kind of language going on here a lot of these real nervous animals if you make it about their feet couple of weeks of that and they start to realize they're not in trouble there's a love language and Leadership the Love's the easy bit we can all love on them the language is that what them feet are doing and then I just transfer that to the to the resins and legs you know um so I'm just trying to look at his feet here see if he he thought about one foot back again face up face up approach what I want to try and do is when he stops his feet back off yeah um so approach approach approach approach you stop them back off a little bit and this is the sort of thing I've played with for ages um so so with approach if you do that enough you'll start to to think pleas stop my feet or go away do you know what I mean yeah cuz he's got to the stage now where he's not breathing hard he start to listen to a little bit now now now I want them to back up so I'll tuck I tuck for back PLU forward so and then back off I find that in the saddle it really works well cuz we all cluck for forward don't we cluck kiss for caner it's kind of universal isn't it back up that up right a lot easier this way what do you think of those being telescopic I was admiring isn't that a good one you got everything in there did you see you yeah big moment there guys big moment again um it is all about to go pear-shaped in a minute and you'll see why and that's just life but he accepted me right right next to him I went quiet he sniffed the back of my hand uh felt great I was really getting on well for the short amount of time um and was feeling really positive about everything he does stepped back a little bit here so I didn't want to move away until stopped um going backwards but that that that's just a great moment there um and there's one of life's curve balls guys that's a proper curve ball I didn't I mean the relationship you'll notice when the video starts properly in a second the our relationship which was really building quickly uh fell apart uh he he considered being close to me that you know maybe something to do with me that noise and he rather than coming to me for guidance he he he went and yeah it's not good and I've got a rebuild and it's just one of those things that happen in life and after a few minutes here I go to walk towards and remember it I was look he he just is saying no I don't want to be near you now that that really frightened me and yeah it's it's you know could really have done without that happening and those panels had been there for a month it was a load of panels that fell down guys and they'd been there for a month and it just so happened that they they all fell over together just as I was uh getting somewhere I'm rebuilding I've just got to get on and carry on now that could have took a lot longer it was probably about 15 minutes and he he suddenly considered me again I so chuffed when he goes to think about my hand that's when he's coming away so he starts to think the way I get rid of your hand to go to it yeah but unfortunately for us we can't see that cuz you're blocking the whole thing off all really yeah did you touch him yeah I touched his nose and give him a little half a carot just leave him leave for a second I can't believe those panels fell over there those panels have been leaning up against that freaking fence for a month that's what I wanted I feel like getting somewhere oh you absolutely are yeah absolutely sry I left you there I'm trying not to I just try not to say too much yeah I feel like he's oh no you no he's he's doing amazing the approach it's the approach I'm trying to work on yes is that that all the things you did got ready for that next which is what I need you for yeah well there you go we we we we're spinning off each other if you're wondering why I'm walking around Mr Big like this it's because that's around about the distance I'll be with the lead rope when the following day I'm hoping to do ground work if I get the halter on and get to his feet give him confidence and that's what that is guys I'm I'm making him okay with me being within that distance be able to move my arms around and do things you can see how attuned the senses are and the speed of a horse you can see what does it there it's a flick of that bush um and that's how quick they have to move from snakes or whatever the danger is but you know it's sometimes a full sense of security thinking everything's getting quiet and then boom and that's a horse I'm just walking around moving my arms I'm waiting on you this is whistle Wai on what waiting on what I'm waiting on you to skip and whistle um so like I've let him rest I can look I can kind of so although sometimes people can think well you're not got very far I'm by him and I'm I'm able to move around look at him look at his feet you know and I'll wait for a second now till he looks this way little bit quite nice isn't he oh he knows so glad so you just had a little sniffer me you know we deal with all kinds and a lot of times people they can't um they can't they don't understand like the horse's feet you know they don't maintain them and so oh yeah well we we've dealt with so many different problems anything from shallow soul to found her so when you see one that that just I was sleeping I don't understand why are you over here I was sleep so he's getting very slightly desensitized to me that's all it is we'll we'll have a break in a minute cuz he he's he's he's had a lot of that we'll have a break in a minute we'll bring some water in for him has he got hay can we put a bit of hay in here for him so we we decided because it was getting late on in the day um mainly because we had to pick up the higher car uh on the morning of the first real day and uh that kind of put me behind so I only had kind of after dinner and with the couple of things that went a little bit pearshaped as we say with those panels going took me a little bit longer and I really had planned and tried to manifest that day one I got the Hal on didn't manage to do it uh not enough time uh to set up what we need we will be needing the stocks uh so uh we're on our way home in the next clip and then uh Tanya and Stephanie noticed that old little piglet so that's what you'll see nextag yeah Piggies Pigg where are they going that's so funny that's so funny so what do you do when you come across a tax store in Texas you stop the truck and you go and have a mooch yeah I know look at that wow this is a tax St this is a great Tax St Saddles oh more Saddles I I think we'll be here a while I think we be in here a while it's Cowboy EV oh my right then so here we are refreshed and this is day two and this is when where I pick up on uh Mr big day two in there now so we'll go and make a little start yesterday's work for an hour was getting him used to my vicinity moving my eyes because groundwork I'll be moving ring like this asking him to move and my body will be moving now when I started yesterday when I did that he would be gone now he at a point where with the lead rope he might be able to cope with life with me being near him and moving like this so that's a great start so that carried over from yesterday quite well you need to look this way as well you need to look this way when you talk so I can yeah um but I'm doing it between two I know so we need to do both sit together so well as if I'd be doing ground work that's good that's really good so we've got him com with me again so we're going to go and check now how this our makeshift stocks are doing so we'll go check that will be very curious I want to stay here the only thing we've got to watch is it it can work in our benefit as you know cuz it'll be more comfortable with him being there if he moves away and and Mr Big really was he's going to try and get out so you want me to well well well it would be better if he didn't pull it down though you know what I'm saying cuz he could couldn't he hello gin look at your floppies now did you notice the um big horse with the floppy ears there and um one eye missing he's a be beautiful horse his name is Griffin and it gives me an opportunity to um mention that Spirit Run ewine that's the uh the rescue uh Center where I'm at uh run by Angela run by Angela there's about 35 horses there guys there's uh and Angela I must tell you I mean without Angela kind of partnering me in this you know it would be lot more difficult and I feel really really privileged that I've got such a great horsewoman um you know to take over when I'm gone really but uh Griffin uh there's a book on Griffin what's Griffin story Tanya he was a he was terribly abused his ears had been tortured that's why they years are so floppy and he's got this lovely book out which is on Amazon I think they and it tells done some to his eye as well guys it is a but he was he was rescued he's the nicest all imagine in fact he's got a Facebook page too yeah Griffin um Facebook page check him out now there's a book guys dedicated to Griffin uh there's a book there you get it on is it Amazon and that's him guys it's a lovely it's a lovely book uh so all the proceeds go to uh the Spirit Run Spirit Run equin is one of those rescues where it's non-profitable and legally you have to spend as much on the horses as you get given and it's one of those with a special number uh from the government and it's a it's an amazing place so I was asked the next clip um I was asked to just read one little tiny paragraph of it which is kind of sums up where Griffin was at at the time so I'll read that now and then we'll get straight back with the video okay so from from the Griffin's book okay I haven't rehearsed this I think it's that that one that's the one okay I stood alone in a muddy cold place I was sick and I was sad my big heart was broken like a flower that has bent and lost its petals I stood with my head down and I coughed and wondered why do people love horses but no one loves me oh Griffin we love you Griffin guys oh dear such a lovely little book we've made a decision that oh dear not on not on my feet but we're going to um he's been sniffing around he's very curious and he's been sniffing around our makeshift uh stocks there which we're going to put Mr Big in in a minute uh because he's curious he'd be right there now there is there is a case there is a case that it could help us having Griffin right there the only risk with it is if and it's it could be a case of banging around in there could be quite noisy if Griff fin did get frightened and decided to trot off and got worried himself which at the end of the day probably wouldn't happen but horses are horses and you never you always expect the unexpected yeah so we decided to keep him within within you know that's only yeah within distance uh we're going to tie him up and we're going to tie him on one of our safety ties then we eliminate the chance of him trotting off at a time time when Mr big is worried he Mr Big then may feel the need to may feel the need to get out of our stocks because as we all know we think we're containing them but Mr Big at the end of the day get out of there no trouble so we're going to use our safety tie did he just now we're going to put the safety tie did you see what you got what you got Steve what you got there oh look at that lovely rain back you've got so we're going to put the safety tie on and check first of all how much it comes out so that's quite light good so that's quite light now what we're going to do with this to so that Angela um the the owner of this res wonderful rescue center um who's made us feel at home straight away we're not leaving um moving right three times I've done that okay you see how I've just loed it over so now we'll so funny what you got what you got there St you some horses if would have done that you would have worried because he wouldn't have had any give if he'd panicked he would have give the same as in trailers right from this side right do you want to try you want to try that and tell me if you think that that's uh I can't say enough good about those ties guys those safety ties Tanya sends them all over the world um and you know we we haven't we've used safety tires for the last 20 years touchwood no problems uh at all uh nothing ever gets broke no string gets broke so order them through the Shopify guys you will it' be the best few pan you've spent usually there's usually a link under the video yeah a link l a link shop prob link will be there with everything are you happy with everything sure let's make a start handy yes I'm no he did he got them but not not telescopic oh I've never seen no and you have to carry every the end up dragging it throw it down we use them take we never go hacking with TR riding without them hacking we call it hacking you call TR riding it's the same thing treking hacking treking hack sounds like a bar hey he where is that bar Steph's in Prime position hey Mom how's it going walking around looking we're just going to leave him for a bit and come in here you all right there we're going to put hands on him a little bit now okay do you want to go um you want us both on the same side really well look again some respond differently I I would have said you on that side and me this side all right if you go you go around there and then we'll we'll put hands on him but we won't put hands on him straight away um and I wouldn't look look at him too much don't you put your hands on him yet there you go there you go now I've got hands on him do you think um well we're going to keep hands on him now for for quite a long time I let's not talk to him too much talk to each other they just feel they feel they feel you would have talked to them a lot a lot and that's what people do but we're going to start like this till he can that's brilliant isn't it what do you think St huh my God and then scratching around the the withers um you've done a great job a't you fantastic you know that's absolutely brilliant now i' quit just for a second um do you see who he's leaning towards and the reason he's doing that is because you remember I said about the eyes he doesn't want he doesn't feel as comfortable on that side yeah so maybe now if you come around to me cuz he's do you see where he is here yeah he's shifting yeah he's got a res in leg Now isn't he that can all change in the heartbeat I know I know so this looks oh FES you that but we've been more deliberate now now me and you are going to I was waiting for a tip of his head towards us even an if you just stop a second and byck and then there now you see now I moved away there very quickly when I clicked Mr Big considered us within the stocks which he would never have done before and moved away to say yes that's good that's what we want moved towards us his head came yeah we've because all he is is avoid he's a void that's what he does it's don't he was expecting us to put a rope then and pull him in that's what you know you've see right so we got rid of us ready yeah and you can do it with that's it you just want to yell at me I don't get my own back so come away so this this approach thing is something you'll have to I'll write it down for you you're going to have to work on the approach yourself because to to eventually how to catch him in that field it's the approach where he'll get you yeah it'll be the approach it's the hard part it's the hard part bu is so hard yeah so if I come to touch him here right he froze up you know eventually that won't happen it always hurts me when I see you know because you that was better that was better that's good that's good that's good that's good no Flinch there oh that was not even a that was better with you than me then so pleased with that right okay would you agree it's probably better for and he responded to Angela brilliantly then I reckon if I went the other side he tried to get get away more do you want to show us you give it a try um and then rub him a bit first like it's you know you know the drill there you go there you go I wasn't too much okay come away come away come away a minute come away just deliberately you think he yes felt it really know you think I'm weird no I don't if you felt it if you felt it I'll go with you on it you want me to try it again yeah if you thought he was going to give you his head I thought he was trying to get out you know him more than me he was testing it to see oh okay but I mean he was testing it for sure okay do you think he better if I stand back here yeah cuz he okay right I think he's trying to get out but you know in morning there you go go back to your normal rubbing they're good for security aren't they if you can hear anybody coming I'd rather have D crunchy dry crunchy leaves and wet and Soggy ones yeah which should get I think it's going to be easy put it on he is so far away like I you can't do it you won't do it yeah so let's uh but we all got to just keep talking about it the only thing better than leaves in this area is I'm going to step up here a little bit um so and then I'm going to be deliberate about touching him um you could if you want yeah and then just push him over to you this is brilliant uh now we're going to cuz he's getting I can kind of feel his heartbeat going so we're going to calm him down a bit before we go that now so um if you can just take your hand away now so now you think he'll put his head in did hear snort snort right now I'm just going to rub him don't you rub him don't you rub him that's it you're just there right how does it fit he's he's licked and chewed okay now we going to leave him cut settle down now all right so let's go right that's absolutely hat it ha what it is like I just feel like you don't you don't feel like the the fear um I'm not surprised about it after talk like those meetings I had un sanki sanki the biggest he he he said you're look we got to be realistic he's probably not going to be a riding horse unless it's you're going to ride him but it's but it's in his DNA I know I know you're skeptical about that oh no I'm not there 100 Years of breeding right there no to be feral to be exciting you know that's what you would do better to to actually pull a a horse Mustang yeah CU it's a blank canvas they're full of the good stuff as as soon as yeah I think that's too big you think it's too big uhhuh it's all baggy underneath you could catch it certainly not changing in the moment no but you know do you know underneath it's quite baggy underneath isn't it it yeah it is but anyway look let's carry on with that one for now you agree yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but I wouldn't want that one left on CU it catch so now we go back to approach and touch yeah we'll take it in turns yeah a little bit of pressure and then release for a tip there that's it it and I do agree that I mean when it comes to rough stock that's what they're bred to do yeah but they're like we're talking about this guy's 1,400 PBS of emotion yeah just emotion good so we we'll keep talking yeah we'll keep talking okay okay you're all right that there see if we can get him this way yeah that's all right coming in and just doing that there and then come away don't scratch just just smooth like this all right scratching for later right in you go like it's nothing step like it's nothing yes I'm going to leave you there for a minute now like it's nothing not too lose there yeah deliberate yeah and come away come away and then I want you to go back in like it's nothing like it's nothing come on H good and then I it's nothing yeah not too low do you know how you get a bit low and he says that's your lot yeah yeah all the way just B at a time that's why I do it and they flip say okay but eventually you go another in oh yeah definitely that's how was that now I don't know if anybody's asked themselves yet I know I did why on Earth would Stephany um rescue a bucking horse uh that was going to be so dangerous to rehabilitate and may never even get there I kind of asked that question um when we flew to Texas and it was an amazing story why Stephanie actually did um rescue Mr big uh and the best thing for to do is actually explain to you now just so you've got an understand I'm explain now why Stephanie actually rescued Mr Big And if he looks a little bit different in here now it's cuz we we we went for a a buffet and it's now dark outside in bed and you're in bed right so why what why did it all come about well basically Steph was at home in Hollywood um it's one of Steph's houses in Hollywood and she's at her place and suddenly out of the blue a phone was next to her she has no idea why the phone came on it just came on and as the phone came on and the noise of the auction came on Stephanie doesn't understand why it happened suddenly there's Mr Big being auctioned and then she noticed his Slaughter date like if it's not if he's not bought Slaughter date uh was December this was a year ago and being as that's what Stephanie does she rescues animals the best she can and she just couldn't believe what she was seeing so she panicked saw it as a sign maybe it was the only reason why Mr Big Zer today is because of that suddenly coming on a phone so that's why there was an immediate Rescue of uh Mr Big and she had no idea where where the auction was it turns out to be in Texas and then first um rescue center uh she kind of contacted was Spirit rine which is Angela and uh yeah that's how it all come to pass so that was a year ago and uh it's quite quite amazing story really and it still blows away away now so that's why he the rescue was uh sort of um carried out deliberate you were deliberate about thinking he's actually thought one of these bread horses is incredible I'm just thinking of all the good in him okay so the next step then okay remember I was tutting so I've released for a foot back with a tu which I've been doing in there same thing not yet I'm just yeah yet back now release forward there release back release forward release really Oh's not yet don't do yet I just want to this is the bit where I want him going forward off pressure and back off pressure with the lead rope all right so he's listening to that with his feet so back I've got it Forward got it Forward lovely so all pressure there's pressure gone pressure there's pressure gone pressure I'd love to cut that swinging thing off have we got any knife or scissors yeah I think this is too big it's too big it y it's too big ho in it y so y I think it's on the floor change it first you know we have to Tanya was absolutely right when she noticed um the amount that halter was way too big and it came under here and ho could get in he could hurt himself or rip it off you know it's got to stay on there to give um Angela a chance to do this daily work with him so curveball number two is about to to turn up guys and you know and again it's one of those things it can be a little bit distressing what's about to happen but no no harm is done to any one of us or the horse but it's just one of those things we haven't got professional stocks it's what Angela's kind of of Angela and me have been a to put up uh without stocks it would have been in this two and a half days I'd got then there's no way I'd been able to you know I would have had to rope him and I need a rope horse for that and it would have been a lot more dangerous because a rodeo horse is always pulls away from a rope so that wasn't really you know an option so yeah and it's a curveball that was it's the second curve ball could have done without them but uh you know we kind of get through it I think and that one is that'll be fine yeah this will be fine all right so I've come up here uh I'm going to take this off okay so we got that buddy come on buddy buddy py buddy py right I'll pass this to you I'm going to drop that off all [Music] that's P that out that's the one that came off yeah make sure you put the right one on and then I'm bringing this in again here right you need to come here now and take that from me and okay you're okay there that's good good job good job right so I'm going to give you this right you don't go towards the back of him it's that size but that helps me kind of let's just rub good L good L go and there you go there's that okay and [Music] then pressure just pressure you're fine you that it'll get less round up when we put that on [Applause] he's not he brilliant he's not that's brilliant he's not mean no one was hurt that's life it happened uh so what me and Angela did for the next I would say it's probably about half an hour we just robbed on him we got some confidence back in him um you know cuz obviously we got to put the hter back on so you'll see that now uh where we start to to try and put the halter back on but we wouldn't be allowed to go straight to that because he was he was worried you know because you know what do the stocks represent to him you saw the footage earlier um and with us being above him you can understand how he feels he thinks we're going to get on him and going to Spur him to Buck that's what you know his memories are of stocks and people above him so totally understand it and we'll get cracking now with what trying to put the whole TR got it there you go a better good laugh [Music] yeah there you go well done you my girlfriend so think you get next time my panel are leaning I'm over here you know because think we should let drop up'll have a little mhm wow so Hal is back on we let him calm down and then I went straight back to that releasing the feet back uh asking the feet to move forward did lots of that again like you saw before so he's got kind of an idea of of bit of responding to the pressure of a lead Dr which you never had before so now we're about to let him out guys now some people thought that he'd run away from me I thought he'd be okay to lead out those stocks so you'll see now first time with a halter properly being led uh within the vicinity of a person let's see see see what we got all right oh bless him better I thought oh yeah what what's that on the but uh that's really good and I'm not even going to do anything for a minute you know take it in pull in there but I've got to release him when he looks at me um but we all need to talk normal yeah that's the the main thing well now wants to talk about food I'm starving um Angel reinstalled him I'm going I've just looked completely looked away for a foot towards me he would never have had that um and if one of the things that's helped me more than anything is that looking at the thing love language and Leadership you do the loving part easily on these voes love language leg seat lead rope brains bit everything connected in their mind to what the feet do and when they realize that their tail swishing goes less their crabby attitude when they work out oh what do I need to do with my feet to have a kind of a release for me and this is all learned from other people that's what we do don't we learn like a sponge oh did you notice then someone look at his feet there right got it he can get he's got to know he's got the power to get rid of me he has cuz he could just be gone so look at his feet oh back up oh good ears did you see that on at home I could be tell I could be in here doing that for three hour it it's it's so important the patient side of it you know obviously I'm finish tomorrow but and and here look at his feet get a foot forward drop the run it's going to be as it leaves the ground as it goes to leave the ground um lick and chew and willly back up one step yeah one foot I looked at the foot he's not thinking quite so much about fleeing now with the feet is he when I ask him to back up so oh life is a feather life is a feather there that's all it is that's all it is back the other foot up that's all it is oh what what I look yeah right well we're taking in there then it's like are yall coming I know are y'all coming cuz we'll lead him round a bit first St back up thank you forward with the foot lovely with the foot lovely job now remember without the Rope I was getting him to face up a little bit so that was about this distance so now now I'm gone I'm going to start doing this now looking at his high quarters the high quarters no he face with two eyes I'm gone no different than we did loose loose so I'm going to lift my hand lift my hand and go is bad so lift my handt my handt my hand there he's faced up that was quite a big deal CU I was getting closer right he's lift shes lift my hand there beautiful beautiful my drop the Rope because he fac lovely lovely lift my hand lovely come forward release for each foot release for each foot hold to and wait for that left [Music] come right left there you go be closer now buddy that's let's called the offside offside the near side the more we look at their feet the more the near side they start to think just what I do with my feet forward step from here forward step not not not towards me there you see me get forward I waitting for that a little forward a little forward then with the feet and I do this for a couple of hours with horses I just get them to lead and drive lead and drive lead and drive lead and drive there's the leading there's the driveing there's the drive there's the Le there's the ding bleeding that was hardly nothing did you see that nothing that was a lead to a drive with stop your feet back those feet up oh wow we're just leaving for a second get that shoulder yes pretty close and that's what I build on he getting him to rest by me but that's looking good isn't it it's looking good sit down when I put my photo away this is a big this is a big that's pretty Co get what was that what he's offering me really he's telling me that's all right that's okay that's okay look at that huh that's really good this is true is it smells good yeah he's he's like a he's a perfectionist so like that makes you a wonderful ha it's really important to keep giving breaks uh for this sort of thing cuz it's a lot for Mr Big to to go through so we gave him a break now before I started to uh use the flag my hands my hands in neutral which means nothing it might have an effect some horses you'll do this and they'll run around like mad his ears are on point aren't they yes the what is he is oh does he look nice yes what was that she's just going to pick up a package yeah so I'm taking no Nots coming through my some people might say what what are you using the flag for now he has fled from a flag for most of his life guys so I wanted to just show him that it's something else he doesn't need to fear from now on so I wanted make information to him that's why I'm using the flag driven them now what I'm going to do go forward so I'm going to look at his feet right he went forward I'm done I'm done so now I want you to go forward so now I'm leading come across back back here driving but I only want a little drive so leading leading driving leading driving first little lunge that was the first little lunge did you see that right then can you go forwarding around me y mhm so we've got a wild horse and starting to Lunge so leading stop okay wowe with theet really have to do this nice job disengage back up lesson just yes Stephen we're not talking about a horse which is wild here we're talking about a horse that has hundred years bred into him yeah years of DNA to be frightened today yeah now asking him out of his right eye to do this guys is a totally different kettlefish cuz he prefers me on the other eye on the left eye so you you can watch this now and say I'm much more delicate I'm really looking at those feet and really getting through a problem here that could explode it really could go forward so now I'm going from neutral to can you go forward with those feet go forward how you got rid of it forward remember which eye this was the eye that's worse forward with the feet forward so I'm just waiting for the forward there the nice forward with the face we're lunging him even on his bad eye now can I get face yes that's what gets rid of me come forward good really good everything as calm as I can but it has to be this side it has to be this side to get this close at the moment um a little bit of pressure see if I can get him to drop his head a little bit I I reckon you know that's the big thing is catching him so it's working him without but I'm doing this for is so in the morning I'm going to take this off you see in the morning I got to be able to move him around he'll be a bit frightened until he's not until he lets me be here and then I can get that so it's all a building block can he lower his head down a little bit and relax that's a lovely photo is it take hold of this one bring my other hand that's the first time he's had two hands see if I can lower the last thing a horse does with a person is the first thing they learn overnight so if you put them if you leave a horse with a nasty taste in it m the next day it's relatively or the next month if you haven't seen them for a month It generally is the same or worse so the last thing you'll know tonight is a relaxed feel around me yeah and then we leave him at that so okay so we'll leave him at that good boy so what I'm free I'm free so that's where we left day two we've done an awful lot really in one day with him he was just glad to get out I think at the end of the day uh so so yeah we we left not long after that and to be honest from all the flights and everything I think we were all pooped we got back to the hotel and we hardly said good night said oh we're done there so we'll pick up now on my last day um at Spirit Run eoin um Center and my last little uh time with Mr B okay so this is my last day today with him and we were hoping that the halter was still on and it is but the little link rope's gone that's okay and there is Griffin look at the power Griffin rescue he's such a character and look at that look at the shoulders there that's an arm really if if you were thinking about us as as as human but look at the power in the arm oh my life so yeah we're going to have a quick cup of coffee this morning he ate my hand yeah he ate this big difference that is awesome it that he's coming brilliant he Le in bucket the more he can look at that yeah he it know the good thing is he knows we're taking no noes of him we just that's what I say to people keep chatting and having yeah like yeah like it's not a big deal but guaranteed a lot and you've had to be it's a lot about him this whole thing is about him and then when it's just like I feel that and it just gets better was kneeling down wasn't I yesterday with him yep oh he just took a step which is surprising so I'm going to come down where I where I oh my life oh this is where I left off last night look at that yeah this is where I left off um right so that that is mine blowing for me you want coffe want someof right but that all right then that's where I'd finish because you leave him on a good note want more don't you abely thinking well and oh that's so funny now you'd be mugging [Laughter] me yeah I don't have anymore no I don't anymore but you'll smell me that's the time to walk away you leave him till they do you know what I mean it's a little spots so when he was going then you walk away you see just that little bit as he just that little bit yeah and I I was so good to demonstrate my video where my timing went and you knew I you knew I'd come through timeing up there it's where people don't recognize they go through all their horse like and the last things they should have the first thing they ever should have learned is it ends up being their last things do you know what I mean but it just keep talking this is what I was was wondering whether he would do to me that to you that's a good sign isn't it no it's a very good sign oh just smelling me what kind of uh who are you what kind of uh um shampoo is that then yes he's making that connection how nice right is there why we on you to me there it is and then then then go okay that's it can you hear that wants one he he busy but like say we've been out to so many horses this year but we're going to be there over Christmas we there over Christmas yay we there over Christmas which is good and I got to go and fetch that new horse well my old horse I bought back cuz I haven't got a really good riding horse for the demos but he it was just like everything lined up for me you know what I mean everything L did you guys just see what I saw yeah she did it she did it so you can let him feed let him feed there I'm going to pass you this one now what did I see Angela then this is Savvy this is this is real Savvy obviously we got to go underneath and clip a new little catch rope on there a better one and I'm so glad Angela did it and I'm so glad I'm watching Angela do all this stuff I was starting to think cuz you are just in the moment with any kind of interaction with horses and I'm starting to I think this is a really good idea for me to just be there and for Angela to do to do what she got to do uh with me being there so there's no real hand over but Angela had tucked in her sleeve a little catch rope she tucked it in there so then she was feeding with the bucket and whatever and then just kind of got it like that and clipped on genius absolute genius so that's what I'd seen um if you if you missed it that's all and then you put this that's not funny that's not funny do you see who's just done that she's going to do great with him I'm telling you and that's with all us holding our breaths oh yeah oh that's great will you promise me to send me clips now and again I don't know clip every month or something okay oh boy boy get to your nose you got that's it well boy that's you know this is all this is brilliant do you want do you want that a few more for that or not if you can try and influence a forward then release right so just look at the feet look at the feet and then release you got to release immed you know what I said yest as soon fix it up do you know what the great of this like the Doren reprogramming a wood board absolutely do you know what they used to release that within the body and the lead line and everything is at the thought of the horse I've I've really trying to get there and I'm I'm almost at the point the horse thinks it thinks it yeah yeah the minute that's rewarding the try that means the most brilliant brilliant worried about that buiness I do think I have a little bit of an advantage with him because he's so used to me well when we when we God it's going to be amazing what you're going to do with him I know it right so what I'm going to do cuz I feel like better in myself that you're doing this with him okay most place I go t you I'll tell you the worst thing for me handing over the lead rope it's as if it's confidence come let's get this so that he can feel better about himself the closer you are to him lovely look at that look at that and then maybe turn towards us and we'll all keep talking yeah at that I don't touch him but like just see if he'll drop his head and breathe deep that's lovely is that good that's lovely okay you know I I I went to I can't remember which horse it was and it had been in such a mess for years and when we finally touched they all look everything about that whole changed for that moment on they kind the whole yeah the whole body language yeah look at that body language is so so this is a little a little lovely clip now not rehearsed I mean um Stephanie just came in and interacted with the horse with Mr Big who she'd saved and she just came out with some lovely words and I've kind of um the main the main part of that it went the speech went on for probably about 10 minutes and that will all be on my subscription site but to keep this video small enough I've got a couple of clips of of what uh you know what Stephanie said in the moment and the genuine interaction that Mr Big had with Stephanie and it was just Sumer to Behold a lot of things hi what are you doing what are you doing kiddo what what's going on here what's the matter what you is it okay I don't know you don't like my perfume or is that what it is you don't like the hair spray it's it's hair products I'm sure it's hair products I got I got it yeah it's just you got my smell now I hope that he was in a place where no one was going to get on him and cause him to Buck or do some behavior that was aggressive and what's interesting is that Steve and Tanya had been at a place in Las Vegas where they visited and they they met some people who were involved with bucking horses professional bucking horses that they were auctioning off and they mentioned that there was this rescue horse who was a breed bucking horse that they were going to see and the people said oh no no no no you're not going to rehabilitate that no no no it's hundred years of DNA of uh you know horses that are meant to be bucking people off their back and seeing humans as their enemies and being very aggressive and this is this is this is what's happened to this terribly aggressive vicious horrible vicious animal as you can see welcome to the beginning of the great history of Mr big thank you for joining us oh and Merry Christmas Christmas to you too excellent and that's where we ended our last uh moments with Mr Big right there it just felt right in the moment um to just to just end at that and I'd just like to say you know guys you might not really especially the younger guys watching this you might not know who Stephanie is we've got to know where we didn't I knew I knew Stephanie from heart to heart but I didn't really know much about Stephanie but we learned obviously so much uh we vir lived with Stephanie for four days three or four days so we talked a lot she's guys check out ushi it actually is she's an amazing person she's so intelligent Stephanie speaks how many languages does she speak six languages we went we we went into a couple of Chinese places uh especially one who made donuts and Stephanie just spoke Chinese I said what loads of languages she's been in loads of films John Wayne films man from Uncle she's uh had the very very successful heart-to- heart series and guys I mean she's an inspiration to me and Tanya because I mean Stephanie I don't think she'll mind us telling you she's she's over 80 years of age you now guys over 80 years of age she's had a lot of health issues battled through them and she enjoys life to the full and he's very ever so active so she's inspired us um and that's that's it guys she's amazing so that was the end of our uh you know day and then we we lived Texas for a few hours then we live Texas guys I'll show you a few clips now but yeah we were we were doing the Texas thing for a few hours after this you've got a lovely steak there Angela's got lovely steak that's the size of the Margaritas Angela's already downed hers wa of look at thato Stephanie and I have got foras amazing food lovely that's it guys sorry to eat oops I didn't get it do it again look at it's swinging baby you got it knocked it off you knocked it [Music] [Music] off guys this is Angela's F350 Julie I think it it they call it and I have for 20 OD years wanted to sit in one of these F350s and I got the chance I actually drove it about 20 mi we went to a a a lovely restaurant uh and I drove one thank you so much for that it's brilliant they're awful they attack everything they kill everything now there was another horse that I helped um Angela with or give an assessment of and there will be a video on this little session but I'm so glad I'm so glad that there wasn't that wasn't going to be the third curve ball because those dogs I mean if I was working Mr Big I'm sure it have been a different reaction uh so yeah that'll be another video it's an interesting video actually um and this horse had been really badly abused guys and was absolutely scared to death it had only been there for about a week and a half and I just uh did kind of an assessment um with him which is really interesting as I say so that's the end of uh this video guys I hope you enjoyed it I hope I've put some bits in there where people can still learn something some little bits to add to your toolbox um but guys the real work's about to start for Angela isn't it I just had a bit part me and T had a little bit part in the rehabilitating of Mr Big The work starts now it's not going to be an easy ride for Angela but I'm so pleased it is Angela um and you know I always say you learn from people I when we finished everything and had a two around um the rescue I realized it's an art form really it's an art form looking after and rescuing aged and abused horses it's an art form even you know the um the feeding of certain aged horses older horses like an old person you have to different feeds and and and Angela knows all of the different ways of of putting weight on abused and mated horses and a multitudes of other stuff so yeah that's it that that's where the work really Starts Now now Angela has said that we're going to have some updates as and when she thinks it's worth putting one on so I will do some updates on Mr Big and I'm really interested as well to see how how Mr Big gets on as for where I where what I achieved with Mr Big The truth is I'm really down on myself down on what I thought I'd get done I had an agenda in my mind uh three days with Mr Big I I thought I would get a lot further than that I thought I'd be uh hands on all pretty much around his body I thought I would touch uh touch all of his legs and really take a leap forward for Angela uh to to move forward better what didn't help me you know he was more troubled than most of that kind of horse you know the kind of wild horses I go to they come real quick uh so yeah it's more in ground and the two curve balls really set me back and mentally they set me back because I was telling myself which I always the mental strength I have to have you know I was surprised at myself I was thinking oh no so I was feeling negative that didn't help uh especially in the stocks but do you know what you know Angela's chuff the bits and so with Stephanie so it's definitely Le forward uh but deep down I thought I would get further than I did with Mr Big so we're going to head back head back tomorrow and uh look forward to Christmas the new year and whatever 2024 brings Tanya's just jotted a couple of things down for me you know I just go with the flow and next year we're not going to be doing quite as much um Tanya said there's one Ranch day which is in uh June Tanya June 22nd get that bucked up there's only so many people can come because Tanya does a meal and it's kind of all day uh so there's the one Ranch day we're doing three Demos in the UK that's it I think we did was it eight yeah three Demos in the UK keep a look out for though um the uh there's one demo in North Carolina which is in May keep a lookout for that and I think there's a good chance we'll be coming back to Texas later on in the year Angela's dead Keen to put a you know a a a demonstration on in Texas Tyler Texas or somewhere around Tyler so that'll be my chance to have some more time with Mr Big see where Angela's got to and maybe maybe I'll be able to do a little bit more uh help Angela a little bit further on with some things uh so visits to horses we're going to limit that to 50 going to limit it to 50 horses we did 98 in 2023 we went to 98 horses so we're limiting that to 50 that keeps the videos going uh and I think that's about it if you can share comment like And subscribe so appreciated that just keeps us Rolling Along um with the channels so that's it I think that is it I'm just looking at this now so yeah as people know I've retired my main riding horse n she's retired now to have F to have a f and uh you know when you've heard the saying when one door shuts another one opens that's exactly what happened for me uh Nita can't ride her I've got um two horses I'm going to be starting but they'll be slow and I'll be putting everything on my subscription Channel what I'm doing with them how I'm restarting and things like that that's Chevy and Jimmy but as for a horse for me to just I haven't rode enough this year because I've been so busy doing other things but with us sing down I've got uh a door that's open for me uh I had a horse called Rolex I'll show you a couple of clips of him very short clips in a second he um is a horse that I started and sold years ago and he's coming back into my life I've got to pick him up between Christmas and New Year and then I'll sort of R Trin him my way again get get get him exactly with me as he was and I don't think he' be far off that because he's had a very good owner and uh yeah I'll show you a clip of him now very quickly there's on a mountain somewhere in Wales started long since to started it was great Beach horse this was 6:00 on the morning went to to the beach and that's awesome and this was when I delivered him he I delivered him 300 miles and then I just rode him in the arena where he was going to and he was brilliant so that's who I've got coming back very shortly so that's definitely it guys that's it that's the end happy trials to everybody and look at this picture I think he uh Mr Big's kind of smiling there isn't he saying thanks very much to uh Steph Le something about that picture that just leaves me to say Happy New Year to everybody and hope to see you all in 2024
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 236,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 94min 54sec (5694 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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