How to gain respect from your horse and not lose your temper!

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[Music] get get here get here get it come here no stop it okay now stop it now stop it stop it now no no no [Music] stop oh that's scary she does know you're all right [Music] Rob stop now guys I know that clip can stir emotions I totally understand that but we have to give Rob real credit here because he's put himself out there allowed me to put this online knowing that it would help people and he knew Rob knew he shouldn't have shouted like that and got mad with his horse but he was real real stuck guys he was driven to despair with his horse and he didn't know how to help their relationship out he didn't have the knowledge at the time and um to Be an Effective leader which is exactly what his horse needed so in this quite short video I show um how I established the leadership the better Comm communication uh mixed with as much kindness as I could and how it all resulted in a very different horse at the end of the day um and a very different horse human relationship especially for Rob and Rob went from strength to strength after after that day um and and I had messages back from him saying he was working real hard to Never Shout or get mad uh and his relationship got so much better and at the end of this video there's a lovely little clip so yeah it's not a very long video but I hope you enjoy it this is Rob uh Rob who owns uh a willow um the things went a little bit a little bit s they haven't been good for a couple of years stop yeah she would pull pull you away broke through electric fencing yes she done that uh done that and quite dangerous very dangerous try and get to practice a lot I mean I get enough look at that she's doing that herself now that's feeling good and you can do exactly the same thing okay look at that okay good release again old old oh don't release yes now just a soft don't talk to her no now that's it Let Her Go Let Her Go now there's no history with me you know you have had a bit of History you've had a few things take place so that's a nice that's where I you go to the indoor arena right so let's go in uh do you want to lead it there and we'll just film you leading it you look bigger than 162 to me did you see that now okay now I'm going to come in here and I'm going to drive it I'm going to keep doing that so she's not worried about it so I'm driving her there right now I've turned it into leading her change the job so I'm taking the space from her here see how I'm looking at the space right and we've noticed the others when you watch the horses at home you can see them doing it can't you do exactly the same thing they push on yeah you've got to be 100% the leader of the partnership and now disengage her remember I play with that there's disengagement and now she's the follower and now one side is different to the other because you know the eyes the eyes see differently mentally each side sees differently now so we're different on this side now AR we yeah so our work for this right so we've got a little problem there which probably is the turnout thing yeah turn so this is very evident so I'll work with it we go back to very evident J she's very uncomfortable so I'm going to go up increments now take this space disengage lovely Le so you can see the Improvement there so it's just feet forward there you go you go there you go yeah so now we're going to do it on which side now we're going to see what we' got on midd side so I I'll I'll ask yeah got it I'll ask and not even that's just a suggestion right she said oh I think I'll turnning that's a suggestion of feet forward all right so you ready we'll give her 2 minutes now as a little don't be effective yes now out of there and then your heels up and down yeah I think you can get that bit better like a proper right from where you are now I don't want you to go towards her yes now she's going now she's going now good that's it that's it so do you think you could practice that and get that better if thank you so what I've got here now then I've got this which you okay y I've got that as a spare now I'm going to take this off right so she thinks now she will think now that she is free she ready she's ready but I got this yeah know you you feel oh I know but now I'm going to this is what I would do youve got two two there I've got one haven't I here so she hasn't done anything as she so now um the longer you can wait here with her the better the better so I would I would go with as far as you know now I haven't got a connection now it's important I leave her she don't leave me do you what I'm saying yeah so what I'm going to do I'm going to offset her mind I'm going to push her foot back so of offset her mind there now I'm hey guys I've slowed this down now what do you think are going to happen do you think do you think she's going to run off kick out Ria be difficult what do you think as I walk away you know it's one of those things everyone could have a different opinion on on what she's going to do but it's interesting to see what she does do uh and then just after this uh you'll see a couple of clips that Rob sent me of him riding and they're just lovely clips and he said the relationship so much better so yeah if just see you know have a little guess what's going to take place now and see see if what happened is what you thought would happen I've gone she goes but but that's yeah that's okay wouldn't you know she doesn't kick out or anything no no no right but she was very very polite yeah the way did you see how I went she waited for you to go out the way first I went but so that's a good thing bring two if you can you might not need to but try and spend a little bit of time here ask for just a little bit of back wait with her then you go all right mate how's that there kid I'm happy I think you did very well [Music] for
Channel: Steve Young Horsemanship
Views: 23,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F8d2_45oIK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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